Curriculum Vitae (July 2014)

Prof. Francesca Zuccarello
Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Francesca Zuccarello
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Astrophysics Section
University of Catania
Via S. Sofia 78
95123 Catania
+39 0957332237
+39 0953785471
+39 095330592
Area of Expertise: Solar Physics; solar flare observations; emergence and evolution of active regions on
the Sun; Space Weather
Relevant Employment and Educational History
1973 – 1978
1979 – 1982
10/83 – 10/01
01/84 – 12/84
10/01 – present
Degree in Physics, 110/110, University of Catania
Specialization School in Physics, University of Catania and University of
Researcher at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Catania University
Research Fellow, CNR, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Associate Professor at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Catania
Prizes and awards
1981 – Catania Astrophysical Observatory – Research Prize
Research Interests
Solar flares: precursors, magnetic energy storage, magnetic field configuration, multi-wavelength
analysis, correlation with CMEs. Emergence and evolution of active regions: high resolution
spectropolarimetric observations of emerging flux, interaction between the emerging flux and the
ambient magnetic field, moving magnetic features. Space Weather: impact of CMEs on the circumterrestrial environment; relation between solar activity phenomena and Forbush decrease. Principal
investigatot of 9 graduated PhD students.
Publications Summary
63 published refereed papers with 600 citations, 67 conference proceedings, Co-Editor of 3 Conference
Selected Research-Related Public Service Positions
Responsible for solar observations carried out at the equatorial bar of the Catania Astrophysical
Observatory (1989 – 2010)
Co-PI of the Project "Emergence and evolution of solar active regions" in the framework of a
French-Italian Project PICS (2000 – 2002)
WP Leader in COST Action 724 (2003 – 2007)
Member of the Board of the Consorzio Interuniversitario per la Fisica Spaziale (2003 – 2013)
INAF (National Institute of Astrophysics) representative in the Scientific Committee of the solar
Telescope THEMIS (2005 – 2008)
Associate Researcher at INAF (2005 -)
National Coordinator for the Catania University in the RTN FP7 Project SOLAIRE (Solar
Atmospheric and Interplanetary Research) (2006 – 2010)
National Representative for the European Association for Solar Telescopes (EAST) (2008 -)
Scientific Responsible for INAF in the FP7 Project "EST: The Large Aperture European Solar
Telescope" (2008 – 2011)
Co-leader of the ISSI team "Magnetic Flux Emergence in the Solar Atmosphere: Comparing
Observational and Model Conditions Leading to Active Region Formation and to the Interaction
of the newly Emerged Flux with the Ambient Magnetic Field" (2010 – 2011)
National Coordinator for the Catania University in the eHEROES FP7-SPACE-2011-1 project
(2012 -)
Associate Editor of the “Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate” (2012 - )
Scientific Responsible for INAF in the FP7 Project "SOLARNET: High Resolution Solar Physics
Network" (2013 -)
Associate Researcher at INFN (National Institute of Nuclear Physics) (2013 -)
National Coordinator for the Catania University in the F-CHROMA FP7-SPACE-2013-1 project
(2014 -)
Referee of the Journals: Solar Physics, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Astrophysical Journal,
Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical
Society, Astron. Rep., Astrophys. and Space Science, Journal of Astron.
PI or Co-PI of Coordinated Observational Campaigns carried out at THEMIS (IPM), DST (IBIS),
Chair or member of the SOC of several International and National Meetings
Chair or member of the LOC of several International and National Meetings
Summary of Grant income > 10 kEuro
February 2005 – PRIN-MIUR 2004 (Co-I, €39k)
January 2006 – Funding from Regione Sicilia (Co-I, €27k)
October 2006 - EC FP6 Marie Curie Network (Team Leader - €225k)
February 2007 – ASI project (Participant, €23k)
February 2008 – EC FP7 Research Infrastructures Project (Team Leader, €397k)
March 2012 – EC FP7 Collaborative Grant (Participant, €95k)
February 2013 – EC FP7 Research Infrastructures Project (Team Leader, €307k)
January 2014 – EC FP7 Collaborative Grant (Team Leader, €231k)
April 2014 – PRIN-MIUR 2012 (Co-I, €56k)
Teaching activities
University Teaching
1985 – 1992
1992 - 2004
1997 – 2000
2000 – present
2001 – 2007
2007 - present
2009 - 2010
2010 – 2013
2011 – 2012
2012 - present
2000 – 2009
Astronomy (Exercises) (24 h)
Astronomical and Cosmographical Geography (60 h)
Basic Astrophysics (48 h)
Solar Physics (48 h)
Physics I (48 h)
Magnetohydrodynamics (48 h)
Fundamental Astronomy (48 h)
Astronomy (48 h)
Astronomical Geography (48 h)
Astrophysics (48 h)
Themes of Astrophysics (25 h)
Postgraduate-level Summer School Teaching
August 2000 – “Sun – Earth Connection and Space Weather”, International School of Space Science,
L’Aquila, Italy
March 2006 – “The Physics of the Sun: The Active Sun on your Active Desktop”, International School of
Space Science, L’Aquila, Italy
April 2011 – “Frontiers of Space Science: from Solar Activity to NEOs”, International School of Space
Science, L’Aquila, Italy
September 2012 – “The Sun: a Plasma Physics Laboratory - Formation of the Solar System: clues from
exploration”, PhD School, Vulcano – Aeolian Islands, Italy
September 2013 – “7th European Summer School on Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics”, PhD School,
S. Tecla, Catania, Italy
Selected Educational Academic-Related Public Service Positions
Member of the Board of Higher Education of INAF (2005 – 2007)
Member of the Board of the PhD School in Physics at the University of Catania (2005-2008 and
2013 -)
Co-Director of the School "The Physics of the Sun: the Active Sun on Your Active Desktop" at
the International School of Space Physics, L’Aquila (2006)
Member of the Board of the Department of Physics and Astronomy (2007-2010)
Member of the Didactic Committee of the Master Degree in Physics (2007 – 2010)
Teacher – Tutor accredited at the Scuola Superiore di Catania (2007 – 2013)
Deputy Coordinator of the International PhD School in Nuclear and Particle Astrophysics at the
University of Catania (2008 -)
Coordinator of the Master Degree Physics Course at the University of Catania (2010 -)
Member of the Joint Committee of the Department of Physics and Astronomy (2012 -)
Co-Director of the International PhD School on “The Sun: a plasma physics laboratory”,
Vulcano, Italy, 2012
Public Outreach activity
• Member of the INAF Board for the organization of national outreach activities related to the
Venus Transit, June 2004
• Participant to the MIUR Project “Scientific Degree Courses” for the promotion of University
scientific studies, with the organization of lectures and practical exercises on Solar Physics (27 h)
(2004 - present)
• Member of the INAF Board for the organization of national outreach activities related to the
International Heliophysical Year, 2007
• Member of the POE (Public Outreach and Education) of INAF – Catania Astrophysical
Observatory (2004 – 2011)
• Member of the Committee for the assignment of prizes for the contest “Look at the sky and draw
your emotions” for primary school pupils (2007 -)
• Talks at schools and amateur groups on the Sun, Space Weather and related topics
• Talks during visits of students of secondary schools at the Department of Physics and Astronomy
of the Catania University and at the INAF-Catania Astrophysical Observatory on Astronomy and
Solar Physics
Professional Affiliations
Italian Society of Astronomy, Italian Society of Physics, European Physical Society