Notice of Competition academic year: 2014/2015 Study Grant Graduation prize "In any case of divergence in interpretation, the Italian text will prevail." 1 Dear Student, This unified Notice of Competition (NoC) contains significant changes and innovation compared to previous years. The fruit of a listening process promoted by Regione Lazio and Laziodisu, the declared objective is that of aiming for inclusion rather than for selection, in the certainty that the right to knowledge must be guaranteed and protected, as established in our Constitution. Many parameters and indications are the subject of national legislation, and cannot be established autonomously by Laziodisu and the Region, which, however, represent some of the instances regarding students in the competent institutional sites. So we hope that the 2014/2015 academic year inaugurates a new direction, in which participation and discussion are good practices to encourage. Here too we provide new instruments, that we hope, will accompany you in participating in this competition. We have activated a contact phone, 800723999, which you can call for general information about the NoC: you can ask the operators about the notice, for example, the due dates for presentation of the documents or achieve the requisite of merit or indeed when and how to send the paper application. The service will be available from 08:00 to 20:00. A step-by-step guide to fulfilling the application was prepared as a support to correctly compiling the online form. It is located in the Section “Area reserved for students” Please read it and use it as a support instrument, to avoid compilation errors that might otherwise cost you the opportunity of a grant or of lodgings. If the answers you need are not in the guide, or your situation is not among those described in the NoC and you need personalised information, please contact the competition benefits offices in your territorial ADISU (Company/Agency for the Right to Study) of reference (the addresses are at the end of the guide and at pages 34-35 of the NoC). We remind you that the Laziodisu Public Relations is open to you from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 13:30 and from 14:30 to 16:00 on the number +39 06.4970241. If you prefer, you may send an e-mail to The office pledges to reply to you within three working days and will, in any case, attempt to reduce waiting time to the minimum. Please note that if you do not have the requisites of merit for participation in this competition, you probably have those to participate in the competition for extraordinary contributions that each Adisu publishes usually in the month of January. Extraordinary contributions are for all students who, while not having the requisites of merit, live in situations of disadvantage: for example, because your parents have lost their jobs or due to illness they had to slow down the pace of studies. You are therefore invited to pay attention to all news in the matter on the site, in the section dedicated to each Adisu. Finally, it is noteworthy that Regione Lazio, further to the services present in this NoC, offers students further opportunities that make the right to knowledge concrete: for example, the “Back Right Away” and “Act” projects financed through European Union funds. To find out more check the sites or 2 Index SECTION I – General Principles, interventions and classification of beneficiaries................................... 4 Article 1 – General principles.................................................................................................................. 4 Article 2 - Definitions............................................................................................................................... 4 Article 3 – Benefits and services in the competition............................................................................... 5 Article 4 – Receivers of benefits ............................................................................................................. 5 Article 5 – Durations of benefits.............................................................................................................. 6 SECTION II - Requisites of merit and relative documentation .................................................................. 6 Article 6 – Determination of the requisite of merit .................................................................................. 6 Article 7 – Determination of the requisite of merit for disabled students.............................................. 10 Article 8 - Bonus ................................................................................................................................... 12 Article 9 – Transfers ad new registration after giving up studies.......................................................... 12 Article 10 –Regional tax........................................................................................................................ 13 SECTION III – Income requisites and relative documentation ................................................................ 13 Article 11 – Determination of the income requisite............................................................................... 13 Article 12 – Documentation relative to the income of non-EU students – Certificate from the Embassy or Italian Consulate -............................................................................................................................. 15 Article 13 – Documentation of economic requisites for EU students – Self-certification ..................... 16 SECTION IV – Benefits and services covered by the competition .......................................................... 17 Article 14 – Classification of students................................................................................................... 17 Article 15 - Study grants........................................................................................................................ 18 Article 16 – Lodging places .................................................................................................................. 20 Article 17 – Contribution for the international mobility of students....................................................... 23 Article 18 – Graduation prize ................................................................................................................ 24 SECTION V – Presentation and compilation of applications................................................................... 25 Article 19 – Procedures for and modalities of compilation and presentation of applications............... 25 Article 20 – Due Dates.......................................................................................................................... 26 SECTION VI – Formation, publication and slipping of the rankings........................................................ 27 Article 21 – Criteria for formation of rankings....................................................................................... 27 Article 22 – Publication of competition results...................................................................................... 28 Article 23 - Causes for exclusion .......................................................................................................... 28 SECTION VI – Verification and revocations, sanctions, communication obligations .............................. 29 Article 24 – Verification ......................................................................................................................... 29 Article 25 – Information note pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 ....................................... 30 ENCLOSURE A........................................................................................................................................ 31 ENCLOSURE B – COMMUTERS............................................................................................................ 33 ENCLOSURE C – NON ATTENDING STUDENTS ................................................................................. 34 ENCLOSURE D – Draft Consular Declaration Form ............................................................................... 36 ENCLOSURE E – List of particularly poor non European Union nations................................................ 37 ENCLOSURE F – Annual Exchange rate listing...................................................................................... 38 ENCLOSURE G – ELENCO RESIDENZE LAZIODISU .......................................................................... 42 3 SECTION I – General Principles, interventions and classification of beneficiaries Article 1 – General principles In compliance with the dispositions at the President of the Council of Ministers Decree of 9 April 2001 “Uniformity of treatment on the right to university studies, pursuant to Article 4 of Law No. 390 of 2 December 1991, and to Legislative Decree No. 68 of 29 March 2012 “Review of regulations of principle in matters of the right to study and valorisation of legally recognised university colleges, in actuation of the mandate established by Article 5, comma 1, letters a), second period, and d), of Law No. 240 of 30 December 2010, and pursuant to the executive principles and criteria established at comma 3, letter f), and at the 6th comma, as well as the state and regional regulation in matters of the right to study, Laziodisu disciplines access to the benefits in a competition for the 2014/2015 Academic year. Students applying for the benefits must have both the income and merit requisites established in this NoC. Applications are presented exploiting self-certification1 concerning the information required by the online form, except as required from students not from the European Union. Article 2 – Definitions For the purposes of this NoC, the following definitions apply: a) “University”: the university institutions listed at Enclosure A and all other state and non-state universities university institutes, Institutes of high artistic, musical and dance culture, with premises registered within the Lazio Regions issuing legally valid study qualifications, indicated hereinafter in this NoC simply as “Universities”; b) “contracted universities”: Università degli studi di Roma Foro Italico, Libera Università Maria SS. Assunta (LUMSA), Libera Università Internazionale Studi Sociali Guido Carli di Roma (LUISS), Università degli Studi internazionali di Roma (UNINT), Gregorio VII Linguistic Mediators College, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma; c) “student”: a student registered for courses at the universities indicated at the item above; d) “winner”: a student with the requisites of merit and income established by this NoC and selected as winner upon publication of the relative rankings; e) “suitable non winner”: a student who, though having the merit and income requisites required, was not a winner in the ranking due to lack of availability; f) “freshmen students”: those students registering for the first year of a course (triennial degree, single cycle teaching degree, specialist degree, specialisation school, doctorate courses, etc.); g) “students registered for successive years”: students registered for a year successive to freshman year; h) “disabled students”: students with invalidity recognised in Italy no less than 66%2, or with handicap recognised pursuant to Article 3, comma 1, of Law No. 104 of 5 February; i) “local students”: students resident in the municipality which hosts the university study course and students registered with telematics (on-line) universities; j) “commuter students”: students residing in the municipalities indicates at Enclosure B to this NoC or, in any case, at a distance less than 50 km. from the university study course site attended; k) “non-local students”: students resident in regions outside Lazio or in the municipalities indicated at Enclosure C to this NoC or, in any case, at a distance over 50 km. from the university study course site attended; l) “calculated commuters”: students who, while having the required characteristics for “non-local” students, do not produce a regular lease contract with minimum duration of 10 months, in the municipality hosting the studies utilising public residential structures or other public or organisation lodgings; m) “old course organisation”: courses not foreseeing the assignment of course credits, solely examinations passed; 1 2 Articles 46, 47, 71, 75 and 76 of the President of the Italian Republic’s Decree No. 445/20001 President of the Council of Ministers Decree, 9 April 2001, Article 14 4 n) “new course organisation”: courses established after the effective application date of Decree No. 509 of November 1999, which introduced the sequential nature of the two study cycles (triennial degree and specialist degree); o) “most recent course organisation”: courses established from the 2008/2009 academic year after the application of Decree No. 270/2004 on University Reform. Article 3 – Benefits and services in the competition 1. Study grants Laziodisu, to facilitate capable, worthy university students without means, provides within the limits of the funds available, a study grant to attend degree courses. The maximum amounts are established as follows3: € 1,925.37 for “local” students; € 2,816.04 for “commuter” students; € 5,108.14 for “non-local” students. 2. Lodgings Laziodisu, to reduce the inconvenience of being distant from the study site and to facilitate attendance at university courses, assigns, within the limits of availability, for a period not exceeding eleven months, lodgings in its structures to those registered no later than 18 November 2014. Only “non-local students” registered at universities with registered campuses in Lazio may apply for lodgings. Contracted universities handle the competition for assignment of lodgings directly. 3. Contributions to international mobility Students who are beneficiaries of Laziodisu study grants, registered at universities in Lazio, including those registered from doctoral courses, have the right, within the limits of availability of funds integrating the grant for participation in international mobility programmes once only in each degree cycle. 4. Graduation prizes Students who won study grants4 in the 2013/2014 academic year, registered for degree courses in the new and the latest organisations, leading to a triennial degree, a 2nd level specialist degree or a single cycle specialist/teaching degree within the legal duration of the relative course of study, may benefit from a integrative sum equal to 50% of the study grant obtained in the academic year of reference of the degree. This benefit may be paid for one single cycle of studies. For disabled students, graduation within the 1st year after the prescribed course duration determines the right to benefit from the graduation prize. The right to the graduation prize is subordinate to the availability of funds allocated annually. Where the applications entail expenditure exceeding the funds allocated, the benefit will be assigned on the basis of ranking predisposed taking into account the highest graduation grades and, at equal scores, based on the lowest ISEE (Indicator of Equivalent Economic Situation) value declared in the last application for a study grant. Article 4 – Receivers of benefits The benefits are accessible to Italian students and foreign students from European Union nations, the foreign students of which at the President of the Italian Republic’s Decree No. 394 of 31 August 1999, implementing Legislative Decree No. 286 of 25 July 1998, who register at universities with campus in the Lazio region. The students who may participate are those registering for courses established: 1. Before Ministerial Decree No. 509/1999 (old course organisation) - Full Degree; - Short degree; 2. with Ministerial Decree No. 509/1999 (new course organisation 3 4 Ministerial Decree No. 222 of 26 March 2013 President of the Council of Ministers Decree, 9 April 2001, Article 5 5 - triennial degree; specialist degree; single cycle specialist/teaching degree; specialisation school (excluding students in the medical area who benefit from study grants, works training contracts or other benefits and remuneration)5; 3. - with Ministerial Decree No. 270/2004 (the latest organisation of courses) degree; teaching degree; unitary route teaching degree. 4. For research doctorates (excluding students benefitting from study grant or other contribution from the university or other institutions) This NoC disciplines only the study grant competition for students registered at the contracted universities. Any eventual further benefits (lodgings, Erasmus contributions, etc.) are managed directly by the respective universities. Article 5 – Durations of benefits Benefits are conceded for the first time pursuit of the course levels indicated below: a) old degree course organisation: fruition of the benefits is foreseen for the legal duration of the courses plus one year from freshman registration, for the study grant competition; for the legal duration of the courses plus two years, for the other benefits (lodging services, EU international mobility); b) degree courses or 1st level triennial degree course, biennial 2nd level specialist or teaching degree, specialist single cycle/teaching decree or unitary route, including the new organisation high level artistic and music degree courses: fruition of the benefits is foreseen for the legal duration of the courses from freshman registration, plus one for the study grant competition (50% of the sum); plus two semesters for the other competitions; c) research doctorate courses (excluding students benefitting from study grant or other contribution from the university or other institutions): fruition of the benefits is foreseen for the legal duration of the courses from the freshman registration year; d) specialisation courses6 (excluding students in the medical area who benefit from study grants, works training contracts or other benefits and remuneration): fruition of the benefits is foreseen for the legal duration of the courses from the freshman registration year; e) Courses at Institutes of high artistic, musical and dance culture (Academies of fine arts, Academies of dramatic arts, etc.) with degree course in the old organisation (examinations rather than credits): fruition of the benefits is recognised for a period equal to the legal durations of the courses foreseen by the respective didactic regulations, with effect from the first year of registration. Students already having a triennial degree who register for a single cycle/teaching degree may make use of the benefits in this NoC only for the difference between the number of years taken to achieve the qualification held and the period recognised benefits in single cycle degree courses (commencing with the freshman year). SECTION II - Requisites of merit and relative documentation Article 6 – Determination of the requisite of merit Computation of the numbers of years registration is made from the freshman registration year, that is from the academic year in which the student registered for the first time with a university with campus and legal recognition in the Italian state, as indicated at Table 1 below: 5 6 Legislative Decree No. 368/1999 Legislative Decree No. 368/1999 6 Table 1 – Computation of the registration year Study Course Year first registered - old organisation degree - old organisation high level artistic and music education - 1st level triennial degree - Single cycle specialist/teaching degree Academic year of registration for the first time at any university in Italy, after achievement of the high school diploma. - 2nd specialist degree - Teaching degree Academic year successive to achievement of a triennial degree in which registered for the first time at any university in Italy. - Specialisation school - Research doctorate Academic year of registration for this type of course at any university in Italy Students with the requisite of merit indicated below are admitted to fruition of the benefits/services: Freshmen students Freshmen, regularly registered for the 2014/2015 academic year, qualify provisionally for the benefits based of the requisite relative to economic conditions. For students registered for the freshman year of a 1st level triennial degree course, specialist degree, single cycle specialist/teaching degree, including new organisation courses established at the Academies/Conservatories/Superior institutes of university grade of triennial duration, the requisites of merit are evaluated ex-post, with reference to the diverse study courses. Those acquiring 20 credits after 10 August 2015, and before 30 November 2015, will only receive half of the overall sum of the study grant (1st instalment). The balance of the study grant is paid upon achievement of 20 credits by 10 August 2015, following verification of registration of the credits by the university. The study grants and other benefits are subject to revocation if the student fails to achieve 20 credits by 30 November 2015. a) Students registered for single cycle specialist degree courses in Pharmacy, Chemistry and pharmaceutical technologies and Construction Engineering - Architecture at Rome La Sapienza university. The balance of the study grant is paid upon achievement of 15 credits by 10 August 2015, only following verification of registration of the credits by the university. The study grants and other benefits are subject to revocation if the student fails to achieve 15 credits by 30 November 2015. b) Students registered for a specialisation course (excluding those in the medical area of which at Legislative Decree No. 368/1999) or a research doctorate (excluding the study grant winners of whom at Ministerial Decree No. 224/1999) the full study grant and the other benefits are subject to revocation if the student fails to gain admission to the second year. c) Students registered for courses with the old organisation or for particular courses that do not foresee the acquisition of credits but only passing exams (Excluding the Academies of the arts and high level artistic and musical education courses): the full study grant and the other benefits are subject to revocation if the student fails to pass, by 30 September 2015 at least two annual examinations, where the course regulations foresees more than four in the first year, or one annual examination where the regulations foresee a maximum of four; d) Students registered for the Academy of Fine Arts and high level artistic and musical education courses that do not foresee the acquisition of credits but only passing exams the full study grant and the other benefits are subject to revocation if the student fails to pass, by 30 September 2015, the examinations fundamental to acceding to the second year. Eventual registration with reservation for the 2nd year, lacking the examination passes required, is motive for exclusion from the benefits. Given the following exceptional situations, the terms of satisfaction of merit may be extended by three months, for the sole purposes of confirmation of the right to the study grant for the 2014/2015 academic year: a) b) the loss of a family member among those declared in the on-line application; admission to hospital of no less than ten days of the applicant for the study grant; 7 c) d) birth of a child; events considered caused by natural calamities. A duly documented application for extension, must be presented, on pain of exclusion, before expiry of the term established for achievement of the merit required by the NoC. Acceptance of applications for extension is, in any case, subordinate to the discretional, unchallengeable evaluation of Laziodisu. If the application is accepted, the student must notify achievement of the merit within 15 days of expiry of the extension conceded, upon pain of decadence of the benefit. Students registered for successive years in the new and latest organisations The requisites of merit are evaluated based on the total credits/examinations acquired from the date of registration to 10 August 2014. Table 2 below indicates the minimum requisites for access to the benefits of which at this NoC. Table 2 – Number of credits required Course years 2014/2015 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 1st beyond normal duration 6th (Medicine) 1st beyond normal duration (Medicine) 25 80 135 - Single cycle specialist degree courses 25 80 135 190 245 245 Biennial specialist or teaching degree 30 80 - - 300 - Triennial degree courses The following also contribute to achievement of the requisite of merit: 1) credits achieved by attending laboratories, work experience, and training activities, including the credits eventually acquired due to progressive maturation of integrated examinations The sum of these credits must be declared in the specific field provided in the on- line form, and added to the credits derived from examinations. Certification of the aforementioned credits, issued by the university, must be enclosed when sending the paper application. 2) credits deriving from internship activities Recognition of partial credits achieved in the 2013/2014 academic year, calculated on the date of 10 August 2014, is subordinate to passing the final examination, and this no later than 31 October 2014, except where the interested party declares that the final examination could not be sat due to causes attributable to the university. In that case, the student must take and pass the final examination in any case at the first available sitting. Failure to pass the examination must be notified rapidly to the territorial Adisu to avid application of the sanctions foreseen for those making false declarations. Failure to pass the examination implies cancellation of the internship credits declared. The sum of these credits must be declared in the specific field provided in the on- line form, and added to the credits derived from examinations. 3) Credits deriving from suitability These credits must be counted (only for students registered with the new or latest organisations) among those deriving from examinations and do not require certification nor documentation. Only the credits/examinations established in the didactic programme laid down for each degree course are considered valid for the purposes of conferral of the benefits. Therefore, any credits achieved/ examinations passed exceeding the same in completion of personal preparation cannot be considered in the sphere of the competition procedures of which at this NoC. Single women students with children The requisites of merit are reduced by 10% for female single students with child/children below the age of three, whose anagraphical residence differs from that of the family of origin for at least two years. 8 Particular situations Students registered at the Engineering Faculty at the Università di Roma Tor Vergata as repeating 3rd year students on a triennial curse or as repeating 2nd year students on specialist degree courses are considered to all intents and purposes as registered for the first year beyond normal duration. As an exception, the requisite of merit to be achieved by 10 August 2014, is modified for the Universities/Faculties/Courses indicated at Table 2B below. Table 2 B – Number of credits required per course year University Faculty Course type Course Course year No. credits Sapienza Pharmacy Single cycle specialist degree (Ministerial Decree 509) Pharmacy 2nd 20 3rd 4th 5th st 1 BND 2nd 60 108 154 245 17 3rd 4th 5th 1st BND 2nd 60 107 157 245 20 68 124 170 245 63 Pharmacy Sapienza Sapienza Sapienza Engineering Mathematical, Physical & Natural Sciences Mathematical, Physical & Natural Sciences Sapienza Luiss All faculties Luiss All faculties Luiss All faculties Single cycle specialist degree (Ministerial Decree 509) Single cycle specialist degree (Ministerial Decree 509) Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology Construction Engineering Architecture Biennial specialist degree (Ministerial Decree 509) Biennial specialist degree (Ministerial Decree 509) Biennial specialist degree (Ministerial Decree 509) Triennial degree Astronomy and astrophysics 3rd 4th 5th st 1 BND 1st BND Physics 1st BND 58 Chemistry 1st BND 48 All courses Single cycle specialist degree/teaching All courses 2nd 3rd 1st BND 2nd 31 100 155 31 All courses 3rd 2nd 3rd 1st BND 2nd 100 168 230 265 38 1st BND 90 Biennial specialist degree/teaching Students registered for courses with the old organisation. Students registered for courses with the old organisation (excluding the Art academies and high level artistic and musical training course) that do not foresee acquisition of credits but only passing examinations, must have passed the examinations indicated at Table 3 below before 30 September 2014: 9 Table 3 – Table of merit for students registered for courses with the old organisation Course year 2014/2015 Registered for a 2nd Minimum requisites of merit for all degree courses year course Registered for a 3rd year course and through to the penultimate course year Registered for the last year of the course Registered for the 1st year beyond normal duration Registered for the 2nd year beyond normal duration (for lodgings only) By 30 September 2014, students must have passed at least two annual examinations where the organisation foresees more than four examinations, one annual examination where up to four are foreseen. By 30 September 2014, students must have passed at least half the examinations plus one in the year preceding that of registration foreseen the organisation of the studies and the respective course of studies, rounded down. By 30 September 2014, students must have passed at least 60% of examinations in the year preceding that of registration foreseen the organisation of the studies and the respective course of studies, rounded down By 30 September 2014, students must have passed at least 66% of examinations in the year preceding that of registration foreseen the organisation of the studies and the respective course of studies, rounded down By 30 September 2014, students must have passed at least 90% of examinations in the year preceding that of registration foreseen the organisation of the studies and the respective course of studies, rounded down The number of examinations necessary to obtain the benefits is calculated with reference to the examinations foreseen for each course year, from the freshman year also including the academic years in which the student is in the condition of “intermediate beyond normal duration”, repeat student or has passed from another degree course. Examinations passed with votes expressed in thirtieths are considered valid. Only examinations passed with votes expressed in thirtieths are considered valid. Examinations with grades of suitability and those with grades not expressed in thirtieths are not valid even where mandatory for purposes of achieving graduation. Where the total number of examinations is not an integer, it is rounded down. In counting the total number of examinations, biannual examinations that count for half an annual examination have the value of one half examination while those passed after an annual course was rendered a half-year course are considered annual. Only half years which constitute full years are considered. If only half of a full year is passed, it cannot be counted. The grades for two half years are summed in accounting and divided by two. Students registered for the Academy of Fine Arts and high level artistic and musical courses in course years successive to the first year (with organisations which do not foresee the acquisition of credits but only passing examinations), to accede to the benefits foreseen in this NoC, must pass, no later than 30 September 2014, the examinations fundamental to registration for the successive year and at least one complementary examination where foreseen by the relative university didactic regulations. Eventual registration with reservation for the successive year, lacking the fundamental examinations required, is motive for exclusion. Pursuant to the President of the Council of Ministers Decree of 9 April 2001, the benefits foreseen in this NoC are conceded to students registered for higher education courses for a temporal period equal to the duration established by the respective didactic regulations, with effect from the freshman registration year. Students registering or registered as beyond normal duration, repeat students or “intermediate beyond normal duration” are excluded from the benefits. Article 7 – Determination of the requisite of merit for disabled students A more favourable requisite of merit is foreseen, without prejudice to that established for the 7 income requisite, for disabled students with invalidity recognised in Italy at no less than 66% , or with a recognised handicap as per Article 3, comma 1, of Law No. 104 of 5 February, as indicated in the following cases: Students registered for new and the latest organisation degree courses The benefits are conceded to those registered for courses of study established in actuation of Ministerial Decree No. 509/1999 and of Ministerial Decree No. 270/2004, for the first time achievement of each level in triennial 1st level degree courses, single cycle specialist/teaching degree courses, 2nd level specialist degree courses in the following modalities: a) for a period equal to the duration of nine semesters of 1st degree courses starting with freshman registration; 7 President of the Council of Ministers Decree 9 April 2001, Article 14 10 b) for a period of seven semesters for 2nd level specialist degree courses starting with freshman registration; c) for a period of thirteen semesters for single cycle specialist/teaching degree courses starting with freshman registration; d) for a period of fifteen semesters for single cycle specialist/teaching degree courses (six year medicine course) starting with freshman registration. Students registered for course years successive to the first must have achieved, by 10 August 2014, the number of credits indicated at Table 4 below and be admitted to the relative course year for which the credits are required. Table 4 – Number of credits required by disabled students Course Year Triennial degree courses Single cycle specialist degree courses Biennial specialist or teaching degree 15 56 94 133 - 15 56 94 133 171 222 171 222 228 18 56 94 - 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 1st beyond normal duration 2nd beyond normal duration 6th Medicine 1st beyond normal duration Med 2nd beyond normal duration The number of credits to be acquired, no later than 10 August 2014, as indicated at Table 4, is modified as follows: Table 4 B - Number of credits required by disabled students by course years University Sapienza Faculty Pharmacy Course type Single cycle specialist degree/teaching (Ministerial Decree 509) Course Pharmacy Pharmacy Single cycle specialist degree/teaching (Ministerial Decree 509) Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology Engineering Single cycle specialist degree/teaching (Ministerial Decree 509) Construction Engineering Architecture Mathematical, Physical & Natural Sciences v (Ministerial Decree 509) Biennial specialist degree/ (Ministerial Decree 509) Biennial specialist degree/ Biennial specialist degree/ (Ministerial Decree 509) Physics Astronomy and astrophysics Chemistry Course year 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 1st BND 2nd BND 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 1st BND 2nd BND 2nd 3rd 4th 5th st 1 BND 2nd BND 1st BND 2nd BND 1st BND 2nd BND 12 42 75 107 171 222 10 42 74 109 171 222 12 48 86 119 171 222 41 65 63 67 No. credits 1st BND 2nd BND 34 54 If a student is registered for successive years of a course but has not achieved the number of credits foreseen, the bonus may be exploited in the modalities of which at Article 8 below. Students registered for the 2nd year beyond the normal duration, with reference to the competition for the study grant, will be paid 50% of the total benefit. 11 Article 8 – Bonus Students lacking requisites of merit may use, in addition to the credits effectively attained, a bonus whose value varies with the course year attended, in the following modalities8: a) 5 credits, if utilised for the first time to gain the benefits for the second year of the course; b) 12 credits, if utilised for the first time to gain the benefits for the third year of the course; c) 15 credits, if utilised for the first time to gain the benefits for successive course years. The eventual residual quota of virtual credits in the bonus may be utilised during the remainder of the students’ career. Students registered for 2nd level specialist degree courses, to attain the requisites of merit may utilise the residual bonus unused in the triennial degree course, to a maximum of 12 credits. Students from a university campus not in the Lazio Region, to make use of the bonus, must selfcertify the number of credits utilised in the previous student career. Laziodisu will verify the students’ declaration made when compiling the application. The bonus cannot be utilised by students: a) registered for 2nd level specialist degree courses, with academic entrance title relative to old organisation courses and/or foreign qualifications; b) registered for 2nd level specialist degree courses, who in attaining the triennial degree, passed from the old organisation (with merit expressed in examinations) to the new organisation; c) registered for a “freshman” first year course in a triennial degree, biennial specialist degree, single cycle specialist/teaching degree; d) registered for a study course, among those in which the use of the bonus is permitted who have obtained recognition of credits/examinations sustained abroad, including those for having received a foreign academic qualification; e) registered for a year successive to the first who already possess the credits necessary to obtain the benefits by the NoC; f) who have obtained abbreviations to the student career at various titles. For the purposes of predisposition of the rankings, students who have applied for bonuses will be positioned in those rankings behind the students who have effectively satisfied the requisite of merit required. Article 9 – Transfers and new registration after giving up studies The benefits are conceded once only for each level of the course. In the case pf transfer, the number of years’ registration is calculated from the year of first registration, that is when the student registered for the first time at a university with campus and legal recognition in Italy. On the occasion of an eventual passage to another degree course or transfer of university campus, the number of credits/examinations necessary to utilise the benefits is calculated based of the years’ registration passed from the year of first registration, this including the registration years relative to the degree course preceding the passage or transfer. In the hypothesis in which a student applies for recognition, albeit partial, of an academic qualification or credits/examinations, achieved in Italy or abroad, the same may only utilise the benefits referred to the residual course years for attaining the degree. If the student has utilised benefits, attributable to course years for which the aforementioned recognition obtained abbreviation of the university career programme, or access to a 2nd level specialist degree course and/or doctorate or specialisation course, the same is required to refund the benefits referred to the registration years for which that recognition was exploited. On pain of exclusion from the benefits, interested students, at the date of application for the study grant, is required to declare in the specific field on the on-line form presented to the university for recognition of the qualification and of the credits/examinations achieve abroad or in Italy. In this case, the provision of the benefits thereto will be suspended until the competition position is regularised. 8 President of the Council of Ministers Decree 9 April 2001, Article 6, comma c. 6 12 For those students who gave up their studies, and have registered once again for a first year course, the years preceding the latest registration are not accounted as long as the university has not confirmed credits received/examinations passed in the preceding university career. In this case the student may compete only after reimbursement of the amounts received as study grants. The student must also reimburse the costs of any eventual services utilised. Article 10 – Regional tax Unless otherwise indicated by the university of reference, the regional tax must be paid into the LAZIODISU account at the Agency Treasury – Banca Popolare di Sondrio – IBAN: IT46P0569603211000051111X93. The regional tax for the 2014-15 academic year is € 140,00. When making payment the following reason for payment must be specified: T.R. 2014-15 – University + Students’ Fiscal code + Student name and surname Note that non-payment or the payment of sums inferior to that indicated above has repercussions on the university career. Students who expect to graduate within the extraordinary session of the 2013/2014 academic year are not required to pay the regional tax. Reimbursement of the regional tax is not due to those who graduate in the extraordinary session of the 2013/2014 academic year and proceed, in any case, with registration for the 2014/2015 academic year except for presentation of suitable documentation proving cancellation of that registration by the university of reference. Conservation of the documentation proving effective payment is the students’ responsibility. SECTION III – Income requisites and relative documentation Article 11 – Determination of the income requisite These are the income and wealth limits, referred to 2013, for participation in the competitions for the 2014/2015 academic year: - ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator): € 1,195.09 - ISPE (Equivalent Wealth Situation Indicator): € 31,840.569 Exceeding any one of these values is motive for exclusion. Pursuant to current legislation, the students’ family unit for reference in correct declaration of income is determined as follows: Conventional family unit10 The conventional family unit of a student consists of the student applying for the benefits and all those who, on the date pf presentation of the application, are included in the anagraphical family status, also where not linked by family ties. The conventional family unit, in any case, includes, also where not cohabiting and resident with the applicant: a) the students’ parents and other children dependent thereon, in the absence of legal separation or divorce; b) eventual subjects in foster care with the parents of the applicant student; c) in the presence of legal separation or divorce, the parent receiving maintenance for the applicant student. The sole case in which the spouses are not part of the same family unit are: a) b) c) d) e) legal separation or application for divorce; separation ordered by a court awaiting an application for annulment of marriage; diverse residence following temporary, urgent orders by a judge; exclusion of one of the spouses from parental responsibility for the children; court proceedings indicating abandonment by one of the spouses. 9 Calculated dividing the wealth situation indicator (ISP) by the value of the scale of equivalence indicated in the ISEE certificate. 10 The President of the Council of Ministers Decree No. 221/1999, Article.1 B and successive modification and integration and the President of the Council of Ministers Decree 9 April 2001,Article 9, comma. 6 13 The situations cited above are only significant when the subject of action by a judge or by current proceedings. Simple de facto separation does not entail division of the family unit. A student constitutes a family unit independent of the original family in the presence of both of the following requisites: a) residence differing from that of the original family for at least two years with respect to the date of presentation of the application, in lodgings not owned by a member of the original family; b) personal income deriving exclusively from employment or similar not furnished to the family dependencies fiscally declared in the last two years not inferior to the annual sum of € 7,500.00, with reference to a single person family unit11. The ISEE is calculated via the sum of income perceived from all components of the conventional family unit including the applicant, increased by 20% of the wealth value (ISP) in rapport with the number of members of that family unit based on the predefined scale of equivalence12, in the definitive accounting, taking into account, also of the eventual integrative substitute declaration for the right to university studies (DSU), that the student must indicate. Possession of the economic requisites for Italian students and foreign students with earnings produced in Italy is determined on the basis of the ISEE certificate relative to income/wealth perceived in the year 2013 by all the members of the pertinent family unit. This certificate must be signed, at a CAF (Fiscal Assistance Centre) or at INPS (the Italian National Social Welfare Institute) by the peremptory date of 8 September 2014. For the purposes of this NoC, the ISEE certificate is formally valid only where acquired in the INPS data-bank information system no later than10 October 2014. ISEE certification with total earnings of 0 Euros In the presence of ISEE certification with total income in the year 2013 of 0 Euros, the student is required to quantify in Euros the economic means of sustenance available to their family unit of origin annually to satisfy the essential requirements (utilities, food and lodgings, etc.). The annual sum of means of sustenance must be inserted in the specific field provided in the on-line application form. Students who fail to indicate their means of sustenance are reported to the Guardia di Finanza. Laziodisu further reserves the right to report the names of all those whose income/means of sustenance are below € 4,000.00 to the Guardia di Finanza for appropriate verification. ISEE certification must be produced by: a) students participating for the first time in Laziodisu competitions, or who, in any case, are registering for a first year course; b) students registered for successive years who participated in the competition for the conferral of study grants for the 2013/2014 academic year but who were excluded from the definitive rankings; c) all students found suitable or winners of grants with effect from the 2011/2012 academic year and who confirmed their income for three consecutive years13; Students who were ideal or who won in one or two consecutive years and in 2013 had ISEE/ISEU values below those declared for 2012, may confirm, if they consider it opportune, the economic situation declared previously, where the economic parameters fall within the ISEE/ISPE limit values established in this NoC. Integrative substitute declaration for the right to university studies (DSU) Based on current legislation on the right to study, in the cases where an applicant for benefits is in one of the situations indicated below, it is necessary to provide an Integrative substitute declaration for the right to university studies, to be provided only at the date of compilation of the on-line application form, and not at a CAF – INPS: a) students with brother/sisters belonging to their family unit and who had income and/or wealth in 2013: for the purposes of concession of the benefit, the said income, indicated on the online application form, contribute to 50% of their value; 11 President of the Council of Ministers Decree 9 April 2001,Article 5, comma 3Bb 12.Legislative Decree No.109/1998, Table 2 13.President of the Council of Ministers Decree 9 April 2001,Article 4, commas 5 and 6 14 b) student or other member of the family unit who, in 2013, had income and/or wealth abroad: for the purposes of the competition, income produced abroad is added in entirety to that produced in Italy, with the addition of 20% of wealth value eventually possessed abroad. Particular situations 1. For students not resident with the family unit of origin and not possessing the requisites foreseen for “students with independent family unit” the income requisite is calculated with reference to the economic/wealth conditions of the applicants’ family unit, as foreseen for the conventional family unit. In this case the student must also produce the ISEE certificate of the family unit of origin, by the peremptory term of 8 September 2014 and insert to the on-line form the relative income values. Failure to integrate the income relative to the family unit of origin entails exclusion form the competitions. 2. Married/separates/divorced/widowed students must produce ISEE certification the economic/wealth of their family unit if different from that of origin based on the family status certificate. 3. For students registered for research doctorates, pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 109, Article 3, comma 2-B of 31 March 1998, and successive modification and integration, the applicants’ family unit is formed exclusively by the same applicant, their spouse, children and subjects dependent thereon for income tax purposes, independent of the anagraphical residence, and subjects dependent thereon for income tax purposes, where the requisites established by this NoC for consideration of an independent family unit are not met.14 4. For students who are members of religious orders the income requisite is calculated based on the ISEE certificate referred to the community of membership. 5. Stateless and political refugee students must produce ISEE certification for the family unit resident/with refugee status in Italy, and the official certificate of their condition, issued by the Italian Ministry of Internal Affairs or the United Nations High Commission – Office for Italy. 6. The income perceived and goods and property wealth possessed abroad cannot be selfcertified by the students. They must be certified in Italian by the Embassy or a Consulate in Italy of the nation of reference, except for students from European Union nations15. Earnings are assessed with the same modality used for those produced in Italy, based on the mean exchange rate for the same year, as per the Annual Exchange Rates table at Enclosure F to this NoC. Income produced abroad are added to those produced in Italy. 7. For students who are children of separate/divorced/no long cohabiting parents, the applicants’ family unit is integrated with that of the parent receiving maintenance. If the parents are components of two different units, albeit in the absence of legal separation or divorce, the applicants’ family unit is 16 integrated with that of both parents . Article 12 – Documentation relative to the income of non-EU students – Certificate from the Embassy or Italian Consulate – For non-EU students, the income requisite is calculated based on the sum of income received in the nation of origin of all the components of the family unit and 20& of the wealth possessed thereby at 31 December 2013, relating the value obtained to the parameter on the scale of equivalence applied to the family unit relative to the number of components and the eventual increases. The economic and wealth condition of non-EU foreign students17 is assessed based on the documentation issued by the competent authorities in the nation where the income was produced. This documentation must be translated into Italian by the Italian diplomatic authorities competent for that territory. For those nations where there is proven difficulty in issuing the certification attested to by the local Italian embassy, the said documentation is produced by the competent diplomatic or consular representation in Italy. 14 President of the Council of Ministers Decree 9 April 2001,Article 5, comma 4, 15 The President of the Italian Republic’s Decree No. 445 of 28 December 2000, Article 33, 16 President of the Council of Ministers Decree 9 April 2001,Article 5, comma 5 17 The President of the Italian Republic’s Decree No. 394 of 31 August 1999, Article 46, comma 5 15 If necessary, the certification may be legalised by the Prefecture.18 Students are required to provide all the information indicated at Enclosure D to this NoC, downloadable from the “Forms” section of the site Any property possessed at 31 December 2013 is evaluated only in the case of buildings and considered based on a conventional value of € 500.00 per square metre. The income perceived and the wealth owned abroad, possessed at 31 December 2013, are evaluated based on the mean exchange rate of foreign exchange rates in 2013, determined pursuant to law, and expressed in Euros. The income and wealth of the students’ brothers and sisters, and any eventual subjects fostered by the parents, stably cohabiting in the students’ family unit, contribute to formation of the indicators to the measure of 50%. The presentation of certification of the economic and wealth conditions is mandatory for: a) students participating in Laziodisu competitions to the first time or registering for the first year of a course; b) students registered for successive years who participated in the competition for conferral of study grants for the 2013/2014 academic year but were excluded from the definitive rankings for conferral of the benefits; or who confirmed their income for three consecutive years and were suitable or won grant with effect from the 2011/2012 academic year19. In particular, for students from one of the particularly poor nations indicated at Enclosure E20, evaluation of the income requisite is performed based on the documentation issued by the Italian representation in the nation of provenance, stating that the student is not from a family known to have high income or elevated social level. In the case of students registered at universities in the nation of provenance connected with agreements or conventions with the university where they are registering in Italy, then that documentation may be issued by that university of foreign registration. For students registered for the first year of a course, this certification may be issued by Italian bodies qualified to provide guarantees of economic coverage, of which at the current dispositions in the matter of registration of foreign students at Italian universities. In this case, the body issuing the certification must declare that it pledges to eventually refund the sums enjoyed in services and/or in cash on behalf of the student, in the hypothesis that the same has the services and/or benefit received revoked. Students registered for successive years who were suitable or winners in one or two consecutive years are not obliged to present a certificate issued by the competent authorities in the nation where the income was produced, certified by the Italian embassy competent for the territory. They may, if they so wish, confirm the economic situation declared previously where the economic parameters meet the ISEE/ISPE values set by this NoC. Students who, in the 2’13 academic year, had income below that declared or confirmed in the previous year may update their administrative position by the due dates indicated. Article 13 – Documentation of economic requisites for EU students – Self-certification “Freshman” and successive year students without confirmation of income from European Union, member states must follow the same procedures indicated for Italian students except for the obligation to present the ISEE. They may self-certify the income/wealth produced in EU states. The income of the students indicated above are evaluated with the same modalities as income produced in Italy, based on the mean exchange rate in the same year, as per the “Annual Exchange Rates Table” - Enclosure F too this NoC. Income produced abroad is added to that produced in Italy. Property located abroad at 31 December 2013 is evaluated in the case of buildings and considered based on a conventional value of € 500.00 per square metre. 18 Law No. 15 of 4 January 1968, Article 17, comma 4. The legalisation of signatures is not necessary for deeds and documents issued by the following embassies and/or consulates adhering to the European Convention of London of 7 June 1968: Austria, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Irish Republic, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Moldavia, United Kingdome, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey 19 President of the Council of Ministers Decree 9 April 2001,Article 4, commas 5 and 6 20 Ministerial Decree of 8 May 2001 16 The family units’ Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator, added to the foreign Economic Situation Indicator, may not, in any case, exceed the limit established by this NoC21. All values are expressed Euros for European Union nations. EU students with income/wealth also in Italy are also required to produce ISEE certificates. SECTION IV – Benefits and services covered by the competition Article 14 – Classification of students For the purposes of participation in the competitions foreseen in this NoC, students are classified in diverse typologies, based on the distance between their residence and the university campus/building where they study. Foreign students whose family unit resides wholly or by more than half in Italy, must declare their domicile in the same modality as indicated for Italian students. In those cases where students attend their study course at a site separated from the university campus, the classification takes into account the distance between the municipality of residence and the effective site where studies are undertaken. The typology assigned is attributed automatically by Laziodisu, based on the data declared, as established below: “Non-local” students “Non-local” students, to be considered such, must reside in a region outside Lazio or in the municipalities indicated at Enclosure C to this NoC. Students must also demonstrate, with a regular leas contract of at least ten months duration, that they lodge, for payment, in the municipality where they study. To this end, indicate, in the on-line application form, further to the name of the land-lord, all the data pertaining to registration of the contract at the Tax office. Those who have yet to sign the lease contract, for payment, must indicate they intend stipulating the same no later than 30 December 2014, leaving the contract detail fields blank. Subsequently the students must provide a copy of the contract stipulated, duly registered, to the territorial Adisu of reference or the contract university institutes no later than 30 December 2014. “Non-local” students who fail to declare that they assume domicile for payment in the municipality which hosts their studies, will receive the study grant in the same amount as “commuter” students. “Non-local” students who also apply for lodgings must indicate, in the on-line form, the data relative to the lease contract, to then present the same in the case of non-allocation of the place. Students declared as “winners” of lodging places at one of the Laziodisu residences, where also declared the “winners” of study grants, have the right to “non-local” study grants. Students declared as “winners” of study grants and “suitable (non-winner)” for the lodging place, are allocated a “calculated commuter” study grant, except where they produce, no later than 31 January 2015, a copy of a lease contract with minimum duration of ten months, with validity between September 2014 and October 2015, registered with the Tax office. Foreign students and Italian students with half the components of the family unit resident abroad will receive the “non-local” study grant, with no obligation to declare a domicile for payment Students with paid lodgings at the structures of religious or private bodies must so indicate in the on-line form, compiling all fields related to this option. With reference to those registered at the University of Cassino and South Lazio, students are considered non-local when, while residing in municipalities less than 50 km away, take more than 60 minutes to reach the university campus or who, due to public transport timetables, cannot attend lectures and, therefore, lodge for payments in the vicinity of the site, utilising public residential structures or other private lodgings or those of bodies. Winning students registered for research doctorates receive a study grant of the same value as “non-local” students. 21 President of the Council of Ministers Decree 9 April 2001,Article 5, comma 9 17 “Commuter” students Students residing in the municipalities indicated at Enclosure B to this NoC, or, in any case, within 50 km of the site of the university course followed are considered “commuter” students. Students who, while having residence outside the Lazio Region, do not indicate the details of a lease contract for payment as required for “non-local” students are also classified “commuters”. “Local” students For the purposes of this NoC, students resident in the municipality that hosts their university course are considered “local” students. The winners of the grants, if registered for courses undertaken via Internet, at a distance, or by another similar system, have the right to the benefit in a sum equal to that foreseen for “local” students. Students subject to measures restricting their personal liberty, who are winners of study grants, are assigned the sum foreseen for “local” students. Situations relative to localities not listed at Enclosures B and C or in some way particular are assessed by the respective territorial Adisu, case by case, based on presentation by the interested parties of suitable documentation, as established by the regulations of reference.22 Article 15 - Study grants Students possessing the requisites of income and merit, declare winners after publication of the relative rankings have the right to a study grant. To this end the students must be registered at the university no later than 31 March 2015 and registrations with reservation are not valid. The maximum values of the study grants are set as follows23: - € 1,925.37 for “local” students; € 2,816.04 for “commuter” students”; € 5,108.14 for “non-local” students. The sum may vary, on the basis of modification of the site status, as indicated in this NoC. Study grants are exempt from fiscal impositions24 and are paid in full to students with ISEE below or equal to ⅔ of the trigger value of reference. The value of the study grant is thus proportionally reduced, down to half, in the present of ISEE higher than ⅔ and until the trigger value is reached. Payment of the study grant First instalment Payment of the first instalment is foreseen within two months of publication of the rankings, presuming availability of the funds. The winners will be paid half the value of the study grant due. € 500 will be deducted as an advance against the cost of the service from winners of lodging places. Second instalment a) “freshman” students receive, upon achievement of the credits/examinations and verification of registration of the credits necessary by the university, with effect from the month of March 2016, presuming transfer of the funds necessary from the Regione Lazio; b) students registered for years successive to the first are paid, with effect from the month of June 2015 2015, presuming transfer of the funds necessary from the Regione Lazio; c) students registered for research doctorates and specialisation schools - payment is made after ascertainment of registration for the successive course year. Communications about payments Information about payment dates is published exclusively on the Laziodisu site “Suitable” and “Winner” students are required to consult the Laziodisu site periodically and/or the “payment outcome history” section to verify the date of payment of the relative economic support in their favour. 22 President of the Council of Ministers Decree of 9 April 2001 23 Ministerial Decree No. 222 of 26 March 2013. 24 Ministry of Finance Circular No. 109/ E/1995 18 Students must indicate their e-mail address on the on-line application form, to receive communications from Laziodisu. The news transmitted with the means indicated have pure information value and do not satisfy the obligation of legal advertising. Obligations on students The payment of any sum exceeding one thousand Euros by Laziodisu is made: a) by credit to a current account in the students’ name or held jointly at no cost to the beneficiaries. If the IBAN code indicated by the student is found incorrect or the account is assigned to a person other than the beneficiary student, the eventual penalty applied by the Treasurer bank will be charged to the student; b) on a pre-paid top up Laziodisu card from the Banca Popolare di Sondrio (at no cost to students) which can be requested at the branches of that bank. The Laziodisu card must be requested no less than 10 days before publication of the rankings. In general, and in any case, for sums exceeding one thousand Euros, within six months of the date of publication of the rankings in which they are attributed the state of “winner” of a study grant, students must communicate their bank details or activate a Laziodisu card, on pain of decadence of the benefit. Without prejudice to the possible credit to a current account or to a Laziodisu card, as indicated above, students may withdraw sums below 1000 Euros in cash, at branches of the Banca Popolare di Sondrio, exhibiting a valid identity document and their fiscal code. Failure to withdraw the sum by the term of one year from the date of publication/payment entails automatic decadence of the right to the study grant. In the case of errors attributable to Laziodisu or to the bank, a new payment order will be issued. Any student encountering difficulties in withdrawing the support issued in their name should specifically notify the territorial Adisu of reference or contracted universities in writing before the expiry of the terms indicated above. In the case of sliding in the rankings, students must notify the payment method for sums exceeding one thousand Euros within six months of the publication thereof. Non-communication by the term established entails decadence of the benefit. Suspension of payments Payment of the study grant and other benefits is suspended for “winner” and “suitable (not winner)” students who have yet to regularise their position until such time as they produce the documentation necessary to remove the suspension measure. The “payment outcome history”, section, accessible from the students’ personal area, displays any discrepancies and/or irregularities. Failure to regularise the position by 31 March 2015 is due cause from exclusion from all benefits. Regional Tax “Winner” and “suitable (not winner)” students in the study grant competition for the 2014/2015 academic year have the right to reimbursement from Laziodisu of the regional tax paid for the same academic year simultaneous to the registration charges. The latter, where paid, will be reimbursed by the pertinent university25. Facilitated access to canteen services a) “suitable (not winner)” students registered for the first year of a course may use the canteen services, paying the lowest charge foreseen by the body (1st band). b) study grant “winner” local students have the right to one free meal per day26, not reimbursable, from 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2015, excluding the period of closure of the canteens. c) “Suitable” students, registered for successive years. Have the right to two free meals per day, not reimbursable, from 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2015, excluding the period of closure of the canteens. 25 No. 537/1993, Article 5, comma 20 26 President of the Council of Ministers Decree of 9 April 2001, Article 9, comma 2 19 Revocation of the benefits If “winner/suitable” students successive to publication of the definitive results have the study grant revoked, they are required to pay university charges and lose the right to reimbursement of the regional tax. Students who, according to the regulations of their university, did not pay the regional tax at the registration phase are required to made that payment. If the benefits are revoked, students are required to refund the sums perceived, as well as the sums relative to the monetary value of the services used, in a single payment or in instalments. This without prejudice to that established at Article 24 below. Refund of sums received following revocation Refund of the sums must be concluded within six months of notice of the revocation decision. Exceptions apply to documented cases of family/personal difficulties for which a further six months/one year may be conceded. If a student does not make the aforementioned payments, the agency, by report to the competent authorities, will take legal action and calculate the legal interest on the credits due. In the cases cited, Laziodisu will request that the university of reference suspend the university career of the interested party, for the period of non-payment of the debt matured. Laziodisu may however detract the sums due from eventual future benefits attributed to the student at any title, including the surety deposit paid for fruition of a lodging place. Giving up studies after assignment of a grant Giving up studies during the same academic year as the attribution of a study grant entails the obligation on the student to refund the sums perceived as well as the sums relative to the value of the services used. Refund of the regional tax is only recognised where the aforementioned renunciation is formalised and defined before 31 December 2014. Article 16 – Lodging places Without prejudice to the requisites of merit and income, and to guarantee that access to the accommodation service is equilibrated between the component of non-EU foreign students and that of Italian and EU students, always respecting parity of treatment, lodging places are assigned proportional to the number of regular applications presented, to students who registered by November 2014. Assignment of the lodging place and site to the winners is effected considering the position of the student in the relative ranking, retaining the share between “freshmen” and “successive years” of which at Article 21 of this NoC. A criterion of prevalence is adopted in favour of student who indicated a preference for a residence managed by the territorial Adisu pertinent to the university of reference in the on-line application form. Eventual requests for confirmation of assignment to the same lodging place as in the preceding year may be accepted respecting the ranking. There is, in any case, a reservation: a) for foreign on-EU “freshman” students, of a percentage not inferior to 20% of total lodging places assignable to “freshmen”; b) for stateless and political refugee “freshman” students of a percentage not inferior to 5% of total lodging places assignable to “freshmen””. “Winner” students of lodging places have the right, normally, to accommodation at university residences for eleven months. For the 2014/2015 academic year, lodging place assignments will generally be prepared by the first half of November 2014. In any case, notwithstanding the date of assignment, the right to occupy the lodgings terminates on 31 October 2015. The residences are normally closed during August. Students must therefore leave the rooms free and return the keys to the residence management. Non-compliance with the indication at the paragraph above entails mandatory payment of the cost of service albeit not yet utilised. The assistance service for disabled students is also suspended in August. 20 Communication of competition results and acceptance of the lodging place Publication of the definitive results of the competition is effected both on the institutional web site and in the students’ reserved area. The procedure is notified in a successive notice with the site and date by which the student must give formal acceptance of the lodging place assigned. Upon expiry of the peremptory term set by the agency, if the student has not indicated acceptance, the benefit expires automatically. All informative obligations regarding the results of the competition are considered satisfied and completed by the said communication, and consequently no further communications will be transmitted to the interested parties. Performance propaedeutic to acceptance of the lodging place To make formal acceptance of the lodging place, the student must attend the residence management by the term indicates, bringing: a) a valid identity document; b) self-certification attesting the absence of current infective diseases prejudicial to cohabitation in a community. In the case of health problems already ascertained (food intolerances, current pathologies and/or therapies, etc.) the relative medical documentation is required; c) a valid residence permit or copy of the application for renewal/issue thereof on pain of decadence (only for non-European Union foreign students); d) receipt of payment of a surety deposit of € 200.00 (which Laziodisu requires as coverage of any eventual damage caused by the student to the Agency’s property) to – IBAN code IT46P0569603211000051111X93 at the Banca Popolare di Sondrio - Tesoreria Laziodisu. A print of the MAV for payment can be issued at the date of acceptance at the residences of the Adisu of reference. We specify, with reference to this obligation, that payment of this sum is only required from freshman students or upon first entrance to the accommodation service. Students who have, rather, paid the surety deposit in previous years must pay the difference between the sum already paid and € 200.00. Access and consequent possession of the lodgings by the interested party is only permitted after verification of registration no later than 18 November 2014 and full acquisition of the aforementioned documentation. Assignment of lodging places The assignment of lodging places is conditioned by the accommodation structure typology available to Laziodisu, on the rankings, on the endowment of male and female places, by the pertinent territorial site, etc. Lodging place “winner” students whose result is “under condition” cannot proceed to acceptance of the lodging place assigned thereto until their competition position is regularised. This condition must be satisfied, moreover, by the terms established for acceptance. Any eventual re-admission in the quality of “winner” of the benefit of a lodging place of students who were shown excluded in the definitive rankings, are subordinate to the availability of places in Laziodisu accommodation structures. If no lodgings are available, interested students are conferred, in any case, a “non-local” study grant independent of the presentation of the lease contract for payment required by the NoC. Laziodisu may reduce the availability of lodging places due to extraordinary works or exigencies of an unforeseeable nature at the residences of which at Enclosure G. In this case, the “winners” not allocated a lodging place are paid a “non-local” grant or, alternatively, a lodging place may be assigned in contracted private structures. Among the non-EU students, the lodging places are assigned, for each nationality, proportionally to the number of regular application respectively presented. Upon expiry of the term established for formal acceptance of a lodging place, if there are still paces available, Laziodisu proceeds with a slide in the ranking to cover the remaining availability of lodgings. Any eventual further allocations will only be notified via specific notification on the institutional web site. 21 Site assignment The assignment of the site and lodging place to the winners is effected in consideration of the students’ position in the relative rankings, without prejudice to the share between “freshmen” and “successive years” of which at Article 21 to this NoC. A criterion of prevalence is adopted in favour of the students who indicated a preference, in the on-line application, for a residence managed by the pertinent Adisus territorial. The preferences must, however, be expressed in the order of appreciation. Without prejudice to the assignment criteria indicated above (rankings, preferences, etc.) for students already internal, if the first preference matches the place already occupied, the request may be considered confirmation of the lodging place. Lodging prices The average costs of the accommodation service used or to be used is detracted from the gross sum assigned to student beneficiaries of study grants and lodging places. A student winner of the lodging place and not of a study grant has use of the lodgings free gratis. The cost of the service for all residences in Rome, is set at: € 145.00 per month for a single room; € 135.00 00 per month for a “superior” double room (Residenza Valleranello); € 125.00 00 per month for a double room. The cost of the service for all residences in Latina is set at: € 120.00 per month for a single room; € 100.00 per month for a double room. The cost of the service for all residences in Viterbo is set at: € 120.00 per month for a single room; € 100.00 00 per month for a double room. The cost of the service for all residences in Cassino is set at: € 120.00 per month for a single room; € 100.00 00 per month for a double room. The cost of the accommodation service are deducted from the sum of the study grant from students who are winners of study grants and lodging places, with the following modality: € 500.00 with the first instalment and the balance with the second instalment. If the value of the grant is less than the cost to be deducted, the interested party must settle the difference at the latest by 31 October 2015. If the student fails to settle the balance above, Laziodisu may take legal action to recover the credits and may, in any case, detract the sums due from eventual future economic benefits to be attributed to the student at any title, including the surety deposit and/or refund of the regional tax. The total cost of the accommodation service equal to five and one half months is deducted from Study grant winner student registered for the first year beyond the normal duration in the new and the latest organisation, as follows: € 250.00 from the first instalment of the grant and the remainder from the balance. For the ulterior five and one half months, fruition of the accommodation service is free gratis, considering the fact that the right to a study grant during first year beyond the normal duration equates to 50% of the full sum. Renunciation of the lodging place Students may renounce a lodging place without penalties via a communication presented or delivered to the Pertinent territorial Adisu , no later than 18 October 2014. After the said term, the sum of €500.00 is withheld from the study grant as a penalty for early withdrawal from the accommodation service requested tale, except for duly documented unforeseen circumstances. The penalty for students registered for the first year beyond the normal duration is € 250,00. The cost of the accommodations service utilised is deducted from economic support for students who renounce the benefit of a lodging place after formal acceptance. 22 Maintenance of non-local status after renouncing a lodging place For the purpose of this NoC, a student who renounces the lodging place can only maintain “non-local” status if simultaneous to the renunciation of the lodging place, they present a copy of a lease contract for payment, duly registered with the Tax Office for a period corresponding to ten months. Otherwise they will be classified as a “calculated commuter”. Service for disabled students Students with a degree of disability of 66% or more, or a recognised handicap pursuant to Article 3, comma 1, of Law No. 104 of 5 February, may benefit from assistance after presentation of an application, with participation in the costs of the service in the measure of € 63.20 per month. They may also benefit from a transport service, at a monthly cost of € 11.20. Disabled students must effect payments to the pertinent territorial Adisu. Failure to effect payment of the sums by the terms foreseen by the regulation entails revocation of assistance and recovery by Laziodisu of the debt ascertained. Refund of the surety deposit Refund of the surety deposit is made upon release of the lodging place and against presentation of the original receipt for payment of the said deposit. Laziodisu may withhold any eventual credits claimed at diverse title from the interested student from the surety deposit. Revocation of the lodging place (causes additional to those foreseen at Article 24) The following are motives for revocation of a lodging place: a) simultaneous voluntary community service; b) transfer to third parties, at any title, of fruition of a lodging place. In the case of revocation for incorrect transfer of a lodging place, the student must pay the sum of € 20.00 per day for the period of usage of the accommodation, independent of the room typology; c) failure to use the lodging place allocated for a period exceeding 15 consecutive days without providing prior, motivated written notice to the Residence management, or, in any case, usage for a period of less than 10 days per month. In the said case, Laziodisu, after ascertainment of the absence, may liberate the lodging of any eventual objects in the room, which will be stored on the premises of the Residence at the risk and expense of the assignee, for a maximum of three months. d) In the case of “freshmen” only, failure to achieve the minimum requisite of merit by the term required in the NoC. In this case, the term must refund the period of occupation of the lodgings at the conventional average cost; e) the achievement of the academic title relative to the study cycle; f) giving up studies or transfer to another university with legal premises outside Lazio; g) failure to transfer/non-acceptance at the residence assigned by the term established. Students are required to pay a daily sum of € 20.00 as indemnity for occupation for any eventual periods of unauthorised occupation, independent of the room typology. After revocation/exclusion measures, a student is required to leave the lodgings within ten days of receipt of the notice by registered letter with return receipt. In the hypothesis that a student does not leave the lodging by the terms indicated, Laziodisu, even in the absence of the interested party, will remove the objects and goods in the lodging, preparing a full inventory in the clearing out report. The aforementioned materials will be stored in Laziodisu premises and the relative costs charged to the student. Article 17 – Contribution for the international mobility of students Study grant “Winner” or “suitable non-winner” students, selected by their university for the international mobility programmes promoted by the European Union for the 2014/2015 academic year (Erasmus/Socrates), may present an application for integration of the grant. Laziodisu provides, via competition, 235 integrative grants for participation in the international mobility programmes promoted by the European Union or by non-Community bodies distributed as follows: 23 - 105 for Adisu Roma Uno; 47 for Adisu Roma Due; 47 for Adisu Roma Tre; 24 for Adisu Cassino; 12 for Adisu Viterbo. The funds available destined to the integrative contributions of which above are distributed as follows: - 90% to “successive year” students; 10% to “freshmen” students registered for 2nd level specialist degree courses. The duration of the educational experience must be indicated by selected the students when compiling the on-line form. Within 30 days of returning to Italy from the foreign study site, “winner” students must present an attestation of the effective study period and the duration thereof, to the territorial Adisu, indicated the amount received from the university. Failure to respect the term for presentation of this declaration entails decadence of the benefit. The contribution is provided in a single payment. Payment of the contribution, solely for the months authorised and financed by the university (thus excluding any eventual extensions to the stay), is subordinate to participation in the mobility programme which must be certified by the Italian university of reference. The value of the contribution is a maximum of € 510.00 per month for the duration of the stay abroad up to a maxim of ten months. The said amount is deducted the eventual value of a grant conceded from European Union funds or an eventual other specific bilateral agreement. Reimbursement of travel expenses (return ticket) is conceded to a maximum sum of € 150.00. A student who was allocated a lodging place may conserve the same upon condition that the absence for the educational experience does not exceed ninety days. Upon expiry of that period, the student automatically loses the right to the lodging place from the date of departure. So only students whose stay abroad is three months or less may apply for lodging places in the period between 1 November 2014 and 31 October 2015. In no case may the student be recognised “non-local” status lacking the documentation proving that the period abroad with the international mobility programme, and that covered by the lease contract summed together are equal to ten months. Article 18 – Graduation prize 27 Students who won a study grant in the 2013/2014 academic year , registered for degree courses with the new and the latest organisation, who attain their degree within the legal duration of the relative study course, may benefit from an integrative sum equal to 50% of the study grant obtained in the academic year of reference of the degree. For disabled students, the right to receive a graduation prize is determined by attaining the qualification in less than one year beyond the normal duration. Those students declared “winners” of this benefit for one cycle of studies cannot re-apply. 1) Students registered for the universities pertaining to the territorial Adisu must follow this procedure within 30 days of award of the qualification, for transmission of the application: a) on-line compilation of the participation form accessible in the students’ personal area; b) on-line transmission of the application; c) print a copy of the application; d) sign the printed application; e) transmit via Certified Electronic Mail (PEC) a copy in .pdf format of the sign application, with a copy of a current identity document, to the competent Adisu territorial at the addresses below: ADISU Roma Uno > ADISU Roma Due > ADISU Roma Tre > ADISU Cassino > 27 President of the Council of Ministers Decree of 9 April 2001, Article 3, comma 5 24 ADISU Viterbo > 2) Students registered at contracted universities must follow the procedure below for transmission of the application within thirty days of receipt of the qualification: a) on-line compilation of the participation form accessible in the students’ personal area; b) on-line transmission of the application; c) print a copy of the application; d) sign the printed application; e) transmit via Certified Electronic Mail (PEC) a copy in .pdf format of the sign application, with a copy of a current identity document. The contracted university institutions may, if they consider more useful, use their own offices to receive the application at a counter. Failure to sign the application, the absence of the identity document or any failure to respect the procedure above entails exclusion from conferral of the graduation prize. Assignment of the graduation prize is subordinate to the available of annually allocated funds. Where the applications are excessive, the benefit will be assigned based on a ranking prepared taking into account the highest degree grades, and with equal points, the lowest ISEE value declared in the last application for a study grant. SECTION V – Presentation and compilation of applications Article 19 – Procedures for and modalities of compilation and presentation of applications Applications for the competitions of which at this NoC are acquired initially by Laziodisu via Internet. Applications are reachable, after registration, at the web site: The application form can be compiled from private terminals connected to Internet. From midday on 21 July 2014 to midday on 8 September 2014 interested students may compile the on-line application to participate in the competitions, declaring the veracity of the data input 1) Registration Students must input a user name and a password they have invented. Those who used the procedure in previous years will see their access credentials confirmed with no further registration required. 2) On-line transmission of the application When the form is compiled and checked for correctness, it must be transmitted on-line via the “application transmission” function. The system automatically certifies receipt. Once transmission is completed the data input cannot be modified or integrated. Partial compilation and/or non-transmission of the data entails exclusion from the benefit. Students who fail to transmit the on-line application by midday on 8 September 2014by the procedure indicated above are declared excluded. To avoid disputes, students are required to view and conserve the identification number assigned by the system at the time of transmission. 3) Publication of the provisory rankings Laziodisu will arrange publication, no later than 15 September 2014, of the provisory results of the competitions, with the purpose of notifying students their personal position, with a view to eventual rectification/integration to be applied. 4) Modifications, correction, integration, printing and validation From 16 September 2014 to 23 September 2014 access is once again given to the on-line form. via the “input variation/integration” function, students may apply eventual rectification/integration to the application, and they must then repeat transmission via the “modification transmission” function. Correction of the data referring to the economic/wealth condition are only considered if signed and defined at a CAF n or by 8 September 2014. Each student whether they confirm the data input previously or apply modifications, must proceed, on pain of exclusion, with the so-called definitive print of the on-line application form by the peremptory term of 23 September 2014 at 23:59. 25 5) Transmission of the paper application No later than the peremptory term of 23 September 2014, students must transmit the validation print, duly signed, by registered letter with return receipt (the date indicated on the postage receipt of the registered letter is definitive) to the address of the territorial Adisu or the contracted university institution of reference (of which at Enclosure A). The envelope must contain: 1) the definitive print of the signed application; 2) a copy of the identity document; 3) a copy of the attestations relative credits deriving from internship and/or educational activities not observable at the secretariats but declared at the date of compilation of the on-line application. The mandatory signature has the purpose of confirming the self-certification of the data and declarations28 rendered by the student when compiling the application. Therefore, without paper confirmation of the original signed application and of all other the documentation required by this NoC, the same cannot be considered complete/regular and valid to obtain conferral of the benefits requested. Students from non-European Union nations must integrate that listed above with: a) a copy of the residence permit (or paper documentation attesting the application for/renewal of the same); b) the original of the income declaration and the composition of the family unit issued by the Italian representation in the nation of origin. Italian students with income abroad which cannot be self-certified in the terms of Article 12 above must enclose the original of the income declaration issued by the Italian representation in the nation of production of the income. Failure to respect the times and procedures required, or transmission of paper application not compliant with that indicated above, entails exclusions from all benefits, independent of the correct compilation and/or transmission of the on-line application. Article 20 – Due Dates To participate in the Single Set of Competitions, students must comply with the following procedures, taking care to respect the due dates: a) by midday on 8 September 2014, compile and transmit the on-line application; b) on or by 15 September 2014 verify their position on the provisory ranking published. The purpose of publishing the provisory results is to inform participant students of the eventual need to apply rectification/integration to the application presented; c) from 16 September 2014 to 23 September 2014, in the case of errors/anomalies, activate the data modification/integration procedure and apply the modifications. In the case of rectification, students must transmit the application again, via the “transmit modifications to Laziodisu” function, satisfy all the consequential acts foreseen by the NoC and print the validation copy. To avoid disputes, students must view and conserve the IT protocol number which the system assigns automatically upon completion of on-line transmission of the application; d) on or by 23 September 2014 send the print of the paper validation of the application by registered letter with return receipt to the address of the territorial Adisu or of the contracted university of reference. 28 Law No. 445/2000 26 SECTION VI – Formation, publication and slipping of the rankings Article 21 – Criteria for formation of rankings For the 2014/2015 academic year, the funds available for the competitions of which at this NoC are divided as follows: - 25% to “freshman” students; - 75% “successive year” students. Based on verification of the requisites required, of the position in the rankings and the availability of funds for each competition announced, students may be classified as: - “winner”; “suitable (not winner)“; “excluded”. Students who, while possessing the requisites required cannot be declared winners due to insufficient funds are declared “suitable (not winners)”. The selection of the beneficiaries29 of the competitions of which at this NoC is effected on the basis of the criteria indicated below: a) “Freshmen” for those registered for a first year: the provisory and definitive rankings, prepared without differentiation by university, study course and level, is defined in increasing order of income on the base of the ISEE. At parity of ISEE 30 account will be taken of the higher anagraphical age of the student. b) “Successive years”: the provisory and definitive rankings are prepared on the basis of the joint coefficient, obtained by the formula below: C = 0.7 x CFNRip + 0.04 x MeanN + 0.26 x ISEEN where CFNRip is the normalised coefficient of merit and re-parametered based on the eventual use of the bonus and of the possible acquisition of credits greater that those foreseen by the President of the Council of Ministers Decree: CFNRip= in which the CFN is the normalised coefficient of merit: Merit achieved – Minimum merit foreseen Maximum merit achievable - Minimum merit foreseen The two extremes, the maximum and the minimum, will be on the basis of the distribution of the credits of all students in the current academic year. The meanN is the mean of normalised votes: MeanN = Mean –18 30-18 And the ISEEN is the ISEE normalised: 1- In which the ISEE is the limit set in the NoC. For students registered for successive course years in doctoral and specialisation courses, the rankings are developed in increasing ISEE order. Each Adisu will transmit the lists of beneficiaries of the competitions to the university of reference for due continuation. 29 President of the Council of Ministers Decree 9 April 2001,Article 4 30 President of the Council of Ministers Decree 9 April 2001,Articles 15 and 16 27 Sliding rankings After publication of the definitive results, the case of allocation of integrative funds, these will be destined, with the same criteria of which at the Article above, to “suitable (not winner)” students, through to exhaustion of the resources available. Notification of the change of status from “suitable” to “winner” to students will be given in the Payment results history section, accessible from the students’ personal area on the web site, and via specific notices. Students nominated as grant winners after successive assignments, will be deducted the value corresponding to the eventual free meals consumed, accounted at the 1st band tariff. Article 22 – Publication of competition results The provisory/definitive results of competitions are published by Laziodisu and, made available on the web site They may be consulted from any terminal with Internet. Publication of the rankings and any eventual competition communication will be effected on the basis of procedures which guarantee tutelage of confidentiality with reference to sensitive personal data as established by law. To this end, in the application, each student is assigned an individual code for verification and consultation of the relative listings. The definitive results of the lodgings competition will be published by the end of October 2014. The definitive results of the study grant and the integrative contribution for educational experience abroad competitions will be published by the end of November 2014. The ranking relative to the Graduation prize competition will be published during the first semester of 2015. In the presence of errors and omissions, Laziodisu may proceed, for self-tutelage and/or upon application from a duly motivated party, to the re-admission of students originally excluded in the definitive rankings. Students interested, with adverse results in the definitive rankings, may recur to the Lazio Regional Administrative Court rapidly and in any case within 60 days of publication. They may also apply to the of State by the terms foreseen for challenge. Article 23 - Causes for exclusion This competition excludes students who: a) have not transmitted the on-line application; b) failed to sign the paper application; c) have not transmitted the application in the modalities and by the terms foreseen in this NoC, or in any case did not present the same pursuant to the prescriptions established by the NoC; d) did not sign the ISEE certificate on or by 8 September 2014; e) did not register or complete registration for the university by 31 March 2015, and by 18 November 2014 for applications for lodgings; f) do not present the necessary and mandatory documentation by the peremptory term of 31 March 2015 for study grants; g) produced untruthful declarations; h) have had lodging places revoked for permitting unauthorised use by third parties or another of the motives foreseen; i) transfer to a university whose legal site is outside Lazio j) give up studies before the end of the academic year; k) having registered for course years successive to the first who change study course during the same academic year, with recognition of credits/examinations inferior to the requisites required for participation in the competition; l) having registered for a first year do not achieve the merits required by the NoC by the term established; m) do not give timely notice, in any case within 30 days of the event, of any variation in the data declared including change of residence, domicile, etc.; n) are in a situation in which, by the norms in this NoC and the regulations cited herein, do not have the right to make use of the benefits. This completion is not open to participation from students who: 28 a) lack the formal and substantial requisites foreseen; b) are the winners or beneficiaries of grants from other bodies/subjects, public and private, including those assigned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In this case, the interested parties may however, opt for the benefit provided by Laziodisu after exhibition of renunciation consigned to the other body; c) have been excluded from benefits for the remaining period of studies; d) already possess a degree/diploma at the same level; e) already have obtained recognition of an academic qualification achieved abroad and register for a course of studies at the same level recognised; f) are registered or have registered in the past for an “intermediate beyond normal duration” or “repeater” (except for students registered, as the 2nd repeater year in a triennial degree course – at the Engineering Faculty at the Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” or as 2nd year repeater – biennial specialist degree); g) have passed between degree course with repetition of registration for the same year of the course; h) have transferred the study site and are registered for a course year for which they were already registered at the university of provenance; i) are in situations incompatible with the benefits foreseen by this NoC relative to dispositions in other laws and regulation; j) have public/private study grants for the same academic year and/or course, except for grants for integration of educational activities or research with stays abroad and grants for collaboration attributed by the university, or other benefits for which the current regulations foresee accumulation; k) already possessing an academic qualification of five years’ legal duration, register for a specialist degree of 1st or 2nd level; l) registers for a first year course in a 2nd level specialist degree course while possessing an academic qualification relative to a course of studies of quadrennial duration; the same may participate as if registered for a 2nd year in a specialist degree; m) are simultaneously registered for multiple study courses or for a new study course without completing the previous course (by achieving the qualification or by giving up), except as disposed by the Ministerial Decree of 28 September 2011. Those who fail to transmit their bank details by the term established and those who fail to regularise their administrative position by the peremptory term of 31 March 2015 are declared to have lost the benefits. SECTION VI – Verification and revocations, sanctions, communication obligations Article 24 – Verification Laziodisu, pursuant to the law, performs careful verification of the veracity of the selfcertification produced by the students pronounced “winners” or “suitable (not winners)” of the competitions. To this end, further to requiring that students provide suitable documentation to prove the veracity of that self-certified, the agency may undertake investigations which it may consider opportune, also contacting the following: a) Tax Police; b) The State Financial Administration; c) Municipal administrations; d) Territorial property records; e) Schools of all orders and degrees; f) Welfare bodies; g) Universities and other office conserving data relative to the economic conditions/scholastic merit/ anagraphical situation. Laziodisu may also sample check income data, diversified by study typologies and/or by course year and/or by income bands, utilising IT access to the Tax Office data bank. Verification of discrepancies and the relative sanctions If during the verification procedures, discrepancies are found between that declared by the student and that verified during the check, Laziodisu will suspend the benefits, and commence the consequent administrative procedure against the interested party. If the investigations made prove that the student has produced false declarations about themselves or their family unit, which exceed the ISEE or ISPE limits, without prejudice to the 29 dispositions of which at Article 316 ter of the Italian Penal Code, that student loses the right to use the benefits, and is subject to administrative sanctions consisting of the payment of a sum triple that perceived and the refund of the cost of services used, also losing the right to obtain other benefits throughout the duration of their studies pursuant to Article 10, comma 3 of Legislative Decree No. 68/2012. Article 25 – Information note pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 Before compiling the on-line application, students are informed about the processing and diffusion of the data and information foreseen at Article 13 of Legislative Decree No. 196/2003. Preceding with compilation the application, students attest that they have viewed the contents of the relative notice and, in particular, that: a) processing of the personal data conferred is realised solely for the institutional purposes of Laziodisu foreseen by law and relative to the consequent obligations connected therewith; b) the data is processed legally and correctly in written form and/or on magnetic, electronic or IT support. Specific security measures apply to prevent loss of data, illicit and incorrect use and unauthorised access; c) conferral of the data is mandatory to satisfaction of legal requirements in matters of the right to study and accounting and fiscal obligations. Eventual refusal to provide the same, or lack of consent to their processing , entails the impossibility of conferral of the benefits; d) the student may, at any time, exercise the rights established by Legislative Decree No. 196/2003; e) the data may be consulted and processed and transmitted to the other subjects indicated by the law for verification and processing for the relative competency; f) the personal data of utilised for the institutional finalities of Laziodisu, and to offer knowledge of the initiatives, activities and benefits reserved for students who win study grants. g) the rankings are published respecting protection of privacy and the protection of the personal data contained. For the purposes of this NoC and any other consequent and connected activity, responsibility for personal data processing lies with Laziodisu - Via C. De Lollis, 24b - 00185 Rome. Rome, 21/07/2014 The Deputy Director General Ing. Antonio De Michele 30 ENCLOSURE A Universities, University institutions and Laziodisu territorial Adisus of reference * Adisu Roma Uno Via Cesare De Lollis, 22 - 00185 Rome Tel. 06.4970602 – 06.4970699 - 06.49707535 – 06.49707614 – 06.49707655 – Fax 06.4970251 For students registered for: • “Sapienza” University of Rome and branches; • Fine Arts Academy of Rome; • “Rome University of Fine Arts”; • “Silvio D’Amico” National Academy of Dramatic Art; • “Santa Cecilia” Conservatory of Rome; • “I.S.I.A” Higher institute for artistic trade of Rome; • “O. Respighi” State Conservatory of Latina; • Academy of Dress and Fashion; • Central Institute for Restauration and Conservation; • Saint Louis College of Music; • European University of Rome. Adisu Roma Due Via Cambridge, 115. - 00133 Rome Tel. 06.204101 – 06.204101303 – 06.204101306 – 06.204101380 – Fax 06.204101307 For students registered for: “Tor Vergata” University of Studies Adisu Roma Tre Via della Vasca navale, 79 - 00146 Rome tel. 0655340729 – 0655340733 Fax 06.5593852 For students registered for: • “Roma Tre” University of Studies; • Dance Academy of Rome; • Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione ed il Restauro. Adisu Cassino Via Garigliano 86/A - 03043 Cassino - Tel. 0776.3258237 – 0776.3258238 – 0776.3258239 – Fax 0776.32588214 For students registered for: • University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, and branches; • Fine Arts Academy of Frosinone; • “L. Refice” Conservatory of Frosinone; • Telematics universities. Adisu Viterbo Via Cardarelli, 75 - 01100 Viterbo Tel. 0761.270610 – 0761.270611 – Fax 0761.274666 For students registered for: • Università degli Studi della Tuscia; • Fine Arts Academy of Viterbo. 31 University institutes contracted with Laziodisu • • • • • • Università degli studi di Roma “Foro Italico” - Piazza Lauro De Bosis, 15 – 00135 Rome - Tel. 06.36733204 – 06.36733583 – 06.36733521 – Fax 06.36733316 Libera Università Maria SS. Assunta “LUMSA” - Via della Traspontina, 21 – 00193 Rome Tel. 06.68422919 Libera Università Internazionale Studi Sociali Guido Carli di Roma “LUISS” - Uff. Diritto allo Studio - Viale Pola, 12 – 00198 Rome - Tel. 06.85225410 Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma “UNINT” - Via delle Sette Chiese, 139 - 00145 Rome - Tel. 06.510777249 Università Campus Bio-Medico - Via Alvaro del Portillo, 21 – 00128 Rome - Tel. 06.225419040 Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici "Gregorio VII" - Via Pasquale Stanislao Mancini, 2 – 00196 Rome - Tel. 06.6390300 The list has summary value; students registered at University institutes and high level cultural, artistic, music and dance institutes not present in this Enclosure and recognised by the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research, may present applications for participation. 32 ENCLOSURE B – COMMUTERS Albano Laziale Anguillara Ardea Ariccia Bracciano Campagnano Capena Casape Castel Gandolfo Castel Madama Castel S. Pietro Castelnuovo di Porto Cerveteri Ciampino Colonna Fara Sabina Fiano Fiumicino Fonte Nuova Formello Frascati Gallicano Genzano Grottaferrata Guidonia Ladispoli Lanuvio Lariano Marcellina Marino Mentana Monte Porzio Catone Montecompatri Montelibretti Monterotondo Morlupo Nemi Palestrina Poli Pomezia Riano Rocca di Papa Rocca Priora S. Angelo Romano S. Cesareo S. Gregorio da Sassola Sacrofano Tivoli Trevignano Velletri Zagarolo 33 ENCLOSURE C – NON ATTENDING STUDENTS Accumoli Acuto Alatri Alvito Anagni Anzio Arce Arnara Artena Attigliano Barbarano Bassiano Belmonte in Sabina Bomarzo Borgorose Calcata Campoli Appennino Canino Canterano Capranica Prenestina Carpineto Casaprota Castel di Tora Castelforte Castelnuovo Parano Castrocielo Celleno Cerreto Ciciliano Città ducale Civitavecchia Colfelice Colle S. Magno Collepardo Concerviano Corchiano Cottanello Faleria Ferentino Filettino Fontana Liri Formia Fumone Gallinaro Gerano Gradoli Grotte Castro Isola Liri Labico Latina Licenza Maenza Mandela Marcetelli Micigliano Montalto di Castro Monte S. Biagio Montebuono Montelanico Monterosi Moricone Acquafondata Affile Allumiere Amaseno Anticoli Corrado Aprilia Arcinazzo Arpino Ascrea Ausonia Bassano di Sutri Bellegra Blera Borbona Boville Ernica Camerata Nuova Canale Monterano Cantalice Capo di Monte Caprarola Casalanico Casperia Castel S. Angelo Castelliri Castiglione Teverino Cave Cellere Cervara Cineto Città reale Civitella d'Agliano Collalto Sabino Colleferro Collevecchio Configni Coreno Ausonio Esperia Falvaterra Fiamignano Fiuggi Fontechiari Frasso Gaeta Gavignano Giuliano di Roma Graffignano Guarcino Itri Labro Lenola Longone Sabino Magliano Romano Manziana Marta Minturno Montasola Monte S. Giovanni in Sabina Montefiascone Monteleone Sabino Montopoli Morolo Acquapendente Agosta Alviano Amatrice Antrodoco Aquino Arlena di Castro Arsoli Atina Bagnoregio Bassano in Teverina Belmonte Castello Bolsena Borgo Velino Broccostella Campo di mele Canepina Cantalupo Capranica Carbognano Casalvieri Cassino Castel S. Elia Castelnuovo di Farfa Castro dei Volsci Ceccano Ceprano Cervaro Cisterna di Latina Civita Castellana Civitella S. Paolo Colle di Tora Collegiove Colli sul Velino Contigliano Cori Fabrica di Roma Farnese Filacciano Fondi Forano Frosinone Gallese Genazzano Gorga Greccio Ischia di Castro Jenne Latera Leonessa Lubriano Magliano Sabina Marano Equo Mazzano Romano Mompeo Monte Romano Monte S. Giovanni Campano Monteflavio Montenero Sabino Montorio Romano Morro Reatino 34 Nazzano Nespolo Olevano Orte Paliano Patrica Pescosolido Picinisco Piglio Pofi Poggio Mirteto Poggio S. Lorenzo Ponzano Romano Pozzaglia Sabina Prossedi Riofreddo Rocca Canterano Rocca Massima Roccagiovine Roccasecca Ronciglione S. Andrea sul Garigliano Saracinisco S. Felice Circeo S. Lorenzo Nuovo S. Polo dei Cavalieri Sabaudia Santopadre Segni Serrone Sgurgola Soriano nel Cimino Ss. Cosma e Damiano Subiaco Tarano Terracina Tolfa Torrice Trevi nel Lazio Tuscania Vallecorsa Vallerano Valmontone Vejano Vicalvi Vignanello Villa S. Stefano Viticuso Nepi Nettuno Onano Orvinio Palombara Sabina Percile Petrella Salto Pico Pignataro Interamna Poggio Bustone Poggio Moiano Pontecorvo Posta Priverno Rieti Ripi Rocca d'Arce Rocca S. Stefano Roccagorga Roccasecca dei Volsci Roviano S. Apollinare S. Donato Val di Comino S. Giorgio a Liri S. Marinella S. Vito Romano Salisano Saracinesco Selci Settefrati Sonnino Sperlonga Stimigliano Supino Tarquinia Tessennano Torre Cajetani Torricella Sabina Trivigliano Vacone Vallemaio Vallerotonda Varco Sabino Veroli Vico nel Lazio Villa Latina Villa S.Giovanni in Tuscia Vitorchiano Nerola Norma Oriolo Romano Paganico Sabino Pastena Pescorocchiano Piansano Piedimonte S. Germano Pisoniano Poggio Catino Poggio Nativo Pontinia Posta Fibreno Proceno Rignano Flaminio Rivodutri Rocca di Cave Rocca Sinibalda Roccantica Roiate S. Ambrogio sul Garigliano S. Biagio S. Elia Fiumerapido S. Giovanni Incarico S. Oreste S. Vittore Sambuci Scandriglia Sermoneta Sezze Sora Spigno Saturnia Strangolagalli Sutri Terelle Toffia Torri in Sabina Torrita Tiberina Turania Valentano Vallepietra Vallinfreda Vasanello Vetralla Vicovaro Villa S. Lucia Viterbo Vivaro Romano 35 ENCLOSURE D – Draft Consular Declaration Form The certificate must be issued by the competent diplomatic or consular representation in Italy and then legalised by the territorial office of the governments (Prefettura). Legalisation is not required for the nations which adhere to the London Convention of 7 July 1968. . The Embassy/Consulate at ................................................................................................. having viewed the documentation presented by the student: Surname ............................. Name ...................... Date of birth ..../... /.... Gender □ M □ F Place of birth ......................….............. Nationality ...................................... Civil state................................................ Passport No. ........................ issued on .../.../.... DECLARES that the family unit of the student is composed as follows: No. Surname Name Gender Date of birth Family relation Gross income in Euros in 2012 1 2 3 4 5 6 DECLARES that total gross income for the family in 2013 (from 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2013) equated to Euros*............,….... applying the average official exchange rate for the year 2013 (see ENCLOSURE – F to this NoC) DECLARES that the wealth situation of the family at** 31 December 2013 was as follows: a) Ownership of the house lived in □ No - □ Yes, with overall area of ……. m². b) Ownership of other buildings: □ No - □ Yes, with overall area of ……. m².. c) Value of property and goods (bank and postal deposits, etc..) at 31 December 2013: Euro* …........., .... - □ NO properties or goods owned * applying the average official exchange rate for the year 2014 (see table enclosed with 2014/2015 academic year competition notice) ** the eventual properties and goods possessed by the brothers and/or sisters must be indicated separately. Signature of the Ambassador or Consul (or the person acting on their behalf) 36 ENCLOSURE E – List of particularly poor non-European Union nations Ministerial decree No. 118 of 19 February 2013 - “Definition of developing nations for the purposes of the dispositions of which at Article 13, comma 5 of the President of the Council of Ministers Decree of 9 April 2001”) For the purposes of evaluation of the economic condition, for provision of the respective intervention, the regional organisms of management apply the dispositions of at Article 13, comma 5 of the President of the Council of Ministers Decree of 9 April 2001, cited at the premise, to students from the nations listed here below: Afghanistan Bangladesh Bhutan Burundi Chad Congo (Democratic Republic of) Eritrea Gambia Guinea Equatorial Guinea Kenya Kirgizstan Lesotho Madagascar Malì Mozambique Nepal Central African Republic Samoa Senegal Solomon Islands Sudan Tajikistan Timor Est Tuvalu Vanuatu Zambia Angola Benin Burkina Faso Cambodia Comoros Korea (Democratic Republic of) Ethiopia Djibouti Guinea Bissau Haiti Kiribati Laos Liberia Malawi Mauritania Myanmar Niger Rwanda Sao Tome & Principe Sierra Leone Somalia South Sudan Tanzania Togo Uganda Yemen Zimbabwe 37 ENCLOSURE F – Annual Exchange rate listing Yearly average exchange rates in 2013 Nation Currency ISO code UIC code Average Exchange convention Note Afghanistan Albania Algeria Angola Antigua & Barbuda Netherlands Antilles Saudi Arabia Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Byelorussia Bolivia Bosnia Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameron Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Czech Republic Central African Republic Chad Chile Democratic Republic of China Colombia Comoros Islands Republic of CONGO Democratic Republic of Congo North Korea South Korea Côte d'Ivoire Costa Rica Croatia Cuba Denmark Dominica Afghanistan Afghani Albania Lek Algeria Dinar Angola Kwanza East Caribbean Dollar Netherlands Antilles Guilder AFN ALL DZD AOA XCD ANG 115 047 106 087 137 132 73.762 140.297 105.614 128.176 3.58592 2.36982 Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Saudi Arabia Riyal Argentina Peso Armenian Dram Aruba Guilder Australia Dollar Azerbaijan New Manat Bahamas Dollar Bahrain Dinar Bangladesh Taka Barbados Dollar Belize Dollar BCEAO Franc Bermuda Dollar Bhutan Ngultrum Belarus Ruble Bolivia Boliviano Bosnia and Herzegovina Convertible Marka Botswana Pula Brazil Real Brunei Darussalam Dollar Bulgaria Lev BCEAO Franc Burundi Franc Cambodia Riel BCEAO Franc Canada Dollar Cape Verde Escudo Cayman Islands Dollar Czech Republic Koruna BCEAO Franc SAR ARS AMD AWG AUD AZN BSD BHD BDT BBD BZD XOF BMD BTN BYR BOB BAM 075 216 246 211 109 271 135 136 174 195 152 209 138 180 263 074 240 4.98086 7.27739 543.883 2.37733 1.3777 1.04176 1.32812 0.500098 103.731 2.65624 2.65959 655.957 1.32812 77.93 11794.5 9.21112 1.9558 Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by 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d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia BCEAO Franc Chile Peso China Yuan Renminbi XAF CLP CNY 043 029 144 655.957 658.324 8.16463 Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Colombia Peso Comoros Franc BCEAO Franc COP KMF XAF 040 210 043 2483.37 491.968 655.957 Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Congo/Kinshasa Franc CDF 261 1221.63 Units of currency per 1 € Rates set by Banca d’Italia Korea (North) Won Korea (South) Won BCEAO Franc Costa Rica Colon Croatia Kuna Cuba Peso Denmark Krone East Caribbean Dollar KPW KRW XOF CRC HRK CUP DKK XCD 182 119 209 077 229 067 007 137 2.92186 1453.91 655.957 665.004 7.57862 1.32812 7.45792 3.58592 Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia 38 Nation Currency Dominican Republic Egypt El Salvador United Arab Emirates Eritrea Ethiopia Falkland Islands Fiji Philippine FMI Gabon Gambia Georgia Ghana Jamaica Japan Gibraltar Djibouti Jordan Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea Bissau Equatorial Guinea Guyana Haiti Honduras Hong Kong (China) India Indonesia Iran Iraq Iceland Israel Kazakhstan Kenya Kirghizstan Kuwait Laos Lesotho Leetonia Lebanon Liberia Libya Lithuania Macao Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Morocco Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Moldova Mongolia Mozambique Myanmar (Burma) UIC code 116 Average Exchange convention Note Dominican Republic Peso ISO code DOP 55.3822 Units of currency per 1 € Rates set by Banca d’Italia Egypt Pound El Salvador Colon United Arab Emirates Dirham EGP SVC AED 070 117 187 9.13638 11.621 4.87817 Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Eritrea Nakfa Ethiopia Birr Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Pound Fiji Dollar Philippines Peso IMF Special Drawing Rights BCEAO Franc Gambia Dalasi Georgia Lari Ghana Cedi Jamaica Dollar Japan Yen Gibraltar Pound Djibouti Franc Jordan Dinar East Caribbean Dollar Guatemala Quetzal Guinea Franc BCEAO Franc BCEAO Franc Guyana Dollar Haiti Gourde Honduras Lempira Hong Kong Dollar India Rupee Indonesia Rupiah Iran Rial Iraq Dinar Iceland Krona Israel Shekel Kazakhstan Tenge Kenya Shilling Kyrgyzstan Som Kuwait Dinar Laos Kip Lesotho Loti Latvian Lats Lebanon Pound Liberia Dollar Libya Dinar Lithuania Litas Macau Pataca Macedonia Denar Madagascar Ariary Malawi Kwacha Ringgit Maldives Rufiyaa BCEAO Franc Morocco Dirham Mauritania Ouguiya Mauritius Rupee Mexico Peso Moldova Leu Mongolia Tugrik Mozambique Metical Myanmar (Burma) Kyat ERN ETB FKP 243 068 146 19.9779 24.8565 0.849255 Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia FJD PHP XDR XAF GMD GEL GHS JMD JPY GIP DJF JOD XCD GTQ GNF XOF XAF GYD HTG HNL HKD INR IDR IRR IQD ISK ILS KZT KES KGS KWD LAK LSL LVL LBP LRD LYD LTL MOP MKD MGA MWK MYR MVR XOF MAD MRO MUR MXN MDL MNT MZN MMK 147 066 188 043 193 230 276 142 071 044 083 089 137 078 129 209 043 149 151 118 103 031 123 057 093 062 203 231 022 225 102 154 172 219 032 155 069 221 156 236 268 157 055 158 209 084 196 170 222 235 160 272 107 2.43687 56.4277 0.873711 655.957 46.7651 2.20912 2.65 133.332 129.663 0.849255 236.034 0.941636 3.58592 10.4407 9175.7 655.957 655.957 273.7 57.2052 26.7001 10.3016 77.93 13857.5 24626.4 1547.26 162.229 4.79478 202.14 114.377 64.3337 0.376999 10413.6 12.833 0.701463 2002.41 102.787 1.67976 3.4528 10.6107 61.7115 2930.75 482.744 4.18551 20.4116 655.957 11.1683 399.422 40.8191 16.9641 16.7243 2027.52 39.7137 1240.87 Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units 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by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia 39 Nation Currency UIC code 252 161 120 209 081 008 113 184 026 162 190 101 201 105 237 189 002 270 244 163 206 164 207 191 Average Exchange convention Note Namibia Dollar Nepal Rupee Nicaragua Cordoba BCEAO Franc Nigeria Naira Norway Krone New Zealand Dollar Oman Rial Pakistan Rupee Panama Balboa Papua New Guinea Kina Paraguay Guarani Peru Nuevo Sol CFP Franc Poland Zloty Qatar Riyal United Kingdom Pound Romania New Leu Russia Ruble Rwanda Franc Salomon Islands Dollar Samoa Tala Saint Helena Pound São Tomé and Príncipe Dobra ISO code NAD NPR NIO XOF NGN NOK NZD OMR PKR PAB PGK PYG PEN XPF PLN QAR GBP RON RUB RWF SBD WST SHP STD Namibia Nepal Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway New Zealand Oman Pakistan Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru French Polynesia Poland Qatar United Kingdom Romania Russia Rwanda Salomon Islands West Samoa Saint Helena São Tomé and Príncipe Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Syria Somalia Sri Lanka St. Lucia St. Vincent & The Grenadines USA St. Kitties & Nevis South Africa South Sudan Sudan Suriname Sweden Switzerland Swaziland Tajikistan Taiwan Tanzania Thailand Togo Tonga Island Trinidad & Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Ukraine Uganda Hungary Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela 12.833 124.239 32.8419 655.957 211.551 7.80671 1.62057 0.511103 134.998 1.32812 2.98491 5714.23 3.5918 119.332 4.19749 4.83561 0.849255 4.41899 42.337 861.501 9.69905 3.06626 0.849255 24501.4 Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of 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Caribbean Dollar XOF RSD SCR SLL SGD SYP SOS LKR XCD XCD 209 274 185 165 124 036 065 058 137 137 655.957 113.087 16.019 5744.48 1.66188 137.356 1858.75 171.568 3.58592 3.58592 Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia USA Dollar East Caribbean Dollar South Africa Rand South Sudanese Pound South Sudanese Pound Suriname Dollar Sweden Krona Switzerland Franc Swaziland Lilangeni Tajikistan Taiwan New Dollar Tanzania Shilling Thailand Baht BCEAO Franc Tonga Pa'anga Trinidad &Tobago Dollar Tunisia Dinar Turkey Lira Turkmenistan Manat Ukraine Hryvnia Uganda Shilling Hungary Forint Uruguay Peso Uzbekistan Sum Vanuatu Vatu Venezuela Bolivar USD XCD ZAR SSP SDG SRD SEK CHF SZL TJS TWD TZS THB XOF TOP TTD TND TRY TMT UAH UGX HUF UYU UZS VUV VEF 001 137 082 279 275 266 009 003 173 264 143 125 073 209 167 166 080 267 278 241 126 153 053 232 208 277 1.32812 3.58592 12.833 4.3582 6.32099 4.38378 8.65154 1.23106 12.833 6.32761 39.4257 2147.95 40.8297 655.957 2.33928 8.51684 2.15994 2.53354 3.78514 10.7877 3434.87 296.873 27.2319 2782.18 126.313 8.00117 Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia 40 Nation Currency Vietnam Yemen Zambia Vietnam Dong Yemen Rial Zambia Kwacha ISO code VND YER ZMW UIC code 145 122 148 Average Exchange convention Note 27925 285.493 7.15831 Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Units of currency per 1 € Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia Rates set by Banca d’Italia 41 ENCLOSURE G – LIST OF LAZIODISU RESIDENCES Adisu Residence Address Roma Uno A. Ruberti Via Cesare De Lollis, 20 - Roma 178 57 for non-autonomous disabled 235 E. Tarantelli Via De Dominicis, 13/15 – 475 Roma 0 475 Assisi Via Assisi, 77 - Roma 8 for autonomous disabled 88 Valle Aurelia Via Baldo degli Ubaldi, 256 - 190 Roma 10 for autonomous disabled 200 Ponte di Nona Via Ponte di Nona , Roma 151 12 for autonomous disabled 163 Villafranca Via Villafranca – Latina 46 2 48 Falcone e Borsellino Via Mario Angeloni, 13/17 - 286 Roma 16 for autonomous disabled 302 New Cambridge Via Cambridge 115 - Roma 7 for autonomous disabled 47 Archeologia Via dell'Archeologia, 29 - Roma 122 8 for autonomous disabled 130 Roma Tre Valleranello Via Valleranello, 99 Roma 380 20 for autonomous disabled 400 Viterbo San Sisto Piazza San Sisto, 8 - Viterbo 61 4 for autonomous disabled 65 Cardarelli Via Cardarelli, 77 - Viterbo 153 9 for autonomous disabled 162 Folcara Loc. Folcara, Cassino 188 12 for autonomous disabled 200 2350 165 * 2515 Roma Due Cassino Total Places 80 40 Places reserved for diversely Totals able students * places reserved for diversely able students eventually not assigned will be assigned, in any case to students having the right. 42
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