Pollution in storm water runoff. Two cases: an urban catchment and a highway toll gate area. Qualité des eaux pluviales en réseau d’assainissement. Le cas d’un bassin urbain et celui d’une station de péage autoroutière. O. J. Barco, C. Ciaponi , S. Papiri Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, Università degli Studi di Pavia, Via Ferrata, 1, 27100 Pavia, Italy. Tel (+39) 382 505764, Fax (+39) 382 505589. RÉSUMÉ Dans cette étude sont présentés les résultats d’un programme de suivi de la qualité et de la quantité d’eau pluviale d’un basin urbain expérimental situé à Pavia (Italie). Une nouvelle installation expérimentale située sur une station de péage autoroutière à Cremona (Italie) est également décrite. Les données des evenements pluvieux et les paramètres qualitatifs des eaux de ruissellement pluviales ont été recueillis à partir de juin 2000. La conductivité spécifique, le DCO, le DBO5, les concentrations en solides décantables, en azote total, en azote ammoniacal, en phosphore, en plomb et en hydrocarbures ont été analysées au laboratoire. Ces données ont été utilisées pour calibrer les paramètres du modèle SWMM afin de simuler les diagrammes de masse observés. ABSTRACT This paper describes the results of a monitoring program regarding storm water quantity and quality of an experimental urban catchment situated in Pavia (Italy) and describes the new experimental site in a highway toll gate area in Cremona (Italy). The rainfall-runoff data and quality parameters have been collected since June 2000. In the laboratory, analyses of specific conductivity, COD, BOD5, suspended solids, settleable solids, total nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, phosphorus, lead, zinc and hydrocarbons, are carried out. This data has been used to calibrate the parameters of the SWMM model in order to simulate observed loadographs. KEYWORDS experimental urban catchment, storm water, water quality, monitoring, highway toll gate area. NOVATECH'2004 1 1. INTRODUCTION The characterization of contaminants in storm water runoff in the impervious areas is a complex problem that has become an increasingly important environmental issue for urban communities. Several studies, often based on quite thorough monitoring campaigns, have been carried out from the beginning of the 1970's (USEPA, 1983; Novotny et al.,1985 ; Bujon and Herremans,1990 ; Saget et al.,1998; Legret and Pagotto, 1999) to assess the fluxes of pollution going through separate and combined sewer networks and to quantify the impact of urban wet weather discharges in the receiving water. In Italy, since 1980 some experimental urban catchments have been equipped for runoff quantity monitoring studies, and later for some of these, the investigation has been extended also to quality data (Artina et al., 1997; Milano et al., 2002; Ciaponi et al., 2002). This paper presents the results of a monitoring program regarding storm water quantity and quality during a 3 year period (2000-2003) at the Cascina Scala, experimental urban catchment site. It presents some of the results found during the simulation of the observed hydrograph and loadographs using the SWMM model and describes a new experimental site in a highway toll gate area in Cremona (Italy). 2. THE EXPERIMENTAL CATCHMENT AT CASCINA SCALA (PAVIA) The Cascina Scala experimental urban catchment has been functioning since 1989. It is an urban district located in the northern part of Pavia (Lombardia-Italy). The total contribution area adds up to 126,780 m2, where 62% of the total area is impervious (22.7% roofs and 39.6% streets and paved surfaces), while 38% of the total area is pervious. The combined sewer network has a total length of 2,045 m; the slope of the sewer pipes ranges between 0.15% and 1.01%. All the sewers are made of standard concrete pipes. Cascina Scala is an urban catchment of exclusively residential use. The population is around 1,500 inhabitants. More details on the physical characteristics of the basin and the drainage system are reported in another paper (Ciaponi and Papiri, 1994.) The rainfall on the basin is being measured with two tipping bucket rain gauges with a 0.2 mm accuracy. The distance between the two rain gauges is 310 m, therefore the spatial uniformity of the precipitation can be checked and the meteorological volume can be evaluated accurately. Storm water runoff in the final reach of the sewer network is measured using a venturi tube with a bubbler flow meter. Temperature and conductivity in the final reach of the sewer network are measured on site with a multiparameter sonde. Storm water runoff samples are being collected by a refrigerated automatic grab sampler equipped with 24 bottles. In the laboratory analyses of specific conductivity, COD, BOD5, suspended solids, settleable solids, total nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, phosphorus, lead, zinc and hydrocarbons, are carried out. 3. THE EXPERIMENTAL CATCHMENT OF CREMONA The experimental site is located in northern Italy at a toll gate area in Cremona in the Brescia-Piacenza highway (A21). The total contributing area adds up to 2560 m2, where 86.5 % of the total area is impervious (53.4 % in asphalt surfaces, 18.1 % covered area and 15 % parking area in asphalt) while 13.5 % of the total area is pervious (green space). 2 NOVATECH'2004 The sewer network has a total length of 198 m; the sewer pipes have diameters of 200 and 300 mm. The runoff drains to an oil separator and after drains in the ditch. The purpose of the experimental site is to acquire data of water runoff quality in a high vehicular traffic area and to verify the performance of a stormwater pollution control commercial system (EcoDrainTM) which is generally installed in storm drains (Papiri et al., 2002). The runoff of the sampling system is withdrawn upstream of an oil separator by means of the first distributing device. This device divides the runoff water (Q) into two flows: 20% of the runoff (Q1) is collected for the sampling system, the other 80% (Q2) continuous to the oil separator which is of no concern to the experimental. Q1 reaches a second distributing device that divides the flow into equal parts, the first one (Q3) is carried to a tank and the second one (Q4) is carried to the EcoDrainTM. In the EcoDrainTM system the arriving flow is divides into two runoff flows, represented by Qf and Qnf : Qf is the flow which passes through Aikaterisil pillows (which should be capable of absorbing the pollutants carried in the water), while Qnf is the flow which by-passes the filtering system. After passing through the EcoDrainTM system the two flows (Qf and Qnf) are held in two differents tanks (figures 2 and 3). For the meteorological events, samples from every tank (Q3,Qf and Qnf), will be collected and analysed in order to estimate the qualitative median characteristics of the runoff, both the filtered runoff and the anfiltered nunoff. With the known volume of the water into the tanks it is possible to control the total mass and therefore the actual efficiency of the EcoDrainTM. 4. MEASUREMENT AT THE CASCINA SCALA EXPERIMENTAL URBAN CATCHMENT. The rainfall-runoff data has been collected from June 2000 with some interrupted periods to due problems with instrumentation. The data collection refers to 21 meteorological events during which 254 samples were collected and analysed. Presently, experimental data acquisition is going on. Table 1 presents the main characteristics of rainfall, runoff, and water quality observed during each of the 21 events, i.e. rain depth, runoff volume, collected samples, dry days, mass (SS and BOD5), event mean concentration (EMC) and the range of concentrations of SS e BOD5. In the case when samplings adequately cover the whole experimental hydrograph, the calculations of event mean concentration (EMC) are possible and those events was selected to study. For the event N°20 (31/07/03), a particular analysis in the laboratory was done: referring to the first 6 samples (first part of the event), analization was done for the content of COD, BOD5, phosphorus, lead and zinc in both liquid and solid parts (suspended solids), while for the remaining samples analization was done only the liquid part, because the solid part was negligible. The results in Table 2 shows that the COD and BOD5 concentrations are very high, more noticeable than during dry weather (Ciaponi et al, 2002). Also, the table shows that a remarkable fraction of the load connected with the carbonic substances is associated with the solid part. The fraction of heavy metals associated with the solid part (100% for lead and >50% for zinc) is also extremly high. NOVATECH'2004 3 5. MODEL CALIBRATION The quantity and quality simulation of urban runoff has been performed with the model SWMM (Storm Water Management Model), and the parameters of the model have been calibrated using field data. The application of the SWMM model has given good results with regards to the simulation of runoff quantity and quality. The quality simulation has shown, furthermore, that the final results depend strongly on the parameters which influence the buildup and the washoff of the pollutants. For example, in Figure 4 the experimental data (hydrographs associated with hyetographs and loadographs) and the corresponding simulated hydrographs and loadographs are reported for two events. Table 3 shows the values adopted in the SWMM calibration of the buildup and washoff processes, according to the values proposed in literature (Huber and Dickinson,1988). 6. CONCLUSION The observed data confirms the importance of wet weather discharged pollution, already shown by worldwide studies published previously. The application of the SWMM model has demostrated satisfactory results with regards to the simulation of runoff quantity and quality. The quality simulation shows, furthermore, that the final results depend strongly on the parameters which influence the buildup and the washoff of the pollutants. The results of Table 2 (analysis liquid and solid part) shows, for some parameters, a remarkable fraction associated with the solid part. This is an interesting point, but is only for one event. The experimental data acquisition is expected to proceed in order to confirm this results through greater number of observed events. LIST OF REFERENCES Artina S., Maglionico M., Marinelli A. (1997). Le misure di qualità nel bacino urbano Fossolo. Modelli quali-quantitativi del drenaggio urbano, p. 21-78, Centro Studi Deflussi Urbani, Milan. Bujon G., Herremans L. (1990). FLUPOL Modèle de prévision des débits et des flux polluants en réseaux d’assainissement par temps de pluie: calage et validation. La Houille Blanche, n. 2. Ciaponi C., Papiri S. (1994). Bacino di Cascina Scala - Codice IT04. Le misure di pioggia e di portata nei bacini sperimentali urbani in Italia, p. 1-127, Centro Studi Deflussi Urbani, Milan. Ciaponi C., Mutti M. e Papiri S. (2002). Storm Water Quality in the Cascina Scala (Pavia Italy) Experimental Catchment. New Trends in Water and Environmental Engineering. June 24-28. Capri (Italy). Huber W.C., Dickinson R.E. (1988), Storm Water Management Model: User’s Manual. EPA Athens, Georgia. Legret M., Pagotto C. (1999). Evaluation of pollutant loadings in the runoff waters from a major rural highway. The Science of the total Environment , 235, pp 143-150. Novotny V., Sung H.M., Bannerman R., Baum K. (1985). Estimating nonpoint pollution from small urban watersheds. Journal of Water Pollution Control Federation, vol. 57. Papiri S., Ciaponi C., Capodaglio A., Collivignarelli C., Bertanza G., Swartling F., Crow M., Fantozzi M., Valcher P. (2002). Field Monitoring And Evaluation Of Innovative Solutions For Cleaning Storm Water Runoff.- “IWA, World Water Congress”, Melbourne, Australia, April, 712. Saget A., Gromaire-Mertz M. C., Deutsch J.C., Chebbo G. (1998). Extent of pollution in urban wet weather discharges. Atti della conferenza internazionale “Hydrology in a Changing Environment”. Luglio 6-10. Exceter, UK. Milano V., Plagliara S., Dellacasa F. (2002). Urban Stormwater quantity and quality in the experimental urban catchment of Picchianti. New Trends in Water and Environmental Engineering. June 24-28. Capri (Italy). USEPA (1983). Results of the Nationwide Urban Runoff Program: Volume 1 – Final Report. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Springfield, Virginia 22161. 4 NOVATECH'2004 Figure 1: Map of the Cascina Scala experimental catchment. Figure 2: Map of the Cremona experimental catchment discharge-pipe 3 Tank: Vol. 2 m Lifting manhole water discharge flume Cut off valve 3 Tank: Vol. 1,2 m Diameter 110 mm discharge-pipe Q1 Distributing device No. 2. Qf Diameter 110 mm Q4 Diameter 4 mm Q3 Qnf Ecodrain system Tank: Vol. 1,2 m3 Figure 3: Distributing device system in Cremona experimental site NOVATECH'2004 5 No. event Date Rain depth Runoff volume [mm] [m3] Collected Samples Dray days Mass [kg] EMC [mg/l] Range of concentrations [mg/l] SS BOD5 SS BOD5 SS BOD5 3 11/06/00 11,8 452 3 0,5 - - - - 40-160 4 13/06/00 2,0 28 1 0,8 - - - - 270 247 5 23/06/00 16,4 764 18 10,8 288,7 129,4 163 80-890 29-765 6 28/06/00 15,6 752 12 4,8 - - - 280-1360 70-400 7 08/07/00 7,0 232 8 3,3 351,9 78,3 1430 318 800-2960 160-550 54 40-1000 18-380 364 242 8-105 8 10/07/00 11,0 438 12 1,8 118,0 26,3 9 11/07/00 10,6 466 4 0,9 - - - - 40-180 55-120 10 13/03/01 3,8 131 12 0,3 - - - - 50-840 50-600 11 17/03/01 26,2 1416 24 3,9 165,9 98,4 108 64 20-1280 24-880 12 28/03/01 18,6 935 24 11,0 126,3* 108,4* 120* 103* 80-2360 64-1780 13 10/04/01 8,4 444 16 3,3 201,3 117,0 420 244 120-1420 55-900 14 20/04/01 15,8 861 22 0,0 366,5 197,3 377 203 50-1190 23-2120 615 180-2430 320-1300 450-1000 220-720 15 02/03/03 4,8 164 7 0,6 151,6 124,7 16 09/04/03 18,0 492 5 5,7 - - 748 17 11/04/03 23,4 766 19 1,2 197.9 69,5 195 69 20-1400 28-500 18 28/06/03 38,8 2600** 20 29,9 995.3 488.2 378 185 70-1605 70-1000 - - 19 24/07/03 12,6 485 12 25,9 247,0 97,9 442 175 116-1770 85-700 20 31/07/03 16,20 775 20 6,8 180,4 91,2 213 108 36- 1470 34- 850 21 24/09/03 8,6 224 9 14,2 126,0 61,0 365 177 198-3880 115-720 Table 1 : Water quality parameters for observed storm events (-) Samples temporal distribution does not correct evaluation of EMC values. * Value affected from uncertainty for unavailability of samplers in the second part of the hydrograph. ** The sewer reaches pressure flow conditions. For space reasons, alone 19/21 events are presented. 6 NOVATECH'2004 E v e nt 1 1 ( 1 7 / 0 3 / 0 1 ) 500 0.2 400 0.4 300 SWM M simulatio n * Experimental data 200 0.6 6 5 Mass Rate [kg/min] 0 Rainfall Intensity [mm/min] Flow Rate [l/s] E v e nt 1 1 ( 1 7 / 0 3 / 0 1 ) 600 0.8 100 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 4 3 * 1 0 1 600 0 100 200 E v e nt 1 9 ( 2 4 / 0 7 / 0 3 ) 0 SWM M simulatio n * Experimental data 0.012 200 0.018 100 0 150 200 250 300 350 0.024 400 Mass Rate [kg/min] Flow Rate [l/s] 0.006 400 100 10 600 SS (SWM M simulatio n) * SS (Experimental data) 5 0 0 100 Time [min] 200 Time [min] Figure 4 : Quantity and quality simulations for the events 11 (17/03/01) and 19 (24/07/03) NOVATECH'2004 500 15 Rainfall Intensity [mm/min] 500 50 400 E v e nt 1 9 ( 2 4 / 0 7 / 0 3 ) 600 0 300 Time [min] Time [min] 300 SS (SWMM simulation) SS (Experimental data) 2 7 300 400 Parameters Liquid part Samples concentration unseparated [mg/l] concentration [mg/l] Solid part % concentration [mg/l] % Samplers 1-2* COD 1720 575 33 1145 67 BOD5 850 270 32 580 68 Phosphorus 11,36 4,55 40 6,81 60 Lead 0,125 <0,01 0 0,125 100 Zinc 0,678 0,10 15 0,578 85 COD 1101 417 38 684 62 BOD5 550 190 35 360 65 Phosphorus 7,46 2,44 33 5,02 67 Lead 0,118 <0,01 0 0,118 100 Zinc 1,05 0,48 46 0,57 54 COD 741 337 45 404 55 BOD5 370 160 43 210 57 Phosphorus 3,96 1,71 43 2,25 57 Lead 0,088 <0,01 0 0,088 100 Zinc 0,40 0,02 5 0,38 95 Samplers 3-4* Samplers 5-6* • Because of analysis exigency, samples have been coupled. Table 2: Dissolved and adhered pollutants in the first fraction of the event N° 20. Parameter Value Surface buildup factor [Kg/haimp/day] 18 Buildup decay factor [1/day] 0.3 Washoff coefficient [1/mm] 0.13 WASHPO 1.2 Table 3 : Parameter values adopted in SWMM calibration. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research has been financed by MIUR 2002 and Premio Provinciambiente 2001, granted to Milan province. Special thanks are given to Paola Boriani for her contribution to this research while working on her thesis. 8 NOVATECH'2004
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