Bulletin - St. Charles Borromeo Parish, Boardman OH

St. Charles Borromeo Parish
7345 Westview Drive Boardman, Ohio 44512
Phone: 330-758-2325
Fax: 330-758-2004
Weekend of October 18 & 19, 2014
Our Mission Statement
We are the community of St. Charles Borromeo in Boardman, Ohio. Called by Baptism and centered in the Eucharist, we come together to worship, educate and proclaim
the Gospel. In gratitude for all God’s gifts, we are called
to be good stewards as we share our time, talent and
treasure. As disciples of the Lord, we continue Christ’s
mission of love, justice, and service to all.
Pastoral Council 2014-2015
Father Rogers, Father DeLucia, Valerie D'Apolito (Chair),
Jerre Patterson (Vice-Chair), Missy Frank (Secretary), Sr.
Mary Alyce Koval, Mary Jo Kubiak, Connie Spin, Courtnie
Sepe, Megan Carthwright Key, Janine Tarewshawty, Dennis
Palazzo, Joan Binsley, Terry Sell, Maureen Kandray, Warren
Gratz, Julie Pinto, Lisa Sklenar, Janice Cartwright, Paul Miller,
Theresa Provenzale, Mary Welsh, and Deacon Mike Kocjancic.
Saturday: 4:00 p.m.
Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:45 a.m., & 12:30 p.m.
Monday - Friday: 7:15 a.m. and 8:30 a.m.
Holy Day(s) Schedule: 7:00 a.m. and 8:30 a.m., 12:10 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Reconciliation: Saturday (Individual) 2:30-3:30 p.m.
Rosary: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. & Saturday 3:30 p.m.
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Monday — Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Phone: 330-758-2325
Fax: 330-758-2004
e-mail: office@stcharlesbdm.org
Parish Web Page: www.stcharlesparishboardman.com
Monday — Friday 7:20 a.m. - 3:20 p.m.
Phone: 330-758-6689
Fax: 330-758-7404
School Web Page: www.stcharlesschoolboardman.com
Convent: 330-758-2396
Rev. Philip Rogers, Pastor:
Rev. Gerald DeLucia, Parochial Vicar, President of CMHS:
Deacon Michael Kocjancic, Pastoral Associate:
Deacon Paul Lisko, Pastoral Associate:
Mrs. Erica Galvin, Coordinator of Communications:
Mrs. Diana Hancharenko, Pastoral Associate:
Mrs. Kathy Kocjancic, CCD Principal:
If you are interested in becoming Catholic or in learning more
about the Catholic Faith Tradition, please call Deacon Paul Lisko at
the parish office.
Mrs. Janette Koewacich, Coordinator of Religious Education:
Mrs. Nancy Mikos, Director of Finance and Operations:
Mr. Jacek Sobieski, Director of Music:
Mrs. Karen Stazak, Coordinator of Ministries:
Ms. Natalie Wardle, Coordinator of Youth Ministry:
Miss Mary Welsh, School Principal:
Mrs. Katherine Bobosky, Envelopes:
Mr. Dave Bucci, Coordinator of Maintenance:
Mrs. Kim Cerimele, Parish Secretary:
Mrs. Mary Pat Defino, Office Manager/Accountant:
Mrs. Lisa Granchie, Parish Secretary:
Mrs. Lisa Jordan, School Administrative Assistant:
Mrs. Missy Frank, Receptionist, Attendance Secretary:
Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo Parish! We hope you will find a
warm and welcoming home here. To build a vibrant parish community, we invite you to be actively involved in the parish. New
Parishioner registration takes place on the 4th Sunday of every
month (except Dec. and June) in the St. Charles Room, from 8:00
a.m. to 2:00 p.m. After you have registered you will receive an invitation to a new parishioner orientation event to meet other new
parishioners and learn more about our parish and our ministries.
Current parishioners who must leave us should call the parish office to notify us of a change of address or if you are moving out of
the parish all together. We will miss you and bid you God’s blessings.
If you or a family member is in a local hospital, please contact the
parish office so that ministers to the hospitals may be notified. If
you are homebound and would like a minister to bring you Eucharist, or if you would like a minister of care to visit a parishioner in a
nursing home, please contact the parish office.
Expectant parents are asked to attend parent preparation class to
help your family prepare for the special event of your child’s entrance into our faith community. Please call the Director of Religious Education to schedule the Baptism.
If you are planning to be married at St. Charles, your preparation
process must begin six months prior to your wedding date. Please
call the parish office for more information.
All information and materials for the bulletin should be emailed to
office@stcharlesbdm.org or typed and turned into the parish office by NOON on the FRIDAY – A week PRIOR to the bulletin
publication. An email submission is preferred, but a typed copy
with the contributor’s name and phone number may be submitted
for consideration. In the interests of story clarity and proper
spelling, handwritten notes are discouraged.
Weekend of October 18 & 19, 2014
From the Pastor’s Desk...
Engaging All of Us . . . This
past Sunday, we had a great
experience with our Stewardship Ministry Fair. In addition
to offering a variety of fun activities, presenting some very
talented handiwork by our
young people, we also had the
opportunity to see, up close
and personal, the wide variety
of on-going ministries here at
Saint Charles Borromeo Parish. A very big thank
you to Karen Stazak, Joan Binsley, all of the members of our Stewardship Commission, as well as representatives of our various ministries and organizations who gave up their Sunday afternoon to present
the good news of precisely what they do to make
Saint Charles Borromeo a better parish. This was a
very large task and all of those who assisted in any
way, are to be congratulated for their fine, fine job.
There really should have been a better showing of
parishioners on Sunday afternoon – don’t tell me,
Pittsburgh-Cleveland at 1:00 p.m. – but the Ministry
Fair kicked-off at 12-noon, a full hour before the
football kick-off. Those who did attend, I am sure,
will be most happy to tell you how beneficial an experience this was. Thank you to all who came,
thank you to all who set-up, cleaned-up, took up
their position at their station, sang for us, conducted
tours, did art work and wrote essays and the 101
other tasks that were undertaken to put forth such a
great exhibition of our parish’s stewardship in action. Great, great job!!
Having experienced the Ministry Fair, if through
no other means than by my account, it is now time
for each and every parishioner to come forth and
respond through the Stewardship Intention Form
that you received in the mail this week. It is now
your turn to make your commitment, your commitment of time, talent, and treasure. Please prayerfully consider your volunteer work as well as your financial support for the coming year. Do not just
throw the commitment form away, as that says
Celebrant Schedule:
Saturday, October 25
Sunday, October 26
4:00 p.m.: Father Rogers
7:30 a.m.: Fr. Rogers
9:00 a.m.: Fr. Rogers
10:45 a.m.: Fr. DeLucia
12:30 p.m.: Fr. DeLucia
Follow Us On:
something very serious about your view of Saint
Charles Borromeo Parish. As we well know, priests
come and priests go, but your relationship with your
parish is something that needs nurtured on your end
as well. So, take a moment, even if you are unable
or unwilling to actively participate in even one ministry, take a moment and fill out the intention form.
Own your choice, make your decision known, and
return your completed Stewardship Intention Form,
either in the collection basket, at the parish office or
through the mail. Your cooperation with the intention form is greatly appreciated.
On Thursday, November 13, 2014, A.C.T.I.O.N.
is bringing the African Children’s Choir back to
Youngstown. Some of you were present right here
at Saint Charles Borromeo Parish when the African
Children’s Choir performed last year. They provided
an entertaining as well as enriching evening for all
who were present. This year the African Children’s
Choir will be performing at Powers Auditorium at the
De-Yor Center in Youngstown. The concert will
begin at 7:00 p.m. Tickets for this year’s African
Children’s Choir can be purchased at the parish office. Tickets are $15.00 for adults, $5.00 for children 5-12, and children under 5 years old admitted
free of charge. It is sure to be another evening of
great entertainment, as well as support for a great
cause. Tickets will be available at the parish office
until Friday, October 31.
This very Sunday, we will have our spectacular
Spaghetti Dinner sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. The dinner will be held in the Father Haidet
Social Hall from 11:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Carry
out orders will be available beginning after the 9:00
a.m. this Sunday. (Now that’s my idea of a healthy
breakfast – spaghetti and meatballs!!) The K of C
will also be holding a basket raffle during the spaghetti dinner. The price is only $8.00 for adults,
$5.00 for children ages 6-12, and children under 12
years-old eat for free. This will be a guaranteed
great dinner at a great price. Join us this Sunday,
October 19, from 11:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. for the
spaghetti dinner.
On a completely different track, Saint Charles
Borromeo Parish is sponsoring a grief support group.
The group will meet on Tuesday, October 28, 2014
at 6:00 p.m. in the Saint Luke Room. Anyone coping with the struggles of grief is invited to attend.
Further information can be had by calling either
Deacon Paul or Diana at the Parish Office. . .
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Together, Let Us Pray
Please pray for the following...
Rev. Saeed Abidini
Jason Albanese
Joe Agresta
Rita Alberti
Carol Ambrecht
Susan Anderson
Mervat Awadalla
Keith Baglama
Carol Baluch
Dorothy Bantam
Charlie Barrett
Patty Bartoli
Bruce & Jill
Eve Bielecki
Laura Bilka
John Boris
Anita Bosau
Thomas Boyle
Gladys Buksar
Debbie Bush
J. Michael Campbell
Virginia Carney
F. Joseph Carothers
Gloria Chepak
Richard Coberly
Michael Collins
Pat Collins
Robert Comstock, Sr.
Theresa Conway
Pat Costello
Larry Craig
Susan Cutlip
Ann DeLoreto
Sonny & JoAnn Elmo
Jennifer Fedor &
Nathan Ferugo
George Finerty
Charles Fire
Pope Francis
John Freaney
Kevin Freaney
Carly Fusco
Bill Gassman
Nancy Gish
Cardinal Francis
Shaylynn Gosney
Billy Graff
Susan Granchay
Josie Greco
Don Guthrie
Lily Hami
Cindy Hatcher
Dale Hawkins
Kristen HersheySchell
Bonnie Hill
Ryan Houck
Dorothy Houlette
Hayden Johnson
Tina Johnson
Christine Kelley
Walt Kelly
Thomas Paul King
William Joseph King
Jordan Kling
Caitlyn Kostek
Angie Koval
Kevina Koval
Stephen Kraly
Sherry Kraly
Randy Kramer
Billy Kremer
Ron Langley
Donald Lariccia
Jason Laskowski
Tom Lawrence
Ruby Maag
Loretta Magrini
Bob Malenic
Terrence Martzial III
Mazzy Marzano
Ron Mascarella
Lauren Maurer
Tommy Maurer
Rielly McCarren
Lee McCarthy
George McClay
Arlene McClendon
Denise McCloud
Brendan McGowan
Patrick McGowan
Danny McGire
Pauline McKee
Stephen McKee
Dick Meshula
Steve Metcalfe
Kathy Micchia
Billie Moran
Jack Moran
Shirley Napoli
Alice Nicols
Steve Olenick
Don Oliver
Tom Oliver
Alberta Oliviri
Jean Orlando
Ann Orsinelli
Larry Ortz
Itala Pallante
Joe Parisi
Wilson Patterson
Johnny Pena
Bridget Perez
Steve Peterson
Ida Phillips
Kathy Pisano
Rev. Stephen
Michael Puskar
Joey Quinn & family
Justina Rachella
Joe Raghanti
Janice Rambo
Donna Randall
Debbie Reedy
Dolly Rich
Charles Richards
John Richardson
Joyce Richardson
Jodi Rhinehart
Keith Rhoades
Judy Robinson
Britain Roush
Ralph Ruggiero
Helen Rush
Jessica Russell
Marie Sammartino
Toni Savastano
John Schneider
Valerie Schilling
Licia Morelli
Ruthann Scritchfield
Debbie Crow-Scullen
Anthony Sertick, Sr.
Joan Senvisky
Jenny Simpson
Joe Simpson
Patty Simpson
LeeAnn Smith
Melinda Stanton
Joe Stasiak, Sr.
Eleanor Stoich
Lucille Stran
Connie Swan
Jason Taylor
Christine Terlesky
Fr. John Trimbur
Greg Vince
MaryAnn Wagner
Ossie Wangen
Don Ward
Nicklos Watt
Brian Welsch
Fabian Wiery
Rusty Wiery
Glenna Faye Wilkes
Ted Wojnarski
Viola Yaniglos
Joyce Yaslik
Paul Zabukovec
Andrea Zabukovec
Bill Zechman
Michelle Zierer
Please keep all men and women who are serving in the
military in your thoughts and prayers.
Lt Col. Joseph Alessi, US Army
Specialist Matthew Baker, US Army
Corporal Ryan Constantinovich, USMC
Sergeant Matthew Dermotta, USMC
Private Jay Dodge, US Army
Corporal Max Jacobs, USMC
Corporal Michael Jacobs, USMC
Major Sean Klimek, USAF
Sgt. David M. Letera, USMC
Lt. Junior Rev. Michael Marcelli, US Navy
Ensign Andrew Reichard, US Navy
Captain Patrick Roush, US Army
1st Lt. Brendan Sinchak, US Army
1st Lt. Scott Smith, US Army
First Sergeant Robert Wiery, US Army
Staff Sergeant Brandon Witherow, US Army
Staff Sergeant Brenton Witherow, US Army
If you have a son/daughter/family member serving in the
military and would like their name added to this list, please call
the parish office at 330-758-2325.
Lauren Kovach & Gary Flauto
St. Charles Prayer List
If you would like to add or remove a name from the
prayer list, please call the parish office at 330-758-2325.
St. Charles Prayer Chain
If you want a person/s added to the
Prayer Chain, please call Imelda
Schiffauer at 330-533-4058.
Prayer Shawls
Can you touch a prayer?
Can you pull it close and feel its comfort?
You can if it comes as a gift in the form of a Prayer Shawl.
Prayer Shawls are simple gifts of grace from God that are
prayerfully and lovingly stitched by volunteers of St.
Charles Graceful Hands and prayed over as a reminder
that God’s promise is always with us. Shawls can be useful
for: those undergoing medical procedures; as a comfort
after a loss or in times of stress; during bereavement; or for
prayer or meditation. Prayer Shawls are available to anyone free of charge. Please call the parish office to reserve
one or stop in to pick one up.
Weekend of October 18 & 19, 2014
Together, Let Us Pray
Mass Intentions
The 31 Club
Saturday, October 18
4:00 p.m. †Patsy & Mary Marion
Sunday, October 19
7:30 a.m. †Anthony Santisi
9:00 a.m. †Anna Bartolomeo
10:45 a.m. †Donald O’Halloran
12:30 p.m. †Carl & Mildred Clark
Jack Slifka
Lesley Siefert
Richard Tkach
Jack Slifka
Marianne Jording
Tom and Mary Rita Carney, Jack Slifka
Diane Barron
Bishop George Murry, S.J. will officially open the Year of Consecrated
Life in the Diocese of Youngstown on Sunday, October 26, 2014 at St.
Columba Cathedral at 10:30 a.m. All in the diocese are welcome to join in
this special opening liturgy. Light refreshments will be served at the St.
Columba hall following Mass sponsored by the Serra Club of Youngstown.
This week the sanctuary lamp will be lit
in memory of Anne & Albert Mihok
Monday, October 20
7:15 a.m. †Parishioners
8:30 a.m. †Guarino Greco
If you would like to join the 31 Club, whose members attend mass one
extra day of the month to pray for vocations, please contact Rosey Wilson
at rawilson8@yahoo.com or 330-726-9320 with the date that you choose to
pray for this intention.
Adorer's needed:
Eucharistic Exposition
Make a Difference in your prayer life ~
Exposition is an opportunity to spend personal time in
silence and prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.
Tuesday, October 21
7:15 am †Habeb & Fannie George, Thomas & Edward George
8:30 a.m. †Martin Carlon, Jr.
Please contact Dick Schiffauer at 330-533-4058 or
Mary Quinlan at 330-758-8242.
Wednesday, October 22
7:15 a.m. †Frances Sullivan
8:30 a.m. †Nik Amstutz
Thursday, October 23
7:15 a.m. †Anne Mihok
8:30 a.m. †Deceased members of the Guerriero family
Friday, October 24
7:15 a.m. †Patrick Lallo
8:30 a.m. †Joe Sylvester
Saturday, October 25
4:00 p.m. †Annabelle & Tom Moran
Sunday, October 26
7:30 a.m. †Kenneth & Isabelle Mahan
9:00 a.m. †The deceased members of the Mazerik-DeLuca families
10:45 a.m. †Lawrence Amendola
12:30 p.m. †Mildred & Robert Geltch
Offertory Gifts
If you have a Saturday/Sunday Mass scheduled and want your
family to carry up the Offertory Gifts, call the parish office a
week before the scheduled Mass time with the number of family
members (1-6) attending so we can inform the ushers. Please
arrive 10 minutes before Mass and let the ushers know you’re
Follow Us On:
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 12:13-21
Eph 2:12-22; Ps 85:9ab-14; Lk 12:35-38
Eph 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6;
Lk 12:39-48
Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18
19; Lk 12:49-53
Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6;
Lk 12:54-59
Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 13:1-9
Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51;
1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40
Table Talk with Deacon Mike:
I had a birthday two weeks ago. Birthdays always remind me of a great line from Fr. Venglarik as I
complained one year about, while enjoying a birthday that
ends in 0 (to me, they are milestones), I hate the ones that
end in any other number. He shook his head and said,
“And there’s so many more of those.”
Sixty-four years I’ve been on this planet. While I
am often referred to as the old man on staff (having been
on staff longer than anyone else), I like to think of myself
as the voice of wisdom. And what are some of the things
I learned during my life?
• Try as hard as you might, you will never find the
missing mate to a sock, which is why I personally buy
many pairs of socks exactly the same.
• Making a mess in your slippers is not necessarily the
way a dog shows its affection for you, no matter what
your wife tries to tell you.
• If you cannot make at least one person laugh each
day, that day is wasted. Life is too short to be
grumpy all the time.
• Personally, I think grandkids are the greatest gift God
can give to the world as a way of saying how much
He respects life.
• Just when you think it can’t get any worse, God will
come through!
• I don’t just need to pray to God each day – I need to
depend on God each day
• God must really, really love me to be so kind and give
me another day to get it right!
Clearin’ the table.
Social Justice
All Eligible Parishioner’s Civic Duties
and the November 2014 Elections
Part of the Church’s Social Justice Guidelines has to do with a
Church and parishioner’s member’s civic duties. Involvement in
the government process is essential and critical especially in a
republic which operates as a democracy. This means all eligible
citizens should be, or become, registered voters. All registered
voters should be, or become, aware of each candidate’s character,
record, qualifications for office, etc. All registered voters should
familiarize himself, or herself, with the issues on the ballot.
Are you registered? If not, why not? Have you moved and
updated the Board of Elections record of you as an active voter
and citizen? Will you be absent from the County or Country on
Election Day (Tuesday, November 4th, 2014)? Have you inquired
or read up on a candidate’s history, honesty, attendance and voting
record, views, etc? Are you familiar with the ramifications of an
issue or the overall cost of an existing or new tax levy? Is the
Common good being served by a particular candidate or new issue
or change to an existing issue? Are you an informed voter, making wise voting decisions?
Men and women have died in the service or their country
and/or during civil rights demonstrations and activities for this
precious Right to Vote. You owe it to your family and neighborhood, village, city, county, the Country, to the Parish and the
Church, and most of all, to yourself to exercise this sacred franchise. Many elections are decided by just a very narrow margin of
counted votes. Your individual vote can and often does make a
difference on some issues and candidate’s victory or loss. Please
seriously consider registering to vote if you are not registered.
Please carefully vote when you do go to the polls. We are living
in some of the most historic times in the history of our communities and country and the world. Please participate in these historic
by Terry Sell
-LIFE PROMISE PRAYERis available on the bookrack in the hallway.
First Friday Club of Greater Youngstown
11:30 AM Antone’s Banquet Center
Thursday, 6 November 2014
Remembering Vatican II
Massimo Faggioli, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Theology
University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN
Reservations by Friday, 31 October 2014
$10.00 donation requested to Ministry Office
Church’s OCTOBER Prayer IntenƟon
That the Lord may grant peace to those parts of the
world most baƩered by war and violence, we pray…
…Lord, hear our prayer.
Liturgy Continental Brunch Series
Join Deacon Mike for breakfast as he examines
The Top 10 Moments In Church History
Wednesday Mornings in October
7:45 -8:25 AM, St. Matthew Meeting Room
“Hey, why didn’t my birthday make the list?” --Deacon Mike
Weekend of October 18 & 19, 2014
Our Young Disciples
A.M. Encounter for BHS Students
For all parents of children in 2nd
grade who will be receiving their
First Holy Communion.
Sacrament of Reconciliation— Parent Meeting
Please attend one of the following dates:
Monday, October 20, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. (School Cafeteria)
Tuesday, October 21, 2014 at Noon (St. Mark Room)
The session will be approximately one hour long.
At least one parent is required to attend the session.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Religious Education Office at 330-758-8063.
Do you enjoy a cool Australian accent
and the company of friends? Are you
looking to discover the Best Version of
Yourself? Then gather with other Catholic
students at Boardman High School for a bit of wisdom
from Matthew Kelly (the guy with the cool accent), followed by conversation (no accent necessary) and prayer
every Tuesday morning in room 101. Parishioners from
St. Charles and St. Luke will be gathering each week from
7:15 – 7:35 a.m. for an encounter with our Lord as we explore how to become the best version of ourselves. What
a great way to start the day! Please call Natalie Wardle in
the youth ministry office 330-758-0375, if you
have any questions.
Our Young Disciples at the Parish’s Ministry Fair
Natalie and Angelee Blasko take a photo with Pope
Francis in the ministry fair’s photo booth. Photo
courtesy of YoMojo Photo Booth Rentals.
Members of the children’s choir sing at this year’s ministry fair.
Students’ artwork on display
in the St. Luke
Room on what
means to them.
Follow Us On:
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Our Parish at a Glance
Our Time, Our Talent, & Our Treasure
Events of the Week
Sunday, October 19
9:00 a.m.
CCD (School)
9:00 a.m.
JAM (St. Matthew)
10:00 a.m.
RCIA (St. Mark)
10:45 a.m.
JAM (St. Matthew)
11:30 a.m.
Sorting Coats (St. Matthew)
K of C Spaghetti Dinner (Hall & Kitchen)
2:30 p.m.
8th Grade CCD (Matthew)
6:00 p.m.
Advent Brunch Committee (St. Luke)
6:00 p.m.
Life Night (Loft)
Monday, October 20
9:00 a.m.
Rosary (Chapel)
9:00 a.m.
Soup Kitchen (Kitchen)
10:00 a.m.
Filling baskets for card party (St. Matthew)
Fr. Balasko Bible Study (St. Luke)
5:30 p.m.
CCD (School)
6:00 p.m.
Geneaology (St. Matthew)
6:00 p.m.
New Ministers Formation (Chapel)
7:00 p.m.
Scouts Pack Meeting (Hall)
Tuesday, October 21
9:00 a.m.
Rosary (Chapel)
First Reconciliation Parents Meeting (St. Mark)
6:00 p.m.
Bereavement Ministers Meeting (St. Luke)
6:30 p.m.
Hand bells (Hall)
7:00 p.m.
Pastoral Council (St. Mark)
Wednesday, October 22
7:45 a.m.
Liturgy Brunch (St. Matthew)
9:00 a.m.
Rosary (Chapel)
4:30 p.m.
Yoga (St. Luke)
5:00 p.m.
Ankle & Foot Support Group (St. Matthew)
6:00 p.m.
SCC Meeting (Library)
7:00 p.m.
Parish Life (St. Luke)
7:00 p.m.
Celebrate (Loft)
Thursday, October 23
9:00 a.m.
Rosary (Chapel)
6:00 p.m.
Contemporary Ensemble (Church)
6:30 p.m.
Adult Choir (Choir Room)
Friday, October 24
9:00 a.m.
Exposition/24 hours (Chapel)
9:00 a.m.
Rosary (Chapel)
Saturday, October 25
8:45 a.m.
Closing of Exposition (Chapel)
2:30 p.m.
Reconciliations/Confessions (Chapel)
3:30 p.m.
Rosary (Church)
Stewardship Thought of the Week:
Today’s Gospel is not only a question about taxes, but rather, a question about Church and state. Do we allow our
political affiliations to shape and form our belief in Church
teaching or do we truly allow our relationship with Christ
and His Church to challenge our understanding and opinions in the public forum. May our sense of faith and stewardship invite us to always put Christ first.
Our Gift of Treasure for October 11 & 12
Offertory Collection: $29,160.73 Online: $3,109.00
Children’s Collection: $92.00
Education Endowment $16.00
Capital Fund: $410.00
Catholic Exponent: $378.70
2043 Parishioners & Visitors were in attendance
To Honor Our Veterans
Sunday, November 9, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. Mass
The Community of St. Charles Parish will recognize the
men and women of our parish who have served and those
currently serving our country in uniform.
If you are a veteran and wish to take part, please return
the reservation form to the Parish Office by Monday, 3
November 2014.
A continental breakfast will be provided by The Parish
Life Commission immediately following Mass in the Matthew Meeting Room for veterans and their immediate family.
Military branch:________________________________
Years served:__________________________________
Number attending: _____________________________
Weekend of October 18 & 19, 2014
Our Parish at a Glance
A big thank you shout-out to the many, many parishioners who helped make our Stewardship
Ministry Fair a SUCCESS, from those who helped with preparation, intention form mailing,
ministry display design, set-up, booth manning, tour leaders, refreshments....the list goes
on! It was inspiring to see all of the many ways St. Charles Parishioners Make a Difference
here and in our community! Information was shared and a great time was had by all.
Priesthood Sunday
Priesthood Sunday is a day to reflect upon and affirm the priesthood as a central role in the life of the Church. This year Priesthood Sunday will be celebrated on Sunday, October 26, 2014.
You can show your appreciation of their ministry with a personal
thank you after mass, a card signed by all of the members of your
family, or a spiritual bouquet. Parish organizations could also
include a prayer for priests in the mass intentions or sponsor a
coffee and donut reception after mass. To find more information
on how you can celebrate this day and thank your priest(s) go to
www.priestsunday.org. The information is offered by the Serra
Club, an organization that works to help build awareness of vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
Priesthood Sunday offers an opportunity for priests and their parishioners to build a stronger working relationship. Take a few
moments on Priesthood Sunday to thank your parish priests for
their commitment to the diocese and their parish communities.
Come to the Table – and Bring Your Bible
Sundays, November 2, 9, 16 at 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. in the
St. Matthew Room
Why we do what we do?
How many are aware that what we say and do at Mass
comes from Sacred Scripture? Using the Constitution on
the Sacred Liturgy, The General Instructions of the Roman Missal III, videos, and the Bible, Deacon Mike will
examine the intent and structure of the liturgy. Participants are asked to bring their Bible, with other material
Ladies Guild meeting is Monday, October 20,
2014 at 10:00 a.m. in the St. Matthew Room.
We want everybody who belongs to Ladies
Guild to help out. We want everyone to bring
ten items to fill our baskets. It could be baked
goods, canned goods, spaghetti sauce, etc.
Bring it with you on Monday, October 20, if
not before. Don’t put it in the baskets in the
gathering space. We need your help!
If you have any questions, please call Clara
Please note:
Our Lady's Rosary Maker's will not be meeting in October.
Meetings will resume November 18, 2014 and November 20,
St. Charles Ladies Bowling League:
Join today for exercise, fun and friendship. Meets
10:00 a.m. every Wednesday, starting September
through April at Camelot Lanes. For more information
or to join, call Teresa Flora at 330-965-3915.
Martha’s Cupboard
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted”- Matthew 5:4
Experiencing grief for any reason can be challenging to endure.
St. Charles would like to provide a community and network of
support to try to navigate these difficulties. Support groups are
a great way to help one another to work through the ongoing
struggles of grief.
Our first meeting and information session will be held on Tuesday, October 28 at 6 p.m. in the St. Luke room. We plan to
meet on the 4th Tuesday of the month ongoing, dependent on
interest and attendance.
Please call Diana or Deacon Paul in the parish office at 330758-2325 with any questions.
Follow Us On:
A great big thank you to the children of St. Charles
School. Because of you, we were able to feed 98 people
who came to us for help on Wednesday, September 17.
As always, thanks to all of the parishioners who donated
food and/or cash to our never ending effort.
This week our wish list includes, cereal, side
dishes, canned fruit, toilet paper, Ramen
Noodles, pasta, Spaghetti O’s, and spaghetti
sauce. Thank you for your kind generosity!
The next distribution will be:
Wednesday, November 19, 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
In Our Community
The Catholic Exponent
Seminary Live-In
Working with the Office of Vocations in our diocese, the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus will be hosting a Live-In
weekend for young men who are juniors and seniors in high
school or are college students who are interested in knowing more
about seminary life. The weekend begins at 4:00 pm on Thursday,
October 23 and concludes Saturday, October 25 in the afternoon.
The Live-In schedule will include a tour of the campus, discussions, meals and prayer with the college seminarians, attendance at
classes and time for recreation. There is no charge for the weekend. For further information, please see your parish priest or contact Fr. Christopher Luoni, Vocation Director at 330-744-8451 or
Fr. John Rozembajgier at the Jospehinum at 614- 985-2244.
St. Patrick Altar Guild is having a Card Party/Bingo/Salad
Buffet at St. Patrick Social Hall, 1420 Oak Hill in Youngstown on Sunday, October 26, 2014 from 1:00 p.m. till 3:30
p.m. Tickets are $5.00 per person at the door.
The Catholic Exponent is seeking a parttime freelance graphic designer who can
design attractive pages for our print edition. The job is an every-weekend telecommuting assignment, requiring 3-5
hours of work each weekend from your
location, with the ability to send and receive online. Qualifications: Experience in graphic design (especially print newspaper/magazine design). Ease in working with In-Design and
Photoshop. Self-motivated with excellent time management
skills (to meet deadlines) and organizational skills (to plot out
entire section per available space and hierarchy of stories/art).
Familiarity with and respect for the post-Vatican II Catholic
Church. Interested candidates should send resume, cover letter
and 3-5 samples of newspaper/magazine-style page design, by
Oct. 22, to: Elaine Polomsky Soos, Managing Editor, Catholic
Exponent, esoos@youngstowndiocese.org. Finalists must agree
to do a tryout via email.
Night at the Races
St. Nick’s Craft Show
Sponsored by St. Nicholas Mom’s and Dad’s Club
Saturday, October 25, 2014
10:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m.
St. Nick’s Great Hall
764 5th Street, Struthers, 44471
Please join us for our annual craft show filled with
crafts, vendors, and food.
You can find something for everyone! Concessions will
be open with a full menu!
Please call the parish office at 330-755-9819 or email
Natalie at natt6391@gmail.com.
Sponsored by Bishop James W. Malone Council #12756
St. Luke Parish Hall
5235 South Ave
Boardman, Ohio
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Doors open at 5:30 p.m.
Races start at 6:30 p.m.
Refreshments included (beer,
pop, water, hot dogs, sloppy joes, and snacks).
50/50 Raffle– Winner need not be present.
Affirming the Sanctity of Marriage— An Invitation
Bishop Murry invites couples who are married to civilly, but
not in the Church to inquire about beginning the validation
process (Having your marriage blessed by the Church). Please
contact the parish office at your earliest convenience to inquire
about beginning the necessary steps leading to the validation of
your marriage.
Are you interested in making a difference in the
lives of others?
Companion Volunteers needed to visit Hospice patients in
Mahoning, Columbiana, and Trumbull Counties. For an
application or to reserve a spot, please call 1-800-640-5180
Training will be held October 24 – November 21, 2014 at 1:004:30 p.m. at the Hospice House, 9803 Sharrott Road, Poland, Ohio.
This bulletin is furnished to the Parish without charge. The advertisements that appear, completely defray the
costs. Please patronize these sponsors located in the back of the bulletin. Thank them for supporting our
Parish. Our sponsor this week is LifeWatchUSA.
Weekend of October 18 & 19, 2014