Notices - St Peters Anglican Church

PO Box 749
Office open Mon – Fri (9.00 am - 12.30 pm)
Our Aim: “To know Christ and to make Him known”
Phone: (02) 6772 2269
Fax: (02) 6772 0188
Sunday, 19th October, 2014
Trinity 18 / Ordinary Sunday 29
�Surely Not in Vain’
Psalm 73 (pg 465 ‒ NRSV) Matthew 22: 34 – 40 (pg 804 ‒ NRSV)
7.30 am Cathedral – Holy Communion – Preach: Rev Simon Reeve
Lead: Rev Polly Wong
9.30 am Cathedral – Morning Prayer & Baptism – Preach: Rev Simon Reeve
(with CrГЁche & Kidschurch)
Lead: Rev Polly Wong
6.00 pm Cathedral – TAS Boarders’ Service – Preach: Rev Simon Reeve
Lead: Rev Jonathan Peart
8.00 am St Mary’s, West Armidale – Holy Communion & Baptism
Preach – Rev Graham Farley
~ Message
from Rev Peter Smart ~
Dear Friends
There is a fine line between fatalism (whatever will be, will be) and trusting in
God’s sovereign will. We have a clear statement by St Paul (Romans 8: 28) that in all
things God works for the good of those who love him and who have been called
according to his purpose. The fatalist says, what is going to happen, will happen, so
we just have to accept it. This is not Christian.
Christians believe that we are all responsible and must work with our heavenly
Father who loves us and seeks our best. We pray and obey, and God works his
purposes out, in and through us. Because he is a good God we can trust him for our
ultimate good.
All things WILL work for the good of those who love God even through the
troubles of this life.
May He bless and keep you this week.
Peter Smart
Historical Note ~
“Forever, Separated, Dedicated and Consecrated”
With these words on 10th July 1873, Bishop James Turner consecrated the Church
of St Nicholas’, Saumarez Ponds, in the Diocese of Grafton and Armidale, to
which Armidale then belonged. It had been opened on 26 th October, 1864 by
Bishop William Tyrrell, Bishop of Newcastle, to which Diocese Armidale then
belonged. It is the oldest Church still in regular use in the parochial district of
Armidale. On Sunday, 26th October, 2014, at 3.00 pm, the Sesqui-Centenary will
be celebrated with a Church service, social gathering and exhibition of
The Church is built on an acre of land given by John and Margaret Cochrane,
Irish emigrants, 7 kilometres south-east of Armidale, in 1842. The vestry was
added in 1871. It is constructed of pit-sawn stringybark and feather-edged
weatherboards, with imported pine and red cedar featured on the interior. Many
properties were taken up in the district, and by 1900 there was a regular
congregation, a flourishing Sunday School and an enthusiastic choir, with
concerts, baptisms, weddings and funerals held in the Church, with the ministry
of Armidale clergy.
The coming of motor transport brought a change of lifestyle for many of the local
landholders and the Church was closed and not maintained for some years.
Owing to the extensive restoration work carried out by Dr Lionel Gilbert, Mr Jock
Elphick, the Armidale Rotoract Club and other volunteers during the midnineteen-seventies, the Church was re-opened in 1977.
Since 1988, Miss Enid Isaacs, OAM, lay-reader, has conducted monthly services in
St Nicholas’, and has contributed to the beautification of the furnishing,
particularly with a fine hand-made tapestry altar-cloth. Clergy from St Peter’s
Cathedral visit regularly to celebrate Holy Communion, most recently, the Rev
Graham Farley.
Many of the names associated with the early years of St Nicholas’ are found in the
district today, including Ferris, Cochrane, Frost, Frazier, Edmonds, Dawson,
Symington, Loan, Moffatt and Bell. Some of the unique features which may be
seen in St Nicholas’ are the harmonium organ, (presided over now by Ruth
Sainsbury), with the inscription on the pedals �Guaranteed mouse-proof” and the
iron bell, cast in 1860, summoning the congregation to worship, beside the
entrance. Present and past parishioners, and all visitors, will be welcome to
attend the Sesqui-Centenary celebration at 3.00 pm on Sunday October, 2014. A
detailed account of the history of St Nicholas’ may be borrowed from the
Archives Centre.
Jean Newall, Archivist
A welcome invitation to St Nicholas’, Saumarez Ponds, on Sunday,
26th October at 3.00 pm to celebrate 150 years. Those able to attend,
could you kindly bring a small plate of nibbles for afternoon tea.
(Contact Geoff Green on 0427 007 185 for more information.)
Notices & Requests ~
Meetings in October:
Parish Council – Tuesday, 21st at 7.30 pm in MR1
Courthouse Coffee: Monday, 20th October – Maureen Smith, Moyna Grant (CWL)
Ray’s Jams of 3 fruits and grapefruit marmalade will be on sale today at the
Cathedral (morning services) and St Mary’s.
Monday Manna:
Christianity Explored continues tomorrow,
Monday, 20th October from 5.30 – 6.30 pm in MR1.
Prayer for Armidale: The October Prayer for Armidale meeting will be held at
Church of Christ (Fresh Hope), Newling School Hall, 80 Chapel St, 7.30 pm on
Monday, 20th October. Please come along and pray for our city. The meeting runs
for about an hour with supper after.
Finance Report for September 2014: St Peter’s offerings were on Budget for the first
quarter of this financial year. Total receipts were $1,777 less than budget. We
recorded an operating deficit YTD of $9,552. Donations for International Student
Ministry were on budget for the quarter and ISM expenses exceeded receipts by
Armidale Inter-Church Women’s World Community Day Service will be held at
the Uniting Church on Friday, 31st October at 10.00 am. Speaker will be Mrs Betty
Pearson, giving an address entitled “Building with Godly Wisdom”. Morning tea to
follow. All welcome.
Board Games Night: If you are interested in a board games night, come along to
Sue Jaggar’s (15km out of town – Donald Rd) on the evening of 24th October.
Contact Sue for details (0419846302 or
Dean’s Farewell – sign-up sheets also available to indicate if you will be attending
the combined Parish service and luncheon on Sunday, 9 th November at 9.30 am.
Dean’s Farewell & Lunch: We are hoping to out-source the catering for this lunch
so that parishioners are freed to attend the Communion Service and enjoy the
occasion. However, it would be most helpful to have some volunteers to bake
gluten-free quiches or frittatas for those with dietary needs. Some slices, brought on
serving plates and placed on tables after lunch, would also be appreciated. Please
advise the Parish Office if you can help. The speeches will be held outside the
Cathedral and it is suggested that you might like to bring along a hat and folding
chair or rug to sit on. There will be limited seating available for those who need it.
We need your photos! Do you have any photos of the Williams’ during their 13
years of ministry at the Cathedral? Please send digital prints to or hardcopies can be delivered to the Cathedral
office for scanning. Any questions, please see Alison Reeve.
Once again we are appealing for helpers to decorate the Cathedral
for the St Peter’s Garden Weekend. We will be doing this on Friday
morning, 31st October 2014 from 8.00 a.m.
If you enjoy working with flowers do come and join us. It is a
lovely, relaxing morning and we all offer encouragement to one
another as we do the arrangements. As you would be aware, there are many to
do, so any help is greatly appreciated. We also need people to polish the brass
vases and plaques. We would also appreciate donations of flowers and greenery
from your gardens. This helps to keep the costs down as flowers become more
expensive. If you are able to help in any way, please phone Ros Townsend (6772
6015) or Joan Monty (6772 7049).
The Garden Weekend is nearly here and there are a few housekeeping matters to
attend to:
Firstly, if you have items for the Plant Stall the delivery time is 4.00pm on Friday,
31st October at 151 Mann Street where Rob and Isabel Pollard will be collecting
things from you;
Secondly, cake and produce items can be delivered to the Parish Centre on
Saturday 1st November from 8.30 am onwards. If your donation is not perishable
the Parish Hall will be open on Friday, 31st October;
Next, Craft items can be left any time from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm on Friday,
31st October so that Chris Pratt will be able to price the given items; and,
Books can be left any time from now on at the Parish Centre where Jonathan will
handle their organisation.
We have also been offered iris rhizomes for the Plant Stall but we will need help to
dig these up. If you can help please contact Elizabeth Robins 6772 6579 to
organise date and time and the address of where we need to get them from.
After our meeting on Monday night, we realised that we need to have more
donations of sandwiches for the lunches on Sunday, 2nd November. If you can
make a loaf of bread into sandwiches for that Sunday can you please let Elizabeth
Thank you to everyone for your generosity and we are looking forward to a very
happy and successful weekend.
Elizabeth Robins (Chairperson)
The AYF Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday,
22nd October, 2014, at 7.30 pm in St Peter’s Parish Centre, followed by
supper. All interested in the SRE ministry are invited to attend.
You are invited to another wonderful Prayer and Pancake Breakfast to pray for SRE
teacher Les Moreman and high school students in the SRE program. High School
SRE depends on your prayers. This will be held on Saturday, 25th October at the
Armidale Community Church, Markham St from 8.30 – 10.00 am. Gold coin
Safe Ministry Training
Essentials (for those who have never done any Safe Ministry training)
Monday 27th Oct
Part A
7.00 – 9.00 pm
cost $5
Monday 3rd Nov
Part B
7.00 – 9.00 pm
cost $5
Refresher (for those who need to update ie, did Safe Ministry 3 years ago)
Monday 17th Nov
7.00 - 9.30 pm cost $5
Centenary Celebration: A service to celebrate the Centenary of the Armidale
Diocese will be held on Saturday, 8th November from 11.00 am to 12.30 pm at
Lazenby Hall at the University of New England. This service will be
followed by a luncheon in the grounds. To assist with the catering, would you
please put your name down on the sign-up sheets available at the various Parish
services to indicate that you will be attending.
Women's Gingerbread House: Please come along to our Women's
Gingerbread House Afternoon on Saturday, 22 nd November at 2.00 pm.
This year it will cost $28 for a kit and money needs to be paid to confirm your place.
Please take an invite as this is a great event to bring your friends to, as there will be
a short Christmas message. Tickets on sale now – See Alison Reeve 6772 8783.
~ Summary of Important Events ~
(please put them in your diary and pray for them)
Wednesday, 22nd October
7.30 pm: AYF AGM – Parish Centre.
Sunday, 26th October
3.00 pm: Sesquicentenary Celebrations at St Nicholas’.
Saturday 1 & Sunday 2
St Peter’s Armidale Gardens Weekend.
Sunday, 5pm: Evensong
Saturday, 8th November
11.00 am – 12.30 pm: Anglican Diocese of Armidale
Centenary Celebrations at Lazenby Hall, UNE.
Sunday, 9th November
The Dean’s Last Sunday & Farewell Lunch.
Sunday, 16th November
Confirmation Service
Saturday, 22nd November
Women’s Gingerbread House
St Mary’s News ~
The Collect for St Luke, Evangelist and Martyr, whose day falls on the
18th October, will be said at today’s service.
At the 8.00 am service today a new member of the Kingdom family, will be
baptized. After the service, the birdbath in the front garden will be dedicated
to the memory of Gordon Langley Kingdom, Jeanette Anne Kingdom and
Geoffrey Gordon Kingdom. Light refreshments will be served afterwards in
the Hall. All welcome.
With the �Blessing of the Animals’ now successfully over, St Mary’s is
concentrating on being ready for St Peter’s Garden Weekend (Saturday,
1st/Sunday, 2nd November). In addition to St Mary’s attractive garden setting,
there will be wonderful displays in the Church of Jan Clark’s beautiful work
and interesting displays of St Mary’s past, particularly the Sunday School, in
the Hall.
St Mary’s has ordered twelve 2015 Australian Anglican Church Calendars
which should arrive soon. They will be on sale at St Mary’s at a cost of $12.
Please ring Gwenda Shannon (6772 6437) if you would like one kept for you.
Alas, Armidale Diocese is not pictured this time but it is very interesting to
see the wide variety of Anglican Church designs throughout Australia. The
Calendar, of course, features the daily colours, holidays and Saints’ Days
plus selected scriptures.
Mission News ~
One week to go until the Book Sale in St Mary’s Hall on Saturday morning
from 8.30 am to noon, 25th October. Please contact Gwenda Shannon
(6772 6437) if you have books to donate and would like to deliver them.
There will be someone in St Mary’s Hall on Tuesday and Wednesday
mornings. They can also be collected.
Here’s a last quote before the Sale. Jeremy Lewis stated, “I’ve given up
worrying about the books I’ll never get round to reading. I’m more than
happy to recycle Trollope, Edith Wharton and Evelyn Waugh, ad infinitum,
with an occasional dash of Auden and Yeats, but I know perfectly well that
Proust and Finnegans Wake are quite beyond me, that I’ll never get beyond
page 2 of Tristram Shandy, and that The Fairie Queen will remain forever a
closed book. But I do feel guilty about Shakespeare, and worry about going
to my grave in a state of shameful ignorance.”
If anyone shares the same worry, Shakespeare will definitely be available at
the Sale.
ABM Christmas cards are now available at the Parish Office (week mornings
only) and at St Mary’s on Sunday mornings. There are two designs in packets
of ten and cost $10 per packet.
Prayers ~
“We call upon you, Lord, for you answer us;
incline your ear to us, hear our words.
Keep us as the apple of the eye;
hide us in the shadow of your wings.”
(Psalm 17: 6, 8)
Almighty and everlasting God, mercifully look on our infirmities; and in
all our dangers and necessities stretch out your right hand to help and
defend us; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Pray for Year 12 students who are continuing to sit their HSC exams.
Pray for the successful organisation and preparation for this year’s St
Peter’s Garden Weekend.
Give thanks for the recent rain this week and pray for follow-up in the
weeks to come.
Pray for the all those affected by the worsening Ebola crisis, that
combined international efforts will work uniformly to contain and
control the spread of this disease. Pray also for those grieving the loss of
family members, particularly throughout West Africa.
Pray for members and friends of our parish serving God elsewhere:
пѓ� Secure Workers with CMS
пѓ� Malcolm and Charissa Forrest (CMS in Amman)
пѓ� Gillian Law (CMS in Italy)
пѓ� Keith and Mary Lou Doe (CMS preparation to go to Nepal)
пѓ� Chris Campbell (home from SIM in Niger)
пѓ� David and Alisan Greeff (CMS in Namibia)
пѓ� Carissa Hutchinson (India) (
пѓ� Glen and Annette Simpkins (Scripture Union in the Northern Territory)
пѓ� Nick and Caroline Stone (in training at SMBC)
пѓ� Brent and Elizabeth Weightman (Bingara)
пѓ� Peter Curtis (Chaplain, Gunnedah High School)
пѓ� Tim and Sophie Pullar (home from OM in Paris)
Please pray for those who are ill and those who care for them:
Kylie Alcorn
Lola Baker
Betty Chiswell
Helen Dangar
Joyce Gow
Chris Halligan
Allan Hatte
Enid Isaacs
Annie Lamble
Rick Lewers
Raphael Martin
Ann Munday
John Sinden
Creena Waters
Please pray for those who are grieving, remembering especially the family
and friends of:
Don Roberts
Katie Mitchell
Lola Taylor
Cal Birtles
Kevin Creagan
Jean Stewart
Priscilla Mamer’s brother
Jean Peatfield
Mona Ward
Allan Edmunds
Reynold Mullen
Ann Lemcke
Bruce Goldsmith
Neil Lomas
Peter Chiswell
Betty Jenkins
Barbara (Babs) Field
Bryan Pape
Karen Bannon
Dal Fayle
June Jackson
Edgar Bradley
(It is our custom to keep names in this section for a year following their deaths, unless otherwise requested by family members.)
Wed 22nd Oct
10.00 am – Cathedral – Holy Communion & Mission Intercessions – Rev S Reeve
11.00 am – Wollemi – Rev S Reeve
Sun 26th Oct Trinity 19/OS 30 (G) – �The Mystery of Prayer’
7.30 am – Cathedral – Holy Communion – Rev P Smart
8.00 am – St Mary’s, WA – Holy Communion – Rev S Reeve
9.30 am – Cathedral – Holy Communion – Rev P Smart
10.00 am – All Saints’, Thalgarrah – Rev S Reeve
3.00 pm – St Nicholas’, Saumarez – Sesquicentenary – Bishop R Lewers
6.00 pm – Parish Centre – Rev P Smart
BIBLE READINGS for the Cathedral – Sunday, 26th October, 2014.
Morning Services:
Philippians 4: 4 – 7
Matthew 6: 1 – 15
7.30 am
D Robins
C Pratt
9.30 am
L Creagan
P Iji
Evening Service: 6.00 pm
M Matthew
J Hatte
Grounds Roster for w/e 25 October: T Pullar, D Robins, B Seppelt, J Trestrail.
All notices for the SUNDAY SIGN (in writing or via e-mail) to be in the Parish Office
no later than 12.30 pm, Tuesday. Thank you.