Tidings Newsletter.pub - Peace Lutheran Church Dresser, WI

The Tidings of Peace
Peace Lutheran Church
Church Office: 755-2515 or
Website: www.plcdresser.org
Find us on facebook!
Office open: Tues.-Fri. 7am-5pm
Where to find it!
April Servant Schedule
Pastor Jon’s Message
Holy Week/Easter Schedule
Parish Nurse Notes
Executive Secretary
Pat Adam
Email: plcexecsec@gmail.com
SEEK GOD and April SHINE Focus
VBS & Summer Splash
Council President
Dale Cotch
Education Ministry
Youth Ministry
HS Upcoming Events
April Birthdays
Letter from Troops in Liberia
Outreach Opportunities
Cemetery Flower Care
Business as Usual
Things to Do!
Church Contacts
Bridge Pastor
Jon Becker
Email: peace@centurytel.net
Parish Nurse
Karen Fossum
Email: plcparishnurse@gmail.com
Director of Christian
Ronda Haley
Email: plceddir@gmail.com
Jodi Swenson and Cindy Doiron
Kathy Vesperman
Financial Secretaries
Dorothy Lindholm and
Bonnie Crary
April Servant Schedule
8:30 am
April 5-Easter
Prokop/Todd families
Lay Readers Sara Haase
Aaron & Miranda Hartman
McKenna Hollman
10:45 am
Chris Chinander
Norma Lundgren
Garrett Johnson
April 5-6:30 am Ushers: Jon Riemer family
April 12-Praise Band at 10:45 service
Mark & Maria Gjovig
Lay Reader Volunteer?
Aaron & Miranda Hartman
Blake Slater
Alan Puterbaugh family
Mary Drinkwine
Dale & Lori Getschel
Colin Krentz
April 19
Dick Blattner & Dave Stephansen
John & Pat Adam
Lay Readers Danielle Nelson
Ilene Chapman
Mavis Lindahl & Angie LaMirande Barb Hanson
Trevor LaMirande
Ryan Leidle
April 26-Praise Band at 10:45 service
Bruce Swenson & Paul Lindholm
Lay Readers Anne Miller Solsrud
Jerry Kolve & Betty Kolve
Madison Link
John Haley & Peter Ward
Michelle Ward
Adam Orton
Altar Guild: 8:30– Sandy Ball 10:45– Shawn Busby
Communion Helper: 8:30-Alice Moris 10:45-Angie Gehrman
Pastor’s Page
Dear Brothers and Sisters of our Resurrected
life, death and resurrection, and again
know the joy of hope. In the resurrected
Jesus, there is hope for us and hope for this
Sometimes we are almost overwhelmed by
the events and problems that surround us
in daily life. We are rightfully concerned
about many things:
A marriage that seems to be falling
apart, slowly, right before our eyes;
Problems with our children and their
actions, the words they use, the things
they say they believe in;
Polluted water, air and land; dumps
filled to overflowing with waste; a
desperate need to begin recycling;
Drugs and alcohol abuse right here in
northern Wisconsin;
Loneliness, depression and sorrow
sometimes seem to be growing out of
control inside us;
Easter means hope! Easter means that
death and evil have been defeated once
and for all. Although the power of evil and
hate and despair seem to be so strong, they
will not triumph. Our Easter hope may
manifest itself in surprise happenings or in
long, time consuming steps, but in Christ
we do have hope. Change and growth and
rebirth are possible in our Resurrected Lord.
Just as spring brings us new life, joy, and
beauty with the colorful flowers and soft
green buds on trees after the bleak drabness
of winter, so too does Christ bring growth,
rebirth, and change into our lives and into
our world.
This spring, as we enjoy the crocus, tulips,
and lilies, may their beauty and rebirth
remind us of Christ's resurrection and the
hope He has brought to earth.
As demonstrated in many countries,
one individual in a position of power
can cause the death of thousands and
thousands of people and cause tragic
things to happen that affect our whole
May God bless you this Easter season.
Pastor Jon
Abuse of children, spouses, and the
Christ came to fill
our hearts with joy,
our minds with truth,
our souls with peace,
our lives with love.
Christ came to fill,
to leave nothing empty but a tomb.
It does often seem that most things in this
world and in our life are hopeless. When
we feel this way, trapped by the
circumstances in which we feel caught, we
then need to read the Good News of Jesus'
Easter Schedule
Sunday, March 29th
8:30 & 10:45 am Services with Choir Cantata
Thurs., April 2nd-Maundy Thursday
6:00 pm Potluck Supper
6:30 pm Mentors/Students meet
7:00 pm Worship Service
Good Friday
9:00-11:45am Good Friday Mini-Camp (Kindg.-6th grade)
Easter Sunday
6:30, 8:30 & 10:45 am Worship Services
Breakfast served by Mission Trip youth 7:30-10:30 am
This Easter we are displaying the beautiful flowers as an “Easter Garden”
in the front of the sanctuary. We are asking that you consider leaving
your flower(s) at Peace for a week or two so we may enjoy the beauty of
the garden for a couple of weeks.
“Walking Together” Synod Event, Saturday, May 30th
Along with the Synod Assembly the NW Synod is offering a day of workshops
that all members are invited to attend. Over 40 workshops will be presented
and following are a few of the topics: Discovery and Practice of Spiritual
Gifts; Change and Thrive; Be Still and Know that I am God; Islam is not
ISIS; Millennials Unpacked-What 20-Somthings are Seeking & Finding in
the Church; Where’s the Youth?; The Church Has Left the Building; The
Matthew Project-Love God, Love People, Change the World and many more!
Cost is $15 (if registered by May 22) per person and includes the programs
and lunch. Please call the office if you are interested in attending.
Parish Nurse Notes!
I will be presenting the last component of the Model for Healthy Living in April after
Easter. The final focus in on EMOTIONAL. Stress in our lives or conditions such as
anxiety and depression are huge factors in our overall health. We need to consider them
as much as we consider other factors. Through understanding your feelings and emotional needs, you can make changes to take better care of yourself or to seek help in
managing your stressors or coping with a mental illness. Lots of good info on this one,
Early spring tends to be a busy time for severe weather forecasters, but so far there have
been no tornadoes anywhere in the country (at the time that I am writing this.) According
to the Storm Prediction Center in Norman, OK where watches are issued, this has never
happened since the Storm Prediction Center began keeping records dating back to 1970.
This, of course, is a good thing. Tornados are the main weather-related event of which
we here in Wisconsin have to be concerned. And it looks like severe spring-flooding has
dodged us this year as well. I recently read an article in the Church Health Reader taking
words of wisdom from a book entitled “Help and Hope” by Amy Gopp and Brandon L
Gilvin. It reminds us that in a world created by an all-powerful and loving God, disasters do happen; and the question shouldn’t be “Will a disaster strike my community?”
but rather “When disaster strikes my community, how might our congregation be best
prepared to respond to it?” The article’s recommendations include:
 Check on your neighbors and the elderly or vulnerable.
 Check with your local Disaster Relief organization before collection before collecting
material donations.
 Encourage your congregation to become involved in the formation of a long-term
recovery committee.
 Self-deploy as a volunteer, especially during the search and rescue phase.
 Collect material donations without arranging an appropriate destination.
 Organize material good distributions that might compromise an affected person’s
eligibility for aid.
A presentation called Advance Directives: Making Your Choices Known will be held
at the Osceola Medical Center’s Cascade Room on Tuesday, April 7th from 6:30 to
7:30 pm. This seminar is free and open to the public. For the sake of your loved ones,
I can’t emphasize enough the value of having your affairs in order. I would encourage
anyone who hasn’t made out Advanced Directives to attend!!!
Have a blessed Easter and enjoy all the beauty of springtime, Karen
The Kingdom of God
And His righteousness.
And all these things
Shall be added unto you
(based on Matthew 6:33)
This familiar song has been sung in churches, Bible Camps, youth gatherings,
conferences, and by Sunday School children since it was written in 1972 by
Karen Lafferty. She wrote it after attending a Bible Study on the Bible verse
from Matthew 6:33 and being inspired by the promise it held for all of us.
We have learned that our children (and us) learn and retain so much more
when it is taught through song. Just think about how many words you
remember to old songs when you hear them sung. And what a super way to
remember Bible verses!! Your challenge is to memorize Seek Ye First!!
But what does it mean to SEEK FIRST the KINGDOM OF GOD?
We are to seek the things of God as a priority over the things of the world,
seeking God with all our heart and soul (Deut 4:29). Does this mean that we
should neglect the reasonable and daily duties of our lives? Of course not. But
for the Christian, there should be a difference in attitude toward them. If we
are taking care of God’s business as a priority—seeking to know God, living in
obedience to Him, and sharing the good news of the kingdom with others—
then God will take care of our business as promised!
Let Christ’s Light Shine!
Share His Incredible News Everywhere!
In April our SHINE focus will be on
St. Croix Valley MOPS
(Mothers of Pre-Schoolers)
This Christian based group meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month, 6:00-8:30
pm at SCF High School. MOPS is open to moms and their children of any age
who wish for interaction and fellowship. They offer a free meal at 5:30 pm followed by a meeting at 6:15pm. Childcare is provided during the meeting.
Our Noisy Offering on April 12th will be given to the MOPS program to sponsor the cost of the meal and program in April. Members of Peace that attend
MOPS are also selling yogurt parfaits on Palm Sunday with the proceeds going
to their program.
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
for children entering Kindergarten through 3rd grade
Four Wednesday afternoons
June 10th, 17th, 24th and July 1st... Noon—4:30pm
(Check with school about taking the bus
from Summer School to Peace.)
VBS runs at the same time as Summer Splash to
accommodate families that have children in both
age groups. Registration forms are available
online at www.plcdresser.org and at church.
JOIN US for a TREE-MENDOUS TIME discovering
how Jesus is at work through us!
A director or co-directors are needed for VBS to be held
...please contact Ronda for details as soon as possible.
Adults/Youth...we invite you to sign up for the area you would like to help with
on the Welcome Center (your time commitment for VBS would be from 2-4pm) OR
please call Ronda Haley (755-2515)!
Music Crafts
Summer Splash
for children entering 4th—6th Grade
Four Wednesday afternoons
June 10th, 17th, 24th, and July 1st … Noon—4:30pm
Registration forms are available on online at www.plcdresser.org
and at the Welcome Center and Youth Bulletin Board.
If you are entering 4th-6th grade, we invite you to come to this great four week
program. We’ll get together each Wednesday from Noon—4:30pm for a fun afternoon of challenging and rewarding experiences. We’ll have lunch together,
spend time having fun with Luther Point staff and then do fun projects and
learn new skills. It’s going to be a great way to meet new people and have fun!
Invite your friends! (PS. Check into taking the bus from Summer School.)
Adults/Youth...we need your help with Splash, too! If you can help with this
program, please contact Jessica O’Connor at 755-2515.
Possible Splash Classes:
GeoCacheing, WoodWorking, Fishing, Jewelry, Cooking, Photography
Adult Education Opportunities
Easter Schedule
Classes, Bible Studies, Conferences
Men in Mission -- Bible Study
Thursdays, 6am, Our Place Café SCF
Call Bill Stevenson (262-853-5439)
Easter Sunday—April 5TH
Family Sunday School Event
Sunday, April 12th
Rachael Circle -- Bible Study
April 22nd - 1:30pm – at church
Call Ramona Paulson (294-2665)
Women’s Bible Study
NEW STUDY: April 15 – May 20
“Prayer: Does it make a difference?”
Wednesdays, 10:30-11:30am
Joyful Morning in Dresser
Cost: $8
Call Ronda Haley (755-2515)
Shining Stars
Sunday School for 3 & 4 yr olds
Next year’s PreK class is invited to
attend four weeks of Sunday
School with this year’s PreK class,
beginning April 12th,
ending May 17th.
Invites will be sent.
If you know of a
child who will be
4-years-old by
Sept 1st, 2015, please contact
the church office. (755-2515).
Pre-schoolers, Toddlers and
Grade Confirmation
April 7th & 21st
Maundy Thursday, April 2nd, is the
last night for our 7th graders until fall.
We have had a great year together and
look forward to gathering with you again
in September. Seventh grade families
will be contacted for help with the Confirmation Reception held May 3rd between
10:00– 11:00am
Jesus loves the little children!
Our sincere thanks to our Mentors who
have been sharing their time and love with
our students every week since September:
8th: Dirk Anderson, Angie Gorres,
Alan Puterbaugh, Brandon Robinson,
Kathy Ulrich
7th: Trinity Greenquist, Jill Hinze,
Jessie Link, Katie Raddatz,
Paul Smith, Jason Swanson,
Andy Willeman
We especially thank those who are serving
as Lenten Mentors during the seven
weeks during Lent. It is so great to see
everyone gathering together. We hope
you will continue to greet each other and
catch up with one another during the
summer months!
Confirmation Sunday
May 3rd
Students will be
confirmed at
the 10:45 service.
A special reception with bars,
coffee, and juice provided by the
7th grade families is held
between services.
Family, friends, and members
of the congregation are invited to
this celebration.
8th Grade Confirmands
Sermon notes and homework must be
completed by Sunday, April 26th
in order to be confirmed May 3rd.
Sunday School
will be held May 3rd.
ROTC 1—April 15th
ROTC 2—April 22nd (with parents)
Peace Lutheran Youth Ministry
Mission Statement:
To be an instrument used by the Holy Spirit
to bring youth to faith in Jesus Christ. The
strategies by which we accomplish this purpose are: Worship, Service, Learning and
Youth Ministry Team: Angie Gehrman,
Robin Ekstrom, Alan Puterbaugh, Jason &
Sonya Swanson, Brett Carlson, Shari Steele
Sunday Morning Opportunities
(9:35-10:40 am)
SONday (for youth 9-12 grade)
We meet in the Haven room in the Ed Wing
GODtime (for youth 7 & 8 grade)
Each Sunday morning a group of your friends meet in the Youth Room for
treats, games, study and fun.
CLUB56 (for youth in 5-6 grade)
This is a Sunday morning club just for 5 & 6 graders
Wednesday Night HS Youth Group
9th-12th graders-please join us for HS Youth Group. from 6-7:30 pm.
Supper is at 6:00 pm (bring $2 for supper). We gather in the Youth Room
to eat, share exciting and challenging devos and hang out. Bring a friend!
Mission Trip 2015
July 9th-19th to Mission, South Dakota
Easter Breakfast
Sunday, April 5th
Mission Trip Youth & Parents ~ help is needed!
FMSC Youth Packing Evening (7th-12th Graders)
Friday, April 10th, 5:00-7:00 pm at Hope
7th & 8th Grade Lock-in
Sat., April 25th
Spaghetti Supper & Silent Auction
Friday, May 8th
Baccalaureate Service
Wed., May 13th
Sr. High Lock-in
Fri., June 5th
Peace 5k
Sat., June 20th
Celebrating April Birthdays!
This letter was received
March 10 from LTC Ross
F. Lightsey, Sr., from the
Barclay Training Center
in Monrovia, Liberia.
Peace Lutheran Spring
Free Clothing Event
Feed My Starving Children
MobilePack Event
April 10-11th
Hope Evangelical Church
Monday, April 13,
Spring and summer clothing in
good, wearable condition will be
accepted and offered to the public.
Due to Easter services and breakfast, please bring your donations
after Easter Sunday. Volunteer
help is needed for setting up on
Sunday, April 12, noon-2:00 pm.
This is the event that is made possible
by your generous donations. Several
local churches joined together to bring
this outreach opportunity to our area.
To volunteer:
Serenity Home Meals
Ruby’s Pantry
Food Distribution,
The 4th Monday of each month
Peace provides the supper meal for
the residents of Serenity Home
Shelter. There is a sign up sheet at
the Welcome Center. The meal
should feed 22 persons and consist
of a main entrée, vegetable, bread
and milk. Dessert is optional but
welcomed! Please consider signing
up as a family or with a friend.
Thurs., April 16th
at the N. Richmond National Guard
Armory. Doors open at 5:00 pm and
distribution is until 7:30 pm. Cost of
$20 donation to offset trucking costs.
Bring 2 lg. boxes or laundry baskets
to load your food in. Everyone is
welcome-there are no income qualifications. Volunteers are also needed to
help call 715-248-3675.
Bloodmobile at Peace!
Monday, April 13,
Noon-6:00 pm
For an appointment, call 1-800-7332767 or visit www.redcrossblood.org
and search Sponsor Code: Osceola.
Planting a Successful Cemetery Urn
Choose annuals that are heat and drought resistant (see list below).
Ensure that the container is large enough to accommodate the plants.
Don’t overcrowd the plants as they need room to grow.
Placing a coffee filter over the drainage hole on the bottom of the pot
helps to keep moisture in the container longer. It also helps to add mulch
in the bottom of large containers to decrease the weight of the pot.
Moisture control soil is ideal to use and the mixture should also contain a
slow release fertilizer.
Place a layer of mulch on the top of the pot to help maintain soil moisture.
Leave 1-2” to avoid water run-off.
Containers should be slowly and thoroughly watered.
TRAILING PLANTS: Vinca Vine, Sweet Potato Vine, Wave Petunias,
Ivy Geraniums
FILLERS/FOLIAGE: Green Spike, Ornamental Grasses, Coleus for Sun,
Dusty Miller
FLOWERING: Geraniums, Petunias, Bidens, Angelonia, Vinca, Zinnia,
Verbana, Latana, Marigolds, Fibrous Begonias, Ageratum
Please Note: If you are willing to be on a rotation to water the cemetery
plants this summer please contact Pat. Last summer we split the sections
and each watered one section every 2 weeks.
Also, if you have decorative items on the ground around the grave monument our contracted mower will not weed whip that area. The weed whip
can break or damage these items. Please trim around those items yourself.
Help keep our cemetery looking nice!
Pastoral Duties:
Sunday, March 8th: Baptism of Kynzlee Christine Louise, daughter of Joe
and Cassie Berg
Sat., March 28th: Funeral service for Ted Bents, Sr.
Pastoral Call Update:
A Special Congregational Meeting was held on Sunday, March 22 at 10:00 am.
The sole item on the agenda was to vote to call Pastor Alan Buresh to Peace
as our permanent full-time pastor. A 2/3 majority vote was needed to pass
and we surpassed that with 99% voting yes. A formal Letter of Call has been
signed and sent to the office of the NW Synod of WI. This letter will be signed
by the Bishop and sent to Pastor Alan for his acceptance. Peace council will
keep us all updated on the process.
May things of joy, beauty, truth, and love BLOOM in your life.
And if not bloom, then SPROUT.
And if not sprout, then TAKE ROOT.
And if not take root, then BE SOWN.
by Raymond J. Council
College-bound or current college students:
The Larson Scholarship applications are available online on the Peace
website. Click on the Download Forms button. The completed forms must
be returned to Peace by May 1st.
March 1: 106/75
March 8: 150/75
March 15: 137/75
March 22 (9:00 am service only): 290
Congregational Meeting at 10:00 am: 197 votes
Average Lenten Services attendance: 135
Financial Report
Needed to date
$ 98,858.04
Received to date
$ 86,861.07
Ahead or Behind $- ( 11,996.97)
Bible Studies/Groups
Prayer Shawl Ministry
1st Sunday of each month
in the Sanctuary
Christian Women’s Connection
Monday, April 20, 11:30am
Lake Wapo Bible Camp
Speaker: Finding Balance in Your Life
Cost is $10, rsvp to Carrie at
Men in Mission
Meet every Thursday at 6 am
at Our Place Café, SCF.
Easter Concert
April 3, 4, & 5th, 7:00pm
at Peace Lutheran
3rd Thursday Group
Thursday, April 16, 9:00 am at
Our Place Cafe, SCF
St. Croix Valley Christian
Community Choir presents,
Who Do You Say I Am?
by Claire Cloninger
(With additional music from
Jesus, Son of God by Jay Rouse)
Hymn Sing
Bethel University
Sunday, April 19th, 3:00 pm
Free admission. Free-will offering will
be collected. Coffee & cookies following
the event. Join the Bethel community
as they gather for an uplifting time of
praise through song!
Rachael Circle
April 22 1:30 pm
Weds. Women’s Bible Study
See Education pg. 8 for
info on a new Bible Study
beginning in April
New members are always
welcome to join in any of the
above opportunities!
Non-Profit Org.
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Dresser, WI
Permit No. 3
Peace Lutheran Church
2355 Clark Road
P.O. Box 655
Dresser, WI 54009
Peace Lutheran Church of Dresser, Wisconsin, is a family
of people, called by the Holy Spirit through the Word and
Sacraments, to pray for the world and the coming of God’s
kingdom, to care about the needs of others in God’s name,
and to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed.
Peace Lutheran Church….
Called to Prayer, Called to Care, Called to Share.