Pastoral Area of St Charles Borromeo - Link to the Pastoral area

Pastoral Area of St Charles Borromeo
Items for inclusion in newsletter (by noon on Thursday please) to :
Contact us:Fr Anthony Reynolds
Bishop John Rawsthorne
Fr Joseph Bibby
Fr Malcolm Prince
Fr Matthew Nunes
Deacon Terry Fox
All Saints (CE):
0151 424 6641
0151 424 3841
0151 422 1772
Revd Peter Dawkin T: 0151 420 4963
26th October 2014
30th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Gospel Acclamation
The greatest commandment in God’s law is love. God is to
be our first love, then we are to love others as we love
ourselves. No-one can claim to love God if they hate others,
for what we do the least of our neighbours we do to God.
What is love? Love is patient and kind, love forgives, love is
not jealous, love has no fear, love is self-sacrificing, love
gives freely, love is compassion. God is love. Those who live
in love, live in God, and God lives in them.
We welcome:
Open our hearts, O Lord, to accept
the words of your Son.
Lewis-Philip Andrews, Louise O’Neill, Thea
Tickle, Harriet Nevinson, Jacob Kenna
who will be baptised this weekend
Pastoral Area Prayer
We pray that as we move
forward together on our
Pastoral Area journey we may
have the courage to change, the
wisdom to listen, the humility to
learn and the gentleness to love.
There are no weddings in the Pastoral
Area this week.
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Dorothy Ann
Redmond who has recently died
Funerals – Please pray for those whose funerals take place this week and for their families
Tuesday 28th October
10.30am St Michael’s
Funeral Service
Marie Joan Philcox
Thursday 30 October
Our Lady’s
Requiem Mass
Vera Brandreth
Friday 31 October
12 noon Our Lady’s
Funeral Service
Norah Bennett
Mass for the Dead & Blessing of Graves
at 11am on Saturday 8th November 2014
in St Pius X Church.
All are invited to bring photos of their loved ones to the
Mass where they will be blessed.
At the end of Mass holy water will be available for those
who wish to go over to the cemetery and bless the grave
of a loved one.
Refreshments served in the Hall at St Pius X after Mass.
Memorial Candles for Christmas
As in previous years Memorial Candles will light up St
Bede‟s church over the Christmas period. The candles
will be lit on Sunday 21st December in time for the
5.30pm Mass. This year people from across the whole
Pastoral Area are being invited to dedicate a candle in
memory of a loved one.
Please place ВЈ5 in an envelope along with the name of
the person for whom the candle is to be lit.
Please mark the envelope „Memorial Candle‟ and either
hand it in at any of the 3 parish offices (St Bede‟s, St.
John Fisher‟s, St. Basil‟s) or place it in the Sunday
Collection plate of any of our churches before Friday
12th December.
Remembering our Dead
3pm on Sunday 9th of November 2014 at St Basil‟s
Baptism Enquiries: Please phone the Parish Offices.
Baptism Certificates: Please phone 0151 422 1774.
The suggested donation is ВЈ5.
All Saints CE Baptisms Please ring 0151 420 4963
or come to the church on any Tuesday evening 6:45pm –
7:15pm during vestry time.
When someone is ill
If you, or someone you know of, becomes ill, goes into
hospital for any length of time, and is no longer able to
get to Mass please contact 0151 422 1772.
Sick, anniversaries and recently deceased
Copies of the sick list, which is updated monthly, are
available at the back of each church for anybody who
would like to take one.
Sacramental Preparation 2014-2015
All parents of children, Baptised Catholic, who are in
Year 4 in any of the Pastoral Area Catholic Primary
Schools, should have received a personal letter of
invitation to enquire about this year‟s
Sacramental Preparation process in October.
If your child is in Year 4 at any other school and you
would like to enquire about this year‟s Sacramental
Preparation process, please phone 0151 422 1772.
Overseas Pilgrimages for Young People
The following Archdiocese of Liverpool Youth
Pilgrimages will be held in 2015 and/or 2016.
23 -31st July 2015. For young people aged 15 – 25. Cost
ВЈ490.00. Application Forms available from 5th
November 2014 either via a download from or telephone 01744 740460.
The Holy Land
26 Oct – 2 Nov 2015 for young people aged 15+. Cost
ВЈ1000.00 including all transport, accommodation &
meals. Application Forms and itinerary can be found on
the website or calling Fr Simon
Gore on 01744 740467 or by Email to
Krakow – Poland
Join Pope Francis and 2 million young people for a
Mass celebration of faith and friendship in Krakow City
Meet new people and experience new cultures.
20th July – 3rd August 2016 for young people aged 18+
Cost ВЈ1200.00 including all transport, accommodation
& meals.
Application Forms can be found on the website or by calling 01744
740467 or Emailing
Posters for all these events are at the rear of Churches.
A Time to Pray Together through Changing
�Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there
among them.’ (Matthew 18:20)
A new monthly opportunity to gather for a time of prayer
together using scripture, gentle music, silence and space
for offering our own personal prayers.
7pm (for about 45minutes) Thursday 7th November in
St Bede‟s church followed by a cuppa.
St John Fisher UCM
Next meeting to be held on Tuesday 28th October 2014
at 7 pm in Sacristy Meeting Room.
This year, Solemn Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
in the Pastoral Area will take place at St John Fisher
church on Saturday 1st November from 10.30am until
5pm, and Sunday 2nd November from 11.30am to 5pm.
It is a wonderful opportunity to spend some quiet time
with the Lord in prayer and reflection. A „watching list‟
will be available at the back of church for you to sign.
The Archdiocesan Year Book
The B5 desk diary contains all the necessary information
for the new liturgical year along with an easy to use
planner and calendar. The cost is ВЈ5.
Please ring 0151-422-1772 to place your order.
The Pastoral Area Bereavement Mass
Will be celebrated at St. Bede‟s Church on Wednesday 29
October at 7.00pm. Mass will be offered for all those who
have died during September.
Special Collections Next Weekend
An SVP collection will occur in all Churches and, in addition
St John Fisher, St Marie‟s, Our Lady‟s & St Michael‟s
Churches will be having a special collection to support the
work of our LAMP missionary priests.
Thank you so much for your contributions to last week‟s
World Mission Sunday collection. Your prayers and
donations will help missionaries across the world share the
Gospel and continue their work at the service of the poor and
Discovering your vocation in life
“Dear young friends, only Jesus knows what definite service
he has in mind for you, be open to his voice resounding in
the depths of your heart. Even now, his heart is speaking to
your heart.” Benedict XVI, Hyde Park Vigil, 2010.
A discernment group for young men, aged 15-21, who
are discerning a vocation to the Priesthood or religious
life. Sunday 2nd November 2014 @ St Charles Borromeo,
Aigburth, Liverpool, 3pm.
Make a small commitment of time to the Lord and join our
monthly gathering; we pray together, share our experiences,
listen to some teaching and benefit from meeting likeminded
individuals. Please contact Fr. James Preston on 0151 727
2493 for more information.
Real Advent Calendar:
“Christmas Starts with Christ” campaign
It might be difficult to believe, but recent surveys show that
knowledge of the Christmas story is fading.
Among 5-7 year olds, 36% didn‟t know whose birthday it
was we celebrate at Christmas,
72% didn‟t know Jesus was born in Bethlehem.
Among adults, less than 12% knew the full Nativity story
51% said the birth of Jesus is irrelevant to Christmas.
This is a tipping point.
The „Christmas Starts with Christ‟ campaign hopes to
reverse the trend by telling the Christmas story in new ways.
To support the campaign, the Meaningful Chocolate
Company, who brought you the Real Easter Egg, have
produced a 2014 Real Advent Calendar.
If you would like to order one of these, hurry and sign the list
at the back of St John Fisher and St Marie‟s.
Orders need to be placed by 1st November. Demand is great.
To find out more, see the accompanying posters, or visit Thank you.
Pastoral Area Co-ordinating Group Weekly Update
Our PA Co-ordinating Group (Fr Malcolm Prince,
Pauline Rolt, Fr Joe Bibby, Fr Matthew Nunes,
Fr Nicholas Postlethwaite, Val Cordy, Sr Catherine
Darby and Bishop John Rawsthorne) meet each week to
try to co-ordinate the overall development of the PA.
Summary of latest discussions:
The developing role of the Co-ordinating Group
was the focus of initial conversation. (The group
are now meeting for an extended period of time
every other week.)
Suggestions on Christmas Mass times and
services, received from the Liturgy Group, were
shared for comment /reflection.
Meeting to be arranged for all Children‟s Liturgy
Group leaders.
On-going reflections in preparation for receiving
the Archbishop‟s decision on the proposal
Do you ever wonder how your faith fits with the
rest of your life?
If so, you might be interested in „Faith for Life’ a new
course that is being offered in Widnes, by members of the
Archdiocesan Pastoral Formation Department, to explore
the call received in Baptism.
The course is made up of four weekends of facilitated
conversations, teaching, personal and group reflection and
a liturgy (9.00am-5.00pm on Saturday and a half day on
Sunday, venue to be confirmed). The dates are as follows;
15th-16th November 2014
31 January-1st February 2015
14th-15th March 2015
25th-26th April 2015
If you would like to know more/sign up, the course leaflets
are available from any of our parish offices,
or phone 422 1772 with any queries.
Pastoral Area Choir: Calling All Singers
The next gathering of the Pastoral Area Choir is on
Monday 10th November at 7-8pm in St Michael‟s
Church and then every Monday evening thereafter until
15th December. Everyone is welcome, current choir
members, new members and singers who may be part of
other choirs in our Pastoral Area. Even if you don‟t sing in
a music group in church at the moment, or have not been
to the Pastoral Area Choir so far, you are still very
welcome to come along and together we can prepare for
Advent and Christmas Liturgies. Please be generous with
your time and talents and together let us make a joyful
sound for the Lord.
Can you help with Marriage preparation?
Financial Matters
Congratulations to this week‟s winners:
Fisher Ton: Sam Prince
St Michael‟s: C Glover; L Garvey & K Hickey
Did you know – couples who marry in the Catholic
Church require marriage preparation? Did you know – that
we are looking to train single and married couples as part
of a team to deliver our marriage preparation (1 day)
course? Think you could help? If so, please contact St
Bede‟s Office on 0151 422 1772
EMBRACE Liverpool
Youth Event is taking place on Saturday, 1st November
at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King.
It is aimed at young people 16-25.
A great day is planned with inspiring speakers, a fantastic
music ministry team, Mass and Confession.
Details may be obtained from John Griffin 07944-287690 Website
Liverpool Harmonic Gospel Choir
We are thrilled to welcome The Liverpool Harmonic
Gospel Choir to St. Basil and All Saints Shared Church on
Friday, 21st November at 7.30pm.
Tickets are ВЈ6 to include a glass of wine.
They will be on sale after Mass or
by ringing 424 8668 or 424 8194.
The Choir will deliver an exciting and inspirational
performance through a mix of traditional and contemporary
Gospel Music – a powerful start to the Christmas
Season. The Choir will be led by
Tyndale Thomas MBE who performed at our Church
several years ago with children from both schools and The
Harmonic Gospel Choir. A wonderful evening was had by
all so please join us now in “Singing for Joy!” All profits to
Gift of Life for Zambia.
Christmas Poster Competition
Widnes Food Bank is inviting Widnes schoolchildren
between the ages of 5 and 11 to enter our Christmas poster
competition which closes on 16th November 2014.
More information and a template poster can be downloaded
and printed from
Pictures for the competition can also be submitted on a
blank piece of white A4 or A5 piece of paper, no later
than 16th November.
Please submit entries to Widnes Food Bank, c/o Trinity
Methodist URC Church, Peel House Lane, Widnes,
Cheshire WA8 6TJ.
Entrants are asked to also include their name, age and
contact details.
St Basil‟s and All Saints Book Box
New donations have been added and returns e.g. „What's so
amazing about Grace‟ are due for others to enjoy. The
black note book in the basket should be used to record the
loan with your contact details. Many thanks.
SAT 1st Nov
Male vocalist.
Hope University Catalogue of Talks
These were originally recorded at Up-Holland Seminary
as responses to Vatican II and have now been released for
a wider audience.
Information and downloads are available
at . Also keep your eyes open for a
new, ecumenical and 'free' course being delivered in
Widnes which includes aspects of pastoral care, reflecting
on ways to contribute to the spirituality and daily running
of our parish communities.
St Basil and All Saints' Gardening /Maintenance Day
The last gardening day for this year will be on
Saturday 8th November 2014, from 10 am onwards.
There will be plenty of jobs that will need to be done to
put the garden to bed for the winter.
There will also be some jobs that will need to be done
around the church.
These task days are special because we can all catch-up
with each other as we share time together in our unique
Refreshments and lunch provided, so hope to see you
Many thanks and God bless
Frodsham & District Choral Society
"An Evening with Rossini and Friends"
& operatic arias by Rossini, Puccini, Verdi and Mozart
Saturday 8 November 2014 at 7:30 pm
St. Laurence`s Church Frodsham
Tickets: GBP 10.00
available: 01928 890736 (June Ross)
01928 733247 (Rosalind Rowe)
0152 424 6761 (Elisabeth Campbell)
Conductor: Howard Kane
Piano: Lauren Hibberd
Keyboard; Robert Woods
A Big Thank You from Joan Hargreaves
Many thanks for those who attended my Macmillan
Cancer Support Coffee Morning and gave a contribution
as well as those who could not attend but never the less
also made a contribution.
The Event raised ВЈ415.00. Many thanks to all concerned
Annual Collection for the Homeless
By the Sisters of Charity at Seel Street
Please donate toiletries, hats, gloves, scarves and socks to
be distributed to the homeless by the Sisters of Charity at
A collection box will be at the back of each church from
this weekend and for the next few weeks.
This Weekend’s Masses
Saturday 25th October
Sunday 26th October
30th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year A
5:30pm St Michael’s
Maureen Bilsborough
8:30am St Bede’s
Jim & Veronica Glynn (A)
9:00am St Marie’s
Freda & John Biggs (A)
9:30am St Pius X
Deceased members of Quinn family
9.45am All Saints CE
Parish Eucharist
10:00am Our Lady’s
Terence Hick (LD)
10:00am St Raphael’s
David Albiston (1st A)
10:30am St John Fisher George Brady (B)
10:45am St Bede’s
Mary Catherine & John Cosgrove (A)
11:15am St Basil’s
John & Margaret McDonnell (A)
5:30pm St Bede’s
The people of the Pastoral Area
Weekday Masses
Monday 27th October
Tuesday 28th October
Wednesday 29th October
Thursday 30th October
Friday 31st October
Saturday 1st November
St Bede’s
St John Fisher
St Marie’s
St Pius X
St Michael’s
All Saints CE
St John Fisher
Our Lady’s
St Bede’s
St Raphael’s
St Marie’s
St Basil’s
St John Fisher
Our Lady’s
St John Fisher
Fr Philip Reece (A)
Linus Nguda (ld)
John Culleton (LD)
Monica Carroll & Catherine Moran (B & A)
John Rowlands
Parish Eucharist
Angela Milloy
Margaret MacPartland (B)
Mass for Bereaved
Pastoral Area Mass
Mike Murphy (A)
For the future of the Pastoral Area
Margaret Byrne
Catherine & Edward Taylor (B)
Edith & Charles Cank
In honour of the Blessed Sacrament
Mass followed by Solemn Exposition until 5pm
Next Weekend’s Masses
Saturday 1st November
Sunday 2nd November
Solemnity: ALL SAINTS - Holy Day of Obligation
5:30pm St Michael’s
John Roche (95th Birthday)
8:30am St Bede’s
Ann & Hughie Brennan (A)
9:00am St Marie’s
Names on Pious List
9:30am St Pius X
Lawrence & Patricia Knight (A)
9.45am All Saints CE
Parish Eucharist
10:00am Our Lady’s
John Mulroy (A)
10:00am St Raphael’s
Daniel Bradley (B)
10:30am St John Fisher Alice Waters (RIP)
St Bede’s
11:15am St Basil’s
5:30pm St Bede’s
St Marie’s
St Bede’s
St John Fisher
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
St Pius X
Mary Ann Meaden & deceased members of
Meaden family
Joseph Nolan
The people of the Pastoral Area
Saturday 10:30am – 11:15am
Saturday 11:00am – 11:45am
Saturday 12 noon – 12:30pm
2:00pm – 3:00pm
Morning Prayer
St Basil & All Saints
St John Fisher
Monday - Thursday 9:05am & Friday 9:45am
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9:00am
The Bible Group
St Raphael’s
Thursday morning after Mass
Tea & Coffee
St Pius X Hall each Tuesday after 9:15am Mass and last Sunday of each month after
9:30am & 10:00am Masses (in St Pius Hall & St Raphael’s Hall)
St Bede’s and St Pius X churches are open every day from 9:00am to 3:00pm