The Messenger The monthly newsletter of First United Methodist Church of Pinellas Park November 2014 Words from our Pastor Hi, Church Family, I hope everybody is doing well. We are saying good-bye to summer weather and entering into a great time of the year in terms of the Florida weather. We are also entering into the busy time of year with church activities. I hope you are all being blessed by the church and I look forward to seeing you again this Sunday. In Christ, Rev. Jeffrey Ice The Fall Festival Committee would like to thank everyone who helped with our fourth annual festival. It was a beautiful day and everyone seemed to have a fantastic time! Our outreach to the community to spread the word of our Lord Jesus Christ and to let them know about our church family was the most important part of the festival. In this respect, we were extremely successful! Church Conference: November 2 nd After Worship and brunch (approx. 1:00 pm), Fe llowship H all Please join us to greet Presiding Elder Mason Dorsey and show your support for our ministries next year! In this issue: November Mission Boxes 11/02 11/09 11/16 11/23 11/30 Church Family Assistance Can Cupboard: Thanksgiving Dinner Baskets Pastor’s Discretionary Fund Intervarsity Florida United Methodist Children’s Home “Thank you for your thoughtfulness! I’ll remember it always!” Pastor Jeffrey and my church family, Thank you for my beautiful, wonderful, many cards received. I was truly blessed. I have been taking therapy for my knees and hope to be back in church soon! - Mary Morgan Christmas Cards for Military; Christmas Decorating and Hanging of the Greens; Photos for New Church Directory .... 2 November Schedule; Birthdays; UMW Calendar; Meetings; Video Screen Volunteers Needed .......3 Church Calendar ......................................4 Thanksgiving Dinner Baskets; Blessings of Thrift Store Workers .......5 Stories of Real Angels; The Music of the Pilgrims .....................6 KCC; Trustees Report; Scouts .......... 7 Ministerial Fund; Chrismons; Christmas Greenery Sales ..................... 8 Finance; Youth Rummage Sale ............ 9 Church Contact Information ............. 10 Ou r Mi s sio n : “ G o a nd mak e d is c i pl e s … b ap t i zi n g th e m i n t he na m e of th e Fa th er a n d of t h e S on a n d of t h e H oly S p iri t, an d te ac hi n g th e m t o ob ey ev er y t h i ng I h av e c o m ma n de d y o u . ” -- Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20) Dear FUMC Family, Thank you for your generous response last year to “Christmas cards for U.S. Soldiers” serving overseas. If you haven’t already done so, please pull out your Christmas cards now. Begin to pray; then sign as many cards as you are able. Invite your friends, neighbors, family, clubs, etc., to sign cards, also. A box for collection will be available in the Narthex or Fellowship Hall. A few extra cards may still be available that people have brought in for this purpose. Do not seal the envelopes, as all cards must be read for appropriateness. The Hospice volunteers have extended the length of time for you to bring in the cards to: November 16th. This should give them just enough time to get the cards to our troops in time for Christmas. Pastor Jeffrey has added a special blessing this year – the Christmas cards will be prayed over during the last worship service before the cards are given to the hospice workers. - Sincere thanks, Linda Price Christmas Decorating Trees and Advent Wreaths Final Ditty Bag Count: 171 Ditty Bags donated for the needy! Thanks again for all your efforts and generosity! - June Anderson Come out and help! Saturday, November 29 th Beginning at 9:00 am Hanging of the Greens Worship Service: Sunday, November 30 th The Chrismons we place on the tree in the Sanctuary each Advent season represent important elements of the Nativity. The origination of Chrismons: Frances Kiku Kipps Spencer, whose missionary family returned to the US at some point after she was born in Japan, worked in training and fashion positions at a department store in the 1940’s and later worked as a free-lance artist. In a volunteer activity for a Lutheran church in Danville, Virginia, she originated, developed, and documented the Chrismons idea from 1957 – 1971. Look for some of the Chrismon shapes we use on page 8 of this issue. The Messenger Page 2 The sign-up for photo-shoot time slots for our new church directory begins November 2nd. The shoot dates are December 2nd and December 3rd. You can sign up here at church or on-line – more about that in the church bulletins – but sign up soon! Would you like to help design our new directory? We need someone who is computer savvy to do layout of the pictures and of the front and back covers. Life Touch will offer much assistance. If interested, call Connie Vannatta, 544-4252, or see me at church. November 2014 Reminders [Reading of the names of our “Saints” deceased since last October: nd Sun., Nov. 2 ] Sat., Nov. 1st Sun., Nov. 2nd Fri., Nov. 7th Prayers for Our Church & Leadership: Sat., Nov. 1 st , 9:30 – 10:30 am, E-2 Youth Brunch: Sun., Nov. 2nd, after Worship Church Conference: Sun., Nov. 2nd, after worship and Brunch Trustees’ Work Day: Sat., Nov. 8th , 10:00 – 12:00 Thanksgiving Fellowship Dinner: Wed., Nov. 19th Covered Dish Lunch: Sun., Nov. 16th, after Worship Regular Wednesday Night Dinner, Bible Studies, and Praise Team practice: Wed., Nov. 26th Christmas Decorating: Sat., Nov. 29th, 9:00 am Thurs., Nov. 27th Nov. 23rd - 30th 11/03 Jane Bell UNITED METHODIST WOMEN 11/04 Margaret Weagley UMW Dates to Note 11/01 (Sat.): 11/06 Betsy Larson Conference Annual Meeting, TBA 11/06 (Thurs.): Executive Committee Meeting, 10:00 am 11/07 Donna Cloud Miranda Rodriguez 11/08 Gerry Stanton 11/13 (Thurs.): Day Circle Meetings Elizabeth: 10:00 am, TBA Naomi Circle: 1:00 pm, at the Church 11/18 (Tues.): 11/02 Janet Hink 11/09 Jill Marie Ruth Circle, 7:00 pm, E4 Fellowship Room 11/11 Kam Millheim Nancy Smyth 11/12 David Backensto You Can Help Out “Behind the Scenes” during Worship! We are in need of volunteers of all ages to run the video screens during worship services. Training is available (either by sitting in with a current volunteer during worship or by meeting with Mark Linneman during the week for a more focused training session). Please contact: Mark Linneman, (727-541-6048), or the church office, 546-5741 11/16 Eileen Sikes 11/18 Aubrey Quever 11/20 Carol Heald 11/21 Bruce Cloud Sally Robbins Richard Knudsen 11/24 Clyde Cauthen Vivian Chandler 11/27 Jim Brooks 11/28 Dorothy Thompson PLANNING MEETINGS Staff/Pastor Parish Relations: Mon., November 3 rd , 7:00 pm, Lib KCC Board: Mon., November 10 th , 6:00 pm, E-3 Trustees: Tues., November 11 th , 7:00 pm, E-2 Finance: Wed., November 12 th , 7:30 pm, E-2 Ministry Council: Mon., November 17 th , 7:00 pm, E-2 The Messenger 11/15 Charles Mixson Page 3 11/30 Les Newberry Janice Sitterly Sandy Boyer Note to Newsletter Contributors: December Messenger deadline: Saturday, November 15th. November 2014 November 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 9:00am Thrift Store (TS) 9:30am Prayers for Church (E2) 2 4 5 6 8:30am Praise Team 6:30pm Boy Scouts Reh. (Sanc) (E2/E3, E4) 9:00am Youth Brunch 7:00pm Staff/Pastor (FH) Parish Rel. (LIB) 9:15am Sunday School 10:00am Choir Christmas Reh (PAR) 10:15am Chancel Choir Reh. (PAR) 10:30am Worship (Sanc) 11:15am Praise Kids (PAR) 1:00pm Church Conference (FH) 3 9:30am Ladies' Bible Study (E2) 5:30pm GS Troop 500 (Rm 201/207) 7:00pm Cub Scouts Committee Meeting (E4) 5:30pm Dinner (FH) 5:45pm GS Troop 431 6:00pm Youth (AH) 6:30pm Youth Praise 6:30pm Study of Daniel (E2) 6:30pm Bible Study w/Pastor (E4) 7:30pm Praise Team 10:00am UMW Executive Committee Mtg. (E2) 6:00pm Chapel Chicks 6:30pm Rejoice! (PAR) 6:30pm Cub Scouts (E2/E3, E4) 6:45pm B/S Comm. Mtg. (E2) 7:30pm Choir Reh. 9 11 12 13 8:30am Praise Team 6:00pm KCC Board (E3) Reh. (Sanc) 6:30pm Boy Scouts 9:15am Sunday School (E2/E3, E4) 10:00am Choir 9:00pm GS Ceremony Christmas Reh (PAR) Setup (FH) 10:15am Chancel Choir Reh. (PAR) 10:30am Worship (Sanc) 11:15am Praise Kids (PAR) 10 9:30am Ladies' Bible Study (E2) 5:00pm GS Investiture Practice (FH) 5:30pm GS Troop 500 (Rm 201/207) 7:00pm Trustees (E2) 5:30pm Dinner (FH) 5:45pm GS Troop 431 6:00pm Youth (AH) 6:30pm Bible Study w/Pastor (E4) 6:30pm Study of Daniel (E2) 6:30pm Youth Praise 7:30pm Praise Team 7:30pm Finance (E2) 10:00am Elizabeth Circle 1:00pm Naomi Circle 6:00pm Chapel Chicks 6:30pm Cub Scouts (E2/E3, E4) 6:30pm Handbell Reh. (PAR) 7:30pm Choir Reh. 16 18 19 20 8:30am Praise Team 6:30pm Boy Scouts Reh. (Sanc) (E2/E3, E4) 9:15am Sunday School 7:00pm Ministry Council 10:00am Choir (E3) Christmas Reh (PAR) 10:15am Chancel Choir Reh. (PAR) 10:30am Worship (Sanc) 11:15am Praise Kids (PAR) 12:00pm Pot Luck Luncheon (FH) 17 9:30am Ladies' Bible Study (E2) 11:00am GS Investiture Ceremony (FH/Kit) 5:30pm GS Troop 500 (Rm 201/207) 7:00pm Ruth Circle (E4) 5:30pm Thanksgiving Dinner (FH) 5:45pm GS Troop 431 6:00pm Youth (AH) 6:30pm Study of Daniel (E2) 6:30pm Youth Praise 6:30pm Bible Study w/Pastor (E4) 7:30pm Praise Team 6:00pm Chapel Chicks 6:30pm Cub Scouts (E2/E3, E4) 6:30pm Rejoice! (PAR) 7:30pm Choir Reh. 23 25 26 27 9:30am Ladies' Bible Study (E2) 5:30pm GS Troop 500 (Rm 201/207) 5:30pm Dinner (FH) 5:45pm GS Troop 431 6:00pm Youth (AH) 6:30pm Youth Praise 6:30pm Study of Daniel (E2) 6:30pm Bible Study w/Pastor (E4) 7:30pm Praise Team HAPPY THANKSGIVING 24 8:30am Praise Team 6:30pm Boy Scouts Reh. (Sanc) (E2/E3, E4) 9:15am Sunday School 10:00am Choir Christmas Reh (PAR) 10:15am Chancel Choir Reh. (PAR) 10:30am Worship (Sanc) 11:15am Praise Kids (PAR) 30 8:30am Praise Team Reh. (Sanc) 9:15am Sunday School 10:00am Choir Christmas Reh (PAR) 10:15am Chancel Choir Reh. (PAR) 10:30am Worship (Sanc) 11:15am Praise Kids (PAR) 7 8 9:00am Thrift Store (TS) 10:00am Girl Scout Planting Day (FrontYard) 10:00am Church/Trustees Workday 14 15 8:30 Youth Rummage Sale (AH) 9:00am Thrift Store (TS) 21 22 9:00am Thrift Store (TS) 28 29 9:00am Thrift Store (TS) COMPASSION MINISTRIES “…it is good when you truly obey our Lord’s royal command found in the Scriptures: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Suppose you see a brother or sister who needs food or clothing, and you say, ”Well - good-bye and God bless you; stay warm and eat well” – but then you don’t give that person any food or clothing. What good does that do?” -- James 2:8, 15-16 (NLT) Help Give a Family a Thanksgiving Meal! September Can Cupboard Report Thank you, church family, for expressing God’s love to your neighbors in a practical way! During the month of September, the Can Cupboard served 103 families, composed of 300 individuals. Of these, 218 were adults and 82 were children. 32 families were first-time visitors to our Can Cupboard in September. We praise God for His continuing provision of food items and funds which have enabled us to open our doors each Monday and Wednesday morning. Because of you and others who are faithful to respond to the need, many have received a bag of nutritious food to help sustain their families during a very difficult time! We find that many of those served through the Can Cupboard not only share their prayer needs, but also just need someone to talk with. They appreciate a listening ear – and many also appreciate an invitation to worship with us. Thank you, Can Cupboard workers, for sharing the love of Jesus through your service! Th ri f t S to re : Compassion Ministry will again provide Thanksgiving Dinner Baskets for some of our church families and community families residing in our service area. If you would like to share in this ministry, there are several avenues you may wish to consider:  Pray for the many needs of our community families.  Provide Compassion Ministry with the names of families who are in need. Forms will be available in the Can Cupboard until the application deadline: Wednesday, November 19th.  Provide gifts of the following items before Friday, November 21st:  Turkey: 10 – 15 lbs.  Canned Sweet Potatoes  Canned Vegetables  Salad Mix or Head Lettuce  Boxed Dressing (Stuffing) Mix  Cranberry Sauce  Bottled Salad Dressing  Funds to purchase additional items Please label any gifts “Thanksgiving Dinner”. Distribution: Tuesday, November 25th; 1:00 – 3:00 pm O p e n Saturdays, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Words from One of Our Volunteers “I started out working only one hour per week in the Thrift Store because of my health but have expanded to doing the full morning on Saturdays. I find it a wonderful, cheerful, positive place to connect with other Christians and we also do a good service to the people who come in to the Thrift Store. So, if you want to have a positive Christian ministry service time, volunteer at the Thrift Store! Cheryl is a wonderful boss and works with all of us.” - Margaret Waggoner Donations At present, the Thrift Store is wellstocked with apparel, but practical household items and holiday items are welcome. Thank you for helping us to provide a great selection of merchandise for our church family and community! If you can help, call Cheryl Vannatta: 544-4252 The Messenger Page 5 November 2014 “I Love a Good Book!” Just in time for holiday reading, we received a donated book, The Best Angel Stories (2013 edition), which contains more than eighty stories from real people who have had real encounters with real angels. I enjoyed reading these stories very much and I think you will also. Look for it on the “Special” shelf. A special prayer in honor of our Military on Veterans Day: Oh God, Our Heavenly Father, You have Comfort the families who mourn and are left blessed us with brave men and women who to remember the precious lives of their loved are willing to defend our freedom. ones. Help us to honor and support them. May Your protection and grace surround them Let us be ever mindful of each sacrifice each day. Let Your healing hand be upon those made on behalf of the American people by who suffer wounds and injuries. our sons, daughters, husbands, wives, May those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice fathers, and friends. rest forever in Your Holy Presence. Amen - In His Love, Pinky ADULT MUSIC MINISTRY As we prepare for Thanksgiving, remembering the brave “protestants” who ventured into a virtually unknown world to become America’s founding fathers, let’s take a look at the worship music of their time. The following information is taken from THE MUSIC OF THE PILGRIMS by Waldo Selden Pratt of Hartford Theological Seminary. It is sub-titled “A Description of the Psalm-book brought to Plymouth in 1620”. Throughout the 16th and 17th centuries, English Protestants based their congregational singing upon metrical versions of the Psalms. All early service-books of this kind were 'Psalm-Books'. These were not supplemented or displaced by 'Hymn-Books' until the 18th century. The first complete metrical Psalter in English was that commonly known as 'Sternhold and Hopkins' which was first published in 1562. forty tunes, quaintly set forth in melody only, after the fashion of the time. These melodies were undoubtedly meant to be sung in unison, led by the men's voices, since the melody is set for the 'tenor'. Here is the Psalter’s translation of the beginning of the 23rd Psalm: The Psalter brought to Plymouth was one specially prepared for the fugitive congregations of 'Separatists’ in Holland by Henry Ainsworth and published in Amsterdam in 1612. This book was also adopted at Salem and used there for about a generation. At Plymouth it was maintained much longer, certainly until after the Pilgrim settlement was merged with Massachusetts Bay in 1692. Henry Ainsworth was born near Norwich about 1570, studied four years at Cambridge, and became active in the 'Separatist’ sect, suffered hardship for his opinions, and in 1593 fled for liberty to Amsterdam. He was recognized as the honored 'teacher’ of the principal congregation in Amsterdam, the one with which those who later became the Pilgrims had fairly amicable relations before they settled in Leyden in 1609. Ainsworth died in 1623, somewhat over fifty years old. Ainsworth’s Psalter was translated from Hebrew at almost exactly the same time with the 'King James' or 'Authorized’ Version of 1611. There is a series of nearly The Messenger Page 6 Jehovah feedeth me, I shal not lack; In grassy folds He down dooth make me lye; He gently leads me quiet waters by. He dooth return my soul; for His name sake In paths of justice leads me quietly. During the 17th century 'short' tunes became the rule, doubtless because they cost less effort of memory and of voice. After the custom of the time, only the melodies are given, set in the old 'square' notes. More than a majority of all are of French origin, since many melodies already in English use were taken from the Genevan Psalters. This is certainly true of the two that linger in modern hymnals 'Old 100th' (“Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow”) and �St. Ann’s’ (“O God, Our Help in Ages Past”). - Betsy Larson, Adult Music Ministry Director November 2014 TRUSTEES REPORT KID’S CHRISTIAN CARE Roof The Sanctuary roof is in need of repair, the roof fund will be directed toward those repairs. We’ll then continue to fund-raise for the Fellowship Hall roof. Estimate for Fellowship Hall roof is $44,000. Our new school year is well underway, and the children have been busy with the annual candy bar fundraiser, and the Halloween festivities. Skills Needed Many work projects and repairs are going on at the church. We are in need of skilled volunteers to take a look at issues as they arise. The alternative is that we pay for service people. Church Work Day Saturday, November 8th, 10 am – 12 pm. Please come out and help if you can! Key Audit and Re-Keying The trustees are conducting an audit of the keys that church members use and will give out forms to gather information. Please list which areas of the church you request access to and why. After the information is gathered, a plan will be developed to re-key the buildings. We are not trying to kick anyone out; we just feel it is time to refresh the locks. Staff and parents volunteered with our church family to help with the Pumpkin Patch and the Fall Festival – both were wonderful ways to “cross-pollinate” our mutual ministry to the greater Pinellas Park community. If you’ve driven past our school, you’ve notice our newly sealed and striped parking lot. It is so much easier for parents and staff to park in the same direction with only one set of parking space stripes! Our annual Thanksgiving dinner for KCC will be November 21st from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Everyone is welcome to come and share in the food and fellowship! - Betsy Larson, KCC Board Chair Kids Christian Care We are looking for a volunteer to be a liaison between the church trustees and finance committees and our preschool board. We hope to strengthen our commitment and relationship with them by better understanding their needs. - Trustees Committee Troop 53 will plant a garden on the side of the church on November 8th (weather permitting). I am Thankful for These Blessings . . . As we prepare to pause and reflect on the blessings for which we are thankful, I would like to express my gratefulness for blessings of my church: We are working on many projects and badges and preparing to run a camp for younger girls in January! The girls, their families, and I are thankful for your support throughout the year. For Debbie Risteyn who many months ago gave me the daily devotional book, Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young. For Rev. Ice, who so cheerfully leads and ministers to his flock. - Colleen Kokemohr For Gerry Stanton, Janice Todd, and Richard Dishman: for transportation to the church. And, to for all my church family for the prayers, words of comfort, cards, and general support during the last three years of grief during the loss of three loved ones and several periods of illness or injury, including the last three months with a twice-broken foot. - In Christ’s love, Joyce Bernotas The Messenger Page 7 Boy Scout Meetings: Mondays, 6:30 pm Cub Scout Meetings: Thursdays, 6:45 pm Location for both: FUMCPP Contact for both: Joel Putnam, 321-377-8845 November 2014 Our prayer request typing team is thankful for our new Volunteers: Nancy Pless, Marilyn Smith, and Donna Gorneault! - Leslie Weaver MINISTERIAL FUND Pursuing a master of divinity degree at Candler School of Theology, Emory University in Atlanta, Ashley Kirk is grateful for the Ministerial Education Fund. “As Christians,” she said, “we are all called to be ministers of the gospel. The only difference with me is that I feel gifted to make ministry my sole vocation.” The Ministerial Education Fund is at the heart of preparing people for making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. The 13 United Methodist seminaries help students to discover their calling through challenging curriculum. The fund enables the church to increase financial support for the recruitment and education of ordained and diaconal ministers and to equip annual conferences to meet increased demands. * Quoted from: The United Methodist Church Handbook: Let’s go Fishing - Bill Vannatta, Interpreter for Connectional Giving Meanings of Chrismon Symbols THERE’S STILL TIME TO CAPTURE THE FRAGRANCE OF CHRISTMAS Please participate in our easy Christmas �Fun’draiser: selling beautiful, Minnesota-grown Balsam and Pine Wreaths, Centerpieces, Garland, Cross Door Swags and so much more. For as little as $20, you can enjoy real, fragrant, decorated Christmas greenery and assist the church in growing its fund for roof repair and maintenance in a great way! Full-color photo brochures are available with price listings and order forms. A sample wreath is on display showing the fine quality of the Minnesota greenery. All you will need is a big smile and to encourage family, friends, co-workers, etc. Christmas orders can be picked up at church right after Thanksgiving. On Saturday, December 6th and Sunday, December 7th, volunteers will distribute the remaining goods in Fellowship Hall. The greenery arrives freshly bagged and is decorated with a red velvet bow, pine cones and holly berries. Orders may be placed for 24” wreaths (with waterproof bows, white-tipped cones, and holly berries) to be shipped in a holiday gift box to anywhere in the contiguous United States (which excludes Alaska and Hawaii) via UPS or FedEx for $35! You may request a free gift card and your beautiful holiday wreaths will be delivered between November 27th and December 7th. Prizes, gift cards and praises in congratulations will be awarded for top sales, service, Pumpkin Patch orders, etc. More information will be shared in upcoming Worship Bulletins. Pray, love, be His instruments of peace and joy, and all Honor and Glory to God always! - Leslie Weaver, Wreath Sales Project Chair Three Fish: One of the early signs of Christendom was the fish. The Greek word for fish is Ichthus. This is an acrostic for the Greek words for Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior. Angels heralded the birth of our Savior. The Circle: Symbolizes the world, God's wholeness, and eternity. The butterfly, of course, is the symbol of the resurrection. Celtic Cross: This cross is seen quite often. Chi Rho: Two Greek letters which are the first letters in the Greek word for Christ. The Messenger Crown: Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords. Page 8 November 2014 FINANCE TEAM REPORT September Giving, Expenses, and Payments: In September, our Church giving was $19,479.07 and our expenses were $19,210.02. This gave us $269.05 positive balance to carry into October. During the month, we paid all the Church’s operating expenses as well as paying the Visa and Sam’s credit cards in full. Monthly connectional giving was $1,450.00 with $21,043.29 (60.05%) paid as of October 13th, 2014. The month-end balance on the church’s line-of-credit loan is $23,677.49. Capital Needs: In September, our Capital Needs account received an additional $25.00 from designated gifts. We now have a $5,305.33 positive balance in this account for capital repairs at month’s end. As of the end of September, we have $11,985.80 for roof-repair work. Thank you. Status of Roof Repairs and Related Issues: We have paid the roofing contractor in full for the first phase of the work and have filed a claim against his insurance company for the damage done by not adequately sealing the roof during a thunderstorm. We expect to be reimbursed by the contractor’s insurance company for the clean-up and damage done. We are still gathering funds for the Fellowship Hall roof repairs. If you would like to help pay some of the expenses of this work, please mark your gift “for the Roof”; it will be used for that purpose. KCC: Our pre-school income was $61,499.64 and their expenses were $57,877.00. This gives them a positive balance of $3,622.64 to carry into October. Being Thankful! As we look forward to celebrating Thanksgiving, we are thankful for all the blessings that have been received by our Church. We are thankful for the volunteers and staff who have guided us this year. We are truly blessed! Please pray for those who have less than we have and are in need of a job or a skilled medical worker to get back to a productive life. God is working in our lives and He is good. He is blessing us with a good year and may we work to bring honor to His house. - Your Finance Team Loretta Wilcox Youth Director The youth have had a good start to the school year. School has been going very well with many of our youth in A/P classes and doing a lot of volunteer work for their Bright Futures scholarships. NOVEMBER 2 nd LUNCHEON Chicken & Yellow Rice, Peas, Salad, Bread, Desserts Adult: $8; Child: $4; Family: $20 Rummage Sale: November 15 t h : 8:30 am – 2 pm Baked goods & lunch will be available for purchase. Get Ready! Clean out those closets & garages and bring your donations in for us to sell. Or: Rent an area outside Fellowship Hall and sell your own items. Tables are available for a $10 rental fee. The youth would like to thank Jill Marie for arranging & sponsoring our Go-Carting day on Sunday, September 28th. We had a great time and appreciate you for arranging it. The Messenger In October, the youth got to decorate and run the Spooky Trail hayride for the Fall Festival. It was a lot of fun and a good way for the youth to help the church. Page 9 November 2014 First United Methodist Church of Pinellas Park 9025 49th Street N., Pinellas Park, FL 33782 Phone: (727) 546-5741 Send us Mail: fm ethod 1 @ t am pab a y. r r .c om See us: Like us: Follow us:!/FUMC_PPark Church Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM Wednesday: 2:00 – 5:30 PM Pastor Jeffrey Ice (for appointments) (Parsonage) 544-3472 Church Office 546-5741 Admin. Ass’t: Janice Todd, x22 Secretary: Pat Thomas, x23 Financial Secr’y: Ryllis Chandler, x26 The Messenger: Joyce Bernotas, x27 Member Care Janice Todd, x22 Trustees Joel Putnam 321-377-8845 Staff-Parish Relations Nancy Forbes 259-8088 Passionate Worship Carmen Lawrence 686-3077 Finance and Stewardship Committee Ron Forbes 244-8066 Ministry Council Chair Mark Linneman 541-6048 Prayer Ministries Prayer Chain: Bev Mixson 573-3743 Dial-A-Prayer Devotional 548-7448 Coordinator: Margaret Bradbury 544-9139 Prayer Visits: Karen Emerson 727-392-8368 Media Marketing Website: Janice Todd Facebook and Twitter: Michelle Sherman 727-226-2198 Adult Music Director/Organist Betsy Larson 546-5741 x27 Library Pinky Reichert 576-7837 Children and Youth Music Director Jordana Clark 546-5741 x27 United Methodist Women Dorothy (Dotty) Thompson 544-1539 Children’s Activities Church Office 546-5741 Scouting Ministries Boy Scouts: Joel Putnam 321-377-8845 Girl Scouts: Linda Sowell 510-4796 Youth Ministry Loretta Wilcox 546-5741 After 5:00 pm: 637-3534 Kids Christian Care Office 541-6502 Pre-School Director: Barbie Grigsby Board Chair: Betsy Larson 546-5741 Missions Ministry Michelle Sherman 727-226-2198 Men’s Fellowship Richard Dishman 545-0313 Compassion Ministries Virginia Mulligan 546-5741 x29 Fellowship Meals/Can Cupboard Virginia Mulligan 546-5741 x29 Thrift Store Manager: Cheryl Vannatta 544-4252 Transportation Ministry Richard Dishman 545-0313 Invitational Evangelism Rhonda Smith 530-3194 Nancy Kragh 397-8119 November 2014
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