November 12, 2014 - Westminster Presbyterian Church

November 12, 2014
From the Pastor’s Study:
I read an article in the Star Telegram recently by Ana Veciana-Suarez that talked about the joys and the sufferings of being
a grandparent. The title of the article was “Grand parenting brings double the fun and the fear.” Not being a grandparent
myself, but having observed many of you over the years, I could easily connect with and affirm all that she had to say.
She starts out talking about the enjoyment and the wonder of “dimpled hands and little feet” but goes on to remind us that
when “something goes wrong…you suffer twice;” once for your grandchild and a second as you see your own child hurting.
She uses the example of a friend of hers whose granddaughter was undergoing a lengthy surgery in another town.
She and her friend were exchanging texts early in the morning and Ms. Veciana-Suarez was trying to provide comfort and
hope to her friend. “’Pray.’ I text her back. She already has. Grandmothers, I think, have his private number” she writes.
I would not be surprised. I have seen the comfort and the peace that comes over those grandparents when they open
themselves up in prayer to God.
In her article she makes a statement that strongly relates my attitude about life, especially when being with families at
hospitals. “As a veteran of grief and an expert in sorrow, I trust the world-renowned surgeons. They work wonders with
science and scalpel. But my faith in miracles rests more securely with God.”
We spend a lot of our lives depending on the things that we know and can do for ourselves but that is so limiting. God
created this world for humanity so that we can be in relationship with God. This relationship puts our best interest at heart
and opens us up to new possibilities of strength, peace, comfort, joy and presence in difficulties. I know that this is nothing
new to most of you, but how “front-burner” is it for you? When times get hard or difficult we turn our thoughts and our
prayers to requesting God’s protection, healing, strength and courage; because we cannot do it on our own. But what
about the other times in our lives? God is not JUST the God of our lives in hurt, pain and fear. God is also the God of our
lives in joy, and strength, and happiness, and ordinary days. It requires our willingness to connect with God in every aspect
of life.
As a grandparent, parent, or even a child, has not your relationship with a loved one been enhanced because of time spent
together on the ordinary days of life? Yes, it is good to be there in the difficult times and, yes, that does strengthen your
connection/relationship. But just being there during the difficult times does not build a lasting relationship of true family.
Without all the ordinary times together the basis of understanding is limited and the ability to be ALL that is really needed
by another is not there. That faith that Ms. Veciana-Suarez talks about is based on a relationship that has been building
through both the ordinary and the difficult days for a long time. And I agree that grandparents may have God’s “private
number” but it is because of the length of time that the relationship has been going on; not because God withholds it from
the rest of us. That “private number” is readily available to us all if we are willing to spend the time building the relationship
with God in all the days of our lives.
I give you the same advice that Ms. Veciana-Suarez gave to her friend: Pray. Spend time with God building a relationship
that enhances your life each and every day so that when the hard times hit you are already connected.
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Westminster News
Presbyterian Women
Then Joshua said to the people, “Sanctify yourselves;
for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you.”
Joshua 3:5
Join Presbyterian Women Circle Meetings
and events in December.
Tuesday, December 2nd: PW Coordinating Team will meet at
10:00 AM in the Friendship Classroom.
Monday, December 8th: Night Circle 3 will meet at 7:00 PM at
the home of Linda Wynne, 10183 Sunridge Dr.
Tuesday, December 9th: Circle 1 will meet at 10:00 AM, at the
home of Ann Wardlaw, 3709 Walton, Ave.
Tuesday, December 9th: Circle 2 will meet at 10:00 AM at
Sunday, December 14th: PW Annual Bake Sale,
8:30 AM—12:30 PM, Narthex.
Tuesday, December 16th: General Gathering: Cookie Fill,
Christmas Program & Covered Dish lunch,
November Chancel Flowers
23rd: In Celebration of the
49th Wedding Anniversary of
Robert and Kathy Nance
Third Quarter Giving Statements
are available for you to pick up in the Narthex area.
If you have any questions regarding your financial
statement please contact Larry Atkinson, Treasurer
We Have Just What You Are Looking For
Time: 9:45 AM
Director of Christian Education, Eric Varnon
Early Elementary— Study: Spark; Leaders: Shar Werner, Lauren Werner
Older Elementary—(2nd—5th grade) Study: Spark; Leader: Susan Green
Jr. High Youth—(6th—8th grade) Study: Talk sheet on the New Testament
Leaders: Karen Swanson, Julie Riedel
Sr. High Youth—(9th—12th) Study: Topical discussion,
Leaders: Cal Miytake, Mike Francis
Friendship Class—Study: Parables Of Jesus;
Leaders: Donna Poe, Larry Bartlett, Kathy Nance, Neil Van Geem
Pathfinders Class—Study: Case for Christ; Leader: Becky Bittle
Explorer Class—Study: Hebrews; Leader: Eric Varnon
Next Newsletter
will be
November 20, 2014
Please keep these police officers
T. Jones
JE Little
MW Moore
PF Morrison
Membership Committee
Please let us know
your church
ideas & suggestions.
Located in the
Narthex area.
Presbyterian Church
New Mission
Westminster Presbyterian Church
is a Christ-centered community of
believers who express Christian
values through service and
worship. Through God’s grace
and the power of the Holy Spirit,
we embrace all who seek a place
of spiritual growth and Christian
"Session challenges all to
continue to join us in
daily prayer at noon (or
as close as possible) as we lift
collective prayer for God’s will
for our church."
Fathers, Brothers
and Friends….
Join us on Saturday,
November 29th
8:15 AM
Men's Breakfast
@ Rise and Shine
on Alta Mesa.
Page 3
Westminster News
On Wednesday, November 19, 2014 we will
have the wonderful opportunity to become
better acquainted with Jennifer Dawson,
our Minister in Training. Getting to know
her is a treat. So, please plan on sharing
lunch with us at 11:45 am and then stay
for the program. Jennifer has been
advised that "Friends and Neighbors"
is a fairly easy going crowd.
WPC Youth & Children’s
Youth Director,
Eric Varnon
4:30 PM Youth—Jr.& Sr. High
Games and devotions @ RPC
12:45—4 PM Children's Event
(2nd – 5th grade)
Messenger Fellowship at
Ridglea Presbyterian Church
No Youth
Jr. High Retreat @ RPC
God’s Gift of Sexuality Retreat
Come join the fun
November 29th
10:00 AM
2014 Elder Retreat
Friday, December 5th
6-9 PM
Sat., December 6th,
9 AM –9 PM
Dionne Phillips Bagsby
Conference Center
December 14th
Presbyterian Women
Host a Holiday
Bake Sale.
After each
Worship Service
in the Narthex.
9:45 AM Youth— Jr.& Sr. High
Worship & Lunch @ RPC
12:45 PM Youth— Jr.& Sr. High
Lunch & Volunteer
at WestAid Food Pantry
3:30 PM Youth - Jr. & Sr. High
Service Project
“Kids Against Hunger” @ RPC
WPC Youth and Children will be joining Sunday activities with the
Youth from Ridglea Presbyterian Church, at 6201 Camp Bowie
Blvd. Fort Worth, TX 76116.
Keep Up with What’s Going on in Youth Ministry at
Westminster. Contact Eric Varnon, DCE/Y to be
added to the Youth Update Email List:
2015 Stewardship Campaign
for Westminster Presbyterian
Church has begun.
We need everyone's
help and support!
Your 2015 Pledge card
has been mailed out to you, please look for that.
Your commitment to WPC is vital to our mission.
Act 10:4b The angel answered, “Your
prayers and gifts to the poor have come up
as a memorial offering before God.
Save your pennies for
Presbyterian Nigh Shelter
Collection: Sun. Jan. 4th
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Westminster News
Stewardship Proverbs
Join us on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm.
We have a variety of studies planned for the
school year and hope any of the men of the
church who are interested in exploring the
Bible will check it out.
Contact Larry Atkinson or Eric Varnon
for study guides and more information.
You May Need To Re-evaluate If:
• You forgot that honoring God’s Word shows
your love for God.
• Your sacrificial giving is not a sacrifice.
• You are not sure if you are a sheep or a goat.
• You do not recognize your Shepherd’s voice.
• Your word to God last about as long as your
New Year’s resolutions.
WOW! Women On Wednesday
When: Wednesdays, October 8 through December 3
(no Class Thanksgiving)
Time: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Where: Friendship Classroom
Cost for Study book: $16
Questions: Patricia at 817-292-9386.
Larry and Uta Engelhart
6150 Oakmont Trail
Fort Worth, TX 76132
Cell: 817.929.3703
The WPC Staff wish you all
a very blessed Thanksgiving!
Ruth Owen
6150 Oakmont Trail
Fort Worth, TX 76132
The WPC staff will be out of the
Church office November 27-28
for the
Thanksgiving Holiday.
Linda Puckett
3454 Whittier St.
Fort Worth, TX 76133
It is time for our annual Thanksgiving Basket drive
at Christian Community Assistance.
A complete food basket will include the food
(listed below) and a $10 donation made out to WPC.
Please do not put cash or checks in the bags.
Please, make all checks payable to Westminster,
and write “Turkey” on the subject
line and put in offering plate.
Please label your food basket:
Complete : 2 food bags, and $10.00 donation made out to WPC,
please designate Turkey.
Or Incomplete
Audrey Remley
6150 Oakmont Trail
Fort Worth, TX 76132
Marilyn Sorokin
2800 Sedona Ranch Rd.
Apt. 1212
Fort Worth, TX 76131
Ellen White
6150 Oakmont Trail
Fort Worth, TX 76132
Carl & Judy Ewald
New Phone:
Cell: 817.565.8893 Judy
Cell: 817.995.33521 Carl
CCA Holiday Baskets 2014
My Giving Thanks Shopping List
Food Bag #1
2 cans corn,
2 cans green beans, 2 cans fruit,
1 can cranberry sauce
1 box instant potatoes
1 cake mix and frosting OR
1 (non-refrigerated) pie crust and 1 can pie filling
2 bags/boxes stuffing mix
2 cans chicken broth
1 small box tea bags
Food Bag #2
Flour, Sugar, Cooking Oil
Please bring baskets and checks to Westminster
by Sunday November 16, 2014.
Baskets can be brought as late as Nov. 23rd.
$10 donation to WPC
Please do not put checks or cash in bags.
(Make checks payable to Westminster.
Write “Turkey” on subject line)
If you have any questions,
please contact the CCA office at 817-921-9622.
A personal note or a small Bible is appreciated.
Please use cloth (reusable) bags if possible.
Westminster News
Page 5
It is our tradition at Westminster
to write our own Advent Devotional booklet.
This year’s theme is “The Heart Of Christmas”
We are excited to announce that Westminster
Presbyterian Church (WPC) will again be hosting its
Annual Holiday Gift Market on Saturday, Nov. 15, 2014.
Please make plans to attend, and we would also be
honored if you would like to be among the vendors to
participate. Money raised at the Gift Market will be used
as donations to local and international causes such as
Tarrant Area Food Bank, Presbyterian Night Shelter,
Union Gospel Mission, Bread of the World and
Haiti Education Fund, among others.
Operation Christmas Child
It’s Shoe Box time!
Collection at WPC
Sunday, November 23rd
Since 1993, more than 100 million
boys and girls in over 130 countries have experienced
God’s love through the power of simple shoebox gifts from
Operation Christmas Child. Samaritan’s Purse works with
local churches and ministry partners to deliver the gifts and
share the life-changing Good News of Jesus Christ.
Please sign up if you would like to reserve
a hard copy of the Advent Devotional Book
Or you can see our Advent Devotional Book
on the WPC web site:
The Advent Devotion Book will be available for you
First Sunday of Advent, November 30th.
Thank you for your participation in this
Wonderful Westminster Tradition!
Christmas is just around the corner and it is time
to order your Christmas Poinsettia plants.
The plants have to be pre-ordered.
To reserve your Christmas Poinsettia please fill
out the Poinsettia envelope located in the Narthex and
place in the collection plate by
Sunday, November 30
Cost: $10.00 per plant
Thank you, Shar Werner, 817.346.0404
Early Childhood Intervention of Tarrant County
In the Narthex you will find a poster of toddlers’ names that are waiting to be
adopted for Christmas.
Please sign your name by the child (or children) that your family has chosen.
Bring the wrapped gifts labeled with the child’s name to church by Sunday, Dec. 15.
The caseworkers of ECI identify the families that need the most assistance with
Christmas . For some of the children, your gift will be the first new clothing or toys
that they have ever received.
If you have any questions, please call Annette Boyd
(817-703-6948 or 817-731-9032) or call Vandee at the church office.
If you are short on time, Annette can do the shopping and wrapping for you---just contact her with the
amount you want to spend. Also, if you sign your name next to a child and later change your mind,
please mark your name off the list in the narthex. The list is the only way we have to know if all of the
names are chosen and we do not want any of the children to be without a gift.
Thank you for your support.
November 2014
Westminster Presbyterian Church
TAX EIN NUMBER 75-094-5945
November Events
November 1-3 Tuition Due
November 12&13 State Trooper Visits ELP
November 19&20 Thanksgiving Feasts
November 24-28 Thanksgiving Holidays
Holiday Reminders
We follow the Fort Worth
ISD Holiday School Schedule. This schedule is posted on the ELP Bulletin
board for your convenience. Teachers
also send notes home with reminders
about upcoming holidays along with
their classroom calendars. Holidays
are also posted in the preschool
newsletter for the month. Thanksgiving break is November 24-28 for the
State Trooper Visit
State Trooper, Gary Rozzell will visit ELP on November 12 & 13 with important
information for preschooler safety. Officer Rozzell will discuss
seat belt safety, street safety, dialing 911 and Stranger Danger.
Monthly Tuition
Tuition is due the first of each month.
The late charges for payments made
after the first week of each month are
$20. Your promptness is appreciated.
Thanksgiving Feasts
Thanksgiving feasts for our daily lunch is
on November 19 and 20. Please look for
sign-up sheets to help with the celebration. Teachers will request various food
items, plates, napkins and drinks. Your
participation helps to make these events
a success. Thanks for
your help and support.
Keep Children Home if they have:
Fever , Swollen glands or Earache
Body Rash
3 or more watery stools
Thick mucus or pus draining from eyes
Unusually Tired, Pale, or lack of appetite
Looking Ahead:
Winter Break begins
December 22-January 2
Returning to Preschool on
Monday, January 5
Westminster News
Page 7
All Saints Day
Food Sunday
12 PM Congregational
3 PM Bell Choir
4 PM Chancel Choir
5-7 PM Youth @ RPC
6:30 PM Committee
Chairman Meeting
7:15 PM Committee
7 AM—7 PM Election
Polling (FH)
10 AM PW Coord.
Team Meeting
7 PM Chapel Singers
7 PM Cub / Boy Scout
8 PM Ensemble
7 PM Men’s Bible
7 PM Women’s Bible
Advent Devotional
7 PM Finance Mtg.
7 PM PW—Circle 3
@ Dionne Bagsby’s
10 AM PW Circle1
@ Betty Kessler’s
10 AM PW Circle 2
2 PM Newsletter Team
7 PM Cub / Boy Scout
7 PM Chapel Singers
8 PM Ensemble
ELP—State Trooper
7 PM Men’s Bible
7 PM Women’s Bible
ELP—State Trooper
Youth Event @ RPC
(Jr. High)
Youth Event @ RPC
(Jr. High)
Gift Market Set-up
Youth Event @ RPC
(Jr. High)
10 AM—3 PM
Holiday Gift Market
16 Dedication /
Pledge Sunday
10:30—1 PM Youth
11:30 WPC Staff
7 PM Session Meeting
7 PM Cub / Boy Scout
7 PM Chapel Singers
8 PM Ensemble
11:45 AM Friends &
7 PM Men’s Bible
7 PM Women’s Bible
Veterans Sunday
12 PM All Church
lunch, host—Worship
1-4 PM Children—
Fellowship Messenger
3 PM Bell Choir
4 PM Chancel Choir
6 PM Classic Music
3 PM Bell Choir
4 PM Chancel Choir
Operation Christmas
Child Shoebox
12:45 PM Youth Westaid @ RPC
3 PM Bell Choir
Thanksgiving Break
7 PM Social Media &
Thanksgiving Break
2 PM Newsletter
Thanksgiving Break
4-6 PM Mariners @
Omni Theatre
Thanksgiving Break
Presbytery Meeting @
Canyon Creek Presb.
Church, Richardson,
Presbytery Meeting
@ Canyon Creek
Presb. Church,
Richardson, TX
9 AM
10 AM Decorate for
Christmas / Advent
4 PM Chancel Choir
3 PM Bell Choir
4 PM Chancel Choir
5-7 PM Youth @ RPC
2 Amy Couch
2 Loriet Schrader
2 Katy Werner
3 Linda Couch
4 Alton Bostick Jr.
4 Tory Fontenot
5 Roy Campbell
6 Pearl Hawley
8 Daisianne Younger
9 Linda Puckett
9 Dayton Atwood
9 Sharon Troutz
10 Alan Van Geem
11 Mary Van Geem
12 Roberta Wilcox
13 Mickey Rigney
13 Betty Flanagan
14 Amy Van Geem
15 Kathy Hall
15 Joyce Elliott
16 Maxine Peck
18 Larry Atkinson
18 Annette Boyd
19 Elaine Elliott
20 Robi McAllister
20 Nancy Craig
23 James Werner
27 Dutch Holland
28 Jay Ewald
28 John Kepnga
29 Debra Bostick
29 Keith Miyatake
30 Nathan Tallman
Westminster Presbyterian Church
7001 Trail Lake Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76133
Main: (817) 292-1155; Fax: (817) 292-5903
Contemporary Worship Service: 8:45 AM, Sundays
Traditional Worship Service: 11:00 AM, Sundays
Office Hours:
Office Phone/Fax:
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
(817) 292-1155 / (817) 292-5903
Dr. Donald R. Hogg
Director of C.E./Youth: Eric Varnon
Director of Music:
Dr. Don Timberlake
Jennifer Dawson
Office Administrator:
Vandee DeLeon
Kathy Moriarty
Larry Atkinson
Clerk of Session:
Patricia Klint
Early Learning Place:
Rose Wynne
Serving the Church — Sunday, November 16, 2014,
Doorstep Ministry:
Elder on Call:
Sound Room:
Usher Team:
Worship Team (8:45)
Serving the Church — Sunday, November 23, 2014
Doorstep Ministry:
Elder on Call:
Sound Room:
Usher Team:
Worship Team (8:45)
David Bernardez
Connie Bosworth
Judy Ewald
Lisa Francis
Susan Green
Celestine Kepnga
Harold Leeds
Mike Moriarty
Kathleen Nance
Geraldine Parish
Linda Puckett
Vance Riedel
Mickey Rigney
Roselyn Tembiwa
Jule White
Greg Williams
Linda Wynne
Building & Grounds:
Mike Moriarty, Chairman
Kathy Nance
Christian Education:
Jule White, Chairman
Geraldine Parish
Vance Riedel
Finance/Stewardship: Mickey Rigney, Chairman
Linda Puckett
Hal Leeds, Chairman
Celestine Kepnga
Roselyn Tembiwa
Outreach & Mission:
Lisa Francis, Chairman
Connie Bosworth
Susan Green
Linda Wynne, Chairman
Greg Williams
Judy Ewald, Chairman
David Bernardez
“The Increase Of Talents”
I Thessalonians 5:1-11; Matthew 25:14-30
Rev. Dr. Donald R. Hogg
Bob Craig, Bob Bittle
Pat Bellingham, Betty Kessler
Susan Green
Gordon and Linda Couch
Karen Swanson
Teddy Claus
Shirley Godby, Dub Godby, Rosie Vela,
Robert Vela, Linda Puckett, Kathy Hall
Larry and Debbie Bartlett
Westminster News
Presbyterian Church USA
7001 Trail Lake Drive
Fort Worth, Texas 76133
“The Sheep From The Goats”
Ezekiel 34:11-24; Matthew 25:31-46
Rev. Dr. Donald R. Hogg
Mickey Rigney, Tom Crouch
Rosie and Robert Vela
Kathleen Nance
In Celebration of Robert and Kathy Nance’s
50th Wedding Anniversary
Pat Bellingham, Betty Kessler
Kathy Nance
Vance Riedel
Peggy Claus, Teddy Claus, Allison Hurd,
Leslie Varnon, Alice Carter
Susan Green, Shar Werner