The Messenger -

The Messenger
The monthly newsletter of First United Methodist Church of Pinellas Park
January 2015
Words from our Pastor
Hi, Church Family,
2015 is going to be an interesting year for our church. We have
been growing in excitement and spirit. It is my goal to see all of
us continuing to do so.
We will also be attempting to strengthen the many good things
we already have in our church.
Finally, it is my sincere desire to see our church sharing Christ
with those who do not know Him as their Lord and Savior.
Rev. Jeffrey Ice
Christmas Cards for Military Personnel
Our Hospice volunteers, Cheryl and Sheilanne, announced that this year our wonderful
church family sent a total of 737 Christmas cards to our country’s service members!
I am overwhelmed by the generous outpouring of Christian love to our soldiers! I am also grateful to
Pastor Ice for praying over and asking God’s blessings on each card and soldier during Worship on November 16th.
Thank you to all of you who sent cards and all of you who pray for our soldiers.
- In Christian Love, Linda Price
In this issue:
Dear Rev. Ice,
I am so thankful that my sister,
Rolaine Little , has such a caring
past or and church family – especially
during this season of her life.
- Sincerely, Mrs. Roberta Miller
Trustees Report;
More Thanks to Church Family;
Church Directory Photos ...........................2
Seasons change,
and blessings,
like leaves,
bring color and beauty
to our lives.
January Mission Boxes
01/04 Can Cupboard
01/11 Imagine No Malaria
01/18 Pastor’s Discretionary Fund
01/25 Faith Promise
January Reminders; Birthdays;
Praying Your Way through the Alphabet;
Lay Servant Training; Meetings .............. 3
Church Calendar .......................................... 4
The Benefits of Musical Synergy;
Youth News ................................................... 5
Compassion; UMW;
Connectional Giving ..................................... 6
Ou r Mi s sio n :
“G o a nd mak e d is c i pl e s … b ap t i zi n g th e m i n t he na m e of
th e Fa th er a n d of t h e S on a n d of t h e H oly S p iri t, an d
te ac hi n g th e m t o ob ey ev er y t h i ng I h av e c o m ma n de d y o u . ”
-- Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20)
Message from Finance and
Staff-Parish Relations;
Scouts ............................................................ 7
Church Contact Information .................... 8
Roof and Restorations:
We are still assessing issues with the
Sanctuary roof and getting bids for the
Fellowship Hall roof. Repairs and painting with
Sierra Construction are still under way.
Forms are being distributed so that we can
properly re-key the property based on who
needs access to what areas. Please fill out the
forms and get the word out to those who share
in ministry responsibilities that require access
to the buildings so that all are included. This
will be a lengthy process but will benefit the
security of the church.
Happy New Year! Please be patient as new
members come on board and a few step down.
We are still forming a list of talented professional
people we can call upon when maintenance
issues arise. We would like to have a list of
good honest businesses to rely on.
Please join us for our Church Work Day on
Saturday, January 3rd starting at 9:00 am.
- Joel Putnam for the Trustees Committee
Thanks to Tyler Christie and Austin Christie
for helping to run the video
screens during worship services!
If you would like to fill in for them as
backup when needed, and know how to
run a computer and use Powerpoint (or
are willing to learn), please contact
Joel Putnam, 321-377-8845,
or call the church office, 546-5741.
- Lois Miner
Pinellas Park Elementary School
7250 52nd St. N., Pinellas Park, FL
Dear Reverend Ice,
We want to thank you for your generous
contribution of the bags the church
members made with loving hands.
Teachers often buy items for the
classroom out of their own pocket so
receiving the toy or school supply item in
each bag for our school was a great
surprise. The teachers were very excited
to get such nice items for the children!
Thanks for being a part of the Pinellas
Park community and helping to make this
a better place to live. We look forward to
your continued partnership with Pinellas
Park Elementary School.
Lisa Freeman
Jim Gillett
Family & Community Liaison
Life Touch Church Directories
will take photos for our new
church directory
February 3 rd & February 4 th .
To schedule your photo session, please
call Connie Vannatt a, 544 -4252, or see
me here at church, or you may go online.
In December, 50 members sat for their photos taken
and donated 46 food items to the Can Cupboard!
If you bring a food item in, you will receive a
$5.00 coupon off any photo purchase.
The Messenger
From our
to Karen Emerson :
Thanks for the
CD player!
To all of you who expressed your holiday spirit
through sales or purchases of Christmas greenery:
Thank you for your support of
our Greenery Fundraiser!
We did well for our first year and donated muchneeded funds to the ministries of our church.
- Leslie Weaver
Page 2
January 2015
Thurs., Jan. 1st
Jan. 18th – 24th
“I Love a Good Book!”
We have a few books which have been donated and
which I will try to get on the shelves this month.
Max Lucado’s latest book, Before Amen,
has a chapter on “Thank You”.
He suggests praying the alphabet. For your
prayer time, use the alphabet, A to Z,
starting with A. Anything you are thankful
for – a person, food, whatever.
I will be using this in my prayer time. I know that my choice
for the letter “C” will be clouds, as I love to see them and
watch them change shape.
Doing this will take more time, but remember -- you are
thanking Jesus and talking to Him. I think it would be a
good idea to write them down each day; you can always
repeat if you can’t think of something new.
Also -- remember that Pastor Jeffery asked us to send at
least one thank you each day to God.
Wouldn’t this make a special New Year’s resolution?
- In Christian love, Pinky
2015 Lay Servant Classes
February 28th & March 7th, Spring Hill UMC
“Basic” Course
“Leading in Worship” Course
One or two more being planned
Additional information and the registration forms will be available soon.
Check with Janice Todd if you have questions.
Staff-Parish Relations: Monday, January 5 th ,
7:00 pm, Lib.
KCC Board: Tuesday, January 13 th , 6:00 pm, E-3
Trustees: Tuesday, January 13 th , 7:00 pm, E-2
Finance: Tuesday, January 13 th , 7:00 pm, E-4
Ministry Council: Monday, January 19th, 7:00, E-3
The Messenger
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Mon., Jan. 19th
Note to
January 15th.
Prayers for Church/Prayer Walking:
Sat., Jan. 3 rd, 9:30 – 10:30 am, E-2
Church Work Day:
Sat., Jan. 3 rd, 9:00 – noon to remove
and store Christmas decorations
Youth Luncheon:
Sun., Jan. 4 th, after Worship
01/01 Chris Clark
01/03 April LaFrance
01/04 Summer O’Tyson
01/06 Bill Vannatta
01/07 Suzanne Christie
01/08 Jeffery Anderson
Timmy Wulkan
01/09 Joyce Caldwell
Michael Smyth
01/10 Edward Seeds
Karen Emerson
01/12 Ron Atkinson
01/13 Ken Cramer
01/15 Andrea Dupuis
Alex Weaver
01/19 RJ Neidl
01/21 Jeremy Ahlquist
01/23 Mary Sevier
Noah McMillon
01/24 Matthew Wolf
Jillian Clark
01/30 Barbara Martin
Jackie Brown
Janice Todd
Linda Price
01/31 Robert Blake
January 2015
January 2015
9:00am Youth Brunch
6:30pm Boy Scouts
9:30am Ladies' Bible
(E2/E3, E4)
Study (E3)
9:15am Sunday School 7:00pm Staff Parish (Lib) 5:30pm GS Troop 500
10:15am Chancel Choir
(Rm 201/207)
Reh. (PAR)
7:00pm Cub Scouts
Committee Meeting
10:30am Worship (Sanc)
11:15am Praise Kids
5:30pm Dinner (FH)
5:45pm GS Troop 431
6:00pm Youth (AH)
6:30pm Study of Daniel
6:30pm Youth Praise
6:30pm Bible Study
w/Pastor (E4)
7:30pm Praise Team
10:00am UMW
6:00pm New Day Holiday 9:00am Thrift Store (TS)
Executive Comm. Mtg.
Party (FH/Kit)
6:00pm Chapel Chicks
6:30pm Handbell Reh.
6:30pm Cub Scouts
(E2/E3, E4)
7:30pm Choir Reh.
9:00am Thrift Store (TS)
9:30am Prayer Walking
9:30am Church/Trustees
9:15am Sunday School 6:30pm Boy Scouts
10:15am Chancel Choir
(E2/E3, E4)
Reh. (PAR)
10:30am Worship (Sanc)
11:15am Praise Kids
9:30am Ladies’ Bible
Study (E3)
5:30pm GS Troop 500
(Rm 201/207)
6:00pm KCC Board (E3)
7:00pm Trustees (E2)
7:00pm Finance (E4)
5:30pm Dinner (FH)
5:45pm GS Troop 431
6:00pm Youth (AH)
6:30pm Bible Study
w/Pastor (E4)
6:30pm Youth Praise
6:30pm Study of Daniel
7:30pm Praise Team
10:00am Elizabeth Circle
(Barbara Kirk’s Home)
1:00pm Naomi Circle
6:00pm Chapel Chicks
6:30pm Cub Scouts
(E2/E3, E4)
6:30pm Rejoice! (PAR)
7:30pm Choir Reh.
9:15am Sunday School 6:30pm Boy Scouts
10:15am Chancel Choir
(E2/E3, E4)
Reh. (PAR)
7:00pm Ministry Council
10:30am Worship (Sanc) (E3)
11:15am Praise Kids
12:00pm Pot Luck
Luncheon (FH)
9:30am Ladies’ Bible
Study (E3)
5:30pm GS Troop 500
(Rm 201/207)
7:00pm Ruth Circle
(home of Lois Miner)
5:30pm Dinner (FH)
5:45pm GS Troop 431
6:00pm Youth (AH)
6:30pm Bible Study
w/Pastor (E4)
6:30pm Youth Praise
6:30pm Study of Daniel
7:30pm Praise Team
6:00pm Chapel Chicks
6:30pm Handbell Reh.
6:30pm Cub Scouts
(E2/E3, E4)
7:30pm Choir Reh.
9:30am Ladies’ Bible
Study (E3)
5:30pm GS Troop 500
(Rm 201/207)
5:30pm Dinner (FH)
5:45pm GS Troop 431
6:00pm Youth (AH)
6:30pm Study of Daniel
6:30pm Youth Praise
6:30pm Bible Study
w/Pastor (E4)
7:30pm Praise Team
6:00pm Chapel Chicks
6:30pm Cub Scouts
(E2/E3, E4)
6:30pm Rejoice! (PAR)
7:30pm Choir Reh.
9:15am Sunday School 6:30pm Boy Scouts
10:15am Chancel Choir
(E2/E3, E4)
Reh. (PAR)
10:30am Worship (Sanc)
11:15am Praise Kids
9:00am Thrift Store (TS)
9:00am Thrift Store (TS)
9:00am Thrift Store (TS)
Music enhances our worship experience as we
actively engage in singing or playing an
instrument, even as we just listen. We can all relate
to the effect that hearing a familiar song evokes in
us; it may trigger memories of events, both happy
and sad, or a special person or place. The field of
Music Therapy has begun to document through
careful research using standard scientific methods
what we know through experience about the effects
of music on our emotions and memory.
cause changes in physiology by releasing brain chemicals
including melatonin, norephinephrine, epinephrine,
serotonin and prolactin, which help to reduce depression,
regulate mood and make patients feel calm and more able
to sleep. Dr. Suzanne Hasner says, “Music is processed in
the emotional part of the brain, the amygdala, where you
remember the music played at your wedding, the music of
your first love, that first dance. Such things can still be
remembered even in people with progressive diseases. It
can be a window, a way to reach them."
The various elements of music (melody, rhythm,
and harmony), engage both hemispheres of our
brain to work together – this synergy is rarely
found in other activities. Music helps children
learn – think about shows like “Sesame Street” that
teach the alphabet, numbers, directions and
coordination through songs. The rhythm of music
has physiological effects on heartbeat and
breathing – thus listening to music with a slow
tempo can help adults with high blood pressure or
chronic pain to manage their conditions.
The members of our Music Ministry experience the
powerful effect that music has on us. Many have said that
they “almost didn’t come to practice” because of being
tired from work, or due to not feeling exactly “right”, but
through the focus on the music, notes/lyrics/rhythms, they
felt much more relaxed and positive after the rehearsal.
Music unites people from different stages in life,
different personalities, and different levels of ability-particularly in the service of our Lord -- and creates
something more beautiful and moving than any one of
us could do on our own.
The American Music Therapy Organization
reports that studies show that music therapy can
Loretta Wilcox
Youth Director
- In His Service, Betsy Larson, Adult Music Director
The youth enjoyed good times together during Christmas break
with a Christmas Party and White Elephant gift exchange on
December 22 n d and a get-together with snacks while watching
the video “When the Game Stands Tall” on December 29 th .
January 4 th Luncheon: Pork Loin, Potatoes, Vegetable, Rolls, & Dessert
$8: Ad ul t;
$3 : C h il d;
$ 20: Famil y
In January, the youth will start Confirmation Classes. Though the dynamics are still being worked
out in terms of day and time to meet, Pastor Jeffrey will be leading the sessions.
In March we will take a trip to Epworth by the Sea for a Confirmation Retreat. At the end of the
classes the youth will be confirmed during Worship and given the opportunity to join the church.
Chrysalis Weekends are coming up at the end of February and the beginning of March. If you know
of a youth who is 15 years old and in 10th grade, or older, please talk to Dudley, Joel or myself about
sponsoring him or her on a Chrysalis weekend of Christian development and enrichment.
The Messenger
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January 2015
UMW Dates to Note
November Can Cupboard Report
The Can Cupboard provided food for 129
families (333 individuals) and 35
Thanksgiving Food Baskets.
Christmas Compassion
A lot of thought and hard work
went into providing 29 Christmas
Food Baskets to local residents
and gifts for 65 children who are
ages new-born to 14 years old.
Many thanks, church family, for your food
basket and Wish Tree contributions!
Special thanks to the Mission Committee of
Oakhurst UMC for providing 25 canned hams (as
well as cranberry sauce and canned corn) for the
Christmas Food Baskets and also miscellaneous
canned goods and cereal for the Can Cupboard.
We appreciate their generosity in
helping to keep our shelves filled!
Th ri f t S to re
Open Saturdays:
9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Volunteer Needs
The Thrift Store is a great place to give
in service. You could act as a cashier or
help sort, price, or stock merchandise.
Have fun while donating an hour or more
of your time as you wish.
01/08 (Thurs.): Executive Committee Meeting,
10:00 am, E-2
Installation of Officers
In the Sanctuary during Worship
01/15 (Thurs.): Elizabeth Circle, 10:00 am
Home of Barbara Kirk
9471 -- 45th Way, Mainlands Unit 1
Naomi Circle, 1:00 pm, at the church
01/20 (Tues.): Ruth Circle, 7:00 pm
Home of Lois Miner
10115 – 36th Way N., Mainlands
01/24 (Sat.):
Unit Leader Development North
Hudson UMC
01/31 (Sat.):
Unit Leader Development South
Lakeland UMC
January 2015 District Study Meeting
“How Is It with Your Soul”
If your unit is interested in participating in a districtwide study on “How Is It with Your Soul,” the
spiritual study topic at this year’s Mission u, there
will be a meeting at Oakhurst UMC, Friday,
January 9 th at 10:00 a.m. for the initial planning.
Questions? Contact Roberta Lau at 727-595-9714.
We’re looking into ideas for
supporting a different ministry (or an
additional ministry to the Red Bird Mission)
for this new year. We’ll keep you posted.
Call Cheryl Vannatta: 544-4252.
- Joan Kennison for the Elizabeth Circle
“This election as bishop is a tremendous honor,” said new bishop Jonathan Holston, assigned to the Columbia
(S.C.) Area. “It’s humbling, and yet, it’s an opportunity to give leadership and service to the church.”
Bishops are an integral part of the spiritual and administrative leadership of The United Methodist Church.
They are elected and consecrated to speak to the church and from the church. The Episcopal Fund pays for
bishops’ salaries, office and travel expenses, and pension and health-benefit coverage.
* Quoted from: The United Methodist Church Handbook—Let’s go Fishing
Thank you for your continued support.
- Bill Vannatta, Interpreter for Connectional Giving
The Messenger
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January 2015
Our Church family gave the Pastor and me an early Christmas gift and we are blessed
and thankful. The 2014 year was a success in that we will have met nearly all the
Church’s obligations! We thank our members for their contributions to that success.
As those of you who attended the Church conference in November are aware, we
have a new Finance Chairperson and a new Staff-Parish Relations (SPR)
Chairperson for 2015:
пЃ– The new Finance Chairperson is Pat Smith; she has promised to work
hard for you, our members.
пЃ– The new Chairperson for SPR will be elected in January by that committee on
the recommendation of the pastor.
After my seven years as Trustee Chairman and
three-and-a-half years as Finance Chairman --and Nancy’s six years as Staff-Parish Relations
Chair, we will step out of our leadership roles for a
while. We would like to thank the other
committee chairs for their cooperation and work.
We especially would like to thank Ryllis Chandler
for her hard work in keeping me and others in line
on the budget.
I also would like to thank Janice Todd for helping
us get all the District and Conference paperwork
done in a timely manner.
Also, I would like to thank Joyce Bernotas for
good work in editing The Messenger each and
every month. She has on many occasions
improved my submissions and made my articles
read more correctly than if I wrote them without
her sharp eye.
Boy Scouts (Troop 320) are fundraising for a
Summer trip to the Sea Base in the Florida Keys.
I would like to have all the members of this
Church experience a Happy and Healthy new
year. The year of 2015 should be a good one
for all, and for our Church. May God bless
you and keep you until we meet again.
Ron Forbes, Finance Chairman
Nancy Forbes, Staff Parrish Chairperson
Girl Scout cookie presales start the first week
of January. We will post an order form in
Fellowship Hall.
Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts participated in the
December 13th Pinellas Park Christmas Parade
as float #9.
We are hosting a camp in Tampa for younger
girls in January and working on community
service projects.
Boy Scout Meetings: Mondays, 6:30 pm
Cub Scout Meetings: Thursdays, 6:45 pm
Location: FUMCPP
Contact: Joel Putnam, 321 -377-8845
The Messenger
One thing you learn from being on any
committee of our Church is that if you are
successful, it is because of the many
members on the committee who buy into the
plan established to meet the mission and
obligations of our Church. To all the
members who have served with us over the
last several years, Thank you!
- Colleen Kokemohr, Troop 53
Page 7
January 2015
First United Methodist Church of Pinellas Park
9025 49th Street N., Pinellas Park, FL 33782
Phone: (727) 546-5741
fm ethod 1 @ t am pab a y. r r .c om
See us:
Send us Mail:
Like us:
Follow us:!/FUMC_PPark
Church Office Hours:
Tuesday and Thursday: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Wednesday: 2:00 – 5:30 PM
Pastor Jeffrey Ice (for appointments)
(Parsonage) 544-3472
Church Office 546-5741
Admin. Ass’t: Janice Todd, x22
Secretary: Pat Thomas, x23
Financial Secr’y: Ryllis Chandler, x26
The Messenger: Joyce Bernotas, x27
Member Care
Janice Todd, x22
Staff-Parish Relations
Passionate Worship
Carmen Lawrence 686-3077
Finance and Stewardship Committee
Pat Smith 459-4960
Ministry Council Chair
Mark Linneman 541-6048
Prayer Ministries
Prayer Chain: Bev Mixson 573-3743
Dial-A-Prayer Devotional 548-7448
Coordinator: TBA
Prayer Visits: Karen Emerson 727-392-8368
Media Marketing
Website: Janice Todd
Facebook and Twitter:
Michelle Sherman 727-226-2198
Adult Music Director/Organist
Betsy Larson 546-5741 x27
Pinky Reichert 576-7837
Children and Youth Music Director
Jordana Clark 546-5741 x27
United Methodist Women
Dorothy (Dotty) Thompson 544-1539
Children’s Activities
Church Office 546-5741
Scouting Ministries
Boy Scouts: Joel Putnam 321-377-8845
Girl Scouts: Linda Sowell 510-4796
Youth Ministry
Loretta Wilcox 546-5741
After 5:00 pm: 637-3534
Kids Christian Care
Office 541-6502
Pre-School Director: Barbie Grigsby
Board Chair: Betsy Larson 546-5741
Missions Ministry
Michelle Sherman 727-226-2198
Men’s Fellowship
Richard Dishman 545-0313
Compassion Ministries
Virginia Mulligan 546-5741 x29
Fellowship Meals/Can Cupboard
Virginia Mulligan 546-5741 x29
Thrift Store
Manager: Cheryl Vannatta 544-4252
Transportation Ministry
Richard Dishman 545-0313
Invitational Evangelism
Rhonda Smith 530-3194
Nancy Kragh 397-8119
January 2015