The White Spire - First Presbyterian Church of Lowville

The White Spire
March 2015
First Presbyterian Church
Taizé Again
So, twenty-eight of us assembled on a cold
winter’s night last month to celebrate Ash
Wednesday with a service that featured
moments of silence, candlelight, and the
music of Taizé, an ecumenical monastery
located in Taizé, France. We prayed for
peace, and we sang . Looking to the pro­
mise of spring, the Worship Committee
has decided to hold a series of monthly
Taizé services beginning Wednesday,
March 18th, at 7:00 p.m.
Members are invited to taste a different
experience in worship. One that is quieter,
less filled with words, and more focused on
the inner spirit. And, you are invited to bring a
friend or neighbor.
Speaking Christian
The week of April 1 3th, Herb will begin
three special study groups aimed at studying
the basic beliefs of the Christian faith. The
study guide is a book by Marcus Borg
entitled, Speaking Christian, which contains
brief chapters that are easy to read and
understand on various key Christian beliefs.
Call these groups “Christian Beliefs for
Dummies,” if you like. The goal of these
groups is to provide a study opportunity
for those who are looking for a very basic
introduction to our faith. The groups will
meet weekly for nine weeks for about one
hour. The times are: Monday evenings, 7:00
to 8:00 pm; Wednesday afternoons, 4:00 to
5:00 pm; and Sunday evenings, 6:30 to 7:30
pm. If you are interested, please let Herb
7707 N. State Street
Lowville, NY 13367
Rev. Dr. Herb Swanson, Pastor
Jennie Kelly, Admin. Assistant
Trina Stahl, Music Director
Rodney Rubar, Custodian
Inside this issue
Front Page
From Herb's Desk
Lenten Services
Holy Week
Easter Flowers
Session Notes
Beyond Our Church
Thanks Page
Stows Square
Savings Time
March 8
fellowship. Our call to membership and
leadership is not to add involvement in
one more organization to a long list of
other involvements. It is an invitation to be
a part of a family of faith. To “do church”
means to pray together, study together,
laugh and cry together, worship and sing
together, and serve our community
together. Members of the church are
From Herb’s Desk
While we normally
don’t put it this way, we
Presbyterians are good
at taking oaths and
making promises.
When we ordain new
ruling elders and
deacons, for example,
they are required to
affirm their faith and
promise to be faithful in their duties.
When I was installed as pastor of this
church, I had to do the same. These
things are required of us by our denominational constitution, The Book of Order.
So too, all new members of Presbyterian
churches are called on to affirm their faith
in Christ and willingness to be faithful,
active members of the church.
Once we take our oaths, whether it is
as a member, an elder or deacon, or as
pastor, we then face the challenge of
fulfilling our promises. The challenge, of
course, is to balance our commitment to
the church with the other priorities we
have. There are times when one priority
takes more of our attention than the
others. Healthy church leadership and
membership does not mean always
putting the church first, but it does mean
making a full-faith effort to live out the
oaths we took when we became a
member, an elder or deacon, or pastor.
In light of all of this, the session has
undertaken a period of prayer for those
members who for one reason or another
are finding it difficult to make participation
in the life of our church a priority. In the
fall, it plans to “clean the rolls” of the
church prayerfully and with the hope that
some of those who are currently barely or
not participating will find their way back
into the full life of the church. Our prayer
is not that they become mere cogs in the
organization of the church.
We have been working in recent years
to grow our church spiritually and in
invited to join the session in prayer for
those who are finding it difficult to
make participation in the life of our
church a priority. We know that being
part of the family matters. Amen.
Blessings on the journey,
Lenten Services
Ecumenical Lenten Services are held on
Wednesdays at 1 2 noon followed by a
fellowship luncheon. See schedule below:
March 4
St. Peter’s Church
March 11
First Presbyterian Church
March 18
United Methodist Church
March 25
Trinity Episcopal Church
Maundy Thursday Service
As has been the case for several years
now, our congregation will join with the
other Black River Churches to celebrate
Maundy Thursday, April 2nd at the
Boonville Presbyterian Church. The
service will be at 7:00 pm. And bring
along a friend.
Mar. 29 1 0a.m.
Mar. 30
Mar. 31
April 1
April 2
April 2
April 5
April 5 8:30a.m.
April 5 1 0a.m.
Palm Sunday Worship Service
Women's Holy Week Service at Brookside
Women's Holy Week Service at Brookside
Women's Holy Week Service at Brookside
Women's Holy Week Service at Brookside
Maundy Thursday Service at Boonville Presbyterian Church
Sunrise Service in front of church or inside if needed
Choir Practice
Easter Sunday Worship Service
Flowers for Easter worship may be purchased through the church and a list will be
published in the Easter bulletin. All plants will be delivered to our shut-ins unless you
specify to the church office. The deadline to order is March 11.
Your name as you would like it to read in the bulletin.
In memory or in honor of (indicate how you would like it to read in the bulletin).
Flower selections:
Lily_____ Hyacinth _____
Tulip _____ Daffodil _____
Begonia _____
Azalea _____
Mum _____ $11
$1 0
$1 3
Please make checks payable to First Presbyterian Church.
Thank you for participating in our Easter tradition!
TV monitors- the computer system is
down, approximately $2,000 to hard wire
the system- on hold for now.
• Steeple clock is not working- quotes are
needed, it is feared it may be expensive to
• Approved study leave and vacation time
for Herb in 201 5.
Session Notes
The following notes were taken from the
regular session meeting on February 10,
Faith sharing/meditation and discussion was focused on Chapter 2, The
Churchless, and how we can reach out to
the un-churched, busy people in our
• Cleaning the membership rolls; a list of
inactive members was compiled and
reviewed. Some members have begun
attending other churches or moved from
the area. Some are adult children of
current members and we will follow up to
see if they wish to remain on the rolls.
After some discussion it was suggested to
pray for some folks to come back to the
church. Session members will pray for
these members at session meetings and
in our daily devotions. We will revisit this
again in September 2015.
• Approved 2014 Statistical Report and
Annual Clerk’s report.
• We will be receiving a monitory gift
from the Rev. and Mrs. Robert Stover from
a charitable gift annuity.
• Pat Parker shared a written report from
the Presbytery meeting held January 27,
• Report of the Treasurer-Carole Dunbar
shared a written report of income and
• Report of the Pastor- Herb reviewed
his written report. Thursday, January 12,
2015 we will host a meeting of legal
representatives from the Youth Court,
DSS, Brian Finn and a representative from
the legislature.
• Stows Square monument- Pat Homer
reported they still need $2,21 8 to complete
the project. Approved to request funds
from congregational members.
• Prices on sheds were reviewed.
• County property inspection was held
January 16, 2015, fire exits are in need
of some lights.
Do you know about CHEAR?
(Church Helpers
Emergency and Respite)
CHEAR is a service of the Board of
Deacons that provides meals to members
and friends of the congregation in times of
special need. In the past, CHEAR has
helped families who have lost a loved one,
are going through a difficult time, or have a
member hospitalized or suffering from an
illness. Kelly Adsit is the coordinator of
CHEAR. If you have a need or know of
someone who might, you may contact
Herb, the church office, or Kelly. Usually,
meals are provided for a few days up to a
week by members of the congregation
recruited by Kelly.
UTG4 has just finished doing “Unbinding
the Heart” for the second time in honor of
our two new members: Donna Diller and
Judy Waligory. They join current members
Rosalee Boissy, Pat Homer, Shirley Merry,
Lydia Middaugh and Sylvia Virkler.
Fourth Sunday
Fellowship Dinner
Sunday, March 22 is our fourth Sunday
Fellowship meal of the year. Please bring
a main dish, salad, or dessert and join us
after worship for good eats, fun, and
fellowship. The Board of Deacons are our
The Lay Academy of
Utica Presbytery
An Opportunity for Christian
Learning Leading to Christian
Making Spirituality Count
An Important Part of Your
Congregation’s Life
Saturday, March 21 9am to noon at
Preswick Glen - Clinton Road, New
Hartford. Refreshments will be served.
For more than a decade, the Lay
Academy of Utica Presbytery has served
the churches of the presbytery by providing quality lay education for those who
want to better understand their faith and
use that understanding to serve others.
The Academy offers a series of basic
and special courses in a three-year cycle.
The basic courses include Old Testament,
New Testament, Church History, Congregational Care, and (yes!) Preaching.
Originally intended to train lay pastors, it
also serves “regular” members of churches who simply want to know more.
Some of the courses meet monthly for
up to a year. Others meet only once or a
few times. Almost all of them meet on
Saturdays, and most of them meet in
Utica. There is no tuition, and the only
expenses are for travel and books.
If you are interested or want more
information speak with Herb and/or
contact the Rev. Lawrence Bartel (pastor
at Old Forge) at,
PO Box 605, Old Forge, NY 1 3420; 31 5369-3475.
Herb Swanson will speak on the small
group program that has had great success
in Lowville and Janet Hoover will be
talking about integrating spirituality beyond
Sunday mornings.
“Loving Lewis County”
Many churches sponsor annual adult
mission trips to various spots in the U.S.
and sometimes overseas. For some years
now, Bethel Church of the Nazarene has
every other year taken their mission trip
here in Lewis County. This year, they
have invited other churches to join
together in an ecumenical mission “trip”
right here at home. The session accepted
that invitation, and we have been actively
involved in the planning of this mission
week experience. The trip is called,
“Loving Lewis County.” So far, about a
dozen churches are involved. We are
hoping for more than a hundred volunteers
and maybe as many as two hundred to
take part.
Loving Lewis County will take place
during the second week of August
(Aug. 10­14). Work crews will undertake
repairs of homes in the county belonging
to those who struggle to keep up their
property. Those taking part are asked to
donate $80/day for each day ($400 for the
week) they can work for those in need
here at home. These funds go to buying
building materials for the repairs.
The session has set a goal for our
church of at least twenty members giving
at least one day’s service. The more of us
involved and the more we can do the
Inquiry Day
April 25th
In the spring, the Academy annually
holds an “Inquiry Day” for those who
are considering taking courses. This
year Inquiry Day will be on Saturday,
April 25th, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
at Westminster­Moriah­Olivet
Presbyterian Church, 714
Washington Street, Utica.
Stows Square Monument
You may remember that in 201 2 the
obelisk that marked the Presbyterian
Church of Stows Square (about 4 miles
north of Lowville on Rt. 26) was knocked
down and later destroyed by a group who
had purchased the land on which it stood.
Since that time there have been a number
of us who have worked very hard to rectify
this great wrong.
Special thanks to:
Everyone who provided food for our
Fourth Sunday Fellowship Dinner on
February 22.
* Phyllis Rohr for her Minute for Mission
in February promoting Blanket Sunday.
* Everyone who supported our Blanket
Sunday/Tools of Hope Program.
* All our contributors to our February
Food Pantry food collection. Your support
of this local ministry is greatly appreciated.
* Two special ladies who covered the
nursery while our nursery care providers
enjoyed their school vacation, Kelly Rohr
on February 15 and Runee Swanson on
February 22.
* Those who participated in our Ash
Wednesday Taizé Service by providing
candle holders, participating and being
* February worship participants: Lee
Vance, Tracey Koss, Kelly Clark, Kelly
Adsit, Carole Dunbar and Kelly Rohr.
* UTG 3 for feeding breafast to 20
scouts at their recent lock-in held at
church January 1 ­ February 1!!!
* Rodney Rubar for all his snow blowing
and shoveling around both buildings as he
works hard to keep snow out of our way!
* Carole Dunbar and Jim Schlieder who
have taken on the busy task of property
concerns and attention as co-chairs of this
We would like to erect a new monument (a
five foot granite obelisk on a three foot two
part base) as identical to the original as
we can make it. We have secured a small
piece of property, which will have a
“forever” clause in its deed in the form of
an easement upon which it can be
erected. This piece of property is as close
as we can possibly get to within a few
hundred feet of where the monument
originally stood. Total cost for a new
monument is $8,600.00 including footers
and base. Attorney fees and the property
have been donated.
The very good news is that we are now
within $2,21 8.00 of this goal; and can see
that erection may very well take place in
the spring or summer of this year.
I am coming to you to ask for any donation
that you might want to make towards
meeting this goal at this time. This month
I plan to do a minute for mission in
worship to once more tell the story of its
initial erection by members of this church
in 1 899 and its destruction in 201 2.
Please come to me with any questions
you have. Checks can be made out to
First Presbyterian Church with “Stows
Square Monument” in the memo line.
Dear Friends,
Thank you for your generous contributions
to Christmas Sharing Holiday Assistance!
-Mike and Nancy Hanno,
Committee Co-chairs
Thank you so very much,
Pat Homer
April White Spire Deadline
The sympathy of the congregation is
extended to Mary Rhode and family on the
death of Mary's sister, Grace Rupert who
died February 4. Her funeral was
February 8 with Herb conducting at
Sunquist Funeral Home.
March 23
Communion Celebrated
March 1
Prayer Corner
Esther Feldmann (Rochester)
Lewis County Nursing Home Esther Windover #436, Marian Holliday
East Road Adult Home – Mary Rhode, Don
Virkler, Ray Kennison
Serving in the Armed Forces – Petty
Officer 2rd. Class Lance Gormley USN,
(Grandson of Jean & Dave Puddington),
Sgt. Jamie Byrd in Afghanistan (son-in-law
of the Davey's)
Church Contact Information
•7707 N. State Street, Lowville, NY 1 3367
•Visit us on Facebook
•Office Phone: 376-3631
•Fax: 376-7707
•Treasurer: Carole Dunbar, call 681 -7798
(home) leave a message
•Church Secretary: Jennie Kelly
•Prayer Team: Mary Lou DeMinck
(, 51 3-4057
•Facebook Editor: Mary Lou DeMinck
Herb’s Contact Information
•Office Hours: Tues. & Thurs., 9a.m.1 2:00p.m.
•Study Day: Monday
•Day off: Friday
•Home Phone: 874-421 9
•Pastor’s Blog:
201 5 Session members: Kelly Clark,
Carole Dunbar, Pat Homer, Mary Anne
Kingsley, Kelly Rohr, Roger Quay, Jim
Schlieder, Joanne Vance and Heidi
201 5 Board of Deacons: Kelly Adsit, Jan
Cook, Barb Golas, Daryl Lehman, Phyllis
Rohr and Bonnie Tarasek
Phil McDowell ­ Author
Routledge Press has published the book
Thinking About Thinking: Cognition,
Science, and Psychotherapy by Phil
McDowell. Parts of the book were utilized
in a Theological Study Group of Einstein’s
God by Krista Tippett. Phil’s book can be
accessed at 38823969.
Craft Group and PW Circle
Come and be a part of the group that gets
together monthly to work on crafts for the
Holiday Bazaar on Tuesday, March 10 at
9:30a.m. at church. Then move on over to
the AH for the PW Circle that gathers at
11 :00a.m. Please bring a sandwich to
share and join this important ministry.
Stone Soup Dinner
Our March Stone Soup dinner is
Thursday, March 19 and the menu is
baked ziti and tossed salad. To sign up,
please look for the clipboard. Help is
needed donating food, cooking, setting
tables, serving and cleaning up.
Head Start
Preschool Registration
Head Start is a free family-oriented full day
pre-school or home based program with
socialization opportunities for 3 and 4 year
old children who meet the income
guidelines. Slots are available for children
with special needs. Parents may register
from 8-4 p.m. at the Beaver Falls location,
9601 Mira Lane, 346-6645, the Lowville
location, 7673 N. State Street, 376-7531
or the Lyons Falls location, 401 5 Center
Street, 348-4001 .