Our Latest Newsletter - Community Church at Tellico Village

The Visitor
Community Church at
Tellico Village
October 2014
Meet the Confirmation Class of 2014-2015
I am delighted to introduce to you the five young people who have committed their time and energy toward the
process of confirmation in our church. Confirmation, in some sense, is a rite of passage. In the Confirmation
service, we pray that the Holy Spirit will be renewed in them and guide them so that they can live each day as
followers of Jesus Christ. Therefore, the goal of the Confirmation process is for the youth of our church to have a
living, dynamic encounter with God. Such an encounter will never leave us the same. Our lives will slowly begin to
reflect the goodness of our Lord as we are transformed from our old way of living to a new life in him.
As a part of our Confirmation program, each confirmand is paired with a mentor—a man or woman of strong faith
who exemplifies the Christian life. By Christ’s grace, the time our confirmands spend with these mentors will help
them encounter God and more fully live out their faith in and commitment to Jesus.
So here, they are—the Confirmation class of 2014-2015!
п‚· Mac Carson, son of Cindy Giljames. Mentor: Ron Fritchley.
Aubrey Brooks, granddaughter of Candy Smith. Mentor: Marjorie Stephens.
Emma Krajewski, daughter of Phil Walker and Jill Krajewski. Mentor: Nancy Livengood.
Alyssa McKinley, granddaughter of Candy Smith. Mentor: Nancy Benn.
Olivia Zimmermann, daughter of Richard and Anne Zimmermann. Mentor: Bonnie Ingraham.
Please pray for each of these young men and women as they take this important step of faith. Pray for their
families and their mentors. And pray for Leilani Cooper (children’s ministry director) and me as we teach these
young folks the important tenets of our faith every Sunday morning. How blessed we are to have such a great
group of committed young people!
Pastor Rhonda
The Confirmands; From left to right:
Aubrey Brooks, Alyssa McKinley, Olivia Zimmerman,
Mac Carson, Emma Krajewski
“Let your yea be yea” By Pastor Dan Ivins
Communication is a challenge for all organizations, and that includes churches. The word is derived from the Latin
“common,” evoking the idea of community. There’s a story about communication in the first book of the Bible, called
“the tower of Babel,” where community was lost because people couldn’t communicate. And then on Pentecost, we
have the church’s story, the restoration of Babel, and everyone understood what was spoken.
God means for us to communicate. But sometimes people in church are more interested in information than
communication. Because information is power. Being in the know is advantageous in getting your way. When the
disciples asked Jesus about the “end of the world,” he allowed as how he didn’t know! “Only God knows,” he says. It
might’ve been his way of saying he’s interested in other things. But imagine Jesus saying he didn’t have the
information. He just advised them they should be ready, no matter when it is. That takes preparation, discipline,
planning ahead, sound communication about things that matter, something they could do something about.
Churches speak a lot of words about the Word. But sometimes more information than communication. And people
can get their knickers in a knot, from miscommunication. I’ve seen people leave the church from problems that result
from improper communication as much as anything. For Jesus clarity in communication is not hurtful but helpful. “Let
your yea be yea and your nay be nay,” said he. Obfuscation was the topic of his observation about Pharisees “much
speaking, praying on the street corners.” They talked a lot but didn’t say much. Mostly nuance is for show. Jesus was
one of those get-to-the-point-guys. If it’s “yea” then say it. If it’s not, then say “nay.” But when you say something, let
it make sense for God’s sake, so that others can be able to depend on it.
When I was writing my 5th book, I remember my editor saying to me: “Don’t write so others can understand it. Write
so they won’t misunderstand it.” Good advice about good communication. Good communication isn’t prejudicial. It
doesn’t arrive at conclusions with a made-up mind. The people who gave Jesus fits were those my-way-or-no-way
types. Ironic isn’t it, that the persons Jesus could trust least were religious folks (Luke 4:16-30).
Most breakdowns in communication in church come when we fail to inform. Or are unclear about how we inform. This
shows up frequently in the form of “secrets,” or not saying all we could about something. Keeping secrets or withholding information is a no-no if a church would be healthy. Otherwise it’s malfunction junction, and folks are not on the
same page. The left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing.
This is a big church, with lots of activities. It’s a lot to try to keep up with. So the first week I arrived I suggested an
11 a.m. weekly staff meeting on Mondays in an effort to enhance communication; to look back, look ahead, then look
I’ve found that good church communication should be funneled through in several areas: the pastors, church
secretaries, and church council chair, George Walter. The standing committee chairs report at the monthly council
meeting, that’s the best time for calendar issues. This information will be disseminated through the Internet,
newsletter, and Sunday morning prime-time announcements.
Better comprehension means we can make sound decisions not based upon faulty assumptions. It also results in an
enhanced ability to cooperate in settling disagreements. Those with nothing to hide should be transpicuous. Good
communication lends itself to unity, builds relationships, improves understanding, and promotes trust. All are what
makes church good.
One other thing. Good communication involves listening. I am open to hearing from what any of you have to say,
should you wish to do so. If you haven’t detected it by now, I’ll say it openly: you can talk to me about anything, for
there’s not much I haven’t heard in my days and nights on this earth.
Br’er Dan
2nd Mile Smiles: to Jackie Padgett for sharing his musical skills on Wednesdays; to Marcia Higby for
volunteering in the church office, to Chet Hensley for his bus-driving ministry.
Imagine Campaign Update
Campaign funds
As of August 27th TVCC had received $858,044 in funds for the Imagine Campaign. Included in that total was $40,904
in money that had not been pledged. These gifts when added to the $1,440,333 original pledge result for a total of
$1,481,237 suggesting we have a good chance to meet our $1,500,000 target in the future. Our consultant tells us that
churches normally receive about 50% of a three-year pledge the first year. We have received 59.6% as of August 27 th.
If you add the $77,200 remaining unpaid pledges for 2014 then we would end up with about 65% paid through the end
of the year.
All funds are paid against the church sanctuary loan. At the end of July our debt was $4,725,000. The original loan
was about $5,900,000.
One third ($120,000) of our loan payment reduction (coming from debt reduction and re-amortization) will go to reserves over 2014-2016. Most will go to the reserves this year. Our July operating reserve totaled $150,466 and our
building maintenance reserve $65,089 or a total of $216,555. At the end of 2013 the two reserves totaled $153,194.
We will add $10,000 to the operating reserve each month for the balance of this year. For the first time we feel we
have enough building maintenance reserve funds to address most of the cost of a new roof on the old sanctuary when
it finally fails.
Our loan payments have gone from about 33% of our operating budget in 2014 to about 24% of our operating budget
in the 2015. From one third to one fourth of our budget and will re-amortize again (same maturity) at the end of the
three year pledge period and lower our payments again.
The Ministry Team has recommended and the Finance Team and Council have approved the hiring of a Director of
Media Ministries. This position would be responsible for creating promotional material for each of our ministry areas
including sound, video, web presence, social media, and digital advertising. He will build a communication team and
train volunteers. The team will seek to develop all media opportunities to benefit our members and to attract and retain
new members.
Mark Powell who previously was a part time sound engineer left us to fill this type of position at a large Knoxville
church and has been working in all of those fields for that church. He accepted this position and began September
29th. Again the ministry will also receive $120,000 for the 2015-2016 periods.
One third ($120,000) of our loan payment reduction will go to Missions from 2015-2016. The mission budget is
expected to be about $60,000 larger for the next two years. The development of the Mission budget requires an
evaluation of existing contributions, search for new organizations that meet our criterion and evaluating prospective
organizations’ mission, finances, longevity etc. It is an ongoing process. Some of the Imagine funds will be used to
reinstate giving levels of our existing missions to the level that existed before The Great Recession that caused TVCC
to reduce its budget. Some Imagine funds will go to new organizations and some of our missions will be increased to
meet their needs. Also some of the funds will be held in reserve for the year as we always have our mission organizations that get in a bind and come to us for help. In the recent past we had two choices: Say no or reduce funding to
another mission. Now we will have flexibility to do the right thing. For the reasons above the missions budget is currently in a tentative position as existing and new missions are being evaluated. I thought it might help to share a little
information about their current thinking, which will likely be changed as the evaluations come in. I expect the mission
as a percent of our budget to be about 12% of our 2015 total budget and about 15.4% of our 2015 budget less the
finance or debt portion. That compares to about 9% and 12.5% for 2014. (article continued on next page)
Imagine Campaign article continued…..
Missions with tentative increases:
Kairos (prison ministry)
п‚· Salvation Army (homeless)
п‚· Scholarships
п‚· Wycliffe Bible Translators
п‚· Young Life Summer Camp Loudon County (Christian youth development)
п‚· Young Life Monroe County (Christian youth development)
Tentative New Missions
KARM (homeless)
п‚· Branches of Monroe County (abused women)
п‚· Kenya School and orphanage
п‚· Smoky Mountain Service Dogs
п‚· Imagine Reserve for new missions
п‚· Visiting Place (Start up-Monroe county- supervised parental visits with at risk kids)
Big Picture
Although the Imagine Campaign and the Annual Operating Budget Campaign are separate campaigns, in reality
we need both to be successful to truly realize the potential of our church. I urge you to support the annual operating budget this year and if you are capable then increase your previous year’s pledge. This year’s request will be
reasonable as the reduction of the loan payments coupled with Imagine funds providing all of the mission increases and most of the ministry increases (excepting staff raises) we have the real possibility of staying in the
low to moderate single digit increases going forward. After we have met the operating budget, give thought to
joining the others that have given over $40,000 in un-pledged donations to the Imagine Campaign over the past
9 months. All of the money received after March of 2014 will be paid against the debt and in two and a half years
the loan balance will be re-amortized (with a smaller debt but same maturity) and that will lead to another payment reduction that could exceed $6,000 per month.
Thanks to all of you that have sacrificed to improve the financial health, mission work and ministry of our church!!!
Don Tate, Imagine Campaign Leader
Church Council Notes
As I was sitting in the sanctuary, trying to get over writer’s block, looking for a meaningful subject to share with
you, I thought about “Where do I fit in at the Tellico Village Community Church?” Sure, we are members, but what
else are we? Do I do more than just show up on Sunday morning or Wednesday evening? Am I actively involved in
the entire church life activity?
I challenge you to take time at home to list the activities that you think it takes to conduct the worship service that
you attend. What goes on during the week or month in planning for a seamless, smooth flowing service? Are you a
part of the planning? Are you a part of the behind the scenes activity that is required to make the worship service
meaningful? If you are, THANK YOU! If you are not, why not?
Make that list and consider where you could be a more active participant in the overall experience of worshiping
our God.
In His Service, George Walter, Council Chairperson
Accounting Staff Change
Margaret Neuzil, our bookkeeper for the last two years has left us to
accept a position elsewhere. We thank Margaret for her dedicated
service during this time and wish her well in her new position. Replacing
Margaret is Carrie Tatman. Carrie is a Tellico Village resident and comes
to us with a wide variety of experience. Her office hours are Monday,
Wednesday and Thursday from 9am-4pm. Welcome to the church family
The Community Church at Tellico Village Presents
Frederick Pogue, Organist in Recital
Thursday, October 23, 7:00 p.m.
Community Church organist Frederick Pogue performs on the main
organ of the Community Church Sanctuary. This historic organ was
installed in 2010 by the Cornel Zimmer Organ Company and was
designed using pipework dating back to 1862. The organ has 42-ranks
and over 2,500 pipes. The only pipe organ in Tellico Village combines
beauty and power to produce a truly unique sound under the skilled
hands and feet of Mr. Pogue. This is a FREE concert.
BOOK REVIEW by Dr. Robert M. Puckett
SHORT STORIES BY JESUS: The Enigmatic Parables of a controversial Rabbi; Amy-Jill Levine; Harper One, 2014,
313 pages, $19.25.
Jesus was a master storyteller whose parables are among the greatest stories ever told. His stories were intended to
challenge his hearers to see the world in a different way. However, in many cases we have become so familiar with
them that we fail to really understand their challenge. Amy-Jill invites us to give them a careful fresh hearing. She
reminds us that context matters. “A text without a context is just a pretext for making it say anything one wants.” (p. 8)
Christians often forget that Jesus was a Jew and that most of his hearers were also Jews. So Christians sometimes
get the context wrong and therefore get Jesus wrong.
Amy-Jill Levine is a self-described “Yankee Jewish feminist” who teaches New Testament and Jewish Studies at
Vanderbilt Divinity School in the buckle on the Bible belt. She clearly believes that Jesus was a great storyteller
whose stories are pearls of Jewish wisdom that have profound meaning. She says “The people who first heard him
did not, at first, worship him. Yet they paid attention, because for those with ears to hear and some patience to
ponder, the parables speak to their hearts. I do not worship Jesus as Lord and Savior, but I continue to return to these
stories, because they are at the heart of my own Judaism. They challenge, they provoke, they convict, and at the
same time they amuse. The parables have provided me countless hours of inspiration, and conversation. If we hear
them in their original context, and if we avoid anti-Jewish interpretation that frequently deforms them, they gleam with
a shine that cannot be hidden.” (p. 282)
The lost sheep, lost coin, and lost son parables are all considered together to give us hope for our own reconciliation,
from the personal to the international. They encourage the hearer to be thankful for the blessing of family and community. “Finding the lost, whether they are sheep, coins, or people, takes work. It also requires our efforts, and from
those efforts there is the potential for wholeness and joy. (p. 70)
From a Jewish perspective, the Good Samaritan parable reveals how the love of God manifests itself in action. The
misguided lawyer’s question, Who is my neighbor, is a polite way of asking Who is not my neighbor? or Who does not
deserve my love? Whose lack of food and shelter can I ignore? “The answer Jesus gives is, �No one.’ Everyone
deserves that love--local or alien, Jews or gentile, terrorist or rapist, everyone.” (p. 86)
The Pearl of Great Price asks what is your ultimate concern? What is your greatest value? What do we keep and
what do we divest? “Once we know that material goods will only collect rust or dust, and once we know that the only
thing that counts is treasure in heaven, surely we must find a new way to live.” (p. 150)
The Mustard Seed parable shows how the kingdom is already present revealed in small acts that can produce great
things “The kingdom is present when humanity and nature work together, and we do what we were put here to do--to
go out on a limb to provide for others and ourselves as well.” (P. 167)
The parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus shows how some people condemn themselves to damnation even as their
actions condemn others to poverty. It calls upon us to aid the poor and feed the hungry. “Recognize, as Jesus put it,
that you cannot serve both God and mammon.” The Rich Man asks that Lazarus warn his five brothers but the Torah
has already insisted that they “love the neighbor” and “love the stranger.” Will they listen? “Will we?” (p. 273)
The parables help us ask the right questions. They have great power. Hearing the parables anew in their original
Jewish context enables us to ask ourselves important questions, such as, “What is our pearl of great price? What
would satisfy us, and what should satisfy us?” (p. 277)
Kindred Spirits October Event
Thursday, October 16, 2014
7:00 p.m.
Choir Rehearsal Room
Friday October 24 the group will travel to Carver Orchard in
Cosby. Lunch will be there at 11:30 with apple and candy
shopping afterward. $5.00 bus donation.
Bus pickup:
The Neighborhood 9:15
Church 9:30
Lenoir City 9:50
Add Years to Your Life and Life to Your Years!
(Using 6 simple daily habits!)
Cookies for Kairos
Kairos prison ministry is requesting cookies.
Collection dates will be on October 5th
between services and October 6th and 7th
during office hours. You will find the recipe and
packaging instructions in the weekly e-news or
at our table in the narthex. Contact: Dave
Twesme at 458-1634 or tellicotwes01@att.net.
Please bake generously. You will be blessed!
Trunk or Treat
Our annual “Trunk or Treat” event will be
held on Friday, October 31 from 6-8 pm in
the CLC parking lot. In case of rain the
Fellowship Hall will be used as a back-up.
Trunk or Treat is an event that is fun for
people of all ages! The evening will include
face painting, clowns, a bounce house,
hotdogs, popcorn and cotton candy (yummy).
Adults who participate can decorate their cars,
wear their favorite costume and (of course)
bring treats for the kids. We are also looking
for additional bags of candy as donations.
Please come out, and help make this a funfilled celebration for the children in our
Appreciation Luncheon!!!
Attention Building and Grounds Volunteers
If you have been a volunteer involved with maintaining our
building and grounds this past year, please make plans to
attend our appreciation luncheon. It will be held Tuesday,
October 14 at noon in the fellowship hall and will be a
good time of food, fun and fellowship. RSVP by email to:
Jeff at jmcdaniel@tellicochurch.org. or call his cell
423-368-4480. If you would like to read a poem, make a
speech, or sing a song just let Jeff know. We would love to
have a little in-house entertainment to add to the fun.
Fall Work Day
Thursday, October 9 will be our annual fall outdoor work
day. We will be trimming shrubs, spreading some mulch, and
pulling weeds as needed. Please bring any tools you might
have that will help you perform the tasks you choose to do.
We will start working at 8:30 am and will continue through
noon. Snacks and beverages will be provided. Call Jeff with
questions at 423-368-4480.
This month’s spaghetti Supper is on Thursday,
October 16th from 4:30-7 pm. Cost is $8.00 per person. Children ages 12 and under eat free.
The menu consists of spaghetti (served vegetarian or
with meat sauce), salad, bread, medley of cakes with
water, tea and coffee.
So mark your calendars. We hope you will plan to stop
in for some good eats and friendship!
Time, Talent and Treasure Hunt
It has been just over 2 years since the Time, Talent and Treasure Hunt fundraiser was
launched on September 16, 2012. Our total collected to date is $2,920. This includes the
money raised through Wayne Rankin’s donation of his knife sharpening skills. The first gift to
be posted was Julie Best’s coconut cream pie. There have been 85 items on the board since
then as either gifts or wishes. Of those, 46 transactions have been completed and 27 were
withdrawn either due to the expiration of the offer or another solution to the request. Several
are still “in process” and there are still some gifts on the board.
The “Thank an Angel” project began in September of this year. This is an opportunity to
thank someone who has helped you in some way and who may not have accepted your offer
to pay them. You can acknowledge their assistance and make a contribution to this project.
Check the Treasure Hunt table in the narthex by the cafГ© for more information.
Everyone has a talent of some sort whether it be offering baked goods, a craft item, a gently
used “treasure” you no longer need, the use of a cottage, taking care of a pet, cleaning
gutters, catering a meal and so on. The possibilities are endless. If you need assistance,
there is also an opportunity to make a wish!.
Thank you to the team members who helped get these projects going and their continued
support in keeping it going: Cindy Giljames, Marcia Higby, Euleta Jeffrey and Barbara Coe.
Please consider supporting these fundraisers. It is a way to help the church and fellow
members at the same time. If you have any questions, contact Kathy Milam at 458-6887.
Ongoing Collections in October
Remember when you buy a new cellphone you can recycle your old one by dropping it off at the
Wishing Well in the narthex under the grand staircase. This ongoing collection benefits the Crisis
Center for Women – IVAS.
A special thanks to Ken Kinzler for his artwork, “Parable of the Sower” and the “Narrow and Wide Gate”
scriptural art on the south entrance wall. The first Sunday it was up, greeter Jim Swift reported that EVERY
person who walked in stopped, looked and contemplated the display. Be sure to take a look.
Ken says, “If one person is moved forward, even a little bit, to come to Christ based on the thinking initiated
by these works, it will have achieved my goal.” We Thank You Ken!
From the TVCC Mailbox…..
Friends at Tellico Community Church,
I want to say “thank you” for the beautiful Prayer Shawl
that you all made for me. The work and prayers for
comfort and healing mean so very much to me. More than
I can express. The comfort and calming I receive when it is
around my shoulders is wonderful.
God’s Blessings to you all, Margaret
Dear Friends of the Prayer Shawl Ministry,
From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank each and
everyone of you for the prayer shawl ministry. On August
7th I was surprised and blessed to receive by mail a beautiful prayer shawl from my close friend Frankie Barger and
her friend Margo. God has truly blessed each one of you as
you create these beautiful shawls. In addition to my shawl,
my husband received a prayer shawl from another church
in Chattanooga. He is currently in treatment for cancer
which is something we had not expected. These shawls
will provide love, strength and support as we travel our
medical journey together.
Love in Christ, Carolyn Alexander
Dear Friends at the Community Church,
Thank you so much for the beautiful prayer shawl and
especially for the thoughts and prayers that came with it.
It was an unexpected surprise as we do not attend your
church. This gift reminds me of how important friends are
as we journey through life. I use the shawl daily either in
my chair, the couch or bed. It provides warmth and
comfort as I heal.
Sincerely, Harriett
Dear Friends,
Thank you for the prayer blanket and for reaching out to
me in such a comforting way as I went through a difficult
time with the loss of my daughter Angela.
God Bless You, Donna McClure (sister of Joyce Peterson)
Dear CCTV Friends,
I took a two toned purple shawl to my mom Audrey
McLean recently. After she received it I could see that she
seemed happier and her health problem even seemed to
improve with her dementia for a few days. Although her
improvement was temporary I want you to know that your
kindness in this ministry means so much and can make a
Beverly Meinert
Prayer Shawl Group & CCTV,
Thanking you for all your prayers, kindness, sympathy and
thoughtfulness at a time it was deeply appreciated. God
Bless you and your special prayer shawl ministry.
With Love, Alice Masur and family
Stephen Ministry
A cup of cold water
Mark 9:33-41: “I tell you the truth, anyone
who gives you a cup of water in my name because you
belong to Christ will certainly not lose his reward.”
Based on recommendations and requests, Stephen
Ministers are trained, prepared, and ready to help and
give assistance where needed.
We thank God we are able to help others. Being able
is a responsibility and a privilege for us. God has
blessed us in being able to listen, comfort, and walk
alongside those whose lives are troubled.
Won’t you let us offer you a “cup of cold water”?
Jan Elliott– 865-458-3604
Peggy Mills– 865-458-0911
Anne Ingram– 423-884-2335
Church Office– 865-458-1516
You Are Invited
The Strickland/Kryter Wedding
Saturday, November 1, 2014
2:30 pm
Marce Strickland and Bob Kryter are
planning a wedding ceremony in the
main sanctuary of our Community
Church. Cake and punch will follow in
the Christian Life Center. Anyone who would like to celebrate with them and join them in their special day is welcome to attend. No gifts please. Be sure and put November 1 on your calendar!
Save the
Women’s Retreat
April 10-12, 2015
WANTED: Our church is in immediate need of a
volunteer church member to help operate our
"Presenter" computer program or Video camera in the
media booth during the 10:15 worship service. The
tasks are very procedural and "button pushing" in
nature. They DO NOT require any technical background or special skills. Anyone willing to help will be
trained and feel like an expert after 30 minutes of
training. If you need more information or are willing to
volunteer, please contact -- Mark Powell at 458-1516,
or Dick Schmeling at 408-2437. Thank you!
Thank you Bathroom Babes!
The church Bathroom Babes are hanging up their
buckets. Many thanks to Roseanne Jendrucko,
Cindy Kohl, Jan Martin, Anne McNeer, Harriet
Schneider and Marty Weber for their many years of
cleaning the church bathrooms. Bathroom Babe
Bishop Harriet Schneider wrote and played an exit
song titled, That Great Big Church and can be
heard on www.facebook.com/tellicochurch
September 2014 Memorial Gifts
Given In Loving Memory of….
Ralph Easterday
Patricia Smith
Annie and Lennie Anderson
Eddie and Judy Green
Ann S. Tate
Mr. and Mrs. David Willis
N. Howell
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Travis Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Craig Andrews
Alice Stakel
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Weber
Ovid Young
Mrs. Loretta Werner
Children’s Ministries
Hello church family! Things are moving right along in our Children’s Ministry. We have added some new exciting
things for our children and youth. Every Sunday morning our children are led in a music worship time. This has
been a hit with the kids, and has really added to their Sunday morning experience. They are being given the
opportunity to sing praises to God with age-appropriate music.
Another addition to our Sunday mornings has been our confirmation service. We have several of our youth who
have committed to learning and growing together in a confirmation class throughout this next school year. The
church will be hearing more about this in the spring.
We are growing and flourishing, and we want YOU to take part in the beautiful things we have going on in our
Children’s Ministry. We still have areas of need. Our greatest need is in our nursery with our babies and
toddlers. Loving on babies is the sweetest job you can have! Please be a part in growing up the children in our
Thank you for loving these little ones. They are the future of this church, and it is our job to teach and lead
Leilani Jones Cooper/ Leilani@tellicochurch.org
3:00 Praise Choir
9:00 Music Team
2:30 Bulletin Folders
4:00 Children’s Choir
2:00 Parkinson’s S.G.
6:00 WednesdayChurch!- Blessing of
the Animals
7:00 Stephen Ministry
7:00 Choir Rehearsal
8 & 10:15 Worship Services
9:30 Crafters
2:00 Bells
9:30 Missions
3:00 Alzheimer’s
Support Group
12:00 ACT Luncheon
9:00 Tellico Joe CafГ©
12:00 Friendship
8:30 Fall Work Day at
the church
2:30 Bulletin Folders
8-11 Nursery available
9:15 Adult Bible Study –
Fireside room
1:00 Senior Pastor
Search Team
10:15 Children’s Church
2:15 Ensembles
6:00 WednesdayChurch!
*Inquirers room after both
7:00 AA
7:00 Choir Rehearsal
8 & 10:15 Worship Services
9:30 Crafters
11:00 Trustees
9:00 Worship Team
3:00 Council
2:30 Bulletin Folders
8-11 Nursery available
11:00 Prayer Shawl
3:00 Praise Choir
9:00 Tellico Joe CafГ©
1:00 Senior Pastor
Search Team
12:00 Volunteer
Appreciation Luncheon
4:00 Children’s Choir
4:30-7:00 Spaghetti
2:00 Bells
6:00 WednesdayChurch!
7:00 Community
Church CafГ©
11:00 Alice
7:00 Choir Practice
7:00 Stephen
Ministry/Speaker in
Choir Rehearsal room
9:15 Adult Bible Study –
Fireside Room
2:15 Ensembles
3:00 Praise Choir
4:00 Children’s Choir
4:00 Healing Hearts
10:15 Children’s Church
7:00 AA
8 & 10:15 Worship Services
9:30 Crafters
2:00 Bells
3:00 Praise Choir
10:00 Finance Team
4:00 Children’s Choir
7:00 Fine Arts
Concert -Fred Pogue
2:30 Bulletin Folders
8-11 Nursery available
9:00 Tellico Joe CafГ©
11:00 Mats Ministry
9:15 Adult Bible Study –
Fireside Room
12:00 Friendship
6:00 WednesdayChurch!
10:15 Children’s Church
1:00 Senior Pastor
Search Team
31 Halloween
Nov. 1
6:00-8:00 Trunk or
2:30 Marce
Bob Kryter
*Inquirers room after both
7:00 Choir Practice
2:15 Ensembles
5-7 Family Connection
7:00 AA
8 & 10:15 Worship Services
9:30 Crafters
12:00 Lunch Bunch
8-11 Nursery available
2:15 Ensembles
2:00 Bells
9:00 Women’s Cancer
Support Group
9:00 Tellico Joe CafГ©
7:00 AA
9:15 Adult Bible Study –
Fireside Room
10:15 Children’s Church
3:00 Praise Choir
4:00 Children’s Choir
6:00 WednesdayChurch!
7:00 Choir Practice
More About Our Church
General Information
Worship Services each Sunday at 8:00 and 10:15 am.
Informal Worship Service each week at WednesdayChurch! 6:00 pm.
Want to Explore Membership? CCTV holds an information session the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 in the
Narthex café. There is also an “Inquirer’s Room” available the first and third Sundays of the month at the end of both
services where you can inquire about membership and other spiritual matters.
Adult Sunday School (when scheduled), between services at 9:10 am.
Tellico Joe CafГ© serves fresh hot coffee and pastries to guests and church members. CafГ© hours are 9 am to noon on
Sundays in the CLC fellowship hall.
Televised services are available on YouTube. Find the link at www.tellicochurch.com. Enjoy scenes from this and
previous services!
Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/tellicochurch
Spiritual Support
Alcoholics Anonymous
Every Monday 7 p.m., lower CLC
Alzheimer Caregivers Support Group
1st Tuesday of month at 3 p.m., white house
Helping Hands
Carl (408-1400), Dick (458-1946) or Church office (458-1516)
Healing Hearts Support Group
2nd Tuesday of month at 4:00 p.m., white house
Hospitalization Support
Call the church office - 458-1516
Men’s Cancer Support Group
Contact Morry Smith at 458-1219
Parkinson’s Support Group
1st Thursday of month at 2 p.m., lower CLC
Pastoral Counseling
Contact Pastors Dan, Tim or Pastor Rhonda at 458-1516
Prayer Chain
Call Jan Elliott at 458-3604 or jjelliott59@charter.net
Stephen Ministry
Anne - 423-884-2335 / Peggy – 458-0911
Jan – 458-3604
Visual Impairment Support
Marshall Pierce - 408-0395
Women’s Cancer Support Group
Last Wednesday of month at 9 a.m. white house,
Sandy VerVelde 458-0687
Children and Youth Ministries
Family Connection is a monthly event designed for both parents and children to come together at the church and share
food and family activities along with other families. The “Connection” is held the third Sunday of each month from 5-7 in
the fellowship hall unless otherwise scheduled.
Children’s Music Time meets Wednesdays in the choir room from 4-5 for kids preschool through 1st grade. Kids have
fun while developing musical skills.
Children’s Church takes place each week during the 10:15 service for children in Kindergarten through 4th grade. After
the children’s service they adjourn and move to meet in the lower CLC for additional activities.
Weekly Sunday School at 9:10
п‚· Preschool, elementary, tweens and teens all meet in the lower level CLC.
Nursery Care is provided all year long during Sunday School, Sunday Services, and also at WednesdayChurch!
Staff emails
Interim Senior Paster Dan Ivins – dan@tellicochurch.org
Associate Pastor Tim Meadows – tmeadows@tellicochurch.org
Associate Pastor Rhonda Blevins – Rhonda@tellicochurch.org
Minister of Music John Orr – jorr@tellicochurch.org
Office Manager Pat Ouderkirk – pao@tellicochurch.org
Director of Media Ministries – Mark Powell– mark@tellicochurch.org
Children & Youth Ministries – Leilani Cooper - Leilani@tellicochurch.org
Accounting – Carrie Tatman– accounting@tellicochurch.org
Receptionist Nancy Moser – nancym@tellcochurch.org
Facilities Coordinator Jeff McDaniel – jmcdaniel@tellicochurch.org
130 Chota Center, Loudon, TN. 37774
General mail – mail@tellicochurch.org
Website – www.tellicochurch.com
Facebook – www.facebook.com/