March 2015 - Palos Park Presbyterian Community Church

Palos Plans
March 2015
Volume 60, Number 7
In This Issue
Carlton’s Corner
Children’s Ministry
Easter Lilies
From Pastor John
From The Clerk
Golden Oaks
Music Ministry
Time Change
Vacation Bible School 2015
World Service
Youth Ministry
March 29, 2015
10:45 a.m.
Hosted by WF
Mark Your Calendars!
April 2
Maundy Thursday Service
Good Friday
Church Office Closed for Easter
Session Retreat
Congregational Meeting
From Pastor John...
We are now in the season of Lent. This season of the church calendar invites us to take a
personal journey as we move toward for Holy Week and Easter. We are invited to slow down a
little, to find spaces in our schedules for more prayer, study and reflection, and to join with
others in faith-filled conversations. We take the journey together and we take it as individuals.
Many of you have joined small groups in which you are delving into the “I Am” passages from
the Gospel of John. In each of these Biblical passages Jesus elucidates aspects of his identity
and mission. He came to awaken hearts, to nurture souls, to guide the lost, and to redeem
lives. He came as “living water”, as “reflection of the Father”, as “bread for the broken”, as “light
for the blind”, as a “shepherd for the lost”, as “a living connection” and as the “resurrection and
the life”.
The words and the images of the Gospel are explicated in life situations. Each story “puts
flesh” on each of the affirmations of Jesus. Each story offers clues as to the way that Jesus
works in the world. He takes broken situations and he brings healing; he takes desperate
situations and he brings hope; he brings life back, when life is lost.
During these weeks of Lent I would invite you to read parts of John’s Gospel...particularly those
parts that we are discussing and making use of in the small groups and the sermon series for
Sunday morning. Those passages of scripture are: John 5, John 6, John 9, John 10, John 15,
and John 11. (we already studied John 4)
The key verses include:
John 5:7b
“My Father is still working and I am also working”
John 6:35a “I am the bread of life. whoever comes to me will never be hungry”
John 9:5
“As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world”
John 10:11 “I am the good shepherd, the shepherd lays down his life for the sheep”
John 15:5a “I am the vine, you are the branches”
John 11:25 “I am the resurrection and the life”
In these passages we see how God is at work in the world through Jesus. Not only is Jesus on
par with God, he reveals how the divine operates among humanity. God is in a sense “always
working” (John 5) to draw us into saving relationship and to heal us of all that deadens our
spirits. God is, in a sense, always nurturing us so that the places of emptiness in our lives are
filled with new which only God can give.
We are on a journey together! Let’s take the journey with intention! Let’s arrive at the place of
God’s design and grace.
John Curphey
Interim Pastor
This month’s article will be a “dictionary” of
Presbyterian-related vocabulary. If we are to
have credibility when we meet with the
Listening Team appointed by Presbytery, we
need to know the “lingo.” Many of the
committee names and functions have been
shortened to their initials, so they seem like
alphabet soup, but it will be helpful if we know
what they represent. Here goes…
The denomination PC(USA) – Presbyterian
Church (USA) – is governed by councils of
presbyters (those who can vote) elected by
the people. From the bottom up, the councils
are called the session, the presbytery, the
synod, and the General Assembly. Each
council is subject to review by the next higher
council. At the congregational level, we have
little direct contact with the synod or General
Assembly; our connection is through the
Presbytery of Chicago, or POC.
The Presbytery of Chicago is made up of
teaching elders (those who have been
ordained as ministers of the Word and
Sacrament) and ruling elders (lay persons
who have been ordained as elders). Some
teaching elders are pastors of churches, but
could also be college and seminary
professors, hospital chaplains, counselors, or
engaged in another “validated ministry.”
They all are voting members of the presbytery.
Congregations are entitled to representation
based on their membership; PPPCC may
send five commissioners (lay people) plus
the pastors to vote at the assembly (the
meeting of POC held generally every other
month). PPPCC hosted the November 2014
assembly. There are 100 churches in the
Chicago Presbytery. We are one of 34
churches in the southern region of the
The work of the Presbytery (as of PPPCC) is
done through committees and commissions.
The one we will have the most contact with is
the Commission on Ministry, which deals with
pastor changes caused by retirement or other
reasons. The subcommittee moderator (our
liaison with COM), is Debbie Dennis, whom
you met last April in connection with Pastor
Tony’s retirement, and now will work with our
Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC).
Presbytery is led by the Executive Presbyter,
at present Rev. Robert Reynolds. He just
announced his intention to retire in
September, so there will be a search for a new
EP. There is an Assistant Executive
Presbyter, a stated clerk, and other officials.
The office is at 815 West Van Buren Street in
We are part of the Synod of Lincoln Trails,
made up of eight presbyteries. The
headquarters is in Indianapolis. The national
headquarters of the PC(USA) is in Louisville.
General Assembly is the national meeting
held every other year in a different city. This is
where changes to the Constitution can be
voted. It is a two-part Constitution – the Book
of Confessions and the Book of Order. In
another article we’ll see how and why changes
in the Book of Order occur.
As reported at the February congregational
meeting, progress is being made in our
denominational transition. In April there will be
a “town hall” type session for the congregation
to prepare for a meeting with the “Listening”
team from POC in late May. I expect this
meeting to go smoothly, as previous ones
have done as we move slowly and deliberately
through this process.
Nancy Rode, Clerk
As I am writing this article, I'm looking out at a snow covered lawn in front of the church, snow banks on
the edges of our parking lots, everywhere I look outside...lots and lots of snow. But even through the
cold and the dark and the snow, there is something good that I know...spring is coming, and with it
those lovely changes from cold to warmth, from white to color, from a world that seems dead to one that
is alive. I can't wait for that change to come.
It's almost as if as a church we've hit spring a couple months early. You don't have to look far to see the
changes that have been blooming all around us. Our worship is filled with new things. From the new
time, to a new worship order. New ushers and greeters welcoming us into worship...the church has
stepped out of its old pattern and into something different, something new. And as is always the case,
some people like it and others don't. But the overall goal that has motivated these changes has been
accomplished. After years apart, we are now united in a way that this congregation hasn't been for more
than a decade. We are together in one service worshipping our Lord in diverse ways, but doing it
This change is good for us. It is good for us to be together as a congregation. How many faces have
you seen in the past few weeks that you hadn't seen, perhaps, in years?! As we go through the
transitional time ahead, facing changes in denomination as well as in the pastorate, we will need to be
together as the congregation. The unity that we will forge will strengthen us and help us to have the
same mind, as the apostle calls for us to do.
Change is also good for us as we re-evaluate who we are as a congregation. What does our church
want to be when she grows up? We have some foundational questions to answer in the months that are
ahead. Are we a small, family oriented church? The kind of place where everybody knows your name
and wonders where you are if you aren't in worship? Is this the church that we want to be? Are we an
inward focused congregation or are we looking outward? Are we seeking to make a difference in the
communities around us, and do we dare to seek such a thing outside of SON Weekend, once a year?
Kevin Ford, a church advisor who worked with our church over ten years ago asks a question of the
congregations that he meets with. If your church suddenly vanished...would anyone in the surrounding
community know? Or would they care?
These changes that we are going through together as the family of faith at PPPCC will be foundational
changes. They will end up shaping the church into who she will become in the years ahead. I know that
many of you dread the changes that have already begun to bloom in your beloved little church. But I
hope that you can sense a little of the excitement that comes when new life, new hope, new joy and
new energy begin to infiltrate our house of worship and all the ministries that we take part in. I hope that
the newness of transition and change can serve as an invigorating wind to wake us up and help us look
beyond today and into the tomorrows that our good Lord will bring to us.
Thank you for experiencing these changes with me. I look forward to the new adventures we will have
together. May God bless you and keep you in the snowy months ahead and into the joys of the new life
spring brings both for the world...and for our church.
In December, I had the blessing of attending a lecture at Wheaton College presented by Keith Getty.
Keith Getty is a modern hymn writer from Ireland. Some of his more familiar hymns are "In Christ
Alone," "The Perfect Wisdom of Our God," "By Faith," and "Come People of the Risen King." The
lecture included many topics but the one that strongly resonated with me was the reminder of how
important it is that a congregation lift up it's own voice. As a choir director, I find joy in facilitating the
opportunity for voices to sing to the Lord together -- not as a performance, but as an act of worship
which is designed for all believers to engage with. The act of congregational singing is one that
allows everyone to participate in, and this holy act provides opportunity to sing deeply about our
Faith. As the first month has gone by of a unified worship service at PPPCC, it has been a joy to hear
more voices singing together.
I could not agree more with Getty when, during his lecture, he said "Every singer, instrumentalist, and
choir member should share in facilitating the high calling of congregational singing." Those involved
with all of our music "up front" at PPPCC continues to keep this priority front and center. Throughout
Scripture, the command to sing is given to God's people more than 400 times. Ephesians 5:19 instructs
believers to address one another in "psalms and hymns and spiritual songs." Week after week, we are
spiritually renewed, realigned, and sanctified by singing to the Lord and singing to each other as the
body of Christ.
Prayerfully consider your invitation (all are invited!) to participate in Choir and/or Handbell Choir during
Lent as we prepare for Holy Week worship services. Please contact Megan Marshall in the church
office if you have questions or are interested. Rehearsals schedule is as follows:
6:30-8:00 p.m.
Wednesdays: March 4, 11, 18, 25 and April 1
11:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Sundays:
March 8, 15, 22 and 29
7:30 p.m.- 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays: March 25 and April 1
We’re back after a cold winter!
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
WHERE: Palos Park Presbyterian Church
12312 S. 88th Avenue
Lunch is served at NOON,
but do come early!!
Corned Beef & Cabbage
$5.00 for lunch and good
entertainment by The Convertibles.
We would appreciate your early response.
Please phone the church office at (708) 448-5220 by
February 27th if you’re planning on joining us.
Let us know if you are bringing a cake.
All ladies are welcome to join our
World Service group. The group
meets on the second Tuesday of the
month in Fellowship Hall. The next
meeting will be on March 10, 2015 at
9:30 a.m. to noon.
Come early, if you can, to help set up
the sewing machines and work stations. You don’t
need to know how to sew to participate. There is
something for everyone to do. Projects include little
girl’s dresses, lap throws for nursing homes, cutting
and sorting soup labels and other items for donation.
WANTED: sample size shampoos and conditioners,
toothpaste, toothbrushes, bars of soap, Campbell’s
soup labels, box tops for education. Place your
donations in the Campbell’s Soup container in the
church office.
Working together in fellowship is a fine way to start
our day! Please join us. Bring your lunch…a
sandwich, salad or yogurt. Beverages and dessert will
be provided by the hostess.
Upcoming Dates for Children
March 8
Children’s Hand Chime Choir rings in worship
March 13
Dinner and a Movie Night
March 14
Musical Rehearsal, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.
March 29
Kids Sing during Worship, No Education Hour, Palm Sunday
April 2
Maundy Thursday Pajama Party, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
April 5
Easter Sunday, No Education Hour
April 26
Children’s Musical, “100% Chance of Rain”
June 22 - 26
First Wednesday Book Club
moves to
Dinner and a Movie Night
Second Wednesday in March
March 13, 2015
6:00 - 8:30 p.m.
The Book Club will meet Wednesday,
March 11, 2015 from 6:45 - 8:00pm
in the Church Library.
Gilead is the book this month.
In 1956, toward the end of
Reverend John Ames's life, he
begins a letter to his young son,
a kind of last testament to his
remarkable forebears. It spans
three generations of the Ames
This is a quiet story with a lot of insight into life.
Read this Pulitzer Prize willing novel and come
and join the discussion.
All are welcome.
Dinner will be mostaccioli
and meatballs,
salad, veggies, dessert.
Cost is $2.00/person for dinner.
Friends are Welcome!
Children may wear pajamas and bring a
sleeping bag and pillow use during the movie.
RSVP to Maggie by March 12
if you will be attending.
Education Hour
Sundays, 10:45 - 11:45 a.m.
Education Hour is a time for people of all ages to
study God’s Word and learn how to apply it to
their daily lives.
All are invited to participate in the following
classes for children, youth and adults. Nursery
care is available.
2 yr olds - PreK ..............................Sonrise Room
K - 2nd grade .......................... Stage in Priary Hall
3rd - 5th grade ..................................... Primary Hall
Confirmation .............................. Friendship Room
WF Bible Study .................................... WF Room
“I Am” Small Groups ........... Original Sanctuary &
Map Room
Children’s Spring Musical
“100% Chance of Rain”
Any child in PreK - 5th grade may participate in
this year’s Spring Musical, which will be
performed on April 26.
This fun and exciting musical tells the story of
Noah and the flood.
There are speaking parts and solos available for
the children, or they the children may just be a
part of the chorus. Try-Outs for solos and
speaking parts will be held on March 4, 6:30 p.m.
and March 8, 11:45 a.m.
In addition, there are 2 Saturday rehearsals,
March 14 and April 25. Children will also be
rehearsing the songs and lines during Children’s
Worship and Children’s Choirs. Please let
Maggie Downs (, 708-4485220) know if your child wants to participate.
Listening CDs of the musical are available for
VBS 2015
June 22 - 26, 2015
9:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Registration begins March 29, 2015
Mark your calendar now so you can join us at Son Spark Labs where children (4 years old - 5th
grade completed) will explore God’s life-changing plan for them as they find out the answers to
life’s most important questions. Children will discover that God loves them and that through
Jesus they can be members of God’s family and personally experience God’s plan for each of
us — God’s Plan 4 U = Jesus!
Help is needed for VBS
Helpers are needed during the week of VBS.
See Maggie Downs, Suzy Alfini or Anita Stock for a full list of helpers needed. In
addition, help is needed before VBS in the following areas: painting, set builders,
craft preparers, decorators, publicity, mission project preparation, slide design,
and Imagineering.
See Maggie Downs for more specific ways you can help in these areas.
Items Needed for VBS
If you can donate or loan any of the following items for
use during VBS, please see Maggie Downs.
Lab Coats
Black Lights
Stars and Planets
Lava Lamps
Plasma Lamps
LED Lights
Science Posters
Chemistry Sets
Safety Glasses
Test Tubes
Model Planes
Model Cars
Science Models
Kinetic Sculptures
Oscilloscopes/Decibel Meters
Old Computers
Electronic Tablets
PVC Gutters
PVC Pipes (assorted sizes)
PVC couplings
Old Gears
Dryer Vent Tubing
20” Square Filters
Science and Math Textbooks
Light Ropes
Sound Boards
Clear and Red Christmas Tree Lights
Old/Dead Car Batteries
30 Gallon Trash Cans
See Saws
Toddler Slides
Toddler Picnic Tables
Rukik’s Cubes
Simon Games
Hoberman Spheres
Kinetic Sculptures
Vertical Vortex
Etch a Sketch
See and Say
Hula Hoops
Nerf Balls
Tinker Toys
Erector Sets
Giggle Sticks
Exercise Balls
Pool Noodles
Marble Run Games
Matchbox Cars and Trucks
Preschool Science Lab Kits
4” - 6” Styrofoam Balls
Neon Colored Duct Tape
Round, Colored, Balloons
Silver Plastic Tablecloths
Neon and Metallic Duct Tape
Clear Plastic Lids (4” - 8” in diameter)
Push Up Tops from Water Bottles/Dish Soap
Used/Old CDs and DVDs
16 oz. Empty Plastic Bottles
Aluminum Baking Pans
Hydrogen Peroxide
Food Coloring
Clip Boards
Gold and Silver Mylar Wrapping Paper
Neon and Metallic Pipe Cleaners
Large Clear Glass and Plastic Containers
Bath Beads and Salts
Plastic Hammers/Saws/Screw Drivers
Youth Ministry News
Helping Students Write their Stories
WF (Senior High)
March Meetings (Sundays at 6:30-8:30)
1st ................................ Grace that Works
8th .................... Filled Up with Something
15th ............... Living as Students of Light
22nd ...................... Make Your Life Count
29th ........... Palm Sunday Brunch-NO WF
Special Dates
Mission Trip Sign-Up Deadline ...........................March 1st
Ice Skating ...................................................... March 14th
Palm Sunday Setup and Brunch............... March 28th-29th
Easter Sunrise Practice and Service ............... April 4th-5th
Live Out Loud (Junior High)
Great Escape Camp
July 13-18
Sign-ups have begun!
What happens at Great Escape?
Engaging speakers, great worship bands, crazy/fun games, fellowship, tons of food, swimming,
archery, chess, spelling bees, bicycling, hiking, banana-tubing and much much more……
Really what happens is life change in the hearts of junior high kids.
March Meetings (Sundays at 6:30-8:30)
1st ................................ Grace that Works
8th .....................Filled Up with Something
15th ................ Living as Students of Light
22nd ....................... Make Your Life Count
29th .......... Palm Sunday Brunch-NO LOL
The Rev. & Mrs. James R. Tony
2436 Country Pointe Lane
Wentzville, MO 63385
February, 2015
Dear friends at PPPCC,
Christmas has come and gone; now, January has come and gone, and we are well into the
first year in a long time when we have not been at Palos Church. We have fond and heartfelt
memories that flood back with every change of season. I thought with nostalgia about how we
did Christmas Eve for all those years. It was okay here, but not even close to the same. (Of
course, I was a whole lot more relaxed!) And now comes Ash Wednesday and Lent. Time
Our thoughts and prayers certainly remain with you. However, it has only been recently that I
have had the time and energy for a little reflection. We have been through the most
tumultuous time of our lives, I think. We are most grateful for the many expressions of care
and sympathy which have come our way at the passing of Pat’s mom, Janice Barry.
Our years in Palos and at PPPCC were a great blessing. Even when we faced difficulties, our
church was a genuine bulwark in support which enabled us to carry on.
We are still getting used to this idea of retirement. It is only now occurring to us that we have
some freedom to travel and explore new interests. We’re planning to see Karis baptized in
Mississippi at the end of February. Maybe we’ll take a few more days to seek some sunshine
in the bleak midwinter.
I’ve begun discussions regarding my hope of creating a new adult Bible teaching tool for
churches to use. It will incorporate some of the Bethel principles, but be something entirely
new. It’s my dream to assemble a team that will add creativity and learning methods for the
21st century. More than ever our culture, as well as the church, needs an anchor as both seem
to be slipping ever further from our historic faith and sane boundaries.
PPPCC, I’m sure, has its challenges in the days ahead. Be assured of our love and prayers
as we continually thank God for you all.
Yours in Christ’s love,
The Tonys
Our Sympathy To…
...John and Jill Ludwig on the death of Jill’s
mother, Nancy Garbarz, on February 3.
...Robert Flori on the death of his wife, Patricia
Van Sipma, on February 7.
Please keep these friends in your heart at their time of sorrow.
Bulletins Far and Near...
Trinity Wellsprings Church
Satellite Beach, FL  Clyde & Nancy Rode
Congratulations To...
...Joyce Franklin on the birth of her 8th great
grandchild, Lacy Alyn Franklin, on February 9.
Her proud parents are Joyce’s grandson Matt
and his wife Heather Franklin.
Easter Lilies
are available to order through the
church office to be in
“Memory Of”
or in “Honor Of” a loved one.
Cost is $20.00 per lily.
Congregational Meeting
Sunday, April 19
10:45 a.m.
Call the church office to order
your lily today!
Dates to order are
March 15, March 22 and March 29
is published monthly by
Palos Park Presbyterian Community Church
[exception: combined summer issue]
Susan M. Schmidt, Editor
Submit news items to:
12312 S. 88th Avenue
Palos Park, Illinois 60464
708.448.5220  Fax 708.448.5331
Pal o s Park Pres by terian C om m un ity Ch urch
9:30am Worship
10:45am Education
11:45am Handbells
6:30pm LOL & WF
7:00pm B & G
7:00pm Stephen
5:45pm Church
7:00pm C.E.
12:00pm Golden
8:00am Men’s
9:30am Worship
10:45am Education
11:45am Handbells
7:00pm Worship
6:30pm LOL & WF
9:30am Worship
10:45am Education
11:45am Handbells
6:00pm Session &
6:30pm LOL & WF
9:30am Worship
10:45am Education
11:45am Handbells
5:45pm Church
7:00pm Finance
7:00pm Stephen
5:45pm Church
5:45pm Church
6:30pm LOL & WF
9:30am Worship
10:45am Palm Sunday
11:45am Handbells
WF Ice Skating
7:00pm Administration
7:00pm Missions
Church Night
5:45 pm
6:15 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
Hand Chime Choir
Children’s Choirs
Chancel Choir
Adult Electives
Youth Club
John Curphey ..................................Interim Pastor (11)
David Carlton.............................. Associate Pastor (12)
Maggie Downs ...... Director of Children’s Ministry (13)
Bob Van Baren ............ Director of Youth Ministry
Palos Park Presbyterian
Community Church
Non-Profit Organization
12312 South 88th Avenue
Palos Park, IL 60464
Megan Marshall............ Director of Music Ministry (16)
Susan Schmidt ...................... Executive Assistant (10)
Dorothy Wertzbaugher........... Assistant Secretary (14)
Linda Kuhn ........ Youth Ministry Admin. Assistant (22)
Donna Parker ......................................Comptroller
Ralph A. Pugh .......................................... Organist
9:30 a.m. Worship Service
10:45 a.m. Education Hour
Monday-Friday  9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
708-448-5220  FAX: 708-448-5331
We Are A STEPHEN MINISTRY Congregation
March 29, 2015
Palm Sunday
April 2, 2015
Maundy Thursday
April 3, 2015
Good Friday
April 5, 2015