WELCOME St. Matthew’s Parish 13131 - 86 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5E 3B5 Phone: (780) 475-2888 or FAX: (780) 475-3366 e-mail: stmat@telus.net www.stmatthewrcedm.ca PASTOR: Rev. Paul Moret BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR: Frankie Thibeault SECRETARY: Phyllis Normandeau March 29, 2015 Hosanna, in the highest Schedule for Holy Week Monday—Mass 8:30 am Tuesday, Wednesday— Mass 9 am Holy Thursday—7:30 pm mass (bring bells & food for St. Vincent de Paul Repose of the Blessed Sacrament (incense) Adoration until Midnight Good Friday—Celebration of the Lord’s Passion—3 pm Friday—7 pm Divine Mercy Novena followed by presentation about the Shroud of Turin Easter Vigil Saturday April 4, @ 9 pm mass (incense, bring bells) Easter Sunday, April 5, mass @ 9 am & 11 am Please note that there will not be a 5 pm mass on Saturday, April 4. PALM SUNDAY (PASSION) "They began to be distressed and to say to him, one by one, Surely it is not I?" During this dramatic scene at the Last Supper, we can picture Judas Iscariot, the betrayer, trying to play up his innocence as long as possible. He knew he had already betrayed Jesus, and if he joined in the "who, me?" ritual, he was just putting on appearances. But what about the others? The rest of the Twelve were deeply disturbed by the idea that they might betray Jesus. As we know, however, when push came to shove, Peter's fear of betraying Jesus was trumped by fear for his own life. "I do not know this man about whom you are talking," he said in order to protect himself. But notice Peter's reaction when he realized what he'd done: "He broke down and wept." How different was humble Peter's response from that of prideful Judas, who acted as if he hadn't done anything wrong: "Who, me?" Both men were unfaithful to the Lord, but only Peter immediately felt real sorrow, what we traditionally call contrition, for his sin. The betrayers in today's Gospel readings are not just these two men. We also follow the crowd who hailed Jesus one day with "hosannas!" and a week later nailed him with their angry "crucify him!" How quickly our faith can turn fickle. For some of us, it may be easy to condemn the crowd and Judas and Peter, thinking that we would never do such a thing: "Who, me?" But today, let us resolve not to be so proud as to think we are perfect disciples. Let us have the humility of Peter who wept over his imperfections and, ultimately, repented of his sins. Only when we acknowledge that we need God's help will we be able to hail him and praise him as he truly deserves. The Road to Discipleship: The Son of Man In Mark’s Gospel, Jesus calls himself “the Son of Man” 14 times—four times in today’s Passion narrative. Jesus uses a term familiar to the Jews of Israel. The term is used 93 times in Ezekiel and once in Daniel. It emphasizes one’s humanity in contrast to God or angels, and identifies a prophet’s role as a special representative of the people. Jesus freely called himself the Son of Man, because it was a title that cloaked his full identity until his hour came. The Son of Man is a brother, fellow-sufferer, representative, and champion for all humanity. The Roman centurion, a Gentile, saw clearly who he was. Do we? Can we follow him to the Cross? Request for Prayers for Special Intention May our sick and suffering find strength in Jesus along with the parish family. Let us pray for Theresa Anderson, Denis Theroux, Monolo Relova, Quincy. Baby Ellie, Gerry Giguere , Michael Bilodeau, Julius Seifner, Nicole Doman, Tina Prins, Pat Frey, Luke Kolassa and Malik. If you wish to have a name included please call the parish office by noon on Thursday. PREPARING OUR CHURCH FOR EASTER As in previous years we are once again asking for donations of Easter Lilies or Easter flowers to decorate our church. People have been very generous in previous years and for this we say thank you. Any donations will be accepted on Tuesday and Wednesday of holy week. 2 A reminder that Good Friday is a day of fast and abstinence. Fasting The law of fasting requires a Catholic from the 18th Birthday (Canon 97) to the 59th Birthday (i.e. the beginning of the 60th year, a year which will be completed on the 60th birthday) to reduce the amount of food eaten from normal. The Church defines this as one meal a day, and two smaller meals which if added together would not exceed the main meal in quantity. Abstinence The law of abstinence requires a Catholic 14 years of age until death to abstain from eating meat on the prescribed days. ________________________________________________ Pilgrimage to Fatima and Lourdes with Fr. Paul Moret We are still looking for people to join us on our pilgrimage to Fatima and Lourdes from November 7 to 16. If you are interested, please call Marion at 780-456-4780 or Robyn at 780-919-2585. __________________________________ Novena of Divine Mercy The chaplet of Divine Mercy has become a very popular and powerful devotion over the past number of decades, calling on the mercy of God for those who most need His mercy. The novena associated with this devotion begins on Good Friday and culminates on the feast of Divine Mercy on the second Sunday of Easter (April 12 this year). Due to the interest expressed, we will begin this novena on Good Friday at 7PM followed by a very interesting documentary on the Shroud of Turin (the cloth purported to be the burial shroud of Jesus). ___________________________________________ ISRAEL PILGRIMAGE Join Rev. James L. Holland omi on a unique pilgrimage. Father Jim is from the Sacred Heart Parish. October 15, 2015 departure. “The footsteps of the Virgin Mary, for 13 days in the Hold Land. Sites include Nazarth, Mount Zion, Mount Beatitudes, Sea of Galilee, Bethany, Jerusalem, Cana, Dead Sea and other sites. Daily mass with Father Holland. Cost $4,620.00 Canadian Dollars, per person double occ. (includes flight from Edmonton or Calgary, Hotels, Tours and most meals. For information call Julian Hnatiw—780-476-6564 or David Hnatiw at 613-620-1196. E mail address david@voyagesterranatura.ca. Register before March 31, 2015 and receive a $100.00 discount. Poster on the bulletin board at the front entrance to the church. ST. MATTHEW’S PRAYER LINE “More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams” (Tennyson) People praying for people in need of prayers. If you know of someone in need of prayers for any special intention please contact Eileen Joyal @ 780-475-5139, Margaret Dedrick @ 780-475-3818 or Hank Carriere @ 780-459-9252. If you would like to be a member of the prayer line or would like to know more about it, please contact one of the above. 3 April 1— 9 am 4 —5 pm 5— 9 am MASS INTENTIONS FOR NEXT WEEK Edna Lenmann repose of her soul Donald Pitts repose of his soul Bill McDonald repose of his soul Behind the Persecution of Christians in Iraq If you want to know more about what is happening with Christians in the Middle East, check out a new documentary on EWTN TV, “Voices of the Persecuted: Nineveh’s Christians in Exile.” at 8 p.m. MT on Wednesday, April 1. Italian filmmaker Elisabetta Valgiusti who travelled to Erbil in Kurdistan, site of U.S. bombing against ISIS, in late 2014 to film the project.The documentary will be preceded at 6 p.m.by a special “EWTN Live” with Bishop Yousif Habash of Our Lady of Deliverance Syriac Catholic Diocese in the U.S. and Canada. During the documentary, you will learn about the fate of the quarter million Christians in Nineveh who miraculously escaped the invading ISIS terrorists on the night of August 6, 2014, with nothing but the clothes on their backs. Bishop Habash believes that the slaughter of so many of his countrymen has left no more than 300,000 to 350,000 Christians in the Middle East. Most are living in terrible conditions in Erbil. The question is: What can be done? Bishop Habash has some answers SSVP Charity Sale—The Society of St. Vincent de Paul invites you to come browse through the antiques, collectibles, housewares and furniture at our Spring Charity Sale at St. Andrew Centre, 12810 - 111 Avenue, Edmonton, on Thursday through Saturday, April 9-11. Hours are Thursday-Friday, 12 noon to 7 p.m., and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. New items displayed daily! Proceeds go to support the society’s service to those living in poverty. Outdoor Way of the Cross The 35th annual Outdoor Way of the Cross takes place in inner-city Edmonton on Good Friday, April 3. This ecumenical event invites people to think about the relevance and importance of the Gospel message in our world today, around the theme of “Justice and Reconciliation.” The prayer walk begins at 10 a.m. at 10534-100 Street (Immigration Hall) and finishes about 12 noon a block away at Hope Mission. This year’s theme focuses on the powerful Biblical concepts of both justice and reconciliation. A key statement comes from 2 Corinthians (5:18): “All this is from God, who reconciled us through Christ, and has given us the the ministry of reconciliation.” Each station offers a reflection on an aspect of the overall theme that highlights both a challenge and a source of hope, woven together with music. Participants walk from station to station, on a route of two kilometers, on paved streets and lanes, so it should not be difficult for most children or people with mobility challenges. Participants are encouraged to check the weather forecast and dress for conditions. Good footwear is important. Light refreshments are available at the end of the walk. Participants are invited to bring a non-perishable food item as well. 4 Advance Care Planning The Covenant Health Palliative Institute invites you to attend a public information session on Advance Care Planning on Wednesday April 15, at 6 p.m. This session is for anyone wanting to know more about how to plan for an event when they – or a loved one – are unable to communicate health care choices to their caregivers. You will hear from a panel of experts and have time to ask questions. Panel includes a nurse practitioner, social worker, ethicist, and a representative of the Office of the Public Guardian. Join us at the Edmonton General Continuing Care Center Auditorium, Room # 3Y02 (Main Floor), 11111 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton Ephphatha House Retreat Ephphatha House Prayer and Retreat Centre invites you to "Call to Holiness," a retreat led by Spiritual Director Father Ray Guimond, on April 12, Divine Mercy Sunday. Includes Holy Mass at 2 p.m. followed by Holy Hour with Chaplet of Divine Mercy. For meals & reservations please call Doreen at 780-963-0896 Catholic Social Teaching “Who is my Neighbour?: Catholic Social Teaching,” a five-week faith enrichment course, is being offered at St. Anthony’s/St. Agnes Parish in Edmonton. Catholic Social Teaching, an integral component of the Catholic faith, explores how Catholics should respond to issues such as wealth and poverty, consumer culture, the role of the state, war and peace, the environment. The course will take place Monday nights from April 13 to May 11 from 7:00-8:30 at St. Agnes Church in the Connelly Room. The course will be led by Indre Cuplinskas, Ph.D., who teaches at St. Joseph’s College at the University of Alberta. All are welcome. The cost of materials will be announced shortly, but should not exceed $20.To register, please call the parish office, 780-432-0611 or contact Indre Cuplinskas at indre@ualberta.ca Outdoor Passion Play On Good Friday, at 4:45 p.m., the members of the Santa Maria Goretti Parish Youth Group will perform the traditional outdoor parish Passion Play, weather permitting. All are welcome! Santa Maria Goretti is located at 9110-110 Avenue Archbishop Smith recently travelled to Nigaragua to visit Father Denis Hebert, a priest of the Archdiocese of Edmonton who has served in missionary ministry among the needy in the barrios of Managua for the last 25 years. Father Denis is now 84 and his health is frail . “He is known as Padre Denis to the local people, who look upon him with great affection,” Archbishop Smith wrote in a blog post on the visit. “And no wonder. He has dedicated his life to their service. For years he has been making himself present among the people, and has given concrete expression to God's concern and love for them. His presence and ministry led to the establishment of Fundación Acción Communitaria (FUNDACCO). This not-for-profit foundation, managed and directed by the local people, aims to help the poor help themselves. Canadians can support this mission through the registered charity Roots of Change. 5 CONFIRMATION—MAY 23, 2015 @ 1 pm Please note the dates for Confirmation classes Confirmation classes begin on April 18 , Saturday @ 10:30 am to Noon. April 25, Saturday @ 10:30 am to Noon May 2, Saturday @ 10:30 am to Noon. May 9, Retreat A Preparation Package has been prepared. Please pick this leaflet up at the parish office or have it e mailed to you. Please e mail Sophia at gals79@gmail.com and she can forward you a copy. This package should be picked up now or e mailed to you, so that the requirements can be met before the actual Confirmation date. E mail Sophia if you have any questions. St. Anne Elementary School 14105-94 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5E 6B2 Phone: (780) 478-3288 Fax: (780) 473-0475 www.stanne.ecsd.net St. Anne Elementary School is now accepting registrations for the 2015-2016 school year for students in Kindergarten through Grade 6. Kindergarten students must be 5 by March 1, 2016 to register. But hurry… we are filling up fast! St. Anne offers many wonderful opportunities for all children to learn including several clubs and activities such as Reading Rockstars, Robotics, Student Leadership, and Volleyball. Students at St. Anne School have both voice and choice in their creative learning environments which offer exciting 21st Century initiatives such as multi-media, collaboration, inquiry, and project-based learning. Feel free to drop by and see the great learning that is happening at our school. Please join us at our Open House and Learning Fair on Wednesday, April 15th at 7:00 PM. Also, visit our website at www.stanne.ecsd.net. Feel free to contact Lynn McLagan, Principal, at the school for a tour. ST. MATTHEW’S CWL NEWS As a parish community we all gather, pray and give thanks. E aster is God’s promise which the Son came to fulfill A promise of eternal life for all who seek his will S eason of the budding trees, the lily in its glory T he greening hill the daffodils, the holy Easter story E aster is the joy of spring, God’s gift and triumph R eminding us of Jesus’ love in which we are born a new Wishing you all the gifts of Easter that are found in the light of his love. Happy Blessed Easter. 6 Liturgical Ministers April 4, 2015 MINISTRY Easter Vigil Sun/9:00 am Sun/11:00 am On sign up sheet Dave Leibel Sharon Leibel Patricia Benvenuto Debra Redmond Ministers of Holy Communion Ciborium David Leibel Helen Cober Betty Gregoire Eveline Molnar Chalice Agnes Shoemaker Brenda Jones David Leibel Amelia Hihn Ciborium Joanne Thomsen Grace Nyikabe Max Wilke Need replacement Chalice Need replacement Geraldine Kolacz Donna Palfrey Jacinta Lip Gift Families Gettis Family Anne Smith Sandra Duteau Adult Servers Lorne Niehaus Wayne Provencal Altar Servers Haley & Nathan Burgardt Jamari Duteau Mathew & Kevin Wilson Proclaimers SUNDAY COLLECTION—March 22, 2015 Deposit $ 5,357.00.00 Breakdown: Maintenance—$245.00 Easter Offering— $20.00 Together We Serve - $750.00 Envelopes/Loose Cash $4,305.00 Pennies for the Poor—$25.00 Mission $6.00 Missals—$6.00 PAP—Regular Sunday Collection $257.00 Maintenance $32.00 THANK YOU to Tim Hortons (97 St.—132 Ave.) who supply treats each week for serving at our hospitality gatherings after the Sunday masses. This gathering allows parishioners to chat while having coffee, juice or a donut. Thank you for your generosity. Thank you Tim Hortons Paper for this weekly bulletin compliments of The Floral Chapels Connelly-McKinley Funeral Homes—Ph. 780-422-2222 Parish Advertising Directory FOR ALL YOUR GARDENING NEEDS VISSER Greenhouses Inc. 2506 - 195 Avenue NE Edmonton Open April 27 thru July 780-473-4759 Roma Flowers & Gifts Floral expressions for all occasions, unique gifts and gourmet baskets. We deliver worldwide. 13624—82 Street, Edmonton, AB 780-476-9335 PINO’S PAINTING LTD. Painting & Decorating Ceiling Texturing/Ceramics Commercial & Residential Painting Journeyman Certified (30+ years) Active community member Free Estimates Phone: 476-8205 OR 970-1394 Email: apsoluri@gmail.com got flowers ? PETALS for Less Ltd. 13445—97 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5E 4C7 Ph. (780) 475-9203 Toll Free: l-888-505-5355 www.petals4less HOME MADE SCARVES: by Melissa I make home-made scarves for $35.00 dollars. They are made of yarn and can be 2 different colors. If interested, contact me by e-mail @ miss4366@hotmail.com or at https://m.facebook.com/melissashome.madescarves?r ef=bookmark for pictures of a few scarves I’ve made,
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