PARMA, OHIO 440-888-8220
APRIL 5, 2015
STEWARDSHIP … Your Gift to God
Collection totals for Mar. 29, 2015
Apr. 5
9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Easter Sunday
+Celebrant’s Intentions
+Celebrant’s Intentions
Apr. 6
Monday within the Octave of Easter
8:30 a.m.
+Joe, Paul & Kathleen Mudry
Apr. 7
Tuesday within the Octave of Easter
8:30 a.m.
+All Souls
Apr. 8
Wednesday within the Octave of Easter
8:30 a.m.
Liturgy of the Word
Apr. 9
Thursday within the Octave of Easter
8:30 a.m.
+Tom Konicki
Apr. 10
8:30 a.m.
Friday within the Octave Easter
+St. Matthias Parish Family
Apr. 11
Vigil of Divine Mercy Sunday
4:00 p.m.
+Ann Trost
Apr. 12
9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Divine Mercy Sunday
St. Matthias Parish Family
+Fr. Vincent Moraghan
First Reading: Acts 4:32-35
Second Reading: 1 Jn 5:1-6
Gospel Reading: Jn 20:19-31 (44)
Please pray for The Sick In Our Parish
Holly Conzelman
Sue Dantin
Kathleen Zalesky
Pete Maisano
Jean Kula
Robert Williams
Michael Matye
Fr. Paul Smith
Jack McNulty
Sue Foley
Joseph Governale
Lutgarda Tolentino
Elsie Killian
Mary Saunders
Cecelia Liosi
Theresa Mudry
Janice Treer
Teresa Szeluga
Virginia Kovach
Virginia Sadosky
Lynn Moavero
Ed Somers
Weekly Total 2015
YTD Total 2015
Same Week 2014
Same Week 2014
If you are giving electronically, and do not wish to receive
envelopes, please call the rectory, 440-888-8220, and we
will stop sending them. Thank you.
Family Perspective
In the confusion of Easter morning, Peter proved to be a
mentor to the younger disciple in today’s gospel. Even
though the younger disciple arrived first at the empty
tomb, he waited for Peter to make sense of this confusing
event. Children in our families and neighborhoods also
need mentors to help them make sense out of the confusing times and bewildering events that surround their
lives. We can help our young people “see and believe”
just like the young disciple in the gospel.
Low Gluten Communion Hosts
We now have available low gluten hosts. These hosts only
have .002% gluten. They are in strict adherence with Cannon
Law and can be received by anyone that has a bad reaction to
Gluten. If you would like to receive the host please come into
the sacristy before Mass and let the Presider or Deacon know
you would like to receive one of these hosts. They will be kept
in the Tabernacle and will be brought out and distributed in the
center aisle. So when you come up for communion, if we forget
please remind us you need a low gluten host. When you receive
we will present the ciborium and proclaim the Body of Christ
and you will respond Amen. Then, pick the host from the ciborium and consume. This procedure will help to eliminate a cross
contamination from the other gluten hosts.
If you have questions please call Fr. Ray at 440-888-8220.
Mon. Apr. 6
Office Closed
Tues. Apr. 7
Women’s Bible Study 9:00AM
Thur. Apr. 9
Garden Club Meeting 6:30PM
Music Ministry Rehearsal 7:00PM
Sat. Apr. 11
Bowling 6-9:00PM
April 5
St. Vincent Ferrer
The polarization in the Church today is a mild breeze compared
with the tornado that ripped the Church apart during the lifetime
of this saint. If any saint is a patron of reconciliation, Vincent
Ferrer is.
Despite parental opposition, he entered the Dominican Order in
his native Spain at 19. After brilliant studies, he was ordained a
priest by Cardinal Peter de Luna—who would figure tragically
in his life.
Of a very ardent nature, Vincent practiced the austerities of his
Order with great energy. He was chosen prior of the Dominican
house in Valencia shortly after his ordination.
The Western Schism divided Christianity first between two,
then three, popes. Clement VII lived at Avignon in France, Urban VI in Rome. Vincent was convinced the election of Urban
was invalid though Catherine of Siena (April 29) was just as
devoted a supporter of the Roman pope. In the service of Cardinal de Luna, Vincent worked to persuade Spaniards to follow
Clement. When Clement died, Cardinal de Luna was elected at
Avignon and became Benedict XIII.
Vincent worked for him as apostolic penitentiary and Master of
the Sacred Palace. But the new pope did not resign as all candidates in the conclave had sworn to do. He remained stubborn
despite being deserted by the French king and nearly all of the
Vincent became disillusioned and very ill, but finally took up
the work of simply "going through the world preaching Christ,"
though he felt that any renewal in the Church depended on healing the schism. An eloquent and fiery preacher, he spent the last
20 years of his life spreading the Good News in Spain, France,
Switzerland, the Low Countries and Lombardy, stressing the
need of repentance and the fear of coming judgment. (He became known as the "Angel of the Judgment.")
He tried, unsuccessfully, in 1408 and 1415, to persuade his former friend to resign. He finally concluded that Benedict was not
the true pope. Though very ill, he mounted the pulpit before an
assembly over which Benedict himself was presiding and thundered his denunciation of the man who had ordained him a
priest. Benedict fled for his life, abandoned by those who had
formerly supported him. Strangely, Vincent had no part in the
Council of Constance, which ended the schism.
Christos voskres! Voistinu voskres!
Christus ist auferstanden! Er ist wahrhaftig auferstanden!
Christ est ressuscité! Il est vraiment ressuscité!
Cristo è risorto! È veramente risorto!
Christus resurrexit! Resurrexit vere!
Christ Is Risen! He is truly Risen!
The news of Easter is glorious and triumphant. For all time,
the risen Lord has triumphed over sin and death. We are part
of that mystical and miraculous reality each and every day
through our Baptism and in the community of the Church.
We shout out that Christ is truly risen, Alleluia. Thanks to all
who helped to make these wonderful days come alive.
Congratulations to our newly baptized, Dominic and welcome to the
A blessed Easter to all! And many
thanks for your helpful stewardship
and generosity at Easter.
Fr. Ray
Plastic Bags needed…
The Holy Name Center needs plastic bags for
food distribution to the poor. If you have any
used or new plastic bags from the grocery or
any shopping, please drop them off at the rectory with my name on them. Elaine
You Are Invited!!!
Easter Evening of Reflection
What’s Your Catholic I.Q. ?
Last Week’s Answer
Catholics pray the Nicene or the Apostles Creed at Mass
This Week’s Question
______completes Christian initiation through an anointing with
oil and the laying on of hands.
A) Holy matrimony; Anointing of the sick; C) Holy orders; D)
for all Liturgical Ministers and everyone
involved in Mass
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Take some time out of your busy schedule for an evening to
reflect on your role in Mass at St. Matthias.
PARMA, OHIO 440-888-8220
APRIL 5, 2015
Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion, Readers & Altar Servers Schedule for Next Week
April 11/12
4:00 PM (Sunday Vigil)
11:00 AM
Fr. Ray Sutter
Fr. Ted Haag
Fr. Ray Sutter
Pamela Ziss - Host 1
JoAnn Medwetz - Host 2
Joe Medwetz - Host 3
Margaret Kerr - Cup 1
Elaine Mieyal - Cup 2
Jeanette Kerka - Cup 3
Patricia Biel - Cup 4
Allyn Davies - Host 1
Stacie Muniak - Host 2
Lynn Muniak - Host 3
Val Cunningham - Cup 1
Rose Oehlstrom - Cup 2
Denise Hawk - Cup 3
Bill Cunningham - Cup 4
Carol Duke - Host 1
Patti Bertschler - Host 2
Laura Zydiak - Host 3
Ray Fazio - Cup 1
Linda Cerio - Cup 2
John Bertschler - Cup 3
Terry Duke - Cup 4
Rose Rohal - Reader 1 & 2
Gloria Litwinowicz - Reader 1
Tom Litwinowicz - Reader 2
John Barker - Reader 1
Ryan Merriman - Reader 2
Ann Kolosionek Senior Server
John Kolosionek Server
Terry Mattie Server
NOT FILLED Senior Server
Brianne Litwinowicz Server
Carmella Russ Server (sub req.)
Ricky Richardson Senior Server
Lauren Devis Server
Matthew Devis Server
Kathleen McNamee Server
Florence Visk
Adult Choir
Adult Choir
Altar Server
9:00 AM
Catechist (Children Liturgy)
Cathy Roderick
Mary Ann Pokorny
Mike Benedictis - Greeter 1
Judy Lapchynski - Greeter 2
Carol Malloy - Greeter 1
Marie Shiban - Greeter 2
Celebrating Twenty Five Years of Service
For 25 years, UH Parma Medical Center's adult day services have been providing meaningful activity,
socialization for members, personalized care and respite for caregivers.
Sue Braun - Greeter 1
Kathleen Byrne - Greeter 2
Adult Day Services
7300 State Road Parma,
OH 44134
Phone 440 743 4539
Fax 440 743 4557
The services have grown to include:
Eldercenter — A medical model adult day program for adults ranging in age from 18 to 100+ with a variety of needs and abilities.
Services include nursing supervision, medication management, and a variety of activities.
Club — A specialized program for adults experiencing mild memory loss that replaces losses with meaningful activity and socialization. Members must have a strong social presence and be able to take care of personal care needs.
Also provided on site to support older adults and families —
Concerned about your loved one's ability to continue driving safely? Call our certified "Beyond Driving with Dignity" professional.
For more information or to schedule an in home self assessment, call 440/743-2777. Cost $250.00, includes workbook.
Memory Training Centers of America
Concerned about your loved ones memory or your own? Services include; "Cognitive testing, assessment and therapy for individuals with mild to moderate memory loss". For more
information, please call Laura at 440/743-2660
Attention St Matthias Gardeners
Please mark your calendars for a planning meeting on Thursday, April 9 at 6:30 in the rectory. If you are interested in joining a new ministry or learning about gardening, we could use
your help with planting and weeding this year.
The feedback from Brookside on last year's garden produce was
that the people loved the vegetables and grabbed them up
quickly. We were able to send down multiple bags of fresh
vegetables every week from late June through September.
Lets keep up the good work and pray for another great season.
Remember to ask for the intercessions of St Isidore, the farmer
and St Phocas, the patron of gardeners.
Both of them prayed while working in
their gardens and both gave vegetables
to the poor. Let us pray for plenty of
rain and sunshine so we can do the
same. See you on April 9 at 6:30.
Divine Mercy Sunday
The Spiritual Life Commission is promoting
Divine Mercy Sunday this Lent. Jesus appeared to a young Polish nun, Sr. Faustina
Kowalska in 1931. She saw a vision of Jesus
with rays of mercy streaming from His
Heart. He told her to have it painted and to
sign it “Jesus, I trust in You!” Jesus taught
her that His mercy is unlimited and available
even to the greatest of sinners. There is a plenary indulgence
attached to the Divine Mercy novena. To receive this indulgence go to confession during Lent, receive communion on
Divine Mercy Sunday, say the novena, place your trust in
Jesus and attend a Divine Mercy service. Pope John Paul II
established the Sunday after Easter as Divine Mercy Sunday.
Catholics pray novenas for important occasions and special
intentions. We encourage you to join us on Good Friday to
start the novena. It continues through the first week of Easter.
We will be saying the chaplet after morning prayer and 8:30
am Mass in the chapel. One can find a Divine Mercy service
at a neighboring parish at 3:00 pm the Sunday after Easter.
We have a container in the Gathering
Area for any loose change you may
have. Let’s see if we can bring clean
water to more people, start a school and
support it, or do some other GOOD
works….the change collected will be
used to help make a change!
All change collected in the month of April will
be used to pay for Military Postage to send
the 300 plus boxes of Girl Scout cookies that
were donated. We need over $600.00 to cover
the cost of postage. Your continued generosity
Please pray for our military and their families, especially Christopher Dominick, Tim
Ryan, Joshua Haugh, Sean Sirl, Teran Chapman, David Schmidt, Timothy Schmidt,
Spencer Kordic and Patrick Chalupa.
The following items are ones we are able to send, and are
needed by the troops: Band-aids, purell, shampoo, sun
block, lip balm, hand lotion, Kleenex (individual packages),
dental products, deodorant, Dr. Scholl’s foot pads, foot
powder, breath mints, hard candy, dried fruit, “to-go”
powder drinks that are added to bottled water, crackers,
cookies, Gatorade (powder), granola bars, gum, nuts, raisins, Ramen Noodles, instant soup, white or black socks
(not dress) and sausage-beef jerky.
Items can be dropped off in the “Military” bench in the
Gathering Area. Thank you.
It’s a Party
The St Matthias Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
April 25, 2015 at 5:30PM
At St. Mary Crystal Chalet
3600 Biddulph Ave, Cleveland, OH 44109
RSVP is a MUST by April 12
Please return the form below—either drop it off in the collection basket, or mail it to the rectory—St. Matthias
Church, Volunteer Appreciation 1200 W. Sprague Road,
Parma, OH 44134
All volunteers are welcome to come
Yes, I plan on attending the St. Matthias Volunteer
Appreciation Dinner.
Name _________________________________
How many will be attending ________________
PARMA, OHIO 440-888-8220
St. Columbkille PTO Trivia "Knight"
Saturday, April 25, 2015
@ Patio's Grand Ballroom
7874 Broadview Rd• • Parma, OH 44134
Join us for a fun night filled with
answers to your most pressing questions!
For just $25 you get Two trivia games
(Trivia provided by Great Lakes Trivia)
draft beer & soft drinks, appetizers, dinner buffet,
desserts and loads of fun!
This is a PRE-SALE only event
6:30 pm Doors open
7:00-8:00 Food
8:00-9:00 1st Trivia game
9:00-9:30 Raffle winners announced
9:30-10:30 2nd Trivia game
10:30-11:30 Silent Auction winners announced
Raffle Baskets ~ Side Boards ~ Silent Auction ~ 50/50 Raffle
There will be no ticket sales the night of the fundraiser.
Contact Sarah Krause at
Nala1225@sbcglobalnet for more information
St Matthias Ministries to the Homebound and/or Sick
If you or a friend are unable to get out or need assistance, please
know that St Matthias has ministries that can help you. If you
would like to have meals delivered to your home, get a ride to
the doctor or church, have a Visiting Eucharistic Minister come
to you or to be put in touch with a home health aid service call
Elaine Fechko at 440-888-8220, ext 12.
APRIL 5, 2015
North Royalton Community Meal
There is a North Royalton Community Meal held each
month. This monthly meal is hosted the last Sunday of every
month. It is open to all residents and is meant to build a sense of
community spirit, and most importantly, to feed those in need in
our community. This monthly community meal is sponsored by
the following community churches in our area: St. Albert, Royal
Redeemer Lutheran Church, Abundant Life Community
Church, North Royalton United Methodist Church, St. Matthew
the Evangelist Antiochian Orthodox Church, St. Paul Greek
Orthodox and SRC Church of the Nazarene. To check which
church is hosting call 440-237-6761
Music Concert to Benefit Maggie's Place:
St. Charles Parish in Parma will host a free concert for The
Zechariah House on Saturday, May 16 at 7:30 PM featuring a
range of musical styles including old classics, sacred music and
Broadway tunes; a love offering supporting Maggie's Place will
be taken. Open seating. The church is located at 5891 Ridge
Road, Parma. Refreshments will be offered after the show!
St. Matthias Library Corner
For a whole new picture of some of the most famous and infamous women in secular and Church
history, read The Great Magdalens by Msgr. Hugh
Francis Blunt. These are true stories of over 20
women who were great sinners – yet found forgiveness, healing and peace through Jesus Christ. Find out how
they spent the rest of their lives.
Nursing Home Outreach
Little White Books
The Little White book is a devotional that covers the 50 days of
the Easter season. It is now available as an e-book from Amazon, Apple, Barnes and Noble and Google Play. It is also available through their web site. Little Books . I went to Amazon and
found it available for $3.06 for the kindle. It is auto-delivered
This bulletin is furnished to the Parish without charge. The advertisements that appear completely defray all publishing costs with
which the church would otherwise be burdened.
This week’s “Sponsor of the Week” is…
Covenant Books & Gifts
Royalwood Centre
12801 State Road
North Royalton
The Visiting Eucharistic Ministry would like to reach all of our
parishioners wherever they may be; at home, in the hospital, or
in nursing homes. The only facility that calls us to inform us of
parishioners being admitted is Parma Hospital. And because of
HIPPA laws regarding privacy issues, we are not allowed to call
these facilities to see who has been recently admitted. If you
are aware of someone who is either homebound or living in a
nursing home, or is in the hospital, please let us know and we
would be happy to visit them. Or if you, yourself are ill and unable to attend church, we would love to bring church to you. To
request a visit, please call Elaine at 440-888-8220.
St Matthias Meal Ministry reaches out to parishioners
who are returning from the hospital or for another reason need
help with meals. They may provide meals for a short time or an
extended time. Recipients of the service are very thankful and
overwhelmed with St Matthias generosity. Right now they are in
need of more cooks who can say yes when they get a call from
our coordinator, Ginger Price. To join the ministry call Ginger
at 216-524-4003.
Eagles on Foot
St. Basil Job Support Group ~ Meets every 2nd and 4th
Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm. Mentoring, networking,
combined with outplacement training. Free of charge with no
pre-registration. Meetings held in parish rectory. Contact Bob
Kestranek (216) 701-7661 or
St. Basil Adult Singles ~ an adult Christian singles group
serving the Greater Cleveland/Akron area. Monthly meetings
are held the first Friday of every month at 7:30pm in the
Parish Center. For additional information, call: 216-856-0946
St. Michael ~ROSARY for LIFE ~ Every FIRST
Tuesday at 6:30 pm in St. Michael Church, Independence.
Come and pray with us --- for the unborn, for families, for the
elderly...ALL are welcome!
FRIDAY MAY 1, 2015 6PM-9PM
All You Can Eat And Drink
Salad, boneless chicken tenders, pasta, pizza, domestic draft
beer, well drinks, wine, coffee, tea and pop.
Chinese Raffle Basket
50/50 Raffle
Ticket Prices: Until 4/23 $20 ADULTS $15 KIDS
After 4/23 $25 ADULTS $20 KIDS AT THE DOOR
For tickets call (440) 526-4382
If you would like to donate a basket for this worthy cause
please call Brenda at 440-526-2799 or Clare at 440-526-9369
Sponsored by Assumption Human Care Committee
Join us at 9:30 am on Saturday, April 18th for St. Edward High
School's annual "Eagles on Foot" Sic run and 1 mile walk to
benefit Basil Moreau School, our sister school in Port-au-Prince,
Haiti. Basil Moreau School was devastated in the catastrophic
earthquake that struck the nation of Haiti in January of 2010,
and the rebuilding process is still ongoing. Pre-registration is
only $20 and race-day registration is $25. All participants receive a long sleeve race T-shirt, and there are awards for the top
finishers of the 5k, as well as raffle prizes. You can register
online at or in-person on race-day
beginning at 8 am. The race starts and finishes at St. Edward
High School, 13500 Detroit Ave. Lakewood, OH 44107. Please
contact Liam Haggerty at or (216) 2213776 x244 if you have any questions.
April 7, 2015. Celtic Spirituality and Prayer:
Fresh Green Out of a Hard Winter
Earth. Celebrate spirituality and the arts during National Poetry Month by joining us for
an evening exploring Celtic Spirituality in
Poetry. We will experience mindful reading
of poems that are accessible to everyone, see
a lovely DVD on Celtic spirituality that incorporates the beauty of the Isle of Iona, and celebrate the turning of the seasons of the year, and of the heart. Light refreshments served. Presented by Kim Langley. 6:45 pm – 8:30 pm.
Cost is $15. To register contact Jesuit Retreat House 440-8849300 or visit
April 12, 2015. Getting to the Spiritual Core of Healthy Human
Relationships. In the spirit of the Easter Season, this afternoon
will offer an interactive reflection and conversation to explore
the joys and struggles of relating with others in our fast-paced,
pulled-in-many-directions world. It will present a look at the
attributes of a centered and healthy Christian spirituality which
can help to strengthen, guide, and heal the significant relationships within our personal, family and work lives. The afternoon
will conclude with a guided meditation for inner healing and
reconciliation. Presented by Fr. Norm Douglas. 2:00 pm – 5:00
pm. Cost is $25. To register contact Jesuit Retreat House 440884-9300 or visit
April 13, 2015. An Invitation to Think and Feel Differently in a
New Time. In the spirit of new life and hope that we celebrate at
Easter and in the unfolding springtime, this retreat will be led
by Fr. Harry Bury, a Roman Catholic priest and Professor
Emeritus of Systems Management and Organizational Behavior
at Baldwin Wallace College. His insights will be based on his
extensive teaching and consulting experiences in the US and
internationally, especially in Asia, and his recent book which
provides the title of this retreat. The day will offer practical
ways of looking at life positively and bringing meaning and
fulfillment to oneself and to others. His stories and experiences
touch the deepest layers of our humanity, awaken our imagination, and can transform our understanding in ways that foster
happiness, overcome cynicism and build hope. 9:00 am – 3:00
pm Cost is $35. To register contact Jesuit Retreat House 440884-9300 or visit