The TRUMPET - East Woodstock Congregational Church

April 2015
A publication of the East Woodstock Congregational Church, 220 Woodstock Road, East Woodstock, CT 06244
Deadline for submissions: the 20th of each month
Pastor: Rev. Susan J. Foster Director of Christian Education: Lynn Looby Youth Group Co-Director: Anne Sorensen
Director of Music: Kristen Wedegis Organist: Nancy Ducharme Secretary: Heidi Tucker
Office: 860-928-7449 Residence: 860-928-7145 Email address:
Secretary’s Email: Sunday School: 10:00 am Sunday Worship: 10:00 am
The Lasting Gift of Easter
Everyone thinks that Easter came
suddenly and completely in the blink of eye.
Jesus was dead, then Jesus was alive – miracle
There were no eye witnesses to the actual
resurrection (except maybe the angels) – the
women showed up at the graveside after that
amazing feat had been accomplished. We will
never know if Jesus woke up gradually from
death as if he were coming out of a deep sleep or
whether he sprang to his feet, ready to continue
his ministry in heavenly form.
We do know that it took the disciples
quite a while to realize and understand what had
happened. The Gospel of Mark tells us that when
the two Marys and Salome first saw Jesus, they
were terrified. They were so overwhelmed that
they “fled from the tomb,” and “they said nothing
to anyone, for they were afraid.”
John tells us that when Mary first saw
Jesus, she did not recognize him; it took her
some time (and the opportunity to hear his
voice) before it became clear that this was
actually Jesus standing in front of her. In that
same story, Peter and John race each other to the
grave, competing to see who would be the first to
witness this amazing tale that the women
described. But once they saw the empty grave,
“they returned to their homes” (John 20: 10).
What an odd reaction to a life-changing event.
We are every bit as slow on the uptake as
the early disciples were. Miracles happen in our
lives but we are reluctant to talk about them for
fear that others will not believe us or will think
less of us because of our faith in this mysterious,
still-acting, still-speaking God.
There are hints of resurrection all around
us, but we often do not spot them. How often do
we overlook the signs and wonders of our
Creator God? Could we be like Mary, looking
right at God and God’s handiwork but still not
recognizing it? How does God speak to us and
what will it take for us to hear God’s voice in our
everyday lives?
Instead of Easter being an instantaneous
event that happened once in history, Easter is
that gradual, repeated discovery of our life-giving
- Where is God appearing to you today?
- How is God speaking to you?
- What words of hope and new life is
God offering to you?
- What transformation is God offering to
you? How will you react?
May the blessings of Easter be with you today –
and every day.
Yours in Christ,
Rev. Susan J. Foster
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April 2015
The following are the scriptures for the month of April:
You are invited to read them as part of your daily devotions and as
preparation for worship.
April 5 (Easter)
Acts 10:34-43
Isaiah 25:6-9
Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
John 11:1-45
Mark 16:1-8
April 12
Acts 4:32-35
Psalm 133
1 John 1:1-2:2
John 20:19-31
April 19
Acts 3:12-19
Psalm 4
1 John 3:1-7
Luke 24:36b-48
April 26
Acts 4:5-12
Psalm 23
1 John 3:16-24
John 10:11-18
A mid-week
opportunity for
conversation, coffee,
learning, and
Give yourself the gift
of time…
Worship News
We hope that you can join every Sunday for worship and fellowship –
and bring a friend!
April 2: Maundy Thursday – 7:30 pm Service of Tenebrae
9:00 pm Vigil begins
April 3: Good Friday – Vigil continues until 9 pm
7:00 pm Union service with combined choirs at EWCC
April 17: Maundy Thursday 6:00 pm Seder Supper
8:00 pm Maundy Thursday service
April 5: Easter Sunday 6:00 am Sunrise service behind the
Woodstock Academy building
10:00 am Celebration of Resurrection in our sanctuary
April 12: Jerry Moschella, guest preacher
April 19: Bell choir ringing. What’s it like to be you: Jasmin Floyd
April 26: Sacrament of Baptism
morning study
10:00 a.m.
Everyone is
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April 2015
Service of Tenebrae. Maundy Thursday, April 2, 7:00 pm: The word
“tenebrae” means shadow. Come hear the story of Jesus’ final hours as he
chooses to let the shadow of death overcome him. This is a quiet, moving
service when God’s love and God’s willingness to give his Son for us is
made clear. Because this is a solemn service, we encourage older children to
attend with their parents and younger children to take advantage of childcare
in the nursery.
Good Friday Vigil and Prayer Service. Beginning immediately following
the Maundy Thursday service and continuing until 9:00 pm on Friday. You
are invited to enjoy the peace and silence of our sanctuary during our prayer
vigil. You may sign up for a time that is “yours”; you may come to sit, pray,
listen to music, and reflect on God’s movement in your life and the world
around you. Please sign up in Fellowship Hall for a time when you can enjoy
our sanctuary in solitude, or with a friend. ~A special union service will be
held at 7:00 pm in our sanctuary featuring our combined choirs.
Easter Sunday. April 5
6:00 am: Sunrise service in back of the Woodstock Academy.
“On the first day of the week, at early dawn, they came to the tomb…
and found the stone rolled away from the tomb”. Come and celebrate
the resurrection of Jesus Christ in the beauty of the early morning.
10:00 am: Celebration of the Resurrection!
Let us sing our praises to God
and give thanks
for the gift of forgiveness and new life.
Sanctuary Singers and the
Sunday School will be singing!
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April 2015
East Woodstock Congregational Church
3rd Annual Clothing Sale
1000’s of new and gently
used items
for men, women, and children
*Friday, April 17th 3:00 – 7:00 pm
*Saturday, April 18th 9:00 – 2:00 pm
(fill a bag for $5)
Loads of brand named items
Exceptional prices – Amazing bargains
220 Woodstock Road
Woodstock, CT
Please contact Dorrie Scranton
at (860) 974-3096
for question or donations.
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April 2015
A Thought about Hospitality
Feel free to share your news with us.
Just email Heidi at or
call the church office at 928-7449.
I wish to extend a HUGE thank you to Judy
Schumacher, Roger and Nancy Gale, and Dianna
Rebello for helping with loads of wood this
winter! And a big 'group hug' to the haul coordinators,
wood handlers, and delivery personnel - Amy,
Windsor, and Nathan; Sue, Roger and Jacob; Judy;
Dianna; and of course Demetri! Through the bitter and
snowy February, my heart and home was filled with
the warmth of a caring and supportive church
family! With gratitude and deep appreciation - Lisa
EWCC is a congregation committed to hospitality
and welcome. Here is some food for thought
about that ministry…
 Do not despise those faithful who come
to you seeking hospitality. Receive
them, put them up, and set them on their
way with kindness, treating them as one
of yourselves.
~ St. Cuthbert
In Memory
We give thanks to God for the completed life of
Carole Reed Alley, who died on March
Men’s Fellowship News
Our church is blessed by the work of many
volunteers. Every bit of effort and caring helps
the church live out its calling to be the Body of
Christ. This month we especially would like to
thank . . .
Mark Billings and Dennis Kelly for
organizing a delicious and delightful St. Patrick’s
Dinner. Wonderful food, fellowship, and music
were enjoyed by all. Thank you for your time and
Anne Sorensen our Youth Group CoDirector for leading our Youth Group on the
mission trip to New York City. We appreciate all
the time and energy you give to our young people!
Quote for today:
Faith is a bird that feels the light and sings
while the dawn is still dark.
The men of the congregation have been enjoying
gathering for breakfast at the church for good food
and fellowship. Our next gathering will be on
Sunday, April 12th at 8:00 a.m. All men are
invited – and please invite a friend along!
Ladies Benevolent Society News
The women of the 1st Congregational Church of
Woodstock cordially invite the women and men
of our church to attend April Guest Day on
Wednesday, April 8, 2015, at 2:00 p.m. in
Harrison Hall at the 1st Congregational Church of
Woodstock, UCC, 543 Route 169 in Woodstock.
Bill Reid, Chief Ranger from The Last Green
Valley will be the featured speaker.
Refreshments will follow the presentation. RSVP
to President Ruth Stevenson at 860-928-7222 or
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April 2014
Women's Evening Bible Study
Please join us for a Women’s Evening Bible Study beginning on Tuesday, April 7, from 6 pm to 7
pm. Beckie Lewis has agreed to lead this Beth Moore Bible Study titled Daniel: Lives of Integrity, Words
of Prophecy. This is a two-part series that we will continue in the fall. The first six-week session will study
Daniel's life as he faced the kind of pressures and temptations we encounter every day. The second part
explores thrilling prophecies from the time of Daniel through the second coming of Jesus Christ. Please
visit the link below to view an introduction to the study from Beth Moore:
For those of you that are not familiar with the Beth Moore Bible Study Programs, the format is a short
video at the beginning of the evening and then a discussion which focuses on questions provided in a
workbook. Everyone participating will receive a workbook ($5 fee) so they
are able to reflect on the discussions at a later date. Beckie has told me that
the evening is spiritually enriching and offers a wonderful opportunity to get
to know each other better and understand what we are faced with on a day
to day basis.
Childcare will be provided during the Bible Study.
I encourage you to take a look at the video and hopefully you will join us for
an evening of fellowship and experiencing the Bible in a unique way that
will help you to love and live in God's word. If you have any questions,
please do not hesitate to contact me.
Lynn Looby
Special Thank You!
The Men’s Choir, Sanctuary Singers, Seasonal Singers and the Te Dingum Ringers
presented introits, anthems and offertories during Lent, Holy Week and Eastertide.
I thank you for the hours of rehearsal and dedication it takes to share your talents with
the congregation. I am extremely proud of all of you!
Share Your Talent!
Do you have an instrumental or vocal talent you would like to share with the congregation on a Sunday
morning? We would love to have you share your gifts with us! Contact Kristen Wedegis and let her know!
You can speak with Kristen after church, e-mail her at, or call her at church 928-7449.
“The evidence for Jesus’ resurrection is so strong that nobody would question it
except for two things:
 First, it is a very unusual event.
 And second, if you believe it happened, you have to change the way you live.”
~Theologian Wolfhart Pannenberg
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April 2015
East Woodstock
Jasmin Ariel Floyd
One Spirit, Two Skeletons
Jasmin Ariel Floyd was born with a very
rare bone disease called Fibrodysplasia
Ossificans Progressiva or FOP.
FOP is causing Jasmin's body to grow a
second skeleton, forcing muscles and
connective tissue to turn to bone, gradually
freezing her joints. FOP only occurs in 1 out
of every 2 million people, and is often
Please visit Jasmin’s blog, which
is filled with helpful information.
April 25, 2015
7:00 pm
Admission $10.00
The funds will be used for
continued research and the
improvement of Jasmin’s
quality of life.
Additional donations
gratefully accepted and
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April 2015
Adult Forum on Mass Incarceration: May 3, 2015
As Christians, we will be judged, Jesus tells us in Matthew 25:31-46, by how well we care for the hungry, the
thirsty, the poor and the imprisoned. In our society, the people who fit that description the best are the 7.3 million
people currently under correctional control, 2.3 million of whom are in prison or jail, while the remaining 5 million
are kept in a permanent poverty by the rules of parole and probation and the legal discrimination against them in
housing, employment, and public assistance. There are clear connections between racism, politics, targeted
enforcement of the War on Drugs and the intractable poverty that it creates. These issues have been out of sight for
most of us yet as people concerned with human justice, we need to become aware of this injustice in our midst.
On Sunday, May 3rd, Rev. Marilyn B. Kendrix will preach during our morning worship service. Following
worship, she lead a discussion detailing the facts and consequences of mass incarceration in America.
My short bio:
Rev. Marilyn B. Kendrix, Associate Pastor for Faith Formation
The Church of the Redeemer United Church of Christ
New Haven, Connecticut
Marilyn Baugh Kendrix currently serves at the Associate Pastor for Faith Formation at the
Church of the Redeemer in New Haven, CT. A recent graduate of Yale Divinity School,
Marilyn worked for over 15 years as an Organizational Development Consultant principally
at AT&T but also in other profit and not-for-profit settings.
Marilyn earned her Bachelor’s degree in French and secondary education from Spelman College in Atlanta,
Georgia, her Executive MBA from the University of New Haven and an MA in Industrial and Organizational
Psychology, also from the University of New Haven.
In May of 2013, Marilyn received her Masters of Divinity degree from Yale Divinity School and a certificate from
the Yale Institute of Sacred Music. She was the recipient of the Henry Hallam Tweedy Prize for exceptional
promise in pastoral leadership, the highest prize that Yale Divinity School confers on a graduating student each
year, for her work in raising awareness about mass incarceration in America.
Marilyn’s covenant with the Church of the Redeemer in New Haven calls for her to preach and teach about mass
incarceration at other UCC churches in Connecticut. She does this work two Sundays a month while still
overseeing all aspects of Christian education and faith formation at Redeemer. In addition, Marilyn has partnered
with 7 other writers to write a book, The Justice Imperative: How Hyper Incarceration Hijacked the American
Dream (September 2014, Significance Press). The book focuses on the problem of mass incarceration here in
Connecticut and provides 30 recommendations for bringing it to an end.
“Let’s talk about race”
The CT Conference of the UCC is holding several training days for clergy around the issue of racial
justice and how to encourage discussions within our congregations about the challenges of racism. During
the two day training, participants will engage in conversation about how racism pervades personal, interpersonal, institutional, and cultural realms. Pastor Sue will attend this training on April 9-10th. The
training sessions are provided through Our Church’s Wider Mission funding.
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April 2015
Missions Committee News
The building of the TOWER OF TOWELS continued through Easter Sunday. Towels, twin size bed linens,
and pillows helped this tower grow. The Tower will be blessed by the congregation during coffee hour on
Easter Sunday. Donations will be shared with our outreach service groups. Thank you to all who helped
us build the Tower of Towels!
Thank you to all who filled an Easter bucket for the children of Covenant to Care. We were able to deliver
20 fun filled buckets for children to enjoy Easter morning!
Did you know? The EWCC now supports the Hill Church by preparing a warm lunch to provide at the
Community Kitchen on the first Monday of each month. If you are interested in helping with meal prep,
please see Pastor Sue.
Save the date!! Benefit Concert for Jasmine Saturday, April 25th in Fellowship Hall. Watch the bulletin for
information on how to purchase your tickets.
Thank you for your generosity toward Back Bay Mission on Jazz Sunday. With your donations, Missions
was able to send $450 to support their continued efforts in Biloxi, MS.
Do you work for a non-profit organization? Do you personally support a non- profit that is close to your
heart? If so, please see a member of the Missions Committee to discuss how we can help support your
organization. Or feel free to attend one of our monthly meetings.
Donations - The group reviewed several requests for donations and the following were agreed upon:
$50 Treehouse Foundation in honor of Tom Stokes
$100 CT UCC Leadership Studio in honor of Debbie Kirk
$100 Missionary Society of CT to aid in relief to Cyclone Pam victims in Vanuato
$120 Women’s Retreat scholarship fund
Missions has moved their meetings to the 3rd Tuesday of the month. The next Missions Committee
meeting is Tuesday, April 21st, 7:00 pm at the Church.
Senior High School Scholarship
A scholarship is awarded each year to a student member of EWCC who has been active in the church
and is open to students who are pursuing their education in the fields of Christian ministry, missions,
or social services such as teaching, nursing, social work, etc. Applications are available to download
on the church web site or in the church office. Deadline is May 3rd.
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April 2015
Missions Meals Ministry
Thank you so very much, to the thoughtful and caring members of our congregation, whom have contributed
and supported many church members these past few months. A warm meal and a kind heart goes a long way
to comforting those in need. Meals have been provided to Jane Stoll and Bill Cruttendon. Thank you to Tom
Stokes, Diane Billings, Daryl Hartman, Valerie Law, Christine Armstrong, Judy Schumacher, and Rebecca
Pastor Sue & EWCC:
I want to say thak you for all the love and kindness you showed me and my family
back on Nov. 1. Mom, aka Angie Bissonnette, loved you all very much. She enjoyed
July 4th – we know well of all the preparations going into just one day. She was proud
of the end result. She was proud of all of you.
Again, thank you for the best result from a difficult day. I will never forget your
labors and the respect you showed me.
Glen G. Bissonnette
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April 2015
You can find us on Facebook!
Look at for news, updates, and
inspirational messages and pictures. Join our on-line family!
Jamboree News
It is once again time to begin the planning for the 4th of July Jamboree!
This year marks our 58th annual Jamboree!!
As always, our success depends on the efforts of many dedicated
volunteers. We will need chairpersons for the many booths and events as well as
crafters, bakers, set-up and clean-up crews, etc., etc. EWCC needs YOU!
Watch the bulletin and the Trumpet for meeting times. Please plan to attend and bring your ideas!
Everyone is welcome and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Let’s make this the best year yet!!
After 25 years of managing the Bottle Booth game for kids from 3 to 93, Dot Hill is
retiring. This July 4th, I need help setting up the booth from a younger (?) volunteer
family who would be willing to make this game their own contribution for our church.
I have enough prizes stored here to set up this year. I will bring them along with
everything needed to set the booth up. I can help in whatever way works for the new
chairperson. Over the past few years I have kept notes about what works, helpful hints
and a set-up sketch, because I knew (in my pun intended) that I would retire soon.
The booth is a lot of fun and adds to the overall Jamboree profits. If you are interested
in learning more, please call me ASAP.
A note of interest to encourage you is this... Year-round shopping, collecting, sanitizing
prizes is fun for me, and I could continue to do that as long as needed. Call me and let’s
talk. NOW... before the spring Jamboree meeting!
Dot Hill: 860-928-5280. E-mail address:
*** Update! Melissa Goodrich has generously stepped up to take Dot’s place. If you would like
to help out, please contact her or Dot! Thank you, Melissa!
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April 2015
Exploring New Testament Lands today…
A trip to Greece
April 16-26, 2016
Bring the Bible stories to life! Visit cities where St. Paul’s letters to Thessalonians, Philippians, Corinthians,
and Ephesians were received in first-century churches. See the cave on the Island of Patmos where the book of
Revelation was written.
We will:
 Follow the journeys of St Paul through mainland Greece
 Explore Athens, Philippi, Thessaloniki, Corinth, Berea, and Ephesus
 Enjoy a three-day Mediterranean cruise including islands that Paul visited and Patmos, where John
received visions of his Revelation
We will hear some biblical stories in the places where they occurred and have the opportunity to explore the time and
culture of Greece during the early days of Christianity.
Would you like more information? Talk with Pastor Sue!
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April 2015
Our Time, Talent and Treasures at Work…
Bell Choir
Benefit Concert
Bible Study
Breakfast Club
Child Care
Choir Practices
Church Council
Clothing Sale
Coffee Hours
Committee Meetings
Community Service
Confirmation Class
Covenant to Care
Daily Bread
Easter Sunday
Good Friday Vigil
Good Friday Service
Hospital Visitation
Jamboree Meetings
Maundy Thursday Service
Memorial Services
Men’s Breakfast
Nursing Home Worship
ONA Action
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Special Music
Staff Meeting
Sunday Bulletins
Sunday School
Tai Chi
Worship Services
Youth Group
Youth Ministry Team
Bell Choir
Bible Study
Breakfast Club
Child Care
Choir Practices
Church Council
Coffee Hours
Committee Meetings
Community Service
Confirmation Class
Covenant to Care
Daily Bread
Hospital Visitation
Jamboree Meetings
Men’s Breakfast
Music Appreciation
Nursing Home Worship
ONA Action
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Relay for Life
Special Music
Sunday Bulletins
Sunday School
Tai Chi
Worship Services
Youth Group
Youth Ministry Team
Bell Choir
Bible Study
Breakfast Club
Child Care
Children’s Day
Choir Practices
Church Council
Coffee Hours
Committee Meetings
Community Service
Confirmation Celebration
Covenant to Care
Daily Bread
Hospital Visitation
Jamboree Meetings
Men’s Breakfast
Nursing Home Worship
ONA Action
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Special Music
Sunday Bulletins
Sunday School
Tai Chi
Worship Services
Youth Group
Youth Ministry Team
Christian Education
Stewardship + Giving = The building blocks of our faith
April 4
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April 2015
Easter Sunday
Come to church, worship with your family, and celebrate the good news! Help make worship
special by greeting, collecting offering or providing childcare for the youngest members of
our church.
April 13
GIV2 Community Kitchen
9am @ the Hill Church
Spend the beginning of your spring vacation helping those in need! We will prepare a meal
and serve those in our community who are in need of a hot meal. We will set up, prep, cook,
serve and eat with our guests. Contact Kate or Anne to see how you can help! Can’t attend?
See what food item you can donate for the meal.
April 19
Worship at East Woodstock
10am @ EWCC
The youth group will meet at East Woodstock Congregational Church to worship together
and listen to Jasmin Floyd speak on “What It’s Like to Be Me”.
April 25
EWCC benefit concert for Jasmin Floyd
Come help with the Benefit Concert at East Woodstock Congregational Church for Jasmin
Floyd! We will help set-up, greet the guests, help with refreshment table, and clean-up. Plan
on helping from 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm.
Want to know more about YOUTH GROUP?
Call or text Anne Sorensen at 860-428-2198 or email at EWCC and
Kate Murdock at 860-933-6924 or email at the Hill Church
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April 2015
grow your spirit /put faith in action /change the world/
learn/have fun with friends/make a difference/open your eyes/
All students who are currently in grades 6-9 are invited to join us for a
week of fun, friends, and service learning. This is a day program (9:00
am to 3:00 PM) for youth who want to help neighbors in need. We will
use the Hill Church as a home base and take a different field trip each
day to put faith in action.
Download your registration form from the church website and mark
your calendar. Those who register by April 15 will receive an EARLY
We will be gathering a staff of volunteers, including CITs and counselors, so contact Anne
at 860-428-2198 if you can help out. APPLICATIONS for youth staff are due by April 15.
For youth in grades 4 and up
Over 37 week-long Conferences to choose from!
All God’s Critters, Silver Lake’s Funniest Videos, Water World, and
Hammer and Nail—these are a few of the great Conference titles for
summer 2015. Brochures are available at the church and online
registration is now open at
Silver Lake has all kinds of fun camp stuff like swimming, basketball, singing, hikes, campfires, as
well as a low and high ropes course. Sign up early to get your first choice of programs at OUR
beautiful Conference Center at Sharon, CT!
Scholarships are available, so speak to Pastor Sue or Anne Sorensen if you are interested.
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April 2015
APRIL 2015
Keep Those Photos Coming!
One Unit Remaining
for the Sunday School Year
On Sunday, March 8, I introduced Flat Jesus during
the Children’s Story. If you haven’t taken Flat Jesus There is one unit remaining for this Sunday School
home to share adventures with your family, be sure to year – April 26 through May 17. If you haven’t had
see me.
the opportunity to teach or shepherd, I hope you will
consider volunteering for this unit.
The pictures are pouring in and I can’t wait to see
yours. During March and April, take pictures of your The children, teachers and shepherds have enjoyed
children doing things with Flat Jesus. It could be
the Hands On Bible Curriculum and the unique way
riding in the car, on vacation, sports, dance, school,
of studying scriptures.
playing with friends, doing homework, etc. Be
creative. Flat Jesus can even travel to relatives or
friends through the mail. As you take the photos,
forward them to me so I can share a few throughout
Vacation Bible School
the two months.
Hometown Nazareth: When Jesus Was a Kid
Based on the Flat Stanley books, Flat Jesus is a paper
Planning has begun for the 2015 Vacation Bible
doll that will accompany the children for two months.
School. The program will run from Monday, July 13,
This visible expression of our faith will show them
through Thursday, July 16. It will be an evening
that Jesus is always with them.
event from 5:00pm to 7:30pm and dinner will be
Children’s Day – June 14
Children will be transported back to Nazareth where
they will learn firsthand what it was like when Jesus
Our Children’s Day service will be June 14. This is a was a kid through stories that Mary will share with
service that is done by the Sunday School children.
The theme will be centered around the activities done Watch for more information in future Trumpets and
with Flat Jesus. Every child will have a part and it’s Sunday Bulletins.
a wonderful service to experience. Bibles are given
to children entering 1st grade, 3rd grade, and 7th grade.
If you have questions or concerns, please do not
hesitate to contact me at or
(860) 923-9210.
Page 17
Children’s Page
A picture to color.
April 2015
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April 2015
April 2015
Daily Bread request: Beans & Baked Beans
10:00 Study Group Maundy Thursday Good Friday
7:30 pm Al-anon 10:00 am Tai Chi Vigil continues
7:00 pm Service
7:00 pm Service
8:00 pm Vigil
9 am Community 10:00 am Tai Chi 10:00 Study Group 10:00 am Tai Chi
Kitchen Prep (Hill) 6 pm Women’s
2:00 pm LBS @
7:00 pm Bells
Bible Study
Hill Church
7:00 pm Deacons 7:30 pm Al-anon
7:00 pm Sanctuary
9 am Giv2 @
10:00 am Tai Chi 10:00 Study Group 10:00 am Tai Chi
8:00 am Men’s
6 pm Women’s
7:30 pm Al-anon 7:00 pm Bells
Breakfast Community Kit.
7:00 pm Pastoral
Bible Study
6:30 pm EWCB
Relations 7:00 pm Sanctuary
6:30 pm EWCB
7:00 pm Society
6:30 pm EWCB
10:00 am Tai Chi
Earth Day
10:00 am Tai Chi
6 pm Women’s
10:00 Study Group 7:00 pm Bells
Bible Study 7:30 pm Al-anon
7:00 pm Sanctuary
7:00 pm Missions
3 pm – 9 pm
Clothing Sale
9 am – 2 pm
Clothing Sale
7:00 pm
Benefit Concert
for Jasmin Floyd
10:00 am Tai Chi 10:00 Study Group 10:00 am Tai Chi
6 pm Women’s
7:30 pm Al-anon 7:00 pm Bells
Bible Study
7:00 pm Bells
Looking Ahead:
May 3 – 2nd Hour w/Rev. Marilyn B. Kendrix
May 10 – Confirmands Lead Worship
May 18 – Music Appreciation
The coffee hour in April will
be served courtesy of:
The coffee hour in May will
be served courtesy of:
Pastoral Relations
April Birthdays:
Adam Drouin
Alexis Parent
Lua Manhanga
Kaleb Morin
Nathan Drouin
Gabby Santos
Haven Magnan
Tyler Chamberlin
Orion Newall-Vuillemot
Leah Thibodeau
Lily Jakubowski
April 3
April 3
April 4
April 7
April 8
April 13
April 14
April 16
April 22
April 23
April 28
Page 19
March 2015
Prayer Page
“Trouble and perplexity drive me to prayer and prayer drives away perplexity and trouble."
Philip Melancthon, 16th century
This prayer seems appropriate for this month when we celebrate April’s Fools Day:
A Clown’s Prayer
As I stumble through this life,
help me to create more laughter than tears,
dispense more cheer than gloom,
spread more cheer than despair.
Never let me become so indifferent,
that I will fail to see the wonders in the eyes of a child,
or the twinkle in the eyes of the aged.
Never let me forget that my total effort is to cheer people,
make them happy, and forget momentarily,
all the unpleasantness in their lives.
And in my final moment,
may I hear You whisper:
"When you made My people smile,
you made Me smile."
A Farmer’s Prayer
A Celtic Prayer…
Lord, bless the land you’ve given me,
And may I always know
As I tend each crop and creature
You’re the One who helps them grow.
This night and every night
grant to me light
This night and every night
grant to me peace
This night and every night
grant to me rest.
This night and every night
grant to me grace.
This night and every night
grant to me joy.
Grant me the strength and wisdom
Please protect me from harm,
And thank You
For Your gracious gift…
The blessing of a farm.