April 2015 Newsletter - Windermere Presbyterian Church

Windermere Presbyterian Church - 104 Windemere Road, Wilmington, NC 28405
April 2015
To You Who Minister in Jesus’ Name…
“On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took their spices they had prepared and
went to the tomb. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered they did not find
the body.”
Some years ago, my father Thomas John Carlisle wrote several books which included his insights into
Easter. Come see.
Witness of the Resurrection
Women are welcomed
as witnesses
of Jesus’
Their word
In a court of law
was valueless
but we rejoice
that one who loved
all people
came first
and now again
to those
who knew
and loved
Him well
and happened
to be
Christ You Carried a Flower
Christ, you carried
a flower in your hand
more often than not.
Sunday, April 5th , 10 a.m.
Easter Sunday
Rev. Chris Carlisle
Liturgist: Dru Farrar
Scripture: Isaiah 52:14, Mark 16:1-8
Sermon: “Early Riser”
Holy Communion
Your beard
reddened and curled
beside the exuberant
shore. You walked barefoot
at times. You laid
The airless mattress of your robe
under the pitch of stars.
Your knapsack held
original water
elemental bread.
You practiced
the discipline of love
and faith’s abandon.
Mistaken Identity
The success story
of Jesus
leaves some elements
of embarrassment
to the particular
of his original
acts and intentions.
he’s such a calmer
to some circles now
and rocks no boats.
Who do we take him for?
Without cross-purposes?
Under the Sign of Thomas
Under the sign of Thomas
we lie--we doubters-we wonderers--we wonderers-scrupulously suspicious
of human and inhuman
uncounted creeds
and facile suppositions.
We must put
our heads as well as our fingers
at the point where facts
punctured flesh
and measure how far
love can unsafely go.
Copyright 2015 Carlisle Family
He made waves
then how is it
Sunday, April 12th, 10 a.m.
Rev. Walt Griffith
Liturgist: Elizabeth Albritton
Scripture: Psalm 133, John 20:19-31
Sermon: “After Easter Gifts for
Post Easter People”
Sunday, April 19th, 10a.m.
Rev. Chris Carlisle
Liturgist: Elizabeth Albritton
Scripture: John 21:1-18
Sermon: “Taking the Plunge for Jesus”
Sunday, April 26th, 10 a.m.
Gary Galloway, Lay Minister
Liturgist: Debbie Packer
Scripture: Psalm 69:1-9; John 2:13-22
Sermon: “The Temple of the Lord New Location, New Material”
Finance Report for February 2015
Operating Fund
Current Month
2014 YTD
2014 Budget
Net income (deficit)
$ 12,651.40
$ 1,070.26
$ 34,865.14
$ 5,604.59
$ 30,299.36
Income for February was about $1,000 more than expenses.
Outside of the Operating Budget we received $220 for the Building Fund, $750 for the Special Music Fund, $89 for the
Pastor’s Discretionary Fund and $101 for Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard.
Elder on Duty for the Month of April—Terry Thomas
April Ushers – Randy LaGrange, Cely LaGrange, Julia Huntley, Estelle Link, Tom Hebert, Sue Hebert
April Liturgists – April 5, Dru Farrar; April 12, Elizabeth Albritton; April 19, Elizabeth albritton;
April 26, Debbie Anderson Packer
Elders for 2015
Clerk of Session: Paul Albritton 799-4271
Finance: Tom Hebert (chair) 452-5521, Estelle Link 799-9269, cell– 233-2393, Evelyn Morris 799-6808
Property & Maintenance: Bud Townsend (chair) 395-5097, Mark Mathers 279-9691
Strengthening the Church: Terry Thomas (chair) 620-7838, Debbie Packer 712-1535
Mission and Service: Matthew Coleman (chair) 352-1334
Worship: Bebe Brewton (chair) 793-1299, Carol Pearson 686-0728
Presbyterian Women: Doris Failing 791-4500
Men of the Church: Bud Townsend 395-5097
Elder Nominating Committee for 2015 - Incoming Elder – Debbie Packer,
Outgoing Elder – Jennie Galloway, Women – Janet Casey, Men – Fritz Rohde,
Youth – Terry Thomas, Member at Large – Paul Albritton
Interim Minister: Rev. Chris Carlisle, 910-777-4401, email: windermere@bizec.rr.com
Secretary: Fran King, 791-5966, email: windermere@bizec.rr.com
Music Director: Candace Williams, 791-5966, email: towerkat_n_mouse@yahoo.com
Pre-School Director: Leslie Moore, 791-8290, email: windpreschool@att.net
Nursery: Donna Kaiser, 508-2296
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 am – 2:30 pm
Our Missionaries
Shane & Dorenda Hartley—Campus Crusade, Wilmington
Bret & Mindy Taylor-Wycliffe Bible Translators, Waxhaw
Outreach Foundation, Iran
Dustin & Sherry Ellington—Outreach Foundation, Zambia, Africa
MEALS ON WHEELS April 25th! Please sign up!
Mission Statement:
The mission of Windermere Presbyterian Church is to mutually nurture, support and encourage one another
toward spiritual maturity while reaching out to the community in response to God’s gift of His Son, Jesus
Christ, for the salvation of the world.
Both circles will be concluding their last regular meetings in April. Day Circle will meet on Tuesday, April
14th at 10:30 a.m. in the church parlor. Janet Casey will
give the devotions, and Estelle Link will lead the discussion of Lesson 6 in our study book on Paul. Scripture
texts to read are 2 Corinthians 2: 14-17 and chapter 6:147:1 After a brief business meeting we will go out to
lunch at a nearby restaurant.
The night circle will meet at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, April
14th at the home of Ellen Allen. Debbie Anderson Packer will serve as hostess and Janet Coleman will be discussion leader.
Our May meeting will be combined circles gathering
for a covered dish supper and a celebration of the PW
Birthday program and offering.
The annual PW Spring Gathering for our Presbytery
will be held Saturday, April 18th at the Carolina Beach
Presbyterian Church. Registration begins at 9:30 a.m.
with a business meeting and speaker to follow. We hope
to have a delegation to represent Windermere. If you
would like to attend, please see Doris Failing or call 7914500.
Windermere will be the host church for the April 2nd
Maundy Thursday services. The P.W. will provide refreshments after the service. A sign-up sheet has been
placed in the narthex for your help with the refreshments.
and freed by God in Jesus Christ and empowered by the
Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves: to nurture
our faith through prayer and Bible study, to
support the mission of the church worldwide,
to work for justice and peace, and to build an
inclusive, caring community of women that
strengthens the Presbyterian Church (USA) and witnesses
to the promise of God’s kingdom.
Bazaar 2015
Anyone interested in helping
with crafts for the 2015 Bazaar
is encouraged to join us on Tuesday, April 14th at
1:00 p.m. in the Laura Coley Sunday school room.
We will begin planning and sharing ideas as we
prepare to make this the most successful bazaar
yet. All thoughts and suggestions will be greatly
appreciated. Please mark it on your calendar and
join us for fun and fellowship.
Approved request by Jennie Galloway to hold a recital
in the sanctuary on Friday, May 29, 2015.
Approved request of Petite Arpeggio for a recital in the
Sanctuary on Friday, May 1, 2015.
Approved, subject to confirming approval and establishing fee by the Worship Committee, of the Hofland
wedding to be held on Thursday, July 16, 2015 with
rehearsal on Wednesday, July 15.
Approved spending up to $2,000 from the Building
Fund for roof leak inspection and $1,500 for repairs as
a result of the inspection.
Authorized the Finance Committee to review the membership rolls and provide a list to the Session for consideration of moving members to an inactive status. The
primary criteria to be used is no attendance or contributions in the last two years.
Approved the nomination of Jean Hall as a Faithful
Saint for 2015.
The following motions were approved:
1. Windermere Presbyterian Church reconfirms its
position to abide by the definition in the current
Book of Order which states that marriage is between one man and one woman.
2. The Session of Windermere Presbyterian Church
approves a policy that prohibits same-gender marriages from taking place on its grounds or in its
One of the many blessings God has given
us at Windermere Presbyterian is the music program. Candy Williams, our organist and choir director, is extremely talented as is her husband David who has sung
opera in various parts of the world. In the
choir there are many other dedicated singers including another gentleman who has sung opera
over the years. Several ladies play the piano for beautiful pre-service music and services are also enriched by
the violin and viola. A number of people play in the
Chime Choir as well. We thank God for all who seek to
serve Him through music at Windermere. Singers are
always welcome to join the choir and there is a special
music fund which provides for special performances
like Faure’s “Requiem” on Palm Sunday.
Our Body of Christ
Betty Jo Register, Charlene Farrar, Bob Huntley, Margaret Hill, Frances Hand,
Larry Culp, Ernest Daniel, Travis Wells, Jeannette Ramsey
Our Extended Body of Christ
Frank and Frances George, Sheilah Groves, Luke Moose, Carol Bowers,
Joyce Crump, Helen MacIver, Trent and Anjie McCumbee and their son Levi,
Morrison Hall, Linda Horne, Mary Summerlin, Susie Boardman, Bill Burrell,
The Local N C National Guard Unit 1/120th Inf., Our Missionaries
Reminder: After the last Sunday of each month, the entire bulk prayer list will
be deleted. Members and friends are urged to re-submit those they wish to be
on the list for the next month. You may submit requests at any time for this
April Anniversaries
Ernest & Mary Daniel
Bob & Julia Huntley
Matt & Angie (Angela) Allen
Ted & Becky Kalnen
April Birthdays
Robert Leech
Matthew Register
Mark Morgan
Margaret Hill
Phyllis Morgan
Jaden Walsh
Michael Coleman
Dru Farrar
Michelle King
Kathy Oakes
Layla Sayer
Operation Christmas Child: "Each shoebox is a missionary
going with the Gospel message" states Don Horch, coordinator with
the collection center in Vancouver, Washington. We are able to be
a part of this ministry with our shoebox collections here at Windermere. We collected 27
toothbrushes, 12 tubes of
toothpaste, several bars
of soap and washcloths
along with socks and
combs and brushes this
month. Wow! We are
really building our collection for the packing
party in November. For
the month of April, let us
concentrate on hygiene
products again (also hair
bows and ties) and any
small toys or stuffed animals that may be on sale after Easter. Also, any other items you see that will fit in the boxes. We are hoping to fill 50 extra boxes from the church. Thank you for all your
support with this wonderful ministry. "Behold what manner of love
the father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of
God" 1 John 3:1
Our heartfelt prayers of comfort and peace reach out to the family of Lynn Krupey. Lynn joined the
Church Triumphant on Friday, March 6th after a valiant struggle against her illness.
“Thank you all for your continued prayers and cards of sympathy, comfort, and peace. A memorial service and celebration of Lynn’s life will take place on April 12 th, 2015 at Halyburton Park
from 1 to 3 pm. Diane Carey”
Assisted Living:
Irma Deal, 2145 Cane Creek Rd., Fletcher, NC 28732-7434
Doris Erkes, 404 Liberty Commons, Wilmington, NC 28405
Helen MacIver, Woodbury Wellness Center, 2778 Country Club Dr., Hampstead, NC 28443
Frances Hand, Liberty Commons, 121 Racine Drive, Rm # 408, Wilmington, NC 28403
Preschool News
Spring has sprung and we are busy at
preschool! With the warmer temperatures, we are spending extra time outside enjoying the beautiful world that God has created for us. This month at preschool, we will talk
about spring, bugs, and we will celebrate Week of
the Young Child. April is always a fun month!!!!
We are still accepting children for next year. If you
know of anyone that is looking for a preschool
(especially for two and three year olds), please send
them our way.
In Christ,
Leslie Moore, Director
Join us for a free open house! Saturday, April 4th, 2015
Family Night Dinner
April 1, 6:00 p.m.
Baked Ham, Potato Salad,
Mixed Green Salad, assorted breads.
Desert is Coconut Dream Cake.
The speaker will be Rev. Roy Brewton:
“The Week that Changed the World”.
Easter Egg Hunt for the
children during Sunday School.
The Bible Study with Rev. Carlisle on James has ended,
but it will begin again on Thursday April 9th at 11 a.m. in
the narthex classroom. These classes will run for at least
six weeks. Please come and join with us as we explore
James beginning with chapter two, verse by verse, in these
one hour sessions of prayer and fellowship.
The Session has nominated Jean Hall as a Faithful
Saint for 2015. She will be honored at a Presbytery
Luncheon at St. Andrews-Covenant on Saturday,
May 2nd from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
All are encouraged to attend to honor Jean for all she
does for Windermere. The cost of the luncheon is
$10 and reservations are required. We will need your
reservations and money by Sunday, April 19th. Please
see Fran to make your reservation and pay.
HELP! We have 300 plastic eggs to be
filled with stickers and individually
wrapped candy for the Children’s Easter
egg hunt on Easter Sunday, April 5th,
2015. There will be between 10 to 15 children. If you
would like to contribute please bring your items to
church by March 29th. There will be a basket in the
Narthex. Thank you, The Strengthening of the
Church Committee
Maundy Thursday—Joint Communion Service, Thursday, April 2nd, 7 p.m. at Windermere Presbyterian Church
The Presbyterian Church Cluster (Chestnut St, Westminster, Pearsall Memorial, and Windermere) will have their annual Maundy
Thursday Communion service Thursday, April 2 nd, at 7 p.m. at Windermere Presbyterian Church. Rev. David McDonald of Westminster Presbyterian Church will give the sermon, “Homeward Bound”. Bethany Presbyterian Church will also be with us. Exodus
12:1-14There will be a choir composed of choir members from all the churches. Windermere will host a reception after the service.
Good Friday, April 3rd, Noon - 3 p.m.
This year the sanctuary will be open on Good Friday for meditation and reflection for those who desire to spend some time
in a quiet place thinking about what Jesus has done for us through his crucifixion. There will be a folder with some suggestions to guide you in your silent meditation, although it is not necessary to use it. The folders will be on a stand at the entrance to the sanctuary. You may come and leave at any time. Of course, if you want, you may stay until 3 p.m. At 3 p.m.
the Christ candle in the Crown of Thorns wreath will be extinguished. The three-hour period was chosen to reflect the time
when Jesus’s cross was in darkness from noon to 3:00 pm.
Flowering The Cross on Easter Sunday
Living Christ,
you are risen from the dead!
Love reigns!
You are life stronger than death;
Raise our eyes to see you as the new day dawns.
One of the great traditions at Windermere is putting flowers on a cross on Easter Sunday. The flowering cross is
found in Christian art as early as the sixth century. People bring flowers from their yards/gardens, and put them
in the spaces in the wire net cross which will be at the front of the sanctuary. By the time the worship service
starts the cross is completely full of flowers. Watch the flowering cross come to life and hear some Easter
hymns! Don’t have flowers at home? That’s okay! There will be extra flowers available for guests and for those who don’t have any. As one
person observed at a past Easter worship service: It will help us see how something so cruel can become something so filled with life, and as
each person adds their flower to the cross they are recognizing that it was because of that cross and Christ’s resurrection that we have new life.
After our worship service the flowering cross is moved to a spot outside of the church building. It then speaks to those who pass by.
April 2015
Spring Break for
11am -12:30 pm
Petite Arpeggio/Sanc
6 pm Family Night
6:30 pm AA 12 Step
9:15 am TOPS
Preschool L C Rm
12-12:30 pm
8:45 am Sunday
School/Egg Hunt
9:30 am Choir
10 am Worship
Wedding Guild
6 pm Bible Study
8:45 am Sunday
9:30 am Choir
10 am Worship
6 pm Bible Study
8:45 am Sunday
9:30 am Choir
10 am Worship
7 pm BST 255
6 pm Bible Study
7 pm Property
9:15 am TOPS
Preschool L.C. Rm
12-12:30 pm
10 :30 am
Day Circle
6 pm Preschool 1 pm Bazaar
Daddy’s Night Workshop/ LC
7 pm BST 255
7 pm Bible Study 2 pm Finance
7 pm Night Circle
11:15 am-12:15
9:15 am TOPS
pm Chime Choir/ 12-12:30 pm
Preschool L.C. Rm
6 pm Men of the
7 pm BST 255
6 pm Bible Study 7 pm Bible Study
8:45 am Sunday
9:30 am Choir
10 am Worship
9:30 am Pres.Board/
9:30 am Pres.Chapel/
10 am Worship
Preschool L.C. Rm
11:15 - 12:30 pm
11 am -12:30 pm
Petite Arpeggio/
6-7:45 pm Brownies
6:30 pm AA 12 Step
7 pm Choir
Spring Break for 9:30-1 pm
Music in Sanc
7 pm Joint Maundy Noon to 3 pm
Thursday Service
Good Friday
7 pm Cub Scouts
11 am Bible Study
12_12:30 am
Preschool L.C. Rm
11am-12:30 pm
Petite Arpeggio/Sanc
11 am Bible Study
12-12:30 pm
Preschool L.C. Rm
11am-12:15 pm
Petite Arpeggio/Sanc
7 pm BST 255
7 pm Bible Study
6:30 pm AA 12 Step
7 pm Choir
9:30-1 pm
Music in Sanc.
8-12 Church
Work Day
9:30-1 pm
Music in Sanc.
7 pm Session
7 pm Cub Scouts
9:30 am Pres.Chapel/ 11 am Bible Study
12-12:30 pm
Preschool L.C. Rm
11am-12:15 pm
Petite Arpeggio/Sanc
6-7:45 pm Brownies
6:30 pm AA 12 Step 7 pm Cub Scouts
7 pm Choir
11:15 am-12:15
9:15 am TOPS
pm Chime Choir/ Preschool L C Rm
12-12:30 pm
7 pm Mission &
Service Comm.
6 pm
Strengthening of
the Church Comm.
7 pm Cub Scouts
6:30 pm AA 12 Step
6:30 pm Orchid
7 pm Choir
11 am Bible Study
7 pm Cub Scouts
9-12 pm
Meals on Wheels
Prep./ Kitchen
8:30 am Meals
on Wheels
9:30-1 pm
Music in Sanc.
Windermere Presbyterian Church
104 Windemere Road
Wilmington, NC 28405
April 2015
Telephone: 910-791-5966
Email: windermere@bizec.rr.com
Website: www.windermerepres.org.
Presbyterian Counseling Center
Often clients come to a counseling session with a specific question. It might seem trivial: “where should I spend the
holiday?” But it weighs on the individual’s heart. Perhaps it seems overwhelming for the person.
Recently a client was wondering about just such a question. She was identifying alternatives. She was exploring possibilities. I listened. I was not sure myself what was best for her. Her mind was engaged. She was genuinely seeking to
understand herself and her questions from all angles.
And then suddenly she looked up at me with a broad smile. “I’ve made my decision, haven’t I?” she steted. “Just by
talking it through, I can hear myself saying what’s best for me.”
With an expression of relief she asked, “Is that what counseling is all about… just talking it through?”
It was my turn to smile gently because she had discovered something momentous. She recognized she has the capacity
to search earnestly, honestly and courageously for truth.
The process of counseling allows us to search for truth. Call the Presbyterian Counseling Center 910-452-7370, or
visit: presbyteriancounselingcenter.org.
Jonathan Kelley, Counselor