First Presbyterian Church of York

Praise ye the Lord!
News from First Presbyterian Church, York, PA
February 2015
Morning Schedule
8:00 a.m.
Service for the Lord’s Day
with Communion
8:45 a.m.
Worship Service
Christine Thomas Hall
9:45 a.m.
Adult Education
10:00 a.m.
Sunday School
Adult Education
11:00 a.m.
Worship Service
Monday -Thursday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 12 noon
Page 1
From Dr. Lytch
Caring Company Update
Adult Education
Bible Studies
Deacons’ Corner
In the Sunday School
Youth Update
Thank You Notes
Life Under the Steeple
Abendmusik Concert
HALLELUJAH communicates the
Presbyterian Church of York (PC
USA). It is produced by the
Communications Committee of
First Presbyterian Church, 225
East Market Street, York,
Pennsylvania 17403. Phone
(717) 843-8041.
Hallelujah staff:
Editor - Betty Schonauer;
Formatting and typing - Kathy
The staff edits material with
regard to clarity, available space,
and timeliness.
HALLELUJAH deadline is the
15th of every month.
Need to Reach the Pastors or Church Staff?
The staff can be reached by calling the church at 843-8041 or by e-mail.
Interim Sr. Pastor and Head of Staff
Rev. Dr. Stephens G. Lytch. ext. 227
Associate Pastor
Rev. Allison J. Beaulieu ...... ext. 230
Director of Music Ministry
Jim Spark ............................. ext. 236
Director of Christian Education
Wendy Smith ........................ ext. 231
Facility Manager
John Adams ......................... ext. 240
Cell .................................... 887-6696
Administrative Secretary
Kathy Sprenkle..................... ext. 228
Rasheeda Martin.................. ext. 221
Financial Administrator
Alicia ORorey ....................... ext. 229
Director of Childcare Ministries
Heidi Cavanaugh ...............225-6631
Caring Company Director
Bill Gellman ........................848-8869
Page 2
From Dr. Lytch
In Matthew 10, Jesus affirms that the two greatest
commandments are to love God and to love our
neighbor. He then tells the parable of the Good
Samaritan to illustrate what it means to love our
neighbor. Obviously, the love Jesus commends to us in
the parable is not the same love we celebrate on
Valentine’s Day. The Good Samaritan did not make a
long-term commitment to the wounded traveler whom
he helped. He did not enter into a relationship of mutual emotional and
spiritual support. The Samaritan responded to human need, provided
care, and as far as we know, went on with his life.
Romantic love that we celebrate on Valentine’s Day is exclusively
focused on one other person, and we can only be close friends with a
limited number of people. Lovers, family members and friends put
legitimate demands on us that limit our ability to care for others with the
same intensity we care for them. We are not capable of deep emotional
attachments to everyone we encounter, and it would not be appropriate
for others to have the same kind of love for my loved ones that I have for
The kind of Christian love and fellowship that Jesus calls us to show to
all people is not based on the kind of natural attraction we have for
friends and loved ones. In fact, the expectation of close friendship from
fellow church members often leads to deep disappointment in those who
expect every member of their congregation to be a close friend. Many
congregations with a large membership require or strongly encourage
members to join small groups where they can nurture deeper friendships
without the expectation that they have a close relationship with everyone
in the church.
Nevertheless, the love we celebrate on Valentine’s Day can help us grow
in the kind of love that Jesus tells us to have for our neighbors. As we
grow in our love for friends, family and spouse, our hearts are opened to
others. We grow in our understanding of how God loves them. Secure in
the love of those to whom we have committed ourselves, we are free to
serve others whom God loves. We serve in the name of Jesus whose self
-giving love is a model for us.
Yours in Christ,
Page 3
Rev. Lytch
Ash Wednesday Communion Service
Wednesday, February 18
7:00 p.m. – Sanctuary
The Ash Wednesday communion service is a time to meditate on our
mortality and sinfulness, to renew our commitment to daily repentance,
and to remember with confidence and gratitude that Christ has conquered sin and death.
Lenten Communion Services
Each Wednesday, February 25 - March 25
12:00 Noon – Chapel
These weekly communion services are a chance to reflect and meditate
on the Lectionary gospel texts for Lent. Each service will have a time
of confession, scripture reading, time to meditate on God’s word, and
communion. Join us as we walk together on this Lenten journey.
House of Prayer
2015 Lenten Prayer Booklet for FPC
Don't forget to pick up your copy of the 2015 Lenten
Prayer Booklet for FPC. This year's Booklet
contains prayers written BY members of our church
FOR members and groups of our church. The
booklets will be available at the back of the
Sanctuary and in the Gathering Place beginning
Sunday, February 15.
God works through the prayers of His people.
Page 4
Caring Company Update
At the time I last sat down to compose my thoughts in December, we were on
the verge of administering the 2014 Christmas Giving Tree. During this time,
approximately 120 families with over 280 children had the opportunity to fellowship with members of FPC. After sharing light refreshments, parents received gifts for their children and children picked out gifts for their parent(s).
Finally, each family received a gift bag of food before they left the building, to
ensure that they would have something with which to prepare a holiday meal.
I want to thank each and every one of you that participated in the Giving Tree.
It’s always a special occasion when members of the church reach out to members of the immediate community (and beyond).
One thing I did want to convey in this message was the ongoing efforts of
church members to grow and improve the Caring Company food pantry (now
officially known as the Ruth Kammer Food Pantry). Late in 2013, I purchased
a high capacity scale to help weigh any and all donations received from the
church and from other sources (e.g., the annual US Postal Service food drive).
I have used that scale to good effect, as it has allowed us to measure and track
the amount of food that we order from the Central PA Food Bank, as well as
the food that comes in from donations.
For the early months of 2014, we were ordering approximately 2,000 pounds/
month from the Food Bank and taking in about 250 pounds/month through
church donations. But recent examination of the data reveals that church donations have substantially increased over the past several months (to about 500
pounds/month). In fact, for the first two weeks of January, we have received
over 450 pounds in donations from the congregation, so I want to thank those
of you that have stepped up to the plate (no pun intended). And just so you
know, for the 2014 calendar year, we ordered over 22,000 pounds of goods
from the Central PA Food Bank, and took in just over 4,000 pounds in donations from the congregation, as well as another 1,900 pounds from the Postal
Carrier’s Food Drive. All told, we received and disbursed more than 28,000
pounds of food to 1,605 families with more than 4,600 family members.
Thanks so much to those of you that have taken it upon yourself to get involved: in 2014, we have added three new church volunteers to the Caring
Company staff and hired two new Caring Company employees. Yes, it’s been
a bit of a roller-coaster ride this past year, but we hope that with additional
manpower (and space) the Caring Company can keep improving upon its service to the community.
Here’s to a great New Year!
Bill Gellman, Director
Page 5
Adult Education
Make a new year’s resolution to be in God’s Word. There are a number of opportunities to grow in your faith on Sunday mornings. Here
is what is being offered for the month of February at the 10:00 education hour:
Shine at Nine - 8:50 a.m. Sunday in Room 209
On February 1 and 8, Byron Borger continues to
lead the Shine @ Nine class and the Perspective’s
class on the topic of ways to find God in movies,
TV, pop music, and more. Join us as we take a Christian look at entertainment and pop culture.
On February 22, there will be a new class for Lent on the Lord’s
Prayer. Wendy Smith will lead the Shine @ Nine class and Jenn
Ryan will lead the Perspective’s class. The class will meet in Room
Perspectives - 10:00a.m. Sunday in Room 209
On February 1 and 8, Byron Borger continues to lead
the Shine @ Nine class and the Perspective’s class on
the topic of ways to find God in movies, TV, pop music and more. Join us as we take a Christian look at
entertainment and pop culture.
On February 22, there will be a new class for Lent on the Lord’s
Prayer. Wendy Smith will lead the Shine @ Nine class and Jenn
Ryan will lead the Perspective’s class. The class will meet in Room
HomeBuilders - 10:00 a.m. Sunday in Room 301
What does it mean to be a Good Samaritan? Join the
Homebuilder’s class as they discover how to care for
the sick, seek justice and reconciliation, honor the poor, love the
forsaken, and tend to God’s creation as they explore the DVD series
“Becoming a Good Samaritan” by Michael Seaton and Ashley
Wiersma. The class meets on the second floor of the Kerr education
Page 6
Women’s Class - 10:00 a.m. Sunday in the Parlor The women’s class is tackling the book of Jeremiah using the DVD series “Jeremiah: Daring to Hope in an
Unstable World” by Melissa Spoestra. Join the women
as they look at the world through the eyes of the prophet Jeremiah and
discover an intentional way to overcome doubt and worry remembering that God is rich in mercy and love and has plans for all of us. The
class meets in the Parlor. Jill Raudensky leads the class.
Women at the Well - 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday in Room 302
Join the Women at the Well class on Wednesday night
as they delve into the book of John. Laura Byrne is
leading the class which meets at 6:00 p.m. on the second floor of the Kerr building. All women are invited!
Session with Session
Join us on February 15 at 10:00 a.m. in Christine Thomas Hall for a
“Session with Session.” This is a time to hear from Session members
and a time to be in dialogue about issues that are important to the
church. No other adult education classes will be held, so everyone can
attend this session with Session. Join us as we seek to keep the communication open!
Godly Play
During the sermon at 11:00 a.m. worship service, the kindergarten- 3rd
graders are invited to come to hear a Bible story and respond to it
through art. This is their “sermon” as they hear God’s story in a contemplative way. After the story is told, questions like these are asked:
What is your favorite part of the story? What do you think is the most
important part of the story? Where are you in the story? These questions help the children to think about the story and respond to it in a
thoughtful way. In February the following stories will be explored:
February 1 ..... The Greatest Commandment
February 8 ..... The Parable of the Two Sons
February 15 ... Transfiguration of Jesus
February 22 ... No Godly Play - Communion
Page 7
Bible Studies
Men’s Bible Study
The Men’s Bible Study meets in the Library at 6:00
p.m. every Wednesday evening after WFPC dinner.
If you would like to be a part of this group, please
contact Brian Smith at 751-2225 or
PathFinders Bible Study
The Pathfinders meet at 1:00 p.m. on the first and
third Wednesdays at the home of Judy Landis (7550894), 1732 Sagamore Drive (near North Hills
Elementary School). We are now studying Paul's
letter to the Philippians using a study guide written
by N. T. Wright.. Come join us!
Mothers’ Bible Study (Moms)
In January the ladies of Mothers’ Bible Study finished “stumbling”
with Lisa Harper as they completed her study of Stumbling into
Grace. This second half of the study year will find them working on
a new guide, Pursuing God’s Beauty, a study of the Gospel of John
by Margaret Feinburg. So February will be the perfect month for
you and your friends and neighbors to join MBS on Tuesday
mornings 9:15 a.m. till 11:00 for sharing God’s Word, enjoying
fellowship with other faith explorers, and learning how to be women
of God. Childcare will be provided as needed with a call to Heidi
Cavanaugh (717-225-6631) in advance. If no child care is needed,
please just come and join the group. You will receive a warm
welcome – hugs included as desired!
Deacons’ Corner
We are here to serve you, the
congregation. You may not realize that
we offer more than funeral receptions. We prepare the letters of
concern, take flowers to our parishioners, have a medical closet of
equipment for your use, provide transportation, meal train following
illness or hospitalization, and limited financial assistance. We can
pray for you or visit your loved ones, but we can't do this if you
don't let us know. Please call any of the Deacons listed in the
Church Directory.
Page 8
In the Sunday School
Join us as we continue to discover ways to be a disciple of Christ.
Here is what is happening in each Sunday school class for the
month of February:
Two –four year olds: In February these children will be exploring
the story of Jesus healing the paralytic. They will also begin to
explore the Lord’s Prayer.
Kindergarten through fifth grade: Using the rotation style of
learning, these children will explore Bible stories several ways. In
February these children will be exploring the story of Jesus healing
the paralytic and they will begin to explore the Lord’s Prayer.
the Roof
the Roof
Feb. 1
Feb. 22
Sixth through eighth grade will continue to explore the Old
Testament. In February they will hear the story of Samuel, Saul,
and David.
Ninth grade: This is the confirmation class. They meet all year in
preparation to join the church in the spring. In February they will
explore questions like: Where did the Bible come from? Why do
we need so many versions of the Bible? Do we take the Bible
literally? On February 22, they will meet with their companions of
Tenth-twelfth grade continue to explore topics that are relevant to
their faith.
Page 9
Stewardship in the Sunday School
All children are encouraged to support our special children in Carmel,
India through their Sunday school offerings. Last year we were only
able to support one child through the offerings. We hope that this year
we will be able to support four children, as we have in prior years, so
that they can have food, clothing, and schooling!
S. Katrivel
6 years old
A. Tamilarasan
9 years old
A. Muniyappan
9th grade
M. Venkatesan
Page 10
Wednesdays at First Presbyterian Church
Join us each Wednesday night for food, fellowship, choir practice, and
learning! There is something for everyone! Come and be a part of this
great mid-week program!
Here is the schedule for WFPC:
5:30 - 6:00 p.m.
4 yr olds Grades 3-4
6:00-6:35 p.m.
6:35-7:15 p.m.
Alpha Choir
Room 306
Bible Story
Godly Play Room
Room 304
Omega Choir
Choir Room
Joyful Ringers
Bell Choir Room
Omega Choir
Choir Room
Grades 5-7
service projects, movies, and art projects.
Women’s Bible Study-Room 301
Men’s Bible Study-Library
(Child care provided for both Bible studies)
Dinner in Christine Thomas Hall
The cost for the dinner is $5.00 for adults, $3.00 for children, with a
maximum cost per family of $10.00. In addition to the menu,
there will be milk and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Here are the
menus for February:
February 4 .......Chicken noodle soup and hamburgers
February 11 .....Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches
February 18 .....Beef vegetable soup and chicken sandwiches
February 25 .....Walking tacos
Page 11
Notes From Finance
During the last quarter of 2014 and the first
quarter of 2015, the Finance Committee has
been going full throttle. Here is a review of what has been going on:
2014 was a tremendous year. We were able to meet all of our expenses
with our income! Joyous moments come to all, but none more than to
Finance at the year end when our bills are covered. Many thanks to the
congregation in helping meet our goal in 2014!
At the end of 2014 a large gift was given to us to the tune of $125,000.
The donor has requested that this money be utilized for outreach
programs. For the past two years First Presbyterian Church has seen
large donations to help us grow. Join us in praising God for his
abundant blessings!
The 2015 budget is in the process of approval. Please consider
attending the Congregational Meeting, February 8, if you would like
more information on the 2015 Budget.
Contribution Statements are scheduled to be mailed before the end of
January. If you have any questions or feel there is an error in your
statement, please contact Alicia O’Rorey at the office or via email at
Don’t forget your Per Capita! This is an expense for First Presbyterian
Church and your contribution towards that helps greatly. You can give
at any time during the year. Please consider paying your per capita this
year. A special note; the per capita has increased by $2 to $31, although
this is not currently the amount on your envelopes. (Printing error)
What is per capita?
Per capita is a set amount of money (apportionment) per member that
congregations pay to the larger Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Because
every Presbyterian shares in the benefit of the PC(USA)’s system of
government, the expenses associated with coordinating and performing
the functions of that system should be shared by everyone as well.
The first-known mention of per capita dates back to 1734 in a letter to
Who pays per capita, and how much?
Congregations (through their sessions) pay an annual amount of money
per church member — per capita apportionment — to their respective
The per capita amount requested from a congregation is a combined
total of requests from that congregation’s presbytery, the synod in
which the presbytery is located, and the General Assembly — based on
their respective budgets for the coming year(s).
Page 12
Youth Sunday and Auction
March 15, 2015
Youth Update
Please join us for the annual Youth Auction on Sunday, March 15, at
12:00 p.m., right after the 11:00 a.m. service. Enjoy a light lunch and
refreshments as you browse through the many items in our silent
auction. Later, at 1:00 p,m,, we will start the live auction which will
include high value items like vacation weeks in Aruba, Myrtle Beach,
and Orlando, as well as autographed sports memorabilia, tickets to
local events, and gift certificates from local businesses.
But we are still in need of items for the auction and you can help! Here
are some ideas:
A dinner hosted at your home for a couple or group
A week at a vacation home
Gift baskets with or without a theme
Brand new items (unused tools, jewelry, purses, etc.)
Gently used items still in very good condition
Gift certificates to local stores and restaurants
Services such as babysitting, car wash, home organization
Tickets to sporting events
Sports and music memorabilia
Tickets to the Strand, York Little Theater, or Dreamwrights
Wine-tasting evening
Car, garden, or landscape servicing
Movie tickets
Dessert of the month
Electronics (never used or gently used)
Pool party for a group
Pet walking or pet sitting
Any kind of sports lessons (tennis, etc.)
Music / Singing / Art lessons
To donate or volunteer, please call or email Rev. Allison at the church
office or Or, you may contact the Auction
Coordinators, Molly Borger and Tammy Olderich. We are hopeful that,
with this new date and time, we will have a successful auction! All
proceeds will go to the youth's summer mission activities, which will
be York Mission Week and the Senior High mission trip to Orland,
Thank you so much for your help!
Page 13
A Note of Thanks
To the Deacons and members of FPC,
Thank you so much for visiting our home on two occasions in
order to show support to our family following the birth of our son
Daniel. We deeply appreciate the lovely flowers and all the good
thoughts and prayers you have been sending our way. Daniel is
home now and doing well. He is bringing immense joy to our
home each and every day. We look forward to bringing him to
church sometime soon so we can show him off.
God bless you all!
Much appreciation,
Jennifer, Tom, John, Grace, and Daniel Reilly
Dear Church Family,
What an honor to have the “Ruth Kammer Food Pantry” plaque
hung in the Food Ministry area! Serving on the Mission Committee
for more than 30 years was a privilege and joy. The loving and
caring reception of my 8:00 a.m. service friends was heartwarming.
Following my marriage in June 1946 (officiated by the Rev.
Thomas S. Dickson), I joined FPC in October that year.
Some years later, I was Sunday School department head for 4 year
olds for ten years and then became the third female Elder of the
Session (Christine Thomas and Martha Stebbins preceded me). I
was Clerk of Session for two terms.
Moving on, I served as the first female church school
superintendent with an enrollment of 500 students. For 30 years, I
was involved with communion preparation. I was also involved
with the FPC tutoring program and was the director of the program
at Goode School.
I was a member of the first Stephen Ministry class and was active
until my heart attack in June.
With thanks and gratitude for being part of the life of our church
and the love, caring, and prayers extended to me,
Ruth Kammer
1273 Oak Forest Drive
The Villages, FL 32162-7588
Page 14
There was need, we asked, and you responded in a big way. Thank
you so much for the wonderful support of our Christmas
Hospitality. We truly showed that FPC Cares. Whether you
provided cookies, gifts, pantry foods, scarves, gift bags, and/or your
time – you made a difference for our neighbors at Christmas! Special
thanks to John, Deb, Bob, FPC Staff, and Caring Company Staff for
their support during this important mission. We are sure this act of
hospitality made God smile!
Thank you so much,
Mission Committee, Caring Company Advisory Board and
Amanda, Bev, Jan, and Sharon
Blankets and Tools : $ 2,609 used to provide blankets, gardening
tools, food for displaced families, sewing machines and other benefits though Church World Service.
Thanksgiving Dinner: $ 3,533—this year about 400 were our
guests despite bad weather
Thanksgiving Offering: $,1,808—shared by the Middle East program of our PCUSA to provide comfort and hope for recent refugees, and locally by the York Rescue Mission for their ongoing
Christmas Offering: $7,501: one half for the Salvation Army to
help with seasonal and annual projects. One half to help our PCUSA to aid pupils, teachers, and schools in South Sudan (Africa),
where only twenty percent of the children are in school,
Again our church has been able to reach out in Christian love to
show that we care and hope to provide comfort and cheer in the
lives of others—locally and around the world.
Thank you for participating and sharing with others.
--Mission Committee
Page 15
Life Under the Steeple
In Memoriam
William T. Delp
January 12, 2015
Ruth B. Bachman
January 13, 2015
What if a shoebox was just the first step
to following Christ?
(Operation Christmas Child)
The “Shoebox
Ministry” is back at
FPC - (Operation
Christmas Child
from Samaritan’s
children who are living
in poverty in 111
countries around the
When the shoeboxes
are delivered – the
children are also offered
a bible that is printed in the local
The FPC Mission
Committee has approved our
participation in this important
international outreach effort in
Operation Christmas Child
distributes shoeboxes filled with
vital personal hygiene items and
helpful school supplies, as well
as other small and large gifts. The
shoeboxes are delivered to
If you would like to sign up to
participate in this mission
outreach – e-mail David Carney
at and he
will get you a standardized size
shoebox provided by Samaritan’s
Purse. You can also call him at
845-7987 with any questions.
On Sunday, February 8, the York County
Junior Honors Choir will join us for worship
during the 11:00 a.m. service. The choir is
comprised of 100 select singers in grades 7,
8 and 9 from school districts throughout
York County.
Page 16
Sunday Morning Volunteers
February 1
February 8
February 15 February 22
Sue Souser
Helen Goeltzenleuchter
Judy Zuber
Ruth Sabey
Flower delivery
Jeff Lehn
Flower delivery
Dave Mixon
Don Monroe
8:45 a.m.
Stacy Shaffer
Faith Shaffer
Jenn Ryan
10:00 a.m.
Liz Hamberger
11:00 a.m.
Smith/ Katie
Beth Walp/
Alex Yelenoc
Kate Barclay
The Borger
Grace Bissey
Knitting Groups
FPC has two knitting groups that meet once a month at the homes of
its members. One group meets in the afternoon ( contact Helen
Goeltzenleuchter at 268-4353) and the other group in the evening
(contact Sandy Sykes at 805-6508). If you cannot attend either group,
you can knit at home and donate your items. You can donate yarn to
our cause too. Projects include preemie hats, prayer shawls, scarves,
hats, and more.
Mature Singles
This small group is open to anyone age 55 and over for good Christian
socialization. Last month we had a soup, salad, and bread gathering at
the home of Michelle Bigley, and this month we will have another
Chinese New Year luncheon. Not only do we do things as a group, but
you can invite a guest to join you for our outings. Contact Helen
Goeltzenleuchter at 268-4353.
Page 17
Life Under the Steeple
"No one is born brave. But don't let that stop you."
I am Jackie Robinson by Brad Meltzer (Ages 6-10 and adults)
When Jackie was born, his mother named him Jack Roosevelt
Robinson, named for Teddy Roosevelt who worked for equal rights
for black people. Jackie loved sports and played baseball,
basketball, football and track, ending up with the Brooklyn Dodgers
even though he was spit at, tripped, and threatened. His answer was
"I wanted to fight back; but for real change to come, you need to
lead by example." (Ordinary People Change the World series)
Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson (Ages 10-16 and
adults) An amazing autobiography by an outstanding children's
author about growing up black, first in South Carolina and then in
Brooklyn. Even though she struggled with reading in school, this
story is written in verse and is funny and sad and powerful (Winner
of the 2014 National Book Award.)
Sundial Telephone Ministry
During the 11:00 a.m. worship service
If you are unable to attend Sunday worship, you can hear the
service on your phone by calling one of these numbers:
Winter Weather Cancellations?
Find out before you leave.
Please go to our website at, or call the church,
extension 223, for special announcements.
We are using ABC TV Channel 27 (York Cable Channel 6) to report
cancellation of church activities. Announcements will be listed first
by county and then in alphabetical order. FPC is shown as First Presbyterian Church, not “1st.” You can also log onto their website,, and go to “Snowwatch” on the right side menu.
Page 18
Sunday, March 1, 2015
3:00 p.m.
(snow date March 8 at 3:00 p.m.)
First Presbyterian Church of York
225 East Market Street
Page 19
York, PA 17403
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Return Service Requested
First Presbyterian Church of York
225 East Market Street
York, PA 17403