PAA`s Cretan Honey Bees - Pancretan Association of America

official publication of the pancretan association of america
JUNE 2011
Women of PAA
e 24- Beach
PAA’s Cretan Honey Bees
pancretan association of america
official publication of the pancretan association of america
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pancretan association of america
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PHILANTHROPIC FUND: stavros antonakakis
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KPHTH (CRETE) | USPS 298-020
Published monthy except the combined issues of July/August and December/January for $20 per year
by the: Pancretan Association of America (PAA) 30-48 82nd Street, East Elmhurst, NY 11370
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official publication of the pancretan association of america
JUNE 2011
e 24-JBeach
uly 1
Women of PAA
PAA’s Cretan Honey Bees
COVER: Women of PAA: PAA’s Cretan Honey Bees
President’s Message 04
Message From PAA President Theodore Manousakis
Letters Γράμματα
Letters from our members
From the District Νέα Περιφέρειας
District III Leadership Conference
Cover Story Εξώφυλλο
PAA’s Cretan Honey Bees.... the Eight Inspirational Jewels of the PAA
Special Report Ρεπορτάζ
Τhoughts Σκέψεις
Photos Φωτογραφίες 23
Συμβάλετε στη Γέφυρα Αμερική-Κρήτη
Through the eyes of a granddaughter
Message From PYA President Eleni Sopasis & news from the youth
Event photos
Obituary Εις Μνήμη
In Memory of Pearl Delis
Special Report Ρεπορτάζ
Special Report Ρεπορτάζ
Andalucia-Crete report
The Nikos Kazantzakis Museum
Cretan American Association District VII Honoring Maria Kastrenakes
Cretans of Greater Philadelphia “KNOSSOS”
CalendarΗμερολόγιο 34
Chapter NewsΝέα Συλλόγων
Events of PAA Chapters
Νews From Our Local chapters
Πάντα μου θα σε καρτερώ
ζώντας γη πεθαμένη
γιατί η γι’ αγάπη η μπιστικιά
στα κόκκαλα ‘πομένει.
Dead or alive,
always for you I’ll wait,
for love eternal in our bones
remains, my mate.
From “The Voice of the People” by Dr. Stylianos V. Spyridakis
The Women of PAA...
The True Backbone of Our Cretan Community
Dear fellow Cretans:
In this issue of KPHTH, we are proud to recognize the role of the Cretan women in the PAA. It is something that has long
been overdue. We have been remiss in recognizing the most important resource within our PAA family and community.
There are eight women on the PAA board, and many other hard working individuals within the PAA. Since the beginning of
our Association in America, Cretan women have played a pivotal role in our lives, not only as the matriarchs of the Cretan
family but, by extension, as pillars of our community throughout.
It would be difficult for me to describe the debt that we owe to the women that surround us everyday throughout our
lives without sharing my own personal experience in the midst of all the women in my life. I lost my father soon after the
Second World War when I was just five years old. My mother and my three sisters assumed the responsibility of raising me.
Two of my sisters were only several years older than me. The third was a toddler of two. I had no brothers nor any male
role models, only three sisters and my mother. My life would not have been the same without the incredible influence of
the women in my family. Their attention to me as their only son and brother, their sensitivity to my needs, and their deep
compassion, were all aspects that filled my life, and I shall forever be grateful to them. Even as young children when we
quarreled and my sisters complained that my mother showed preference to her only son over the rest of her children, I
always knew that they protected me and I always felt their deep love and compassion.
Throughout my life, I have been fortunate to be surrounded by women. During the last two years as president, I had
the privilege and honor of working with eight women on the PAA board. In retrospect, I can’t imagine that we could have
accomplished so many objectives without their involvement and hard work. Their total availability, their ever presence,
their focus and complete concentration, their dedication and conviction, and their ability to cut through mediocrity and “get
to the real issue”, has been a true inspiration for me and the rest of the board. Please indulge me to mention each of them
here although I know these few words do not properly reflect their contribution to our association; to do so properly would
take volumes.
Erasmia Novotny, PAA General Secretary, has been my proverbial “right hand” since day one. From sun-up to well
beyond sun-set, Erasmia is busy on the phone, on her computer, on her cell. Although she has her family, her business, her
personal obligations, Erasmia is always there for the PAA, available for anything that needs to be done and any problem that
needs a solution. Without Erasmia, I would not have been able to maintain the bond that keeps the PAA together.
Maria Stratoudakis, PAA Women’s Executive Director, has brought the PAA women’s chapters to new levels of communication. She has been the most visible of any PAA Women’s Executive Directors. Although she has a full time job, she has
placed her PAA position as top priority, traveling the entire U.S. visiting her chapters, exploring new ideas, and promoting
new initiatives for the women of today.
Maria (Antonakakis) Makropoulos, PAA Auditor General, is as elegant as she is professional in her work and responsibilities of her position. When Maria takes on an assignment, she does the most thorough, accurate and complete job
of anyone I know. Through Maria’s efforts, the PAA and the individual chapters are finally in compliance with the IRS tax
regulations. Maria has made a real difference to the mission of our association.
Eleni Sopasis, PYA President, is an example of enthusiasm and true leadership. Eleni and the youth have conducted the
most successful PYA Conferences. Their efforts in fundraising and toy gathering for children’s philanthropic causes have been
examples for all of us to follow. Through Eleni’s effort, our youth has been at the forefront with PYA Constitution / Bylaws
changes. Under her leadership and sense of “community”, many initiatives to unite the Cretan youth have been implemented.
Zaharoula Marmatakis, 2nd District Governor, is a tireless worker, admired for her tenacity and ability to get people going.
She has organized chapter meetings of her District, participated and taken charge of projects such as the Christmas issue of
Οι Γυναίκες της ΠΕΑ...
Η Πραγματική Ραχοκοκαλιά της Κρητικής Κοινότητας
Αγαπητοί φίλοι:
Σε αυτό το τεύχος του KPHTH, υπερήφανα αναγνωρίζουμε το ρόλο των Κρήσσων γυναικών της ΠΕΑ. Είναι κάτι που
έπρεπε να είχε γίνει από καιρό. Αμελήσαμε την αναγνώριση ενός από τους σημαντικότερους πόρους στην οικογένεια της
Π.Ε.Α. και της Κρητικής κοινότητάς. Υπάρχουν οκτώ γυναίκες στο Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο της ΠΕΑ, και πολλά άλλα άτομα
που εργάζονται σκληρά στο πλαίσιο της ΠΕΑ. Από την αρχή της δημιουργίας του οργανισμού μας στην Αμερική, οι Κρήσσες
έχουν διαδραματίσει ηγετικό ρόλο στη ζωή μας, όχι μόνο ως πυλώνες της Κρητικής οικογένειας αλλά, κατ ‘επέκταση, ως
πυλώνες ολόκληρης της κοινότητας μας.
Θα ήταν δύσκολο για μένα να περιγράψω το χρέος που οφείλουμε στις γυναίκες που μας περιβάλλουν καθημερινά
σε ολόκληρη τη ζωή μας χωρίς να συμπεριλάβω τις γυναίκες που είναι στο κέντρο της δικής μου ζωής. Έχασα τον πατέρα
μου αμέσως μετά τον Δεύτερο Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο, όταν ήμουν μόλις πέντε ετών. Η μητέρα μου και οι τρεις αδελφές μου,
ανέλαβαν την ευθύνη να με μεγαλώσουν. Δύο από τις αδελφές μου ήταν μόνο μερικά χρόνια μεγαλύτερες μου. Η τρίτη ήταν
δύο χρονών μωρό. Δεν είχα αδερφό, ούτε κάποιο αντρικό πρότυπο προς μίμηση, μόνο τρεις αδελφές και η μητέρα μου.
Η ζωή μου δεν θα ήταν το ίδιο χωρίς την απίστευτη επιρροή των γυναικών στην οικογένειά μου. Η προσοχή τους σε μένα,
καθώς ήμουν ο μόνος γιος και αδελφός τους, η ευαισθησία τους στις ανάγκες μου, και η βαθιά συμπόνια τους, ήταν όλα
στοιχεία που γέμισαν τη ζωή μου, και θα είμαι για πάντα ευγνώμων σε αυτές. Ακόμα και όταν ήμασταν μικρά παιδιά και
μάλωνα με τις αδελφές μου και αυτές παραπονιόταν στην μητέρα μου ότι δείχνει περισσότερη προτίμηση στο μοναχογιό της
από τα υπόλοιπα παιδιά της, εγώ πάντα ήξερα ότι με προστάτευαν και ένιωθα πάντα τη βαθιά αγάπη και τη συμπόνια τους.
Σε όλη μου τη ζωή, έχω την τύχη να περιβάλλομαι από γυναίκες. Κατά τη διάρκεια των τελευταίων δύο ετών ως
πρόεδρος, είχα το προνόμιο και την τιμή να συνεργαστώ με οκτώ γυναίκες στο Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο της ΠΕA. Εκ των
υστέρων, δεν μπορώ να φανταστώ ότι θα μπορούσαμε να είχαμε καταφέρει να υλοποιήσουμε τόσους πολλούς στόχους
χωρίς τη συμμετοχή τους και τη σκληρή δουλειά τους. Η ανά πάσα στιγμή διαθεσιμότητα τους, η παρουσία τους, η εστίασή
και πλήρη συγκέντρωση τους, η αφοσίωση και η πεποίθησή τους και η ικανότητά τους να παρακάμπτουν τις λεπτομέρειες
και να εστιάζονται στην “ουσία” του πραγματικού ζητήματος, είναι για μένα και για το υπόλοιπο Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου
μια πραγματική έμπνευση. Παρακαλώ επιτρέψτε μου να αναφέρω κάθε μία τους ξεχωριστά, μολονότι γνωρίζω αυτά τα
λίγα λόγια δεν αντικατοπτρίζουν σωστά τη συμβολή τους στην οργάνωση μας. Για να γίνει σωστά θα έπαιρνε τόμους.
Ερασμία Νοβότνυ, Γενική Γραμματέας της ΠΕΑ. Έχει παρομοιαστεί με το «δεξί χέρι» μου από την πρώτη μέρα. Από την
ανατολή του ήλιου μέχρι αργά το βράδυ η Ερασμία είναι απασχολημένη στο τηλέφωνο, στον υπολογιστή της, στο κινητό
της και εργάζεται για την ΠΕΑ. Αν και έχει την οικογένειά της, τις επιχειρήσεις της, τις προσωπικές υποχρεώσεις της, η
Ερασμία είναι πάντα εκεί για την ΠΕΑ, διαθέσιμη για ό, τι χρειάζεται να γίνει, και για κάθε πρόβλημα που χρειάζεται λύση.
Χωρίς την Ερασμία, δεν θα ήταν σε ήμουν σε θέση να διατηρήσω την ενότητα και τον δεσμό που κρατά την ΠΕΑ μαζί.
Μαρία Στρατουδάκης, Εκτελεστική Διευθύντρια Γυναικών της ΠΕΑ. Η Μαρία έφερε τα γυναικεία τμήματα των
συλλόγων της ΠΕΑ σε νέα επίπεδα επικοινωνίας. Είναι μία από τις πιο δραστήριες Εκτελεστικές Διευθύντριες Γυναικών
της ΠΕΑ. Αν και έχει μια πλήρης απασχόλησης εργασία, έχει τοποθετήσει τη ΠΕΑ ως κορυφαία προτεραιότητα της,
ταξιδεύοντας σε όλη την Αμερική και επισκέπτοντας συλλόγους, εξερευνώντας νέες ιδέες, καθώς και την προώθηση νέων
πρωτοβουλιών για τις γυναίκες του σήμερα.
Μαρία (Αντωνακάκη) Μακρόπουλος, Γενική Ελεγκτής της ΠΕΑ. Είναι τόσο κομψή όσο και επαγγελματίας στην δουλειά
της και υπεύθυνη στης θέση της. Όταν μία δουλειά ανατίθεται στην Μαρία την κάνει όσο πιο εμπεριστατωμένα, ακριβή
και πλήρη γίνεται. Μέσω των προσπαθειών της Μαρίας, η ΠΕΑ και οι επιμέρους σύλλογοι είναι σε πλήρη συμμόρφωση
με τους φορολογικούς κανονισμούς της Αμερικανικής νομοθεσίας (IRS). Η Μαρία έχει κάνει μια πραγματική διαφορά στην
αποστολή του οργανισμού μας.
Ελένη Σωπασή, Πρόεδρος Νεολαία Παγκρητικής Ένωσης Αμερικής. Είναι η προσωποποίηση του ενθουσιασμού και της
πραγματικής ηγεσίας. Η Ελένη και η νεολαία έχουν πραγματοποιήσει τα πιο επιτυχημένα Συνέδρια της ΠΝΑ. Οι προσπάθειές
της στη συγκέντρωση χρημάτων και στη συγκέντρωση παιχνιδιών για φιλανθρωπικούς σκοπούς είναι παράδειγμα για όλους
μας να ακολουθήσουν. Μέσα από την προσπάθεια της Ελένης, η νεολαία μας είναι στην πρώτη γραμμή του οργανισμού
μας με δημιουργία Συντάγματος της ΠΝΑ και αλλαγές στο Καταστατικό. Υπό την καθοδήγησή της και την αίσθηση της
συνεργασίας που την διακατέχει, πολλές πρωτοβουλίες για να ενωθεί περισσότερο η Κρητική νεολαία έχουν εφαρμοστεί.
KPHTH, and has been there for any occasion or
need. Zaharoula has been a true and loyal representative of her district.
Rema Manousakis, Venizelion Scholarship
Chair, for me, exemplifies the Cretan spirit of giving selflessly. More of a Cretan than many of us,
I have often pondered who has more passion and
love for Crete, Rema or me. She has somewhat
made history in the PAA, being the first woman to
serve on the board while her husband served as
PAA president. She has been my sounding board,
my editor, and my mentor. As Scholarship Chair,
she has standardized her committee’s procedures,
affected Constitutional changes, and ran the PAA
scholarship program with professionalism.
Helen (Vlastos) Ranney, Strategic Planning
Committee Chair, has played a key role in my
agenda as PAA president. When Helen assumed
the responsibility of organizing the Leadership
Conferences, I knew that the PAA was headed in
the right direction. I just didn’t imagine what an
effective job she was capable of doing and what
incredible results she would achieve. When she
also accepted the responsibility at the helm of
gathering the information and assembling the
long overdue Operations Manual, I knew that,
with Helen’s organizational skills and knowhow,
another of my goals would be easily achieved.
Stacy Marakis, Information Technology (IT)
Chair and Cretan Alumni Network (CAN) Chair,
has played a key role in our association, not only
in its present state, but also, and, more importantly, in the future needs of the PAA. She has
assumed the IT responsibilities with the website,
has created the bi-monthly PAA e-Newsletter, and
keeps us informed of all new happenings. In an
effort to bring back to the PAA those Cretans who
have temporarily left, the 35-45 year olds, she
has taken on the responsibility of organizing and
energizing the Cretan Alumni Network (CAN).
There are many other PAA women who,
although not on the board, have contributed
immensely to our association; among them Mary
Vasilakis, Helene Semanderes, Tina Katsounakis,
Diane Kounalakis, and many more throughout the
country, too numerous to mention.
I want to thank the women on my board and
all the PAA women who have worked hard for the
mission of our fine association. I feel proud to
have had the privilege of serving along with them,
side by side. They have enriched my life’s experience, have helped me do my job more effectively,
and have taught me that we can accomplish much
more if we show compassion toward our fellow
Fraternally yours,
Theodore Manousakis
Ζαχαρούλα Μαρματάκη, Κυβερνήτης 2ας Περιφέρειας. Είναι μία
ακούραστη εργάτρια, με αξιοθαύμαστη επιμονή και την ικανότητά
της να εμπνέει τους συνεργάτες της. Έχει οργανώσει συναντήσεις
Περιφέρειας και Ηγεσίας, έχει αναλάβει έργα, όπως την διαχείριση
των διαφημίσεων της Χριστουγεννιάτικη έκδοση του περιοδικού
KPHTH, και είναι πάντα πρόθυμη για κάθε περίσταση ή ανάγκη. Η
Ζαχαρούλα είναι μια αληθινή και πιστή εκπρόσωπος της ΠΕΑ.
Ρέμα Μανουσάκης, Πρόεδρος Υποτροφιών “Eλευθερίου
Βενιζέλου”. Για μένα, αποτελεί το χαρακτηριστικό παράδειγμα
του ανιδιοτελούς Κρητικού πνεύματος. Περισσότερο Κρητικιά
από πολλούς από εμάς, πολλές φορές έχω αναρωτηθεί ποίος έχει
περισσότερο πάθος και αγάπη για την Κρήτη, η Ρέμα ή εγώ. Έχει
γράψει τη δική της ιστορία στην ΠΕΑ, καθώς είναι η πρώτη γυναίκα
μέλος του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου της ΠΕΑ, που ο σύζυγός της
διετέλεσε πρόεδρος της ΠΕΑ. Είναι το αποκούμπι μου, ο συντάκτης
μου, και ο μέντοράς μου. Ως Πρόεδρος των Υποτροφιών τυποποίησε
τις διαδικασίες της επιτροπής της, συνέταξε συνταγματικές αλλαγές,
και διεύθυνε το πρόγραμμα υποτροφιών της ΠΕΑ με επαγγελματισμό.
Ελένη (Βλαστός) Ράννεϊ, Πρόεδρος Επιτροπής Στρατηγικού
Σχεδιασμού. Η Ελένη έχει διαδραματίσει καθοριστικό ρόλο στην
ατζέντα μου ως προέδρου της ΠΕΑ. Όταν ανέλαβε την ευθύνη της
διοργάνωσης της Συνεδρίων Ηγεσία, ήξερα ότι η ΠΕΑ ήταν προς τη
σωστή κατεύθυνση. Απλά δεν φαντάστηκα πόσο αποτελεσματική
ήταν στην δουλειά της, και τι απίστευτα αποτελέσματα μπορούσε να
επιτύχει. Όταν δέχτηκε επίσης την ευθύνη στο τιμόνι της συλλογής των
πληροφοριών και τη σύνταξη του Εγχειρίδιου Λειτουργίας της ΠΕΑ,
ήξερα ότι, με τις οργανωτικές δεξιότητες και τεχνογνωσία της Ελένης,
ένας ακόμη από τους στόχους μου θα στεφόταν με επιτυχία εύκολα.
Στέϊση Μαράκης, Διευθύντρια Τεχνολογίας και Πληροφοριών ΠΕΑ
(IT) και Πρόεδρος του Κρητικού Δικτύου Αποφοίτων (CAN). Η Στέϊση
έχει διαδραματίσει καθοριστικό ρόλο στον οργανισμό μας, όχι μόνο
στην παρούσα κατάστασή του, αλλά επίσης, και το πιο σημαντικά, στις
μελλοντικές ανάγκες της ΠΕΑ. Έχει αναλάβει τον τομέα Τεχνολογίας
και Πληροφοριών της ΠΕΑ με ευθύνες την ιστοσελίδα, δημιούργησε
το διμηνιαίο ηλεκτρονικό ενημερωτικό δελτίο (e-Newsletter), και
μας κρατά ενήμερους για όλα τα νέα δρώμενα της ΠΕΑ. Σε μια
προσπάθεια να φέρει πίσω στην ΠΕΑ τους Κρητικούς που την έχουν
προσωρινά εγκαταλείψει, ηλικίας 35-45 ετών, έχει αναλάβει την
ευθύνη της οργάνωσης και ενεργοποίησης του Κρητικού Δίκτυου
Αποφοίτων (CAN).
Υπάρχουν και πολλές άλλες γυναίκες στη ΠΕΑ οι οποίες, αν και
δεν είναι στο Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο, έχουν συμβάλει πάρα πολύ
στην οργάνωση μας. Μεταξύ των οποίων η Μαρία Βασιλάκη, Ελένη
Σημαντήρη, Τίνα Κατσουνάκη, Νταϊάνα Κουναλάκη, και πολλές άλλες
σε όλη τη χώρα, πάρα πολλές για να τις αναφέρουμε σε μερικές
Θέλω να ευχαριστήσω τις γυναίκες στο Συμβούλιο μου και όλες τις
γυναίκες της ΠΕΑ οι οποίες έχουν εργαστεί σκληρά για την αποστολή
του οργανισμού μας. Νιώθω περήφανος που είχα το προνόμιο να
υπηρετούμε μαζί τον ίδιο σκοπό. Έχουν εμπλουτίσει τις εμπειρίες της
ζωής μου, με βοήθησαν να κάνω τη δουλειά μου πιο αποτελεσματικά,
και με έχουν διδάξει ότι μπορούμε να επιτύχουμε πολύ περισσότερα
εάν δείχνουμε συμπαράσταση προς τον συνάνθρωπό μας.
Θεόδωρος Μανουσάκης
Γράμματα Letters
Αγαπητοί Κρήτες και Κρήσσες της Αμερικής
Χριστός Ανέστη,
ΠΕΑ μπορεί και πρέπει επιτέλους να αποκτήση την έδρα
της εκεί που έχει αποφασιστεί. Πόσες φορές θα πρέπει να
ψηφίσουμε για να γίνει κατανοητό ότι τα μέλη μας θέλουν
να γίνει η έδρα στην Νέα Υόρκη, όχι για κανένα άλλο λόγο
αλλά γιατί είναι το κέντρο του κόσμου, οι περισσότεροι
οργανισμοί στην Νέα Υόρκη έχουν την έδρα τους και όλοι
οι επίσημοι, όχι μόνο από την Ελλάδα αλλά και από τον
κόσμο, πρώτα θα περάσουν από την Νέα Υόρκη και μετά θα
επισκεφτούν οποιοδήποτε άλλο μέρος.
Ξεφυλλίζοντας και διαβάζοντας τα νέα του αγαπητού
περιοδικού μας ΚΡΗΤΗ, με μεγάλη έκπληξη και
απογοήτευση, διαπίστωσα, ότι ο Πρόεδρος με άρθρο που
προσυπογράφει, εμμέσως πλην σαφώς προσπαθεί την
χρηματοδότηση της ανακαίνισης στο Maliotis Center στο
Brookline, ΜΑ από την Παγκρητική.
Ειλικρινά με εκπλήσσει η προσπάθεια που καταβάλει
να ξοδευτούν $425,000.00 σε ένα αξιόλογο μεν, αλλά όχι
ιδιοκτησίας της ΠΕΑ, το οποίο για να χρησιμοποιηθεί, θα
πρέπει κάθε φορά να παίρνουν ειδική άδεια, αν θα είναι
διαθέσιμο προς χρήση της ΠΕΑ.
Σαν μέλος της ΠΕΑ, όπως και οι περισσότεροι Κρήτες
της Αμερικής δεν θέλαμε να σπαταληθούν ξανά και να
ζημιωθεί ξανά η οργάνωση μας με σοβαρά ποσά τα οποία
στην ουσία δεν υπάρχουν. Όσο για τις δημοκρατικές
διαδικασίες που αναφέρει ο κ. Πρόεδρος δεν είμαι και τόσο
σίγουρος μια που ενώ προσυπογράφει το άρθρο δεν μας
λέει επακριβώς αν το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο της ΠΕΑ έλαβε
συγκεκριμένη απόφαση και πια ήταν αυτή.
Ευθύνη, πρωτίστως, για τον εκάστοτε Πρόεδρο,
αλλά και για το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο αφετέρου είναι να
έχουν όραμα και διορατικότητα για το οικονομικό μέλλον
της οργάνωσης μας. Καλά θα είναι να προλαμβάνουμε
τα λάθη πριν γίνουν και προπάντων σε στιγμές που η
παγκόσμια οικονομία είναι άσχημη, αλλά και τα οικονομικά
των περισσοτέρων Συλλόγων μέλλων έχουν σοβαρά
προβλήματα διαβίωσης.
Τελειώνοντας θα ήθελα να ευχηθώ στους Κρήτες της
Αμερικής και απανταχού, υγεία, ειρήνη, οικογενειακή και
ατομική ευτυχία.
Πιστεύω ότι είναι ο καταλληλότερος καιρός, λόγω του
ότι είναι οι τιμές των ακινήτων σε μεγάλη πτώση και η
Με τιμή
Φώτης Φιωτοδημητράκης
Πρώην Πρόεδρος Συλλόγου Κρητών ΝΥ Ομόνοια»
Πρώην Γενικός Επόπτης ΠΕΑ
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υπηρεσίες τα σήματα και τα λογότυπα ανήκουν στους αντίστοιχους ιδιοκτήτες τους. ©2011, DISH Network L.L.C. All rights reserved.
District III Conference Weekend
and Leadership Conference | May, 2011
By Toula Elefter, Recording Secretary
The Cretan spirit is flourishing in Akron, Ohio. A full
weekend of conference activities was hosted by the Akron Chapter. District III consists of the following Chapters:
George Varouh Cretan Club of Cleveland; Knossos Cretan
Club of Canton; Pancretan Association of Akron; Venizelos
Cretan Club of Wheeling; Arkadi-Maleme of Pittsburgh;
Manolakakis-Theodorakis of Youngstown-Warren; District III
Youth; and Vianos Cretan Club of Columbus.
Noula Kountis and Steve Elefter were the co-chairpersons for the District III Conference. In accordance with
President Manousakis’ wish to increase communications
between the PAA Board and members of the organization,
a Leadership Conference was also scheduled in conjunction
with the District III conference. Many representatives of the
ten PAA chapters from District III kicked off the District III
conference weekend during Welcome Night at Ahepa Hall on
Friday, May 20. Members enjoyed live lyra entertainment by
Mihalis Bakatsakis and Lukas Mandakakis.
The District III Youth President, John Kopasakis led a
meeting followed by the election of officers. Congratulations to the District III Youth Officers for 2011: John Kopasakis, President; Sophia Elefter, Vice President; Sophia
Kopasakis, Secretary; and Yianni G. Detorakis, Treasurer. The
meeting was well attended and with youth from the district.
During the evening, the Akron Chapter served Gyros,
pizza, mezedes, salad, and desserts. Thank you George
Detorakis and committee for organizing a memorable Welcome Night as well as to Angelo Detorakis for preparing and
serving delicious Gyros. In addition to entertainment from
Crete, our very own District III talent performed. Jason Nicolacakis, Nikoli Semanderes, and Christo Semanderes played
lyra and sang. In addition to Cretan music, Demetri Kountis
(Akron PAA Chapter President) and Eleni Nikolaki (Cleveland)
sang a variety of songs throughout the evening. Amazing
talent and passion for Cretan music was shared and enjoyed
by all. Bravo Sas!
On Saturday, May 21, the youth gathered at the Greek
Orthodox Church of the Annunciation Multi-Cultural Hall
for the Dance Workshop. Bob and Olga Markakis and their
family traveled from Toronto, Canada, to teach and choreograph a performance for the conference. There were
62 dance workshop participants. Their children, Christos,
Nikos, Kleanthi along with the following dance instructors
enhanced three levels of performers (Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced): Jason Nicolacakis, George Ikonomakis,
Stephanie Novotny, and Eleni Manos. Sas Efharistoume!
While the participants and instructors of the Dance
Workshop were practicing, the District III delegates met with
our District III Governor, Stelios Vitakis. Many thanks to Kalliope Kamvouris, DellMarie Tsoras, Antha Poleondakis, Maria
Vamvakis, and Lisa Catsoulakis for their diligence in sending
postcards, letters, flyers, conference packages, and emails;
creating delegate packages; and organizing the meeting.
Many topics were discussed for the good of the Chapters
and for District III. Congratulations to our newly elected District III officers: Stelios Vitakis, District III Governor; Kostas
Bourbakis, Lieutenant Governor; Maria Vamvakis, Secretary;
George J. Detorakis, Treasurer; and Noula Kountis, District III
Youth Advisor.
With little time to rest between the dance workshop and
the District III Conference dinner, all gathered at the Church
Hall for a family-style served menu consisting of chicken,
beef tips, Greek style green beans, salad, and more. Dessert included kalitsounia prepared by Mrs. Lee Kipper. The
xerotiganna served were prepared during the Akron Chapter’s first ever Xerotiganna Workshop the weekend before at
Western Fruit Basket—thank you Koula and Angelo!!
Father Jerry Hall gave the blessing and prayer. Eleni
Nikolaki sang a beautiful song to welcome our dinner guests.
From the District Νέα Περιφέρειας
During dinner our very own Demetri Kountis sang a variety
of beautiful Greek songs. Thank you Demetri and Eleni.
Everyone in attendance enjoyed an amazing performance by the youth who participated in the 11th Annual
District III Dance Workshop. Bob Markakis outstanding work
shined through the dance group performance. Bravo to
everyone—kai tou xronou!
Loukoumades prepared by Demetri Manuselis were
served throughout the evening, and at midnight vrasto and
pilafi was served as well. Many thanks to Angelo Detorakis,
Stavros Nikolaki, George Detorakis, and to Niko Pipilakis for
serving the delicious traditional midnight meal.
The hospitality continued during the early morning hours
at the Kountis home where guests enjoyed soup and good
fellowship. As stated in the PAA constitution, Article 8, the
members and officers attended church on Sunday, May 22.
A special memorial service to remember “H Maxi tis Kritis”
followed by coffee hour at the church hall completed the
District III Conference activities. Many thanks Cleo Manos
and the ladies of the Akron Chapter who baked paximathia
and koulourakia for Sunday.
District III Leadership Conference
This marks the 6th Leadership Conference held across
the country to forge a new, stronger communication between the leaders of the local chapters and those of the
National Board. District Governor Stelios Vitakis coordinated
and kicked off the District III Leadership Conference on May
22 in Akron, Ohio.
17 chapter leaders, representing the District III chapters
attended this conference to address issues affecting their
members, share their success stories, and ask questions of
our national leaders.
In addition to President Manousakis, also there representing the board were 1st Vice President John Manos, General Secretary Erasmia Novotny, Scholarship Chair Rema Manousakis, District IV Governor Nick Verikakis, and Strategic
Planning Chair Helen Ranney. Joining them were PAA Legal
Advisor James Denney, who is also the Vice President of the
Nikolakakis-Manolakis chapter, former PAA President Stavros
Semanderes, and his wife, Helene, who serves on the KPHTH
Editorial Board, and Mary Vasilakis, former Women’s Executive Director and former PEF Chair.
President Manousakis outlined his goals of the meeting
and expressed his appreciation to all the participants on
taking an active role to share their ideas with him and the
officers that attended. He took the opportunity to explain
the financial status of the organization and how programs
and operational expenses are funded. The President urged
the chapter leaders to review upcoming recommendations
that will be presented at the convention requesting approval
for restructuring our dues. He also discussed how important
they are in helping to bring cultural events to their cities.
Following his comments, 1st Vice President Manos
shared his personal history of the PAA and how it has played
a vital role in his and his family’s life. He then moderated
breakout groups of the participants who spent time sharing
ideas with each other and with all of the attendees on how
to increase chapter membership and participation. They
also brainstormed ideas on how to generate more involvement from youth members. All of their ideas were collected
and are being distributed to them and past district participants in hopes that they will be considered by chapters
across the country to strengthen their clubs.
Helen Ranney distributed a Reference Binder to each
chapter and reviewed its contents which includes membership information, PAA program summaries, tips on holding
meetings and event planning, and constitutions, among
other things.
The feedback from those in attendance was very positive and confirmed what we all felt since these conferences
began: that open, honest, face-to-face communications is
critical. Sharing ideas, clarifying information, and addressing the concerns of members pave the way for a stronger,
healthier PAA.
Thanks to Akron for hosting the District III Conference.
Thanks to District Governor Vitakis for bringing his team
together for the Leadership Conference. Thanks to Noula
Kountis and Steve Elefter for coordinating the weekend
events and the leadership meeting along with dozens of others responsible over the weekend and for making all the local arrangements. A special thanks to the District III chapter
leaders for their attendance and participation!
Cover Story Eξώφυλλο
PAA’s Cretan Honey Bees
The Eight Inspirational Jewels of the PAA
By Tina Padas-Mavroudis
How are honeybees and the eight women on our PAA
board alike?
Let’s say that the PAA is quite similar to that of the Queen
Bee in a beehive. Therefore each cell in the honeycomb is
similar to the individual chapters. Take it one-quick wingspan
further and we see that the eight ladies on the PAA board
can be compared to the honeybees who serve and honor the
Queen Bee.. Why is this true? This is true as they gather fragrant nectar from the flowering ideas of their own and of others, and diligently labor and bring them to fruition in the PAA.
The sweetness of their efforts are done in good taste; without
complaint or the mention of the word “sacrifice” emitting
from their lips, even though they certainly make sacrifices on
a daily basis in their commitment to their positions.
Take note to the type of positive and passionate einterview responses forthcoming,(in protocol order)not only
from one, but from each of these fine women…
We begin with Erasmia (Vlastos) Novotny, from
Michigan, the PAA’s General Secretary, whose responsibilities entail many intricate and extensive duties. She is also
the PAA Archives Chair lady, collecting and organizing ar10
chives received from all parts
of the U.S. Erasmia is the unappointed “problem-solver”
and“resource-librarian” of
the PAA. In addition, she is a
member of several subcommittees.
When asked, “How do
you fit PAA into your daily
lifestyle?” Erasmia responds
thusly, “PAA IS my daily
lifestyle. It took over, many
years ago. Luckily, the economy went bad and I don’t feel
bad putting my business second. For many years, juggling
both of them full time was quite a challenge”.
Furthermore, she informs us that; “The PAA has given
me, from the time I was in the PYA, life-long friendships and
extended family throughout the country. It is a joy to see the
same benefits with my children, as a result from my involvement. Our father who was a founding PAA member had
always said; “never forget who you are and where you came
from.” PAA helped me understand this and live it”.
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Erasmia’s dreams for the PAA?..., “A permanent completed home for our Archives, (from national and chapter
levels), of our chapters and where our former PAA Presidents portraits will line the walls and their archives stored
as their legacy. A village in Crete from where we and our
families can base ourselves, (Minoan Village) among friends
and family from the US, a national hosting program throughout the country to accommodate visitors from other states
or abroad,and a mentoring program to help our people
establish themselves in their careers and professions.”
In honeybee terms, Erasmia is the wax that protects and
preserves the beehive. This beeswax simultaneously keeps
the PAA flame aglow.
Maria Stratoudakis, from New York, is the PAA
Women’s Executive Director, and exemplifies the multitasked characteristics shared by these eight women. Maria
currently works as a school aide within the Public School
Administration Dept. of N.Y. She has played an active role in
her women’s chapter, “Pasiphae” of Omonoia, since 1994.
In addition, for the past 25
years, she has enjoyed being involved with her local
Philoptochos and P.T.A. of St.
Nicholas Church in Flushing,
Maria explains in her own
words regarding her position
in the PAA, “Besides my other
responsibilities, my first priority is to keep the communication between the PAA board
and the women’s chapters,
coordinate any projects and propose goals for the future, help
raise funds, and work on the archives committee. I believe in
the saying, If there is a will, there is a way, which guided me to
have the pleasant opportunity of visiting 7 of the 8 women’s
chapters in the U.S., where we exchanged ideas and set forth
goals for the future. This offers me the experience, first hand,
to find at every corner of the U.S.A, a Crete away from Crete.
I hope to reach my goal and look forward to meeting with the
eighth chapter in the near future.”
The interview concludes with Maria telling us how much
a privilege and a joy it is to serve on the PAA board…“Every
member of the PAA should be proud of our pioneers and
our organization. We have to keep and pass our history and
culture to our youth. My dream is to see a PAA- bigger and
stronger into the next generation. I believe that we are following the right path.”
It might be fitting to say that Maria Stratoudakis represents the honeybees’ task of gathering nectar from the
many fragrant flowering plants. After all, how many mantinades are written describing a woman as zoumbouli, louloudi,
viola, yiasemietc., etc.?!
Maria Antonakakis Makropoulos, of New
Jersey is the PAA Auditor General. This is how she describes
her task, “The mission of the Auditor General is to help the
PAA Board achieve its financial and operational objectives by
conducting audit reviews that promote accountability and
financial integrity and also by providing recommendations to
improve operations and reduce costs.”
Maria is an asset to our
organization, coming to us
with over 20 years of financial experience serving the
banking and telecommunications industry, supporting
Fortune 500 companies. She
has held various management and officer positions.
She lets us in on her daily life
and says, “Being the mother
of three young children and
a full time professional, my
days are very long…My husband has always been very supportive of my service at the local chapter level and shares
my commitment to serve on the PAA Board. Organization is
a key role, as is the understanding of non-profit organization
guidelines. I work closely with the PAA Treasurer in addressing financial concerns, which are reviewed and analyzed at
different times in the month. In addition, there is time spent
preparing tax related information for IRS submissions during
the year, and responding to questions that come from our
chapters and assisting them with their non-profit financial
inquiries. The PAA Board meetings & Leadership conferences
are another great opportunity for the Board to establish
trust and respect for the work of everyone involved and to
put our finger on the pulse of the local Chapters’ needs, so
that the PAA can better address them.”
Maria acknowledges the benefits of the PAA by saying,“It
is an honor and privilege to serve the PAA. My parents
instilled in their children the responsibility and obligation of
preserving and perpetuating our Hellenic heritage and faith
and the PAA experience has offered me a chance to do this. I
have had the opportunity to meet many great Cretan people
in my PAA travels and am always impressed by their positive
energy and zeal to work hard for their families and communities. I’m always inspired by their generous spirit and
moved by their warm hospitality and abundant kindness.
It is an extraordinary and rewarding experience. Being involved always afforded me the chance to influence decisions
and affect the progress of the PAA.”
Maria shares her dreams: “We are living in changing
times and the dynamics of life are very different in this
generation and forward. The PAA must be more inclusive
and open to new ideas, while preserving the essence of our
heritage and Cretan values. I would like to see more young
women and men join the PAA. When we are involved, we
have the unique opportunity to influence decisions and as
a result positively affect the prosperity and future of the
organization. Being closer to the dilemmas and concerns of
the next generation, can offer important insight to programs
needed to protect our values and our very existence. Having
Cover Story Eξώφυλλο
young professionals assume leadership positions, offers
them an extraordinary chance to share their talents, pay
forward what they have received and also become great role
models for others to follow.”
Maria’s task of keeping a constant financial watch over the
PAA is analogous to the ever-attentive five-eyed honeybee.
Eleni Sopasis of New York is the PYA President. Her
key role is overseeing 17 active youth chapters across the
country by handling the PYA’s everyday tasks, representing
the youth wherever and whenever necessary, and reporting
all its activity to the PAA.This includes her innovative and
informative monthly column in the KΡHTH magazine bringing us exciting accounts and pictures from the events and
endeavors of our youth.
As Eleni tells us, “Although I have set “on duty”
and “off duty” hours during
the week, on the weekend I
am a full time Cretan!”
“Words cannot describe
the benefits I’ve received
from being involved in the
PAA, what I have learned,
in addition to giving me the
best years of my life,” she
states enthusiastically.
She concludes by sharing these poignant thoughts,“The
dream I would love to see fulfilled is for the PAA, as a whole,
to respect and acknowledge the youth more. Commend
them for their love and dedication to a culture that may
easily deteriorate as each generation continues. The more
you criticize and argue with youth members, the faster they
Progress happens when we learn from our past and
incorporate the new with the old. This can only happen if we
take heed to what our youth has to say. When we respect
our youth, congruently, we respect ourselves for what we
have taught, instilled upon, and how we have nurtured
them. Eleni holds the responsibility of keeping the young
bees in order and maintaining an open “buzz” between the
Zaharoula Marmatakis of New Jersey is the District II Governor. The responsibilities of a District Governor
may seem endless. Their main purpose is to serve as liaison,
the connecting link, between PAA and the chapters of the
District. The District Governor is required to participate in
all PAA National Board teleconferences and Board Meetings
and transmit to the Chapters all information received from
PAA; inform PAA of any concerns that chapters may have;
attend as many chapter events as possible; help the National
Secretary with the collection of the dues from the chapters;
help the 2nd VP collect ads for the Christmas Issue, help
the Scholarship chair identify the eligibility of the scholarship
recipients and distribute them when issued. As Zaharoula
tells us,“The past two years fulfilling my many responsibilities
towards my district and PAA
has been my first priority.
I have devoted all my time
to the district and the PAA.
Thinking about all the hard
work involved for the past
two years and try to evaluate
the outcome, I can assure you
that I don’t regret anything, I
enjoyed every minute of it.”
Concerning the benefits of the PAA, Zaharoula
enlightens us: “Even long before I was elected as District
Governor, it was and is a way of living for my whole family...
I’m quite fortunate to have my two sons sharing the same
passion for our syllogos and PAA, as me. Our involvement
with the organization has kept us very close as a family. We
always go together to all the Cretan events and living in
the most active area of PAA, from September to the end of
June, every weekend, we always attend some type of Cretan
function. That is truly wonderful! Attending the PAA National
Conventions over the years we have had the pleasure to
meet many wonderful people and have made many good
and true friends. I’m extremely thankful to PAA for all that.”
She continues, “My dream is for PAA to stay strong. I
would like to see members to be active, offer as much as they
can to the organization and encourage, by their example,
other members to participate. We all have to CARE. It is a responsibility of ALL not a FEW, to preserve our culture for new
generations. KPHTH is depending on us and we should never
let it down. We must have respect for each other, mutual understanding, leave our personal pride aside and work together
for our CRETAN PRIDE. Use constructive criticism, encourage,
support, respect, understand and advise the youth.”
Considering the vast size of the 2nd District(the largest
district of the PAA with 18 active chapters it makes up 32%
of the PAA) Zaharoula’s responsibilities become multiplied.
Yet, she maintains a “mini-beehive” within the main hive
and still makes time to write prolific mantinades, and create
Cretan-themed decorations, sweets and favors for any event,
Rema Manousakis of Washington, D. C. is the Venizelion Scholarship Chair. In addition, she serves as a member
on the Editorial Board of KPHTH Magazine, as well as several
other committees. She chairs
the Scholarship Committee
with flair and compassion,
doing her utmost to ensure
that each student candidate
receives every consideration
granted within the specifications and qualifications that
merit a scholarship.
“Besides my own involvement, my husband is the
president of the association,
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which makes our involvement all encompassing; therefore, it
has been a challenge, but a worthwhile one!” she says, emphatically. According to Rema, the PAA has contributed to
her life by affording her friendships that will last a lifetime.
Her dream for the PAA is, “that it will continue to prosper
in this age of global assimilation. The PAA offers that “glue”
in keeping people together with its philanthropic, cultural
and educational programs that, hopefully, will see the PAA
through this century and beyond!”
As we know of the honeybees social skills, Rema sets a friendly
and elegant example- the most necessary traits for any “First Lady”.
Helen (Vlastos) Ranney from Michigan, chairs the
Strategic Planning Committee, is a Trustee for the Pancretan
Endowment Fund, a member on the KPHTH Editorial Board
and locally, is a member and former officer of the Cretan
Ladies Society of Detroit. Within Helen’s daily life style, she
is fortunate to be retired and thusly able to dedicate more
time to her PAA commitments. Much of those activities are
handled via pre-scheduled
teleconferences, which are
also a blessing in disguise
regarding time management,
communication and paperwork.
In Helen’s words, “The
other work I do is based on
just sitting down and doing what needs to be done.
Being retired clearly affords
me more time to dedicate to
the projects I work on, even
though there never seems to be enough hours in the day to
get everything done! Some projects require the input or feedback of others which makes it more difficult to complete “my”
work, but that comes with the territory.”
Helen also remarks about her career skills,“The PAA has
given me the opportunity to apply many of my past professional skills (such as strategic planning, sales, marketing,
human resources, and corporate affairs) to strengthen our
organization. It has put me in a small position providing
input to decisions that are made and providing tools for
other members to help them make a stronger impact on the
success of the Association.”
While Helen continues to provide for the PAA, she
reflects on what she has gained and experienced in return,
“the opportunity to travel across the country for meetings,
workshops, conferences, and conventions that has given me
the chance to meet some pretty amazing Cretans who are
making a significant impact in their local communities!”
In short and put in bee terms, Helen manages the “Royal
Jelly” that is fed to our Queen Bee– the PAA.
Helen reveals to us that,“…I would like to see my dream
for PAA fulfilled one day, to evolve into an organization that
is recognized to a level similar to that of AHEPA and other
national cultural and philanthropic organizations: to one that
provides enrichment to all people of Cretan descent.”
Stacy Marakis of Chicago has two roles, as IT Chair,
and CAN Chair. Stacy tells us how she fits responsibilities
for the PAA within her daily life style and occupation, “It
really keeps me busy, as I have two very active committees.
Moreover, I work as a consultant, which is an extremely
demanding career choice. The IT work has some responsibilities almost daily. As the Cretan Alumni Network was a newly
formed committee, we needed to lay down a foundation, as
it was ill defined. We started building and determined that
our main objective was to communicate with past members,
redeveloping interest in PAA again, and encouraging people
to attend the convention
this summer. We have three
exciting “alumni” type events
planned for the Convention
and we are busy preparing
for those.”
The dream Stacy would
like to see fulfilled is to see
many of the past active PYA
members return to the senior
organization and take active
leadership roles, either as
Chairs to committees, or joining as active committee members. For the cultural events to
serve more towards “Cretan American” needs. And finally, for
the members of PAA to learn more about the rich culture and
history of Crete, beyond the dancing.”
“As for what I have personally gained from PAA, I have met
many inspiring and interesting individuals. It has been very energizing and stimulating to see people from the past with a sparked
interest to return and attend the convention,” says Stacy.
She further enlightens us with these comments, “My
consulting is in IT in the mid to large manufacturing companies. So, my work does not benefit from PAA at all...I am just
technologically minded (not the common “girl” interests).
I just get excited and stimulated to see things succeed and
progress. Whatever I do, I try to put my 100+ percent into it.
Such as when we started the e-Newsletter, it was amazing to
see the overwhelming response. Communication helps bring
people together. I remember Ted (Manousakis) attending a
meeting or dance out west, and there was a big group that
traveled from another state, because they found out about
the event from the newsletter. Basically, I am given a task or
a challenge, and I try to execute it.”
Stacy sets a fine example of bringing a new swarm of
bee intelligence to the PAA, a state-of-the-art savvy promise
towards the future.
All in all, we have read these individual women’s short
bio’s and comments and notice that the similarities to the
honeybee are complementary. As a matter of fact, honeybees are known to dance in a circle. Perchance, one day,
as you socialize and join their dance, you will be pleasantly
stung with inspiration to be a part of the swarm.
The most famous Cretan Honey is made from “thymari” It
is called thyme in English, pronounced, “time”. If we all give a
little more time we will reap its sweet rewards. As beekeepers
make every effort to preserve honeybees from extinction, let
us not be observers but doers, to preserve our PAA.
Special Report
Συμβάλετε στη Γέφυρα
Οι μονάδες χρονομεριστικής μίσθωσης του Μινωικού Πολιτιστικού Χωριού
της ΠΕΑ στο Ατσιπόπουλο της Κρήτης.
Αγαπητοί Κρητικοί και φίλοι μας:
Με την ευλογία του Θεού και τη συμμετοχή σας, θα
εξασφαλιστεί η μακροπρόθεσμη επιβίωση της ΚρητικήςΕλληνικής πολιτιστικής μας κληρονομιάς στην Αμερική.
Προϋποθέτω ότι θα ανταποκριθούμε στην πρόκληση
της δημιουργίας μιας γέφυρας που θα συνδέει εμάς και
μελλοντικές γενιές Κρητικών της Αμερικής με τις ρίζες μας
στην Κρήτη. Αυτή η γέφυρα δεν είναι άλλη από το Μινωικό
Πολιτιστικό Χωριό της ΠΕΑ στο Ατσιπόλουλο της Κρήτης.
Η ευκαιρία είναι εδώ και δεν πρέπει να τη χάσουμε. Τα
επτά acres (περίπου 30 στρέμματα) γης που αποτιμήθηκε
στα 1.200.000 Ευρώ είναι ένα δώρο από το Θεό μέσω της
Εκκλησίας του Αγίου Ελευθερίου Ατσιποπούλου. Έχουν
ολοκληρωθεί τα σχέδια για το μόνιμο σπίτι μας στην Κρήτη
για τις επόμενες γενιές. Η οικοδομική βιομηχανία στην
Κρήτη βρίσκεται σε ύφεση και οι τιμές είναι ιδιαίτερα
ευνοϊκές για οικοδόμηση. Η οικονομική βοήθεια από το
Ελληνικό Κράτος είναι πιθανή, με την ταυτόχρονη λαϊκή
υποστήριξη από εσάς.
Οι πρόγονοί μας, γονείς, παππούδες και γιαγιάδες
ανταποκρίθηκαν πολλές φορές στις προκλήσεις της εποχής
τους για να βοηθήσουν την Κρήτη σε πολύ δύσκολους
καιρούς. Στη πιο δύσκολη φάση της μεγάλης ύφεσης (great
depression) συγκέντρωσαν $80.000 για την καταπολέμηση
της φυματίωσης στην Κρήτη. Κατά το Δεύτερο Παγκόσμιο
Πόλεμο, συγκέντρωσαν και έστειλαν στην Κρήτη πολλά
ρούχα. Μετά τον πόλεμο συγκέντρωσαν περισσότερα από
$300.000 για να βοηθήσουν στην ανέγερση νοσοκομείων
στην Κρήτη. Το 1952, σε μία μόνο δεξίωση, συγκέντρωσαν
περισσότερα από $90.000 για να εξασφαλίσουν προίκες
για τα νεαρά ορφανά κορίτσια στην Κρήτη. Στα τέλη
της δεκαετίας του 1970 συγκέντρωσαν περισσότερα
από $250.000 για να βοηθήσουν στην ίδρυση του
Πανεπιστημίου Κρήτης, ποσό που χρησιμοποιήθηκε για τη
χρηματοδότηση των πρώτων Πανεπιστημιακών Εκδόσεων
στην Ελλάδα.
Τώρα είναι η δική μας σειρά να ανταποκριθούμε
στις προκλήσεις των καιρών μας και να διατηρήσουμε
την Κρητική-Ελληνική πολιτιστική μας κληρονομιά στην
Αμερική, για μια καλύτερη Αμερική. Κάθε οικογένεια,
κάθε Σωματείο και κάθε Κρητική επιχείρηση πρέπει να
συμμετέχει, επενδύοντας έτσι στις μελλοντικές γενιές των
Κρητικών-Αμερικανών. Το Μινωικό Πολιτιστικό Χωριό της
ΠΑΕ θα γίνει μια κολυμβήθρα βαφτίσεως της ΚρητικήςΕλληνικής πολιτιστικής μας κληρονομιάς για τα παιδιά
μας, τους φίλους μας και τους συνεργάτες μας για πολλές
επόμενες γενιές. Η εγκατάσταση στην πανέμορφη Κρήτη
Special Report Ρεπορτάζ
δεν θα παρέχει μόνο μια ασφαλή σύνδεση με τις
ρίζες μας, αλλά θα παράγει επίσης περισσότερα
από $200.000 ετησίως για την ΠΕΑ, ποσό που
μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί για την προώθηση των
πολιτιστικών και φιλανθρωπικών της επιδιώξεων.
Με μια μικρή επένδυση από κάθε έναν μας, θα
διασφαλίσουμε την επιβίωση της ΠΕΑ για το
μέλλον, ώστε να συνεχίσει το εξαιρετικό έργο
της να κάνει την Αμερική ένα καλύτερο μέρος για
όλους μας.
Σας ζητούμε να γίνετε κι εσείς ένας
υποστηρικτής αυτού του ευγενούς έργου της
ΠΕΑ. Η ώρα για δράση είναι τώρα - διαφορετικά
θα χαθεί αυτή η ευκαιρία. Η προσφορά που
παρουσιάζεται εδώ είναι χρήσιμη για εσάς και
για την ΠΕΑ. Η τιμή βασίζεται στο προβλεπόμενο
2/5/2011. Η πρώτη αγοραστής χρονομεριστικής μίσθωσης (timeshare) Ερασμία Νοβότνυ με την μητέρα της
Διαμάντω, τον αδερφό την Μιχάλη, τον Πρόεδρο της ΠΕΑ κ. Μανουσάκη και τον Πρώην Πρόεδρο της ΠΕΑ
κόστος και είναι πολύ χαμηλότερη από την τιμή
της αγοράς για παρόμοιες διευθετήσεις ακινήτων κ. Σημαντήρη.
στην Κρήτη. Όταν ολοκληρωθεί αυτό το έργο, θα
μπορείτε να απολαύσετε τις επισκέψεις σας στην Κρήτη και Τι προσφέρουμε;
να εξασφαλίσετε επίσης ένα θερμό και φιλόξενο σπίτι για
Προσφέρουμε την κράτηση για την αγορά μιας
τις μελλοντικές γενιές των Κρητικών-Αμερικανών που δεν
χρονομεριστικής μίσθωσης (timeshare) στο ξενοδοχείο της
θα υπάρχει πια μια γιαγιά, μια θεία ή οποιονδήποτε στενό εγκατάστασης. Συγκεκριμένα, κάθε μονάδα χρονομεριστικής
συγγενή να επισκεφτούν.
μίσθωσης είναι μια σουίτα ενός υπνοδωματίου για μία
Παρακαλούμε ανταποκριθείτε σε αυτήν την προσφορά
εβδομάδα και για 20 συνεχόμενα χρόνια. Η τιμή για
σήμερα και παροτρύνετε τους φίλους σας να συμμετάσχουν μια σουίτα αυτού του είδους είναι $8.000 με ετήσια
στη δημιουργία αυτής της γέφυρας προς τις Κρητικέςχρέωση συντήρησης 300* Ευρώ. Η τιμή μιας σουίτας
Ελληνικές ρίζες μας.
δύο υπνοδωματίων θα είναι $20.000 με ετήσια χρέωση
συντήρησης 500* Ευρώ. Το ξενοδοχείο έχει 32 σουίτες
ενός υπνοδωματίου και 6 σουίτες δύο υπνοδωματίων. Η
μονάδα έχει αξιολόγηση Πέντε Αστέρων, που περιλαμβάνει
κρεβάτια μεγέθους King Size. Αυτή η προσφορά αφορά στην
πώληση 500 μονάδων από τις οποίες οι 250 μονάδες θα
Το Μινωικό Πολιτιστικό Χωριό της ΠΕΑ στο Ατσιπόπουλο περιλαμβάνουν την επιλογή μίσθωσης για διάστημα έως 60
της Κρήτης έχει προχωρήσει έως το στάδιο όπου απαιτεί
ετών με μειωμένο πρόσθετο κόστος.
πλέον την οικονομική σας συμμετοχή για να συνεχίσει. Η
* Υπόκειται σε κατά περιόδους ρυθμίσεις βάσει του
αποστολή αυτής της εγκατάστασης είναι η δημιουργία του
πληθωρισμού μετά την έναρξη των εργασιών.
δικού μας «σπιτιού» στην Κρήτη, το οποίο θα μπορούν να
επισκέπτονται οι μελλοντικές οικογένειες των Κρητών της
Πώς θα πραγματοποιούνται οι κρατήσεις;
Αμερικής, όπου θα μπορούν με άνεση να διατηρούν την
Για να κάνετε μια κράτηση, πρέπει να υπογράψετε
επαφή τους με την πανέμορφη Κρήτη και την Ελληνικήμια σύμβαση με την PAA-MVI και να καταθέσετε μια
Κρητική πολιτιστική μας κληρονομιά.
προκαταβολή 20% (ή $1.600) για μια σουίτα ενός
Η χορηγία της οικονομικής βοήθειας από την Ελληνική
υπνοδωματίου ή $4.000 για μια σουίτα δύο υπνοδωματίων.
Κυβέρνηση εκκρεμεί ακόμα, αλλά εμείς πρέπει να
Η κατάθεση θα διατηρηθεί σε έναν τοκοφόρο λογαριασμό
προχωρήσουμε, με τους δικούς μας πόρους. Η ανάπτυξη
μεσεγγύησης (escrow) σε οικονομικό οργανισμό εγγυημένο
και διαχείριση της πραγματικής επιχείρησης θα γίνει από
από την FDIC. Η «κρίσιμη μάζα» για αυτό το έργο είναι η
μια κερδοσκοπική θυγατρική της ΠΕΑ με ονομασία «PAAπώληση 500 μονάδων. Εάν δεν επιτευχθεί αυτή η «κρίσιμη
Minoan Cultural Village, Inc.» (εις το εξής «PAA-MCV»). Η
μάζα» έως το τέλος του Μαρτίου 2012, θα επιστραφεί
ΠΕΑ θα διατηρεί την πλειοψηφία και το μερίδιο ελέγχου
η προκαταβολή σας συν τους τόκους που θα έχουν
της PAA-MCV. Επειδή αυτή η οντότητα δεν θα ιδρυθεί
συσσωρευτεί έως τότε.
έως ότου η επιχείρηση είναι σίγουρη, το Δ.Σ. της ΠΕΑ έχει
αναθέσει στην «PAA-Minoan Village, Inc.» την ευθύνη
Πώς μπορώ να κάνω μια κράτηση;
της διεξαγωγής της «Πρώτης Προσφοράς» στα μέλη μας,
Μπορείτε να κάνετε μια κράτηση στέλνοντάς μας
για να προσδιορίσει το βαθμό της υποστήριξης. Η PAAτο
αυτού του εντύπου. Θα σας στείλουμε τη
MVI είναι μια οντότητα «501 (C)» που έχει σαν αποστολή
θα υπογράψετε και θα στείλετε σε μας με
την προαγωγή της ανάπτυξης αυτού του κέντρου για τη
του 20% σε εντολή «PAA-MVI». Μια
διάδοση του Ελληνικού-Κρητικού πολιτισμού.
Special Report Ρεπορτάζ
εναλλακτική μέθοδος είναι να εκτυπώσετε τη
σύμβαση από τον ιστότοπό μας PAAMCV.COM, να
την υπογράψετε και να τη στείλετε σε εμάς με την
προκαταβολή του 20%. Μπορείτε να ταχυδρομήσετε
το επισυναπτόμενο απόκομμα, συμπεριλαμβάνοντας
τις πληροφορίες που χρειαζόμαστε για να σας
στείλουμε το πακέτο, ή να στείλετε με email την
αίτησή σας στη διεύθυνση με
κοινοποίηση στη διεύθυνση
Μπορεί αυτή η
προκαταβολή να αποτελεί
φορολογική έκπτωση;
Όχι! Ένας από τους
λόγους για το άνοιγμα ενός
ξεχωριστού τραπεζικού
λογαριασμού μεσεγγύησης
(escrow) είναι να υπάρχει
διαφάνεια και ξεκάθαρο
ποσό της δωρεάς στην τιμή αγοράς του και
μονοπάτι ελέγχου (audit trail).
η PAA-MVI θα χρησιμοποιήσει το χρόνο για
Αυτό προστατεύει την κατάσταση
τη φιλοξενία θερινών προγραμμάτων για τους
501 (C) 3 της PAA-MVI.
νέους μας.
Η PAA-MVI θα αγοράσει η ίδια μερίδια χρονομεριστικής
μίσθωσης για την υποστήριξη των θερινών εκπαιδευτικών
Γιατί πρέπει να συμμετάσχω;
προγραμμάτων για τους νέους μας και οποιεσδήποτε
Αποτελεί μια καλή επένδυση για τη διατήρηση της
δωρεές πραγματοποιηθούν για αυτό το σκοπό στην PAAεπαφής σας με την οικογένειά σας στην Κρήτη. Θα έχετε
MVI θα είναι φορολογικά εκπιπτόμενες σύμφωνα με τους
ένα άνετο μέρος για να μένετε, χωρίς να ανησυχείτε, για
κανόνες του IRS.
να συναντιέστε με τους φίλους σας, να απολαύσετε την
Ποιος μπορεί να αγοράσει μερίδια σε αυτήν
την προσφορά;
Ελπίζουμε ότι τα μέλη μας και οι Σύλλογοι θα
αγοράσουν τις 500 μονάδες αυτής της προσφοράς, αλλά
καλωσορίζουμε και οποιονδήποτε φιλέλληνα. Μετά την
πώληση των 500 μονάδων αυτής της προσφοράς, θα
είμαστε έτοιμοι να αρχίσουμε. Τότε, θα ιδρυθεί η PAA-MCV
και θα αναλάβει την ανάπτυξη. Η PAA-MCV θα καθορίσει
τις τιμές των περαιτέρω προσφορών, που κατά πάσα
πιθανότητα θα είναι σημαντικά υψηλότερες.
Τι θα συμβεί εάν δεν πάμε στην Κρήτη για
ορισμένα χρόνια;
Με μια γραπτή κοινοποίηση μπορείτε να διαθέσετε
για χρήση τη μονάδα σας στην εγκατάσταση σε μέλη της
οικογενείας, φίλους ή πελάτες σας.
Εναλλακτικά, εάν έχετε στείλει γραπτή κοινοποίηση
ενός μήνα ή παραπάνω, δεν θα έχετε ευθύνη για τη χρέωση
συντήρησης και η PAA-MCV θα νοικιάσει τη σουίτα σας. Τα
έσοδα από την ενοικίαση θα χρησιμοποιηθούν κατά πρώτον
για τη χρέωση συντήρησης και τα υπόλοιπα χρήματα θα
μοιραστούν, με τον ιδιοκτήτη να λαμβάνει 75% του υπολοίπου.
Μια άλλη επιλογή θα ήταν να κάνετε μια δωρεά
του χρόνου ενοικίασης στην PAA-MVI, η οποία είναι μια
οντότητα 501(C) 3. Θα λάβετε φορολογική απαλλαγή για το
Κρήτη και να μάθετε περισσότερα για την πολιτιστική μας
Αποτελεί μια καλή επένδυση για το μέλλον της ΠΕΑ
επειδή τα πραγματοποιηθέντα κέρδη από τη λειτουργία
αυτής της εγκατάστασης μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν
για να βοηθήσουν τη νεολαία μας και άλλες ομάδες
να επισκεφτούν την Κρήτη. Οι εγκαταστάσεις του
Πανεπιστημίου Κρήτης που απέχουν λιγότερο από ένα
μίλι μακριά, μας παρέχουν μια εξαιρετική ευκαιρία για τη
διεξαγωγή εκπαιδευτικών και πολιτιστικών προγραμμάτων.
Αποτελεί μια καλή οικονομική επένδυση επειδή η τιμή
είναι πολύ πιο κάτω από τις τιμές της αγοράς και μπορείτε
να μεταπωλήσετε το μερίδιο χρονομεριστικής μίσθωσης με
κέρδος. Ο μόνος περιορισμός είναι ότι στην περίπτωση μιας
τέτοιας πώλησης, πρέπει να δοθεί στην ΠΕΑ η πρώτη επιλογή
άρνησης. Επίσης, «κλείνετε» τις τιμές του σήμερα για το
μέλλον. Όλοι μας γνωρίζουμε ότι ο πληθωρισμός και μόνο
θα προκαλέσει αυξήσεις στις τιμές της αγοράς. Αγοράζοντας
τώρα, «κλειδώνετε» το κόστος των ταξιδιών σας για τα
επόμενα 20 χρόνια σε τιμές χαμηλότερες από τις σημερινές.
Τι είδους μεταφορικά μέσα θα είναι διαθέσιμα;
Η εγκατάσταση θα έχει μια υπηρεσία με όχημα τύπου
Van για τη μεταφορά των επισκεπτών στην πόλη και στις
παραλίες του Ρεθύμνου. Θα υπάρχουν συμβάσεις με
τοπικές εταιρείες ενοικίασης αυτοκινήτων για την παροχή
ενοικιαζόμενων αυτοκινήτων στους επισκέπτες σε πολύ
Special Report Ρεπορτάζ
4.93 m²
4.93 m²
20.51 m²
20.67 m²
18.38 m²
18.38 m²
20.86 m²
16.11 m²
19.77 m²
20.67 m²
18.38 m²
42.84 m²
3.93 m²
5.73 m²
5.31 m²
4.93 m²
καλές τιμές. Θα υπάρχουν συμβάσεις με τοπικές εταιρείες
ταξί για επισπευσμένες υπηρεσίες στους επισκέπτες σε
καλές τιμές. Ο/η ρεσεψιονίστ θα παρέχει κάθε αναγκαία
βοήθεια για κάθε διευθέτηση.
Ποιες είναι οι ευθύνες μου εάν προχωρήσει
αυτό το έργο;
Όταν αρχίσει αυτό το έργο, πρέπει να υπογράψετε μια
σύμβαση πώλησης/αγοράς με τη διαχειριστική οντότητα
της PAA-MCV. Τα δικηγορικά έξοδα, που υπολογίζονται σε
400 Ευρώ η λιγότερα, θα πληρωθούν από τον αγοραστή.
Εκείνη τη στιγμή θα πρέπει να πληρώσετε την επόμενη
δόση του 30% της τιμής. Η αρχική κατάθεση και τα
νέα κεφάλαια θα διατεθούν για την κατασκευή του
ξενοδοχείου. Όταν η κατασκευή ολοκληρωθεί σε σημαντικό
βαθμό, θα καταβληθεί η επόμενη δόση του 25%. Όταν η
εγκατάσταση είναι έτοιμη για λειτουργία, θα πρέπει να
πληρωθεί το υπόλοιπο 25%.
Μπορώ να αποκτήσω μίσθωση με διάρκεια άνω
των 20 ετών;
Ναι. Οι Ελληνικοί νόμοι επιτρέπουν μισθώσεις έως 60
έτη. Οι πρώτες 250 μονάδες που θα πωληθούν από αυτήν
την προσφορά θα περιλαμβάνουν την επιλογή αίτησης για
παράταση της μίσθωσης έως 60 χρόνια. Η παράταση θα
ισχύει για περιόδους παράτασης των 10 ετών με σχετική
αύξηση της τιμής $2.000 ανά υπνοδωμάτιο. Έτσι, για μια
μίσθωση των 30 ετών, η συνολική τιμή θα είναι $10.000 για
μια σουίτα με ένα υπνοδωμάτιο και $24.000 για σουίτα με
δύο υπνοδωμάτια.
Μπορούμε να κάνουμε κράτηση για την
εβδομάδα των γιορτών των Χριστουγέννων ή
του Πάσχα;
Ναι. Μπορείτε να κάνετε κράτηση για οποιαδήποτε
χρονική περίοδο θέλετε, με την προϋπόθεση ότι η σουίτα
είναι διαθέσιμη και δεν έχει κρατηθεί ήδη.
15.16 m²
20.27 m²
Κι αν κάνετε πιο ευνοϊκές προσφορές στο
Αυτή η τιμή είναι σχεδιασμένη για να καλύπτει τα
κόστη και κατά πάσα πιθανότητα δεν θα πραγματοποιηθεί
οποιαδήποτε καλύτερη προσφορά στο μέλλον. Ωστόσο,
εάν συμβεί αυτό, τότε θα παραταθεί η χρονική διάρκεια
των μισθώσεων αυτής της προσφοράς χωρίς πρόσθετες
χρεώσεις, ώστε να έχουν το ίδιο κόστος με τις νέες
Τι θα συμβεί στο τέλος της σύμβασης μίσθωσης;
Στο τέλος των περιόδου των 20 ετών και οποιασδήποτε
παράτασής της, η μίσθωση θα λήξει και η μονάδα θα
επιστρέψει στην PAA-MCV ή στην ΠΕΑ εάν δεν υπάρχουν
άλλοι μέτοχοι. Τότε η PAA-MCV θα αποφασίσει για τους
όρους της εκχώρησης παράτασης ή νέας σύμβασης
μίσθωσης. Οι κάτοχοι των συμβάσεων που λήγουν θα
έχουν την πρώτη επιλογή σε οποιεσδήποτε νέες συμβάσεις
μίσθωσης και θα λάβουν επίσης τις πλέον ευνοϊκές τιμές.
Οι κρατήσεις βάσει της μίσθωσης θα είναι αριθμημένες
σύμφωνα με την ημερομηνία που θα ληφθεί η
Παρακαλούμε ταχυδρομήστε το επισυναπτόμενο
απόκομμα, συμπεριλαμβάνοντας τις πληροφορίες που
χρειαζόμαστε για να σας στείλουμε το πακέτο, ή στείλτε με
email την αίτησή σας στη διεύθυνση
με κοινοποίηση στη διεύθυνση
Με αδελφικούς χαιρετισμούς,
Σταύρος Σημαντήρης
Πρόεδρος της PAA-MVI
Thoughts Σκέψεις
Through the eyes
of a granddaughter…
By: Antonia Kay Perakis, Grade 3
My grandfather is Speros George Perakis (I call him “παππού” which means grandfather
in Greek). He was born in 1918, on an island called Crete, in Greece. He grew up in a small
village called “Lungatha”.
My grandfather’s mother died giving birth to him.
He grew up on a farm with his father and three
brothers and one sister. He stopped going to school in
the fifth grade to help support his family. On the farm
he picked the olives from the olive trees, and used a
machine to squeeze the oil out of the olives. He put the
oil in jars and sold them at stores. He did this during the
months of September thru February. The other months
he took care of the animals on their farm. He worked
on the farm until he was twenty-two years old. In October 1940, Greece was attacked by Italy and he went to
war For his country. He fought in World War II for three
years. During the war, Germany invaded the island
Crete and he fought the Germans for another year. The
Germans killed many people and destroyed the Greek
farmlands, killed the animals and burned the olive trees.
After World War II was over the United States allowed the Greeks to come to America. In 1948, at the
age of thirty, he decided to come to America because he was hungry and every thing on his farm was destroyed. With little money in his pocket and some clothes in a bag he boarded the boat to America. He went
to live with his sister and her husband in Springfield, Massachusetts. He didn’t speak English, so he worked
at a factory. He worked there for five years and then was able to get his visa to become an American citizen.
He worked a couple more years at the factory until he saved enough money to go back to Greece to find
a wife. He went back in 1958 where he met and married my grandmother. Back then, men went back to
their home countries to get married. A year later, he went back to America with my grandmother to begin
their lives together. They had three children, one of them being my dad. My παππού worked two jobs to
support his family. He painted houses during the day and worked in a factory at night until he retired at the
age of sixty-five.
Today, my παππού is ninety-two years old and is in good health and has a great memory.
He speaks a little English and tells me stories about his childhood in Greece. I am very proud of him
and everything he has accomplished in his life. He fought in a war, he came to America by himself
where he didn’t speak the language and worked very hard to support his family and provide
them with a better life. I am blessed to call him
my παππού.
The above essay was submitted for a third grade writing contest.
Spero Perakis and his son, Stephen, are members of the Minos-Crete
club of Springfield, MA. Antonia Perakis, Spero’s wife, Ruby Perakis,
his daughter; and Mary Perakis, his daughter-in-law and club
secretary, are all members of “Proodos.” Antonia is the daughter
of Stephen and Mary.
March 12, 2011.
Matheny Visit.
The Philanthropic Committee of the Cretans’ Fraternity
“The White Mountains”,
organized two visits to
the Matheny Hospital and
Education Center. Matheny
Medical and Educational
Center is a special hospital
and educational facility for
children and adults with
medically complex developmental disabilities
April 17, 2011.
Palm Sunday Philanthropic and
Fundraising Luncheon at
“White Mountains” chapter
New Jersey
Washington D.C.
Board Meeting
held at the
Greek Embassy,
May 14, 2011.
1. RESOLVED: That The PAA Board recommend to the
General Assembly of the 42nd National PAA Convention to
loan $10,000 to the Omonoia Chapter until December 31,
2011 with 5% interest.
1. RESOLVED: To Approve the appointment of a committee consisting of Dr. James Saklas, James Maropoulakis Denney and Nickos Kastrinakis, to meet with representatives of
the Omonoia Chapter of New York for the purpose of advising, consulting, requesting/gathering information and assisting the chapter in any way possible to resolve it’s current
financial difficulties.
2. RESOLVED: To rescind the previous resolution made at
the May 13th Teleconference Board meeting whereby the
PAA Board resolved to recommend to the General Assembly
of the 42nd National PAA Convention to loan $10,000 to the
Omonoia Chapter until December 31, 2011 with 5% interest.
3. RESOLVED: To accept the Vianos Chapter of Columbus,
Ohio into the PAA in District III.
4. RESOLVED: To include the Archives Chair and/or Committee in any discussion regarding the Archives at the Maliotis Cultural Center.
Obituary Εις Μνήμη
In Memory of Pearl Delis
On March 2nd of this year, the PAA lost one of its classiest first ladies. Beloved sister Pearl (Paraskevi) Pallios Delis
fell asleep in the Lord with her loving family at her bedside.
Pearl’s beloved husband was former national PAA president
Nicholas Delis.
Pearl was the daughter of Stelios and
Athena Pallios. She was the oldest Pallios
sibling, and sister to another former PAA
national president, Gus S. Pallios also of
blessed memory. Paraskevi was born in
Helper (Carbon County), Utah in July 1917.
Stelios and Athena, with all seven children on board, made the trek in a sorely
cramped Model A Ford to Ceres, California,
in 1935, seeking a better life. Inasmuch
as the family was poor, the loving familial
ties and dedication to God the family held
nurtured Paraskevi and formed unbreakable bonds. This foundation of family and
worship became the core of her essence
for her own family in the future.
Pearl was indeed a product of the
depression, and therefore knew hard work
and perseverance. Growing up in Modesto,
she was able to find work in the local canneries, canning peaches and apricots and
also stringing figs. Later, Pearl attended and graduated from
Modesto Junior College and also attended Hills Business College in Berkeley, California.
Pearl was one of the founding members of Modesto’s
first Cretan youth club “Apogoni Tou Minos.” She held the
position of the first secretary of the group. As she was sending out correspondence, it was her beautiful penmanship
Nick Delis first noticed. He needed to meet the woman who
wrote so beautifully. Nick was then the president of “Epimenides” chapter of San Francisco. It was his responsibility
to swear in the newly elected officers of the local fledging
organization. After meeting Pearl, Nick was overcome with
emotion and love. In short time, he asked for Pearl’s hand in
marriage; and was firmly accepted by Pearl’s parents. Nick
and Pearl were married on September 4, 1938. In 1940
Pearl was one of the charter members in the founding of the
“Ariadne” chapter of San Francisco.
As we all know, behind every great man is a great woman. No truer words could be said in this case. Pearl, indeed,
was a gem. She aided Nick in all his ventures. She toiled
with him as they developed their farming business. Pearl
was by his side at every step of his presidency. She was his
right-hand. Pearl was Nick’s guiding light until his passing on
September 9, 1989.
Nick and Pearl were blessed with two wonderful children, Karen and Nicholas II. They instilled in their children
the same values they were reared with – love and dedication to the family and caring for their fellow man, all while
giving glory to God for the graces He bestowed upon them.
Paraskevi was a classy lady
until her death. She brought
out the best in people, always
with a kind word and always
with a big, warm, beautiful
smile. Her home was always
open for family and guests.
She was the “hostess with the
At 93, old age made Pearl
physically fragile. However, it
did nothing to diminish her
mind. She was still as sharp as
a tack until God took her last
breath. She understood not
only what transpired ages ago,
but also with the full faculties
of present life--people, places,
politics, etc. She was a joy to
Our precious Greek Orthodox faith teaches us that Paraskevi is now in a place with no
pain, no sorrow, and no suffering. She is reunited with her
beloved husband, Nick, and five of her siblings--Gus, Penny
(Simvoulakis), Lovey (Zolintakis), John, and Georgia (Grillos)
who preceded her. Regardless of the fact she lived a long
and beautiful life, Paraskevi still will be sorely missed by her
family and by all who knew her.
To her brother George (Sophie), her children Karen (Jim)
Vandarakis, and Nicholas II (Stephanie),along with their
respective spouses, to all her grandchildren and great grandchildren and the entire Pallios and Delis families, we express
our silipitiria on the physical loss of Pearl. She is and always
will be a legend who will never be forgotten. Eternal be her
memory; Αιωνία η μνήμη αυτής.
In Memory of Pearl Delis
With our deepest sympathies to the Delis and Pallios
families on the passing of Mrs. Pearl Delis, a true lady of
class, character and love, who enriched our lives just knowing and visiting with us.
Emanuel and Callie Elliott
Past President P.A.A.
Special Report Ρεπορτάζ
By Vagellio Psarakis
The Pancretan Association of
America made the most of the saying
“music brings people together,” when
it brought over a spectacular concert
event that bridged the cultures of
Andalucia, Spain, and Crete, Greece
through music and dance. All of the
performers were brilliant in their craft,
and they flawlessly complimented
each other. Not many would believe
that Spanish music from Andalucia
and Greek music from Crete can be
combined to create a show that seamlessly intertwines elements from each
culture. It was a perfect example of
the interconnectedness of human kind.
Though we may separate ourselves by
ethnicity, it is important to note that
sometimes certain fundamentals that
make a culture great in one’s eyes, can
also be apparent in another. An open
mind is a valuable possession because
it can harbor amazing experiences.
Everyone who attended “AndaluciaCrete” had an open mind that allowed
them the pleasure of seeing two
seemingly musically different cultures merge to create an exceptional,
surprising, and passion-filled show.
The opening number featured the two
vocalists singing a capella; the Cretan
sang a passionate “rizitiko” after the
Spaniard sang a song in Spanish with
similar musical qualities. Then with no
instrumental background, the Cretan
dancers came out and stomped their
feet to “pentozali”, as the Flamenco
dancer stomped with the beat to his
own dance. The dancers from both
countries shook hands. Soon after
that, the traditional instruments from
Andalucia and Crete created a prevailing melody that could captivate any
audience. The Cretan lira so sweetly
joined forces with the Spanish classical
guitar as the flamenco dancers moved
across the stage with power and eloquence. Then, with an easy transition,
the lira began playing “sirto”, as the
Spanish guitar coincided with the beat
of the Cretan “laouto,” and the Cretan
dancers appeared on stage dancing
with grace and elegant pride. Both
cultures were represented at the same
time in perfect symphony, as the Spaniards danced
flamenco and the Greeks danced “sirto” to the same
music. The costumes that each dancer wore were
authentic and beautifully crafted. For the first time,
the female Cretan dancer presented a one of a kind
traditional dress that was fit for a royal princess. The
closing number was a passionate and energy-filled
“malevisiotiko” in which again the dancers from both
countries danced at the same time. Everybody’s
heart was beating faster as they watched these professionals move across the stage in perfect harmony
that one would not believe unless their own eyes
saw the show. By the end of the concert, the audience was so enthusiastic about the performances
that it showed its gratitude with a standing ovation
that was followed by an encore. All the musicians
and dancers gave their performance their absolute
all. Hopefully one day the Pancretan Association of
America will be able to bring this concert back to the
USA so it can be shared with more people in more
cities across the country. It truly is a one of a kind
event that is not to be missed.
Special Report Ρεπορτάζ
The Nikos Kazantzakis
Nikos Kazantzakis and his work are inextricably bound up
with Crete. The island gave birth to him, and he repaid the
debt by making Crete a symbol of steely courage and pride.
Crete also paid him one of the greatest honors deprived
to many of his counterparts – a museum dedicated to his
name, on his native soil, where “his ancestors were nurtured”. This was not provided by the state, as was its due,
but by the insistence and indomitable tenacity of his compatriot, set designer Yiorgos Anemoyiannis. “I don’t envy
Kazantzakis for finding a place to nestle,” an old Cretan once
said, “I envy Anemoyiannis, for knowing how to build nests
in high up branches!”
And so it was that in Varvari (now Myrtia), Anemoyiannis’s efforts bore fruit, and the Nikos Kazantzakis Museum
became fact in 1983. A space was created to act as an eloquent record of the author’s life and reflections. The initial
core of the collections came into being through the special
care of Yiorgos Anemoyiannis, together with the assistance
of Helen Kazantzakis and large numbers of private individuals who believed in Anemoyiannis’s endeavor. In this way
manuscripts and letters by Kazantzakis, personal effects and
keepsakes from his travels, rare audiovisual material, and
artworks inspired by his literary world, all found their own
place in the museum.
It was inaugurated on 27th July 1983 by Melina Mercouri, Culture Minister at the time, in the presence of Helen
Kazantzakis. Also present were outstanding contributors to
cultural life such as Odysseas Elytis and Antonis Samarakis,
Το Μουσείο
Νίκος Καζαντζάκης
Απόλυτα δεμένος είναι ο Καζαντζάκης και το έργο
του με την Κρήτη. Η Κρήτη τον γέννησε, και αυτός της
το ανταπέδωσε, κάνοντάς τη σύμβολο λεβεντιάς και
Η Κρήτη τού απέδωσε και μια από τις μεγαλύτερες
τιμές, που στερούνται πολλοί ομόλογοί του∙ ένα Μουσείο
αφιερωμένο σε αυτόν, στην πατρώα γη, εκεί που
«τράφηκαν οι πρόγονοί του». Όχι από την Πολιτεία, ως
όφειλε, μα από την επιμονή και το ακατάβλητο πείσμα του
συντοπίτη του, σκηνογράφου Γιώργου Ανεμογιάννη. «Εγώ
δε ζηλεύω τον Καζαντζάκη που βρήκε και κούρνιασε», είπε
ένας γερο-Κρητικός, «εγώ ζηλεύω τον Ανεμογιάννη που
κατέχει να χτίζει στ’ αψηλά κλαδιά φωλιές!»
Εκεί, λοιπόν, στους Βαρβάρους (σήμερα Μυρτιά),
απέδωσε καρπούς η προσπάθεια του Ανεμογιάννη και
το Μουσείο Νίκου Καζαντζάκη έγινε γεγονός το 1983.
Δημιουργήθηκε ένας χώρος, όπου με εύγλωττο τρόπο
αποτυπώθηκε ο βίος και οι στοχασμοί του συγγραφέα.
Ο πρώτος πυρήνας των συλλογών δημιουργήθηκε με
την ιδιαίτερη φροντίδα του Γιώργου Ανεμογιάννη, αλλά
και τη βοήθεια της Ελένης Ν. Καζαντζάκη και πλήθους
ιδιωτών που πίστεψαν στην προσπάθεια του Ανεμογιάννη.
Έτσι στο Μουσείο βρήκαν τη θέση τους χειρόγραφα του
Καζαντζάκη και επιστολές, ημερολόγια και φωτογραφίες,
αντικείμενα και ενθύμια των ταξιδιών του, μακέτες
σκηνικών και κοστούμια από παραστάσεις των έργων του,
σπάνιο οπτικοακουστικό υλικό, καθώς και έργα τέχνης
εμπνευσμένα από τον λογοτεχνικό του κόσμο.
as well as writers and artists from all four corners
of the globe. The Museum set out on an important
journey, its sole aim being to keep the author’s
memory alive and promote his work.
2009 marked a second milestone in the Museum’s history. It was renovated from the ground up, to
feature a new aesthetic approach and outlook, more
recent Kazantzakis-related acquisitions and lesserhighlighted aspects of Nikos Kazantzakis’ life and
work. The revamped museum bears the hallmark of
talent and professionalism of its new creators; architects George Psomadakis and Maria Marinou, author
and graphic designer Dimitris Kalokyris and literary
scholar Litsa Hatzopoulou, as well as the affection
and dedication of the museum staff, with unfailing
respect for the author’s memory.
Along with the building, new museum activities
have also been inaugurated; a digital and physical
library, educational programs, e-publications and
print editions.
At this new beginning, the museum aims to
contribute even further to preserving and promoting the Cretan author’s work. Immediate plans
include expanding activities beyond Greek borders.
At present, it already participates in European projects to share experience and know-how with other
museums abroad.
In those terms the museum is planning to organize activities with Greeks abroad, so as to further
expatriates’ interest in contemporary Greece and its
literature through the viewpoint and work of Nikos
Το εγκαινίασε στις 27 Ιουνίου 1983 η Μελίνα Μερκούρη, τότε
Υπουργός Πολιτισμού, παρουσία της Ελένης Ν. Καζαντζάκη και
βρέθηκαν εκεί δημιουργοί μεγάλου πνευματικού μεγέθους, όπως
ο Οδυσσέας Ελύτης και ο Αντώνης Σαμαράκης, κι ακόμη άνθρωποι
του λόγου και της τέχνης από κάθε γωνιά της γης. Το Μουσείο
ξεκίνησε μια σπουδαία διαδρομή με μοναδικό σκοπό τη διατήρηση
της μνήμης του συγγραφέα και την προώθηση του έργου του.
Το 2009, αποτέλεσε τον δεύτερο σταθμό στην ιστορία του
Μουσείου. Ανακαινίστηκε εκ βάθρων, παρουσιάζοντας, με μια
νέα αισθητική και αντίληψη, νεότερα «καζαντζακικά» αποκτήματα
και λιγότερο φωτισμένες πτυχές της ζωής και του έργου του
Νίκου Καζαντζάκη. Το αναμορφωμένο Μουσείο σφραγίστηκε
από το ταλέντο και τον επαγγελματισμό των νέων δημιουργών:
των αρχιτεκτόνων Γιώργου Ψωμαδάκη και Μαρίας Μαρίνου, του
συγγραφέα και γραφίστα Δημήτρη Καλοκύρη, της Δρος φιλολογίας
Λίτσας Χατζοπούλου, αλλά και από την αγάπη και το μεράκι των
ανθρώπων του Μουσείου, με σεβασμό πάντα στη μνήμη του
Μαζί με το κτήριο εγκαινιάστηκαν και νέες δραστηριότητες του
Μουσείου: η λειτουργία ψηφιακής και φυσικής Βιβλιοθήκης, τα
εκπαιδευτικά προγράμματα, οι ηλεκτρονικές και έντυπες εκδόσεις.
Σε αυτό το νέο του ξεκίνημα, το Μουσείο επιδιώκει να
συμβάλει ακόμα περισσότερο στη διατήρηση και διάδοση του
έργου του κρητικού συγγραφέα. Μέσα στα άμεσα σχέδιά του
είναι να διευρύνει τις δράσεις του και εκτός συνόρων. Σήμερα ήδη
συμμετέχει σε ευρωπαϊκά προγράμματα ανταλλαγής εμπειριών και
τεχνογνωσίας με άλλα Μουσεία του εξωτερικού.
Στο πλαίσιο αυτό το Μουσείο σχεδιάζει και την υλοποίηση
κάποιων δράσεων σε συνεργασία με τους έλληνες του εξωτερικού,
τονώνοντας έτσι το ενδιαφέρον της ομογένειας για τη νεότερη
Ελλάδα και τη λογοτεχνία της μέσα από τη ματιά και το έργο του
Νίκου Καζαντζάκη.
Profile Προφίλ
Cretan American Association
District VII Honoring Maria Kastrenakes
The Cretan American Association of Miami proudly
elects Mrs. Maria Kastrenakes to be honored and recognized
by the PAA District VII for her contributions to our silogo, to
the PAA and to the continuity of Cretan customs, culture and
Mrs. Kastrenakes is one of our most revered silogo
members and continues to be a tremendous driving force
not only in our organization but in her community overall.
Born in Anopoli, Sfakion, Chania, Crete, Mrs. Kastrenakes’
passion to perpetuate the customs, culture and history of
Crete began with her personal experience on the island as a
young girl. She was the fourth child of ten children born to
Haritos and Anastasia Protopapadakis at a time when Crete
was afflicted with war and was still recovering from foreign
occupation. She recalls that in spite of these difficulties, life
in her village was peaceful and pleasant as the years passed.
As she entered her teen years, she quickly realized that
the security she experienced growing up was a result of the
pride and determination, which prevailed throughout the
island in the face of adversity. Mrs. Kastrenakes understood
very early on that this is the way of the Cretan people.
In 1960 Mr. Dimitrios Kastrenakes brought his new bride
to America and within two weeks of their arrival, introduced
her to his friends from the Cretan American Association of
Miami. It was such a joy for the young Mrs. Kastrenakes to
learn that the Cretan people she encountered in the United
States exhibited the same qualities as they did back home.
This inspired her greatly to engage in the silogo and the
church where she felt she could contribute whatever she
could to help preserve the Greek Orthodox faith, the Greek
language and the Cretan ways in this new country.
Although the silogo in Miami was very new at that time,
it was also filled with a great deal of experience. Founded
in 1957 by her husband and a few of his fellow Cretans, the
Miami Chapter was made up of retirees who relocated to
Florida from all over the country. Each member had served
in a silogo in other states to include New York, Pennsylvania
and Ohio to name a few. The silogo president at the time
was Mr. Kastrenakes’ son, George. He and Mrs. Kastrenakes
were the youngest members of the silogo for many years
and they benefitted greatly from the wealth of knowledge
and experience of the older members.
From day one, Mrs. Kastrenakes served with the ladies
in charge of the silogo hospitality and welfare. She recalls
fondly how Mrs. Frangakis and Mrs. Kartsonakis taught her
silogo protocols and the by-laws; took her along on all welfare calls and inspired her to take on more leadership roles
in the community.
Fifty-one years later and Mrs. Kastrenakes continues to
serve as the hospitality and welfare chair and she’s still going
strong! If you miss a meeting, be certain Kyria Maria will be
calling to make sure you are well. If there is an engagement,
wedding, birth or sadly, a death, we all know that Mrs. Kastrenakes will be there for us and we will be touched by the
silogo through her.
In the early years of the silogo, Mrs. Kastrenakes and the
members met every last Thursday of the month to discuss
silogo business and most importantly they met for fellowship. She rarely ever missed a meeting in her 51 years with
the silogo and continues to attend regularly always ready to
offer assistance wherever she can.
In addition to her work as the hospitality and welfare
chair, Mrs. Kastrenakes took on the role as a very active
board member and served within this capacity for nearly 45
years. She held the office of Vice President for nearly every
presidential term. In those years of office, Mrs. Kastrenakes
chaired many projects, worked at every function and hosted
PAA representatives and their programs.
Although every president and board did great work, Mrs.
Profile Προφίλ
Kastrenakes highlighted a few projects
she was proud to be a part of during her
tenure as Vice President. One was during
the presidency of Mr. Theodore Karachalias, Sr. where he along with Mrs. Irene
Moforis and Mrs. Kastrenakes gathered
over $11,000.00 in donations for a geriatric
center in Chania. Another was during the
presidency of Mr. Takis Stylianoudakis,
where he, his daughter Elenie and Mrs.
Kastrenakes collected donations that
fully assisted a gentleman newly arrived
from Crete and in dire need of medical
aid. There was a huge effort lead by then
president, Dimitrios Halivelakis where Mrs.
Kastrenakes along with the board assisted
Mr. Halivelakis spearhead on behalf of the
PAA, a project that funded the creation
and placement of a monument in Akrotiri,
Crete of Spiro Kagiale who honors the cour- Miami silogo members and boardmembers gathered for a photo following the memorial service for Maxi tis Kritis (circ.
1980s). Standing (L to R): George Nikitakis, Harry Skoundridakis, Panagiotis Moforis, Michael Pitsoulakis, Theodori Karachalias,
age and heroism of Cretan fighters during
John Cheretis, Peter Stylianoudakis, John Petrakis, Akis Saridakis, John Pantelakis Seated (L to R), Maria Kastrenakes - Vice
the revolutions and struggles for freedom. President, Lela Goumenis , Helen Frangakis
Mrs. Kastrenakes is proud to have been a
part of these events and honored to have
tions she raised them with. The other is her association and
served with such great leaders.
contact with people through her work in the silogo and her
Around 2003, Mrs. Kastrenakes stepped down from the
work as hospitality and welfare chair. She values the friendboard in support of the silogo’s decision to open their arms
ship and support of every president she had the honor to
to the next generation of leaders. She was overjoyed to see
work with and attributes the success of the silogo to the unithe children of her friends, raised in this country, upholding
fied effort and dedication of every board she served on and
the same traditions and values passed on to them by their
to the people of the silogo at large. She proclaims her strong
parents take their place on the silogo board. To her delight,
conviction that the silogo is one family and our children will
also on this new board were her daughters, Anastasia Kascontinue this tradition.
trenakes-Merkel and Demitra Kastrenakes- Protopapadakis.
Her advice to this next generation is to perpetuate the
Mrs. Kastrenakes’ dedication extends beyond the Kritiko
values and customs of our culture and faith. She is very
Silogo to all Greek Orthodox Church communities throughproud to see the young people apply their education and
out South Florida, and to her friends and most importantly
talents toward this goal and she is confident that they will
to her family. You will find her supporting all the churches
be successful. They only need to remember the great honor
either in worship or baking and volunteering for different
bestowed upon them by virtue of their birth and association
church events. You hear many couples comment how she
as a generation of Cretan Americans. She also adds with a
prepared her delicious Kserotygana for their wedding or
grin, “I only ask that we continue to speak Greek as much as
engagement and how she is always offering to help a family
possible at our meetings, some English is fine too, but I very
in their time of celebration as well as in their time of need.
much hope the Greek continues!”
In 1970, Mrs. Kastrenakes was widowed with the passMrs. Kastrenakes maintains that she will continue to serve
ing of her beloved husband of ten years. She was left on
as a member of the silogo and as the Welfare and Hospitalher own to raise their two daughters then nine and six.
ity Chair as long as God gives her strength and as long as the
She found strength, support and fellowship through her
silogo offers her this honor. As for those of us who know her,
faith and her work in the community and the silogo and
we can only say that we are the ones who are honored to
proudly raised her daughters in this environment. In those
have Mrs. Kastrenakes as a part of our silogo family and most
years she welcomed to her home from Crete, her brother,
importantly as one of our silogo mentors and valued resource
George Protopapadakis, her cousin Stelios Vailakis, nephew
George Zouridakis and sisters, Stella Georgedakis and Katina for silogo protocol, by-laws and history. She holds the history
Protopapadakis. Each of them, to include many other family and purpose of our silogo within her memories and with that,
strives to inspire all of us to continue with this legacy just as
members throughout the country, became involved in the
she was once inspired many years ago. As many continue to
Kritiko Silogo and PAA.
attest on her behalf, Mrs. Kastrenakes is a lady of extreme
One of her greatest accomplishments is her family ties,
integrity, loyalty and is absolutely genuine. We look forward to
her two daughters and six grandchildren whom continue to
many more years of her service and friendship.
serve the community and silogo as they maintain the tradiJUNE 2011 | KPHTH
ChapterProfile ΠροφίλΣυλλόγου
By John Pratsinakis -President
Our Cretan society is only 22 years
old. Established in 1989 with a vision
to celebrate our Cretan culture, instill
pride in our younger generation, and
to reinforce higher education through
scholarships. The first chapter meeting was held at the home of Father
Emmanuel and Presvytera Maria
Pratsinakis. The President and the
Lieutenant Governor of the PAA at that
time, George Vardakis and Manolis
Velivasakis attended this important
meeting. A decision was reached to
form our chapter and the first board of
directors installed, including President
John Blazakis, Vice Presidents Lazaros
Rassoulis and Nick Fanourgakis, Secretary Mary O’Donnel, Treasurer Steve
Troullos and board members George
Angelakis, Manny Coronis and George
The organization has flourished
over the years with the following
individuals having served as President: John Blazakis, Lazaros Rassoulis,
George Angelakis, Demetrios Spanoudakis, Manolis Petrogiannis, Katerina
Verganelakis, Stavros Antonakakis,
and John Pratsinakis. Much like other
chapters, our annual functions are
headlined by our dinner dance. From
our first dinner dance held in 1989,
which was attended by over 700
people, our chapter established a tradition with high standards. This resulted
in a reputation for high quality of
food, service and entertainment. This
included performances by well know
and talented Cretan entertainers, Laika
entertainers, and Cretan dancers. As a
result of this foundation, this event has
become a prominent affair in the area
and continues to be attended by large
Our chapter represents the tristate area including southern New
Jersey, southeastern Pennsylvania
and northern Delaware. Dubbed the
Delaware Valley, as the Delaware river
runs through this area, our organization’s name was selected, the Cretans
of Delaware Valley “KNOSSOS” Chapter
and centrally located in Cherry Hill,
New Jersey, a suburb just a few miles
east of Philadelphia.
Our KNOSSOS chapter has several other annual traditions which are
staples of our organization. We start
off the year with a “vasilopita” cutting
to usher in a new year. This celebration is concurrent to the first annual
meeting, which sets the agenda for the
entire year. In the spring, we celebrate
with all Philadelphia area Hellenes by
marching in the Philadelphia Greek
Independence Day Parade. At the start
of summer, we have our picnic, which
gets everyone together just before
vacation season. We end the year and
celebrate the holiday season with a
youth Christmas dinner celebration.
In 1995, we formed our youth chapter, “TALOS”, encouraging our youth
to participate in events. Our dance
group was formed and flourished
under the artistic direction of Roula
Gianneas Vlazakis for many years. In
2008, Regina Petinos committed her
talents to teach our youth for years to
come. The dance group has performed
every year at our dinner dances, at the
ChapterProfile ΠροφίλΣυλλόγου
Greek Independence Day celebration
in Philadelphia, as well as at various affairs in different states. In 1997, under
the leadership of Manny Coronis, our
chapter established a youth scholarship
program providing scholarships every
year to our Cretan youth. In addition to
our scholarship program, two memorial funds have been established in
the name of Steven Troullos and John
Blazakis, two of our deceased founders.
In recent years, our chapter has
celebrated several special events. On
February 14, 2009, the chapter paid
tribute to Lazaros Rassoulis by appointing him “Honorary President”. This well
deserved chapter recognition was a result of decades of dedication. His leadership has set the high standards under
which the chapter operates today.
Lazaros has always been supported by
his lovely wife, Georgia Rassoulis and
their daughter Maria. This tribute was
bestowed during our annual dinner
dance at the St. Thomas Community
Center, Cherry Hill, New Jersey.
Left to Right:
In November 2009, under the
presidency of Stavros Antonakakis, the
chapter celebrated its 20th Anniversary
and honored the founders of the organization. The evening’s profits were donated to the American Cancer Society
and the PAA Philanthropic Foundation
for the commission of a bronze bust of
the late Drexel President and beloved
chapter member, Dr. Constantine
The following summer of 2010, the
Cretans dedicated the public square in
the village of Meskla to Dr. Papadakis.
At this ceremony, the PAA unveiled the
bronze bust created by Philadelphia
area sculptor and fellow Cretan Zenos
KNOSSOS has also had special
events with Drexel University’s Greek
Studies Program including a memorial
concert in honor of Dr. Papadakis featuring pianist with the same name and
a lecture on the Mediterranean Diet.
Today our chapter is a proud reflection of its past as the children of the
original founders now serve on the
board. The chapter currently has 13
board members and 120 members and
welcomes continued growth with inclu-
Current Officers
Our current officers are:
President John Pratsinakis; Executive Vice-President Anastasia Tsinetakes; Vice President South Jersey Adam Angelakis; Vice President Philadelphia George Venianakis;
Treasurer George Chronakis; Corresponding Secretary Katerina Liviakis; Recording
Secretary Caterina Verganelakis; Artistic Director Regina Petinos; Information Technology Michael Venianakis; Youth President Joseph Antonakakis; Youth Advisor Sophia
Kanetos; Cultural Chair Nick Angelakis; Cultural Chair Tony Liviakis
sive behaviors and collaboration with
other Hellenic American organizations.
The board is very active and maintains
the traditions of the past, while adjusting to the needs of its members today.
We have increased our visibility by
creating a presence in cyberspace using
our FACEBOOK and YouTube. What a
wonderful avenue to communicate our
cause and record our history
Cretans of Greater Philadelphia”
Talos Cretan Youth DV
Our chapter’s future is bright. With
the next generation starting to take
ownership, there is no doubt that we
are here to stay. That said, this will not
be easy, but we need to make it easy.
While there are many avenues tugging at our time schedule, Technology
has made it easier than ever to stay
in touch, work together, stay relevant,
and continue to celebrate our 5000
years of history, tradition and culture.
I would like to thank all our chapter
members, those who have served on
our chapter board of directors, our
advisory board, our sponsors year after
year, and the PAA for giving us the opportunity to tell our story.
With Pride in our Cretan Heritage,
John Pratsinakis - President
May 16, 2011 - June 30, 2011
Stamus Cocole
Emmanuel Elliott
Epimenides Chapter
Scholarship Memorial Fund In Memory of Pearl Delis
Scholarship Memorial Fund In Memory of Pearl Delis
Scholarship Memorial Fund In Memory of Pearl Delis
Calendar of Events
JULY 2011
North Royalton, OH
“George Varouh” Club 4th of July Picnic Rae Elliot 330-425-7602
Detroit, MI
Cretan Ladies Detroit Tigers Game Fundraiser Erasmia Novotny 248-807-0352
Astoria, NY
“OMONOIA” of NY Annual Dinner Dance
Panagiotis Rodamis 917-299-7525
New Brunswick, NJ
“White Mountains” Annual “Pilafi” Dance Panagiotis Psarakis 908-685-2148
Astoria, NY
“Pasiphae “70th Anniversary Dinner Dance
Christina Diamantakis 516-767-2716
Charlotte, NC
“Psiloritis” of Carolina Dinner Dance
Nikos Evgenitakis 704-442-2159
Pittsburgh, PA
“Arkadi-Maleme” Annual Dinner Dance
Helene Semanderes 724-746-2878
“Cretan Sisterhood” Annual Dinner Dance Koula Xenakis 347-312-3890
online radio show
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Η ΠΑΣΙΦΑΗ γιόρτασε την Πρωτομαγιά
Την 1η Μαΐου μπήκε η άνοιξη για την Πασιφάη.
Όμορφα λουλούδια που προσέφερε ο Πρόεδρος της
Ὁμόνοιας» κ. Παναγιώτης Ροδάμης στόλισαν το Κρητικό
Σπίτι στην Αστόρια για το Πρωτομαγιάτικο Γλέντι. Η
Πρόεδρος Χριστίνα Διαμαντάκη μαζί με το Συμβούλιο
ετοίμασαν ένα πολύ όμορφο μεσημέρι για να υποδεχτούν
την άνοιξη. Μαζί
μας ήταν ο 2ος
Αντιπρόεδρος της
Παγκρητικής κ.
Νίκος Καστρινάκης
και η Εκτελεστική
των Γυναικείων
Τμημάτων της Παγκρητικής κα. Μαρία Στρατουδάκη, Ο D.J.
Ιάκωβος Σολανάκης μας διασκέδασε με την μουσική του.
Επίσης χόρεψε και το μικρό χορευτικό της “ΟΜΟΝΟΙΑΣ”.
Προσφέρθηκε ένα πολύ νόστιμο γεύμα, παραδοσιακό αρνί
με πατάτες, που μας ετοίμασε Ο κ Νίκος Χαρτζουλάκης.
Γευστικά Κρητικά καλιτσουνάκια και νόστιμα γλυκίσματα
προσφέρθηκαν από τις γυναίκες της Πασιφάη. Ωραία
καλάθια για το λαχνό μας επίσης ετοιμάσθηκαν από τις
κυρίες του Συμβουλίου. Όλα τα έσοδα της ημέρας θα πάνε
προς φιλανθρωπικούς σκοπούς. Όλοι περάσαμε πολύ
ωραία και ευχαριστούμε όλους που παρευρεθήκαν.
Εορτασμός Επετείου Μάχη της Κρήτης
Την Κυριακή 22 Μαΐου εορτάστηκε στο Κρητικό Σπίτι η
70η επέτειος από την Μάχη της Κρήτης. Κύριος ομιλητής
John, Anthony
& Frank Fiotos
We Proudly Support
KPHTH Magazine.
518 Metropolitan Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11211
T.: 718.782.4502 - F.: 718.782.0059
photo by:
ήταν ο Γραμματέας Περιφερειακού Συμβουλίου Κρήτης
και πρώην Αντινομάρχης Χανίων κ. Κωνσταντίνος Γύπαρης.
Την εκδήλωση τίμησαν με την παρουσία τους η Γενική
πρόξενος της Ελλάδος κα. Άγη Μπαλτά, Η Γενική Πρόξενος
της Κύπρου κα. Κούλα Σοφιανού, ο Προξενικός Στατιωτικός
Ακόλουθος Συνταγματάρχης κ. Χρήστος Μεσαρετζίδης,
ο Προξενικός Λιμενάρχης κ. Αργύρης Κεφάλας, ο
Β’Αντιπρόεδρος της Παγκρητικής κ. Νίκος Καστρινάκης, η
Εκτελεστική Διευθύντρια Γυναικείων τμημάτων κα Μαρία
Στρατουδάκη, η γνωστή ηθοποιός κα Άννα Τσουκαλά,
Πρόεδροι και αξιωματούχοι των Κρητικών Σωματείων της
περιοχής και πλήθος κόσμου.
Θερμά συγχαρητήρια στην Έρυκα Μανουσέλη κόρη του
αγαπητού μέλους του Συλλόγου
μας Μανούσου Μανουσέλη για
την είσοδο της στο Πανεπιστήμιο
Brown με ολική υποτροφία. Η
Έρυκα ενώ έγινε δεκτή και από το
Πανεπιστήμιο Harvard, τελικά την
κέρδισε το τμήμα Διεθνών Σχἐσεων
του Brown. Στην Έρυκα που μόλις
αποφοίτησε με Διακρίσεις από το
Hewitt Upper School ευχόμαστε
να κάνει πραγματικότητα όλα τα
όνειρα της. Στους γονείς ευχόμαστε
να την δουν σύντομα και εις
Οι Πρόεδροι και τα Συμβούλια των Συλλόγων μας σας
εύχονται Καλό Καλοκαίρι!!!
Φώτης Φιωτοδημητράκης
Αθηνά Μαραγκουδάκη
Cleveland, Ohio
George Varouh Cretan Club
We are saddened to report the passing of a long-time
member of our Cleveland Chapter, Ann (Nicolozakis) Sapou36
nakis, at the age of 80, of Columbus, Ohio. Ann and her late
husband Michael were devoted members for many years.
After having visited Crete, Michael Sapounakis passed away
three years ago, having suffered a heart attack while at the
airport in Athens awaiting their return to the United States.
Ann was born in Fairpoint, Ohio and lived in Columbus,
Ohio during her grownup years. She was the loving mother
of Rose Ann Leisly and the precious grandmother of Anne
(Muno) Driza. Before she died God blessed Ann with the
birth of a great grandson, Anthony Driza. Three brothers and
two sisters preceded Ann to eternal life. Five sisters survive,
Goldie Gonakis and Helen Vitakis, both members of our
Chapter and Judy of Chicago, Mary of Arkansas and Sophie.
Ann’s funeral was sung at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox
Church in Columbus with many friends and relatives in attendance. Memory eternal.
Mark your calendars and join in the fun. Our annual traditional picnic will be held on Monday July 4th, 2011, from
1:00 pm to 10:00 pm at St Sava’s Picnic Grove on Wallings
Road in North Royalton. We invite all friends from near and
far to attend this gala event.
Future Plans
For the first time in the history of the Cretan Association
of Cleveland, plans are in the making to hold a Greek/Cretan
Festival at our beautiful edifice, our very own Cretan Leshi.
Chairperson Steve Nikolakis met with Cleveland council
members and the Kamm’s Corners Association (Our Leshi is
located in the Kamm’s Corners division of Cleveland.) and
accomplished the task to allow this festival. West 168th
Street, the location of our club, will be roped off and there
will be plenty of scrumptious food and delicacies for all to
enjoy and, of course, our traditional Greek dancing. The
Hellenic Dance Group from St. Paul’s Greek Orthodox Church
has been invited to perform. The dates are September 2nd
and 3rd.
Rae Elliott, KPHTH Correspondent
Denver, Colorado
Daughters of Crete
Our congratulations to Alexandria Kounalis Melisaratos and Jerry
Melisaratos on the birth of their son
George Timothy Melisaratos. Born
March 10, 2011. Alexandria is the
daughter of Anthony and Sandy Kounalis of Denver, Colorado. Alexandria
has been the Cretan Dance Instructor
for the Youth of Denver for over 10
Detroit, Michigan
Cretan Ladies Society of Detroit “KPHTH”
Congratulations to Amalia
Stefanou, M.D., upon her completion of a 5 year surgical residency at Henry Ford Hospital in
Detroit. She is off to Chicago,
where she will continue with a
one year fellowship. Then will
return to the Detroit area to
Congratulations to Katherine Stefanou, who is completing
degree from the Brooklyn Law
School in New York. Amalia and
Katherine are daughters of Joanne
and Andreas Stefanou of Troy,
Michigan. (Proud grandparents
George Zacharias and the late
Katherine [Demetriades].) Yiayia
is watching over her three granddaughters which include sister,
Kristina, who is a teacher at Novi
High School in Michigan.
Congratulations to all the
Stefanou ladies and to their parents,
Joanne and Andreas, for encouraging all their children to
follow their dreams.
Perastika to Joanne Stafanou who recently went to Crete
and broke her leg walking the Farragi. Joanne’s mother,
Katherine Papazacharioudakis, a former President of our
chapter, walked the Farragi of Samaria in heels (thinking she
was going for a “little volta” with some friends!). Two Farragi
stories to pass down to the next generation!
New Brunswick, New Jersey
White Mountains
Συγχαρητήρια σε όλους τους Απόφοιτους
Ο σύλλογος μας είναι περήφανος για τις επιτυχίες σε
κάθε επίπεδο όλων των μελών του. Είμαστε όμως ιδιαίτερα
υπερήφανοι όταν βλέπομε τα παιδιά μας να προοδεύουν
στην σχολική, πανεπιστημιακή και την επαγγελματική
της καριέρα τους. Το διοικητικό συμβούλιο εκφράζοντας
όλα τα μέλη, εύχεται σε όλα τα παιδιά, απόφοιτους
Πανεπιστημίου/University, απόφοιτους High School/
Λυκείου όπως και σε όλα τα παιδιά που συνεχίζουν το
σχολείο σε όλα τα επίπεδα, τα πιο θερμά συγχαρητήρια,
καλή πρόοδο και καλή σταδιοδρομία στην ζωή τους!
Εύχεται δε στους γονείς να τα δουν να γίνουν σπουδαίοι και
σωστοί άνθρωποι στην ζωή τους.
Η Φωτεινή Κάβαλος, αποφοίτησε από το Mt. Olive
High School του New Jersey, με
άριστη πρόοδο. Το ερχόμενο
σχολικό έτος αρχίζει τις σπουδές
της στο Montclair State University στο Μαθηματικό τμήμα. Η
Φωτεινή είναι για αρκετά χρόνια
έξοχη χορεύτρια του χορευτικού
συγκροτήματος του συλλόγου
μας ως επίσης είναι και μέλος
του St. Andrew Greek Orthodox
Church GOYA group in Randolph,
NJ. Στους γονείς της, κ. Γιώργο
και κα. Άννα Κάβαλος όπως
και σε όλη την οικογένειά τους,
ευχόμαστε θερμά συγχαρητήρια
και να την δουν να γίνει επιτυχημένος και σπουδαίος
άνθρωπος στην ζωή της.
Maria Exarchakis graduated
from Monroe Township High
School. Maria is very active in
a variety of community affairs,
but most importantly with The
Smile Train, The Greek Children’s
Fund, Autism Awareness, and
Juvenile Diabetes organizations
for which she was recognized
with multiple awards. Maria
was a member of the St. George
Piscataway GOYA, a member of
the Arkadi Cretan Youth, and a
talented dancer with the White Mountain’s Cretan Dance
Group, The Hellenic Dancers of NJ, and the St. George GOYA
Dance Group. In the fall, Maria will be attending Towson
University in Towson, Maryland where she’ll be pursuing
a bachelor’s degree in speech-language pathology. To her
parents, Mr. Dimitris and Mrs. Sophie Exarchakis, we extend
our congratulations and we
wish them to see her becoming a very successful person in
her life.
Ιωάννης Καντηλιεράκης,
αποφοίτησε από το Edison
High School του New Jersey, με άριστη πρόοδο. Το
ερχόμενο σχολικό έτος αρχίζει
τις σπουδές του στο Rutgers
State University στο τμήμα του Biomedical Engineering.
Ο Γιάννης είναι μέλος του συλλόγου νεολαίας «Αρκάδι»,
και για αρκετά χρόνια έξοχος χορευτής του χορευτικού
συγκροτήματος του συλλόγου μας όπως και του St. George
Piscataway GOYA χορευτικού. Στους γονείς του, κ.
Σταμάτη και κα. Σούλα Καντηλιεράκη όπως και σε όλη την
οικογένειά τους, ευχόμαστε θερμά συγχαρητήρια και να
τον δουν να γίνει επιτυχημένος και σπουδαίος άνθρωπος
στην ζωή του.
είναι η κυρίες Nicolette and Alexandra Garthe για τις οποίες
είμαστε σίγουροι ότι η Αναστασία θα έχει δύο σπουδαίους
συντρόφους στη ζωή της. Ο πρόεδρος και το διοικητικό
συμβούλιο του συλλόγου εύχονται ολόψυχα στην οικογένεια
Καλογρίδη και την οικογένεια Αρχοντούλη η νεοφώτιστη
Αναστασία να τους Ζήση και να την δουν να γίνει Σπουδαίος
Άνθρωπος στη Ζωή της. Ευχόμαστε στις Νονές να είναι πάντα
άξιες στη Ζωή τους.!
Ο Μάρκος Καντηλιεράκης, αποφοίτησε από το J. P.
Stevens High School του New Jersey. Ο Μάρκος είναι
μέλος του συλλόγου νεολαίας
«Αρκάδι», θαυμάσιος χορευτής
του χορευτικού του συλλόγου μας
ως επίσης και του χορευτικού του
St. George Piscataway GOYA. Ο
Μάρκος έχει το μεγάλο χάρισμα
να έχει θαυμάσια φωνή την οποία
και καλλιεργεί με μεγάλο πάθος
για ένα λαμπρό καλλιτεχνικό
μέλλον. Έχει πάρει πάρα πολλές
διακρίσεις στον τομέα αυτό, με
κορυφαία διάκριση το “NJ Governor’s Award” για το 2010 NJ AllState Chorus, που πείρε φέτος. Το
ερχόμενο σχολικό έτος ο Μάρκος
θα αρχίσει τις σπουδές του στο Westminster Choir College, Princeton NJ, as an Honors Student. Στους γονείς του,
κ. Μάρκο και κα. Μαρία Καντηλιεράκη, όπως και σε όλη την
οικογένειά τους, ευχόμαστε θερμά συγχαρητήρια και να τον
δουν να γίνει επιτυχημένος και σπουδαίος άνθρωπος στην
ζωή του.
Ο σύλλογός μας στα πλαίσια ενημέρωσης των
μελών του και γενικά της παροικίας, οργάνωσε στις 12
Απριλίου στο «Κρητικό Σπίτι», μια πολύ σημαντική ιατρική
παρουσίαση που ήταν αφιερωμένη στην «Υγεία της
Καρδιάς ». Η παρουσίαση/ομιλία έγινε στα Ελληνικά και
Αγγλικά, από δύο αξιόλογους έλληνες γιατρούς, οι οποίοι
έχουν διαπρέψει στον κλάδο της καρδιολογίας: ο Δρ.
Ηλίας Ηλιάδης, MD, FACC, Associate Director Catch laboratories, Cooper University Hospital και ο Δρ. Απόστολος
Βουντούρης, MD Cardiology/ Electrophysiology Assistant Professor, UMDNJ. Ήταν μια πάρα πολύ σπουδαία,
επιτυχημένη και σπάνια παρουσίαση για την παροικία μας
και γι’ αυτό είμαστε ευγνώμονες στους δύο γιατρούς που
έκαναν το παν για να προσφέρουν με τον καλύτερο και
κατανοητικό τρόπο τις πολύτιμες γνώσεις τους. Ο σύλλογος
μας θα συνεχίσει την πρωτοβουλία ιατρικής ενημέρωσης
των μελών/παροικίας με την συνεργασία καταξιωμένων
ελλήνων γιατρών στην Αμερική.
Στις 12 Φεβρουαρίου, 2011, στο ναό του Αγίου
Γεωργίου, Piscataway NJ, βαφτίστηκε ένα πανέμορφο
κοριτσάκι, η Αναστασία Καλογρίδη. Μετά την τελετή του
μυστηρίου έγινε ένα θαυμάσιο γλέντι στο πολυτελέστατο
κέντρο Pines Manor όπου συγγενείς και φίλοι από Αμερική
και Καναδά γιόρτασαν την
είσοδο της Αναστασίας στην
Ορθοδοξία. Η Αναστασία είναι
η κόρη του κυρίου Γιάννη,
τωρινού ταμεία του συλλόγου
μας, και της κυρίας Κυριακής
Καλογρίδη, και ο εγγονός του
κυρίου Αντώνη και της κυρίας
Άννας Καλογρίδη όπως και του
κυρίου Δημήτρη και της κυρίας
Αναστασίας Αρχοντούλη. Νονές
της νεοφώτιστης Αναστασίας
Ιατρικό Σεμινάριο
Philanthropic Initiatives
The Philanthropic Committee of the Cretans’ Fraternity
“The White Mountains”, organized two visits to the Matheny
Hospital and Education Center. Matheny Medical and Educational Center is a special hospital and educational facility for
children and adults with medically complex developmental
disabilities. Despite their physical and mental challenges,
the residents of Matheny are full of life and spirit, and to
meet them is truly life-changing. During our April 10th visit,
the dance group and youth members of our chapter offered musical entertainment, performed Cretan and other
Greek dances and spent time with the residents. A check for
$1000, raised by our children during the Christmas Kalanda
season, was given to the director to assist with the needs
of the center. Our very own Tatiana Manousakis, resident
of Matheny and daughter of current PAA President Ted
Manousakis, was very excited and proud about “Greek Day”
at Matheny. Tatiana is a wonderful, vibrant and witty young
lady who has captured all of our hearts. Many thanks to
President Ted & Mrs. Rema Manousakis and their extended
family for traveling up to N.J. to share in this very special
visit and for matching our donation to the center.
In continuing with the philanthropic mission, the com-
mittee also hosted several fundraisers during the months
of March and April to raise funds for compatriots in need of
medical financial support. The ladies of the White Mountains chapter baked & sold Lenten koulourakia, hosted a
successful Loukoumades sale and raffle basket sale during the Sarakosti period. A Lenten Luncheon during Palm
Sunday at the Kritiko Spiti was the final event hosted, with
all food being donated by members and supporters. It was
a wonderful family occasion that brought our “syllogo”and
Greek community closer together in appreciation for all
that we are blessed with. All proceeds were given to needy
cancer patients. The month of April is now designated as
Philanthropic fundraising month for our chapter.
Παναγιώτης Ψαράκης
San Francisco, California
On April 10, 2011, Epimenides/Ariadne participated in
the annual Greek Independence Day Parade in San Francisco, representing the Cretans of Northern California. Many
Hellenic groups led by his Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos and the president of the United Hellenic Societies ,Ted
Loliotis, marched from 7Th and Market to the Civic Center.
Glendi and festivities followed the parade in the Civic Auditorium.
Our 6th annual Pascha Social was held on May 1, 2011,
the Sunday after Easter, at the back yard of our president,
Chris Daskalakis. Epimenides/Ariadne offered lamb, barbecue chicken, hot dogs, Cretan pilafi and salad. Our members
shared their specialties. We were blessed with perfect bay
area weather. The perfect weather and the many participants made this event exceptionally enjoyable.
Our warm sympathies go to our members George and
Ann Papadakis, Mike and Olga Papadakis. Spiro and Geogia
Papadakis and Ted Xenakis for the death of their sister and
sister in law, Elpida Pappis, on April 28, 2011. Our sympathies also go to her daughter Athena Stravrakaras and her
family, who so admirably took care of her mother Elpida
during Elpida’s last years of her life.
May her memory be internal.
Salt Lake City, Utah
Daughters of Minos
The Daughters of Minos held our Annual Mother’s Day
Luncheon and Fashion Show on Saturday May 7, 2011. This
event was held at the Salt Lake City Center Marriot. We had
nearly 300 men, women and children attend this event. The
fashion show was provided by Macy’s department store
and the models included men, women and children from
the Minotavros Youth Chapter, Daughters of Minos and our
young children. We also honored Mrs. Elsie Sefandonakis as
our Mother of The Year. Mrs. Sefandonakis has been very
active in the Daughters of Minos and was the Secretary of
the Cretan Juniors for many, many years. Congratulations!
On June 1, 2, 3, 2011, we prepared dolmathes for our
Annual Greek Festival. The Daughters of Minos have prepared dolmathes for the festival for over twenty-five years.
This year we used 1,100 pounds of ground beef. The Daughters of Minos will also cook the dolmathes at the Greek
Festival in September.
On June 26, 2011 we held our Family Fun Night at the
Prophet Elias Church Pavilion. Our Kri-Kri Cretan Dance
Group made their debut. The Kri-Kri Cretan Dance Group
represents the youngest children between first and third
grade. Congratulations on a job well done!
Finally, the Daughters of Minos is pleased to announce
that we have established a Facebook page. Please visit our
page under Daughters of Minos. We will be posting a variety
of information, which will include meeting dates, news and
events that were held.
We would also like to thank everyone that has supported
us this year. Their support is greatly appreciated. We also
wish everyone a wonderful summer. To those traveling we
would like to wish you all a happy, healthy and safe trip.
MaryAnn Proestakis, Secretary
Springfield, Massachusetts
Minos - Crete Association
Fifteen-year-old Eftihi
Marnelakis delivered an
inspiring message to members and friends at the
Cretan club in Springfield,
Mass. on May 22. His talk
included a synopsis of the
battle of Crete as well as a
poem in Greek by Eftihios
Makrimanolakis. After
attending church services,
the Minos-Crete chapter
provided a luncheon at the
club in commemoration of
“Ti Maxi Tis Kphths.”