Newsletter October-November 2012

Ss. Nicholas, Constantine & Helen
tt tt
October-November 2012
Great Greek
Your Parish Administration
V. Rev. Fr. Seraphim Poulos, Proistamenos
Takis Dionisos
Father’s mobile: 757-375-4382
Executive Board
President, James Sumas
1st Vice President, Pantelis Athanasiou
2nd Vice President, Douglas Rosa
Secretary, Mary Kakos
Asst. Secretary, Nina M. Konstantakis
and Education Committee
Treasurer, Gina Xanthos
Asst Treas. Oper., Stella Thompoulos
Asst Treas. Bldg., Gus Theodos
Dorothy Rosa
Vivian Pagoulatos,
Christina Daniskas,
Athie Daniskas, Advisor
Vicky Kantanas,
Stella Thomopoulos,
Greek School:
Rita Fitanidou, Principal
James Vardakis,
PC Members
Andreas Antoniou, Insurance Laison
John Chambous, Real Estate
Nicholas Churus, Building Committee
James Dalianis, Communication Chairperson
Efthymios Daniskas, Narthex
John Epitropakis, Maintenance Chairperson
Demetra Gautieri, Events Chairperson
Tom Loucopolos, Security/Safety Coordinator
Angelo Kontogiannis, Stewardship
Chairperson and Fund Raising Committee
Michael Miltiades, Narthex
Milton Pantazis, Narthex
Evans Roupas, Choir Liaison
Peter Sergiou, Finance
Choir Master
Doug Rosa, Chairman
Stitch & Knit
Loula Stathakis
In This Issue
Church Office Staff
Church Secretary, Helen Janulis
Off: 973-251-2920 Fax: 973-251-2921
Asst. Secretary, Mary Theodos
Custodian, Aldo Tapia
The Cross Editor
V. Rev. Seraphim Poulos
The next Submissions to the Cross are due by the
1st of Nov. Please be on time. Please send to
Bible Study
Pg 3
Church Etiquette
Pg 3
Rites & Sacraments
Pg 4
New Religious Director
Pg 4
The Shepard
Pg 5
Pg 6
Greek Festival
Pg 7
Miracle of Theotokos
Pg 8
Pg 9
Car Raffle
Pg 10
Book Review
Pg 11
Church News
Pg 12
Knit & Stitch
Pg 13
Church Etiquette
Orthodox Bible Study
Reading Forum
Entering Late
The time to arrive at Church is before a service starts. For some unknown reason, however, it has become customary - for some individuals and families to come late. If you arrive after a service begins, try to enter the
temple quietly and observe what is happening. If a scripture passage is being read, or
an entrance is taking place, censing and
Consecration of the Gifts wait until it is finished to find a seat. If the priest is delivering
a sermon, stay in the back of the temple until
he has finished. If in doubt, check with one
of the ushers to see if it is a good time to seat
yourself. Try not to interrupt a service by
your entrance. Please do not walk to the front
of the Church once Services have began
All are welcomed and encouraged to attend.
Ever wanted to learn more and/or
understand the Bible?
Are you looking for an opportunity
to fellowship and share the Word
of God with people?
When was the last time you really
studied and prayed for understanding about your reading’s in
the Bible?
Do you have questions, fears, concerns and/or doubts about the
truth and/or history of the Bible?
Please join us as Father Seraphim
leads us in and through the Bible as
well as help us in answering these
and/or similar questions. Bring your
Bible. Beginning November 7, 2012.
When: Each Wednesday 10:00 AM
Where: Sumas Library
Lighting Candles
There are also times when candles should
not be lit. It is not proper to light candles
during the Scripture readings, during the entrances, during the sermon, and most of the
times when the faithful are standing.
When should you definitely stand? Always
stand during the Gospel reading, the Little
and Great Entrances, the Anaphora, the distribution of Communion, the special services
for a Memorial or the Artoklasia, whenever
the priest gives a blessing, and during dismissal.
(The above article was printed at the direction of His Eminence, Metropolitan Isaiah of
Rites and Sacraments
On September 1st, Robert Haney and Maria Konstas, Sophie Kostakis, beloved aunt of Mary Vasilios and
sponsors were Nicholas and Evangelia Pittas.
Penelope Burns.
Antonio Stathis, Beloved husband of Eleni Stathis.
On September 23 , Daniel Figueiredo and Marika Stamatia (Toula) Kovas, beloved wife of Antonis
Kakounis, sponsor was Maria Vayas.
Kovas and beloved mother of Maria Kovas.
On September 30th, George Baroulakis and Irene Our condolences to the families and may the Lord
Halkias, sponsors were Andreas and Konstantina rest their souls in a place of peace and green pasBoutsikakis.
On October 7th, Constantina Tsihlas and Mark Lubischer, sponsor was John Tsihlas.
May their memory be eternal!
On October 14th, John Jelis and Styliani (Stala) Michael, sponsors were Elias Jelis and Christiana
On July 7th, the twins of John G. & Michelle Maselli
were baptized and were named John George, sponsor
was Angela Demetriou and Athena Hope, and sponsors were Constantine and Andrea Kalliaras.
Beginning on October 15th, Vicky Kantanas will
become the new director of our Religious Education
Victoria is married to her husband Nick and they
have two children, Kalliope and Stratos. Vicky
graduated from Kean University in 1993 with a
Bachelor of Arts in Education. For several years, she
worked with her father in their family restaurant as
a manager. During that time, she received a Teacher
of the Handicap certification from Felician College.
Soon after, she obtained a position as a special education teacher at a high school in Bergen County
where she has enjoyed her career there for fifteen
years. She recently completed a Master of Arts in
Education Leadership from Montclair University.
On August 12th, the daughter of William J. and
Ariadne Bender was baptized and was named
Katerina Faith, sponsor was Apostolia Mamos.
Vicky is also a member of the Board of the Greek
School P.T.O. where both Kalliope and Stratos are
Death Announcements:
With deep regret we announce the deaths of:
Veronica Karafel, beloved mother of William Karafel
and Kathleen Slater Grandmother of Eric Slater and
sister of Norma Bruno.
Our Parish wishes to thank Vasilki Fotinis and Antigone Lukowiak for their tireless dedication to the
Religious Education Program for the past many
years. We remember them for keeping focused and
remaining faithful to the mission of teaching the
Faith of our Lord. Vasiliki will continue to serve the
Church in our new Bookstore and Antigone will continue to teach in the higher classes.
( We wish you well as our new Religious)
George James Andresakes, beloved father of Mary
απάντησε πως φοβάται να κατέβει µήπως το µάθει ο
Ηγούµενος και τον τιµωρήσει. Ο απλός όµως και πάλι
επέµενε και τότε του φάνηκε πως κατέβηκε και
έτρωγαν και συνοµιλούσαν µαζί.
Ο βοσκός, ο ηγούµενος και
Αυτό συνέβαινε κάθε βράδυ (ω της πολλής σου
φιλανθρωπίας Χριστέ) και ενώ οι άλλοι µοναχοί άκουαν
οµιλίες στο ναό, όταν έµπαιναν µέσα έβλεπαν µόνο τον
απλό που τους βεβαίωνε πως ήταν µόνος. Τότε έβαλαν
ένα µοναχό πολύ αγαπητό στο νεωκόρο ο οποίος
κατόρθωσε και έµαθε από τον απλό πως κάθε βράδυ
κατεβαίνει ο φαινόµενος κατάδικος και συντρώγουν και
του υπόσχεται πως γι’ αυτό του το δείπνο, θα τον
φιλεύση πλουσιοπάροχα στο σπίτι του πατέρα του.
Όταν έµαθε ο ηγούµενός αυτά, κάλεσε τον απλό και
αφού τον έπεισε να του πει αυτά που συµβαίνουν , τότε
του είπε το επόµενο βράδυ να παρακαλέσει τον
φαινόµενο και για τον ηγούµενο και να τον φιλεύση και
ιηγήθηκε ένας από τους Αγίους Πατέρες την ακόλουθη αυτόν στο σπίτι του πατέρα του. Πράγµατι ο απλός
παρακάλεσε το επόµενο βράδυ για τον ηγούµενο αλλά
ιστορία που άκουσε στην έρηµο της Θηβαΐδος.
πήρε απάντηση πως αυτό δεν γίνεται και έτσι να µην
Συνέβηκε κάποτε και πέρασε από την έρηµο ένας
µεγάλος πνευµατικός και στην αρετή περιβόητος. Τότε τον ενοχλεί γιατί ο ηγούµενος δεν είναι άξιος ούτε για
πολλοί από τους Πατέρες έτρεχαν και εξοµολογούντο σ’ τα ψίχουλα που πέφτουν απ’ εκείνο το τραπέζι.
αυτόν, µεταξύ τους δε πήγε και ένας απλός και άκακος
άνθρωπος βοσκός στο επάγγελµα, που δεν ήξερε τι θα
πει αµαρτία, µόνη του δε επιθυµία ήταν πως να κερδίσει Σαν άκουσε το πρωί ο ηγούµενος την απόφαση
λυπήθηκε άµετρα, ελπίζοντας όµως στο έλεος και τη
το παράδεισο.
φιλανθρωπία του Θεού µε κλάµατα παρακαλούσε τον
απλό να επιµένει και να βιάζει τον αβίαστο να τον
δεχθεί και αυτόν στο ουράνιο τραπέζι. Ο απλός
Ο πνευµατικός τότε του είπε να κρατεί τον ίσιο δρόµο
συνέχισε να παρακαλεί το επόµενο βράδυ το εσπότη
και θα φθάσει στο παράδεισο. Άκακος όπως ήταν
Χριστό αλλά ο Κύριος του είπε να µην επιµένει γιατί δεν
ερµήνευσε κατά γράµµα τα λόγια του πνευµατικού και
περπατώντας τρεις µέρες έφτασε σ’ένα µοναστήρι και
εξοµολογήθηκε στον ηγούµενο τον πόθο του. Από τα
λόγια του ο ηγούµενος εννόησε την απλότητα και
ακεραιότητα του, τον δέχτηκε στο µοναστήρι και αφού Τότε η άπλαστη εκείνη ψυχή αποκρίνεται και του λέγει:
«καλώς λέγεις ότι δεν είναι άξιος ο Ηγούµενος δια την
τον έκαµε µοναχό τον έβαλε να «φιλοκαλή» την
άνωθεν τράπεζα, αλλά δια το ψωµί όπου µας έθρεφε
Εκκλησίαν, δηλαδή τον έκαµε νεωκόρο.
τόσας ηµέρας, όπου αν έλειπεν θα απεθάναµεν από την
Μια µέρα όταν τον επισκέφτηκε ο Ηγούµενος και τον
καν δια ταύτην την καλοσύνη του δεν τον
νουθετούσε τα αναγκαία για τη σωτηρία του, πήρε και
Και ο εσπότης Χριστός «ας είναι είπε δια την
αυτός θάρρος και τον ρώτησε ποιός είναι αυτός που
και µόνον δια να µη σε λυπήσω, επειδή και
είναι κρεµασµένος πάνω από το εικονοστάσιο και είναι
και φροντίδα έχεις και µεριµνάς πολύ δια
συνέχεια νηστικός και διψασµένος, µη γνωρίζοντας ότι
ειπέ του λοιπόν να διορθωθεί καλώς
είναι ο εσπότης Χριστός.
και µετά οκτώ ηµέρας να έλθητε αµφότεροι εις την
ητοιµασµένη χαράν.»
Αστεϊζόµενος τότε ο Ηγούµενος του είπε πως αυτός
ήταν νεωκόρος πρωτύτερα και επειδή αµελούσε το
Αφού έµαθε αυτά ο Ηγούµενος χάρηκε, έκαµε την
«διακόνηµα» του (υπηρεσία) τον ετιµώρησε να κρέµεται πρέπουσα µετάνοια και αφού κοινώνησε των αχράντων
επάνω στο σταυρό. Ο απλός τότε δεν είπε τίποτε, το
µυστηρίων, αρρώστησε λίγο και παρέδωσε την ψυχή
βράδυ όµως σαν πήρε το φαγητό του, αφού έκλεισε της του στο Θεό µετά από οκτώ µέρες. Ο δε απλός εκεί που
Εκκλησίας τις πόρτες άρχισε να παρακαλεί τον
συνοµιλούσε κατά τη συνήθεια µε τον αγαπηµένο του
κρεµασµένο να κατεβεί να φάνε µαζί.
εσπότη πέταξε η µακαρία του ψυχή και µετέβησαν και
οι δύο σ’ εκείνη την ευτυχισµένη και ατελεύτητη ζωή,
την οποία είθε και εµείς «χάριτι Θεού» να απολαύσουµε.
Έβαζε µάλιστα µάρτυρα τον Θεό πως αν δεν κατέβει
ούτε αυτός τρώει. Τότε ο πράος και ταπεινός Κύριος
αυτός που κάθεται στις καρδιές των πραέων του
G.O.Y.A. Appeal for New
Over the past four years, our G.O.Y.A. has tripled in
size for which we are very excited.
Our community is getting lots of exposure within our
Metropolis and we are also trying to make a presence in
our local community by being available to participate in
local events. We want to make sure we look our best.
With that said, we are asking if anyone wishes to support our G.O.Y.A. in their efforts to purchase new
dance costumes for their upcoming competitions, it
would be greatly appreciated. The current costumes are
a collection from Newark and Orange and are almost 40
years old. We realize that most fundraisers aren’t designed to raise such a large amount so quickly and it
was suggested that this appeal may be an alternative.
The costs of these costumes are quite expensive. They
range from $150-$400+. We are hopeful that we would
get costumes in the $300 range to ensure that they are
strong enough to sustain a long term life.
We want to purchase 30 costumes @ $300 each. Total
If you would like to discuss with any of the advisors,
please find us after church services or feel free to call us
at our homes. Our deadline for ordering new costumes
will be year end. Please remember that any contribution
you make to our church is tax deductible.
Future G.O.Y.A, Even ts
Upcoming Events:
November 2012:
Nov. 3rd: Bowling Tournament & Dance in Fairview
Nov. 4th: Singing Practice after Church
Nov. 9th & 10th: Religious Retreat/Sleepover
Nov, 11th: Youth Sunday
Nov. 11th: Singing Practice after Church
With gratitude,
Ss Nicholas, Constantine & Helen G.O.Y.A. Advisors
Fr. Seraphim, 757-375-4382
December 2012:
Athie Daniskas, 973-303-2550
Dec. 1st: Dance Practice – 9:30am
Dec. 2nd: Singing Practice after Church
Dec. 8th: Dance Practice – 9:30am
Dec. 9th: Singing Practice after Church
Dec. 15th: Dance Practice – 9:30am
Gerry Dendrinos, 201-281-4159
Antigone Lukowiak, 201-306-1192
Dorothy Rosa, 201-303-0245
Dec. 16th: Singing Practice after Church
Doug Rosa, Festival Chairman
Our church’s inaugural Greek Cultural Festival took place the week of Sept 28-30 and
proved to be a great success. We were well
supported by the surrounding communities
and especially the Borough of Roseland. We had at least 5,000 adults attend
and probably another 2,000 children over
the course of three days. Everyone who
came seemed to enjoy themselves and was
shocked to see how beautiful our church
complex is.
We repeatedly heard how
proud we should be as a church community for having accomplished so much in
such a short amount of time.
above and beyond the call of duty and
helped carry this event to the finish
Roseland Police Chief, Richard
McDonough, Roseland Fire Chief, Kent
Yates , Mary Kakos, Dorothy Rosa, Lia Diamandas, Stephanie Sumas, Sharyn & Jim
Hanzimanolis, Gerry Dendrinos, Stacy
Miltiades, Kathy Frangoulis, Demetra Gautieri, Nick Bistis, Sophia Athanasiou, Vicky
Glock, Elizabeth & Alex Rosa and Aldo
“Of all the forces that make for
A better world, none is so powerful
With hope, one can think, one can
The Festival committee plans on having an
Work, one can dream.
all inclusive report in the next issue of the
Cross, but for now, I’d like to thank all
those that helped make the event the excitIf you have hope you have
ing success that it was. We were able to
surpass the monetary goal set by last year’s
Parish Assembly budget but more importantly, we were able to create invaluable
amount of Goodwill for our church. FurFull time Greek-Speaking Nanny needed.
thermore, we were able to support three
other local non-profits which include the
Roseland Volunteer First Aid Squad, the
Roseland Volunteer Fire Department and
Seeking a Nanny to care for infant son starting March,
St. John’s Soup Kitchen located in Newark.
A special thank you to all the Festival ComLocation: Mountainside, NJ
mittee members, to all our sponsors and
(Prefer someone who can drive to and from our
donors, to the many non-parishioners who
extended their help to us, to all people who
came during the preceding months and
volunteer/shop/bake/cook/ Hours: Monday-Friday from 8:30am-6:30pm
clean/paint and to all those who staffed the
festival stations over the three days. This
undertaking was massive and without all Contact: Call/e-mail Maria at 201-683-9064 or
the volunteers it would have never been
executed. Finally, I must thank the following people who for many months went
τους συνόδευσε στη βραδινή τους
προσευχή και στον ύπνο τους όλο
εκείνο το αξέχαστο βράδυ.
Την άλλη µέρα, µετά τη Θεία
Λειτουργία, η θεία µου άνοιξε το
ντουλάπι, για να πάρει το λιγοστό
αλεύρι, και έµεινε άφωνη. Τί βλέπει; Το
"λαδερό" γεµάτο λά δι µέχρι πάνω, και
δύο σακούλες γεµάτες αλεύρι και
Σταυροκοπήθηκε η γυναίκα πολλές
φορές, δοξάζοντας και ευχαριστώντας
τον Θεό και την Παναγία για το µεγάλο
θαύµα, αλλά δεν είπε σε κανέναν
Για δύο χρόνια ούτε το λάδι άδειαζε
από το µπουκάλι, ούτε και το αλεύρι
"σώθηκε" ποτέ, παρά την καθηµερινή
τους χρήση για έξι στόµατα, για
ανταλλαγή µε άλλα τρόφιµα και για
κρυφή ελεηµοσύνη. Αλλά και το
καντήλι παρέµεινε από τότε µέρανύχτα αναµµένο, µαρτυρώντας µε το
άσβεστο φως του τη ζωντανή πίστη
αυτής της ευλογηµένης γυναίκας.
Θαῦµα τῆς Παναγίας
Ήταν παραµονή του Ευαγγελισµού, 24
Μαρτίου του 1942, και ήµασταν στη
∆ράµα, στην ιδιαιτέρα µου πατρίδα. Η
ξένη κατοχή ήταν βουλγάρικη. Οι
στερήσεις, οι αρρώστιες και η πείνα
είχαν πάρει τροµακτικές διαστάσεις και
ο θάνατος θέριζε κάθε µέρα µικρούς
και µεγάλους και ιδιαιτέρως τα παιδιά.
Μεταξύ των συγγενών µου είχα και µία
µακρινή θεία, χήρα µε πέντε παιδιά.
Τον άνδρα της τον είχαν σκοτώσει οι
κατακτητές πριν από έξι µήνες στις
σφαγές της 29ης Σεπτεµβρίου
Από τρόφιµα της είχαν αποµείνει ένα
δάκτυλο ελαιόλαδο και µία χούφτα
καλαµποκάλευρο. Εκείνο, λοιπόν, το
απόγευµα σκέφθηκε ότι αύριο, του
Ευαγγελισµού, είχε έστω και κάτι λίγο
για τροφή στα παιδιά: εκατό δράµια
αλευράκι κι ένα δάκτυλο λαδάκι.
Ξαφνικά τα µάτια της έπεσαν πάνω στο
σβησµένο καντήλι, που ήταν
κρεµασµένο µπροστά στο εικονοστάσι.
Και τότε µπήκε στο δίληµµα: Το λαδάκι
στα νηστικά παιδιά της ή στο
εικονοστάσι µε την εικόνα του
Ευαγγελισµού; Αποφασιστικά όµως
έκαµε τον σταυρό της και είπε στην
Παναγία: "Παναγία µου! Εγώ θα Σου
ανάψω το καντήλι, γιατί η µέρα που
ξηµερώνει είναι πολύ µεγάλη για την
πίστη µας, αλλά και Σύ όµως ανάλαβε
να µου θρέψης τα παιδιά". Πήρε το
λιγοστό λαδάκι και µ' αυτό άναψε το
καντήλι της Παναγιάς. Το ιλαρό του
φως φώτισε το φτωχικό σπίτι και η
καρδιά της γέµισε από γαλήνη. Αυτό
I was fortunate enough to be able to work with
these charities on behalf of our chapter and
church to submit grant proposals that met the
criteria for each Fund, resulting in $11,000
Presentation $11,000 in Grants to Parish and Philop- worth of funding.
Philoptochos News
tochos Chapter Charities
September Philoptochos Activities:
On Sunday, September 23, 2012, our parish
was blessed to host a formal grant presentation
at the conclusion of church service. National
Board and Philoptochos Metropolis of NJ President Anne Michaels and Metropolis Board and
Past President, St Andrews Philoptochos, Eleni
Constantinides, presented the grant checks.
Anne Michaels noted that National Philoptochos
disburses millions of dollars to assist those in
need and has a special program to support those
in medical crisis, The Children’s Medical Fund.
This September, our chapter baked glyka for the
festival and sponsored the cooking demonstration by Chef Dean on the first day of the festival.
Chef Dean has helped our chapter raise thousands of dollars through annual cooking demonstrations.
For his recipes, check his blog
very own Stacy Militiades demonstrated making tzatziki dip and Sharyn Hanzimanolis demonstrated the art of marking stuffed grape leaves
for YaYa’s Kouzina.
The Alex Marcou Research Fund/
was awarded $10,000. This came from the 2011
Children’s Medical Luncheon fund (restricted to
medical purposes/research) raised at the luncheon we attended in December in Old Greenwich.
I thank the many Philoptochos ladies, their
families and their friends for their volunteerism
in making our first Roseland Greek Fest a success! Thank you to Katie Loucopolos for being
the Pastry Station chair and organizing the
scheduling and work all three days!
Dina Marcou was present to receive the grant
with her 6 year old son Alex who is afflicted by
this rare form of epilepsy and her middle son,
Chris. She spoke movingly of Alex’s challenges
and the need to find a cure for him and the
many other children who suffer from this disease. Information on Alex’s backstory can be
found on the website
The $1,000 grant from the Philoptochos Autism
Assistance Fund for Mom2Mom was awarded to
the organization (non-profit providing services to
those with autism spectrum disorders and special needs). Cherie Castellano, the founder and
our neighbor on Thackery Drive and her colleague, Annette Evans, received the grant.
Often we are asked where does the money go
that our Philoptochos chapter raises; here is one
• We support people/charity at the local level
as well as the archdiocese charities.
Monies raised for National and Metropolis charities return via the grant program for example.
Stewardship Report
Book Review
As of Oct. 9, 2012
Total Pledged members
An Historical Novel by
15 Not paid
207 Paid
$ 221,604
Aliki Katetzopoulou
Total Members not Stewards 438
Constantinople in AD.
400 is the greatest city of its era—the throne of the
Roman Empire with streets of marble and churches
adorned in gold. But not all is right in the imperial
capital: the empress Eudoxia has begun a persecution
of the city’s great pastor and preacher, St. John Chrysostom. Diamonds on the Bosphorus—an historical
novel for young people—is the story of the choice
made by Christians throughout the centuries: to follow
the path of Christ or the path of worldly glory.
192 Paid
246 Not Paid
We are all part of the Church. We must
give a fair-share to support the Church.
Please, do not allow our Church to suffer
financial stress. There are many wonderFul ministries that we could be doing if we
had financial stability. Be a good Steward.
GOD - All Saints
Greek Orthodox Monastery, Calverton, NY
Through the poetic beauty of Orthodox hymnography and original illustrations inspired
by traditional Byzantine iconography, the
sisters of All ts Greek Orthodox Monastery
introduce the story of the Dormition of
the Mother of God for children of all
ages to enjoy. This humble offering
will inspire every reader to honor and
praise our Creator and His beloved
Mother, the Theotokos.
Visit our website
Please let us know if you
move or change phone
We Extend a Warm
Welcome to our New Stewards.
Wanted Parlimentarian
Costeas, Constantinos & Sophia
Halkias, Andres & Adriana
Kales, Katerina
Kazan John & Marietta
Kazan Rose
Lento, Anthony & Marydee
Maragos, Panayiotis
Pritsiolas, Dimitrios & Kristie
Pritsiolas, Leonidas & Melissa
Ruzika, Scott & Laila
Salamandrakis, Christos
Sassone, Joseph & Eleni
Shizas, Consantine & Dorian
Verdis, Demetrios & Vasiliki
Verdis, Michael
The Parish Council would like to have a
Parliamentarian for the interpretation of
“Robert’s Rules” on a volunteer basis, in
addition to, having some knowledge of
Archdiocese Regulations and Parish Bylaws
for the fall Parish Assembly
Parish Assembly
Plan now for our annual Parish Assembly
being held on Sunday Nov. 4, 2012 following Church Liturgy in the Sumas Community Center.
Stitch and Knit News
We wish to take this opportunity to thank everyone
who visited the Stitch and Knit booth at our first
Roseland festival. The response to the items that
the ladies have been knitting throughout the summer
was absolutely overwhelming. The monies from the
sale are going toward the eventual purchase of an
icon for our lovely chapel. Any additional sales receipts will be added to this fund.
The ladies of the Stitch and Knit Organization of
our Church meet every Friday from 10:00 in the
morning to around 1:00 pm. This is a fun, social,
group who enjoy getting together and knitting various items. We knit in the morning, take a lunch
break, and knit for a while in the early afternoon.
The camaraderie among all of the women is what
has made this organization such a fun group and all
of us look forward to getting together and spending
a few hours with each other.
The ladies have been knitting baby hats and booties
for the newborn infants in our Church as well as for
newborn infants in local area hospitals. We also
knit hats and scarves for the veterans at the local
Veterans Administration hospital. Our projects also
include knitting afghans for our housebound parishioners, afghans for nursing home residents as well
as hats for cancer patients undergoing therapy.
Won’t you come and join us on Friday mornings…
if you are an experienced knitter, we can use your
help … we have many knitting orders to fill for
Christmas. If you don’t know how to knit, we will
be happy to teach you.
It is most unfortunate that we must inform
you that we are experiencing vandalism in
our school area. To all our parents help us
to stop this practice before it becomes a
serious matter.
The Church is no place for graffiti or
jammed closets.
Again we ask you to inform your young people to stop this practice immediately. Thank
The Parish Council
Byzantine Concert
Our Church was host to the Byzantine Choir on
Saturday, October 16th They presented “The
musical Legacy of the Holy Fathers in the Orthodox Christian Church”
Approximately 100 people attended the concert
dedicated to "The Musical Legacy Of The Holy
Fathers In The Orthodox Christian
Church." Many who attended were from
neighboring Orthodox parishes, as well as,
some guests from other Orthodox
churches based in New Jersey. Mike Miltiades
chaired the event and the Philoptochos hosted
the reception after the event serving the guests
with delicious fruits, baklavas, eliopittes, other
desserts and coffee.
TEL (973) 736-4600
DIRECT (973) 243-7933
FAX (973) 325-7467