Phos Feb-Mar 2013 - Greek Orthodox Church of St Anna

Περιοδικό τῆς Ἐνορίας-Κοινότητος
Ἁγίας Ἄννας, Χρυσή Ἀκτή
Newsletter of the Greek Orthodox ParishCommunity of St Anna, Gold Coast
Feb—Mar 2013
31 a Crombie Ave, Bundall PO Box 5074 GCMC Qld 9726 (07) 5574 0777, 5574 0434
Happy New Year to you all and your families.
We hope that 2013 is one filled with much joy,
health and abundant blessings. Last year was a
very busy year in our community and 2013 in
shaping up to be another big year on our calendar of events.
All our committees work extremely hard all
year round to put on many different functions
and services for the community’s benefit. These
people, all of whom are volunteers (no, they don’t
get paid!), donate their time for the benefit of our
community. Many times over the years some people forget this fact and it’s very disheartening to
see our volunteers being criticised by a small minority. Rather than criticizing, come and help!
You don’t have to be on any committee to come in
and help in any way. We appreciate any forms
of assistance and you will be made very welcome.
On the 1st of December 2012, this community
was proud to be the host for the Panchian Federation of Australia’s National Conference. It was
a very special event as it coincided with the celebration of the 100 anniversary of the liberation of
Chios. Both the Main Committee and Ladies
Auxiliary worked hard to ensure that this would
be a memorable event for our Chios friends. In
excess of 300 delegates attended the Dinner
Dance held in our venue, including the National
President, Mr Pantelis Kolokithas, and State
Presidents from NSW, VIC, SA, and Qld, with
fellow associate members. We’d sincerely like to
thank the Qld State President, Mr Jack Conias
who liaised tirelessly with our community to ensure its success. Congratulations Jack!
We thank all our volunteers preceding the
event, on the day and of course on Sunday when
State delegates held their national meeting on
our premises. Our Ladies Auxiliary also provided
morning tea for the delegates, with sumptuous
array of sweets with morning tea and coffee provided. The committee wishes to personally thank
chefs, John and Louis Grosdanis, for their professionalism and culinary skills who both so generously assisted and shared these skills with the
Ladies Auxiliary in the preparation, cooking and
plating of the meals for the Dinner Dance. We
extend our warm appreciation to them both.
On the 9th of December 2012, the Greek School
had its end of year concert. All Greek School students received their certificates.
awards and the Ahepan Bursary was presented
by Ahepan Mr Sam Koutsoukos to the most outstanding students. This year the winner of the
annual Bursary was Joanna Politakis. Congratulations to Maria, on a wonderful effort in
2012. We once again thank Ahepa for attending this event, for their generosity, and for
their kindness to this community. Also in attendance from Ahepa were Chris and Eleni
Georga, the immediate Past President of
Carols by Candlelight was held on Sunday
the 16th of December 2012. It was a beautiful
evening and many new faces attended on the
night to enjoy singing Carols in both Greek
and English. We hope this year will be an even
bigger event. It’s a great night of the community coming together as one family.
On Sunday the 6th of January 2013, we had
our annual Theophania(Blessing of the Waters) ceremony at Evandale and straight afterwards the community held its annual Souvla
Luncheon. Congratulations to Crystal Paris
and Ziggy Zantiotis who retrieved the cross in
their respective categories. We had a large
gathering of approximately 300 parishioners
at the luncheon and a great time was had by
all. In attendance also on the day, were four
lifesavers from Greece who had been here on
the Gold Coast for the past two months training to obtain their Bronze Medallion. Two of
the lifesavers had attended the training previously and were updating and deepening their
knowledge and skills, whilst the other two
were successful in obtaining their Bronze Medallion. We thank Mr and Mrs Souris and the
Kotarides family for billeting them whilst on
the Gold Coast.
We thank the Ladies Auxiliary for all the
hard efforts, the Main Committee and all the
volunteers who made the Theophania event
successful. We’d particularly like to thank
dear friend to us all, Mr Spiro Levanes who
once again did a brilliant job working side by
side with the Ladies Auxiliary and gently
guiding with the food preparation, cooking and
food presentation. We are deeply grateful to
you, Spiro, for your ongoing assistance.
On a sad note, our deepest sympathy to the
Koroniadis family and friends on the passing
of Mrs Sophia Koroniadis who passed away on
the 23rd of December 2012. May her memory
be eternal.
James Nides
Honourary President
Coming up
in Feb-Mar:
Feb 6 Greek School
Feb 22 Fund raiserStelio Dionisiou
Mar 10 Seniors
Mar 13 Parthenon
Marbles Lecture at St
See Inside
go to our website
To see the Phos in colour, visit our website at:
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Even though the New Year
commenced, this is the first
opportunity we have had to
wish Father Roman and all
of you within our community
good health for 2013.
The end of last year was a
whirl of Christmas Carols,
Greek School Breakup and
catering for the Chios Association. We thank all of you
who assisted us with those
endeavours, especially chefs,
John and Louis Grosdanis
who very kindly donated
their time and skills during
the National Chios Association Conference held at our
We are also deeply grateful
to all of you who so generously donated groceries for
our Christmas Hamper
Drive. On behalf of the
Co mm un it y,
w ere
uplifted to be able to donate
64 large boxes filled with
food to assist needy families.
The Theophania celebrations
were very successful again
this year with a full hall of
parishioners filled with the
joy of the “Blessing of the
Waters” celebration. We
thank all who attended and
those who assisted in
continuing to make this one
of our most sought after
functions. We remain
indebted to Spiro Levanes
who so generously gives us
his ongoing professional
assistance with the cuisine.
We kindly thank Diana
Kalas who again this year
generously donated holy
water bottles.
This is our year for the Gold
Coast Greek Festival which
will be held again in July at
the Evandale Parklands.
Please look for updates as
we work hard to spread the
Greek spirit to our city.
The Ladies Auxiliary was
the proud recipient of a
Certificate given at the
Australia Day Awards at
the Council Chambers. The
Auxiliary was nominated in
recognition of the work
done with our Community
and within the broader
community. The nomination would not have been
extraordinary help given by
all of you - hundreds of
volunteers throughout the
Father Roman, Sandra
Voukelatos, Sally Cominos
Dakin, Jim and Helen Raptis
recently represented our community at the 11th Clergy
Laity Conference held in
Sydney. This is a national
conference held every few
years. At this Conference,
Father Roman and Jim Raptis together with Father
Dimitri and
Michael Anastas (both of St George) were
elected to the Archdiocese
Council as the Queensland
On Sunday, 10 March, we
will be honouring the 15
Year milestone of our Senior Citizens with a luncheon. We invite all of you to
attend to celebrate together.
It is not just a function for
Seniors, but for all the Community. The Seniors have
nominated the Gold Coast
Hospital to be the recipient
of a portion of the profits. As
the hospital is used by many
of us, we would like to show
our support for this is where
we receive help in our most
dire hour of need.
A movie night to be held at a cinema is
currently being organised. Please watch
out for the coming details.
This year we would like to have 3 dance
classes, one for children between 5 and 9,
one for children between 10 and 13 and
one from year 8 onwards.
If you haven’t already completed an application form and returned it to the administration office by email of post,
please go to our web page and download
form and return by 22nd February.
You will be notified of date and times of
when dancing classes are to commence.
Please understand if you would like your
child to perform at our festival and other
functions this year they must attend
classes regularly as per the details on the
application form.
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Αποσπάσµατα από Το Γεροντικόν
Κάποιος αδελφός της Σκήτης έσφαλε. Έγινε συγκέντρωση στην
οποία κάλεσαν τον αββά Μωυσή αλλ’αυτός δεν θέλησε να πάει.
Του παρήγγειλε τότε ο πρεσβύτερος: «Έλα, γιατί σε περιµένουν
όλοι». Κι εκείνος σηκώθηκε και πήγε κρατώντας στην πλάτη ένα
καλάθι τρύπιο που το γέµισε µε άµµο. Οι Πατέρες που βγήκαν να
τον προϋπαντήσουν του λένε: «Τι είναι αυτό, πάτερ;» «Οι αµαρτίες
µου―απαντά ο Γέροντας―που κυλούν και πέφτουν πίσω µου και
δεν τις βλέπω και ήλθα εγώ σήµερα να κρίνω τα σφάλµατα
άλλου». Όταν τ’άκουσαν αυτά οι Πατέρες, δεν είπαν τίποτε
εναντίον του αδελφού αλλά τον συγχώρεσαν .
Ρώτησε ένας αδελφός τον αββά Ποιµένα: «Εάν δώ κάποιο σφάλµα
του αδελφού µου, είναι καλό να το σκεπάσω;» Κι ο Γέροντας
απάντησε: «Όποια ώρα σκεπάσουµε το σφάλµα του αδελφού µας,
σκεπάζει και ο Θεός το δικό µας. Και όποια ώρα θα φανερώσουµε
του αδελφού το σφάλµα, θα φανερώσει και ο Θεός το δικό µας».
Είπε ένας Γέροντας: «Μην κρίνεις τον πόρνο. Εάν εσύ είσαι
σώφρων. Κι εσύ είσαι παραβάτης του νόµου όπως κι εκείνος. Γιατί
Αυτός που είπε να µην πορνεύσεις (Ματθ. 5,27), είπε και να µην
κρίνεις (Ματθ. 7,1)».35. Ήταν κάποιος Γέροντας που έτρωγε
καθηµερινά τρία παξιµάδια. Τον επισκέφθηκε κάποιος αδελφός και
όταν κάθησαν να φάνε, έβαλε και για τον αδελφό τρία παξιµάδια.
Είδε κατόπιν ο Γέροντας ότι ο αδελφός είχε ανάγκη να φάει
περισσότερο και τού ’φερε άλλα τρία. Αφού χόρτασαν και
σηκώθηκαν, κατέκρινε ο Γέροντας τον αδελφό και του είπε: «∆εν
πρέπει, αδελφέ, να υπηρετούµε τη σάρκα µας». Ο αδελφός έβαλε
µετάνοια στον Γέροντα και έφυγε.
Την επόµενη ηµέρα όταν έφθασε η ώρα για φαγητό, έβαλε ο
Γέροντας τα τρία παξιµάδια για τον εαυτό του. Αλλά αφού τα
έφαγε, αισθάνθηκε πάλι να πεινά αλλά συγκρατήθηκε. Την άλλη
µέρα πάλι το ίδιο έπαθε και άρχισε να αισθάνεται εξάντληση.
Κατάλαβε τότε ο Γέροντας ότι τον εγκατέλειψε ο Θεός και
ρίχνοντας τον εαυτό του ενώπιον του Θεού, άρχισε να παρακαλεί
µετά δακρύων για την εγκατάλειψη που του έγινε. Και βλέπει έναν
άγγελο που του είπε: «Αυτό σου συνέβη, επειδή κατέκρινες τον
αδελφό. Να ξέρεις λοιπόν ότι αυτός που µπορεί να εγκρατεύεται ή
να κάνει κάποιο άλλο καλό, δεν το κάνει µε δική του δύναµη, αλλά
η αγαθότητα του Θεού είναι που ενισχύει τον άνθρωπο».
Έλεγαν οι Γέροντες τίποτε δεν είναι χειρότερο από την κατάκριση.
Ένας άγιος άνθρωπος, όταν είδε κάποιον να αµαρτάνει, δάκρυσε
και είπε: «Αυτός σήµερα και εγώ σίγουρα αύριο». Ακόµη κι αν
πραγµατικά αµαρτήσει κάποιος µπροστά σου, µην τον κρίνεις,
αλλά να θεωρείς τον εαυτό σου πιο αµαρτωλό απ’αυτόν, έστω κι
αν είναι κοσµικός.
Κάποιος αµαρτωλός έκανε µια ερώτηση σ’έναν άγιο Γέροντα για
να έχει µια βάση, ώστε να µην αµαρτάνει µε τον λογισµό.
«Ας υποθέσουµε―είπε―ότι βλέπω κάποιον να κάνει κάτι και το
λέω αυτό σε κάποιον άλλο και βλέπω ότι δεν τον κατακρίνω, αλλά
απλώς το συζητούµε. Αυτό παύει να είναι κατάκριση;» Ο Γέροντας
είπε: «Εάν µιλάς µε εµπάθεια έχοντας κάτι εναντίον του, είναι
κατάκριση, αν όµως είσαι ελεύθερος από πάθος, δεν είναι
κατάκριση. Αλλά για να µη µεγαλώσει το κακό, η σιωπή είναι
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11 Clergy-Laity Congress 2013
From 20-23 January our Parish-Community was represented by our Parish Priest and other members of our
main committee and Ladies Auxiliary at the 11th
Clergy-Laity Congress of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia held in Sydney. Representing the Hellenic Republic in Queensland was the Hon. Consul Mr
Jim Raptis and his wife Mrs Helen Raptis.
The general theme of the congress was the Pauline
phrase: “let us run with endurance the race that is set
before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of
our faith” (Heb 12:1-2).
The Ecumenical Patriarch was represented at the congress by the His Grace Metropolitan Nicholas of Detroit, together with special guest His Grace Eugenios
Metropolitan of Rethymnon Crete, invited by
Archbishop Stylianos. The keynote address was delivered by Emeritus Professor of Theology from Athens
University Mr Nicolaos Xexakis.
The congress began with an Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on Sunday 20 January at the Cathedral in Redfern,
followed by a doxology and official dinner at St Spyridon Church, Kingsford.
The congress continued with the Pastoral report of His
Eminence covering the past four years of ministry, followed by other reports, group meetings, resolutions,
plenary sessions and dinners hosted by the Parishes of
St Stylianos Gymea and All-Saints Belmore. It was also
noted that His Eminence completed 37 years of dedicated leadership and service to the Church in Australia
since his enthronement in 1975.
Η ΙΑ Κληρικολαική Συνέλευση
Η ΙΑ᾽ Κληρικολαική Συνέλευση της Ιεράς
Αρχιεπισκοπής Αυστραλίας πραγµατοποιήθηκε από
20 έως 23 Ιανουαρίου στο Σύδνεϋ, µε γενικό θέµα
το Παύλειο: “δι’ υποµονής τρέχοµεν τον προκείµενον
ηµίν αγώνα, αφορώντες εις τον της πίστεως Αρχηγόν
και τελειωτήν Ιησούν” (Εβρ. 12, 1-2).
Ο Οικουµενικός Πατριάρχης κ.κ. Βαρθολοµαίος
εκπροσωπήθηκε στην Κληρικολαική απο τον
Μητροπολίτη Ντητρόιτ Νικόλαο, ενώ στις εργασίες
έλαβε µέρος και ο Μητροπολίτης Ρεθύµνης και
Αυλοποτάµου κ. Ευγένιος.
Αξίζει να σηµειωθεί ότι ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος µας
συµπλήρωσε ήδη 37 χρόνια Αρχιεπισκοπείας και
εισέρχεται αισίως στο 38ο έτος. Πρόκειται για τον
µακροβιότερο ποιµενάρχη της Αυστραλίας.
Στην Κληρικολαική έλαβαν µέρος πάνω από 450
άτοµα, κληρικοί και λαϊκοί, όπως επίσης, ο οµότιµος
καθηγητής της Θεολογικής Σχολής του
Πανεπιστηµίου Αθηνών Νικόλαος Ξεξάκης.
Μεταξύ των συνέδριων έλαβαν µέρος καί ο Επίτιµος
Πρόξενος Ελλάδος στην Κουηνσλάνδη κ. ∆ηµήτριο
Ράπτη µε την σύζυγό του Ελένη, ο ιερατικός
προϊστάµενός µας π. Ρωµανός και άλλα µέλη του
διοικητικού συµβουλείου και της φιλοπττώχου
Memorial Services
Memorial services are held as an act of love and remembrance towards the departed members of the Church. They are not,
however, held on the following days:
• From the Saturday of Lazarus until the Sunday of St. Thomas.
On the feast days of our Lord: The Circumcision (1st January), Epiphany (6th January) The Presentation (2nd February) The Annunciation (25th March) The Ascension, Pentecost, The Transfiguration (6th August) and Christmas Day (25th December).
On the Feast of the Parish Church.
On the 15 August, the Dormition of the Virgin Mary.
To arrange for Kollyva, contact Theo and Maria Asimopoulos 5578 2995 or 0408 500 382.
Μνηµόσυνα µετά κολλύβων δέν τελοῦνται:
• ἈZό τοῦ Σαββάτου τοῦ Λαζάρου µέχρι καί τῆς Κυριακῆς τοῦ Θωµᾶ.
• Κατά τίς ∆εσZοτικές καί κύριες Θεοµητορικές ἑορτές, ἤτοι: Τήν Zρώτη τοῦ ἔτους, τῶν Θεοφανείων, τῆς ὙZαZαντῆς, τοῦ
Εὐαγγελισµοῦ τῆς Θεοτόκου, τῆς Ἀναλήψεως, τῆς Πεντηκοστῆς, τῆς Μεταµορφώσεως, τῆς Κοιµήσεως τῆς Θεοτόκου, τῆς
Ὑψώσεως τοῦ Τιµίου Σταυροῦ, τά Χριστούγεννα καί τήν ∆ευτέρα τῶν Χριστουγέννων.
Τήν ἡµέρα κατά τήν ὁZοία Zανηγυρίζει ὁ Ναός τῆς Ἐνορίας-Κοινότητος.
Για να παραγγείλετε κόλλυβα τηλεφωνήστε στους Θεόδωρο και Μαρία Ασιµόπουλο 5578 2995 ή 0408 500 382
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Greek School Breakup &
Christmas Party 2013
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Date: Wednesday 13 March 2013
Time: 7.30pm
Guest speaker: Mr Emmanuel Comino AM
Location: The Greek Club, 29 Edmonstone
Street, South Brisbane
Contact: 07 3844 1166 or
Event dedicated to: the late Dr Con Castan
Mr Comino is Chairman and founder of the
IOC in Australia for the Restitution of the
Parthenon Marbles.
Greek School recommences on the 6th February. Hours are 4.30 - 7.00 every Wednesday.
The school caters for all school aged children. Year 11 and 12 (Year 2 & 3 Lyceum) have
been board approved and accepted as OP subjects.
For further information about Greek School ring 5574 1376 on Wednesday between3.30pm &
7.00pm, or ring School Administration 0419 661 463 or contact the Community Office on (07)
5574 0434.
Senior Citizens
Program subject to change without notice
5 Feb
We meet at our Hall at 10.30 am. The Committee
will be providing Lunch.
5 Φεβ
Θά συναντηθούμε στο χώλ μας 10,30 π.μ, το
συμβούλιο θα προσφέρει γεύμα.
12 Feb
We meet at our Hall at 10.30 am. Lunch at Benowa Tavern.
12 Φεβ
Θά συναντηθούμε στο χώλ μας 10,30 π.μ, Lunch
at Benowa Tavern
19 Feb
We meet at our Hall at 10.30 am. BYO Food
19 Φεβ
Θά συναντηθούμε στο χώλ μας 10,30 π.μ. με τα
φαγητά μας
26 Feb
We meet at our Hall at 10.30 am. BYO Food
26 Φεβ
Θά συναντηθούμε στο χώλ μας 10,30 π.μ. με τα
φαγητά μας
5 Mar
We meet at our Hall at 10.30 am. The Committee
will be providing Lunch.
5 Μαρ
Θά συναντηθούμε στο χώλ μας 10,30 π.μ, το
συμβούλιο θα προσφέρει γεύμα.
12 Mar
We meet at our Hall at 10.30 am. The Committee
will be providing Lunch.
12 Μαρ
Θά συναντηθούμε στο χώλ μας 10,30 π.μ, το
συμβούλιο θα προσφέρει γεύμα.
19 Mar
We meet at our Hall at 10.30 am. BYO Food
19 Μαρ
Θά συναντηθούμε στο χώλ μας 10,30 π.μ. με τα
φαγητά μας
26 Mar
We meet at our Hall at 10.30 am. BYO Food
26 Μαρ
Θά συναντηθούμε στο χώλ μας 10,30 π.μ. με τα
φαγητά μας
Father Romanos Stergiou—Parish Priest
Phone: 07 5574 0777 Mobile: 0414 740 477
Fax: 5574 2287
Office Hours: by appointment please call directly