THE ORTHODOX L GHT - Saint George Clifton

…..”the light of the knowledge of the glory of God”
2 Corinthians 4.6
Greek Orthodox Church of Saint George
& The Shrine of Saint Nectarios
Clifton, NJ
Winter Issue: December 2013—February 2014
Fr. Peter’s Message:
Christ comes to us again and again!
Some Highlights In This Issue:
 Fr. Peter’s Message………….Page 1 & 3
Fr. John’s Message…………..Page 5
Stewardship Update………....Page 10
Sayings of Father Ephraim….Page 11-13
Life of St. Savvas…………....Page 20-21
Metropolitan’s Encyclical…....Page 22 & 31
St. Anthimos Church………..Page 28-29
Christmas Lenten Recipe…....Page 18
Church Sacraments…………Page 27
Support our Sponsors………Pages 32-36
Ministry Updates throughout
When Christ was born in
Bethlehem of Judea, He chose to
be born not of famous mother
known to the entire world, but of
a pure, humble, peasant girl. He
chose as his place of entry into
this world not a palace, but a cold, damp cave
that served as a stable for animals. Who would
have thought at the time that this child born of
this humble mother in such a desolate place was
God Himself? Yet doesn’t this very same thing
happen again in the Eucharist? The all-powerful
Christ, Lord of heaven and earth, who holds the
whole universe in His hands, who is worshipped
by all creation, removes His majesty and glory
which would make Him unapproachable, and
comes to us in this Sacrament of Holy
Communion, and offers himself in full humility
again, under the simple forms of bread and
Continued on Page 3
Happy Holidays / Καλές Γιορτές!
Fr. Peter, Fr. John,
The Parish Council and All the Church Ministries wish everyone a
Merry Christmas and a Blessed and Healthy New Year!
The Orthodox Light
Church Ministries & Church Information
The Orthodox Light
The Official Publication of
St. George Greek Orthodox Church 818 Valley Road Clifton, NJ 07013
Phone: 973-779-2626 Fax: 973-777-6946
Shutterfly Picture Sharing Site:
Kostas Tsanakos
1st Vice President
John Foukas
2nd Vice President
William Nicholas
John Malindretos
Nicholas Marcopulos
Dominick Pepe
Assistant Treasurer
Angela Delaney
Nikitas Alexiades
Sophie Logothetis
Jerry Cammarata
Steven Manis
Spyros Demetropoulos
William G. Nicholas
Panos Diamandopoulos
Christothea Pavlou-Pandazis
Steve Drimones
Dr. George Scordilis
Demetrios Kanellos
Efrosini Sullivan
Peter Koukounas
George Zachos
We extend to you a warm and
heartfelt Christian welcome! Our
parish is dedicated to imitating
the love and faithfulness of Jesus
Christ by sharing the Gospel
with our words and living it with
our lives. We seek to strengthen
and encourage one another in the
faith so that we may be equipped
to welcome many more into our
family as fellow disciples of
Jesus Christ.
Church Office Hours
Daily 9:30am to 5:30 pm
Church Liturgical Schedule
Sunday Divine Liturgy Schedule
Orthros 9:00am
Divine Liturgy 10:00am
Weekday Divine Liturgy Schedule
Orthros & Divine Liturgy: 9:00am
Fr. Peter Souritzidis & Dr. Peter Salierno
Helga Diamandopoulos
Yannis Magiros & Angelo Duvlaris
Barbara Pepe, Alicia Pepe & Presvytera
Greek School Chairman
Anastasios Koularmanis
Greek School Director
Joyce Logothetis
GOYA Advisors
Alexandra Argiris & Sophie Logothetis
GOYA Sports Head Coach
Michael Halkias
GOYA Assistant Coaches
Spiro Katechis, George Orfanakos, Nick
Mariolis, & Kalliope Vergis
GOYA President
Eleni Argiris
Hope/Joy Advisors
Elaine Manoliadis & Angela Delaney
Hellenic Music Society
Yannis Magiros
Orthodox Life Institute
Dr. Peter Salierno
Kali Parea
Tina Stames
Moschos Scoullis, Ross Halkias &
Anastasia Pagonis
Daughters of Penelope
Athens Zambelis
Church Secretary
Elaine Catsicas
Orthodox Light
Anthoula Bozios
Orthodox Light Sponsor Ads Christothea Pavlou-Pandazis
Religious Book Store
Irene Houlis
Bible Study
Philoptochos President
Choir Directors
Church School Directors
The Orthodox Light
Fr. Peter’s Message continued from page 1
What happened in Bethlehem long ago happens again today whenever The Liturgy is
celebrated. Christ comes to us again quietly, humbly, disguised under the forms of bread and
wine. Have you ever imagined what would happen if Christ were to descend on the altar with
the same glorified body with which the disciples saw Him ascending into heaven? Who of us
would dare approach Him? Or if He should offer us His body as it was when it was taken
down from the cross on Good Friday? Who of us would dare touch it? Through the great
Sacrament of Holy Communion the Lord makes Himself most approachable, even as He did
in the manger, and comes to us ever so humbly under the forms of bread and wine. Every
time the Divine Liturgy is celebrated, before the
actual Liturgy begins, during the service of the
Proskomede, the priest prepares the gifts offered by
the people, the bread (Prosforon) and wine. These
are the gifts that are carried around the church
among the faithful during the great entrance. The
table where this preparation takes place, to the left
of the Holy Altar table, always has the icon of the
birth of the Lord on it. In this way we are reminded
that the Eucharist is the perpetuation of Christmas.
Every time we come to receive Holy Communion,
like the shepherds of two thousand years ago we are
we are right there witnessing again the birth of the Savior.
In celebrating Christmas we observe not only God’s coming into the world thousands
of years ago; we celebrate also His coming into the world today. This Christmas let us all
approach Him and let the Lord be born in the manger of our soul through this great
Sacrament. Sharing in this Sacrament unites us with Christ and with each other, with brotherly
and sisterly love and renews our commitment for our Christian walk in life. It is the greatest
“Christmas Gift” one could ever receive! His Gift to us.
With warm and heartfelt wishes for a blessed Christmas Season and a Happy New
Year. +Fr. Peter
The Orthodox Light
Parish Council President’s Message
On Thanksgiving, the upcoming national holiday, we are blessed with
the opportunity to gather with family and friends and observe a time of
gratitude for our lives, for the fruits of the earth, and for the grace of God.
There are times, of course, when we are all tempted to feel ungrateful. At
such times it is good for us to think about the great things God has done for
As Orthodox Christians we know and affirm that this attitude of the
holidays is not just reserved this time of the year, but it characterizes the life
in Christ each and every day.
Giving thanks to God, showing our gratitude to Him for His love, is both an act and an
attitude that offers a continuous witness to the world of the power of saving faith.
Giving to God and being a part of the Church means to be a proactive member of our
community, to attend the Liturgy and the various functions and fundraisers. Our recent
fundraiser, the car raffle is a great example of such deeds. Nevertheless after breaking even,
we must put forth a greater effort and a stronger dedication in the upcoming events so we can
raise money to support our church. Through strong participation in our various fundraisers
and the stewardship program, we can achieve our goals collectively as a team and prosper as a
church. Strengthening our church is a huge task and it takes all of us working together. We
are all called to do as much as we can, in any way we can. Let us put our Church first and take
good care of her, so that she can be there to take care of us in our time of need.
God Bless,
Kosta Tsanakos
Orthodox Life Institute by Dr. Peter Salierno
The Orthodox Life Institute at St .George's Church is alive and well!!! The Institute
continues to provide courses that reflect for the student of the Orthodox faith and lifestyle.
The Fall of 2013 classes were offered in the study of the Epistles of Saint John the
Theologian as well as an overview of his Book of the Revelation the last book of the New
Testament. They were chosen for study by the students who had completed a course in the
study of the Gospel of John during the previous semester. The Institute tries to study with an
integration of scripture with history theology as well as an application to our personal lives
and times. Classes meet every Tuesday evening at 7:30 PM at the church. Classes will continue
in January for Spring semester 2014. The course of study will be announced at a later date.
We hope to see you at our meetings where you can grow learn and share as an Orthodox
The Orthodox Light
Περί Αγιωσύνης υπó Πατρóς Ιωáννου
«Καθαρίσωμεν εαυτούς από παντός μολυσμού σαρκός καί πνεύματος,
επιτελούντες αγιωσύνην» (Β! Κορ. 7, 1)
Μας καλεί ο Απόστολος Παύλος να καθαρίσωμε τον εαυτόν μας από κάθε
μολυσμόν σαρκός και πνεύματος, αγωνιζόμενοι συνεχώς μέχρι τέλους είς τον
δρόμο της αγιότητος, με φόβον Θεού.
Με άλλους λόγους θα λέγαμε ότι ο Απόστολος Παύλος κάμνει εδώ λόγο για το
τι είναι οι πιστοί. Τους θεωρεί συγκεκριμένα ώς ναό του Θεού, μέσα είς τον οποίον κατοικεί
αυτός ο ίδιος ο Θεός. Είναι φυσικόν επομένως, ο ναός αυτός να μένει αγνός και καθαρός διότι
φιλοξενεί μέσα του τον ίδιον τόν Θεόν.
Εάν προσπαθούμε να έχουμε το σπίτι μας καθαρό και ευπαρουσίαστο όταν πρόκειται να
υποδεχθούμε ένα επίσημο πρόσωπο, πόσον μάλλον θα πρέπει να καθαρίσουμε τον εαυτόν μας,
όταν πρόκειται περί αυτού τού Θεού.
Εις την πρώτη περίπτωσι την καθαρότητα τού σπιτιού απλώς χρειάζεται λίγη φιλοτιμία και λίγη
καλή θέλησι. Εις την Δευτέρα όμως την καθαρότητα τού εαυτού μας, η εργασία είναι πιό
συνεχής και πιό επίπονη και χρειάζεται προσοχή και ενδιαφέρον. Ενα και μόνο πάθος, λέγει ο
Απόστολος Παύλος ημπορεί να μολύνη τον εαυτόν μας και να μάς κάμη υπευθύνους ενώπιον της
θείας δικαιοσύνης. Οπως ακρυβώς συμβαίνει και με τον άρρωστο άνθρωπο, δεν χρειάζεται να
πάσχη από όλες τις αρρώστειες, μία και μόνον είναι ικανή να επιφέρη τον θάνατον.
Προσοχή λοιπόν χρειάζετε στα αμαρτήματα πού μολύνουν και θανατώνουν την ψυχή και το
πνεύμα «επιτελούντες αγιωσύνην» αγωνιζόμενοι είς τον δρόμον της αγιότητος πού είναι μια
συνεχής και αδιάκοπη προσπάθεια διά την σωτηρία του ανθρώπου.
Oratorical Festival by Presvytera Margaret Orfanakos
Our parish has been involved in the Oratorical Festival since its beginning in 1983.
Throughout the ensuing years we have had many participants at the parish level; many of
whom went on to participate in the Archdiocese level of the Festival. Of course, the only
category at the time was speech. This year, following the lead of the Metropolis of Chicago,
two new categories of essay and poetry are being introduced. Although, we encourage our
teenagers to take part in the speech category, we feel essay and poetry will also encourage
others to participate in the Festival. Whichever type one decides to do, speech, essay or
poetry, the topic selected must be selected from the 2014 Topics. They can be found on the
following link:
The Orthodox Light
Our Greek School by Joyce Logothetis
As our 2013-2014 Greek School year began in mid September with an Agiasmo
blessing, we also welcomed some new Greek School families along with Mrs. Zoe
Zevlikaris, our new 3rd Grade teacher. The students immediately began their lessons and
preparing for a special OXI DAY tribute in commemorating Greek Prime Minister Metaxas's
rejection to Mussolini's troops and all the Greek heroes that fought with courage to preserve
and promote freedom and democracy ultimately for around the world. Following a wonderful
performance in the church with all of our students in Pre-K through 6th, everyone proceeded
in the lower hall and enjoyed pizza, (graciously donated by Grimaldi's of Clifton), cake, and
On Saturday, October 26th, our annual Greek School Harvest Party took place in the
Fellowship Hall. Everyone enjoyed a fun-filled evening of delicious food, prizes, and DJ
Entertainment. Sincere thanks is extended to ALL who helped to make it a successful
evening. Special recognition and many thanks to our Greek School parents, Mrs. Mary
Koularmanis and Mrs. Tina Malindretos, for volunteering to chair this event and for making it
possible to have this event for all our St. George Parishioners and friends once again.
In December, as the children will be practicing the "kalanda", our Greek School will
once again be preparing to host our annual "Christmas Brunch" in the Fellowship Hall
following the Church School's Pageant in the church. Everyone in the community is
welcomed to enjoy brunch and a special visit from Santa Claus!
In honor of The Feast Day of The Three Hierarchs and Greek Letters Day in January,
the Greek School students will have prepared for our annual Greek Cultural Exhibit. All are
invited to join us in the Fellowship Hall during coffee hour and visit each grade level's special
prepared exhibit as the students celebrate and honor our Greek faith, culture and heritage.
On behalf of our
Greek School
Board, Teaching
Staff, and
Students, we wish
all of our fellow
St. George
Parishioners and
Friends a very
blessed holiday
season filled with
health, happiness,
and love.
The Orthodox Light
Greek School Pictures
Celebrating OXI Day (October 28)….proud of our teachers and our kids for
continuing to honor and remember this important day in our Greek History!!
The Orthodox Light
Greek School Pictures
Fun was had by all in a safe environment
surrounded by teachers, parents and many
The Orthodox Light
Beefsteak Dinner
The night of October 5th our church held it’s first Beefsteak Dinner. The
event was chaired by Dr. George Scordilis and it was a great success! And
to many more! Kai Tou Xronou!
Many Gift Baskets were
raffled off and the Door Prize
was a Flat Screen TV
The Food was Catered by
Nightingale Catering
The Orthodox Light
Stewardship by Barbara Pepe
Are you ready for the new year that’s right around the
corner? As Orthodox Christians we all understand that the
responsibility of Stewardship belongs to each and every one
of us! It is not only up to the person or family sitting next
to us in Church to give of their time, talent and treasure it’s also up to us! Too often in a
Church setting we hear people say, “They should do this….they should do that” but who is
“they”….WE ARE!
Every parishioner needs to:
-Make an annual Stewardship pledge
-Fulfill that annual Stewardship pledge
-Participate in the ministries of the Church
-Offer assistance at Church functions
-Share your talents to help others
-Attend Church regularly
-Get to know your fellow parishioner
-Use your energy to help others
Time for the TOUGH question: Have you made and fulfilled your pledge for 2013? If
not, there is still time for you to do so. 2013 Pledge cards can be found in the atrium and in
the Church office. Don’t miss this opportunity to do the right thing!
We need YOU!
Our Stewardship icon for 2014 is The Gifts of the Magi and our theme is a quote from St.
John Chrysostom “A Rich Man is not one who has much but one who gives much. For what
he gives away remains his forever.”
The Gifts of the Magi icon presents the Wise Men offering
gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to the Christ Child.
These wealthy scholars and priests of the East endured
numerous dangers, and traveled a great distance to offer their
treasures to Christ, the newborn king. What a beautiful and
meaningful example they set for all future generations, helping
us to understand the blessing of giving. As we reflect on this
beautiful stewardship icon, let us take to heart the words of St.
John Chrysostom: “The rich man is not the one who has
much, but the one who gives much. For what one gives away,
he keeps for all eternity.”
Stewardship Sunday 2014 is set for January 12th
What gift will you bring for the good of God’s Church?
The Orthodox Light
Ἀπόσπασματα áπό το βιβλίο Γέροντας Παΐσίου
Ἀπόσπασματα ἀπό το βιβλίο Γέροντας Παΐσιος ὁ Ἁγιορείτης 1924-1994 Νικόλαος Α.
Ζουρνατζόγλου Ἐπισμηναγός Ε.Α. ἐκδόσεις Ἁγιοτοκος Καππαδοκία.
Όταν προσεύχεστε θα πρέπει να καταβάλετε μεγάλη προσοχή στις λέξεις της
προσευχής που διαβάζετε. Εκεί είναι που πρέπει να βρίσκεται η προσοχή σας
συνεχώς. Ο νους έχει την ικανότητα να φέρνει μπροστά μας κάθε είδους
εικόνα. Τα πάντα μπορούμε να παραστήσουμε σαν πυροτέχνημα στο μυαλό
μας. Σε μια τέτοια κατάσταση ενδέχεται να νομίζουμε ότι βλέπουμε ένα όραμα
και να πειστούμε ολότελα πως ότι βλέπουμε είναι αληθινό. Δεν πρέπει να το
κάνουμε αυτό. Ο νους μας είναι πολύ περισπασμένος. Οι Άγιοι Πατέρες λένε
ότι υπάρχουν μόνο τέσσερα πράγματα που μπορούμε να σκεφτόμαστε κατά
την ώρα της προσευχής-όχι ακριβώς να τα σκεφτόμαστε, αλλά να τα έχουμε
κατά νου. Αυτά είναι ο θάνατος, η έσχατη κρίση, ο παράδεισος και η κόλαση.
When you pray you should pay great attention to the words of prayer you are reading. This is
where your attention must be constantly. The mind has the ability to bring forward all kinds
of pictures. Everything can be presented like a firework in our minds. In such a situation one
might think that he is seeing a vision and be totally convinced that the vision is true. We
should not do this. Our mind is very fragmented. The Holy fathers say that there are only
four things we can think about at the time of prayer-not exactly to think, but to bear in
mind. These are death, the last judgment, heaven and hell.
Ἀπό τά παιδιά ἀπαιτοῦσε πολύ σεβασμό πρός τούς γονεῖς ὅποιοι κι ἄν ἦταν. Ἄν ἦσαν
πεθαμένοι, ἤθελε νά κάνουνε πολλή προσευχή, ὅπως καί γιά ὅλους τούς κεκοιμημένους. Ἔλεγε:
‟Μέ τήν προσευχή τούς κερνᾶτε «μιά πορτοκαλάδα, ἕνα ἀναψυκτικό’’. Τό τόνιζε αὐτό: ‟Ν’
ἀφήνετε μέρος τῆς προσευχῆς σας γιά τούς κεκοιμημένους. Οἱ πεθαμένοι δέν μποροῦν νά
κάνουν τίποτα. Οἱ ζωντανοί μποροῦν’’. Γιά τούς κεκοιμημένους, τόνιζε, νά κάνουμε καί πολλή
ἐλεημοσύνη. ‟Ὅταν ἐλεῆτε κάποιον’’, ἔλεγε, ‟νά λέτε γιά ποιόν τό κάνετε. Νά την πάρη ὁ
ἄλλος τήν ἐλεημοσύνη καί νά πῆ «Θεός συγχωρέστ’ τον». Ἄν ὁ ἄλλος τό πῆ μέ τήν καρδιά του,
τό μετράει ὁ Θεός’’.Ἐπίσης νά κάνετε μνημόσυνα καί τρισάγια. Σκέτο τό τρισάγιο, χωρίς Θεία
Λειτουργία, εἶναι ἐλάχιστο. Τό μέγιστο, πού μποροῦμε νά κάνουμε γιά κάποιον, εἶναι τό
Σαρανταλείτουργο. Καλό θά εἶναι νά συνοδευθῆ καί μέ ἐλεημοσύνη.
From children require a lot of respect for parents whoever they were. If the parents were
dead , he wanted the children to pray a lot for them and also for all the people who have
fallen asleep. He used to say: "With prayer you treat them 'an orange juice, a refreshing
drink.'' He used to stress this: 'Reserve part of your prayer for the deceased . The dead
cannot do anything. The living can .'' For those deceased , he used to stress , we must do
many alms . "When you are merciful to someone'', he said, "you say whom you do it for. So
the other person receives the charity and says a "God forgive him". If they say this with all
their heart, then our God takes it into account.'' Also you should do Mnemosyna and
Continued on Page 13
The Orthodox Light
Ἀπόσπασματα áπό το βιβλίο Γέροντας Παΐσίου
Trisagia services. Plain Trisagia, without Divine Liturgy, is minimal. The maximum that can
be done for someone is the Sarantaleitourgo (Fourty Divine Liturgies). It is advisable that it
is accompanied with charity and alms.
———————————————————————————————————Ο Γέροντας Πορφύριος συμβουλεύει πως αντιμετωπίζεται η κατάθλιψη
Ο Γέροντας Πορφύριος συμβουλεύει πως αντιμετωπίζεται η κατάθλιψη. "Όλες σχεδόν οι
αρρώστιες προέρχονται από έλλειψη εμπιστοσύνης στον Θεό και αυτό
δημιουργεί άγχος. Το άγχος το δημιουργεί η κατάργηση του θρησκευτικού
αισθήματος. Αν δεν έχετε έρωτα για τον Χριστό, αν δεν ασχολείσθε με άγια
πράγματα, σίγουρα θα γεμίσετε με μελαγχολία και κακό.
Ένα πράγμα που
μπορεί να βοηθήσει τον καταθλιπτικό είναι η εργασία και το ενδιαφέρον για
τη ζωή. Ο κήπος, τα φυτά, τα λουλούδια, τα δέντρα, η εξοχή, ο περίπατος
στην ύπαιθρο, η πορεία, όλ’ αυτά βγάζουν τον άνθρωπο απ’ την αδράνεια και
του δημιουργούν άλλα ενδιαφέροντα. Επιδρούν σαν φάρμακα. Η ασχολία με
την τέχνη, τη μουσική κ.λπ. κάνει πολύ καλό. Σ’ εκείνο, όμως, που δίδω τη μεγαλύτερη σημασία
είναι το ενδιαφέρον για την Εκκλησία, για τη μελέτη της Αγίας Γραφής, για τις ακολουθίες.
Μελετώντας τα λόγια του Θεού, θεραπεύεται κανείς χωρίς να το καταλάβει.
Να μην
αποθαρρυνόμαστε, ούτε να βιαζόμαστε, ούτε να κρίνομε από πράγματα επιφανειακά και
εξωτερικά. Αν, για παράδειγμα, βλέπετε μια γυναίκα γυμνή ή άσεμνα ντυμένη, να μη μένετε στο
εξωτερικό, αλλά να μπαίνετε, στο βάθος, στην ψυχή της. Ίσως να είναι πολύ καλή ψυχή κι έχει
υπαρξιακές αναζητήσεις, που τις εκδηλώνει με την έξαλλη εμφάνιση. Έχει μέσα της δυναμισμό,
έχει τη δύναμη της προβολής, θέλει να εκλύσει τα βλέμματα των άλλων. Από άγνοια, όμως, έχει
διαστρέψει τα πράγματα. Σκεφθείτε να γνωρίσει αυτή τον Χριστό. Θα πιστέψει, κι όλη αυτή την
ορμή θα τη στρέψει στον Χριστό. Θα κάνει το παν, για να ελκύσει τη χάρη του Θεού. Θα γίνει
αγία. Πολλές φορές με την αγωνία μας και τους φόβους μας και την άσχημη ψυχική μας
κατάσταση, χωρίς να το θέλομε και χωρίς να το καταλαβαίνομε, κάνομε κακό στον άλλον, έστω
κι αν τον αγαπάμε πάρα πολύ, όπως, για παραδείγματος χάριν, η μάνα το παιδί της. Η μάνα
μεταδίδει στο παιδί όλο το άγχος της για τη ζωή του, για την υγεία του, για την πρόοδό του,
έστω κι αν δεν του μιλάει, έστω κι αν δεν εκδηλώνει αυτό που έχει μέσα της. Αυτή η αγάπη, η
φυσική αγάπη, μπορεί κάποτε να βλάψει. Δεν συμβαίνει, όμως, το ίδιο με την αγάπη του
Χριστού, που συνδυάζεται με την προσευχή και με την αγιότητα του βίου. Η αγάπη αυτή κάνει
άγιο τον άνθρωπο, τον ειρηνεύει, διότι αγάπη είναι ο Θεός."
Elder Porphyrios advises how to treat depression. "Almost all illnesses come from lack of
trust in God and this creates stress. Stress creates the abolition of the religious feeling. Unless you are in love with Christ, unless you are involved with the holy things, you will
certainly be filled with melancholy and wickedness. One thing that can help the depressed is
working and interest for life. The garden, plants, flowers, trees, the countryside, walking in
the country, the path, all of those things take a man out from apathy and create new
interests. They have the same effect as medicine. Being engaged with art, music, etc. is very
Continued on Page 14
The Orthodox Light
Ἀπόσπασματα áπό το βιβλίο Γέροντας Παΐσίου
beneficial. However, I give the utmost importance in the interest in the Church, the study of
the Bible and the Divine Services. Studying the word of God, one gets healed without even
realizing it. Let us not become discouraged, or hassled, and let us not judge things
superficially and externally. If, for example, you see a woman naked or dressed indecently do
not stay on the external, but try to enter, deep in her heart. She might be a very good soul
who has existential quests, which are manifested in this indecent appearance. She has
dynamism, has the power to project and wants to attract the eyes of others. Because of
ignorance, however, she has distorted things. Imagine if she came to know Christ. She would
believe, and she would turn all that momentum towards Christ. She would do her utmost to
attract the Grace of God. She would become a saint. Sometimes with our anxiety and fears
and bad mental state without intending to and without realizing it, we hurt others, even
though we love them very much, as, for example, a mother does to her child. The mother
conveys to the child her anxiety about his future, his health, his progress, even though she
may never talk to him about it or express the way she feels inside. This love, the natural love,
may be harmful sometimes. Not so, however, with the love of Christ, when it is combined
with prayer and holiness of life. This love makes a man holy and peaceful, because love is
Winter Season Orthodox Feast Days
December 6
St. Nicholas The
St. Spyridon The
Holy Nativity
January 7
January 25
January 1
St. Anastasia The
Great Martyr
St. Eugenia The NunMartyr of Rome
St. Stephen, The First
New Year's Day
January 1
January 6
St. Basil The Great
Holy Theophany
February 12
December 12
December 25
December 22
December 24
December 27
January 17
January 18
January 30
February 2
February 10
The Orthodox Light
Synaxis of St. John The
St. Anthony The Great
Sts. Athanasios and
St. Gregory The
The Three Hierarchs
Presentation Of Our
St. Haralambos The
St. Meletios of Antioch
Our Church School by Alicia Pepe
The fall colors are fading and the air is getting cold which means it’s
time for a winter update from our Church School! The Church School
currently has about 135 children registered in the program. We have already
been very busy in our various curriculums, learning about the parts of the
Divine Liturgy, the Saints of our church, and the intricacies that make our
faith what it is. The children have been enjoying Father Peter’s sermon
before Holy Communion and it’s so nice to see them sitting in the front
pews of the church every Sunday.
The Church School will be very busy this holiday season, we started with our
annual food collection to benefit our local food pantries. Our hope is that our efforts were
the start of a lasting way to keep the shelves of our local food banks fully stocked. The food
collection basket remains out in the atrium all year long and we encourage our children to
continue to remember the hungry.
The children are also preparing for our annual Christmas pageant, which will be held on
Sunday December 22nd this year. Our Angel Tree will also be going up soon and parishioners
are invited to take an angel and return with a wrapped and labeled gift. The gifts will be given
to children and young adults under the care of The Resource and Development Specialists in
Paterson and will provide them with a happier Christmas. We ask that all wrapped gifts are
brought back no later than December 15th.
After the holiday season, the Church School will be learning about the importance of
Godparents in preparation for Godparent’s Sunday on February 9th. We will also discuss the
importance of Icons to celebrate the Sunday of Orthodoxy on March 9th. March is also the
time for the Parish Oratorical Festival. St. George has consistently performed well in the
various levels of the Oratorical Festival and we are sure that this year will be another success!
The Church School has been so fortunate this year to receive donations of two lap top
computers, a projector and screen, and a large monitor to use in our classrooms. These new
additions to our program will allow us to bring the Orthodox faith to life with interactive
presentations, websites, and videos. We are so excited to add this new technology to our
As we enter into this busy holiday season, we remember that Christ should always come
first in our lives and that the true meaning of Christmas is His love for us. May God bless you
and your families through this
holiday season and the winter months!
Give the gift of God to your children by bringing them
to Church School! They will learn about God and
make friendships that will last a lifetime!
The Orthodox Light
Church School Pictures
by Grade!
The Orthodox Light
As we end the year 2013, we ask that if
anyone has not paid their stewardship, to please
submit it. The church has been here for years
and with all OUR help and OUR giving, the
church will be here for the future generations!!!
We need the support of every parishioner.
The 2013 operating expenses of our Church
are estimated at $580,000.
Please prayerfully consider how you can help
Saint George continue to operate.
Thank you and may God bless you for all of the
time, talent and treasure you give for His glory!
The Orthodox Light
Our Hope and Joy by Elaine Manoliadis
Our Hope & Joy got started off to a great start on our annual pancake breakfast. We
want to thank everyone who supported this event, especially the Chit Chat Diner and
the Shizas Family for their generous donations. We ask that you please bring new
Play-Doh cans or playsets starting December into January for our annual drive.
We hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy
New Year!
The Wellspring: Fresh Ideas for
Orthodox Youth Ministry
The Orthodox Light
Christmas Fasting Recipe
1 29oz Can of GOYA Chick Peas (Garbanzos)
1 15.5oz Can of GOYA Small Red Beans
Cherry Tomatoes
Carrots (scliced in thin round circles)
Cucumbers (sliced in round circles)
Chopped Scallions
Chopped Bell Peppers (one red and one yellow)
Chopped Asparagus (par-boiled for 5 minutes,
drained and chilled)
Put all the above in a bowl and pour dressing
over it, mix carefully to coat everything.
Refrigerate for a few hours to let the flavors
meld together.
In a food processor add; Salt, Pepper, White
Pepper, White Balsamic Vinegar, Extra Virgin
Olive Oil, a few cloves of garlic, parsley and dill.
Our Philoptochos by Denise Cecchini
With the blessings, and under the guidance of His Eminence Metropolitan Evangelos
of New Jersey I greet you with love in the name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, as I
pray you are well and in the Lord.
As we have began the work of our mission for the 2013-14 Ecclesiastical Year,
St. Paraskevi Philoptochos is well on its way to helping our parish as well as local, national and
international communities. If it is to help a family or individual in need or to donate to St.
Michaels, St. Basil’s, Red Cross, Clifton Cares, Eva’s Kitchen, The Children’s Medical Hospital
and various other international organizations our chapter is there to support, encourage, and
The unity of our organization depends on you, as together we forward the
Philoptochos Mission and through the Grace of God, help to strengthen our Churches. As a
member chapter in our Metropolis and as the “charitable arm” of our Church, we are all vital
to this process. Philoptochos can only be effective when we work together to meet our
commitments to each other and the Church.
In keeping with this devotion, our President Helga Diamandopoulos is forging ahead to
ensure that our chapter continues the great work that it has done in the past.
If you have yet to become a member......please see Anthoula Bozios and join. We need
every helping hand to make our mission possible.
The Orthodox Light
Philoptochos Committees
Ministry Connection Committee is under the guidance of Lisa Marcopulos. As we work to
bring about unity of all our organizations this committee will be a liaison for that very
purpose. If any of the ministries of the community need assistance, Philoptochos will like to
give a helping hand in any way that it can.
Social Services Committee is chaired by Lola Katsanos. This committee is responsible for
helping individuals in our community who have emergency financial need and are seeking
The Helping Hands Committee will be responsible for developing a program for our
community to assist families and individuals that are facing long-term illness and need help
with daily chores. President Helga is spearheading this committee.
Gala Fundraiser Committee headed by Effie Kambourakis. If you have an idea please call
or meet with Effie and share. We need help to organize and successfully host the Gala.
Hospitality Committee spearheaded by Fay Papas will host our monthly coffee hour. This
committee will also arrange for special receptions including St. Nektarios, Vasilopita
cutting , St. George Vespers etc. These events are not small undertakings and everyone’s help
is certainly appreciated. If you are available to help, please reach out to Fay and let her know.
The Sunshine Committee is chaired by Efrosini Sullivan. This committee is responsible for
being outreach representatives of our Philoptochos. If a member of our community is ill or
has experienced a death this committee will make contact. If you know of any parish
member who is experiencing a difficult time please contact Efrosini so that the committee
can visit or call.
Fun Happenings Committee….you see…Philoptochos is not always about baking,
serving or setting up. To the membership of this organization it is also important that there be
socialization and lots of fun. This committee will be hosting outings to Broadway plays…
dinner out with the ladies… If anyone has an idea …please call Effie Kambourakis.
The Baking Committee under the guidance of Katy Stratos will once again prepare the
Vasilopitas at Christmas and Tsourekia at Pascha. This undertaking is by far one of the most
important arms of our Ministry. If you are interested in assisting please see Katy.
The Publicity Committee is chaired by Anthoula Bozios. The Committee is responsible for
keeping our bulletin board up-to-date. Coordinating with Elaine for any bulletin
announcements and taking pictures at Philoptochos events, and soliciting pictures from
The Orthodox Light
Ὁ Οσίος Σáββας Ὁ Ηγίασμενóς υπó Πατρóς Ιωáννου
Ο Οσιος Σάββας ο Ηγιασμένος εγεννήθει σε ένα χωριό της Καππαδοκίας που
ονομάζετο Μουταλάσκη το 493 μ.χ. Οι γονείς του ήταν πλούσιοι και ευσεβείς
χριστιανοί. Ο Σάββας σε ηλικία πέντε χρονών, έμεινε μόνος του, σε ένα θείο
αδελφό τού πατέρα του, διότι οι γονείς του διαταγή τού βασιλέως
υποχρεώθηκαν να πάνε στην Αλεξάνδρια. Ο Σάββας δεν έζησε την παιδική του
ηλικία όπως την ζούν τα άλλα παιδιά. Ο τρόπος, η ενάρετη ζωή, η πίστις του
στο Θεό, και όλα τα άλλα χαρίσματα έκαναν όλους να τον θαυμάζουν.
Η ζωή του ήτο ένα κάλεσμα θεϊκό πού τον καλούσε να εγκαταλείψει τα πρόσκαιρα, τα μάταια
και την καλοπέραση της ζωής αυτής γιά σκληραγωγία, άσκηση αρετής, προσευχή, νηστεία και
αγιότητα. Δεν τον συγκινούσαν ούτε τα χρήματα, ούτε ο πλούτος, ούτε οι διασκεδάσεις, ούτε
οι πρόσκαιρες ομορφιές καί απολαύσεις. Σε ηλικία μόλης οκτώ χρονών εγκατέλειψε τον θείο
του και πήγε στο Μοναστήρι τών Φλαβιανών.
Ο Ηγούμενος τον υποδέχθηκε με χαρά και ενθουσιασμό, διότι πρώτη φορά έβλεπε ένα τόσο
νέο παιδί να βαδίζει με χαρά στο σκληρό δρόμο της ζωής τού Μοναχού. Οι θείοι του όταν το
έμαθαν έτρεξαν στο Μοναστήρι και προσπαθούσαν με κάθε τρόπο και παρακάλια να τον
πείσουν να αλλάξει γνώμη και επιστρέψει μαζύ τους. Αυτός όμως ήτο αδύνατον να αλλάξει
Στο Μοναστήρι ο Σάββας ξεπέρασε όλους τούς μοναχούς σε αγρυπνίες, σκληραγωγία, νηστεία
και ασκητικούς αγώνες. Η πίστις του ήταν τόσο μεγάλη και φλογερή, ώστε από νέος ακόμη
έκανε θαύματα. Μια ημέρα βράχηκαν τα ρούχα τού φουρνάρη και τα έβαλε στον φούρνο να τα
στεγνώση. Ξέχασε να τα βγάλει όταν άνεψε το φούρνο και οταν το θυμήθηκε, η φωτιά είχε
φουντώσει και ήτο αδύνατο να την σβύσει. Οταν το είδε ο Σάββας πήδησε σάν ελάφι μέσα στο
φούρνο άρπαξε τα ρούχα και βγήκε έξω ανέθικτος. Ούτε μία τρίχα από τα μαλλιά του δεν είχε
καεί. Το θαύμα ήτο ολοφάνερο. Ολοι κατάλαβαν ότι ο νεαρός Σάββας, δεν ήταν μόνον ένας
Μοναχός, αλλά Οσιος, με μεγάλη πίστι και ευλάβεια. Ολοι τον εθαύμαζαν και τον εσέβοντο
σάν έναν σεβάσμιο Γέροντα.
Μετά από αρκετό καιρό θέλησε να πάει στα Ιεροσόλυμα, να προσκυνήσει τούς Αγίους Τόπους
και να συναντήσει τούς μεγάλους ασκητάς και μοναχούς γιά να ωφεληθεί απ’ αυτούς. Στά
Ιεροσόλυμα πολλοί από διάφορα Μοναστήρια έτρεξαν γιά να τον πάρουν κοντά τους. Αυτός
θέλησε να πάει στο Μοναστήρι τού Μεγάλου ευθυμίου. Ο Νέγας Ευθύμιος τον έστειλε να
ασκητέψει στην Λαύρα γράφοντας στον Ηγούμενο θεόκτιστο «Ο νέος, πού σού στέλνω, έχει
πλημμυρισμένη την ψυχή του από Θείο Πνεύμα. Να τον διαπαιδαγωγήσης με επιμέλεια, διότι
σε λίγο η δόξα του θα είναι μεγάλη σε όλη την οικουμένη...»
Ο Αγιος Σάββας έζησε με ταπείνωσι, αφωσίωσι και αρετή. Αργότερα μαζύ με τον Μέγα
Εθύμιο, τριανταπέντε χρονών τότε, βαθειά στην έρημο πού ασκήτευε, ο σατανάς τού εξαπολύει
ένα φοβερό πόλεμο. Δεν τον αφήνει ήσυχο ούτε στιγμή. Τον ενοχλεί η μεγάλη αρετή του και
θέλει να τον διώξει από την έρημο. Βλέπει γύρω του φίδια, σκορπιούς, καί άλλα ερπετά, γεμάτα
The Orthodox Light
Ὁ Οσίος Σáββας Ὁ Ηγίασμενóς υπó Πατρóς Ιωáννου
φοβέρα πού θέλουν να τον κατασπαράξουν. Φοβισμένος ο Αγιος με θάρρος σηκώθηκε,
προσευχήθηκε καί όλα εξαφανίστηκαν. Η αγία μορφή και η συμπεριφορά του απέναντι στούς
Μοναχούς , η αγάπη και η φροντίδα, έφερε πολλούς κοντά του και το Μοναστήρι τού Οσίου
έγινε πολύ εξακουστό. Γιά την προστασία τών πτωχών και τών ασθενών έκτισε μικρά
υδραγωγεία, αρτοποιεία και νοσοκομεία.
Για να αποφύγει τις φήμες των ανθρώπων άφησε τα πάντα και προχώρησε βαθειά στην έρημο.
Εκεί βρήκε μιά σπηλιά και χαρούμενος ξάπλωσε και κοιμήθηκε. Εξαφνα ένοιωσε σαν κάτι πού
τον τραβούσε. Ανοιξε τα μάτια του και είδε ένα λιοντάρι πού προσπαθούσε να τον βγάλει έξω
από την σπηλιά διότι ήτο δική του φωλιά. Γύρισε ο Αγιος και τού είπε, «αφού η σπηλιά είναι
μεγάλη μάς παίρνει και τούς δύο, αν πάλι θέλεις να μένεις μόνος σου, ψάξε να βρής άλλη
σπηλιά.» Το λιοντάρι έφυγε και δεν ξαναγύρησε.
Η μεγάλη αρετή και η ακτινοβολία του Αγίου Σάββα δεν κρύβεται πουθενά. Αρκετή Μοναχοί
μαθαίνουν την νέα κατοικία του καί τρέχουν κοντά του. Ο Αγιος ήταν αυστηρός διδάσκαλος
τής ασκητικής ζωής. Η μετάτοια, έλεγε, δεν θέλει μονάχα λόγια, θέλει έργα, θέλει συντριβή
καρδιάς, πόνο, δάκρυα, νηστεία και προσευχή. Η αγία ζωή του τού έδωσε την δύναμι να
θεραπεύει αρρώστους καί να κάνει πολλά άλλα θαύματα. Σε όλα τα χρόνια τής ζωής του
αγωνίσθηκε σκληρά σάν Μοναχός, σάν Ασκητής και σάν υπερασπιστής τής πίστεως. Τα
τελευταία του χρόνια διοικούσε επτά Μοναστήρια.
Τον χειμώνα του 587 μ.χ. ο Αγιος αρρώστησε για λίγο, ήτο πλεον 94 ετών και ο κύριος τον
προειδοποιεί ότι θα τον πάρει κοντά του. Γυρίζει στο Μοναστήρι του και ευτυχισμένος
παραδίδει στο Θεό την αγίαν ψυχήν του. Στην κηδεία του έτρεξε πάρα πολύς κόσμος. Πολλοί
κληρικοί, Μοναχοί και λαϊκοί, ο Πατριάρχης και άλλοι Αρχιερείς. Τον ενταφίασαν στην Ιερά
Μονή της Λαύρας.
Το ιερό λείψανο τού Οσίου ευρίσκετο πάντα στην Λαύρα επί βυζαντινής αυτοκρατορίας.
Αργότερα το συναντάμε στην Κωσταντινούπολι. Στην εποχή τών λατίνων Σταυροφόρων, τον
13ον αιώνα μετεφέρθει στην Βενετία. Το 1965 αποδόθηκε από την παπική Εκκλησία στον
πατριάρη Ιεροσολύμων Βενέδικτο και μετεφέρθει στο Μοναστήρι εκεί πού πρίν από χίλια τόσα
χρόνια ευρίσκετο.
Η χριστιανοσύνη τιμά τον Αγιο γιά την
λαμπρή προσωπικότητα και αγία ζωή του. Ο
Αγιος έγινε σύμβολο και παράδειγμα
αγιότητος, πραότητος και καλωσύνης, καί
ακούραστος αγωνιστής της Ορθοδοξίας.
Χιλιάδες Ναοί, εξωκκλήσια και Μοναστήρια
εκτίσθηκαν πού φέρουν το όνομά του.
Εορτάζομεν την ιεράν μνήμη του εις τας 5
The Orthodox Light
Encyclical for the Start of the Nativity Fast
Continued on Page 31
The Orthodox Light
Our GOYA by Alex Argiris
Our St George GOYA began another rewarding and exciting
year with Holy Cross Day at Asbury Park on September 15. Thank you
to Maria Pandazis, Matthew Delaney, Maria Matsakis, and Andreas
Loizou for representing our GOYA and diving for the cross. A few
weeks later on October 13, the Mr. and Miss GOYA Pageant was held
at the Pines Manor in Edison, NJ. Mario Sokolic and Christina
Panagakis did an exceptional job of representing our GOYA and we
congratulate Mario Sokolic for receiving 2nd runner up. The next
event was the Harvest Dance on October 18 at Holy Trinity in
Westfield. Twenty-two GOYAns from St. George attended this dance which was filled with
fun and fellowship. Our first basketball and volleyball games were on October 20 against
Fairview. The junior girls’ and senior girls’ volleyball teams and junior boys’ basketball team all
enjoyed thrilling victories, while the senior boys unfortunately were defeated.
Our GOYA is also participating in a “jeans drive” that is run by an organization called
DoSomething, Aeropastale, and P.S. from Aeropostale. They are all working together to
donate gently worn jeans to homeless shelters across the United States, Canada, and Puerto
Rico. The Paramus GOYA is also participating in this worthwhile cause. All of our jeans will
be given to Aeropostale and they will donate them to a local shelter in the community.
On November 2, we had our annual bowling tournament and dinner dance.
The bowling was at AMF Wallington Lanes in Wallington followed by the dinner dance at
Fairview. Additionally, our GOYA participated in Youth Sunday on November 10 by
fulfilling the responsibilities of the Parish Council during the Divine Liturgy. They greeted
parishioners as they entered the church, assisted with the candles, and passed the trays. Sights
and Sounds practices for choral speaking and a Greek play will commence in early December
while Greek singing practices will begin in early January.
On December 6, our GOYA will be attending a religious retreat at St. Andrew’s in Randolph. Furthermore, on December 27, our GOYAns will be celebrating the joy of the Christmas season by attending the annual Christmas dance at St. Demetrios in
Union. With its various philanthropic, cultural, athletic, artistic, and social activities, our
GOYA is continuing to flourish and grow.
Join GOYA!!… addition to so many fun-filled
events, you will build lifetime friendships as well
as learn valuable religious and social lessons
that will guide you into your adulthood years!
Worship, Fellowship, Witness, and Service!
The Orthodox Light
GOYA Pictures
Mr. and Miss GOYA Pageant was held at the
Pines Manor. Our GOYA was proudly
represented by Mario Sokolic and Christina
Panagakis who both did an exceptional job!!
The Orthodox Light
Holy Cross Day Celebrated in Asbury Park: September 15
Thank you to Maria Pandazis, Matthew
Delaney, Maria Matsakis, and Andreas
Loizou for representing our GOYA and diving
for the cross!! Panta Axie! Kai Tou Xronou!
The Orthodox Light
Fr. Peter is promoted to the rank of Lt. Col. in the USAFR
On October 20, 2013 the 514 Air Mobility Wing, Wing Commander Col Michael Underkofler came to our
parish with several other members of the wing, including the Honor Guard to preside over Father’s
promotion ceremony. The Colonel wanted to do this at our church in order to have an opportunity to
personally thank the church members for sharing father’s time when he was called upon to serve the victims
of Hurricane Sandy. This was a memorable day in the life of our priest; his family and the many church
families represented there that day. Everybody had a great time and it was fun to see a military ceremony
performed right there on stage at our St. George Gym/Hall. We congratulate Father Peter on his
accomplishment and pray that the Lord will give him strength as he continues to serve not only our parish
but also the members the Armed Forces that keep our country and us safe. God Bless America!
The Orthodox Light
Other Church Information
*** Church Sacraments ***
Sophia Addison Donahue
Sponsor: Patricia Carol-Marie Donahue
Victoria Irene Cartwright
Sponsor: Liberty Amitsis Smith
Nicholas Kwan-Shen Dukas
Sponsors: Eleni and Vasili Kaltsis
Michael Augustine Stone
Sponsor: Kaliopi Hatzipetros
Alexander James Gregory
Sponsor: John Nicholas Gregory
Kenneth Emmanuel Tzavlakis
Sponsor: Christina Haag
Elias Vasiliou Chrisafinis
Sponsor: Anastasia Anagnostopoulos
Michael Chilimintris and Elvia Munoz
Adam Ronald Duchinsky and Zena Paraskevi Stathis
Alejandro J. Dominguez and Miranda L. Kakoullis
Vagelis John Sophias and Olympia M. Potaris
Helen Theoharis
Helen Davatelis
Pavlos Giannoglou
Mary Hariton
Elizabeth Kastrunis
Mary Routsis
For Advertising in the Orthodox Light
Please contact Christothea Pandazis at
973-202-7745 or
Email at
Consider Renting our Community Hall or our
Downstairs Hall for your next
Family Celebration!
For Information and Prices contact the
Church Office:
Phone: 973-779-2626
Fax: 973-777-6946
The Orthodox Light
St. Anthimos by Helen Therianos
To build a church today in Africa requires a will, a source of money and the actual building of
the structure. Simple, isn’t it? That’s not what was found in the construction and planning of St.
Anthimos Orthodox Church, in Nandi, Kenya.After seven years of fund-raising and two years of
encouraging the builders to complete the church, it was finally built and dedicated on August 25,
2013. Many people joined together to be part of this much-needed church in Kenya over this seven
year period. After all, Africans would walk for miles to be able to get together and pray the liturgy
under the grape arbor on a hill that was their church. Donations of icons, crosses, altar articles were
received from as far away as Chios and other parts of Greece to help make this dream come true.
Local parishioners in the tri-state area helped in raising monies through dinners, Jumble sales, bake
sales, raffles and other donations from church related organizations. After two years… truly an
accomplishment in African nations, the Church of St. Anthimos was not only completed, but was
also Consecrated by Archbishop Macarios! A much needed church, on the top of a hill was built and
is being used!
Thanks to all who gave and worked toward this church.
The Orthodox Light
St. Anthimos: A Church Built On A Dream!
A church has been built in Africa, dedicated to Saint Anthimos of Chios, due to a dream dreamt
far, far away in the United States of America! How this event came to be will be looked upon by some
of the product of divine intervention. It all started when one person read a book about the life and times
of Saint Anthimos of Chios. After the book was finished, it was placed back on a shelf but, in the mind
of the reader, Saint Anthimos was never forgotten. As time passed, this person had a strange dream. In
the dream, he was in a very grotesque church building surrounded by very large, white statues that were
frightening to look at and left a deep sense of fear within the individual. He tried to back away from these statues, walking backwards in the darkness, very carefully. All of a sudden, he felt something
behind him that stopped him. He extended his hand and felt a fabric, a cloth of some sort. Turning
around quickly, he saw Saint Anthimus of Chios standing in front of him. The saint raised his right arm
and pointed to a shrine containing icons of three saints. In the center was Saint Anthimos of Chios; on
his right was Saint Nicholas, the Wonderworker, and on his left side was Saint Andrew, the First Called
Apostle. As he looked at the shrine, he turned toward Saint Anthimos, who had a very peaceful
expression on his face before he disappeared. The man awoke from his dream and had a sense of
confusion because he knew there might be a meaning to his dream.
He began to consult various priests about what the meaning of the dream might be. While they
could not agree if the dream had A Church Built on a Dream any meaning at all, they felt that the dream
itself might be a blessing. Finally, through a friend, he contacted a spiritual father in Greece who, upon
hearing the details of the dream, decided that Saint Anthimos wanted a church constructed in his honor
and in honor of the Mother of God, the Panagia, the Voithitria (Helper). The Panagia Voithias was the
icon that Saint Anthimos highly venerated and build a monastery for nuns, honoring the Panagia Voithias on the island of Chios in Greece.
The building of a church in the United States is a very complicated and a very expensive
undertaking, and it looked as if this was an impossible dream. The manvisited a monastery, dedicated to
the Aghia Skepi (Holy Protection of the Virgin Mary), in Pennsylvania. At the monastery, he met a woman whom he had known through mutual friends from his original Greek Orthodox parish. During their
conversation, she mentioned a priest in Africa who needs assistance in his missionary work in the country of Kenya.
An idea was born! Build the church in Kenya!
Upon returning from the monastery, he met a missionary priest who was on hisway to Kenya to
lead seminars at the Orthodox seminary in Nairobi. Upon hearing the man’s vision, the priest offered to
make the necessary contacts through the office of the Archbishop in Nairobi. In addition, he had a
contact with a local Orthodox church in New Jersey, dedicated to Saint Nicholas, who would help by
establishing a separate fund for the reception of the donations.
To broaden the outreach of this missionary ministry, it was decided that, since this church was
supporting a school named in honor of Saint Nicholas in Kenya, the church to be constructed in honor
of Saint Anthimos would be the village church. The dream was now connected. Saint Anthimos would
be the village church near a school dedicated to Saint Nicholas, just as in the dream. This village is
located four hours from the capital city of Nairobi. As word spread of the project among the local Greek
Orthodox churches in northern New Jersey, donations began to come in and the project eve found its
way to the island of Chios itself, where the people of Chios decided to wholeheartedly support the
God gave the dream; God has made the connections possible; God will use this church to touch
the hearts of many who are in need of repentance and acceptance of the Savior, due to the intercessions
of the Panagia Voithias and Saint Anthimos.
The Orthodox Light
Knitting For Charity by Diane Peppes
Our Knitting for Charity group meets at St. George Tuesdays from 4 – 6 pm. We knit and crochet
for several charitable organizations, including Warm the Children (Orthodox sponsored), St. Barnabas Hospital’s Neonatal Unit, and Paws, Inc. (Dog Rescue Center). Beginners welcome! We also collect school supplies and new, warm clothing for children which are distributed through Warm the
Warm the Children – From their recent newsletter:
“This project which began in August 2000, is a charity to help orphaned and sick children, and is the
child of Barbara & Stefan Nafranowicz of Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in Rahway, NJ. We are
Orthodox Christians extending our hands to their hearts. We serve Orthodox Church sponsored
orphanages, homes, and missions in Russia, Belarus, the Ukraine and Romania as well as state run
orphanages in these countries.”
Below are just two of the many letters of thanks that are constantly received. The appreciation
expressed by both Barbara Nafranowicz and Rev. Michael Zhar is most touching: “SCHOOL
SUPPLIES- we have received a lot of wonderful school supplies from many people, however, the
parishioners of St. George GOC in Clifton, NJ, did a magnificent job. They had a box in the Church
vestibule and when it was full, Diane Peppes and her niece Diane brought it all to me. Their trunk
and back seat of the car were full, and so was my dining room. Many, many thanks to all of these
generous people. You will make many children very happy with their new notebooks, pencils, pens
and all.”
“Glory to Jesus Christ! Sincerely, from my heart and soul our heartfelt thank you for your generosity.
We received your package. We are so grateful for your gift. The children were very pleased with your
gifts, especially the knitted items. It came from your heart. May our Heavenly Father grant you
health, strength and abundant blessings for many years. May God keep you safe and healthy. In the
path of life, may God give us good and kind people who help us take care of our children. May
God give you dispensation for your sins and give you everlasting life. May God bless you. Rev.
Michael Zhar, Holy Ascension Monastery, Ukraine”
In addition to warm, knitted items, these children are in need of warm clothing, pants, socks, shoes,
sneakers, and underwear for boys and girls - only new items, please. Sizes needed are from newborn
to age 18. They also need toothbrushes and toothpaste.
More from the latest Warm the Children newsletter: “GREAT NEWS – With the help of His Grace
Bishop Michael, we now have a baby orphanage to add to our list. It is in Pechora, a region of
Pskov, in Russia.” They have only 45 children ranging in age from newborn to 4 years old. Until
now, clothing sizes were from size 6 - size 18. Now we also need infant size items as well. No
diapers, please, because their weight makes shipping too costly. Please note: There are 11 other places Warm the Children sends to, each of which has approximately 100 children! In addition to
donating to Warm the Children, our group knits/ crochets for the following:St. Barnabas Hospital,
Livingston, NJ – Preemie baby hats for the Neonatal Unit Paws, Inc. (Dog Rescue Center) –
Crocheted dog blankets which the dogs get to keep when they are adopted. Handmade or donated
items for the above charities would be most appreciated. God Bless You!
The Orthodox Light
Knitting For Charity Continued by Diane Peppes
Orphan girls from Holy
Ascension Monastery in the Ukraine
modeling some of the handmade knitted
items sent to them by Warm the Children.
Some of the handmade knitted and
crocheted items made by our St. George
group displayed during Registration
Encyclical for the Start of the Nativity Fast
The Orthodox Light
(Continued from page 22)
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The Orthodox Light
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The Orthodox Light