Date 20-Feb-13

Date 20-Feb-13
State policy to focus on all those in doubt of investing their capital in production. An
imperative for Macedonia's economy is the number of domestic companies to be
constantly on the rise and to realise their planned investments as soon as possible and
to turn their dream of a more successful business into reality.
This message was conveyed by the Economic Chamber of Macedonia at an event
marking its 91st anniversary.
Chamber marks
91st anniversary STATE POLICY
"The chamber, as a partner and representative of the companies and their business
interests, will back all those who are determined to focus their activities on the key
goals - domestic and foreign investments to be the driving force of growth, the export of
competitive products to be increased for sustainable development and the private
sector to act as support to economic growth absorbing the high unemployment rate,"
the chamber's president Branko Azeski said amongst other things in his speech at the
Within the celebration of the anniversary, the Economic Chamber of Macedonia
honor’s managers in crisis period, from 2008 until today, who were brave to invest in
new production facilities in our country, as well as managers looking at their progress
in regional extension opened manufacturing facilities abroad.
Investments in new production facilities in Republic of Macedonia are:
Bucim DOOEL, Radovis
Fero Invest DOO, export-import, Skopje
Mega Solar DOOEL, Skopje
Tekoma DOO, Stip
ELEM AD, Skopje
Arcelormital AD, Skopje
Skopski Leguri DOOEL, Skopje
Johnson Matthey, Skopje
IGM- Trejd DOO, Kavadarci
Vinarija Stobi DOOEL, Gradsko
Pekabesko AD, Skopje
Vipro DOOEL, Gevgelija
Alliance One Makedonija AD, Kavadarci
Socotab DOO, Bitola
Veze Shari DOO, Zelino
Makprogres DOO, Vinica
Rimes DOO, Skopje
Mlekara Zdravje Radovo DOO, Bosilovo
Rima-stil DOO, export-import, Skopje
Mikrosam AD, import-export, Kumanovo
Agrometal DOOEL, import-export, Skopje
Rade Koncar TEP DOOEL, Skopje
Stil kon DOO, import-export, Kumanovo
Rade Koncar- Service and Repair of Electrical Prouduct DOO, Skopje
Alkaloid AD, Skopje
DPTU Hemija-komerc DOOEL, Veles
Investments in new production facilities abroad from Macedonian companies are:
Renova DOO, Tetovo
Urban Invest DOO, Kavadarci
Alkaloid AD, Skopje
Ading AD, Skopje
Brilijant DOO, Stip
Promes DOO, Skopje
Dasto DOOEL, Skopje
DPTU Brako DOO, Skopje
Founded in 1922, the Economic Chamber of Macedonia is a member of numerous
international organisations and institutions. It is also a founder of mixed chambers and
business councils. 15,000 members are part of the organisation at the moment with
most of them being small and middle-sized enterprises.
phones: (02) 3244045, 3244034, 3244061, fax: (02) 3244088