1 6 November, 2013 - All Saints Greek Orthodox Grammar School

All Saints Grammar
6 November, 2013 | ISSUE: 10
(to 3 December, 2013)
Mon 4
Yrs 7-10 Final Exams
Thu 7
K-6 Maths Workshops
Sat 9 Nov
SPRING FAIR held for all PK12 at Primary Campus 10 am – 3
Mon 11
Remembrance Day, 11 am
Thu 14
K-12 School Liturgy, 8:45 am at
All Saints Church
Fri 15
Christmas Fast commences, fish
permitted till 12 Dec
Mon 18
2014 Prep Parent Information
Evening, 6 pm at Primary Campus
All Saints Grammar Spring Fair SATURDAY 9 NOVEMBER
Student Representative Council
Christmas Hamper Collection
Thu 21
Yr 10 Pastoral Camp at
Wedderburn Christian Campsite
Fri 22
Prep Christmas Concert
Mon 25
Yr 10 Work Experience Week
Tue 26
SWISSA Senior Cricket & Softball
Gala Day, Baulkham Hills
Fri 29
Yr 6 Graduation, Grand Roxy
Sun 1
Carols in the Gym, 6:30 – 8 pm
Tue 3
School Speech Day Yrs 3 – 12 at
Marana Hurstville commencing at
10 am (seated by 9:45 am).
Expected conclusion between
12:30 – 1 pm
Wed 4
Secondary Campus Activities day
Thu 5
Secondary Campus Activities day
Fri 6
K-12 Thanksgiving Liturgy8:45
am – 10:20 am.
dismissed at conclusion of Liturgy
Fri 20
Offices Close and reopen 20 Jan 14
NB: Please check dates regularly as
changes may be necessary
PK – 12 General News
From our School Chaplain, Fr Agathangelos Masteas
The Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple
The parents of the Virgin Mary, Sts Joachim and Anna, praying for an end to their childlessness, vowed that if a
child were born to them, they would dedicate it to the service of God.
When the Most Holy Virgin reached the age of three, the holy parents decided to fulfil their vow. They gathered
together their relatives and acquaintances, and dressed the All-Pure Virgin in Her finest clothes. Singing sacred
songs and with lighted candles in their hands, virgins escorted Her to the Temple. There the High Priest and several priests
met the handmaiden of God. The High Priest led the Most Holy Virgin into the Holy of Holies, where only the High Priest
entered once a year to offer sacrifice.
After entrusting their child to the Heavenly Father, Joachim and Anna returned home. The All-Holy Virgin remained in the
quarters for virgins near the Temple until she was fourteen or fifteen years old; and then, as a mature maiden, by the common
counsel of the priests (since her parents had reposed some three years before), she was betrothed to Joseph.
The Feast of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple, which is celebrated on the 21st of November, foretells
God’s blessing for the human race, the promise of the coming of Chris, the preaching of salvation.
Chairman’s Announcement
OXI Day Commemoration Day
Thank you to all that attended the Commemoration of 28 October held at
All Saints Church on Sunday 27 October. Thank you also to our students
that attended and to all the students that participated in one form or another
during the event, our gratitude and appreciation for your extra effort.
Please find below the speech presented by Vassilia Haralampidis (Yr 11)
on the Significance of the Day in Greek and translated summary in English
for this Newsletter. Thank you to Stavroula Soulios (Yr 6) and to
Constance Apostolou (Yr 10) who recited poems at our All Saints event
along with Nicholas Verteouris (Yr 8), Anastasia Michaels (Yr 9), Flag
Bearers: Nicholas Kazamias (yr 9), Lia Apostolou (Yr 10), Zoe Rafos (Yr
10) and Terry Chronis (Yr 9).
Thank you to Sianne Tsandidis (Yr 10) and Thomas Koutavas (Yr 5) who represented All Saints Grammar at the Archdiocese
event held at the same time with poems and the laying of the wreath.
Σεβαστοί ιερείς, πάτερ Χρίστο και πάτερ Αγαθάγγελε. Σεβαστές
πρεσβυτέρες. Κύριε πρόεδρε, κύριε Τσούτσα, αγαπητοί μαθητές
κυρίες και κύριοι.
Γιορτάζουμε σήμερα μια μεγάλη επέτειο, ένα σταθμό της νεότερης
ιστορίας μας. Γιορτάζουμε την 28η Οκτωβρίου. Αλλά γιορτάζουμε,
θα πει τιμάμε και θαυμάζουμε. Τιμάμε όσους έδωσαν τη ζωή τους
για τη λευτεριά της πατρίδας μας, τιμάμε κι όσους αγωνιστές
βρίσκονται σήμερα ανάμεσα μας. Αλλά ας αφήσουμε τη φαντασία
μας να τρέξει μερικά χρόνια πίσω.
Η επíθεση των Γερμανών στην Πολωνία το Σεπτέμβριο του 1939
έγινε αφορμή να ξεσπάσει ο Β’ Παγκόσμιος Πόλεμος. Μέσα σε
δυο βδομάδες άψυχο κουφάρι η Πολωνία κι ευθύς αμέσως την ίδια
τύχη το Βέλγιο, η Ολλανδία, η Γαλλία, η Νορβηγία, η Δανία, η
Τσεχοσλοβακία και η Ουγγαρία, ενώ η Αγγλία εξουθενωμένη
περίμενε από στιγμή σε στιγμή την απόβαση του εχθρού. Και ενώ αυτά συνέβαιναν στην Ευρώπη, στις 3 η ώρα το πρωί της
28ης Οκτωβρίου του 1940, ο Ιταλός πρεσβευτής ζητά την παράδοση της Ελλάδας.
ΟΧΙ είπαν με ένα στόμα οι Έλληνες. Ο πόλεμος είχε κηρυχτεί. Όλοι είναι βιαστικοί. Τρέχουν να προλάβουν, να φτάσουν στο
μέτωπο, να πολεμήσουν, να υπερασπίσουν την τιμή και την αξιοπρέπεια της πατρίδας μας.
Χειμώνας βαρύς τους βρήκε με ελάχιστα εφόδια στις παγωμένες κορφές της Πίνδου. Οι Ηπειρώτισσες γυναίκες
κουβαλούσαν στην πλάτη τους εφόδια και ζεστά ρούχα για τους στρατιώτες μας . Οι πρώτες Ελληνικές νίκες, αναπτερώνουν
το ηθικό της ανθρωπότητας. Έτσι, μετά την ταπείνωση των Ιταλών έρχονται οι Γερμανοί και επί 6 μήνες οι Έλληνες
παλεύουν ενάντια στην πιο ισχυρή πολεμική μηχανή της εποχής εκείνης. Οι Γερμανοί πατούν τα αιματοβαμμένα χώματα της
πατρίδας μας, τον αξέχαστο εκείνο Απρίλιο του 41. Αρχίζουν τα μαύρα χρόνια της κατοχής. Πείνα και εξαθλίωση
ταλαιπωρούσαν το λαό, που όμως δεν έσκυψε το κεφάλι. Ο αγώνας του Ελληνικού λαού για λευτεριά δεν σταματά, 41 με 44
Εθνική Αντίσταση. Άλλη μια λαμπρή σελίδα του σύγχρονου Ελληνισμού.
Ο εορτασμός μιας τέτοιας επετείου μπορεί να αποκτήσει ένα πραγματικά βαθύ νόημα μόνο αν αποτελέσει αφορμή για
περίσκεψη και γόνιμο προβληματισμό. Κι αυτό γιατί, η ιστορία μπορεί αν οι λαοί δεν πάρουν μαθήματα απ’ αυτήν, να
επαναληφθεί. Η στάση των Ελλήνων του 40, ο αγώνας τους και οι επιλογές τους μας θέτουν το δίλημμα
επαναπροσδιορισμού των προτύπων μας στη σημερινή πραγματικότητα.
Η στάση μας σήμερα οφείλει και πρέπει να είναι πεντακάθαρη. Ο τρόπος που διαχειριζόμαστε το χθες, καθορίζει και το
αύριο. Η υπεράσπιση της αξιοπρέπειας είναι ανάγκη όπως μας δίδαξε ο Ευριπίδης. Η αξιοπρέπεια δεν είναι αρετή δοτή. Είναι
κατάκτηση καθημερινή , επίπονη που κερδίζεται βήμα, βήμα.
Πάνω στα πρότυπα των ηρώων του 40 θα πρέπει να χτίσουμε την νεολαία. Μια νεολαία που να αναλαμβάνει τις ευθύνες της,
να απεχθάνεται την υποκρισία, το ψέμα και την ευθυνοφοβία. Πάνω σε αυτές τις αξίες πατάει γερά η πραγματική, η
ουσιαστική δημοκρατία της ελεύθερης σκέψης, της γνώσης και του στοχασμού.
Χρέος μας και συμφέρον μας είναι να σκύψουμε στη θυσία των ηρώων του 40 και να φωνάξουμε δυνατά ΟΧΙ στη βία. ΟΧΙ
στην αδικία. ΟΧΙ στην εκμετάλλευση. ΟΧΙ στην τυραννία. ΟΧΙ στην καταπάτηση των ανθρώπινων δικαιωμάτων. ΟΧΙ στην
ισοπέδωση των πάντων.
Σας ευχαριστώ. Βασιλεια Χαραλαμπιδου
(English Translation - Summary)
Today, we not only celebrate, but honour the sacrifice given by those for
the freedom of our country, both those who have passed before us and
those who are standing among us.
The invasion of Germany in Poland, on the 10 September 1939, saw the
outbreak of World War 2. Within weeks, the effects of war would be felt in
a host of Northern and central European nations. In the midst of the
animosity, on the 28th October, the Italian ambassador seeks the surrender
of Greece.
With the Greeks unwillingness to surrender to their enemies, war breaks
out, and the Greek nation, battles with dignity, victorious against their
Italian counterparts, however, the formidable German opponent seizes
occupation of Greece. The Greeks continue their plight for freedom, in
spite of these conditions, and in 1944, retrieve their ground valiantly.
The enormity of such events, the struggles and choices of the heroes
present amongst them, must serve as a platform for redefining the
present. The values upheld by our national heroes should be emulated
in our youth, forming the foundation of learning for generations to
Only through this, will genuine democracy, not a freedom of
confinement, become reality. Not only is it our responsibility, but it is
in our best interest to recognise the sacrifices made for the freedom of
our country and with a loud voice resist the oppression of our rights.
NO to violence. NO to discrimination. NO to the demoralisation of
human dignity. NO to tyranny. NO to the exploitation of human rights.
Thank you, Vassilia Haralampidis
Issue With Hotmail…
Please be advised that the School has experienced difficulties when sending emails to families using Hotmail. Unfortunately
Hotmail is not delivering any ASG mail, information or Accounts and our IT personnel are currently trying to rectify this
problem. If you have an alternative to your hotmail address, please contact the school office to forward the alternative email
so that communication can remain open between school and home.
Principal’s Gold Awards
Congratulations to our Primary Campus students Sophia Krallidis (Yr 3), Alex Tzakos (Yr 3) and Jamie Kalimtzis (Yr 3),
Stephanie Drizos Yr 3, Petroula Boulougouras (Yr 4), Maria Christou (Yr 3), Ka Rizu Yr 2, Marianna Lillis (Yr 1) on
achieving the Principal’s Gold Award late last term. Great effort and well done!
GOLD AWARDS and Principal’s Morning Tea
Congratulations to students from Year 7 on being invited to a Morning Tea with the
Principal. These students have upheld the high expectations of the school and their
exemplary behaviour has also been rewarded with a Gold Principal’s Award.
Well done to Luke Vergios, Stylianos Tetoros, Verdoukas Tyropolis, Victoria
Kordos, Jaine Lygdas, Emmanuel Haikalis and Sophie Giannopoulos.
Mrs. H. Baillie, Years 7 and 8 Co-ordinator
All Saints Grammar Spring Fair SATURDAY 9 NOVEMBER
Volunteers Required
8 – 11 am
10 – 1 pm
12 – 3 pm
2 – 4 pm
Food, Craft, Children’s, Sweets, rides, Sumo Wrestling, Petting Zoo, Donkey rides,
Dunking Cage.
We still require VOLUNTEERS so please forward your names and availability to your
child’s teacher or Coordinator.
Consul General’s Visit – 28 October
Although the Consul General Dr Stavros Kirimis visited our
school soon after arriving to Sydney last month, he paid us the
honour of visiting both campuses again last week on the occasion
of the 28 October. At both campuses, Dr Kirimis spoke to our
students on the significance of the day and also witnessed an
outstanding assembly at the Primary Campus from the K-6
students and staff, followed by a secondary campus assembly from
students in Years 7 – 11.
Whilst there, Dr Kirimis also requested the following which I have
included in his original Greek and then translated for all in English
also. Please encourage your children to contribute to this request
and forward as requested to either his postal address or via email.
Πρόσκληση του Γενικού Προξένου της Ελλάδας στο Σύδνεϋ κου Σταύρου Κυρίμη προς τους μαθητές ελληνικής γλώσσας
στη Νέα Νότια Ουαλία.
Αγαπητοί Διευθυντές και εκπαιδευτικοί,
Θα ήθελα να απευθύνω ανοιχτή πρόσκληση προς όλους τους μαθητές και τις μαθήτριές σας να απαντήσουν σε δύο
Α) Τι νιώθουν για την Ελλάδα, τι σημαίνει η Ελλάδα γι’ αυτούς και
Β) Τι θα ήθελαν να κάνει η Ελλάδα για τα παιδιά εδώ στο Σύδνεϋ.
Οι μαθητές της πρώτης σχολική βαθμίδας μπορούν να εκφράσουν την άποψή τους με μία ζωγραφιά ή κατασκευή, ενώ οι
μεγαλύτεροι μαθητές με ένα κείμενο (σε πεζό ή ποιητικό λόγο). Η απάντηση, που δεν χρειάζεται να ξεπερνά τις 10 γραμμές,
μπορεί να γραφτεί στην ελληνική ή στην αγγλική γλώσσα. Οι μαθητές που το επιθυμούν μπορούν να κρατήσουν την
ανωνυμία τους.
Οι απαντήσεις παρακαλώ να σταλούν είτε στην ταχυδρομική διεύθυνση του Γενικού Προξενείου της Ελλάδας στο Σύδνεϋ:
Level 2/219-223 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000, είτε στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση του Γραφείου Εκπαίδευσης Σύδνεϋ
hellenicedu.sydney@yahoo.com, μέχρι 6 Δεκεμβρίου 2013.
Με εγκάρδιες ευχές, Δρ Σταύρος Κυρίμης
29 October 2013
Dear Principals and Teachers of our Three Orthodox Schools,
I would like to extend an open invitation to all students of your school to respond to the following two questions:
a) How they feel about Greece and What Does Greece Mean to Them?
b) What they would like Greece to Do for Children Here in Sydney?
Students belonging to the lower school grades may express their view in the form of a PICTURE (Drawing or Painting) or by
construction a Model, while the older students may do so in writing (Prose or Poetry).
The response, which does not need to exceed ten (10) lines, may be written in Greek or English.
Students who also wish to do so, may reserve the right to retain their anonymity.
We request that the responses be sent either by mail to the address of the Consulate Geberal of Greece ibn Sydney: Level
2/219 – 223 Castlereagh St, Sydney, NSW, 2000 OR to the electronic address of the Consular Education Office in Sydney:
hellenicedu.sydney@yahoo.com by 6 December 2013.
With heartfelt wishes, Dr Stavros Kirimis
Consul General for Greece
Years 7 – 11 Enrolment & Scholarship Exam Notice
The attached was forwarded to all Year 5 families, however is being included in this Newsletter for all interested parents as
notice if considering applying for a Scholarship:
Dear Parents,
Years 7 – 11 2015
Entrance and Scholarship Examination
All Saints Grammar will be participating in the ACER Cooperative Scholarship Testing Program and will be conducting its
Annual Entrance and Scholarship Examinations on:
Saturday, 1 March 2014
8:45 am – 12 noon in the Library, at
“The Towers” Secondary Campus
31 Forsyth Street, South Belmore
In addition to the ACER CSTP Entrance and Scholarship Examination, please note that scholarships will automatically be
offered to successful students who achieve a percentage in either of the two categories below, based on the average of their
final Semester assessment mark, following the completion of their Year 6 yearly examinations. The School’s Scholarship
Policy is available on the web site at: www.allsaints.nsw.edu.au. This policy outlines the various forms students may achieve
a scholarship and does not necessarily require existing students to apply or sit for the ACER exam.
Two categories of Academic Scholarships are:
1. for results averaging between 85 - 90% 2. for results over 91%
50% Scholarship for tuition fees only;
100% Scholarship for tuition fees only.
If you still feel your child will benefit from sitting for the ACER CSTP, you are invited to register your child for that
examination by completing the on-line registration form by accessing the school’s website at www.allsaints.nsw.edu.au and
following the ‘scholarship’ link under Enrolments. On-line registrations will close at midnight on Monday 10 February
2014. The Registration Fee applicable is $110.00. Payment by credit card will be required.
Students who are registered to sit for the examination are to arrive no later than 8:40 am. Stationery will be supplied.
Supervision of students will be available until 12:15pm. ACER will advise schools of the results of the Examination and
provide online results to parents on 14 April 2014.
For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the school on 9718 7715.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Anthony Tsoutsa
1. To past students Billy Volonakis (2006) and Stephanie Lagoutaris (2005) on their marriage last week!
Billy & Stephanie
Past students: Tony Houvardas, Evan Belogiannis, Jason Giannikos
Lisa Giannikos and Steven Volonakis
2. Mr & Mrs Stamp (Secondary Campus PDHPE Coordinator) on the birth of their second child, a son they
have named Carter Anthony Stamp.
Primary Campus News
from Mrs Lillis Deputy Principal, Head of Primary Campus
All School days are busy and Term 4 is definitely no exception! As the term progresses, we will be reporting to parents, there
will be preparations for celebrations including Christmas Carols evening and Spring Fair as well as ceremonies that occur
throughout the term. We also begin to prepare for next year’s student intake.
This past fortnight saw many of our students travel on educational excursions. We also welcomed as a special guest, Dr
Stavros Kyrimis, the Consul-General of Greece in Australia, to commemorate OXI Day.
A session for the 2014 Kindergarten intake was also held last week where students participated in a morning orientation
program led by teachers and the Year 6 student leaders. It was wonderful to see the large number of parents and children in
attendance and the interest taken in the important information presented from our School Counsellor (Mrs Andy Aronstan)
and the safety officer from Canterbury City Council (Ms Colleen Barclay).
Thank you to the Infants Choir and Music & Movement Group for your wonderful performance at the Orientation Morning.
You sang and performed so well, we were all very proud of you.
Road Safety
I have written on numerous occassions on the importance of heeding the road rules for the safety of our students, staff and
general community. Unfortunately though, we continue to witness behaviour which seriously jeopordises safety and our
positive reputation which is vital with our neighbours. I would like to take this opportunity to again remind you of the
importance of following ALL road rules as well as respecting our neighbours.
Please adhere to the following expectations at all times – even if you do not see the Council Rangers or Police out on patrol!
• Do drive to the speed limit at 40km/h around schools
• Do hold your child’s hand when crossing the road.
• Do use the appropriate restraint in your vehicle, depending on the age of your child(ren) – they save lives
• Do not double park your vehicle at any time around the school or surrounding streets
• Do not make a three-point turn after using Kiss and Drop
• Do not join the queue for Kiss and Drop if you can not stand your vehicle safely along the kerb – drive around the
• Do not allow your child(ren) to alight roadside. Use kerbside to board/disembark from the vehicle
• Do not park on the footpath
• Do not park in other peoples driveways
Note that there are severe penalties including loss of license for violating the road rules. More information on penalties can be
obtained from the NSW Roads and Maritime Services website.
Please also inform your families who may assist you in morning drop off and afternoon pick up but need to have the above
information translated. Together, we can work in ensuring the safety of all as well as maintain a positive relationship with our
After School Care - Camp Australia
As previously mentioned in the last Newsletter, Camp Australia will be co-ordinating our After School program in 2014. A
Parent Information Evening has been planned on Monday 25 November at 6pm in the Junior School Library to assist parents
with this transition.
We have every confidence that we are moving in the right direction and look forward to providing fun, safe and engaging and
supportive programs in partnership with Camp Australia for our students.
Upcoming events
5 November – Mufti Day – Supporting rebuilding Project St George Monastery
7 November - K-6 Maths Workshops ‘Prof John O’Halloran’
9 November - Spring Fair 10-3pm
14 November - Church Liturgy
18 November - Pre Kinder 2014 Info Evening
22 November - Prep Christmas Concert 2pm
25 November – Camp Australia Info Evening 6pm Primary Library
29 November - Yr 6 Graduation
1 December - Christmas Carols 6:30pm
3 December - 3-12 Speech Day ‘Marana Auditorium’
6 December - End of year liturgy and term concludes 10:30am.
Spring Fair
Thank you to all the parents who have supported us so far in our requests for donations and assistance at the upcoming Spring
Fair. We are raising funds to purchase goods and food items to sell at the Fair as well as pay for upfront expenses.
If you are available to assist on the day and you have not already done so, please inform your child’s teacher of your
Again, thank you for your support.
28 October 2013 – “OXI” Day
On Monday 28 October all K-6 students participated in a commemorative assembly, marking the anniversary of “OXI Day”.
The occasion was celebrated with the presence of recently appointed Consul-General of Greece, Dr Stavros Kyrimis who laid
a wreath and delivered a heartfelt message of hope to this generation of Greek-Australian children.
Year 6 students also took us on a historical journey with their recount of the significant events of that era.
Mr T Psomas, Pastoral Care Cordinator
Commemoration of ‘OXI Day’ at
the Archdiocese Redfern
On Sunday 27 October 2013,
Grammar, St Spyridon College
and St Euphemia College
represented their schools at the
Annunciation of Our Lady
Theotokos in Redfern. Each
commemorating OXI Day and its
significance of the occasion for
the Greek people and culture.
After the Liturgy, we walked to
the Church courtyard to hear the
poems. It was a great day and an
enjoyable experience.
Thomas Koutavas, Year 5 Sturt
Charity Fundraising News
Last month, All Saints Grammar
Primary Campus was given the
honour of becoming “Friends of
The Children’s Hospital at
Westmead” for having donated
over $5000. We received this
certificate because of the students’
generous support for the hospital
and its patients over the past few
It is so wonderful for our school to
be recognised for this and for our
students to be able to make a real
community. Congratulations and
thank you to all for the support.
Mrs Caredes, Pre-Kindergarten
Year 5 Excursion – Luna Park
The Year 5 excursion to Luna Park was very much enjoyed by all students,
staff and parents in attendance.
The views and general outing was enjoyed, but by far, the rides were the
biggest highlight of the day. All students demonstrated their braveness by
hopping on the Wild Mouse, where the cart seems to jut out over the harbour.
The Rotor spun to a point of dizziness where centrifugal force pinned the
riders against the wall.
We kindly thank all the parents who volunteered their time on the day and
assisted in supervising students.
It was a very enjoyable day.
Mr B Frantzis and Mr K Barris, Year 5 Mathematics Teachers
Year 6 Excursion – Sydney Jewish Museum & ANZAC Memorial
The most informative excursion in the history of All Saints Grammar is the
Year Six excursion to the Jewish Museum and ANZAC Memorial by a
landslide. Year Six recently experienced the sad but true story of the
Holocaust and ANZACs.
After a quick recess in the park nearby the museum, we went into the Jewish
Museum and met Kitty. Kitty is a Holocaust survivor who volunteers at the museum, sharing her story of survival with school
groups. She told us of her tremendous adventure from Hungary to
Australia via France. After this we had a tour of the museum. We
listened to our guide tell us about Hitler’s cruel mistreatment of the
Jewish people through the war. A highlight of the tour had to have been
the Children’s Memorial. This Memorial commemorates the lives of one
and a half million children who died during the Holocaust.
Afterwards, we went to Hyde Park which is where the ANZAC memorial
is and had our lunch. We then toured the memorial. The guides told us
about the memorial itself, the history, the Symbol of Sacrifice, the stars
in the dome and the other symbols in the memorial.
It was with great knowledge of World War Two, the Holocaust and the
Sydney ANZAC Memorial that we returned to school after our
excursion. A once in a lifetime experience!
Thomas Svolos and James Kapaniris
Year 2 Excursion – Australian Museum
Year Two had the opportunity to go on an
excursion to the Australian museum. Students
got see the dinosaur exhibition and came face
to face with the fossil of a Muttaburrasaurus,
which they soon discovered was the first
dinosaur to be found in Australia. They were
quick to call it our dinosaur for the rest of the
Year two became engaged in plenty of hands
on fun as well. In the educational room
students built a 3D stegosaurus, pieced
together a fossil and even went on a fossil dig
like a real life palaeontologist! Overall the
day was a lot of fun and a huge success.
Miss Cross and Ms Zeritis, Year 2 Teachers
Kindergarten Excursion - Taronga Zoo
On Friday 25 October Kindy went on an
excursion to Taronga Zoo. On our bus
ride into the city the children excitedly
pointed out all of Sydney’s famous
landmarks i.e. the Harbour Bridge and
Opera House. Whilst at the zoo we saw
elephants frolicking with one another,
lions lazing in the sun, giraffes grazing
on their lunch, and a pygmy hippo
swimming in the pond. The highlight
of the day was definitely watching the seals performing their daring tricks!
All the teachers were so proud of the children’s behaviour!
Thank you to the amazing parents who came along and helped with supervision. It was really appreciated!
Miss Griffiths, Miss Liberman & Miss Madonis, Kindergarten Teachers
Pre-Kindergarten CSIRO Science Lab Incursion
Last week the children of Pre-Kindergarten took part in the Early Learners Science Lab presented by the CSIRO. The children
were full of excitement as they became scientists for the day exploring concepts including gravity, balance and pitch through
numerous play based actvities. The children were encouraged to investigate, ask questions and make predictions throughout
the visit with many interesting discoveries being made. We learnt how to make a rocket from a tea bag and how joints work in
an enormous Hoberman Sphere. The children thoroughly enjoyed this valuable learning experience, many of them eager to try
some of the experiments at home!
Mrs Caredes and Miss Lyon, Pre-Kindergarten Teachers
IPSHA Debating Gala Day
After many weeks researching, speech writing and practising, the two debating teams from ASG were put to the challenge at
the IPSHA Debating Gala Day hosted by Trinity Grammar. We had two debates to prepare, Children should NOT be given
pocket money and Violent video games should be banned.
The first debate against Moriah College was our affirmative team for Children should not be given pocket money. Although
we thought we did well, Moriah College had a fantastic team and they convinced everyone that pocket money is a good thing,
earning them a terrific win. The second debate against Sydney Grammar School was equally as challenging. We were the
negative team for the topic Violent video games should be banned. It was a topic we enjoyed preparing for but were unable to
win. Well done to Moriah College and Sydney Grammar School!
This marks the end of debating for 2013. We would like to congratulate all the debating children for their hard work and
dedication this year; Valentina Pampalis, Thomas Koutavas, Athan Agagiotis, Christopher Loupos, Georgios Atsalis, Irene
Emvalomas, Elessa Stivaktas, Gabrielle Hilellis, Nick Kosmas, Alexander Stavrou and Billy Alemis.
Ms Hurst and Mr Panagiotou
3P Learning has announced a brand new version of the Mathletics tablet app! Version 1.6 is now available. As a subscriber,
the Mathletics Student app is available free and only requires login credentials to access. The new version of the app has some
great new features - and is now available for Android devices too!
Some features include:
• Assigned tasks now available - set homework to be completed on the tablet
• Concept Search - now available within the Mathletics Student app
• Are You Ready and Test activities now enabled, where available
• 100s of curriculum activities now available across all year levels
• Now available for Android tablet devices
• Minor bug fixes from previous version.
Please update your device with the latest app today!
Mr Frantzis, Curriculum Co-ordinator PK-6
Primary Music News
Symphony Orchestra Excursion
Over the past few months we have had the
great privilege of taking Years 1, 2, 3 and 4
to the Sydney Symphony Orchestra concert
series for schools. The children travelled to
the ABC Centre to listen to and participate
in a number of pieces from different
composers and centuries. Some of our
students even got the opportunity to
conduct the magnificent orchestra. A great
time was had by all.
Spring Fair
The bands, both choirs and Music &
Movement have all been busy rehearsing in order to be able to perform at the Spring Fair. Each group will be performing a
few pieces at the following times:
We look forward to seeing you there.
Carols By Candlelight
The Christmas trees have gone up in the shopping centres, so it must be that time of year again for us to prepare for the
Christmas Carols concert. We have chosen our songs and are busy getting ready to get you in the Christmas spirit before we
go on school holidays. So please put Sunday, December 1 at 6.30pm (in the gymnasium) in your diaries for our annual Carols
by Candlelight concert.
Miss Sullivan, Music
K-2 Mini Athletics Carnival
The annual Mini Athletics carnival took place early term 4 at Terry Lamb Reserve. In what was a pleasant and exciting
morning, students represented their Houses in running, egg & spoon and sack races as well as a tug of war. Congratulations to
Ionia for claiming successive titles, although well done to all students for the exemplary manner and spirit in which they
conducted themselves throughout the day. Thank you also to our fantastic ASG staff and Year 6 leadership group for their
support and assistance throughout the day.
Congratulations to Miss Malaxos and Miss Kalotheos and their respective teams of Oz Tag and Girls Soccer for reaching the
IPSSO finals. Once again the finals will be taking place at Macarthur Anglican School. The finals are scheduled for
Wednesday the 20th November with a back up week reserved for Wednesday 27 November.
Round Results
Oz Tag
Girls Soccer
St Marks
William Carey
21-18 W
8-1 W
8-0 W
20-10 W
3-14 L
22-50 L
21-1 W
3-0 W
8-42 L
Congratulations to our own William Hatzis of Year 5 on his contribution and success at the recent SWISSA Tennis Gala Day.
Mr Georgiakakis, P-6 PDHPE & Sport Co-ordinator
Secondary Campus News
A Pastoral Perspective – Pastoral & Welfare Administrator
With examinations just around the corner for our students in Years 7 - 10, it is important to set goals and put into place
meaningful strategies that will enable all students to reach their full potential and achieve results which accurately reflect their
Some simple yet effective considerations include trying to control procrastination. Motivate yourself to work on a task,
prioritise tasks and commit to completing a task once started. With the examination timetable already issued to students, make
a schedule or Study Timetable of the tasks you must complete in a logical order.
Feeling in control can be achieved by breaking large tasks into small manageable parts. Reward after completion is also
important. So too is taking breaks when working on a task. Set reasonable standards that you can meet for a task. Work on
tasks at the times you work best, taking into consideration commitments such as family, work or sport.
I would encourage all students to speak to their class teachers to ascertain the length of the paper, the topics to be covered and
the marks to be allocated to each section. This then enables students to devise a plan based on time apportioned to answers,
based on the mark value. Simply put, the time spent on each answer will be determined by the number of marks. Seek
assistance from other experts such as our School Librarian, older students such as siblings or Student Leaders or attend the
'Maths Club' which is led by our dedicated Mathematics Staff at lunch times. Further, ensure that all materials, from a wellstocked pencil-case to specialised equipment, are also ready.
Essentially, be prepared well ahead of time. In the words of the American motivational speaker Robert H. Schuller,
'Spectacular achievement is always preceded by unspectacular preparation.'
Mrs. H. Baillie, Pastoral Care and Welfare Administrator
The Curriculum Perspective - Curriculum Administrator
Years 7-10 Examinations
The examinations are something that no student really looks forward to, however it does not have to be difficult. With the
right kind of strategies in place you can develop a series of good habits that will make studying and dealing with exams much
The examination period commences on the 4th November and concludes on the 7th November. Students should use the time
between morning and afternoon sessions wisely. They are not permitted to leave the school grounds between exams. Further,
students should be picked up after their last exam each day and not loiter around the school ground, as some classes and other
exams are still taking place.
Below is a website that may help you make it through the exam period safely.
Important Dates
7th - 11th November, Years 7-10 examinations commence
If you have any questions with regard to the pattern of study or any curriculum issues please do not hesitate to contact me.
Mr H. Vomvellis, Curriculum Administrator
Bundanon Art Gifted & Talented Camp for Years 9, 10 & 11
This term year 11 Visual Arts and a select group of year 9 and 10 Gifted and Talented students attended the two day art camp
at Bundanon. Bundanon was the home of the famous landscape painter Arthur Boyd and his wife Yvonne, who left it in trust
to the Australian people in 1993. It is located on 1,100 hectares of pristine bush land overlooking the Shoalhaven River, near
Nowra and is now dedicated to promoting arts practice and enjoyment in the areas of visual arts, writing, music and other
performing arts.
The students took part in two workshops. The Visual Effects workshop took place on the very same river bank that Arthur
Boyd painted many works from his Shoalhaven River series. Here students painted en plein air (painting outdoors) a series of
landscapes utilising various media such as ink, pen and pastel. On the second day students participated in the Reconstructing
the Landscape workshop which involved the process of gestural and spontaneous mark making in response to the amazing
landscape before them. It required that the students worked collaboratively to produce a large mural sized mixed media
As our first visit, the teachers and students found it to be a very rewarding and enriching experience, so much so, that we hope
it will become an annual occasion. A huge thank you goes to Ms Elly Paxinos who tirelessly worked on making this
wonderful event a reality and Mr Comninos for his great skill at feeding and organising the troupes.
Ms F. Hanna C.A.T Coordinator
English Ext 1 Class Visit Melbourne!
With the English Extension 1 course syllabus in hand, a handful of upcoming Year 12 students sought a practical educational
approach to our learning. Eager to begin our adventure into crime fiction, we travelled to Melbourne, to attend a theatrical
performance of Tom Stoppard’s The Real Inspector Hound, and with much success not only enriched our knowledge of the
play and the genre itself but had a memorable experience.
With anticipation, on 20 September we travelled to Warrandyte’s Youth Theatre to watch a local production of the play. The
Real Inspector Hound, famously known as a play within a play parodies the stereotypical murder-mystery-in-a-parlour genre
and is seen through the eyes of two critics who become inextricably linked to the action.
A genuine appreciation of the play was evident, as the casting and the production itself was superb. We were privileged to
experience a rare encounter with its actors, who with enthusiasm answered all our questions and took us on a guided tour of
the set.
With the end of the night’s proceedings, we were all excited for the upcoming day. An early start didn’t deter us, eager to
explore we were fortunate enough to take a guided bus tour of Melbourne, to uncover the rich history of the crime capital of
Enjoying the sites of Melbourne, we learnt the historical importance of many of the city’s landmarks, and along the way
absorbed insight into the nature of crime in Australia and more specifically in the city of Melbourne.
With all this knowledge and information, the only thing left to do, was experience the life of criminal itself. And with that in
mind, we entered the Melbourne jail, which is no longer operational however a place for tourists to gain further insight.
Exiting the jail, our expectations were surpassed. We were taken on an extensive tour of the daily life of an inmate,
experiencing even the minor details of their daily routines.We were able to appreciate the importance of crime history in an
interactive nature, ending the day with our own personalised mug shots. This marked the end of our trip in Melbourne, which
was the only complaint we had.
All the students of the Extension English class, returned to Sydney with not only knowledge of the crime genre, but an
understanding and appreciation of its application. We would like to thank Mr Tsoutsa, for allowing the excursion to take
place. We would also like to give a big thank you, to the support of the English department and the school for their
fundraising efforts, to Mr. Theodoropoulos, Mr. Skamanis, Mrs. Focasas as well as Mrs David for accompanying us on the
Vassilia Haralampidis, Yr 11
ACU Pixel Prize
On the evening of Thursday the 10th of October Ms Hanna and I had the pleasure of
attending the annual Australian Catholic University Pixel Prize exhibition. This prize
showcases the Photographic and Digital Media skills of secondary students throughout
NSW. As in the past All Saints Grammar was well represented by two of our talented
students Catherine and Panayioti Stivaktas. The theme for this show was Vision of a
Sustainable World and out hundreds of entrants only
69 were chosen as finalists. Panayioti was one of
these finalists and Catherine Stivaktas was a finalist
for 2 of her images and her entry The Door to the
Future won a prize for highly commended. A heart
felt congratulations to these two hard working Year 9
students and their teacher and mentor Ms Hanna, you
have made the school proud.
Mr Comninos, Visual Arts Teacher
Careers Corner
Careers Work Experience Week is fast approaching. Year 10 students are expected to find themselves a work experience
position for the week of 25-29 November. Many have already negotiated this with their potential WE employer and have
returned the paperwork. If anyone is still confused about what to do, please come and see Mrs. Bale in the library, ASAP.
If students do not have a prospect in mind, they might consider volunteering in a nursing home or homeless shelter and help
those less fortunate than themselves. Community service is a very worthwhile learning experience and would amply reward
those who sought this special opportunity. Those students who cannot find anything will be expected to come to school, where
we will find gainful employment for them here at ASGS.
Wondering about a Career in Design or Construction?
Are you a creative student interested in design? UNSW Built Environment’s student graduation exhibition ‘LuminoCity’ is a
great opportunity for you to discover a range of Built Environment degrees that will lead to a career in design. The exhibition
will showcase the work of 500 graduating students alongside a dynamic program of public events, featuring industry
speakers, debates and much more.18 – 29 November, UNSW Kensington. Visit be.unsw.edu.au/luminocity for more
Fitness Celebrities Visit All Saints Grammar
Year 10 PASS, and our Greek Rugby League players from Years 8-11, recently enjoyed an information session on tailoring
their nutrition, fitness & strength training to suit their sporting and lifestyle needs. IFBB Australian and Australia-Pacific
physique champion, Anthony Rufus, came to All Saints with his wife Tricia, who is also an expert in ethical nutrition and
fitness. The visit was amazingly successful and our students were totally engaged. Anthony has a special fondness for ASGS,
as he was a former student here. We hope to have Anthony and Tricia as regular visitors to the school to share with our
students their expertise and sound advice for healthy living.
Anthony & Tricia Rufus with the Rugby League team; Anthony & the Year 10 PAS girls
Exclusively at all Saints Grammar: the 2013 Concert for the Doors!
Senior students studying in the Library need a sanctuary of peace and quiet. Unfortunately, when the folding doors that
separate the Library from the classrooms are well past their sound-proof date, the conditions for study are far from ideal.
To help our hard-working seniors, the Library is holding a series of fund-raising events to raise the money to install at least
one set of sound-proof doors, ideally over the Christmas break and ready for the 2014 academic year. The first event is the
CONCERT FOR THE DOORS, to be held in periods 5 & 6 on Wednesday 20 November. An entertaining repertoire of
song, dance and comedy has been planned by enthusiastic students and staff. Choc-tops and chips will be on sale to feed that
afternoon appetite. Admission is by gold coin donation and parents and ex-students are very welcome to attend.
Whether you can attend or not, parents and friends of All Saints Grammar are warmly invited to donate to this worthy cause,
via the tax-deductible, All Saints Grammar School Library Fund. Your donation will help secure a safe and quiet study
venue for our students. Please consider this as a practical, but sound (or, in this case, sound-proof), investment in their future.
Kind regards,
Mrs. Julia Bale, Senior Librarian, Vocational Facilitator & Year 12 Ancient History Teacher.
ASG Advertising
The following are paid advertisements. The School does not endorse any product or service advertised
and leaves this up to each person to investigate and decide if they wish to use the product or service.
School & Community News & Notices