Newsletter Volume 24 Issue 3- 2011.pdf

From the Principal - Mr George Panagopoulos
Australian Cooperative Entry Program (ACEP)
We are delighted to announce that for the 2012 academic school year the following students
have received scholarships.
1. Zacharoula Ktisti
2. Despina Kontopoulos
3. Manni Katopodis
4. Amanda Piliouras
5. Ruby Leventeris
In February of this year, students in Year 7 participated in the Australian Co-operative Entry
Programme which offers Scholarships to South Australian Independent and Catholic Schools.
The Cooperative Scholarship Testing Program is an annual program used by independent
schools across Australia to select academically gifted students for the award of a scholarship.
The Australian Co-operative Entry Programme is organised by the Australian Council for
Educational Research (ACER) which is responsible for the setting and marking of the ACEP
The Australian Cooperative Entry Program (ACEP) is designed to provide a measure of
academic potential for schools to award academic scholarships. The tests are designed to be
separate from curricula so that candidates across state and national boundaries are not
advantaged or disadvantaged.
The tests comprise three elements – verbal and visual reasoning (Reading and Viewing Test),
quantitative reasoning (Mathematics) and linguistic production (Written Expression).
The tests differ from national and state based testing in two significant details. Firstly these
tests are designed to find out how schools are performing in test curricula, so as to provide
schools with information about progress and achievement.
Secondly, the national tests are designed for all students at a particular year level. This means
that the testing must be geared towards catering for all these students and their various levels
of achievement. The ACEP test on the other hand, is designed to measure the ability of
candidates at the top end of academic performance.
We congratulate our students and wish them continued success in their academic endeavours.
St George College
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, Community
and Parish of St George, Thebarton, SA
Senior Campus: 73 Rose Street, Mile End, SA, 5031
T: (+61 8) 8159 8100
F: (+61 8) 8234 5942
Junior Campus: 54 Rose Street, Mile End, SA, 5031
T: (+61 8) 8159 8100
F: (+61 8) 8159 8111
P.O. Box 29,
Torrensville Plaza, SA 5031
25th March - Feast of the Annunciation of Our
Most Holy Lady, the Theotokos & Greek
Independence Day
On the 25th March we celebrated the Feast of the
Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady, the Theotokos. The
Feast commemorates the announcement by the Archangel
Gabriel to Mary that our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,
the Son of God, would become Mother of Jesus Christ.
We also celebrated the anniversary of the beginning of the
struggle for independence of the Hellenic Republic in
On this day it was fitting to reflect on the enormous
contributions the Greek people have made to humanity.
In light of the significance of these two events we
acknowledge all students, parents and staff who attended
the Doxology which was held on Sunday 21st March, and
who took part in the Memorial Service, Wreath Laying
No voluntary work can be undertaken without
a National Police Certificate.
SAPOL has no authority over organisations
regarding voluntary arrangements
It is the responsibility of the employing
organisation to identify a person’s suitability
for volunteer programs
SAPOL advises organisations that a police
check should only form part of a process to
identify a person’s suitability for a role
Fee waivers apply to unpaid South Australian
volunteers working with approved Volunteer
Organisation Authorisation Number (VOAN)
organisations such as St. George College
NPC applicants must meet the 100 Point ID
St. George College policy requires that a
National Police Certificate needs to be
completed every two years
As with driver’s license and insurance policies
the onus to renew is on the holder of the
National Police Certificate
Mr George Panagopoulos
Teacher Profile
Congratulations to Mrs Batzavalis who was awarded a
scholarship from the Association of Independent Schools
of South Australia (AISSA), to undertake Certificate 1V in
Career Development. This course will provide her with
the opportunity to obtain a full qualification in the area of
career/vocational counselling.
This professional development opportunity will strengthen
the current work undertaken by Mrs Batzavalis in the PLP
program and extend career counselling opportunities for
ASIA Literacy Project Report
National Police Certificate & Volunteers
St. George College values and encourages the involvement
of volunteers within all designated College programs and
activities. For parents wishing to volunteer their services
they will need to complete a National Police Certificate
which is a legal requirement.
A National Police Certificate (NPC), is often referred to as
a 'police check' and provides a national summary of an
individual's disclosable offender history. The National
Police Certificate is part of the College’s process to ensure
the integrity of their staff or volunteers.
NPC forms can be obtained from Mrs. Karen Rivett who
will assist parents in the completion and lodging of
application forms with SAPOL.
Certified documents will only be accepted with a stamp
and signature of a Justice of the Peace, Police Officer or
Commissioner for taking Affidavits.
As a certificate only reflects the completeness and
accuracy of these records and systems on the date of issue
by SAPOL, parents are reminded that:
The following of initiatives have been implemented as part
of the Asia Literacy Project:
1. Asia Literacy Committee established
2. teacher survey to be undertaken prior to PD and at end
of year to gage knowledge outcomes
3. Wikki training Part 1 whole school
4. Audit of yr 6 & 7 SOSE Curriculum
5. Preliminary discussion with Music & Art Department
re Asia content
6. Research and exploration of places of significance for
potential student excursions
7. curriculum mapping of SOSE Years 6 – 9
8. Resource Staff briefed and audit of resources begun
9. Four teachers identified and enrolled in the Flinders
University Teachers Professional Learning Program
“Studies of Asia in Curriculum” – beginning in May
These are significant achievements for Term 1 and I thanks
Ms Kosmetos Ms Panopoulos, Miss Bosnjak, Ms
Andreacchio and all the teachers who have actively
participated in this project. I look forward to some exciting
student learning opportunities that arise from this project.
The Research Project
NAPLAN Information for Parents
The Research Project is a compulsory 10 credit subject
under the New SACE. This subject gives students the
opportunity to undertake research and learning in a
personal interest area.
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and
Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an assessment for students in
Years 3, 5, 7, and 9. It has been an annual event for
schools since 2008.
The topics of research undertaken by our current Year 12 On Tuesday 10, Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 May,
students and the methods used to undertake learning, students will undertake the 2011 NAPLAN tests.
reflect on the process and the final research task are a good
NAPLAN is made up of tests in the four domains of
reflection of individuality and determination to succeed.
Reading, Writing, Language Conventions (spelling,
On the 27th March I attended the final outcome of Eleni grammar and punctuation) and Numeracy.
Biris’ research project, which involved hosting a Important information about NAPLAN tests is available on
community event. It was wonderful to see the outcome of the National Assessment Program website
Eleni’s hard work. The event highlighted:
her (
organizational skills; her ability to coordinate and
NAPLAN assesses skills in literacy and numeracy that are
communicate with a range of audiences; her skills in
developed over time, through the school curriculum.
negotiation; attention to detail; understanding of legal
NAPLAN is not a pass or fail type test, but rather shows
requirements in hosting a public event and in keeping her
how individual students are progressing in numeracy and
cool throughout the planning process. I congratulate Eleni
literacy skills against national standards for all Australian
in bringing the flavours of Greece to Vine Street Prospect .
We all had a wonderful afternoon. I also look forward to
highlighting Year 12 Research Projects as they complete All students are encouraged to participate in the tests.
Students with disability may qualify for special provisions
that reflect the support normally provided to them in the
An individual student NAPLAN report will be issued by
the school later this year. Parents can use this information
to monitor how their child is progressing and to identify
any areas of concern. Parents may also wish to use their
child’s results to discuss progress with teachers. More
information is available at
Mrs Raffaela Del Vecchio
Deputy Principal
Eleni Biris on the Research Project
For my Research Project, I chose to coordinate an event
with the Prospect Council. I am particularly interested in
event co-ordination and have always dreamt of hosting an
event of my own. The Research Project provided me with
the opportunity to make this dream become a reality! On
Sunday the 27th of March, my project, "Prospect Goes
Greek- a Greek food and culture fair" was held.
Locals got to enjoy the home made Greek sweets on sale,
listen to Greek music and join in the "kalamatiana". The
afternoon was very successful, with all the sweets selling
out. I was so happy to see so many people enjoying
themselves at my event!
I'd like once again thank the school for providing me with
the opportunity to make the event possible, and for all the
ongoing support and advice throughout the project. I have
thoroughly enjoyed the Research Project and I will
definitely look back on this experience as a learning
milestone in my life.
Eleni Biris
Year 12 Student
Stephanie Kosmetos
Head of Junior School
Διοικητική ηγεσία του Κολλεγίου μας, αλλά και ηγετικά
«Μαθαίνω γλώσσα επειδή τη χρησιμοποιώ» Ε.ΔΙΑ.Μ.ΜΕ) στο χώρο της εκπόνησης αναλυτικών
Απρίλιος 2011 προγραμμάτων για την ελληνόφωνη εκπαίδευση της
Με υγεία και προκοπή διανύουμε το τέλος του 1ου
τριμήνου της σχολικής χρονιάς 2011. Οδηγούμαστε προς Για άλλη μια φορά παρακαλούμε τους παππούδες, τις
τη Μεγάλη Εβδομάδα, το Άγιο Πάσχα και τον εορτασμό γιαγιάδες, τους γονείς και γνωστούς να ενθαρρύνουν τα
του Αγίου Γεωργίου, προστάτη Αγίου της Κοινότητας – παιδιά μας να χρησιμοποιούν τη γλώσσα και στο σπίτι. Η
Ενορίας και του Κολλεγίου μας. Περιμένουμε να δούμε βελτίωση των Ελληνικών των παιδιών μας αποτελεί τη
μαθητές και μαθήτριές μας σε όλες αυτές τις Ιερές σύμπραξη και υποστήριξη όλων μας, σχολείου και
Ακολουθίες της Αγίας αυτής περιόδου, που αποτελούν συγγενών.
έκφραση του θρησκευτικού συναισθήματος όλων μας.
Στις 4 Μαΐου το Κολλέγιό μας θα συμμετάσχει στο
Κατά τη διάρκεια του 1ου τριμήνου στις τάξεις μας, από μαθητικό διαγωνισμό που θα λάβει χώρα στο Κολλέγιο
την προκαταρκτική μέχρι και τη 12η, εκτός της των Αγίων Πάντων, στο Σύδνεϋ. Εμείς θα λάβουμε μέρος
καθημερινής διδακτικής πράξης, που έμφαση δίνουμε στην με τη θεματική ενότητα: «Ποίηση της Διασποράς –
μας, Αφιέρωμα στη Μητέρα». Στις 10, 11 και 12 Μαΐου θα
προετοιμαστήκαμε κατάλληλα για τον εορτασμό της λάβουν χώρα οι εξετάσεις για την απόκτηση του
Εθνικής μας επετείου. Φέτος γιορτάζουμε την 190η επέτειο πιστοποιητικού
από το 1821, έτος έναρξης της Ελληνικής Επανάστασης διαγωνιζόμενους μαθητές και μαθήτριες από το Κολλέγιό
που οδήγησε στην απελευθέρωση και στην ίδρυση της μας.
Ελληνικής Δημοκρατίας.
Εύχομαι σε όλους Καλή Μεγάλη Εβδομάδα, Λαμπροφόρο
Ανήμερα του Ευαγγελισμού, 25η Μαρτίου έλαβε χώρα Ανάσταση με υγεία και οικογενειακές στιγμές, που όλοι
εορτασμός στο Κολλέγιό μας με τη συμμετοχή όλων των μας έχουμε ανάγκη. Εκ μέρους των διδασκόντων
μαθητών μας και του διδακτικού προσωπικού. Τονίστηκε Ελληνικά,
ιδιαίτερα ο διπλός χαρακτήρας της εορτής, δηλαδή η
θρησκευτική και η εθνική της διάσταση. Εκτός του
θρησκευτικού μέρους, ο εορτασμός μας ήταν ένα
αφιέρωμα στους «Ήρωες και στις ηρωίδες του 1821».
Την Κυριακή 27 Μαρτίου τελέστηκε η δοξολογία για την
Εθνική μας Γιορτή στον Ιερό Ναό του Αγίου Γεωργίου με
ικανοποιητική αντιπροσώπευση από το Κολλέγιό μας. Στη
συνέχεια συναντηθήκαμε στο Μνημείο του Αγνώστου
Στρατιώτη όπου έλαβε χώρα το τρισάγιο, η κατάθεση
στεφάνων και η μαθητική παρέλαση. Οι εθνικές και
θρησκευτικές μας γιορτές αποτελούν σημαντικό και
αναπόσπαστο μέρος της σχολικής μας πράξης και αποτελεί
υποχρέωση των μαθητών και των καθηγητών να βιώνουν
αυτές τις ευκαιρίες που αποδεικνύουν και επιβεβαιώνουν
την ταυτότητα του Κολλεγίου μας. Απευθύνω θερμά
συγχαρητήρια στους μαθητές και στις μαθήτριες που
τίμησαν τις παραπάνω εορταστικές εκδηλώσεις και
προσκαλούμε όλους τους μαθητές μας να δίνουν το παρόν
σε μελλοντικούς παρόμοιους εορτασμούς.
Κατά τα προσεχή τρίμηνα με ιδιαίτερη προσοχή και
ευθύνη θα συνεχίσουμε την προσπάθεια σταδιακής
αναθεώρησης του προγράμματος των Ελληνικών σε
όλες μας τις τάξεις. Το βέβαιο είναι ότι σε αυτό μας το
εγχείρημα δίνουμε έμφαση στη χρήση της γλώσσας και
ιδιαίτερα του προφορικού λόγου. Επίσης σημαντικό ρόλο
στο νέο μας αναλυτικό πρόγραμμα παίζουν οι νέες
τεχνολογίες και η δημιουργία ηλεκτρονικών κοινοτήτων –
τάξεων – γονέων, συνδέοντας το Κολλέγιό μας με άλλα
ελληνικά σχολεία εντός Αυστραλίας, αλλά και σχολεία
από άλλες ηπείρους. Στο σχεδιασμό μας αυτό, που
εντάσσεται στο πλαίσιο του νέου Εθνικού Αυστραλιανού Δρ Γεώργιος Μιχ. Φρατζής
Αναλυτικού Προγράμματος, με έμφαση στις μεθόδους Συντονιστής Τμήματος Ελληνικών Σπουδών
προσέγγισης της Ελληνικής ως δεύτερης και ως ξένης
γλώσσας, έχουμε συμπαραστάτες την Εκπαιδευτική,
Secondary School Sport
Year 8/9 Boys and Girls Basketball
Congratulations to both teams who competed in the
Western Zone Carnival this term. The girls finished third
overall and had some good wins on the day. Thank you to
Miss Marciano for coaching the girls. The boys went
through undefeated beating 6 teams in the group stage.
They then went on to play Underdale in the grand final and
the boys played extremely well winning the game to be
Western Zone champions for 2011.
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia National
Schools Event Sydney 2011
Good luck to 49 students who were selected, and will
travel to Sydney this year to participate in Performing Arts
in Modern Greek, Volleyball, Basketball, Outdoor and
Indoor Soccer, Netball, and Table Tennis. Thank you to
Miss Marciano, Miss Sakellariou, Dr Frazis, Father Kon,
and Mr Saredakis who are working with the students to
prepare them for this event.
Mr Rodas
Year 8 to 12 Sports Coordinator
Year 6 Excursion to the Zoo
During weeks 9 and 10, all Year 6 classes visited the
Adelaide Zoo as part of the SOSE curriculum. The purpose
of this excursion was to consolidate the students
understanding in the structure of rainforests, animal and
plant habitats and the importance of maintaining
All classes were fortunate enough to visit the pandas,
which have created a 900% increase in attendance to the
Adelaide Zoo over the period of just a year. We were all
overwhelmed with Wang Wang and Funi and were
incredibly surprised to hear that the Adelaide Zoo is the
only zoo in the Southern Hemisphere to keep pandas.
On our travels around the zoo, we saw many rainforest
animals in brilliant enclosures that depicted their real
environment. These enclosures contained many rainforest
plants that would be found in real rainforests located all
over the tropics of the world.
The incredible wildlife that the Adelaide Zoo is home to,
enables students and adults alike an opportunity to see
particular animals that would be impossible to see first
hand and this excursion was a fitting culmination of the
work covered by the Year 6’s during Term 1.
Year 8/9/10 Girls and Boys Tennis
Well done to the tennis players who competed in the
secondary schools tennis championships this term. Lefki
Angelo made the plate final and in a close game finished
runner up. Thank you to Miss Pasalidis and Mr
Papazaharoudakis for their assistance.
Mr Adam Papazaharoudakis
Year 6 Teacher
SAPSASA Lacrosse Carnival
Year 6 CSIRO Workshops
During term the Year 6 students have been participating in This term in Science all the Year 6 classes have been
a number of Lacrosse clinics to build their skills and learning about what a ‘fair test’ is and that a hypothesis
enthusiasm in lacrosse.
and variables are important when conducting experiments.
To help us further our knowledge with experiments all the
St George College entered 9 Year 6 teams in the
Year 6 classes took part in a ‘Lab on Legs Workshop’
SAPSASA Lacrosse carnival on Thursday the 10th March.
conducted by the CSIRO on the 17th of March.
It was pleasing to see all the students using their lacrosse
skills attained during the PE clinics. The morale and
Frank and Bill were the Education Officers from the
sportsmanship displayed by our students was admired and
CSIRO and they assisted us in conducting various
mentioned by the officials of this carnival. Our students
experiments such as the rocket launcher, the wind
made our school extremely proud!
generator, detecting for carbon dioxide and playing with
The student’s confidence and skill level improved pendulums. There were many other experiments but we
throughout the carnival and some of the teams won against weren’t able to get through them all.
other schools in their division. Congratulations to all the
We had a lot of fun learning new things and we all enjoyed
students who participated in the carnival.
the day. We are grateful to Bill and Frank from the CSIRO
If your child is interested in playing for a team in the West for coming to visit us and letting us have a ‘hands on’
Torrens district please contact Marilyn Fuss who coached experience with the many different types of experiments
which they brought in for us to participate in. We hope to
our students on, 8355 3350.
see them again soon.
By Sophia Petropoulos, Maria Pallis and Constance
Students from 6P
Mrs Georgia Ktanis
Year 6 Teacher
Year 5 Pelican Power Point Station Excursion From the Counsellor
The Year 5 classes went to the Pelican Point Power Station Helping kids manage their BIG emotions
as an excursion to learn more about how electricity is If we want our children to handle BIG emotions we
generated and transported to our homes.
need to rein in our emotions too. We want our children
to mimic our response when they experience problems
When at the Pelican Point Power Station we were guided
or difficulties at school.
by Lee who shared his knowledge about the 8 basic types
of energy which are steam, coal, oil, wind, gas, sun, sound There are lots of things that happen that can upset our
and water. We also learnt that coal comes from fern trees children. Losing a race, experiencing some rejection or not
located in swamps that have been embedded in the earth having their best friend in their class at school can be
for millions of years. We then experienced a simple form upsetting, but not catastrophic. Kids can sometimes make
of electricity when Lee dropped a strong magnet through these issues seem bigger than they are and their emotional
an aluminium tube. It took more time to travel through response doesn’t match the situation.
this tube than the plastic one.
They also know the buttons to press with parents, and we
can easily escalate our response to match our child’s.
Suddenly, “this is the worst thing ever” that a child talks
about can seem like “the worst thing ever” in our eyes too.
Our behaviour starts to mimic our child’s behaviour.
If we want our children to handle BIG emotions we need
to rein in our emotions too. We want our children to mimic
We had a wonderful time at the Pelican Point Power our response when they experience problems or difficulties
Station and learned a lot, thanks to Lee, our guide.
at school.
Later Lee gave us a tour of the power station and told us
how water is drawn from the river, purified and turned to
steam to power the turbines. The highest chimney in the
power station was 40 metres high and the electricity bill is
a whopping 6 to 9 million dollars a month!
Start by changing your own thinking: Rather than
thinking “here we go again. My child won’t be able to
cope” replace these thoughts with “I’d better stay calm.
My child needs me to model calm.” This will help you rein
in your own emotional response.
Then go through these steps:
Process: Ask your child good questions to get the full
story. Use your senses and your intuition to check out
what’s happening. Think about what may have happened
to lead to the situation. Kids are faulty observers and often
present one side of a situation. Think about the full story
Reflect: It’s really important to give yourself time to think
when children and young people talk about their problems.
Is this so bad? Will things be better tomorrow? Has this
happened in the past? Has your child been able to handle
such challenges before? Is this an issue that I need to
resolve? Try to see the bigger picture.
Respond: Children’s concerns need to be taken seriously,
but sometimes some TLC (Tender Loving Care in the
form of a big hug) is sufficient and very reassuring. At
other times, some ideas about coping or handling the
situation may be useful, but this can occur over time.
Avoid feeling that you have to ‘fix’ the problem for your
child. And don’t panic if you don’t know what
to do. Sometimes things work themselves out, or a solution
will appear over time.
Written by George Angelo, George Aharidis, Demi
Balderanos and Alexandra Toubia
Year 5 Students
Kids of all ages have a tendency to catastrophise when life
throws them curve balls. Nothing wrong with that, to a
point. But it really helps if the significant adults in their
lives (that is, parents) can model calm, reflective behaviour
when kids come to them with their emotions out of control.
It’s not easy staying calm when kids’ emotions run high,
but if you want your kids to calm down and think, then you
need to go first.
Michael Grose
Ruby Gates, Student Counsellor
To purchase A-Reserve tickets for just
$40.00, instead of $84.95
please use the link below, select one of
the following dates
Wednesday 27 April @ 7pm
Thursday 28 April @ 3pm & 7pm
Friday 29 April @ 7pm
Then follow the prompts to check out
or simply book at
28 March 2011
Extend After School Care at
St George College
A Message from the Team Leader:
“We had a fun week of making jigsaw puzzles,
aboriginal painting, construction and playing soccer. We also enjoyed creating stain glass windows which were pretty and colourful.”
STAR of the week is Ada E.
4 April 2011
Extend After School Care at
St George College
A Message from the Team Leader:
“We had fun with mosaic art, creating our own
pictures with squares. We also enjoyed playing
soccer, doing a craft activity and crafting our own
Easter egg.”
STAR of the week is Kevin X.
11 April 2011
21 March 2011
Extend After School Care at
St George College
A Message from the Team Leader:
“We had a fun week of playing soccer, decorating paper plates and creating our names
on paper using sequins and mosaic
Extend After School Care at
St George College
A Message from the Team Leader:
“Last week we were very busy doing lots of
Easter crafts and on Wednesday we had lots of
fun playing soccer in the nice weather.”
STAR of the week is Ekjot K.
STAR of the week is Kevin X.
Good Friday—22 April 2011
Easter Monday—25 April 2011
Anzac Day—26 April 2011
Pupil Free Day—2 May 2011
Term 2 Commences—3 May 2011
NAPLAN—10-13 May 2011
Year 7-12 Parent Teacher Interviews, 3.30pm-5.30pm—10 May 2011
Year 7-12 Parent Teacher Interviews, 6.30pm-8.30pm—11 May 2011
Immunisations (Years 8 &9) - 10 May 2011
Year 6 Camp to Wellington—11—13 May 2011
Dear Friend,
Please find attached some update information on the 2nd annual Tertiary Studies and Careers Expo ( TSCEA ) coming up
this June 19 - 20 .
Additionally, around six weeks before the event an information containing bookmarks and posters will be forwarded to your school.
The following table will assist through providing some straight forward procedures for the electronic distribution of specific
information for the upcoming TSCEA event on 19 & 20 June 2011 to school students, other teachers and related
administration staff within your school.
Feel free to forward any of the following links or for that matter the complete page to parties you feel may have an interest in
participating as visitor to the TSCEA. If you have not already received a package, there will be a TSCEA information kit in hard
copy sent to you office, shortly or you may contact our office for a copy.
Hopefully, this process will reduce the burden associated paper distribution and will be a more efficient way of relaying information
about this important event throughout your network.
There is no admission charge for visitors and we would greatly appreciate your support in forwarding this material to any
prospective visitors including students, teachers and other decision makers within your school.
Refer to for a complete list of documentation that can be
viewed on-line. Some items of importance can be viewed in the following table -
Item Description & Hyperlink
Student Worksheet
Worksheet designed to assist students with
their visit to the event. It contains a series of
questions that can act as a guideline on what
to ask exhibitors. School Newsletter TSCEA Poster Bursary
Application Form & TC’s Laptop
Competition entry
form Exhibitors
Potential Target Audience
Students in years 10, 11 & 12.
Overall event information document that can
be modified to be contained in school newsletter, calendar or direct email to an interested person.
Year 10, 11 or 12 students, HOD’s, VET
Coordinator, Year Coordinator, School
Management and Administration and Parents. General poster with key information. Please
forward the poster to interested parties.
Provides details on how students can apply
for The Advertiser – Career One bursary.
Forward the following to those interested.
Provides details on how students can enter
to win a laptop computer valued up to
$1,000. Forward the link to those interested.
An up to date list of participating organisations. Visit this link regularly for weekly
updates on new exhibitors. This is not a
final list.
As Above
As Above
As Above
As Above If you have any questions in the meantime please do not hesitate to contact our office.
Yours in Education,
On behalf of the Interchange Team…….Shane Lynch, Hedy van Hofwegen, Philippa Bidner, Lisa– Jayne Harrold