From the President St George‟s Church

Greek Community News
Greek Community of Tasmania
Society of St George (Hobart)
November 2011
Τα Νέα ηεο Κνηλόηεηαο
Inside this issue:
From the President
The Executive has been
fortunate to welcome new
members to our Board.
Welcome to Irini Kalis
(Secretary), Nick Ross,
Stratos Plomaritis, Yianni
Totonidis and Katie Katos.
I would like to take this opportunity to warmly thank
the outgoing 2011 Estia
committee who did a commendable job with one of
the most successful festivals to date. My thanks to
Anna Pafitis, Con Tsamassiros and their committee
for steering this exciting
and uniting cultural event,
which helps put Hobart and
our community on the calendar of „must do‟ events.
We have been fortunate to
employ the services of Steven Kalimnios as General
Manager since January. It
is pleasing that both bookings of Hellenic House and
the Club Party Room have
increased markedly. In fact
almost all Saturdays in
September, October and
November are booked.
As well as event management, general marketing
and administrative duties,
Steve has undertaken the
supervision of the industrial
cleaning of the kitchen and
cool rooms since Estia,
addressed heating issues in
the Club, obtaining quotes
for updating the façade of
Hellenic House, and assisting with general maintenance.
As part of our membership
drive this and next year
members will receive a key
St George‟s Church
We have recently been able
to display to the congregation the magnificent new
artifacts including the intricately carved Epitáphios,
Ikonostasio and candle
labra which have arrived
from Greece. Our special
thanks for your kind donations and the dedication of
the Philoptohos Ladies
Committee for their fundraising efforts. We were
able to welcome Bishop
Ezekiel of Dervis in our parish on Monday 13 June
2011. Followed by lunch at
Hellenic House.
ring which is displayed below.
John S Fiotakis
ESTIA 2011
Olympia Warriors FC
50th Anniversary
New Greek Coffee
Table Book
Bishop Ezekiel
Visits Hobart
70th Anniversary Battle
of Crete
Moonah Taste
of The World
Ζ Οιπκπία γηνξηάδεη ηα
50 ρξόληα ηεο
Δ΢ΣΗΑ 2011
Ο Θενθηιέζηαηνο
Δπίζθνπνο Ηεδεθηήι
ζην Υόκπαξη
Hellenic Community
Welfare of St. George
Centre for Hellenic
Cultural Studies
Venue Hire
Γξαζηεξηόηεηεο ηνπ
ζρνιείνπ καο
Διιεληθή Πξόλνηα
Αλακλήζεηο ζε έλα
70ε επέηεην ηεο Μάρεο
ηεο Κξήηεο
Φεζηηβάι Σξνθίκσλ
ζην Moonah
Από ηνλ Πξόεδξν ηεο
Upcoming functions:
Greek School Concert,
Sunday 11 December
2011 at Hellenic House
New Year’s Eve Dance at
Hellenic House, Saturday
31 December 2011
4/3/2012—Estia Street
10/3/2012—Estia Taverna
16/3/2012—Estia Golf Day
ESTIA 2011
Chairperson, Anna Pafitis recently
wrote to all the ESTIA volunteers and
thanked them for their tireless effort
and contribution during the festival.
Anna mentioned that the 2011 festival
was one of the most successful to
date, with over 11,000 people attending the Street Festival alone! Profits
from this year‟s event were donated to
the Women‟s Committee & Philoptohos who put the money towards the
purchase of artifacts for our church.
Special thanks to the hard working
committee and especially to Anna
Pafitis Treasurer Con Tsamassiros
and Coordinator Jude Vienna-Hallam
for their guidance and leadership.
Planning for ESTIA 2012 has begun
and we are keen to set up a new committee as soon as possible. New
events next year will include a Corporate Golf Day and an Art Exhibition &
Competition. Please contact Steve
Kalimnios - General Manager at the
Greek Community office on 62310822
or on mobile 0407734519 for further
information, or to express interest in
joining the committee.
Beautiful weather, delicious food and great
entertainment greeted thousands of patrons
at the Street Festival!
Olympia Warriors Celebrate 50 Year Anniversary
Well, what a night! What a celebration! A night full of nostalgia, laughs,
tears and an energetic atmosphere
second to none. Congratulations to
the Olympia Soccer Club on their 50th
Anniversary. Past, present players
and their families, members and supporters attended a gala event held at
Hellenic House on 12 March 2011. It
was fantastic to see some of the
greats from the past, Dick Girling, Laki
Vagianos, Roger Munro, John Paplos
and Paul Xanthopoulos to name a
few. President, George Mamacas
honoured a number of past players
and others involved with the club over
the years with a „Legend‟ status and
presented them with a plaque. On
display in the foyer were some old
memorabilia, strips, photos, trophies
and other interesting items which
bought back fond memories for many.
Well done Olympia, best of luck for
the next 50 years!
Hellenic House, the venue for
Olympia’s 50th Anniversary
New Greek Coffee Table Book— contributions sought!
Jim Tsiakis has come up with a brilliant idea to write a book. A family or
an individual can send in
up to two (2) A4 pages
including photos, of a story
which touches their heart,
makes them laugh, cry etc.
It can be about their parents that travelled or married here or overseas or
Page 2
stories about their grandparents. It
could be a love story about grandparents left behind while sons
and daughters travelled to
Australia in search of a
better life. The ideas and
topics are completely up
to the individual. The
document must be sent in
„Word‟ format so Jim can
edit it. Once edited, Jim will then email
the document for approval by the the
submitter. When approved, the story
will be filed away alphabetically and
ultimately will become part of the coffee table book. Jim has kindly offered
the profits from sales of the books to
be donated to the Greek Community!
Please email your contributions to:
Bishop Ezekiel of Dervis Visits Hobart
His Grace Bishop Ezekiel and his
party blessed us with his presence in
Hobart recently. Bishop Ezekiel conducted services at St George‟s and
Holy Trinity churches during his visit.
He was accompanied by The Very
Rev‟s Fr Synesios Frangos, The Very
Rev‟d Fr Elias Kentrotis and The
Rev‟d Deacon Leonidas. Chanter, Mr
Vaios Anastasopoulos from Melbourne was also part of the group and
is a broadcaster for SBS Greek radio
who interviewed our President Mr
John Fiotakis about our community
here in Tasmania.
A luncheon was held after the Divine
Liturgy of the Holy Spirit service at St
George‟s on Monday 13 June 2011 at
the Hellenic House. His Grace together with his touring party were present and members of our community
enjoyed lunch prepared by the community.
His Grace was pleased to have been
able to spend time in Hobart with our
community and with President Fiotakis and members of the executive.
Bishop Ezekiel of Dervis at St
George‘s Greek Orthodox
Church, South Hobart
70th Anniversary Battle of Crete
A ceremony was held at the Domain
Cenotaph in Hobart on Saturday 21
May 2011, to commemorate the 70th
Anniversary of The Battle of Crete.
Australian, New Zealand and British
troops were sent to defend the Mediterranean island after Greece surrended to Germany. The Germans
carried out a massive airborne assault
on Crete in May 1941. John Fiotakis
from the Cretan Brotherhood of Tasmania says almost 500,000 Cretans
were killed during World War 2.
“A lot of our fathers and grandfathers
were all influenced or affected by that
war and tell us a lot of stories about
“So to us it‟s very important, and it‟s
important with our relationship with
Australia because Australia was there
to defend Crete,” Mr Fiotakis said.
A luncheon was held at Hellenic
House after the ceremony.
Moonah Taste of The World Festival
Tasmania‟s newest and most unique
selling Greek sweets and savories,
food and cultural extravaganza showwith all profits going toward the purcasing the traditional cuichase of new artifacts for
sine, music and dance of
our church. There wasover 20 nationalities from
food from Croatia, Thaiaround the world was held
land, Turkey, Italy, Ehtioon Sunday 27 March,
pia, Holland, Phillipines,
2011 at Moonah. Our
Persia and Bhutan. There
Women‟s Committee was
were Greek, Indian, Gerrepresented at the event
man and African dance
The Mayor of Glenorchy, Adrianna
Taylor with members of the
Women’s Committee
November 2011
displays and many other performances which kept the crowd entertained for hours. The weather was
spectacular and the inaugural event
was a huge success. Our stall sold all
their stock and look forward to being
part of next years‟ event. The festival
is an initiative of the Glenorchy City
Council in association with the
Moonah Business Community and
major sponsors.
Page 3
Ζ Οιπκπία γηνξηάδεη ηα 50 ρξόληα ηεο
΢πγραξεηήξηα ζηελ Οιύκπηα
Soccer Club γηα η 50ε επέηεην
ηνπο. Πνιινί παίθηεο παιαηώλ θαη
λέσλ, ήηαλ εθεί γηα λα γηνξηάζνπκε
απηό ην ζεκαληηθό γεγνλόο.
Ο Πξόεδξνο Γηώξγνο M
ήηαλ πνιύ πεξήθαλνο θαη
επραξίζηεζε ηα 380 άηνκα πνπ
παξαβξέζεθαλ ζηελ εθδήισζε.
Πνιινί ηαμίδεςαλ από καθξηλά
΢ην θνπαγηέ, ζε έλα ληνπιάπη
γπαιηνύ, ήηαλ θάπνηα παιηά
αλακλεζηηθά, κπινύδεο,
θσηνγξαθίεο, θύπειια θαη άιια
ελδηαθέξνληα ζηνηρεία πνπ
έδσζαλ σξαίεο αλακλήζεηο γηα
πνιινύο. Μπξάβν Οιπκπία, θαιή
ηύρε γηα ηα επόκελα 50 ρξόληα!
Caption describing
picture or graphic.
Δ΢ΣΗΑ 2011
H Πξόεδξνο, Άλλα Παθίηεο ζα
ήζειε λα επραξηζηήζεη όινπο ηνπο
εζεινληέο γηα ηελ αθνύξαζηε
εξγαζία θαη ηε ζπκβνιή ηνπο θαηά
ηε δηάξθεηα ηνπ θεζηηβάι. Ζ Άλλα
αλέθεξε όηη ην 2011  θεζηηβάι
ήηαλ  από η πην επηηπρεκέλa
κέρξη ζήκεξα, κε πάλσ από 11.000
άηνκα γηα ην θεζηηβάι ηεο
Κπξηαθήο. Σα θέξδε από ηε θεηηλή
εθδήισζε ήηαλ δσξεά πξνο ηελ
Δπηηξνπή Γπλαηθώλ θαη
Φηιόπησρν πνπ βάδνπλ ηα
ρξήκαηα γηα ηελ αγνξά ησλ
αληηθεηκέλσλ γηα ηελ εθθιεζία καο.
Ηδηαίηεξεο επραξηζηίεο 
επηηξνπή εξγαζίαο  
 θαη ηδηαίηεξα  Άλλα
Παθίηεο, Σακία 
 θαη  ΢πληνληζ
Jude Βηέλλ-Hallam γηα ηελ
θαζνδήγεζε θαη ηελ εγεζία ηνπο. O
ξνγξακκαηηζκόο γηα  Δ΢ΣΗΑ
2012 έρεη αξρίζεη θαη είκαζηε
πξόζπκνη λα δεκηνπξγήζ κηα
λέα επηηξνπή ην ζπληνκόηεξν
δπλαηόλ. O έεο εθδειώζεηο ην
επόκελν έηνο ζα πεξηιακβάλ
κηα εηαηξηθή Ζκέξα γθνιθ θαη
κηα έθζεζε ηέρλεο &
Αληαγσληζκνύ. Παξαθαινύκε
επηθνηλσλήζηε κε ηνλ 
 - Γεληθό Γηεπζπληή ζην
Διιεληθό γξαθείν ηεο Κνηλόηεηαο
ζ 62310822 ή ζην θηλεηό
0407734519 γηα πεξηζζόηεξεο
πιεξνθνξίεο, ή  λα εθθξάζ
ελδηαθέξνλ γηα ζπκκεηνρή ζηελ
Ο Θενθηιέζηαηνο Δπίζθνπνο Ηεδεθηήι ζην Υόκπαξη
Ο Θενθηιέζηαηνο Δπίζθνπνο
 Ζιίαο Κεληξσηήο θαη o
Ηεδεθηήι καο επιόγεζε κε ηελ
Γηάθνλνο Λεσλίδαο. O Φάιηεο, θ.
παξνπζία ηνπ ζην
Βάηνο Αλαζηαζόπνπινο
Υόκπαξη. Ο Δπίζθνπνο
από ηε Μειβνύξλε ήηαλ
Ηεδεθηή ηηνπξγ
εδώ. Eίλαη έλαο
ζηνλ Άγην Γεώξγην θαη
ηελ Αγία Σξηάδα θαηά
 
ηελ επίζθεςή ηνπ. Μαδί
ηνπ ήηαλ ν 
πξόγξακκα γηα ην
Επίσκοπος Ιεζεκιήλ
 , o
SBS  πήξε
ζπλέληεπμε από ηνλ
Page 4
Πξόεδξό καο θ. Ησάλλε Φησηάθε.
Tελ Γεπηέξα 13 Ηνπλίνπ 2011, κεηά
ηε Θεία Λεηηνπξγία ηνπ Αγίνπ
Πλεύκαηνο ζηνλ Άγην Γηώξγε,
πξαγκαηνπνηήζεθε  ην
Διιεληθό  . Ο Θενθηιέζηαηνο
καδί κε ηνπο θαιεζκέλνπο ηνπ ήηαλ
παξόληεο θαη ηα κέιε ηεο
θνηλόηεηάο καο απνιλ ην
γεύκα πνπ  από ηελ
With the assistance of our volunteers, the Thursday fortnightly
’Social Inclusion’ luncheons have
continued to be enjoyed by many
of our members and people from
the general community. The luncheon is a perfect avenue for social
inclusion events and activities and
our guests enjoy each others company and the delicious food prepared by our cooks headed in the
kitchen by Mr John Alexopoulos.
We would like to pass on our
thanks all the volunteers who are
always giving up their time to
please others in our community. All
are very welcome to come along
and enjoy a delicious home cooked
meal (3 courses for only $10.00).
Please let our General Manager —
Steven Kalimnios know if you
require transport. We can arrange
to pick you up from your home,
take you to Hellenic House for
lunch, then take you back home
afterwards. Please ring the
Community office on 62310822 or
mobile on 0407734519 for
assistance. The next luncheon will
be held on Thursday 10 November
2011 starting at 11.30am.
Centre for Hellenic Cultural Studies
The Centre for Hellenic Cultural
Studies operates as a primary
school and high school and offers
lessons for adults as well. We celebrate significant events such as 28
October (Ohi Day), 25 March (Greek
Independence Day), we put on theatrical performances and other activities throughout the year. Our
congratulations to Katerina Pavlides who recently won a national
competition in Greek language! Our
thanks go to our Greek Dancing
teacher Marika Castrisios who does
a fantastic job in teaching young
and old how to dance Greek —
performances can be seen throughout the year at functions and at the
Estia Greek Festival. Our thanks to
Chris Anagnostis for his help as
Chair last year and Panagiota Papastamatis who is currently acting
Chair. Thanks also to Jacqui
Tsamassiros for her help with the
Greek dancing classes and Sotiris
Kalogeropoulos. Our teachers
Virginia,Vogiatzis, Thomas, Maria,
Roza Roussos, Mary Gavallas and
aid Maria Daglas do a fantastic job
and we thank them immensely for
their efforts. If you would like to
enroll in a class or have any questions regarding the Centre for Hellenic Cultural Studies, please call
us at the school on (03) 6234 8808
or at the Community office on
(03) 6231 0822.
Venue hire available - birthdays, weddings, meetings..
We have several venues available
for you next function. Hellenic Club
Party Room (upstairs) is perfect for
birthdays, christening parties, quiz
nights and small dinners. Hellenic
House is our larger venue with
seating up to 380 people. Ideal
venue for larger functions,
weddings, exhibitions, theater
performances, musical perform-
Page 5
ances, seminars and
conferences. We have
a team of chefs who
will cater for your
event, and an Event
Manager to make sure
that everything runs
smoothly and on
time. Ample on site
parking available.
For all enquiries please contact:
Steven Kalimnios-General Manager
on 62310822 or mobile 0407734519
alternatively email:
or see us on the web
70ε επεηε ηεο Μάρεο ηεο Κξήηεο
΢ην θελνηάθην ηνπ Υόκπαξη, ην
΢άββαην 21 Μαΐνπ 2011, ηα κέιε
ηεο Kνηλόηεηαο ζπγθεληξώζεθαλ
γηα ηνλ ενξηαζκό ηεο 70εο επ
ηεην ηεο Μάρεο ηεο Κξήηεο. Σα
ζηξαηεύκαηα από ηελ Απζηξαιία,
ηε Νέα Εειαλδία θαη ηε Βξεηαλία
είραλ ζηαιεί γηα ηελ ππεξάζπηζε
ηε Κξήηε αθνύ ε Διιάδα
   
κε ηε Γεξκαλία. Οη Γεξκαλνί
πξαγκαηνπνίεζαλ καδηθή
επίζεζε από αέξνο ζηελ Κξήηε
ην Μάην ηνπ 1941. Ο άλλεο
Φησηάθεο από ηελ Κξεηηθή
Αδειθόηεηα ηεο Σαζκαλίαο,
  ζρεδόλ 500.000
Κξεηηθνί έραζαλ ηε δσή ηνπο
θαηά ηε δηάξθεηα ηνπ 2o
Παγθνζκίνπ Πνιέκνπ. «Δίλαη
πνιύ ζεκαληηθό γηα εκάο, θαη
είλαη πνιύ ζεκαληηθό  ηε
ζρέζε καο κε ηελ Απζηξαιία,
δηόηη ε Απζηξαιία ήηαλ εθεί γηα
λα ππεξαζπηζηεί ηελ Κξήηε,»
είπε ν θ. Φησηάθεο. Αθνινύζεζε
Γεμίσζε ζηελ Διιεληθή Aίζνπζα
κεηά ηελ ηειεηή.
Φεζηηβάι Σξνθίκσλ  Moonah
Σν λεόηεξν θεζηηβάι ηεο
Σαζκαλίαο πξαγκαηνπνηήζεθε ηελ
Κπξηαθή 27 Μαξηίνπ 2011 ν
Moonah. ηνξη ηελ
παξαδνζηαθή θνπδίλα, κνπζηθή
θαη  ρνξό από 20 εζληθόηεηεο
από όιν ηνλ θόζκν . Ζ Δπηηξνπή
Γπλαηθώλ εθπξνζσπήζεθε ζηελ
εθδήισζε.  πσιήζεθαλ
ειιεληθά γιπθά. Tν ζύλνιν ησλ
θεξδώλ   ηελ αγνξά
λέσλ αληηθεηκέλσλ γηα ηελ
εθθιεζία καο.  ηξνθίκ
από ηελ Κξναηία, ηελ Σατιάλδε,
ηελ Σνπξθία, ηελ Ηηαιία, 
Οιιαλδία,  Φηιηππίλεο, ηελ
Πεξζία θαη ην Μπνπηάλ. Τπήξραλ
ρνξν θαη πνιιέο άιιεο
παξαζηάζεηο από πνιιέο ρώξεο. Ο
θαηξόο ήηαλ όκνξθνο θαη ε
εθδήισζε  ηεξάζηηα επηηπρία.
Όια ηα γιπθά πσιήζεθαλ. Σν
θεζηηβάι είλαη κηα πξσηνβνπιία
ηνπ Glenorchy City Council ζε
ζπλεξγαζία κε ηελ ηελ
Δπηρεηξεκαηηθή Κνηλόηεηα Moonah
θαη  κεγάινπο ρνξεγνύο.
Από ηνλ Πξόεδξν ηεο θνηλόηεηαο
Ζ Eθηειεζηηθή Eπηηξνπή ηεο
Kνηλόηεηαο έρεη ηελ ηύρε λα ππνδερζεί
λέα κέιε ζην Γηνηθεηηθό καο
΢πκβνύιην. Καιώ ηελ
Δηξήλε Και (Γξακκαηέαο),  Νίθν
Ρνο,  ΢ηξάην Πισκαξίηε,  Γηάλλε
 θαη ηελ Κέηηη Κάηνο.
Καισζνξίδνπκε  ΢ηακάηε K
σο Γεληθό Γηεπζπληή, ν νπνίνο άξρηζε
λα ιεηηνπξγεί ηνλ Ηαλνπάξην. Δίλαη
επράξηζην όηη νη θξαηήζεηο ηνπ
Διιεληθνύ  θαη ην club έ
απμεζεί ζεκαληηθά. ξαγκαηηθ
November 2011
ζρεδόλ όια ηα ΢άββαηα 
 ην ΢επηέκβξην,
Οθηώβξην θαη Ννέκβξην έρνπλ
θξάηεζε.   ηε δηαρείξηζε 
εθδισζ, ε γεληθή εκπνξία θαη
δηνηθεηηθά θαζήθνληα, ν ΢ηακάηεο
έρεη αλαιάβεη ηελ επίβιεςε ηνπ
θαζαξηζκνύ ηεο θνπδίλαο θαη ηα
ςπγεί,  ζέξκαλζε ζην club, ηελ
απόθηεζε ελεκέξσζε  
    
πξόζνςε ηνπ Διιεληθνύ  θαη
  ηε γεληθή ζπληήξεζε.
Θα ήζεια λα επραξηζηήζσ ζεξκά 
πηηξνπή η Δζηία πνπ 
  έλα από ηα πην
επηηπρεκέλα θεζηηβάι κέρξη ζήκεξα.
Σηο επραξηζηίεο κνπ πξνο η
ξδξν Άλλα Παθίηεο,  
Κώζηα  θαη 
Eπηηξνπή ηνπο. Καη θάηη λέν, απηό ην
έηνο ηα κέιε καο ζα ιάβνπλ έλα
κπξειόθ ηνπ Αγίνπ Γεσξγίνπ.
Δπραξηζηώ, Γηάλλεο ΢. Φησηάθεο Πξόεδξνο.
Page 6
   
     
   
   
   
   
     
     
  
     
  
    
     
   
     
   
     
     
   
     
   
   
   
    
  
   
   
    
  
  
   
 
  
   
    
     
 
 
     
   
   
   
   
     
     
     
    
    
    
  
     
    
    
    
   
   
    
    
    
   
   
O   έρεη θαηαιήμεη
ζε κηα ιακπξή ηδέα: λα γξάςεη έλα
βηβιίν. Μηα νηθνγέλεηα ή έλα άηνκν
κπνξεί λα ζηείιεη κέρξη δύν (2) ζειίδεο
Α4, ζπκπεξηιακβαλνκέλσλ
θσηνγξαθηώλ, από κηα ηζηνξία πνπ
αγγίδεη ηελ θαξδηά ηνπο, ηνπο θάλεη λα
γειάζ θιπ. Μπνξεί λα είλαη γηα
ηνπο γνλείο ηνπο πνπ ηαμίδεςαλ 
παληξεκέλνη    ή
 ζην εμσηεξηθό ή
ηζηνξίεο γηα ηνπο παππνύδεο ηνπο. Θα
November 2011
κπνξνύζε λα είλαη κηα ηζηνξία γηα ηνπο
παππνύδεο    
 πίζσ, ελώ νη γηνη θαη νη θόξεο
ηαμίδες ζηελ Απζηξαιία ζε
αλαδήηεζε κηαο θαιύηεξεο δσήο. Οη
ηδέεο θαη ηα ζέκαηα  η
 άηνκ. Τν έγγξαθν
πξέπεη λα απνζηαιεί  κνξθή Word,
ώζηε o  λα ην επεμεξγαζηεί.
Μεηά ηελ επεμεξγαζία,   ζα
  e-mail   γηα
έγθξηζε από ηνλ ππεύζπλν ππνβνιήο
η. Μεηά ηελ έγθξηζή ηνπο, 
ηζηνξί ζα  κ
αιθαβεηηθή ζεηξά θαη ηειηθά ζα
απνηειέζ κέξνο  βηβιίνπ.
O   πξνζθέξεη ηα θέξδε
από ηηο πσιήζεηο ησλ βηβιίσλ, πνπ ζα
δηαηεζνύλ γηα ηελ Ειιεληθή Κνηλόηεηα.
Παξαθαιώ   e-mail
γηα λα    :
Page 7
Volunteers Needed!
Do you have handyman skills?
Are you willing to spend a few hours a month volunteering and
assisting the Greek Community with maintenance?
We would love to hear from you!
Please contact Steve at the Community Office on 62310822.
Page 8