Sunday, September 19 , 2010 - St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral

5:30pm—Greek Dance Ministry Agiasmo
Theofilos Hall
6:30pm– Parish Council meeting
Conf. room#1
7:00pm—Boy Scouts meeting
Conf. room#2
6:30pm—Cub Scouts meeting-G.S. classrooms
7:00pm—Festival meeting-Fr. Tryfon Hall
Catechetical Ministry7th-9th Grade and 10th-12th Grade
7pm – 9pm -Spanos/Pappas Community Center
Altar Boy Ministry-7pm to 8pm - Pappas Gym
―Orthodox Parenting in the 21st Century, God’s
Way‖ 7pm to 9pm Theofilos Hall
Conception of St John the Baptist
Ορθρος 8:00πμ /Orthros—8:00am
Divine Liturgy —9:00am
Θεία Λειηοσργία —9:00πμ
6:00pm—Choir practice
6:00pm—Byzantine Choir practice
7:00pm—YAM meeting
Fr. Tryfon Hall
6 pm—Great Vespers
6:00 μμ— Μέγας Εζπερινός
Catechetical Ministry pre-K thru 6th grade
10am – 11:00am Catechetical Classrooms
above Fr. Tryfon Hall and Hibiscus Building
Ορθρος 7:00πμ /Orthros—7:00am
1st Divine Liturgy —8:15am
1η Θεία Λειηοσργία —8:15πμ
2nd Divine Liturgy– 10:15am
2η Θεία Λειηοσργία—10:15πμ
Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral
Tarpon Springs, Florida
Sunday, September 19 , 2010
Τῶν Ἁγίων Μαρτύρων Τροφίμου, Σαββατίου καί
Δορυμέδοντος. Τοῦ Ἁγίου νέου Ἱερομάρτυρος
Πλάτωνος, ἐκ Πάτμου.
WELCOME /Καλωσορίσατε
Fr. Vasilios, Presbytera Maria, and Konstantinos
Πάτερ Βασίλειε, Πρεσβυτέρα Μαρία και Κωνσταντίνε
OΠξεζβύηεξνο Βαζίιεηνο Κ. Σζνπξιήο,
γελλήζεθε ηελ 1ε Μαΐνπ ηνπ 1974 ζηε
Νπξεκβέξγε ηεο πξώελ Γ. Γεξκαλίαο.
Δθνίηεζε ζην Αγγιηθό Κνιιέγην Queen
Elisabeth I ηεο πόιεσο ηνπ Λέζηεξ (Αγγιία),
ην Δθθιεζηαζηηθό Λύθεην Βόινπ, θαη είλαη
θάηνρνο ηνπ πηπρίνπ Πιεξνθνξηθήο ηεο
Γεξκαληθήο Αθαδεκίαο "DEMOKRIT".
Καηέρεη επαξθώο ηελ Αγγιηθή θαη Γεξκαληθή
γιώζζα.. ΢ηηο 26 Απξηιίνπ 1987, ν
Αξρηεπίζθνπνο Μ. Βξεηαλίαο θ.θ.Γξεγόξηνο
ηνλ ρεηξνζέηεζε Αλαγλώζηε. Τπεξέηεζε
ζηνλ Διιεληθό ζηξαηό γηά 24 κήλεο σο
έθεδξνο Αλζππνινραγόο. Ο π. Βαζίιεηνο θαη
ε πξεζβπηέξα παληξεύηεθαλ ηνλ Ηνύλην ηνπ
Δηζήιζε ζηελ ηεξσζύλε από ηνλ ΢εβαζκηώηαην Μεηξνπνιίηε
Γεκεηξηάδνο θαη Αικπξνύ θ.θ. Ηγλάηην. ΢ηηο 7 Απγνύζηνπ 2005
ρεηξνηνλήζεθε δηάθνλνο ζηνλ Ηεξό Ναό Μεηακνξθώζεσο Βόινπ, θαη
πξεζβύηεξνο ηελ 27ε Απγνύζηνπ 2005 ζηνλ Ηεξό Μεηξνπνιηηηθό
Ναό Αγ. Νηθνιάνπ Βόινπ. Σελ 1 ε Απγνύζηνπ 2006, έγηλε ππεύζπλνο
ηνπ ΢ηαζκνύ Πξώησλ Κνηλσληθώλ Τπεξεζηώλ ηεο Ηεξάο
Μεηξνπόιεσο Γεκεηξηάδνο θαη ηνπ Ηεξνύ Παξεθθιεζίνπ ησλ Αγίσλ
Ακβξνζίνπ, Δθξαίκ, Πατζίνπ θαη Πνξθπξίνπ, πνπ ζηεγάδεηαη ζην
ηζόγεην ηνπ ηδίνπ θηεξίνπ επί ησλ νδώλ Γ. Καξηάιε θαη Γιάδζησλνο.
Από ην ίδην έηνο, επίζεο, ήηαλ κέινο ηεο Δπηηξνπήο Νεόηεηαο ηεο
Ηεξάο Μεηξνπόιεσο θαη βνεζόο ηνπ Πξσηνζύγθειινπ
Αξρηκαλδξίηνπ Γακαζθελνύ Κηακέηε ζηελ δηαρείξηζε θαη νξγάλσζε
ηνπ Νένπ Γηαδεκνηηθνύ Κνηκεηεξίνπ ησλ πόιεσλ Βόινπ θαη Ν.
Ησλίαο. Γηαηέιεζε Πξεζβύηεξνο ζηνλ Ηεξό Πξνζθπλεκαηηθό Ναό ηεο
Παλαγίαο Γνξίηζεο "Σξύπαο" Βόινπ, από ηελ 1ε Ηνπιίνπ 2008.
Presbyter Vasilios K. Tsourlis was born in
Nuremberg, Germany.
He studied at the ―Queen Elisabeth‖
college of the city of Lester, England. He
graduated the Ecclesiastical Lyceum Volos, and has a degree in Information technology from the German Academy
―DEMOCRIT‖. He is fluent in English and
German. On the 26th of April 1987, he
was ordained as a Reader by His Eminence
Grigorios, Archbishop of Great Britain. Ζe
served ηn the Greek army for 24 months as
a second lieutenant. Father and his
Presbytera got married in June of 2003
On August 7th of 2005 he was ordained Deacon by
His Eminence Metropolitan Ignatios of Dimitriados
and Almirou, in the Holy Church of Metamorphosis in
Volos, and Presbyter on August 27th of 2005 in the
Holy Cathedral of St.Nikolaos in Volos. On August
1st of 2006, he became in charge of the Station of First
Social Services of the Holy Metropolis of Dimitriados
and the Holy Chapel of Saints Ambrosios, Efraim,
Paisios, and Porfyrios, that is under the same roof
with the Station on the corner of the streets G. Kartali
and Gladstonos. At the same time, he also became
member of the Youth Committee of the Holy Metropolis and assistant of Protosygelos Archimandrite
Damaskinos Kiametis in the management and organization of the New Municipal Cemetery of the cities
Volos and N. Ionia. He served as Presbyter at the
Holy Church of the Adoration of the Virgin Mary of
Goritsis ―Tripas‖ of Volos, from July 1st of 2008.
Join us in the Fr Tryfon Hall following both liturgies for a cake reception to
meet Fr Vasilios and his family?
Ελάτε στην αίθοσσα τοσ π. Τρύυωνα μετά τις Θείες Λειτοσργίες να γνωρίσετε
τον Πατέρα Βασίλειο και την οικογένειά τοσ
Welcome Mayor Eleni Panagi,
Mayor of Halki, Greece
Καλώσορίσατε , κ. Ελένη Παναγή
Δήμαρχε της Χάλκης
The Halki Society of
Tarpon Springs was established in the early
1900's. Its original
purpose was to establish
means of raising revenues to help build
St. Nicholas Greek
Orthodox Cathedral.
Throughout the years, it
has continued to exist as
a cultural organization.
Mayor Panagi is
visiting Tarpon Springs
to commemorate the
signing of the Education
Exchange Program
Agreement with
St. Petersburg College
and the Island of Halki,
Ζ δήκαξρνο ηεο Υάιθεο, θ. Eιέλε Παλαγή, βξίζθεηαη ζην Σάξπνλ ΢πξίλγθο
γηα ηελ ππνγξαθήο ηεο ΢πκθσλίαο Πξνγξάκκαηνο Αληαιιαγήο Δθπαίδεπζεο
κεηαμύ ηνπ Κνιιεγίνπ ηνπ St. Petersburg , θαί ηεο λήζνπ Υάιθεο ηεο Διιάδαο.
Ο Υαιθίηηθνο ΢ύιινγνο ηνπ Σάξπνλ ΢πξίλγθο θαζηεξώζεθε ζηηο αξρέο ηνπ 20νπ
αηώλα. Ο αξρηθόο ζθνπόο ηνπ ήηαλ λα δηνξγαλώζεη εξάλνπο γηα ηελ
πεξηζπιινγή εζόδσλ
γηά ην θηίζηκν ηνπ Καζεδξηθνύ Νανύ ηνπ Αγίνπ
Νηθνιάνπ. Ο Υαιθίηηθνο ΢ύιινγνο εμαθνινπζεί λα ππάξρεη κέρξη ζήκεξα.
Rev. Protopresbyter
Michael Eaccarino
Church: 727-937-3540 ext. 222
For emergency only
Cell: 727-946-9065
Fr. Vasilios Tsourlis
Church: 727-937-3540 ext. 224
For emergency
Cell: 727-947-0266
Mr. Nick Chagaris
Parish Council
To schedule a House blessing,
wedding, baptism, 40 day blessing,
baby blessing etc. call the church office
and ask for Lena
James Miller
491-6415 &243-4546
For information concerning
«Orthodox Christian Commitment».
or financial matters
Call Cathy at ext. 225
Epiphany Committee
Athenian Society
Helen Kariofilis
Chios Society
Nikos Kalafatis
Cretan Society
James Boutsoukas
To check availability on any of our
facilities call 938-0261
Catechetical School
Louisa Delaportas
Loise Leventelis
(727) 938-3336
Galatiani Maglis
(727) 455-6712
Katie Faklis
First Liturgy
DeRose Andropoulos
2nd Liturgy
Choir Byzantine
Demetre Mott
Cell phone -992-3374
Education, Culture, and
Youth Diakonia
Chris Angelou
Altar Boy
Manuel Vestas
Young Adult
Ministry 18-35
Anna Patsalides
(727) 772-8829
Michelle Karavokiros
727) 937-1406
6th—8th Grades
Kathy Carachi
Hope & Joy
(727) 943-5848
Anita Tsemelis
9th-12th Grades
Maria Vazanellis-Boffil
(727) 326-3713
Greek School
Fr. Vasilios Tsourlis
Halki Society
Andi Stavrakis
James Kaneris
Kalymnian Society
Costas Sisois
Laconian Society
Outreach &
Greek Dance
Maria Kouskoutis
(727) 942-7440
Litsa Ekonomou
(727) 505-6609
Pancyprian Society
Angela Georgiadis
Theodora Genduso
(727) 243-1706
Parochial School
Regina Planes
The Daughters of
Ann Miller
Helen Vaporis
Jane Malone
Prometheas Society
Effie Vassiliou
Siatista Assoc-USA
Peter J Plumpis, Assoc.
Sons of Pericles
Jimmy Makris
Orthodox Christian
Living Ministry
Charles Samarkos
Georgette Vestas
(727) 324-9864
Symian Society
Michael Faklis
Come by the bookstore and check out what’s NEW!
―$1.00 off your purchase
Of $10.00‖
Offer expires 9/24/10
Tuesday—Friday 10-2
Sundays after 1st service
St. Nicholas Cathedral Building Fund
Faith in Action - Dome Renovation
Experiences During the Divine Liturgy
This book provides in-depth yet easy to understand commentary on the
entire Divine Liturgy, based on the writings of the Holy Fathers along
with actual events and experiences of holy priests, monks and lay people
of our times. This book will be of great interest to any priest or a lay
English. Softcover. 557 pp. Published in Greece.
Price: $35.00
The Divine Liturgies as Chanted on the Holy
Mountain CD-ROM
St. Anthony’s Greek Orthodox Monastery is pleased to announce the
completion of its Divine Liturgies Music Project. We have transcribed
more than 1000 pages of Byzantine music into the liturgies of St. John
Chrysostom, St. Basil the Great, St. James, and the Liturgy of the
Presanctified Gifts, as well as various doxologies.
Price: $18.00
Sundays after church and Mondays 10-2
(once we have a volunteer for Mondays, our bookstore will be
open Monday through Friday and Sundays after church)
Our beautiful St. Nicholas Cathedral is being damaged from leaking
water each day that we do not take action. We must take the
necessary steps to fix the dome and building exterior.
Just look up into the dome and see the water damage to the iconography and
interior. We must take action now.
Find out what work is planned to begin this November and see how you can help by
visiting the St. Nicholas Cathedral website ( and clicking on the
link for the “Dome Restoration” or come to the Cathedral office to receive further
Lord, what do You want to
do through me?
If you would like us to remember you or your loved one in our
prayers, please contact the office.
Annette, Freda, Michael, Angela, Theodori, Anna, Maria, Danny, Mary, Mihali,
Chrysoulla, Stella, Themis, Aristeidis, Fr. Anthony, Zoe, Ben, Mary Francis, DeAngelo,
Jamil, Leonidas, Danielle, Lisa, Jenna, Sylvia, Alena, Joshua, Madeline, George, Nicholas,
Anestis, Lia, Louisa, Alexandra, Nicholas, Stevie, Deno, Niko, Stella, Nikki, Theano,
Sophia, George, Chrysanthy, Peter, Evangelia, Panagiota, Panagioti, Giorgios, Vasilis,
Lucas, Vera, Nikolay, Maria, Grigoris, Fannie, Cindy, Mary, Andriani, Fanni, Kim,Daniel
Prayer for a Sick Person
Heavenly Father, physician of our souls and bodies, who have sent Your only-begotten Son and our Lord Jesus Christ to heal
every sickness and infirmity, visit and heal me Your servant from all physical and spiritual ailments through the grace of Your
Christ. Grant me patience in this sickness, strength of body and spirit, and recovery of health. Lord, You have taught us
through Your word to pray for each other that we may be healed. I pray that You heal me as Your servant and grant me the
gift of complete health. For You are the source of healing and to You I give glory, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
If you would like to make a payment towards your Orthodox Christian Commitment for your parish on Sundays,
please enclose it in an envelope marked ―Orthodox Christian Commitment‖. Special Envelopes are provided by the
place where you purchase your candles in the Narthex.
Δάλ δίλεηε ηελ εηήζηα ΢πλεηζθνξά ζαο ηηο Κπξηαθέο ζηελ εθθιεζία, παξαθαινύκε λα βάδεηε ηελ επηηαγή ζαο ζηνπο θαθεινπο
πνπ γξάθνπλ πάλσ ηνπο «Orthodox Christian Commitment». Σνπο θαθέινπο απηνύο ζα ηνπο βξείηε ζην παγθάξη.
2010 - 2011 Fall Catechetical Ministry Schedule
St. Nicholas Cathedral
Tarpon Springs
Invites you to……
2010 Festival
A European Escape
October 29, 30 and 31st, 2010
348 N. Pinellas Avenue
Tarpon Springs, FL 34689
For more information call 727-937-3540
or visit
Sept.19, 2010 First Day of Catechism - All 1st through 5th Students to Meet in the Father Tryfon Hall at 10am
Sunday Morning. Pre-K and Kindergarten to meet at 10am Sunday Morning in the Pre-K Classroom across
the street in the Epiphany Room.
Oct. 3, 2010 through Nov. 7, 1010 Collecting canned and boxed goods for the food drive.
Nov. 7, 2010 through Dec. 19, 2010 Christmas Toy Drive
Nov. 28, 2010 Begin practice for the Christmas Pageant 12pm at the Father Tryfon Hall time may change depending upon catechism teachers and other schedules.
Classrooms will alternate Sundays going into church with their class. Seats will be reserved in the front of the
church for the students and their teachers. That schedule has not been finalized yet. All the teachers will be notified prior as so they may plan and prepare for their class.
Grades 6 through 12 will be meeting on Wed. night along with the Altar Boys and Parents
―Orthodox Parenting in the 21st Century, God’s Way‖ Classes will meet before basketball and any other
Δάλ ηαηο γιώζζαηο ησλ αλζξώπσλ ιαιώ θαη ησλ
αγγέισλ, αγάπελ δε κε έρσ, γέγνλα ραιθόο ερώλ ή
θύκβαινλ αιαιάδνλ.
2. θαη αλ έρσ πξνθεηείαλ θαη εηδώ ηα κπζηήξηα πάληα
θαη πάζαλ ηελ γλώζηλ, θαη εάλ έρσ πάζαλ ηελ πίζηηλ,
ώζηε όξε κεζηζηάλεηλ, αγάπελ δε κε έρσ, νπδέλ εηκί.
3. θαη εάλ ςσκίζσ πάληα ηα ππάξρνληά κνπ, θαη εάλ παξαδώ ην ζώκα ίλα θαπζήζσκαη, αγάπελ δε κε έρσ, νπδέλ
4. Ζ αγάπε καθξνζπκεί, ρξεζηεύεηαη, ε αγάπε νπ δεινί, ε αγάπε νπ πεξπεξεύεηαη, νπ θπζηνύηαη.
5. νπθ αζρεκνλεί, νπ δεηεί ηα εαπηήο, νπ παξνμύλεηαη, νπ ινγίδεηαη ην θαθόλ.
6. νπ ραίξεη επί ηε αδηθία, ζπγραίξεη δε ηε αιεζεία,
7. πάληα ζηέγεη, πάληα πηζηεύεη, πάληα ειπίδεη, πάληα ππνκέλεη.
8. ε αγάπε νπδέπνηε εθπίπηεη, είηε δε πξνθεηείαη, θαηαξγεζήζνληαη, είηε γιώζζαη, παύζνληαη, είηε γλώζηο,
13. λπλί δε κέλεη πίζηηο, ειπίο, αγάπε, ηα ηξία ηαύηα, κείδσλ δε ηνύησλ ε αγάπε.
(Α Κνξ. ηγ' 1-8, 13)
destruction was nigh at hand because of the sins of its people.
But he, as a Prophet who knew the great compassion of God,
feared that at his preaching the Ninevites would repent; that
God, accepting their repentance in His love for man, would
not fulfill Jonas' threats; and that he would be branded a false
prophet. So he disobeyed the divine command, and boarded a
ship and departed elsewhere. Yet, the sudden and fearful seastorm and the revelation of Jonas' disbedience caused the
sailors to cast him into the sea. A great sea-monster appeared
straightway by divine providence, and swallowed him up. For
three days and nights he was found in its belly and he prayed,
saying the words, "I cried aloud in my affliction unto the Lord
my God..." (Jonas 2:3, the Sixth ode of the Holy Psalter). The
sea-monster then vomited him up on dry land and he again
heard God's command. Wherefore, he went and preached,
saying, "In three days, Nineveh shall be destroyed." The people became terrified and all repented. The great, the small,
babes at the breast, and even the irrational beasts themselves
fasted, and thus, having found mercy from God, they were
spared His wrath. Jonas' book of prophecy is divided into four
chapters, and is placed fifth in order among the twelve minor
Prophets. His three-day sojourn in the sea-monster's belly is
an image of our Saviour's three-day burial and His lifebringing Resurrection (Matt. 12:39-40). His name means
Eustathios the
Great Martyr,
his wife and
two childrenSeptember 20
Eustathius before his
baptism was an illustrious Roman general
named Placidas in the
days of the Emperor
Trajan. While hunting in
the country one day, he
was converted to the
Faith of Christ through
the apparition of an uncommonly majestic stag, between
whose antlers he saw the Cross of Christ, and through which
the Lord spoke to him with a human voice. Upon returning
home, he learned that his wife Tatiana had also had a vision in
which she was instructed to become a Christian. They sought
out the Bishop of the Christians and were baptized, Placidas
receiving the name Eustathius, and Tatiana the name Theopiste; their two sons were baptized Agapius and Theopistus.
The family was then subjected to such trials as Job endured.
Their servants died, all their goods were stolen, and on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem they were scattered abroad, each not
even knowing if the others were still alive. By the providence
of God, they were united again after many years, and returned
to Rome in glory. Nevertheless, when they refused to sacrifice
to the idols-a public sacrifice from which no Roman general
could be absent-the Emperor Hadrian, who had succeeded
Trajan, had them put into a large bronze device in the shape
of a bull, which was heated with fire until they died. When
their holy bodies were removed, they were found to be without harm. They suffered martyrdom about the year 126.
Thekla the Protomartyr & Equal-tothe-Apostles-September 24
This saint was from the city of Iconium. When she was eighteen years of age, she was instructed in the Faith of Christ and
the hope of the resurrection by the Apostle Paul, whom also
she followed, forsaking her betrothed and espousing a life of
virginity for the sake of the Heavenly Bridegroom. Having
preached Christ in various cities and suffered many things,
she reposed in Seleucia of Cilicia at the age of 90.
The St. Nicholas Fall Festival will be upon us soon.
The dates this year are October 29, 30, and 31.
Come and join us in baking for the festival.
The pastry committee will begin preparing some of the
pastries for our upcoming festival in October.
Join us Wednesday, September 22
at 6:30 p.m. to help make the baklava,
galactoboureko, and other pastries. Even if you don’t
know how too, we’ll all learn together as a family.
Call Louise Leventelis at 938-3336 or Arty Giallourakis
at 937-6604 if you’d like to help. Thanks.
Many thanks for your time and talents and remember without your help, the
Fall Festival won’t be a success!!!!!!!
Jonah the
ProphetSeptember 21
In order to accommodate many families’ busy
The Prophet Jonas, the son of
Amathi, of the town of Gethhopher (IV Kings 14:25), was
of the tribe of Zabulon; he
prophesied during the years
838-810 before Christ. God
commanded him to go to Nineveh, the great city of the Assyrians, and to proclaim that its
Tuition for the whole school
One child - $500
Two children from
one family - $900
Three children from
one family - $1,100
Greek School schedule is as follows:
Wednesday and Thursday 4:30 – 6:30
Ο ΑΓΙΟ΢ ΕΤ΢ΣΑΘΙΟ΢ και η ζσνοδεία
ηοσ, ΘΕΟΠΙ΢ΣΗ η ζύζσγος ηοσ,
ΑΓΑΠΙΟ΢ και ΘΕΟΠΙ΢ΣΟ΢ ηα παιδιά
ηοσ -20 Σεπτεμβρίου
΋ Δπζηάζηνο ήηαλ αμησκαηηθόο πεξίβιεπηνο ζηε Ρώκε. ΢ηε
ρξηζηηαληθή πίζηε πξνζήιζε κε ζαπκαζηό ηξόπν. ΋ηαλ
θάπνηε θπλεγνύζε έλα ειάθη, είδε ζηα θεξαηά ηνπ λα θέξεη
ζηαπξό θαη άθνπζε κία θσλή πνύ ηνλ θαινύζε ζηελ νξζή
πίζηε. Έηζη πίζηεςε θαη βαπηίζηεθε κε ην όλνκα Δπζηάζηνο
από Πιαθίδαο πνύ νλνκαδόηαλ πξηλ, θαζώο επίζεο θαη ε
γπλαίθα ηνπ Σαηηαλή ζε Θενπίζηε, αιιά θαη ηα δπν ηνπο
παηδηά Αγάπηνο θαη Θεόπηζηνο. ΋ηαλ ν απηνθξάησξ Σξαταλόο
έκαζε όηη αζπάζζεθε ην ρξηζηηαληζκό, ηνπ αθαίξεζε ηνλ
αλώηεξν ζηξαηησηηθό βαζκό πνύ είρε θαη ηνλ εμόξηζε κε όιε
ηνπ ηελ νηθνγέλεηα. Καηά ηελ πνξεία όκσο, ηνλ ρώξηζαλ από
ηε ζύδπγν ηνπ Θενπίζηε θαη ηα δύν ηνπ παηδηά, ην Θεόπηζην
θαη ηνλ 'Αγάπην. Σν γεγνλόο απηό, πίθξαλε πνιύ ηνλ
Δπζηάζην. Μεηά από ρξόληα, όηαλ ν Σξαταλόο πεξηήιζε ζε
κεγάιε πνιεκηθή δπζρέξεηα, ζπκήζεθε ηνλ Ηθαλόηαην
αμησκαηηθό ηνπ Δπζηάζην. Σνλ επαλέθεξε ινηπόλ ζηελ
ππεξεζία, θαη ν Δπζηάζηνο κε ηε γελλαηόηεηα αιιά θαη ηε
ζηξαηεγηθή πνύ ηνλ δηέθξηλε ζπλεηέιεζε θαηά πνιύ ζηελ
λίθε. ΢ην δξόκν κάιηζηα, βξήθε ηελ νηθνγέλεηα ηνπ θαη
έλνησζε κεγάιε ραξά. ν δηάδνρνο, όκσο, ηνπ Σξαταλνύ,
'Αδξηαλόο, απαίηεζε από ηνλ Δπζηάζην λα παξαζηεί ζηηο
ζπζίεο ησλ εηδσινιαηξηθώλ ζεώλ. ν Δπζηάζηνο, βέβαηα,
αξλήζεθε, κε απνηέιεζκα λα βαζαληζηεί απηόο θαη ε
νηθνγέλεηα ηνπ. 'Αιιά ε αγάπε ηνπο ζην Υξηζηό ελδπλάκσλε
ηελ ςπρή ηνπο ζηα βαζαληζηήξηα, ελζπκνύκελνη κάιηζηα ηνπο
ζείνπο ιόγνπο, πνύ ιέλε: "Μαθάξηνο άλήξ όο ππνκέλεη
πεηξαζκόλ όηη δόθηκνο γελόκελνο ιήςεηαη ηνλ ζηέθαλνλ ηεο
δσήο, όλ έπεγγείιαην ν Κύξηνο ηνηο άγαπώζηλ απηόλ"1.
Παλεπηπρήο, δειαδή, είλαη ν άλζξσπνο πνύ βαζηάεη κε
ππνκνλή ηε δνθηκαζία ησλ ζιίςεσλ. Γηόηη έηζη γίλεηαη
ζηαζεξόο θαη δνθηκαζκέλνο, γηα λα πάξεη ην ιακπξό θαη
έλδνμν ζηεθάλη ηεο αηώληαο δσήο, πνύ ππνζρέζεθε ν Κύξηνο
ζ' απηνύο πνύ Σνλ αγαπνύλ. Σειηθά, ν Δπζηάζηνο κε ηελ
νηθνγέλεηα ηνπ πέζαλαλ κέζα ζε ράιθηλν ππξαθησκέλν βόδη.
1. Δπηζηνιή Ηαθώβνπ, α' 12.
Ο ΠΡΟΦΗΣΗ΢ ΙΩΝΑ΢-21 Σεπτεμβρίου
Έδεζε επί ησλ βαζηιέσλ Άκαζίνπ θαη Ίεξνβνάκ. "Ζηαλ γηνο
ηνπ Άκαζί θαη είρε παηξίδα ηελ Γερζνθέξ, ηεο θπιήο
Εαβνπιώλ. ν Ίσλάο ήηαλ απηόο, πνύ κε ζεία λεύζε ελζάξξπλε
ηνλ Ίεξνβνάκ ζε πόιεκν θαηά ηνπ άξρνληα ηεο ΢πξίαο, πνύ
θαηέιεμε ζε λίθε ηνπ Ηζξαήι θαη απνθαηάζηαζε ησλ
ζπλόξσλ ηνπ. ν Ίσλάο θέξεηαη ζηελ Παιαηά Γηαζήθε,
πέκπηνο κεηαμύ ησλ κηθξώλ ιεγόκελσλ πξνθεηώλ.
Βξίζθνπκε δε γη' απηόλ ζην νκώλπκν βηβιίν, πνύ θπξίσο ηνλ
έθαλε γλσζηό ιόγσ ηεο ηεξήο δξακαηηθόηεηόο ηνπ. ν Κύξηνο
ηνλ είρε δηαηάμεη λα πάεη ζηε Νηλεπή, έδξα πιάλεο κάηαησλ
θαιισπηζκώλ θαη νξγίσλ, γηα λα θεξύμεη ζ' απηή θαη λα
πξνθεηέςεη ηελ θαηαζηξνθή ηεο. ν Ίσλάο όκσο, απνθάζηζε
λα ιεζκνλήζεη ηε δηαηαγή ηνπ Θενύ, θαη έθξηλε θαιό λα πάεη
ζε κηα άιιε πόιε ζηνπο Θαξζείο. Ξεθίλεζε ινηπόλ ην ηαμίδη
ηνπ κε πινίν, αιιά ζη' αλνηρηά έπηαζε κεγάιε ηξηθπκία. Σόηε
έξημαλ θιήξν, γηα λα δνπλ πνηνο είλαη ππεύζπλνο ηνπ θάθνπ
πνύ ηνπο βξήθε. Καη ν θιήξνο έπεζε ζηνλ Ίσλά, πνύ είρε
παξαθνύζεη ηε δηαηαγή ηνπ Θενύ. Σόηε ηνλ έξημαλ ζηε
ζάιαζζα θαη ή ηξηθπκία ζηακάηεζε. Άιια θαη ηνλ Ίσλά, ηνλ
θαηάπηε έλα κεγάιν θήηνο ρσξίο λα ηνλ θάεη θαη κεηά ηξεηο
κέξεο θαη λύθηεο ηνλ έβγαιε ζηελ μεξά ζών θαη αβιαβή.
Σόηε ν Ίσλάο πήγε ζηε Νηλεπή, πξνθήηεςε ό,ηη ηνπ είπε ν
Θεόο θαη νη Νηλεπίηεο κεηάλησζαλ, λήζηεςαλ 40 κέξεο θαη
έηζη ή πόιε ηνπο ζώζεθε απ' ηελ θαηαζηξνθή. Γηόηη ή
κεηάλνηα θέξεη ηελ αγαζόηεηα ηνπ Θενύ, πάλσ από ηε
δηθαηνζύλε Σνπ. ν Ίσλάο πέζαλε ζηε γε ΢αξαάξ, θνληά ζηε
βειαληδηά ηεο Γεβόξαο θαη ηάθεθε κέζα ζε ζπειηά. Βέβαηα
άιια γεγνλόηα ηεο δσήο ηνπ καζαίλνπκε ζηελ Π.Γ.
ΑΓΙΑ ΘΕΚΛΑ η Ιζαπόζηολος24 Σεπτεμβρίου
Γελλήζεθε από εηδσινιαηξηθή νηθνγέλεηα ζην Ηθόλην.
Μλεζηεύζεθε κε θάπνην λέν, ην Θάκπξε, κε ηνλ όπνην
έκειιε λα ζπδεπρζεί. Δλ ησ κεηαμύ ήιζε ζην Ηθόλην ν
Απόζηνινο Παύινο θαη θήξπηηε ην ιόγν ηνπ Θενύ ζην ζπίηη
ελόο επζεβή άλδξα, ηνπ Ολεζηθόξνπ, κεηέπεηηα απνζηόινπ
(+ 7 ΢επηεκβξίνπ). Ή ζπλερήο πξνζέιεπζε ζην ζείν θήξπγκα
πξνζείιθπζε ηελ πξνζνρή ηεο Θέθιαο. Καη θάπνηα λύθηα,
κέζα ζην αθξναδόκελν πιήζνο ήηαλ θαη απηή. Σα ιόγηα πνύ
άθνπζε ηελ ηξάβεμαλ ηόζν πνιύ, ώζηε ηελ έθαλαλ λα
επαλέιζεη πνιιέο θνξέο λα αθνύζεη ηνλ Απ. Παύιν. Απηό,
όκσο, όηαλ ην έκαζαλ ή κεηέξα ηεο θαη ν κλεζηήξαο ηεο,
πξνθεηκέλνπ λα ηελ επαλαθέξνπλ ζηελ εηδσινιαηξία
ζπθνθάληεζαλ ηνλ Απ. Παύιν, κε απνηέιεζκα ν ήγεκώλ
Καζηίιιηνο λα ηνλ θπιαθίζεη θαη ζηε ζπλέρεηα λα ηνλ δηώμεη
από ηελ πόιε. Άιια ή Θέθια είρε πάξεη ηελ απόθαζε λα
δνζεί νινθιεξσηηθά ζηε δηαθνλία ηνπ Δπαγγειίνπ. ΢πγγελείο
θαη πξώελ θίινη ηεο ηελ πνιέκεζαλ αλειέεηα. Απηή όκσο,
είρε ζηε ζύκεζε ηεο ηα ιόγηα ηνπ δηδαζθάινπ ηεο Απ.
Παύινπ: "Θύξα κνη άλέσγε κεγάιε θαη ελεξγήο, θαη
αληηθείκελνη πνιινί"1. Μνπ αλνίρηεθε, δειαδή, πόξηα
κεγάιε, γηα θαξπνθόξα Ηεξαπνζηνιηθή δξάζε. Καη γη' απηό,
ιόγσ ηνπ θζόλνπ πνύ έρεη ν ζαηαλάο γηα θάζε θαιό, πνιινί
θαη ηώξα παξνπζηάδνληαη ελάληηνη θαη πνιέκηνη. Σειηθά ή
Θέθια ζηελ πνξεία ηεο Ηεξαπνζηνιηθήο ηεο δξάζεο πέξαζε
πνιιά καξηύξηα, από ηα όπνηα, όκσο, κε ζαπκαηνπξγηθό
ηξόπν βγήθε άζηθηε. Πέζαλε 90 ρξνλώλ ζε θάπνην όξνο ηεο
1. Α' πξνο Κνξηλζίνπο, ηζη' 9.
What: A blessing
w/Holy water of the
beginning of this new
Ministry in our Community.
When: Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010
at 7pm
Where: Theofilos Hall of the
Spanos/Pappas Community Center
All parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, godparents,
and cousins are invited along with the youth of our
community who are attending 7th grade through Seniors in
High School. Altar boys are also invited as they begin this
year’s altar boys Ministries as well as our JR / SR GOYA
and our new
“Orthodox Parenting in the 21st Century, Parenting God’s Way‖
asking the blessings of God.
“Family Night
@ St. Nicholas Cathedral”
Every Wednesday Night
Beginning September 22nd , 7pm to 9pm
Spanos/Pappas Community Center, Theofilos Hall,
Pappas Gymnasium
The family is;
the workplace that forges the characteristics and establishes
the future workers of ―beauty‖ and honorable citizenship,
the focus/source which burns without extinguishing the flame
of faith in God and cultivates the queen of virtues, love,
a solid and compelling foundation that supports one
community that is worthy of the name ―Christian‖,
a healthy cell that ensures the overall health of the
Come moms and dads, grandmothers and grandfathers, aunts and uncles,
godmothers and godfathers to learn what it means to be a figure of influence,
an agent of Orthodox Christian pedagogy in the upbringing of a child or age
appropriate adult in your Orthodox Christian
family in the 21st Century.
The class will meet every Wednesday night from
7pm to 9pm in Theofilos Hall and will be taught
by Fr Vasilios Tsourlis
We look forward to a wonderful fellowship
experience of Orthodox Christian Parents
JR and SR GOYA on Wednesday nights
Spanos/Pappas Community Center
7pm to 9pm
Beginning when? September 22nd
Learning How to Do Hard Things
And what else?
Having mucho FUN!!!!!!
And what else?
Basketball / Volleyball
And what else?
Sharing a lot of