Consolidated Interim Report at 30 th June 2014 … where common sense is built in Banca del Sempione SA Consolidated Interim Report 30th June 2014 Banca del Sempione SA Bank’s governing bodies Board of Directors of Banca del Sempione SA Management of the Banca del Sempione SA Submanagement of the Banca del Sempione SA Fiorenzo Perucchi 1) 2) chairman Günter Jehring 1) vice chairman Francesco Arcucci 2) Bruno Armao Sergio Barutta 1) 2) Giampio Bracchi Massimiliano Danisi Giuseppe Franchi 1) 2) Sandro Medici 1) Silvio Tarchini 2) Stefano Rogna general manager Giordano Bellotti deputy general manager Massimo Gallacchi manager Pietro Scibona manager Athos Walter manager Carlo Buono manager Michele Donelli joint manager Silvia Jehring joint manager Arianna Baccalà Ghommidh assistant manager Marco Cappelleri assistant manager Giuliano Flematti assistant manager Angelo Gilardoni assistant manager Antonella Novati assistant manager Dario Piffaretti assistant manager Maria Quagliozzi assistant manager Massimo Valsangiacomo assistant manager Peter Wüst assistant manager Auditor PricewaterhouseCoopers, Lugano 1 members of executive board 2 independent members Internal auditors Frank Leisinger chief inspector Gabriele Domenighetti inspector Sascha Ferretti inspector (from 1.6.2014) Management of the branches of the Banca del Sempione SA Chiasso Roberto Piccioli manager–branch manager Bellinzona Ermes Bizzozero joint manager–branch manager Locarno–Muralto Claudio Lanini assistant manager–branch manager Banca del Sempione SA 4 5 Consolidated Interim Report CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AT 30.06.2014 (Amount expressed in CHF 1’000) Assets Cash Due from banks Due from customers Mortgages Securities and precious metal trading portfolio Financial investments Non consolidated participations Fixed assets Intangible assests Accrued income and prepaid expenses Other assets Total assets 30.06.2014 31.12.2013 Change 118'006 182'705 120'699 116'797 2'957 134'879 186 31'746 63 5'486 11'161 724'685 110'324 167'005 115'749 107'748 3'435 138'903 20 31'961 129 3'544 18'932 697'750 7'682 15'700 4'950 9'049 -478 -4'024 166 -215 -66 1'942 -7'771 26'935 16'265 54'784 498'483 3'532 17'269 12'910 15'910 20'000 85'326 206 5'122 -1'541 34'131 -285 -5'139 -151 724'685 11'143 56'325 464'352 3'817 22'408 13'061 15'910 20'000 81'628 201 8'905 13 697'750 6'345 2'202 7'296 2'202 -951 3'956'791 9'861 9'678 18'061 4'128'591 17'796 17'420 18'327 -171'800 -7'935 -7'742 -266 3'669'417 3'677'831 -8'414 Share capital Interest in % 700’000 200’000 1’942’800 2’500’000 5’000’000 100.0 100.0 93.7 100.0 100.0 Liabilities Due to banks Due to customers in savings and investment accounts Due to customers, others Accrued expenses and deferred income Other liabilities Value adjustments and provisions Reserves for general banking risks Share capital Reserves and retained earnings Minority interests in shareholders’equity Net income of which minority interests Total liabilities 3'698 5 -8'905 -13 26'935 Off–balance sheet transactions Contingent liabilities Irrevocable commitments Derivative financial instruments – Contract volumes – Positive replacement values – Negative replacement values Fiduciary transactions Total Assets under control (including assets consolidated twice) INFORMATION ON SIGNIFICANT PARTICIPATIONS Fully consolidated companies Imocentro SA, Lugano Finrate SA, Lugano Accademia SGR SpA, Milano Sempione SIM SpA, Milano Banca del Sempione (Overseas) Ltd, Nassau Real Estate Financial Asset Management Asset Management Bank CHF CHF EUR EUR CHF CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT AT 30.06.2014 (Amount expressed in CHF 1’000) 30.06.2014 30.06.2013 Change 1'767 53 1'244 -275 2'789 1'565 36 1'319 -222 2'698 202 17 -75 -53 91 54 14'943 1'195 -1'389 14'803 54 16'151 1'329 -1'428 16'106 -1'208 -134 39 -1'303 1'859 2'462 -603 169 4 374 74 -95 526 397 11 355 7 -140 630 -228 -7 19 67 45 -104 19'977 21'896 -1'919 -9'785 -4'306 -14'091 -10'113 -4'236 -14'349 328 -70 258 5'886 7'547 -1'661 REVENUES AND EXPENSES FROM ORDINARY BANKING ACTIVITIES Result from interest activities Interest and discount income Interest and dividend income on trading portfolios Interest and dividend income on financial investments Interest expense Net interest income (subtotal) Result from commission and service fee activitie Commission income on lending activities Commission income on securities and investment activities Commission income on other services Commission expenses Result from commission and service fee activities (subtotal) Result from trading operations Other ordinary results Results from the sale of financial investments Income from non–consolidated participations Real estate income Other ordinary income Other ordinary expenses Other ordinary results (subtotal) Total income Operating expenses Personnel expenses Other operating expenses Total operating expenses (subtotal) Gross Profit Total depreciation and amortization, value adjustments and provisions were unchanged from the previous corresponding period. Banca del Sempione SA 6 7 Consolidated Interim Report ADDRESSES Head Office, General Management Lugano Banca del Sempione SA Via Peri 5 CH–6900 Lugano Tel. +41 (0)91 910 71 11 Fax +41 (0)91 910 71 60 Swift code: BASE CH22 Branches Bellinzona Banca del Sempione SA Viale Stazione 8a CH–6500 Bellinzona Tel. +41 (0)91 910 71 11 Fax +41 (0)91 825 81 34 Chiasso Banca del Sempione SA Piazza Boffalora 4 CH–6830 Chiasso Tel. +41 (0)91 910 71 11 Fax +41 (0)91 683 99 06 Locarno–Muralto Banca del Sempione SA Via della Stazione 9 CH–6600 Locarno–Muralto Tel. +41 (0)91 910 71 11 Fax +41 (0)91 743 63 49 Subsidiaries Accademia SGR SpA Piazza Borromeo 14 I – 20123 Milano Tel. +39 02 36 567 003 Fax +39 02 36 567 183 Sempione SIM Società di Intermediazione Mobiliare SpA Head Office, General Management Via M. Gonzaga, 2 I – 20123 Milan, Italy Tel. +39 02 30 30 35 1 Fax +39 02 30 30 35 22/24 Lecco Branch Piazza Lega Lombarda, 3 | 4th floor, staircase A 23900 Lecco, Italy Tel. +39 0341 36 97 06 Fax. +39 0341 37 06 30 Banca del Sempione (Overseas) Ltd. George House, George Street Nassau, The Bahamas Tel. +1 242 322 80 15 Fax +1 242 356 20 30
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