The Holcad, November 7, 2007 (Page 1) - Westminster College

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Westminster College’s student newspaper
In this
Junior Kelly Lake nabs $3,000 at regionals in
short story contest, advances to finals in Florida
Rock, paper, scissors . . .
See Page A-5
Photo by Shannon Richter
Award winner
Junior Kelly Lake became a finalist in the National Society
Dirty Jobs: Westminster
See Page A-6 of Arts and Letters National Competition.
By Scott Lawrence
Golf teams tee off
See Page B-1
Hot Tub Time Machine, Repo
Men and The Bounty Hunter
See Pages B- 4 and 5
Statistic of the
700 million
number of
peeps sold each
year for Easter
(as of 2007).
Weekend Weather
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Campus Writer
She tosses out words such as
“veracious” and “prolific” in midconversation. Her strong vocabulary and creative writing style
highlight her gift for narrative
prose. This past weekend, junior
English major Kelly Lake utilized
these writing skills to become a finalist in the National Society of
Arts and Letters’ National Career
Award Competition by winning
the Pittsburgh chapter’s regional
The competition featured writers ages 18-33 from across the
Pittsburgh area. Entrants were required to submit two short stories,
comprised of no more than 7,500
words. The rules stated that one
piece must be written in the first
person narrative and the other in
the third person narrative. Lake
credits her win to her unique take
on the contest.
"I think the fact that one of my
stories was intended to be satirical
and humorous influenced the
competition,” Lake said. “Most of
the other competitors’ pieces were
heavy, dark and sort of depressing,
so I think trying something a little
more offbeat and lighthearted
made mine seem a bit different."
The regional victory won Lake
$3,000. In May, she will travel to
Clearwater, FL for a chance to win
the national prize of $10,000.
English professor and department chair Dr. Ross Wastvedt said
Lake’s writing draws on her impressive body of knowledge.
“Kelly is an excellent student—
exemplary,” Wastvedt said. “She
has that great combination of intel-
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Westminster professors urge students to take it all in
and be objective and patient while considering President
Obama’s new healthcare reform bill that passed on Tuesday, March 23 and caused a national sensation.
By Olivia Sweeney
Staff Writer
Despite much controversy, on
Thursday, March 23, the US senate
passed President Obama’s healthcare reform bill.
Passing the bill took a two step
process which began with the approval of the House of Representatives followed by the Senate. Following their approval, Obama
signed the bill as a law. The much
debated healthcare reform brought
The Holcad is provided free-ofmixed and radical reviews.
charge to students, faculty, staff,
Though published, the almost twoand visitors of Westminster College.
thousand pages and language
Please take one. If you would like
within the document have left
additional copies, please contact
many still wondering what the
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Outside the Bubble - A-3
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the editorial staff.
contests,” Lake said. “I recently entered in [a contest in] Seventeen
magazine. I’m still waiting to hear
from that.”
Lake hopes to someday work in
the academic field, but says creative writing is something she’d
like to stick with.
“I write my own fiction on the
side,” Lake said. “I’m working on a
longer piece of fiction now, but I’m
also working on an honor’s capstone so that’s probably going to be
shelved for a little while. I do hope
to publish a work of fiction someday.”
Despite writing nearly six essays a semester for various classes,
Lake says she still wishes she had
more time to devote to her favorite
“I think it was Stephen King
who said you have to write five or
six hours a day to be a really good
writer,” Lake said. “Well, I don’t
have time for that. So I always try
to write at least something creative, even if it’s a sentence or two.”
Photo from
One of Lake’s stories was
inspired by the relationship
Groucho Marx had with the
young actor, Bud Cort.
The hype about healthcare
fuss is about.
The main premise of the bill addresses the need to get more of the
uninsured insured and to drive the
cost down. According to political
science professor Dr. James
Rhoads, assosiate professor of political science and sociology, 30- 40
million individuals do not have insurance, which both the Republican and Democratic parties identify as a major issue with the current
healthcare system.
“Take it all in. Make your own
judgments,” Rhoads said. “The best
informed arguments hear the
whole conversation.”
According to CBS and Reuters,
some of the immediate effects of
the bill say that insurance compa-
nies cannot discriminate against
preexisting conditions and eliminates life time limits while regulating yearly limits. Under the reform,
individuals can stay on their parent’s health insurance until the age
of twenty-six. The bill also includes
a ten percent tax that will exist on
tanning beds to discourage persons from cancer causing practices.
A tax credit will also be put in
place to allow small businesses the
chance to offer healthcare to employees.
“The bill is designed to eventually lower costs and to catch those
who usually fall through the
cracks,” Dr. Shannon Smithey, political science professor, said.
Contrary to the belief of many,
the bill does not contain inclinations to a “death panel.” Senior citizens already have the Medicare
program, and disregarding their
significance in health care would
have detrimental effects.
“Senior citizens make up a significant part of the voting public,”
Smithey said. “Ignoring their importance would have consequence.”
Controversy also revolves
around abortion in the bill, but the
Hyde Amendment restricts government money from funding
abortions. President Obama most
recently gave a statement that declared interpretations revolving
around the issue as invalid.
“We should strive for objectivity
when interpreting the bill,”
Smithey said.
Some of the long term benefits
of the bill include the eventual requirement of all employers to provide healthcare options for employees. By 2014, everyone must
have some form of insurance or
April 9, 2010
New Wilmington, Pa.
12 pages
Volume CXXVI
Number 18
since 1884
Short story, big prizes
ligence and diligence--and the unusual ability to write excellent analytical and creative pieces. She is a
great reader of traditional �great literature’ and also has an impressive
knowledge of film and popular
Lake’s inspiration for her first
story, “Me and the Midnight Dictum,” was derived from her love of
film and a research project for the
National Conference of Undergraduate Research.
“I did a lot of research on the
Marx brothers, and I was really interested in an anecdote I heard
about Groucho Marx living with
the young actor Bud Cort,” Lake
said. “So my story is basically
about an older actor’s relationship
with a younger actor. It’s kind of
like a mentor/mentee relationship.”
Lake’s second story, “The Barnacle of Bostonia,” follows the story
of a college student who is eventually expelled from school. The student, a grade-A “good kid,” makes
a huge mistake and plagiarizes a
class assignment.
“He [the student] ends up trying
to go back to college, and it’s just
about him drifting from college to
college and never really getting
over his expulsion,” Lake said.
“There’s just a lot of disappointment from his family and from
himself. That, of course, is not
based on any personal experience.”
Lake found out about the competition through English lecturer
Evann Garrison. Having previously entered various other contests,
Lake decided to enter The National
Career Award Competition.
“I love entering these kinds of
they will receive an annual fine.
The ultimate goal of the bill will
eventually lower the cost of healthcare. Though the bill addresses
some of the issues of cost, it does
not present the complete solution.
The working bill will have steps
to amendment and revision for the
foreseeable future. Rhoads said
that we must remember that during the civil rights movement,
there were even several acts.
“This is the beginning of a
process; not the end,” Rhoads said.
“By 2012, we will know how the
bill works, and we will force it further.”
Healthcare reform could affect
the upcoming fall elections. In any
instance, midterm elections often
result in the loss of seats by the ruling party.
“The state of the economy will
ultimately help or hurt candidates,” Rhoads said.
Reform has caused a resulting
outbreak of violence toward those
parties involved in the passing of
the bill.
“It is obviously unacceptable
and dangerous,” Dr. Edward Cohen, political science professor,
said. “What is unusual is that violence is more typical with civil
rights and race issues.”
Individuals often only listen to
people who agree with them. Understanding the effects of the bill
will take time. When debating the
aspects of the bill, listen to both
sides. Cohen suggests that when
looking for relatively unbiased or
informed views, we should look to
The Washington Post, The New
York Times and CBS. CBS provides a relatively straight forward
breakdown of the bill on its website.
A new
way to
By Dave Lynch
Staff Writer
At the SGA meeting on March
31, following the opening prayer,
roll call and announcements, June
Pierce, the registrar, gave a presentation on the new My Westminster
feature and its effect on how classes are now scheduled.
The idea was to allow students
to schedule on their own time
without having to climb the spiral
staircase to the top of the TUB at
the registrar’s appointed time.
Along with this new setup avoiding class conflicts, Pierce mentioned another advantage of not
having to wait until the next semester to change one’s schedule if,
for some reason, one was unsatisfied with it after scheduling.
There were some questions and
concerns at the SGA meeting,
which Pierce fielded along with
Jonathan Smith, the man behind
the new program. One student
asked if the software would be
able to handle so many students
attempting to register at once.
Smith said we shouldn’t have any
problems since Grove City College
deals with a lot more students
than this campus does, and they
don’t have any problems.
“Grove City has essentially the
same software as we have,” Smith
said. “Our biggest class is around
400 students.”
Still, the new system isn’t without its issues. Senior Joseph Mack
reported having some difficulty
scheduling a class he had taken a
previous semester. Apparently, the
automated system wouldn’t allow
“It works really well, in theory,”
Mack said, “But in practice, not so
much. I still had to go to the registrar.”
Pierce was fully aware at the
meeting that certain problems
might occur.
“It’s new, we haven’t refined it
yet,” Pierce said. “We are still learning this system.”
That said, Pierce encouraged
any students who were having difficulties to come to the registrar to
clear things up.
“We still want to have that
Westminster tradition of paying attention to the individual,” Pierce
For the most part, the new feature seems to have been fairly successful, in spite of a few bugs and
annoyed users. And Pierce managed to gather as much feedback
on it as possible in an attempt to
improve it for the future.
“An excellent presentation, very
informative,” junior Candace
Okello said, “And registration was
a smooth, easy process.”
And for those students who did
not enjoy a smooth and easy
process, Pierce said that the
Add/Drop cards would still be
conducted in the traditional way
for the fall semester.
“It’s new, we haven’t
refined it yet. We are
still learning this
June Pierce, Registrar
OPINION - holcad (24”) 20060829cad
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Page A-2
April 9, 2010
The Holcad — Westminster College, New Wilmington, Pa.
RANT April is the cruelest month American Pastime
Why is this happening to me?
Real men don’t give up on
something amazing.
You can’t sit with us.
Where am I? This isn’t my
But it’s still Facebook official...
Why do I need a gas mask for
the bathroom in the TUB?
How does a paperweight = paper? Dumb logic- paper is far
more useful than a rock, you
archaic fools!
Westminster College: a single
girl’s worst nightmare.
Amen to that, sisters.
I like a girl with brains AND
I got a concussion last night.
That’s what you get for waking
up in Eich.
You’re wearing your “what did
you do last night” shorts.
There’s more to life than being
really really ridiculously good
looking . . . I haven’t found out
what it is yet.
I don’t suppose T.S. Eliot meant
that final exams, papers and projects make the month so cruel, but
as I stand on the diving board
about to leap into the heart of
April, I feel like I’m going to splat
on the pavement below.
The end of spring break followed closely by the Easter weekend signals that the end of the year
is upon us. Those papers and projects that looked so far away a few
weeks ago loom menacingly on
the horizon. The assignments
we’ve put off until “later” have
been piled into a teetering and
overwhelming stack.
In addition to homework and finals, we’re also stressed to find our
year is coming to a close so any
business or frivolity must occur in
the next month and a half before
we end the chapter of another
year’s accomplishments (or lack
thereof). Between visiting grad
schools, presenting at NCUR in
Montana, giving my honors defense, cranking out several more
editions of The Holcad and completing my work this month, I’m
suffocating. Fortunately, I’m not
As a veteran people-watcher, I
have observed our different reactions to stressful situations. In fact,
the campus becomes a veritable
circus of people who have been
pushed too far. I think the healthiest individuals are the ducks.
1) Ducks- these are the students who seem completely normal. The sail smoothly along like
ducks on a pond, but beneath the
surface, their feet frantically churn
water. I admire these ducks who
can conceal their stress so skillfully, but some people cannot hide
their nagging doubts and worries,
so they overcompensate; I call
these people the crazed clowns.
2) Crazed Clowns- these students feel their stress lurking behind them like a monster breathing on their necks, but rather than
showing fear, they plaster huge
I feel like the TUB is trying to smiles on their faces to try to convince everyone, including themmake me fat.
selves, that they’re just fine. With a
positive energy forcefield I find
I remember when the printers quite frightening, they repel stress
in the library actually worked... and negativity with frantic desperation. Their other tells include a
Really?!? I do not recall such manic look in their wide eyes and
an occurence.
Giving up Jazzman’s for Lent
saved my meal plan.
Too bad for you you’re probably going to be alone forever,
This is fake life.
But you’re ripping our Greek
family apart!
Drama, drama, drama.
ant to Rant &
Rave? Email
The Holcad
with RNR as the subject.
Shannon Richter
their voices go up an octave. All
classic crazed clown behavior.
While these jokers go the positive
route, some of their fellow students
head in the opposite direction; I
christen these individuals wounded dogs.
3) Wounded Dogs- these are
solitary creatures who want to be
alone with their stress. Similar to a
wounded dog, these stressed students wander off on their own,
whether it be to their room or the
library, and viciously snap at anyone who gets too close. Hummingbirds, however, are not so averse to
6) Lobotomized AmnesiacsThese students are different than
the zombies in the sense that they
are not droning along; they appear
normal, almost human even. Sure
there’s an emptiness behind their
eyes, but they seem to function
properly. The problem occurs
when you ask them a question or
observe them trying to perform a
problem-solving task. Whether it’s
opening their mailbox or pouring
ketchup, they seem baffled and
heavy handed. If you ask them
questions, they stare at you
blankly, possibly with a faint line
between their brows because they
know they should know the answers. Their higher level and critical thinking regions of their brains
are fried.
7)Paranoid Schizophrenics- I
fall into this category. When I’m really stressed, I tend to mutter to
myself because I suddenly can’t remember anything unless I say it
out loud. I’m so lost in my
thoughts, I run into things (perfect
example, I recently broke my toe
when I ran into a fireplace), and
my eyes always seem a little unfocused because my mind is miles
away. I don’t sleep so I’m twitchy
and paranoid. My heart beats frantically, partially because I probably
just shotgunned a gallon of Mountain Dew and partly because I cannot stop thinking about every little
thing I must do. I lose lucidity because I can’t remember if I did
something or I worry that I did it
wrong, so I obsessively check and
recheck everything.
4) Hummingbirds- these students flit and zip around so quickly
that it makes you dizzy. They’ll
speedily sputter off the 10 million
things they need to get done in the
next 30 seconds. Unfortunately,
they’re so busy flitting from task to
task (just as they settle on one,
their mind wanders and they soar
to another) that they never finish a
single task. Be careful with hummingbirds, you might find a stack
of them piled outside your window
. . . While the hummingbirds seem
to have boundless amounts of enNot everyone fits into my cateergy, they have their antithesis- the gories. In fact, there may even be
well-adjusted, non-procrastinating
students who don’t feel stressed
5) Zombies- these students no out in April--but I think that’s a
longer have the desire to go on but myth, much like the yeti, sasquatch
basic needs, such as eating, drink- or lairs of mole people. Besides
ing and passing class so their par- sleeping regularly, maintaining
ents don’t kill them, force them to healthy eating habits and managcontinue their sub-human exis- ing your time well this month, I
tence. Without energy or purpose, suggest laughing in order to relax.
they trudge from class to class, Embrace your inner duck or
barely responding to questions, crazed clown and calm down.
their eyes not even dilating to the
changes in light as they stare list- Shannon is a senior English
lessly at the front of the classroom. major and public relations miThey cannot function due to stress; nor. She has a fondness for
they’re one small step from hedgehogs and is so obmunching on brains.
sessed with Jane Austen that
it frightens her roommates.
Letter to the Editor
Dear Editors,
As the new Diversity Chair for
the 2010-2011 school year, one of
my goals is to expand opportunities for the students to be educated
on diversity. It is such a broad concept, and I feel the campus should
not be limited to learning about diversity solely through speakers or
movies. For this reason, I think that
The Holcad should include a diversity column. At one time there
was a diversity column, and I
thought it was a valuable asset and
an excellent way to provide another avenue for diversity to be dis-
cussed. The vision for the column
is not to focus exclusively on the
diversity on campus, but discuss it
on a local and national level as
well. I strongly believe that this column can be beneficial in offering a
better understanding and broader
perspective on diversity.
The diversity on this campus
may be small, but the interest and
passion to promote and educate on
diversity from myself and the diversity organizations is large. So,
why not provide another opportunity for diversity to be expressed
past the round table discussions of
diversity organizations? Why not
allow their words and excitement
about whom and what they represent be extended to the larger
campus audience so that maybe
one day the entire campus can
share in our passion and enthusiasm for diversity?
Thank you for your time, and I
hope the column can be brought
back to life!
Candace C. Okello
Christina Alducka
If you’re surprised that I’m writing about the Pittsburgh Pirates,
then thank you for reading my column for the first time.
April 5th marked the Pirates’
Home Opener against the Los Angeles Dodgers. And guess what?
The Pirates won. They even won
by six runs.
Jenifer Langosch, reporter, commented on the Bucco’s
performance stating, “For one
day—the first day—everything was
nearly perfect.” I can’t imagine a
better start to the season.
The media, and some bitter
Pittsburghers, constantly bash the
Pirates for their 17-season losing
streak. People think the Buccos
ruin the reputation of the “the city
of champions.” Is winning everything? When the Steelers didn’t
make the playoffs, fans turned
sour. They expected more from the
six-time Super Bowl champions.
What can people expect of the
Pirates? I hope not a World Series
title. Don’t get me wrong, I want
them to win, but they’re a young
team. Many of the starters, such as
Clement, recently put on a Pittsburgh jersey for the first time. So,
looking aside from winning a
World Series this year, here’s what
Pittsburghers need to think about.
The sport of baseball is dubbed
“an American pastime.” What does
that phrase mean to you? Growing
up, my parents took my younger
brother, Dave, and me to Pirate
games. We parked in the same
garage, then walked across the
Roberto Clemente Bridge to the
Three Rivers Stadium. My family
always arrived early (I now know
this was because traffic irritates
my dad). A worker helped us to
our seats that my brother and I
hardly sat in. We rose for almost
every ball hit into the air. Our
gloves from home stayed on our
hands as we hoped to fill them
with a ball.
I favored Brian Giles, a player
whose name was easiest to remember and pronounce. I recall
him hitting quite a few homeruns.
Fireworks exploded from the stadium after each to congratulate his
performance. Many times the ball
surpassed the stadium walls. Dave
and I laughed about the possibility
of the ball crashing through a car
Dave and I didn’t laugh about
the kids in the baseline seats (we
sat further up in the stands). Players and coaches always threw balls
into the crowd. The JumboTron
showed children around my age
holding their new balls into the air.
Even though Dave and I never
came close to getting a ball, we
continued to bring our gloves to
the game. Time after time we ended up empty handed. I never got
disappointed that we walked back
across the bridge without a ball. I
didn’t even seem to care if the Pirates lost.
Attending the baseball game let
me spend time with my family. Together we listened to the National
Anthem, then later sang “Take Me
Out to the Ballgame.” We cheered
on the team and booed their opponent. Sometimes Mom and Dad
bought me an ice cream cone. To
me, winning didn’t matter. I cared
about the opportunity to sit inside
of the stadium to root for my
home team. I appreciated my
hometown having a team.
These feelings still remain. I enjoy attending Pirate games at PNC
Park. I like when the team wins,
but mainly cherish the overall experience of going to a ballgame
with friends or family. The Pirates
can lose another 17 seasons because it won’t be the score of the
games that I remember. I’ll think
of my adventures at the game—my
American pastime.
Christina is a senior English
major and writing minor.
She's probably one of the
only students who follows
the Pirates. You can usually
find her in her on-campus office, MCC 257.
Want to write a letter to the editor?
Here are the rules.
Letters to the editor are published weekly, as space permits. All letters must be submitted by email to The Holcad
by 12 p.m. Monday to make the Friday edition. All letters
must be limited to 400 words, typed, and include the author’s name and a phone number for confirmation. Letters must be free of offensive language, personal attacks and
libelous or potentially libelous statements. The Holcad reserves the right to reject any letter. No letter will be edited
when factually incorrect or in need of contexual clarification.
Rather, an editor’s note will be included. Grammar and
spelling errors will also not be corrected. Opinions expressed
are those of the author. The Holcad will not print
anonymous letters.
E-mail letter to:
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The Holcad
Westminster College’s student newspaper since 1884
357 McKelvey Campus Center
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Shannon Richter
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The Holcad — Westminster College, New Wilmington, Pa.
April 9, 2010
Outside the Bubble
Ripped from the wire
Pa. school official ordered deposed in webcam case
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A federal judge has refused to quash a
subpoena for the technology coordinator of a school district that's accused of spying on students
through laptop webcams.
Student Blake Robbins' suit
against the Lower Merion School
District charges that officials photographed at home without permission. District officials have
since acknowledged that they secretly activated the webcams to
find 42 school-issued laptops this
school year alone.
Another Harriton High School
student moved to enter the case
Monday, seeking to stop the school
from distributing any of the webcam photographs to lawyers in the
case or to anyone else. Robbins'
lawyers have asked the school dis- ture images of the user.
trict to surrender any images cap"The district ... has used the
tured when the webcams were setracking
program to perform uncretly activated.
reasonable searches of the homes
"Our concern is about not com- of students and students' families,"
pounding the privacy violations by the motion charges.
ensuring that any child whose
Both state and federal officials
photograph was taken does not
investigating the district for
have those photographs released,
even to the lawyers," said Witold possible wiretap violations.
Walczak, legal director of the
Only two employees were auACLU of Pennsylvania, which thorized to activate the cameras,
joined student Evan Neill's motion. technology coordinator Carol
Neill — like many students interviewed since the suit was filed
in February — said he mostly used
his laptop in his bedroom. The filing did not suggest that he had
ever reported it missing, which
might have prompted the school to
use its software program to cap-
DuBois suggested that Cafiero
could assert her Fifth Amendment
right not to testify at the deposition, if that is a concern. But she
has not been indicted or named a
target of either investigation, and
she did not voice any fear of self-incrimination in her motion to block
the subpoena, he said.
Cafiero's lawyer, Charles Mandracchia, did not immediately return a message left at his office after hours Monday.
Cafiero and a technician she super"We believe that the judge corvised, according to court filings.
rectly interpreted the law, and we
Cafiero tried to fight Robbins' expect Cafiero to comply and apeffort to depose her. However, U.S. pear, and honestly testify as to
District Judge Jan DuBois refused everything she knows," said Robto quash the subpoena, ruling last bins' lawyer, Mark Haltzman.
week that she may have informaCafiero's deposition is now
tion relevant to the case.
scheduled for Friday.
Grad student uncovers Haitian founding document
RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — For
years, Haiti's government has
sought out the pamphlets on
which the country's founders declared that they had thrown off
their colonial masters, ended slavery and created the world's first
black republic. Now historians say
a graduate student has found what
could be the only copy left.
The leaders of Haiti's revolution
sent their Declaration of Independence to other governments in the
days after the island country's
1804 birth. But copies from that
original printing have been lost in
the centuries since, and the country's national archivist said he's
traveled abroad looking for any
that might have survived.
Duke University said Thursday
a graduate history student found
what could be the only surviving
copy. Julia Gaffield made the discovery in February while combing
through early 19th Century correspondence collected in Great
Britain's National Archives in London, the archives and Duke said.
The director-general of Haiti's
Bertrand, said that he was not
aware of any surviving official
originals of the declaration, not
even in the possession of the government in Port-au-Prince. An
original copy had been rumored to
exist in London, Bertrand said, but
he could not find it when he went
looking himself about 10 years
Brooklyn residents awoke
Thursday to the sight of two "Stop
the Sag" billboards — and more
were on the way, organizers said.
The signs show two men in jeans
low enough to display their underwear. The billboards were
bankrolled by state Sen. Eric
Adams, who also made an online
video to send his message: "You
can raise your level of respect if
you raise your pants."
Adams is the latest in a series of
politicians and other public figures
to lambaste the slack-slacks style
that has been popular in some circles since the 1990s and amplified
by rappers and other avatars of urban fashion.
Lawrence Co. man arrested for
attempted kidnapping at Giant
Shenango Township man is in the
Lawrence County jail facing charges
that he allegedly try to kidnap a
woman at knife point from a Giant
Eagle parking lot this week.
Accoding to police, 46-year old
Robert Cookson was arraigned on
charges including assault and attempted robbery after grabbing at
29-year-old woman from behind as
she was getting into her vehicle and
holding a knife to her neck area.
The woman says the Cookson order her to get into the car and tried
to push her in, but she began
screaming. That's when she escaped. Police arrested Cookson at
his home .
makes a lot of sense, but if some- smaller than a notebook page so
one might have come across it that it could be mailed easily.
If the document proves to be they might not have realized it" as
authentic, Bertrand said he would a rare document, said Gaffield.
Nugent sent the letter and the
like to see it returned to Haiti.
declaration to his superiors in LonOne Haitian official questioned don. The declaration was bound in
"It is a very important docu- whether Gaffield had found the a volume of period documents
ment for our country," said only surviving copy from the origi- concerning Jamaica and filed with
Bertrand, who first learned about nal print run. The official at the about 11 million British governthe find on Thursday. "It has every Haitian Embassy in Paris said the ment documents saved at the Nabit the same importance as the embassy and the Haitian govern- tional Archives, spokeswoman Mel
American Declaration of Indepen- ment each had original copies of Hide said.
the Jan. 1, 1804 independence dec"As the repository of governRaymond Joseph, Haiti's am- laration dating from the period. ment records, we do have an awful
bassador in Washington, said that The person spoke on condition of lot of correspondence from a lot of
if the document found by Gaffield anonymity in line with embassy countries," Hide said. "We have
turns out to be authentic, it would policy.
miles upon miles of files. Ultimateprovide the country with a boost at
But Deborah Jenson, a Duke ly, there's so much here, and with
a desperate time, weeks after the French Studies professor who is the richness of those files I'm sure
earthquake that killed about one of Gaffield's faculty advisors, there will be more discoveries that
230,000 Haitians,
responded that reproductions were will come to our attention."
"It will help to build their made in the years after Haiti deThe declaration opens with
pride," Joseph said in an interview clared independence, but one Haitian generals promising to rewith The Associated Press. "When printed by the country's founders sist the French or to die rather than
people have pride in themselves had eluded scholars.
to live under foreign domination.
and their country, they do great
"What appears to be unique is Then, Dessalines urges the new rethings."
that it is a Haitian government-is- public's citizens to defend the naHistorians believe that in the af- sued copy of the official document. tion's independence.
termath of Haiti's violent birth, We know that they created this
"They are obviously reaching
preserving copies of the declara- document, they printed it, and they out and hoping that some people
tion was low on the list of priori- were distributing it," Jenson said. would recognize the legitimacy of
ties. Its leaders were busy worrying
The printed declaration accom- their independence. They know
about the possibility of new inva- panied a letter Jean-Jacques that the French are going to have
sions and internal unrest. Copies Dessalines, the first ruler of the one version of what happened,"
were sent to governments else- new Haitian republic, sent Sir said Duke history professor Lauwhere, including the one that went George Nugent, Britain's colonial rent Dubois, another Gaffield adto Jamaica's colonial governor and governor in nearby Jamaica, three visers. "They want to make sure
ended up in the British archives.
weeks after the country's indepen- that their own words are known
"It's in a place that in a way dence day. The declaration is on an and acknowledged."
eight-page printed pamphlet, each
NY politician takes up cause: Sagging pants
NEW YORK (AP) — Saying lowslung pants give their wearers a
bad image, a state lawmaker is
making the point with some images of his own.
Congressman secures federal
money for Lawrence Co. Sheriff
NEW CASTLE, Pa.-- U.S. Congressman Jason Altmire (PA-04) presents the Lawrence County Sheriff's
Office with $120,000 in federal funding on Tuesday. The money is to
help it update and replace some of
the Sheriff's vehicles. Altmire personally secured this funding for the
Lawrence County Sheriff's Office
through the FY 2010 federal budget.
Many of the Lawrence County
Sheriff's Office's vehicles have been
worn down by daily use. For example, the Sheriff's office currently has
three 2003 vehicles that have more
than 150,000 miles each and frequently need repairs. Despite its
need for new vehicles, the Lawrence
County Sheriff's Office was not able
to include money in its 2010 budget
for vehicle purchases. This funding
will help the Sheriff's office purchase
new vehicles, which will help them
to protect Lawrence County residents.
black youths, at an NAACP event
in 2004. President Barack Obama,
as a candidate, came out against
low-sitting trousers in 2008.
"Some people might not want
to see your underwear. I'm one of
them," Obama told MTV News.
Dallas officials embarked on a
"Pull Your Pants Up" billboard
campaign in 2007. Some schools
have tightened dress codes to get
students to tighten their belts. Last
summer, a St. Petersburg, Fla., high
school principal resorted to ordering thousands of plastic zip ties to
help students hitch up their pants.
Some communities have tried
outlawing saggy slacks, though
such regulations have often faced
questions about their legality.
Yet the trend has hung around.
Adams decided he had enough after spotting a subway rider in parThe dropped-trousers trend has ticularly low-riding pair of pants a
been debated in TV shows, city couple of months ago.
councils, school boards, state legis"Everyone on the train was
latures and courtrooms and even looking at him and shaking their
decried in song: Larry Platt be- heads. And no one said anything to
came an Internet sensation earlier correct it," Adams said in a telethis year after he sang his original phone interview this week.
song "Pants on the Ground" during an "American Idol" audition.
So Adams, a black retired police
captain first elected in 2006,
Bill Cosby caused a stir by blast- tapped his campaign coffers for
ing baggy pants, alongside other $2,000 to put up the billboards. He
things he considered missteps by elaborated in his YouTube video,
which juxtaposes images of minCommunities from Lynwood,
strelsy and other racial caricatures Ill., to Lafourche Parish, La., have
with shots of sagging pants — all passed laws imposing fines for toofuel for troubling stereotypes, in low trousers.
Adams' view.
Lawmakers in some places
The low-slung trousers trend is have considered such measures
adapted from the unbelted and but rejected or dropped them amid
sometimes oversized look of legal questions. A plan to fine peoprison uniforms, according to ple for pants that exposed their unMark-Evan Blackman, who heads derwear stalled in the Tennessee
the menswear department at New General Assembly last year, after
York's Fashion Institute of Technol- the state's attorney general said it
was "unconstitutionally vague." A
Florida judge ruled a similar city
Initially seen as invoking street law unconstitutional in 2008 after
credibility, the style has spread a 17-year-old in Riviera Beach
from inner cities to suburban spent a night in jail after being acmalls — and into Blackman's class- cused of having his underwear exrooms, where he frequently finds posed.
himself telling students to hike up
their trousers.
Adams says he doesn't aim to
legislate, just educate.
So does Tracey L. Collins, a former school principal who runs Ful"I don't want to criminalize
ly Persuaded for Children and young people being young peoFamilies Inc. The New York-based ple," he said. "I'm trying to make
organization aims to foster respon- sure we stand up and correct the
sible decision-making and other behavior."
social skills.
Still, some of the style's partiThe swooning-slacks look "is sans aren't sure it merits a politione of those issues that impact cian's attention.
young people greatly. They walk
"I think there's other things gointo classrooms, they walk into
schools ... and people make an as- ing on besides someone's pants
sessment about their appearance," being low," said James Scott, 27, of
said Collins, whose group is work- Brooklyn, his jeans sitting jauntily
ing with Adams on his "Stop the low on his hips.
Sag" effort.
Pakistan moves closer to
renaming volatile region
PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AP) —
The rugged Pakistani province that
was once a stomping ground for
the British, and more recently
gained a reputation as a Taliban
and al-Qaida haven, may soon get
a mouthful of a new name.
in NWFP.
Feuding lawmakers on a committee reached a deal Wednesday
to rename North West Frontier
"KhyberPakhtoonkhwa," members said.
The agreement removed a key obstacle to the approval of a constitutional reform package aimed at reducing the president's powers and
easing political tensions.
The name is still subject to approval by Parliament. Khyber is
also the name of a semiautonomous tribal region along the
Afghan border that is home to the
famed Khyber Pass, a major supply route for material heading to
U.S. and NATO forces in
The compromise reached
Wednesday, which was confirmed
by committee member Senator
Zahid Khan, is aimed at satisfying
all parties involved.
In Peshawar, the main city in
northwest, residents generally
The debate that led to it also
positively to the news.
showed how much ethnic and cultural divisions still burden Pak"Now both are accommodated,
istan's 175 million people, fosterbut I think that those who wanted
ing everything from separatist
to rename it Khyber will call it
violence to demands for new
Khyber, and those who wanted to
provinces six decades after the
rename it Pakhtoonkhwa will call
country was formed under the
it Pakhtoonkhwa," said Wakeel
banner of Islam.
Khan, a real estate dealer.
Under tremendous pressure,
Ethnic nationalist sentiments
the ruling Pakistan People's Party
are common in Pakistan, a country
has pushed the reform package,
carved out of British India in 1947.
which would leave President Asif
Although Pakistan's founding faAli Zardari, the party chief, largely
ther Muhammad Ali Jinnah tried
a figurehead. Former military
use the banner of Islam in calls for
leader Pervez Musharraf had accuunity, divisions have long festered.
mulated the powers when he was
In Baluchistan, separatists have
long fought for greater autonomy,
Renaming the province was inor even independence, from a fedcluded in the package by the ruleral government they see as indifing party to get support from the
ferent to their needs.
Awami National Party, which leads
the provincial government in the
In southern Punjab, the minorinorthwest.
ty Seraikis occasionally raise calls
for their own province. And in
ANP leaders wanted to call the
NWFP, minority Hindko speakers
province "Pakhtoonkhwa" to reliving in Hazara division have at
flect the Pashtun (or Pakhtoon)
times also rumbled with demands
ethnicity of three-fourths of its 20
for their own province.
million people. They argued the
province's current name does little
"The fact is that after 62 years,
more than help people find it on a we are not a nation," said Pervez
map, while other Pakistani Hoodbhoy, a political commentaprovinces — Sindh, Baluchistan, tor in Islamabad. "And although
and Punjab — have names that we could eventually become one,
match ethnic groups.
there's been a lot of time lost and
we have moved in fact into the
The main opposition party, the
other direction."
Pakistan Muslim League-N, said
"Pakhtoonkhwa" marginalized
Israr Khan, 33, a manual laborother ethnic groups in the er in Peshawar, urged the politiprovince. Some members also cians to remember that Pakistan
worried the name could stir grum- has more pressing challenges than
bling in Afghanistan, which has a what to call a province.
huge Pashtun community across
"The price hikes, shortages of
the border.
flour, sugar, electricity and lack of
The opposition party, whose work are much bigger problems
primary strength comes from Pun- for me," Khan said. "The name of
jab province, suggested non-ethnic the province is not of any use in
labels such as "Abaseen" or "Khy- my kitchen."
ber" in what is seen as an attempt
for it to shore up its support
among its non-Pashtun voter base
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Campus News
Students get an “in” French professor presents
Broadcasting students network with alumni in their field
Photo by Alyssa Hanna
Broadcasting buzz
Several students sit and chat with an alumnus about their
future endeavours in the field of broadcast communications.
By Tara Snyder
Campus Writer
The Student Alumni Association sponsored “Connections in
Broadcasting Communications
Speed Networking” on Tuesday,
Mar. 30 in the Witherspoon
The “Connections in Broadcast
Communications Speed Networking” was an event for both students and alumni in the broadcasting field. Students were able to
interact and build connections
through networking with the
“It is a program where we invite alumni from that field,” Cindy
Dafler, associate director of alumni
relations and advisor for SAA, said.
“Not all of them (alumni) had majors in broadcast communications,
but they have gotten jobs in those
professional areas. We invite them
back so they can share their expertise with the students.”
Seven alumni were present for
the event. The alumni in attendce
at the event, all from the broadcast
communications field, were Scott
W. Briggs, vice president of Broadcast Operations; Amy Gustavson
Garland, news producer; Jonathan
R. Joy, graduate student in mass
media arts; John J. Mikulas, photojournalist; Jennifer Roccia Moreau,
director of marketing and communications; Craig T. Rechichar, operations supervision, PNC Bank; and
Tony R. Ruffolo, photographer.
The event was similar to speed
dating. Students were divided into
groups of five. Alumni were seated at each table and the students
had a chance to ask any questions.
After seven minutes, a bell rung
and students then switched to the
next alumni.
At every table there was a list of
starter questions. The starter questions provided to the alumni and
students helped get the conversation started. Questions such as
“Why did you pick your major?”
appeared on the list.
Mary Cooley James, director of
alumni relations, welcomed the
alumni to the event. James explained the importance of networking for students and alumni.
“For students, it is a great way
to be building those connections
before they graduate,” James said.
“For our alumni that networked
that evening, they looked at it from
two perspectives. Networking
among your own professionals
and peer professionals is always a
good way to build those ties and
they’re willing to be a service to
our students. With networking, it’s
always good to be building those
connections and finding resources
and offering your own services
when you can.”
All students were welcome to
attend the event despite their major. According to Dafler, the event
was a great way to interact with
alumni and to come, listen and
learn. Some students even came
prepared with questions and ideas.
Students outside of the broadcasting major were encouraged to
attend. Many times, students do
not end up in the field of their major, including some of the alumni.
Dafler feels it is important to listen
to advice from alumni and follow
interests once students leave campus.
President of SAA, Alison Paden,
and other members of the organization worked hard in preparation
for the event.
“Through our organization,
we’re making sure we had representatives from SAA there to help
get people into the event and take
care of anything that needed to be
done during the event,” Paden
said. “We just made sure everything was in order.”
SAA has sponsored “Connections in Broadcast Communications Speed Networking” for five
years. However, this is not the only
event SAA hosts. SAA will host
another speed networking event in
economics and business coming in
April. In addition, the organization
will be helping with events such as
Freebie Friday and Homecoming.
English professors do the
monster mash in Las Vegas
By Brendan Moulton
Staff Writer
Three Westminster professors
presented a panel called “It’s Alive
– Again: Modern Versions of the
Monster Tale” at the twenty second
annual Far West Popular Culture
Conference in Las Vegas.
The conference took place on
March 12-14. Drs. Deborah
Mitchell, Richard Sprow, and
Suzanne Prestien, all of the English and public relations department, each presented their own research on the increase of classic
monsters’ popularity in pop culture.
“We had a good panel. The people who came to the session had
very good questions and seemed
very interested, and, of course, Vegas was a blast,” Prestien said.
Prestien’s presentation dealt
with the Twilight books and films.
She focused on issues she has with
the books, such as the role of
women, but also talked about Twilight’s marketing strategy. In the
Twilight books and movies, the social groups are very patriarchal.
The books’ main character, Bella,
takes no initiative and is constantly
being looked out for by her vampire protector, Edward, who guards
Bella’s life, virginity and humanity.
According to Prestien, the books
project women’s role in relationships as very passive.
Prestien was also going to present her research during a bleasby
that was cancelled due to illness.
The presentation has been
rescheduled for April 22 at 7 p.m.
in Mueller Theater. For the presentation, Prestien plans to focus on
the marketing and public relations
aspect of the Twilight series.
Mitchell’s presentation also
dealt with classic monsters, though
not in modern literature such as
Twilight. Her presentation was entitled “Fangs, but no Fangs: Monster Mashups of Jane Austen’s
Pride and Prejudice.” It is described with the mashup genre,
where an author will take a public
domain book and add monstrous
Photo from
Three professors, Drs. Suzanne Prestien, Deborah Mitchell
and Richard Sprow, presented a panal in Sin City.
elements to it, such as Pride and
Prejudice and Zombies or The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and
Zombie Jim. The mashup genre
has recently become very popular.
Ever since Scott Grahame-Smith
wrote Pride and Prejudice and
Zombies, which was very successful, there has been a flurry of
mashup releases. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is even being
made into a movie with Natalie
Portman starring as the zombie
slaying Elizabeth Bennett.
Mitchell does not think that it
takes a lot of “zombie brains” to
figure out why the mashups are so
popular. She suggests that they
provide an appetizing alternative
to classic reading.
“I think it helps this generation
work through its worst fears, its
nightmares,” Mitchell said.
According to Mitchell, bringing
monsters into popular culture and
video games allows people to directly confront them. People are
unable to deal with national issues
such as nuclear war, the climate
and the deteriorating infrastructure, but they can slay a zombie.
Many people are also trying to
deal with their negative opinion of
President Obama. This was the
topic of Sprow’s presentation, “The
Obamonster: Contemporary Political Images in Television and Journalism.” Sprow cowrote the presentation with professor Delores
Natale. It looked at the demonization of Obama, such as the racial
tones used in political comics and
how people are trying to paint him
as a monster.
According to Sprow and Natale,
the most prominent example of
Obama’s demonization was a New
York Post cartoon after the stimulus plan was passed. It shows a
monkey that was shot by police
with a caption saying “I think
they’ll have to find someone else to
write the stimulus plan.”
Sprow presented pictures of
Obama from various sources;
some had him as a devil or the
Joker from Batman. The group
that uses this tactic the most is the
Tea Party movement, which is a
group of people who are angry
with the president because they
see him as taking away their
America. They model themselves
after the Boston Tea Party.
findings from Paris seminar
Contributed photo
Dr. Murphy attended the
faculty development seminar.
By Sarah Kehr
Staff Writer
Associate professor of French,
Dr. Ann Murphy, presented on the
Center for International Educational Exchange’s (CIEE) “Religious Diversity and Conflict in France”
seminar on Wednesday, March 31
in Mueller Theater.
Murphy attended the faculty development seminar from June 4-11
2009 in Paris, France. She applied
for the seminar online, receiving
admission as well as a travel grant
from the college. Murphy was one
of 15 participants who attended
the seminar ranging in disciplines
from political science and English
literature to college administration
and including four chaplains and
“chaplain types.”
“Every single day we heard
talks by experts on religious diver-
sity in France,” Murphy said. “We
also visited sites such as the Great
Mosque of Paris and learned about
the training of Muslim chaplains
The seminar focused on the tension between the secular culture of
France, which strictly enforces the
separation between church and
state, and the practice of religion.
The government must maintain its
neutrality even when providing religious services in state funded institutions such as chaplains in prisons, hospitals and the army.
Even the issue of food within
these institutions, such as kosher
food in prisons and public schools,
presents a challenge to the secular
“There is a tension between
state neutrality and the relegation
of religious practices to the private
and personal spheres,” Murphy
said. “The chaplain personifies this
tension because he or she is enlisted to facilitate the practice of religion in a state-controlled, secular
The participants of the seminar
visited different sites around Paris
that dealt with the topic. In addition to the Grand Mosque of Paris,
participants traveled to a Muslim
hospital and cemetery as well as a
“We went to a prison, which is a
very rare opportunity for people
not involved in the penal administration, especially foreigners,” Murphy said. “We were seated in a big
room with long tables arranged in
a big square, and across from us
selected inmates told their stories
of what it was like to practice religion in prison and the role of the
Among the numerous experiences and issues learned about,
Murphy said the most surprising
statistic is that 60% of inmates in
France are Muslim, but there are
only 100 Muslim chaplains in the
Murphy attended the seminar
with the intention to bring the
knowledge she gained back for her
“My motivation was to improve
the teaching of French culture and
contemporary French society and
to further my research interests in
French literature,” Murphy said.
Murphy’s colleague, Dr. Carol
BovГ©, professor of French and former chair of the modern languages department, agrees that the
secular culture of France is a “hot
“It’s an important idea,” Bové
said. “If we had that idea of a public space where religion should not
play a part, perhaps it would be a
step toward peace.”
Murphy received her undergraduate degree from Clark University and her master’s and Ph.D.
from Brown University. She came
to campus in 1995.
“I remember very clearly I got a
call from a woman at Virginia
Tech recommending Dr. Murphy,”
Bové said. “We interviewed her
and the German professor at the
time, Dr. Jake Erhardt, said �she is
not only a good teacher, but she
will do good research.’”
Senior French major Sam
Smeltzer has been a student of
Murphy since his sophomore year.
“As my advisor and capstone
reader, Dr. Murphy is always helpful and I’ve had a great experience
with her,” Smeltzer said.
Students discover ways to
make a difference on campus
By Steve Sankey
Staff Writer
Could shopping in town for groceries instead of Wal-Mart save the
environment? If we are more involved on campus, will we care
more about its physical condition?
Author Scott Russell Sanders
might think so. His latest book, A
Conservationist Manifesto, offers a
surprisingly different message
about the environment for an audience that is for more than just
Sanders spoke on Wednesday,
April 7 in Beeghley Auditorium for
the Distinguished Speakers Series:
“Perspectives on the Environment.”
Sanders summarized the message
of his new book, A Conservationist Manifesto, in a talk given at Indiana University on November 4,
2009. Sanders said “This book aspires to … contribute to a public
conversation about the necessary
shift … from a culture of consumption, which is the one we live
in, to a culture of caretaking, which
is the one we need to live in and
certainly our children and grandchildren need to live in.”
Manifesto is different from
most books about the environment in its message and intended
audience. According to senior
Daniel Chesky, who introduced
Sanders at the lecture and read
Sanders’ book in Dr. David Swerdlow’s Intro to Environmental Studies class, felt that “Sanders”gave a
personal touch to Manifesto. It’s
not just saying �we shouldn’t do
this.’ It’s easier to relate to him, to
compare your life to his. It made
[his message] more real.” Sophomore Sean Schachner, who also
read Sanders’ book in Swerdlow’s
class, agrees with Chesky about
Sanders’ distinct message. “Manifesto is more about changing your
thinking than telling you what to
do,” Schachner said. “You know
what to do after you read it.”
While the title of the book may
have the air of a radical left-wing
call to action, Sanders addresses
conservatives and conservationists.
According to English professor Dr.
David Swerdlow “Sanders calls attention that conservative and conservation have similar roots –conservatives
conservationist by definition.” In
Manifesto, Sanders explains the
Indo-European roots of conserve as
meaning “to watch over, protect or
to guard….Both [conservationist
and conservative] agree that some
things are worth defending, but
they disagree, often vehemently,
over what those things are.”
Sanders points out common
ground between conservatives and
conservationists. “Where the two
camps might agree is on the need
to defend certain human values
and inventions… such as closeknit families, small farms, locally
owned businesses …. If we could
agree that these are treasures
worth preserving, then we might
learn to cooperate in defending
them.” Cooperation is important to
Sanders’ message, and one area in
which cooperation occurs is within
Is it any coincidence that
Sanders’ description of the common ground between conservatives and conservationists also describe the small community of
New Wilmington? Sanders was
chosen by the Committee on Distinguished Speakers Series for the
“Perspectives on the Environment”
sponsored by the Drinko Center.
Swerdlow, who is on the committee and nominated Sanders to
speak, believes that “Sanders is
very interested in how small communities come together to take
care of each other and their environment. It is natural he [would
come] to New Wilmington, [a community that] wants to believe in
community care.”
In Sanders’ message, it is necessary for everyone to be involved in
saving the environment. Swerdlow
summarized Sanders message: “If
we become more involved, in our
communities, we will take better
care of them. If we take better care
of our communities, we will take
better care of the Earth. If we take
better care of the Earth, we will
have a better chance to survive.”
But what happens if people do
not become more involved in communities? Swerdlow explains that
Sanders sees “separation between
and amongst communities as artificial and dangerous.” For Chesky,
Sanders identifies the main conflict as between self and others.
“Today we are isolated from community. We appreciate materialism
instead of interaction [within a]
community,” Chesky said.
Are Sanders’ woes for society
present on campus? Schachner
Photo from
A new message
Dr. Scott Russell Sanders
approaches the environment
differently in his book, A Conservationist Manifesto.
thinks the attitude of materialism
is present at Westminster in a student’s choice of where to shop for
groceries. “Everyone just goes to
Wal-Mart,” Schachner said. “If you
really care about where your food
is coming from, you should care
about the relationships of the people you are buying your food
from.” While Wal-Mart’s strength
may be its ability to provide many
items in one place at a low cost,
Schachner believes students
should not overlook local stores.
Not only can they provide most of
the same items as Wal-Mart, but
the extra cost charged by local
stores goes directly to support individuals in our community and not
corporations. “You pay less at WalMart, but that comes at a cost: you
hurt the local families,” Schachner
Economics is not the only community related issue that will affect
the environment nor will the responsibility for a stronger community rest completely on students.
Chesky believes, “If you have
everybody wanting and willing to
come together, you will see
Sanders’ idea of a community.” For
an area already known with great
“town/gown” relations, if there is
any truth to Sanders’ message,
Westminster and New Wilmington
have great potential for greater
community and environmental
care. “If [Sander’s idea of community] works, we will become more
community focused and take care
of our surroundings,” Chesky said.
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April 9, 2010
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Campus News
Rock, paper, scissors Two on Tap stars Broadway
Sigma Nu brothers introduce new event
Photo by James Bonetti
Scissors beat paper
The brothers of Sigma Nu raised $250 that benefited their
philanthropy, the Mario Lemieux Foundation.
By Nora Poremski
Campus Writer
The brothers of Sigma Nu held
their first “Rock, Paper, Scissors”
charity event benefiting the Mario
Lemieux foundation on Thursday,
March 25 in the Berlin lounge.
The Sigma Nu fraternity has
had the Mario Lemieux Foundation as their philanthropy for
many years. The “Rock, Paper,
Scissors” tournament is one of the
first events they sponsored that
gives people the opportunity to
participate in an entertaining activity, while at the same time raising
money for the cause. The tournament was successful in raising
more than $250 for the foundation.
Sigma Nu is hoping to hold this
event again in the future.
“We’re definitely going to try to
keep it as an annual event,” Sigma
Nu president Dan Joyce said.
Mario Lemieux established the
Mario Lemieux Foundation in
1993 after he was diagnosed with
Hodgkin’s disease while playing
for the Pittsburgh Penguins. He
has been cancer free for 17 years,
and he spends most of his time
working on his foundation. Its
main goal is to raise funds for research for a cure for cancer. During the past few years, the foundation has also established many
new ventures such as the Lemieux
Family Center which, according to
the foundation’s website, “supports
and nurtures families during the
difficult process of transitioning
from hospital care to life back at
“The Mario Lemieux foundation is a great organization and
Sigma Nu has had it as their philanthropy for a while, so they were
excited to hold an event like this
that would raise money for this
cause,” Sigma Nu adviser Dwayne
Pavkovich said.
The tournament was open to
faculty, staff, outside community
members and students for both
participation and attendance. Tickets were sold for $2 at the door and
also in the TUB during lunch in
the days leading up to the event.
The competition ran for an hour
and was set up for double elimination and best out of three rulings.
“I enjoyed the event because it
was unlike anything any other
group had done before,” sophomore Abby Bishop said.
The winner of the tournament
received an autographed Evgeni
Malkin Penguins jersey. There
was also an autographed Sidney
Crosby jersey raffled off at the
event. The jerseys were purchased
online and Sigma Nu’s vice president Tom Holoman’s father was
able to get them autographed by
the players. Bishop was the winner of the tournament.
“Before the event, I was joking
about winning the tournament because I thought my chances were
low,” Bishop said. “I was taken
aback when I actually won.”
This is the first time since
Pavkovich took over as adviser of
the fraternity two years ago that he
has seen them put on an event like
“I think it’s great that they took
this event and ran with it,”
Pavkovich said.
Sorority sisters release inner
goddesses to capture crown
By Allison McKinney
Staff Writer
Miss Aphrodite is a philanthropy event hosted by Phi Kappa
Tau fraternity that allows ordinary
girls to become goddesses for a
Kappa Delta’s Zandra McDonald went home crowned with the
title of Miss Aphrodite after competing against five other girls in
Phi Tau’s version of a beauty contest. The event began with a parade of evening gowns donned by
the lovely ladies, followed by a
round of trivia. Questions ranged
anywhere from, “Who was the first
president of the United States?” to
trivia about Michael Jackson’s album, Thriller.
After these rounds were over,
the audience was told to go place
loose change or spare bills into a
container for their favorite contestant. Whichever contestant won
the most money from the audience donating into their container
would receive ten extra points
when it came down to the final
Once the ladies had a chance to
change their clothes and gather
their wits about them, the pajama
round began. Dressed to impress…or snooze…the participants strutted their stuff down the
runway in everything from a belted Snuggie to fuzzy slippers. Following the pajama round was a bit
of an abilities test. After spinning
around ten times with their heads
on a baseball bat, the girls had to
toss a football through a hula
hoop. Luckily, they all made it out
alive with only a few dizzy stumbles.
The last and final round was
the talent portion. Freshmen Hannah Timm and Heidi Masters and
junior Jayne Piskorik regaled the
crowd with their amazing vocal
talents. Junior Zandra McDonald
put her impressive bubble-blowing
skills to the test, sophomore Alissa
Johnston played a tune on her
recorder and senior Monica Hall
had the crowd cracking up with
her comedic talents. Once this portion of the contest was done, it was
time for the judges to tally up the
scores and the brothers to count
the money. It was then that McDonald received her sash, crown
and bouquet of roses.
“Participating in Miss Aphrodite
was a lot of fun for me and I know
it was for the other girls as well,”
Piskorik said. “Not only was it
veterans and five students
By Christen Whalen
Staff Writer
Two on Tap made its first appearance at the college on April 7
in Orr Auditorium. The show stars
Broadway veterans Ron DeStefano
and Melissa Giattino.
The show was brought to campus as a benefit to support the Theatre Westminster Development
Fund. The fund was established
this year to support campus theatre activities. Money raised
through the development fund
would be put toward a second theatre space, establishing a summer
theatre program or funding student productions.
Lester Malizia, who directed
The Misanthrope on campus,
helped line up the performance for
the college. Normally, Two on Tap
only consists of DeStefano and Giattino performing duets, but the
show put on a twist for the performance on campus.
Students auditioned for the opportunity to partake in the performance. Senior Amanda Ehrhardt,
sophomores Chelsea Gallo, Sara
Seiberling and Ali Pabrinkis and
freshman Hannah Jaskiewicz were
selected to perform in the show.
“I’m was looking forward to
singing Jazz, especially in Orr,”
Seiberling said. “When I auditioned, I had no idea what to expect. Finding out that I was one of
the few who got this opportunity
was a huge surprise.”
The performance consisted of
singing and dance numbers in the
style of the 1930s, channeling the
dance moves of Fred Astaire and
Ginger Rogers and performing
songs by some of the greatest
songwriters, such as Cole Porter.
“We were lucky to be given the
opportunity to host this performance on campus,” Dr. Scott
Mackenzie, assistant professor of
theatre, said. “We have a lot of talented students on campus, and it’s
great that they were able to collaborate with Ron and Melissa.”
DeStefano, who is originally
from South Florida, made his
Broadway debut with the TonyAward winning musical Evita. He
has performed in venues such as
the Lincoln Center, Goodspeed
Opera House and Paper Mill Playhouse. Most recently, DeStefano re-
Photo by James Bonetti
Terrific tapping
Broadway veterans Ron DeStefano and Melissa Giattino
practice their routine the evening before Two on Tap.
Photo by James Bonetti
Hardened veteran
Visiting performer Ron DeStefano has performed on a number of stages and comes to Westminster for Two on Tap.
leased a solo album entitled Where
is Love, featuring romantic songs
from the theatre.
Giattino began performing professionally in the National Tour of
A Chorus Line when she was 17.
She made her first Broadway appearance as an original revival cast
member of 42nd Street. She has
been featured as a member of the
renowned Radio City Rockettes
and, most recently, began working
in film. She was the choreography
supervisor for the feature Made for
Each Other and said the score for
The Wednesday performance
was the first time the Broadway
veterans had collaborated with students for one of their performances. The students performed
some of their own numbers between DeStefano’s and Giattino’s,
but the opening and closing performances included the entire company.
“Being a vocal major, I’ve performed many times in my life,”
Seiberling said. “But this was, by
far, the most unique and impressive show I have ever done. I was
honored to be a part of it.”
Nearby Wonders
Contributed Photo
Winning Smiles
Six contestants, each representing a fraternity or sorority,
competed to win the title of Miss Aphrodite.
Sights you will fall for
Contributed Photo
Master of ceremonies
Sophomore philanthropy chair Dan Stephenson and junior Erin Wall hosted Phi Tau’s Miss Aphrodite pageant.
great to see all our supporters
come out to watch us, but it also
made me feel really good knowing
that we were raising money for a
good cause.”
Junior Mike Disotell, president
of Phi Kappa Tau, started Miss
Aphrodite last year during his run
as philanthropy chair. Disotell
thought the event would be a great
way to get closer to the sororities
as well as help raise money for
their philanthropy, Hole in the
Wall Camps. These camps were
funded by the late Paul Newman, a
Phi Tau from Ohio University.
Newman considered these camps
a place where terminally-ill children could enjoy a summer retreat
experience while also receiving excellent medical care. This year, un-
der the leadership of sophomore
Dan Stephenson, the current philanthropy chair, Miss Aphrodite experienced a couple changes. The
main one was allowing the winner
of the competition to choose what
charity would receive some of the
money raised. All in all, the brothers put in a lot of hard work in order to help create a brand new
legacy in Phi Tau philanthropic tradition. In its two years since starting, Miss Aphrodite raised almost
nine hundred dollars.
Photos by James Bonetti
“The best thing about people is
that no matter how bleak things No Niagara
may seem, there will always be
Springfield Falls is located off of State Route 208 near the Grove City Outlets. The falls
kind souls that are willing to come are a branch of Neshannock Creek that is situated on Pennsylvania State Game Lands 178.
together to help others out,” Dis- The scenic area features an impressive view of the falls and many trails leading throughout
otell said.
the woods. Small shops are also situated in the area peddling their wares to passersby.
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April 9, 2010
The Holcad — Westminster College, New Wilmington, Pa.
Campus News
Students roll up their sleeves and My Westminster
get ready for their “Dirty Jobs”
By Daniel Stephenson Jr.
Campus Writer
By Brendan Moulton
clean because mud, rocks and all
sorts of debris get caked in them.
Another dirty aspect of caring
for horses is the barn. Barns are
not stereotypically clean places. A
horse owner must work a lot to
make sure they are comfortable
for the horses. This involves mucking the stables. Whalen makes
sure to wear clothes that she does
not mind getting dirty. She uses a
pitchfork to scoop the horse’s
waste out of its stall and lays down
clean bedding.
The horses’ pasture can be a
mess, too, especially when it is
“I had to bring in the horses,
and it had been raining so the poo
and the mud mixed together and
became one,” Whalen said.
Another animal related job involves the rats in the psychology
department. Neuroscience and
psychology students use them in
studies, such as testing how the
amount of food rats eat affects
their weight. Sophomore Kelsey
Loccisano volunteered to clean the
rat cages because she plans to pursue a career in zoology. A typical
day for her involves changing the
rats’ water, filling their food and
cleaning up the bins that were in
“It’s easier to clean up after the
rats than the students,” Loccisano
said. “It’s a lot of fun. Everyone
thinks rats are really dirty, but
they’re fine, just like any other animal.”
Another job with potential to be
dirty is working in food services.
Junior Ryan Lulla works in McGinness dining hall. He typically
cooks the food from the grill, readies silverware for diners and cleans
the cafeteria when the meal is
“I’ll tell you what was really
dirty. We had to clean out the conveyor belt that you put your trays
on. That’s gross. Pretty much, the
dish room is gross; anything in
there is gross. There’s food everywhere,” Lulla said.
Other dirty on-campus jobs include doing laundry in the Field
House and working with physical
plant. Sophomore Jason Potts
works for physical plant by sweeping and mopping the floors and
stairwells in Russell. He also shovels snow and rakes leaves when
Web services coordinator,
Jonathan Smith, is working on a
new way to help bridge the gap
Ever hear the expression “it’s a
between students and faculty with
dirty job, but someone has to do
My Westminster.
it?” It describes the hobbies and
My Westminster will soon be
jobs of many students here on
students look at grades,
course materials, unofficial tranTaking care of horses can be a
scripts and even their degree auvery dirty job. The college offers
dits. The new program is going to
horseback riding as a physical edudirectly link the student and faculcation class. Junior Christen
ty to the administrative system.
Whalen helped teach horseback
Over the coming months, Web
riding lessons during her freshServices
will be incorporating the
man year. She also took riding
of the portal into
lessons for four years before she
My Westminster. Smith’s goal for
came here for college.
My Westminster is to make the
“The horse that I rode was
link a one-stop-shop for all online
white, and sometimes he had
“It’s easier to clean
campus resources. The new syssome crap smeared on his back. It
up after the rats than tem will also allow immediate
was gross but I loved the horses,”
communication between the stuthe students.”
Whalen said.
dent and their financial and acadeThe horses need to be brushed
Sophomore Kelsey Loccisano mic records.
and the hooves need to be picked
“For example, if a student adds
a class at the Registrar’s office, by
the time the student gets back to
their dorm room, they can have access to the course material set up
by the professor,” Smith said.
Another goal that My Westminster hopes to accomplish is to redo
the current homepage. Right now,
the school’s homepage is set up to
speak to several audiences: students, faculty, alumni and prospective students. With the addition of
the new campus portal, My Westminster will take the extra material meant for students and faculty
off the homepage and turn it into a
resource for perspectives and their
The new Learning Management System, as Smith called it, is
set up in a way to help provide a
“home” for student courses. Within
the new system, faculty can use the
program to help set up a syllabus,
grades and even put up a forum
for discussion topics. The forum is
usable for the almost real-time collaboration of the student and the
Photo by James Bonetti
Photo by James Bonetti professor, taking the student-toteacher ratio to its highest degree.
Dirty laundry
By the end of the month, Smith
Between cleaning the horses and shoveling out stables,
Freshman Tara Incerpi loads another round of dirty towels. will be reaching out to alumni
the barn offers gargantuan messes for students to clean.
Staff Writer
Mitch Nassar and “the band”
concert raises money for Hands for
Haiti and Royal Family Kids Camp
By Kelly Gould
Staff Writer
Students and community members gathered together March 24
as Mitch Nassar and “the band”
performed in Berlin Lounge.
“The goal was to do something
for Haiti and bring community
and students together,” Rev. James
Mohr, college chaplain, said.
Chapel Staff, along with several
other organizations, put together
this show to support both Hands
for Haiti and Royal Family Kids
The night started off with a few
songs that were sung by the
Gospel Choir, which is directed by
Manny Henderson. Erica Szewczyk, a sophomore member of
Gospel Choir, had a blast singing
before the main act.
“I really enjoyed singing with
Gospel Choir beforehand,” Szewczyk said.
Manny Henderson introduced
Mohr to Mitch Nassar and “the
band,” which turned out to be the
main event of the night.
Mitch Nassar and “the band” is
a Christian band that contained
members that are alumni and
from other areas around the country. Students enjoyed the show and
the money it raised.
“Having the Mitch Nassar band
come in and play at Westminster
was a great way to raise more
money for Haiti,” Szewczyk said.
The group came to campus and
played several songs that they
wrote. All the members �jammed’
to all of their music and seemed to
have a great connection.
“They seemed to have a ball,”
Mohr said.
Between the songs, videos were
shown to explain the causes that
the event supported. Royal Family
Kids Camp was one of the philanthropies for which money was being raised. This camp is for children that come from physically
abusive homes. Children spend
two weeks at this camp, enabling
Photo by James Bonetti
Put your hands up
The Mitch Nassar and “the band” concert was put together by the Chapel staff and other organizations to raise money
for Haiti and bring the community and students together.
them to cope with their lives at
The other philanthropy of the
night was Hands for Haiti. The
concert originally only had the
Royal Family Kids Camp as the
charity, but with the tragedies that
occurred in Haiti, an executive decision was made by chapel staff
and other sponsors to add this
Hands for Haiti is an aid organization on campus that sends money to the country. Before this concert took place, approximately
$3,600 was raised for Haiti.
“My goal was to raise $4,000
and we’re going to reach that goal,”
Mohr said
Showing support for this cause
can be as small as donating some
change and as large as writing a
check. Organizations on campus
have all worked together to raise
money and send relief to Haiti.
“When someone believes in a
cause, they follow through,” Mohr
Other projects in the works include a raffle. Students would have
the opportunity to win a chance to
see rarely seen places on campus,
such as the bell tower. This would
give students the opportunity to
visit these places and raise money
for Haiti
Money continues to be raised
for Royal Family Kids Camp and
Hands for Haiti. There are other
opportunities to help other causes.
Grove City will be holding a Christian concert in the future. More information can be found in the
chapel office.
with the new program, making
sure that they keep a well established connection to the campus.
“With the change to the new administrative system, this was needed to replace Campus Connect,”
Smith said.
The changes done to My Westminster were also needed to help
create a single point of contact. The
new system will allow for many
campus portals to be connected
and will make sure that the LMS
makes distance learning an easy
process. But, one question that
many students are asking is,
“When will it be finished?”
“Like any resource on the web,
it will never be �finished,’” Smith
The staff is currently working
on the online advising and registration, which is a new feature
brought to the campus. They are
also making sure that new functionality is being updated so that
the campus knows when something new is available.
Many students feel divided on
the subject of the new system. For
first-years, this is going to become
something that they are accustomed to, but soon-to-be seniors
will be challenged to feel acceptance for the new process of registration.
“I think that this program is not
needed,” junior Geoff Klein said. “I
feel as though it might just confuse
us, and what if the network shuts
down for some reason?”
Not all upper classmen feel the
same way. Some feel that My
Westminster can be a positive system, one that just takes a little bit
of time to figure out.
“I like the idea of the new portal,” junior Mike Disotell said. “I
feel as though this is a new step
into the campus’ future.”
Smith and the rest of the web
services staff hope that students
embrace My Westminster. Once
the campus becomes accustomed
to the system, new suggestions
and feedback will be taken into
consideration and incorporated
into what could be Westminster’s
breakthrough role-based portal.
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The Holcad
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April 9, 2010
FORE! Golf season is underway State of the
Men and women’s golf teams open up season with invitationals
Contributed photo
Follow through
Junior Steve LaRue swings hard at a fall invitational. More
recently, the Titan’s played host at the Westminster Spring
Invitational where they placed fifth out of 12 teams.
By Andrew Dafler
Sports Writer
The Men’s and Women’s golf
teams have begun their 2010
spring seasons.
The Men’s team opened up the
competition by hosting the Westminster Spring Invitational at the
New Castle Country Club on
March 29. The Titans finished fifth
out of 12 teams. Gannon won the
event with a team score of 317.
Three Titans, sophomore Ryan
David, freshman Andrew Edwards
and junior Ryan Spear all tied for
20th posting 83s for the day. It was
a cold day for golf, yet David feels
he was still able to focus despite
the conditions.
“It was cold and that made it
tough out there,” David said.
“Coach [Nicholson] pounds into
our heads and preaches mental
toughness, and for me that was the
key; not making many big numbers and keeping the ball in the
Overall, Spear feels his and the
team’s performance at the event
could have been better. Nonetheless he, was impressed by David’s
“We all could have played better,” Spear said. “We had a tough
time with our putting due to the
pace of the rough greens. For me
personally, I played decent on the
front nine by shooting a 39. I
made a couple mistakes and my
back nine was terrible. I had four
penalties that blew my round.
However, Ryan David made a
good appearance and finally
stepped up to the challenge of college golf.”
The Titans continue their season on April 8 at the Carnegie Mellon Invitational. David and Spear
hope the Titans will rebound at
this event after the slow start.
“Our team goals for the season
are to try to win a tournament or
two,” David said. “I think it’s a real
possibility if everyone plays to
their potential. It’s all about improving on the little things, and
good scores will come with that.”
Spear echoes David’s opinion
and feels the team can only improve from here on out.
“Since getting off to a rough
start, we are looking to win a couple tournaments and most importantly put on a good show at the
PAC Tournament,” Spear said. “We
know we can be a dangerous team
if we play good.”
The Women’s golf team began
their spring season by participating
in the Mount Union Spring Invitational held at Tannenhauf Golf
Course in Alliance, Ohio from
March 27 to March 28. The Titans
placed seventh out of nine teams,
posting a two-round total of 831.
Walsh won the event with a tworound total of 712.
Freshman Jessica Kinnick was
the top finisher for the Titans, placing 15th with a two-round total of
186. Sophomore Pam Bonneau
was the next best finisher for the
Titans at 24th, compiling a two-
round total of 194. Kinnick attributes the support of her teammates
to being the top finisher for the Titans.
“I think I was able to play the
way I did because of the attitude of
my team,” Kinnick said. “Everyone
on the team is always very supportive, and I feel that knowing
that I had the support of those
around me I was able to relax and
just go out and play golf.”
The hard work and practice put
in on a personal lever prior to the
event is what Bonneau feels gave
her the ability to finish well for the
“My success at the Mount
Union Invitational came from
hours of practice,” Bonneau said.
“It was a difficult tournament because of the conditions, so most of
my success was from mental
strength, which also takes practice.”
The next event for the Titans is
on April 10 as they travel to Erie
for the Mercyhurst Invitational. Yet
Kinnick feels the team’s goal
comes at the end of the season at
the PAC Tournament. The Titan’s
score from the fall tournament will
carry over into the spring event.
“During this spring season, we
hope to win the PAC Tournament,”
Kinnick said. “After the fall tournament, we are only two strokes behind, and our goal is to get those
strokes back and then some to
claim the title.”
Bonneau feels the team’s goals
for the rest of the season are more
on a personal level.
“We all want to win the PAC
Tournament at the end of the season,” Bonneau said. “But in order
to do that, we individually need
and want to get better.”
Men’s tennis excels in PAC play
Titans trump Washington and Jefferson but fall to St. Vincent
By April Scudere
Sports Writer
Before Easter break, the men’s
tennis team had a busy schedule.
The Titans took on Washington &
Jefferson and Saint Vincent to earn
one win and one loss, respectively.
This brings the Titans to 3-6 on the
season and 3-0, in the President’s
Athletic Conference (PAC).
The Titans challenged PAC opponent Washington & Jefferson on
Saturday, March 27 at home for a
close 5-4 win. The Presidents are
now 0-2 in the PAC and 1-3 in their
In singles play, freshman No. 4
Sean Black easily took down his
President’s player 6-2, 6-1. Sophomore Derek Fredrickson, at No. 5,
also went two sets by only giving
up one game for the win, 6-0, 6-1.
At No. 6, freshman Brad Thomas
played a long, hard fought three
sets, with his match being the last
one on and the deciding factor of
which team would take the win.
In the end, his efforts paid off as he
walked off the court with a 6-1, 4-6,
6-4 victory.
The Titans also gained two of
their five wins in doubles. At No.
2, senior Scott Lawrence paired up
with Black to put their opponents
away 8-4. The other win came
from No. 3, Thomas and Fredrickson, who only gave up one game,
During the week, the Titans
played a non-conference match
against Saint Vincent on Wednesday, March 31, only to fall 6-3. The
Bearcats are now 3-4 in their season.
The Titans earned wins at No.5
and No. 6 singles. Fredrickson
stomped his opponent 6-2, 7-5,
while Thomas had another three
set match 4-6, 6-4, 10-6.
Fredrickson and Thomas also
paired up at No. 3 doubles, earning
one of the three wins for their
team 8-2.
Black had a close three set
match against his Bearcat player,
falling only two points shy. The results were 7-6 (7-5), 1-6, 10-8.
The Titans return to action at
home on Saturday, April 10 at
10:30 a.m. to play some tennis and
enjoy food provided by the Titan
parents. The men’s team will be
playing a PAC match against Waynesburg for their final conference
match before the PAC Championships in Erie.
There are a number of topics I
won’t be covering this week. If you
want to hear about the Pirates and
their opening day victory, turn to
the main section of the paper and
read Christina Alducka’s column. I
will also not be covering the
Duke/Butler game; Butler was a
pre-season 11 seed (2 or 3 seed in
the tournament), and therefore I
was not very surprised by their final appearance and non-Cinderella story. I have more pressing matters to attend to.
America is one of the greatest
countries in the entire world, and I
find it a travesty that we, as citizens of this great country, are going to allow this change to occur. I
feel like we, as a country, need to
rise up and not let this be jammed
down our throats and overturn the
perfectly good system that we have
and have had for years on end.
And that it is our duties, as patriots,
to stand up and let our voices be
We cannot let the NCAA tournament expand to 96 teams.
The passing of this expansion to
32 “needy” teams is totally and
completely unnecessary and unwarranted and will only serve as a
strain on the current system and
TV deal that is in place. And that is
where I will start.
CBS currently holds the television rights to the NCAA tournament until 2014; its bad enough
that CBS only shows one of the 8
games that is being simultaneously played, but of those 8 games, I’m
forced to watch some far off who
cares game of Texas A&M/Utah
State instead of some local regional team like Pitt, WVU, or Syracuse.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m eternally greatful that CBS gives me
the last 32 seconds of a close
game; I mean who doesn’t love to
watch Duke beat on High School
caliber teams instead of watching
close games and upsets?
Granted when/if the tournament expands, the games they will
be adding will be meaningless to
begin with. With a 96 team tournament, I’m more than thrilled to
watch Middle Southwest Tennessee State University play the
New Wilmington Greyhounds, but
as you add more teams, the quality
and caliber of those teams is going
to decrease as well.
If the NCAA is doing this so
they can give those few “snubbed”
teams a chance to play in the big
dance, why not have a couple
more play-in games? Then the
“just outside the bubble” teams
like North Carolina, Virginia Tech
and Rhode Island may get a shot.
But if you expand to 96 teams
Sports Editor
you’re going to have to give two
bids to conferences like the Big
Sky conference, and I can’t name
more than one college in that conference to begin with.
Then once you start admitting
schools like ITT Tech to the big
dance, the “other tournament,” the
NIT, is basically going to become a
non-entity. As if the NIT doesn’t
only get 8 viewers as it is, but once
you pull out the “snubbed” bubble
teams from the tournament, you
better start calling up Westminster
College, because that’s the caliber
of teams that are going to be left to
play in the NIT.
I can’t even begin to imagine
how the seeding for such a tournament would go.
If you give all seeds 1-8 in each
region a bye, then you essentially
get the #24 team in the region
playing the 9 seed for the right, the
privilege, the honor to compete
against garbage 8 seeds like UNLV.
And god forbid if that 24 seed happens to win because everyone on
the team shoots 18-18 from 3, then
I have to watch Duke play a 24
seed that a bunch of one armed
hobos could beat.
The expansion of the NCAA
tournament is a crime. It will ruin
everything the tournament has become. Any team seeded 16 or
higher will basically not move
whatever the first round ends up
looking like, and we will be left
with basically the same 64 teams
that should’ve made the tournament to begin with.
All the “benefiting” viewer gets
is two more rounds of brutal basketball that we (hopefully) won’t
have to see because CBS is only
able to show one irrelevant game
at a time to begin with.
Possible Cinderella teams like
Cornell, Murray State, and Siena
will all be eliminated before breaking out of the pack of 96, and we’ll
be left with unexciting story lines
and another week of mind numbing games that won’t end up being
televised. And we can’t blame
Barack Obama for this one.
Brad is a 6 foot 185 pound
senior history major. He
loves walks on the beach,
dinners by candlelight, sporting events and playing guitar. His favorite color is
Dave Evans named SAAC
Titan Athlete of the week
Photo by James Bonetti
Freshman Brad Thomas plays in a heated match against
PAC opponent Washington & Jefferson
Upcoming Sporting Events
Friday, April 9
4 p.m. Baseball vs. Monday April 12
Washington and Jef- 3:30p.m. Softball
at Pitt Greensburg
Tuesday April 13
Saturday, April
3 p.m. Baseball at
10:30a.m. Men’s Wednesday April
tennis vs. Waynes- 14
3:30p.m. Softball
Men and women’s vs. Grove City
track & field at Men and Women’s
Carnegie Mellon
Track & Field PAC
1p.m. Softball at North Quad Meet
Brad Fetes
The Student-Athlete Advisory
Committee (SAAC) named senior
baseball player Dave Evans as its
Titan Athlete of the Week for the
week of March 29-April 4. Evans, a
designated hitter, posted team
highs with nine hits, two home
runs and eight RBI during the
week in which the Titans posted a
3-2 record in five Presidents' Athletic Conference (PAC) games.
Evans batted .529 (9-17) during the
Photo by James Bonetti week including 5-for-8 with two
homers and six RBI in a doubleDoubles
header at Thiel on Saturday. He is
Freshman Sean Black prepares for the return while playing tied for second in the PAC with
with double partner senior Scott Lawerence. Black and Law- four home runs this season.
erence beat their Washington & Jefferson opponents 8-4.
OPINION - holcad (24”) 20060829cad
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April 9, 2010
The Holcad — Westminster College, New Wilmington, Pa.
Lady Titans face three double-headers Titans top Thiel; team earns the
The Team’s record moves to 10-8 after four wins and two losses
number one spot in PAC play
By Corey Kendall
Sports Writer
As Easter came and went, the
Lady Titans certainly found quite a
few games in there baskets. In the
past week, the Ladies played three
double headers, coming out with
four wins and two losses. The team
is now 10-8 overall and 1-1 in PAC
On Wednesday, March 31, the
Lady Titans took on Case Western
Reserve in a double header matchup right here at home. After two
close games, the Lady Titans were
able to claim victory in both. In the
first game, the team was able to
defeat Case with a score of 9-6. The
second game was a little closer, at
The Titans certainly played well
in the first game as junior third
baseman Lis Schulz and freshmen
Katie Hughes and Olet Stasko each
had two hits apiece to contribute to
the team’s total of 11. Junior pitcher Amber Crompton stayed in the
game for three and 2/3 innings to
pitch for the Ladies. Freshman
Layne Carpenter pitched three and
1/3 innings, letting in two runs (1
earned) off three hits from Case.
Carpenter gave up four walks and
struck out three.
Even though the second game
was a cutthroat match, the Lady Titans played to victory. Schulz
knocked in three runs after smacking the ball out of the park in the
seventh inning. Schulz also went 2for-4 in game two and pitched five
and 2/3 innings. Schulz played
well only letting up three unearned runs on three of Case's hits.
Schulz had no walks and two
strikeouts to aid in the victory. Junior second baseman DiAndra
DiBacco also added to the win
when she knocked in two runs on
Photo by James Bonetti
Got a piece of it
The lady Titans put up a good fight against Penn State
Behrend on Tuesday, April 6, winning the second game.
a double.
On Thursday, April 1, the Lady
Titans traveled to Greenville for a
double header in PAC play against
Thiel. Of the two games, the Titans
were able to win the second game
with a score of 2-1. Unfortunately, a
loss came in the first game at 4-3
as the Titans nearly pulled
Freshman pitcher Chelsea
Brown was able to pull through for
the Ladies in game two by striking
out nine players in the seven innings that she pitched. She only let
up eight hits, one run and had no
walks. Schulz went 2-for-3 with a
RBI single in the first inning.
The Titans just couldn't grasp
the win but the did have some fair
stats in the first game. The team
was unable to put up the hits as
they recorded only five. Junior
shortstop Ashley Beltz went 2-for-3
which included a two run double
Photo by James Bonetti
Winding up
Freshman Layne Carpenter prepares to strike out the batter at a recent home game.
bringing the score to 3-3 in the
fifth inning. Crompton stayed in
for six innings to absorb the loss.
She let four runs go from nine hits
to go along with two strikeouts
and three walks.
On Tuesday, April 6, the Lady
Titans held yet another double
header right here at home. This
match-up was against Penn State
Behrend. The Titans unfortunately
did not take the first game as they
fell 9-4 to Penn State. In the second
game, however, the Ladies did
much better defeating Penn State
The Ladies certainly posted
some impressive stats in the
games. DiBacco was able to go 2for-3 in the second game. Two other players, Hughes and senior
catcher Sarah Woodward were
also able to pull off 2-for-3 in the
game. In the second game, the
Ladies were able to compile 9 hits.
Schulz and Crompton both contributed in the pitching and only
allowed three hits. Schulz let up
one run, one hit, four walks and
came through with two strikeouts
in three innings. Meanwhile,
Crompton recorded two hits for no
runs in two innings.
The Titans fared certainly well
in the second game, however the
first game did not show such stats.
Woodward and Beltz were able to
lead with a 12-hit offense including
three hits a piece. Hughes had one
hit in the first game which was a
home run. This being the first in
her career was an exciting moment for both her and the Titans.
Brown pitched for three and 1/3
innings and let up six runs coming
from six hits along with two walks
and two strikeouts.
The Ladies will return to the
field on Saturday, April 10 at
A dashing start to season
Men’s track and field team captured nine
wins while the women’s team nabbed five
By Miltiadis Constantine
Sports Writer
The men’s and women’s track
and field teams competed in two
meets on March 23 and 27 at
Grove City College and California
University of Pennsylvania, respectively.
At the Grove City College MiniInvitational on March 23, the
teams competed against Clarion,
Franciscan, Geneva and Grove
City. No official score was kept at
the meet. However, the Titan men
captured nine events while the
women placed first in five events.
Leading the men was freshman
sprinter Bob Fazzolare who won
the 200 meter dash (23.70) and the
400 meter dash (52.07). Sophomore sprinter Forrest Minteer finished second behind Fazzolare in
the 200 meter dash (24.39 seconds); however, Minteer won the
100 meter dash (11.48).
Junior hurdler Jeremy Ratell
won the 110 meter hurdles (16.95)
followed by sophomore Bobby
Rhodes (18.94). Rhodes won the
400 meter hurdles event (1:02.48).
Sophomore Morgan Hanes won
the 3,000 steeplechase (10:43.10).
Freshman Adam Carswell captured the long jump event with a
jump of 6.09 meters. Carswell was
also a part of the winning 4x400
(3:33.47) and 4x100 (45.42) relay
Leading the women was senior
hurdler Abbey Basta who captured
the 100 meter hurdles (16.14) and
placed second in the 400 hurdles
(1:11.56). Freshman Sydney Spain
broke her own record in the 3,000
steeplechase (12:28.20) in a second
place effort.
Sophomore Emily Dolsak captured the discus throw (32.72 meters) and was a part of the winning
4x400 (4:22.46) relay team. Sophomore sprinter Tyler Dever won the
400 meter dash (1:04.80) while
sophomore Mallory Mack tied for
first in the 200 meter dash (28.08).
The team then competed in the
Western Pennsylvania Championships at California University of
Pennsylvania on March 27. The
event included teams from Divisions I, II, and III. The team placed
first among Division III schools
with 285 points.
Leading the women was Rachel
Hudson. Her event-winning 10,000
meter run of 40:07.73 shattered the
school’s record by nearly four minutes. Basta won the 400 meter hurdles (1:07.19) and finished third in
the 100 meter hurdles (16.48).
Freshman Cecelia Klein, who
runs in the 400 meter and 200 meter sprints, as well as relays, added
her input on the team’s progression.
“Everyone keeps doing better
every meet,” Klein said. “When it
comes time for PACs, I think the
women can win again and the
men will be in the running. We
can only get better from here.”
Spain finished in second in the
(12:52.08). In the 100 meter dash,
sophomore Alisha Slater placed
third (13.40), barely edging Mack
(13.41) who finished fourth by one
hundredth of a second. Slater’s
long jump of 4.81 meters was also
good enough for fourth place.
Sophomore Merrissa Malcolm
finished fourth place in the pole
vault (3.2 meters). Dolsak’s discus
throw (34.21 meters) was good
enough for fifth.
The men finished second out of
three Division III schools with a
score of 218 points. They were led
by senior Jonathan Morrow, who
placed fifth with a javelin throw of
50.99 meters. Minteer placed fifth
in the 100 meter dash (11.62). Carswell’s long jump of 6.17 meters
was also good for a fifth place finish.
Photo by Coleen York
Curve ball
Senior pitcher Mike McCoy took the mound in the game
against Waynesburg on Tuesday, March 30. The team went
on to win both games of the double-header, 9-5 and 13-10.
By Mike Katrancha
Sports Writer
The Titan baseball team (7-11,
4-3 PAC) drop two at Thiel (11-9, 44 PAC) on Saturday, April 3 to
knock them out of a tie for the
PAC’s top spot.
Leading into the Easter holiday,
the Titans had an exciting five
game stretch which included two
walk-off homeruns, a sweep and
two spectacular comebacks.
On Saturday, March 27, the Titans hosted rival Grove City (8-7, 4-
1 PAC) in a double-header matchup, which was the first PAC outing
for both teams.
The Titans dropped the first
game 4-3 but battled back from a
five run deficit led by senior catcher Dan Argiro’s seventh inning
three run homer and his two run
walk-off to take the second game
7-5. Sophomore outfielder Adam
Carter also had two RBIs early in
the seventh on an infield single.
Sophomore reliever Vince Iosue
earned the win after pitching two
innings, giving up one hit, two
walks and a strikeout. Carter says
even though you’re down in a
game, you can't give up.
“You can't get down when
you're behind, Carter said. “We've
been playing together as a team,
doing the little things to work our
way back and put ourselves in a
position to win.”
The titans did just that when
they took the field Tuesday, March
30 against Waynesburg (6-13, 2-6
PAC), sweeping them in the same
fashion they beat Grove City, with
big late inning plays and solid relief pitching.
The Titans won the first game
9-5 and then came back from a six
run deficit to win the second game
Over seven different players
had hits, but the one that sealed
the deal was an Carter walk-off
homer with 2 outs.
Six different pitchers took the
mound, but sophomore Justin
Presjsnar got the win as he held
the Yellow Jackets to just one hit in
the seventh.
“Our bullpen has been great
and very clutch late in the game,”
Carter said. “During Tuesday's
game, our bullpen shut Waynesburg down in the last couple innings. Our defense has been
tough, too. Sometimes the ball
doesn't always bounce our way,
but we're mentally tough, and we
make the next play.”
The Titans then went into the
holiday weekend getting swept by
Thiel’s (11-9, 4-4 PAC) squad. In the
first game of the series, senior designated hitter Dave Evans went 3-4
with three RBIs and a homerun.
Don’t change your socks
Sports superstitions and routines for the big win
By Emily Winn
Campus Writer
Her headphones are blaring
that old familiar rap song that she
plays before each game. She is instructing Jordan to take off her
necklace for her, Kristin to hold her
hand during the team prayer and
demanding prewrap from Allie. If
any of these are the wrong person
or are out of order, she believes
that she’ll lose the game. This is all
a routine set up for a confident
game for Junior Women’s soccer
forward, Sarah Nee, but nonathletic students might not understand
why it is done.
Students might be surprised by
the superstitions followed by their
athletic peers before a game, and
some athletes even carry their individual superstitions to each of
their sports.
Freshman Jennifer Cantella, a
Titan three-sport athlete ranging
from the goaltender for women’s
soccer, to softball, to basketball, has
superstitions that go with her from
team to team.
Cantella must wear the same
exact thing to every game; she
places her ankle braces and shoes
on left to right, and she will not
step on the goal line at the beginning of a soccer match.
Sophomore Samantha Killmeyer, another Titan soccer player, has
a similar superstition, but her
shoes have to go on right to left.
Sports superstitions are not for
soccer players alone.
Titan Softball players, senior
Kayla Rosati and junior Leigha
Krivacek, have a short, but important, superstition list. As a team,
they will not step on the foul line
outing the field. They think that if
they stand on it during the anthem, the team will lose.
Rosati has her own unique superstition that has to do with her
undergarments. If she is doing well
during a game, she will wash and
rewear the same undergarments
until they prove to be unlucky;
then she will switch.
The most common superstitious sport is baseball. It carries the
most well known superstitions to
date. Like campus athletes, professional athletes carry certain sacraments.
Relief pitcher Turk Wendell has
the most frequently known list of
superstitions. They include him
telling the umpire to roll him the
ball instead of throwing it to him,
crouching down every time his
catcher stands up, brushing his
teeth after every inning, wearing a
necklace made of the claws and
teeth of animals that he has killed
and wearing number 99 to honor
Vince Vaughn’s character in Major
League, and he reportedly signing
a contract of 9,999,999.99.
Most baseball superstitions are
individual, and the school’s Justin
Zackal reflects on why that is.
“Since baseball is such an individual sport, each player becomes
in charge of their own fate,” Zackal
said. “They have time to think
about what they need to do before
taking the field or going up to the
A common baseball superstition is the silent treatment given to
a pitcher when he is pitching a perfect game.
“It’s very bad luck to talk to a
pitcher when he’s having a perfect
game,” Zackal says. “They claim
that he has a good thing going and
that they do not want to mess him
up or distract him.”
While baseball is certainly an
individual sport, some superstitions that come with it are brought
by the entire team and exceed
One of the most well known
baseball superstitions is the Red
Sox Curse of the Bambino.
According to legend, this curse
started during the off season of
1919-1920 when the Red Sox sold
baseball star Babe Ruth to the
New York Yankees. Before the
trade, the Red Sox had been one of
the most successful baseball teams,
winning five World Series since
1903. The curse lasted 86 years
when in 2004 the Red Sox beat the
Yankees in the Championship Series to continue on to sweep St.
Louis to win their first World Series since the trade.
Baseball may have the most superstitions, but it is not the only
professional sport that follows
reparation. Like Wendell, Pittsburgh Hockey player, Sidney Crosby, has a superstition involving the
number stitched to his back.
Penguin’s super-star Crosby
sports the number 87, and it’s no
accident. Crosby was born August,
7, 1987, or, in other words, 8/7/87. In
2007, the young Canadian signed
his Penguins contract for 8.7 million per year.
While some professional athletes may show their superstitions
with their numbers, others pay
tribute to the places that helped
them get to where they are now.
Chicago Bull’s Michael Jordan
wears his old blue North Carolina
shorts underneath his uniform
every game to pay tribute to his
alma mater.
Golf professional Tiger Woods
wears a red polo in the final
rounds of PGA tournaments to
commemorate his alma mater,
Superstitions are not only for
the athletes themselves. Sometimes they are claimed by the fans
watching their favorite team.
Hockey is the greatest example
of this superstition. When a hockey
team leaps into the play-offs, it’s
time for fans and players alike to
show their stubble. A tradition dating back into the unknown, players and fans would stop shaving
when they enter the playoffs. This
was to generate a sense of warrior
Like the play-off beard, some
superstitions dealing with fans can
be found on campus.
Junior Olivia Sweeney is a diehard Steelers fan, although her superstition may seem like she’s not
very interested. As soon as the
Steelers get to their second quarter
of playing, Sweeney must sleep.
She sleeps until the end of the
third, and when she wakes up,
they have won the game. Suffice to
say, Sweeney did not sleep much
this season.
Another Westminster soccer
player who knows about the craziness of sports superstitions is defenseman Aaron Zavora.
He stretches and runs without
his shoes tied, his shin guards in
place or his jersey on. If the rest of
the team stands in a circle and follows the captain’s stretching routine, Zavora is off in his own world,
gaining the mentality that he
needs for the 90 minute game
ahead. Only before he steps on the
field to begin the game will he
then tie his shoes, place his shin
guards and put on his jersey.
To him, and many other athletes, following superstitious routines gives the confidence to win
the big game.
Inside EVEN page - holcad (24”) 20060829cad
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The Holcad — Westminster College, New Wilmington, Pa.
April 9, 2010
Movie in Mueller
Faires Faculty Forum
Sunday, 11 April
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Movie in Mueller
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Ve s -
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Psychology Department Event: Brain
11:40 AM - 12:10 PM
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Holcad Weekly Staff Meeting
Tuesday, 13 April
11:40 AM - 12:10 PM
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Alumni Council Meeting
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
A l - Catholic Mass
pha Psi Omega's One-Act Festival
8:00 PM - 10:30 PM
8:00 PM - 10:30 PM
Movie in Mueller
Movie in Mueller
10:30 PM - 11:55 PM
ARIES (March 21-April 19).
Get a correct gauge of how things
are. This is done best by interacting,
observing and listening, not by asking directly. A person put on the
spot is likely to speak phrases to
appease you. Actions tell the whole
You'll be meeting influential
people over the next week. Mentally prepare for this. Imagine what
you'll say and the reaction it might
produce. Imagine what the other
person will say back. This kind of
preparation shows that you care. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
And when your golden chances
come, you'll be ready.
Make sure you are good and
warmed up for the events on this
TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
week's schedule. Success depends
on being prepared and ready. If you
Your actions net a positive re- are meeting with a colleague or
sponse from the outside world. client, before you get to the main isAnd though the compliments feel sues, take the time to get in sync
good, they are not what keeps you with the other person, and be sure
going. You love the work and what the other person is in tune with
you can produce. Wonderful words you.
from the mouths of strangers can't
sustain you. They are merely the SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec.
seasoning on the main course of 21).
your creation.
The life-sucking monster of seriGEMINI (May 21-June 21).
ousness is stalking your neighborhood. He's a disease carrier, sick
There are teachers who will be with boredom, riddled with self-imwilling to help you, but you must portance. The good news is, you
seek them out. A mentor's advice can keep him at bay -- it's easy to
can save you time, energy, money do so. Just be silly and have fun.
and heartache. You don't even need There might even be money in it,
to follow said advice for this to be paid to you on Friday.
possible. You merely need to be
aware that there are options other CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
than the ones you have thought of. 19).
CANCER (June 22-July 22).
You still don't have what you
want exactly, but that's not the
point. Do you have what it takes to
persist? That's all that matters. And
you know the answer is yes. It
would be easy to relax your discipline and demands on yourself, but
if you let up now, you'll regret it later. Keep on keeping on.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
You'll grow emotionally tougher
so that you can put yourself on the
line without fear of rejection. No
one can make you feel rejected unless you have a belief that they are
in some way better than you. Bottom line: All human beings are
equal. Base your self-worth in your
own heart, not in the reactions of
There are habits you've tried to
6 1
Know where you stand in a relationship so you can work together toward a magnificent end result.
4 8
9 5
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
12:35 PM - 2:00 PM
Study Report Review Open Meeting
You learn about the power of
love. Because you are so honest,
you will open up and trust to a
greater degree. The energy you put
into relationships comes back to
you tenfold. You'll perform great
feats in May. Your devotion brings
someone up. A team will help you
achieve a personal goal in July. It's
the extra action steps you take in
August that will net you new fans
and customers. The results will be
You need a good friend -- not be- lucrative. Take a trip to see family
cause you're going through emo- in the fall, and you'll further unretional turmoil or because you lated goals.
could use someone to lean on. You
need a good friend because you're
happy and should be sharing it
with someone. Keep your eyes
peeled for easy-going, fun people
who look like they are having a
good time.
12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Central Blood Bank Blood Drive
Registration: Current First Year
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
12:45 PM - 1:15 PM
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
StuLambda Pi Eta Meeting
dent Alumni Association Meeting
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Ca8:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Slight trace
reer Center's Informational Meet- lowship of Christian Athletes
ing with Polk County Schools of Meeting
musical ensem
9:00 PM - 10:00 PM
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Theta Chi's Date Auction
15 Direct route
Tire marking
PRSSA Special Speaker: Dr. Jim
16 Large coffeepot
Instruction manual
10:00 PM - 11:00 PM
17 Last day on the calendar
Bering and Beaufort
Traverse Student Meeting
7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
19 Throw, as a baseball
That lady
Lambda Sigma Meeting
Friday, 16 April
20 Restaurant patrons
Capone and Hirt
French department
9:30 PM - 10:30 PM
New11:40 AM - 12:10 PM
Green one?
man Club Meeting
24 Gift recipient
12 Make more meaningful
26 Hodgepodges
Wednesday, 14 April
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM
T i 15 European capital
Public house
tan's Tavern
18 Fine-grained wood
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Psy28 Loch ___
23 Most meddlesome
chology Department Event: Brain
29 Overfill
24 Computer input
33 Popular place on 17
25 Entire
Not relaxed
11:45 AM - 12:45 PM
36 Most chilling
29 Withered
30 “ __ was saying”
40 Undefiled
31 Ferocious fly, when dou
43 City south of Knoxville
44 Traces
32 Mentality measures, fa
adopt in the past, but the process
45 TV host on 17 Across
felt so forced. There's another way
49 JackieГ­s second
34 Shea residents
to change. Accept where you are.
50 Perfumed bag
35 Houdini and others
You'll blossom into a new incarna51 Guinea pig, often
38 Bullfighters
tion simply because you're enjoy52 They’re made on 17
39 Acorn source
ing life so much. Changes happen
40 Fee
naturally, blossoming out of your
55 Be in the wrong
41 Employers
abiding love and respect for your56 Explosive missile
42 Plants of the parsley
Big Apple sch.
58 Agile deer
43 Misbehaves
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
59 Bacon works
45 See socially
60 Hiatus
46 Here, to Pierre
Things might be coming too
61 SST heading, sometimes
Cheech’s sidekick
slowly, but this is for the best. Be48 Nairobi’s land
lieve in the timing of the universe.
50 Lather
Anyway, you wouldn't want the
53 ___ roll
opportunity before you were ready
54 Put in position, as bricks
for it. That would only paint you in
a bad light. While waiting for your
ship to come in, practice and perfect your skills. Thursday brings exciting news.
You would prefer that everyone
around you be comfortable and
happy at all times. And yet, life
comes with some degree of pain.
It's something to accept now, because you can't change that fact.
However, the sweet support you
provide will certainly ease the way
for those who are facing challenges.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
Registration Follow Up
Monday, 12 April
11:40 AM - 12:40 PM
ogy Seminar
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Thursday, 15 April
9:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Movie in Mueller
Registration: Current Sophomores
Saturday, 10 April
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Japanese Anime Club
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
10:30 PM - 11:55 PM
Movie in Mueller
Page B-3
Friday, 9 April
3 9
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April 9, 2010
The Holcad — Westminster College, New Wilmington, Pa.
Arts & Entertainment
Soak in the craziness of Hot Tub
When it comes to comedies,
ridiculous gimmicks are generally
a kiss of death. On top of that,
when there is time travel in any
film, it can make it rocky, confusing and on top of everything, simply illogical. A comedy with these
cards stacked against it seems like
it would be doomed to fail; what a
surprise it is, then, when the aptly
titled Hot Tub Time Machine
somehow successfully executes its
own outrageous concept.
As with most forays into comedy, key to its success is the direction and the central cast. Director
Steve Pink is best known for one
of his previous works, Accepted,
which was a relatively mediocre
film; he certainly seems to have hit
his stride with this film in comparison.
The four central antagonists are
John Cusack who plays Adam, an
unlucky-in-love guy who recently
broke up with his girlfriend, an
event that has presumably happened before; Clark Duke plays
Adam’s nephew, Jacob, a twentysomething who lives in his uncles
basement playing video games all
day; Craig Robinson plays Nick, a
man with a dead-end job and a
domineering, possibly unfaithful
wife; and Rob Corddry as Lou, the gal energy drink on the control
consummate jerk in their group of panel.
friends, whose life is so miserable
When the morning comes, they
that he attempts suicide.
go skiing, not noticing the increase
in guests at the resort, or for that
matter, the radical change in fashion style; after all, it is 1986. Realizing their plight, they all decide
that history should be kept as it is,
and the group attempts to make
all of the same choices they made
back then. When Adam at first refuses to break up with the girlStefan Schneider friend he ended his relationship
A&E Editor with that weekend, the others decide that they do not want to go
back to the old days and start makThe plot is simple; following ing wanton decisions and changLou’s suicide attempt, Adam and ing events as they see fit. The reNick decide to try to relive their sults are often hilarious, especially
glory days at a ski resort called Ko- when the revelation comes toward
diak Valley. Adam has his nephew the end as to whom Jacob’s father
tag along to get him out of the is.
house, which displeases Lou.
The cast really makes a film
Upon their arrival, they find like this; for example, Wild Hogs
that, just as their lives have hit featured a cast that simply didn’t
hard times, Kodiak Valley is in dis- mesh well; as a result, the film was
repair and the town virtually life- a bust. The cast of Superbad was
less. Luckily, their hot tub, which brilliant, hence a successful comeupon their arrival had been dirty dy. Surprisingly, this seemingly
with a dead raccoon in it, is myste- hodgepodge group of protagonists
riously fixed. The four begin a actually manage the sell their
binge-drinking episode, during friendship.
which they spill an imported, illeThe weakest of the group is ac-
Photo from
tually John Cusack, who occasionally seems like he is bored with
events, although his character
could just be meant to be calm.
The rest of the cast carry their own
weight admirably, though it is the
scenes with the whole group together that really shine, with Jacob
as a comedic foil. Just as he is clueless as to the meaning of their inside jokes, the audience is never let
in on a few of them, which adds to
the authenticity.
The only major flaws with the
film are that, occasionally, the story
moves to heavier territory at random intervals. It can break up the
light-hearted attitude one would
expect from a comedy, and it does
not always work well.
Few gags, even the physical humor, flop, although dialogue-based
comedy still maintains the most
humorous spot. The film’s worst
problem, I would say, is the third
act standstill it reaches. The film
stalls a little bit toward the end,
which is a problem with a lot of
comedies, but this one didn’t seem
to merit the same kind of slowdown. Overall, however, this is a
film that moves beyond its outrageous concept and actually manages to be a hilarious romp that
revels in its own craziness.
Stefan is a senior English
major, and he has just
learned a terrible truth:
Chancellor Palpatine is a
Sith Lord!
Stefan’s Rating:
Repo Men rates a good Mumford and Sons’ debut:
distraction at its best underrated musical beauty
Photo from
Ryan Sargent
A&E Writer
Repo Men suffers from some
shaky writing overall and a dragging third act, but it’s not entirely
The film posits a worst-case scenario of today’s worsening economic debt and recession problems: the government has declared
bankruptcy; corporations seem to
have become the primary ruling
body and debt is truly the end of
your life. Remy (Jude Law) and
Jake (Forest Whitaker) are repossession agents for Union, a company that manufactures and sells artificial organs, or “forgs” as they’re
referred to. If a customer misses
too many payments on their forgs,
Remy and Jake are authorized to
take the property back forcefully,
usually by tearing the organs from
the customers body.
Repo Men is blunt about its
subject matter, both through its
writing and its depiction. Blood
Ryan’s Rating:
and guts abound as Remy and
Jake show no remorse for their
work. As they say to each other, “a
job’s a job.” The film-makers show
every detail of the act, from the
anesthetic, through the gruesome
organ removal and to the return
process back at headquarters. The
writers go to long lengths to show
that life in a world where debt and
credit are the driving force of human life is painfully businesslike.
It doesn’t matter if you sent your
payment in a day late, it’s still late
and those organs belong to Union,
so prepare for surgery.
The allusions to current socioeconomic problems are dreadfully
apparent in the film. Health-care
and debt seem to be defining the
beginning of this decade and the
film exploits these topics with little
subtlety. The characters are presented with one and only one
choice: accept artificial organs and
become entangled in endless debt
so that they may live unhappily, or
die unhappily. The film does not
No one buys Nicolas
Cage's mansion at auction
stop to ponder any other aspects of
the current health care or debt issues, such as other forms of medical treatment or perhaps banking
and the housing market.
Repo Men’s dense adherence to
the concept of repossessing people’s organs hurts the film’s overall
theme. If debt is really such a big
deal in the future, why doesn’t it
seem to be affecting any other industry except organ replacement?
It’s a good concept, but it seems
that the screenwriters never took
the blinders off of their story; they
just barreled on with one simple
idea without bothering to flesh it
out. By the final act of the film, the
conflict feels less like a race against
the odds and more like wasting
time. I found myself waiting, becoming bored, waiting for the
movie to hurry up and get to the
As with the film’s premise, the
characterization starts out promising and later gets stale. Remy and
Jake have a peculiar relationship
as partners. Jake used to bully
Remy in elementary school, but in
the film Jake tends to yield to
Remy as he is considered the more
efficient repo agent. Law and
Whitaker play to their strengths,
but even their performances become muddled as the film draws
on. While I thought this dynamic
might be revisited later in the film,
it doesn’t surface again. Like the
writing, it gets lost among all the
plot-holes and blood.
Repo Men isn’t deep; it’s a
straightforward sci-fi thriller. It’s
got decent action and a provoking
concept, but it stumbles just as the
plot starts running. Repo Men is far
from being a great addition to the
sci-fi canon, but not utterly terrible.
At best, it’s a good distraction.
By Ben Portz
A&E Writer
When I first heard Mumford &
Sons’ debut album Sigh No More, I
thought it was one of the best debut albums of the last 10 years.
Once listening to every track
nearly three times each, I could
only imagine that other magazines
would be obsessively praising this
new British folk band.
Though, to my surprise, music
magazines and online blogs, not
mentioning any names, (pitchfork
media), crucified the band. They
claimed that the band had “predictable crescendos” and lacked
originality, saying that they are a
heavily influenced Kings of Leon,
which, is completely untrue.
track off the album, guaranteeing
pleasure to most ears would be
“The Cave”. It features everything
from a banjo, to a string bass.
Lead singer/songwriter, Marcus
Mumford (hence Mumford &
Sons), has a great folky growl
throughout most of this piece. The
banjo has a riff you will find yourself humming for the rest of the
day, and a cinematic buildup
which will immediately cause you
to put your finger on repeat.
Some of my favorites from the
album are “White Blank Page” and
“Timshel”. “White Blank Page” features Mumford’s superb vocal talent, and a beautiful touch of violins
playing metronomically throughout. “Timshel” has harmonies that
only the Fleet Foxes would be able
to conquer. This song is a great
demonstration as to how close this
band actually are. They collectively hit every note with passion and
strength, something that is lacking
“Little Lion Man” is another from most bands these days.
song that definitely deserves some
So, what should you get from
radio play. This tune, about a rela- reading this article? Get this:
tionship that fell apart, shows lyri- Mumford & Sons, Sigh No More. It
cal influences from an early David should be in a store near you.
Gray, and incorporates the har- Heck, it will probably only cost you
monic tightness of Crosby Stills $10, as much as one tub taster. Do
Nash & Young.
If Mumford & Sons sounded
anything like the Kings of Leon,
their only gig would be possibly
playing in some vacant pub in
South Dakota, getting paid zilch.
No offense KOL. So here I am, not
just writing a music review for
“Westminster College’s leading
newspaper!”, but also advertising
this wonderful band which surely
deserves some well regarded
Honestly, I cannot remember a
time when I listened to every single track off an album, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Last time that
happened was when I received the
N’sync CD in my Easter basket
during the 5th grade. But I should
deserve a free pass because my
brain was not fully developed at
that time of musical consumption.
Regardless, you will find beauty in
every song off of Sigh No More.
Possibly the most commercial
Photo from
Ben’s Rating:
Staff Recommendations
Music to listen to with the windows down
LOS ANGELES (AP) -- A BelEven though he's one of HollyAir mansion owned by Nicolas wood's highest-paid stars, Cage
Cage has found no takers in a fore- has money troubles. He owes milclosure auction.
lions in unpaid taxes and in January his foreclosed home in Las VeThe opening bid for the actor's gas sold for nearly $5 million.
12,000-square-foot home was
$10.4 million, but there are $18
Cage sued his former business
million worth of loans on the prop- manager in October for $20 milerty.
lion, claiming the man's advice led
him toward financial ruin. The exThe Tudor mansion boasts six manager says Cage is a spendPhoto from
bedrooms, a central tower, home thrift.
Kenny Chesney’s album The
theater and an Olympic-sized pool.
The house reverted to the foreclosInformation from: Los Angeles Road and the Radio helps me prepare for the warmer weather
ing lender at Wednesday's auction Times,
ahead. I know that all I have to
in Pomona.
look forward to is another flip flop
I could listen to the Goo Goo
Dolls’ album, Dizzy Up the Girl,
every day in the summer and sing
some of my favorites, “Slide,”
“Broadway,” “Black Balloon” and
“Iris,” at the top of my lungs.
I’ve listened to Third Eye Blind’s
self-titled debut almost non-stop
every spring and summer since I
first bought a copy in 1998. So
many of the songs have catchy
sing-along sections.
Photo from
Photo from
The team up of David Bowie
and Queen for the 1981 hit. “Under Pressure” is nothing short of
amazing. Though I can never hit
the notes like Freddy Mercury, it
doesn’t stop me from trying.
Photo from
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The Holcad — Westminster College, New Wilmington, Pa.
April 9, 2010
Page B-5
Arts & Entertainment
Give Justin Bieber a few more years
Photo from
By Amanda Ehrhardt
A&E Writer
Teenage bubblegum sensation
Justin Bieber recently released the
second half of his debut album, My
World 2.0, to legions of adoring
tweener fans and not entirely unappreciative critics. The album, a
collection of eleven songs that all
clock in around that radio golden
3:45, shows a sense of restraint on
the part of producers Usher and
LA Reid and allows Bieber’s
promising, if adolescent, voice take
center stage.
Although some tracks on My
World 2.0 do demonstrate a distinct R & B groove that sounds believable, the majority of this album
is dominated by straight-up pop
sounds that will divide listeners.
Musical purists, those who insist
upon innovation and a socially-stirring message, will be scathing in
their criticism of its unoriginal
mid-tempo beats and shiny wholesomeness while casual listeners
will appreciate its dance-ability
and overall easy tunefulness. Bubblegum is not an imaginative
genre— this album is good for what
it is, but a person may argue
whether or not bubblegum itself is
good and whether or not it limits
an artist to an extremely formulaic
musical structure.
Any artist will tell you that the
most fatal word a critic can assign
something is the word “nice.” If
artists can’t have ecstatic exclamations of praise about their work,
they’d much prefer vehement appraisals and penetrating insults,
because at least those comments
inform the artist and demonstrate
that their work has elicited a highly emotional response. “Nice” can
kill art—it’s the most boring, dull,
non-descriptive, uninteresting, flat
and unimaginative word.
Unfortunately, it was the word
that came to me most while I was
listening to My World. I’d listen to
a track and think, “Oh, that was
nice,” a reaction that speaks to the
album’s general pleasantness but
also to its inherently generic
The album opens with single
“Baby,” a breezy R & B up-tempo
tune that has a catchy melody and
an infectiously dance-able beat.
The production effects are kept
wisely to a minimum, just a subtle
backbeat and slight sync chords,
and although Bieber initially
sounds like a recent Kidz Bop
graduate, the smoothness of his
clear vocal begins to ring through.
Why Ludacris agreed to contribute
a lame rhyme to this track is indecipherable (must have owed Usher
a favor), and the repetition of the
word “baby” over the chorus becomes increasingly obnoxious, but
outside of a rather disconcerting
moment in the music video where
a baby-faced Bieber attempts to be
a player, it’s not horrible for a sixteen-year-old.
“Baby” is followed by the techno-infused, club ready “Somebody
to Love,” a dance track that recalls
Swedish pop star September’s hit
“Cry for You.” The lyrics are wholesome, the beat ready for a middle
school dance and the rhythmic vocal delivery smart and believable,
but ultimately, it’s not particularly
memorable. “Stuck in the Moment” is Bieber’s best vocal effort,
displaying the clear, pretty tone of
his high range and his ability to
sing falsetto correctly, but the clichГ©
references to Romeo and Juliet and
the over-dramatic assertion that
“Like Adam and Eve, tragedy was
our destiny” mitigate the overall
success of the song. It’s tuneful, it’s
pleasing pop, but again, it’s a little
The middle of My World holds
the album’s best tracks, starting
with “U Smile,” a sunshiney ballad
that has an honest innocence and
well-blended harmonies that
harkens back to the earnestness of
Hanson. The background instrumentation is restrained and nondistracting, just some back-beat
drums and soft piano chords and
allows Bieber’s voice to be the focal
point. This is followed by “Runaway Love,” a mid-tempo number
that blends techo-inspired sync
swirls, distorted bass chords and
electronic echoes to produce a
track that has a smooth, laid-back
groove. The natural-sounding harmonies on the chorus are the album’s best displays of the pop style
and are reminiscent of the R & B
boy bands of the nineties, the influence of producer Usher clearly
heard with the style of rhythmic
delivery on the chorus and the
blending of the background vocals.
Although these are all pleasant
contributions, the album has its
share of sore spots as well. “Overboard’s” instrumentation sounds
like soft rock Disney elevator music, and although Bieber’s vocals
blend nicely with guest Jessica Jarrell’s, the lyrics— “I'm overboard,
and I need your love to pull me up,
I can't swim on my own, it's too
much, feel like I’m drownin without you, so throw yourself out to
me, you lifesaver"—are beyond
nauseating. “Eenie Meenie,” an
up-tempo dance number featuring
Sean Kingston, tries to be whimsical and sing-songy with its modification of the popular children’s
rhyme, but although Bieber’s rapid,
talky rhythmic delivery isn’t forced
at all, the song is excessively cutesy
and gets wrapped up in its own
sense of cleverness.
Bieber’s voice is young, sometimes alarmingly so, but in its
purest moments, a listener can
hear the echoes of a young Michael
Jackson with the lightness of his
high tenor. His production team
treats his voice intelligently, allowing it to float above supportive
background instrumentation and
shielding it from being subjected
to the wonders of auto-tune and
other technological tricks. Their efforts occasionally lapse into cheesiness, and when Bieber tries to add
age to his sound, he comes off as a
wannabe Neyo, but again, for a sixteen-year-old who has relatively no
control over his own musical
choices, it’s not too bad.
What Bieber needs most, and I
can’t believe I’m saying this, is to
be sexed up. He needs to grow
four years older so he can sing the
smooth R & B tunes about being
young, attractive and out on the
scene that would better suit his
maturing voice. He has talent as a
vocalist and has promise for the
kind of Justin Timberlake transformation that would elevate his efforts above pleasant tunes appropriate for tweeners to hip, suave
tracks that would appeal to the
twenty-something, urban club
crowd. Bieber needs to grow up a
little, but behind the earnest efforts
at swagger and charisma, there’s a
foundation for improvement beyond being “nice.”
Amanda’s Rating:
Luda’s lyrics need a lot of
The Bounty Hunter is a
jumbled mess of old cliches work on Battle of the Sexes
By Brett Gerthoffer
A&E Writer
Giving way to just about every
romantic clichГ© that exists and
boasting absolutely nothing original, The Bounty Hunter is a very
poorly written, acted and directed
movie… as expected. There is no
chemistry between any of the actors, the dialogue is bland and uninteresting and the whole premise
and story is just flat out bad. The
Bounty Hunter is overall very
clichГ©d and unentertaining. The
romantic comedy did had a couple
of funny moments that came from
Gerard Butler, though.
Aniston) arrested. She later
skipped her trial for bail because
of work and became a wanted
felon. Milo was all too happy
when given the opportunity to
hunt down and detain his ex-wife.
He quickly, and too easily, tracks
her down and they, together, get
caught up in a whole bunch of
ridiculous scenarios.
The reason Nicole missed her
court date was because she was
given a lead on a story about a suicide that seemed more like a murder. As the dedicated reporter that
she is, Nicole went to find out the
truth behind the “suicide.” Her
meddling also gets her and Milo in
a lot of trouble later as a criminal,
involved with the suicide, tries to
Milo Boyd (Butler) is an ex-cop kill them a few times.
turned bounty hunter who lands
As ridiculous as this whole plot
himself the opportunity to find and
even more ridiculous is
bring his recent ex-wife to jail after
she skipped out on bail. A small how it is in its final product. The
traffic accident had Nicole (Jennifer Bounty Hunter is a jumbled mess
of unrelated plot lines, ridiculous
themes, bad acting, clichГ© scenarios and a terrible story. Nothing
about the directing or editing
helped to save The Bounty Hunter
and make it at least a decent
movie. Butler is an awesome actor
and should focus more on kicking
butt or wait to use his potential
comedic acting on a movie that
will actually be funny… and good.
Aniston is annoying and not very
good in this one. The chemistry
between the two is practically nonexistent.
A&E Staff Writer
Ludacris is back and crazy as
ever with his seventh studio album
Battle of the Sexes.
Originally intended to be a collaboration between Ludacris and
female rapper Shawnna, the album became a solo record for Ludacris after Shawnna left Disturbing tha Peace Records. The
album's original theme was kept,
though, and includes guest appearances from numerous male and feSave yourself some money and male rappers highlighting the difwait for this to come to DVD if you ferences between the sexes.
really want to see it. It is not worth
For those who know me, it
seeing all the clichГ©-ness, bad dia- might come as surprise that I enlogue and over all poorly executed joy rap and that I've been a fan of
script and story. Not to mention, Ludacris since I first heard “Rolltoo much ridiculous stuff happens out.” Battle of the Sexes turned out
that will have you sitting there to be pretty much what I was exlaughing at how stupid it gets at pecting: more of the same ridicutimes.
lousness that he has been known
for throughout his career which and simple. In fact, most of the
gave Ludacris his name.
songs follow this formula of short,
Each track is produced by dif- catchy loops repeated over and
ferent engineers such as Xcel, T-Mi- over. A guest appearance from fenus, DJ Montay, and Khao. I've male rapper Nicki Minaj brings
never heard of any of these pro- the song to a higher level, but her
ducers before, but I would be inter- voice gets kind of irritating toward
ested in hearing some of their oth- the end.
Photo from
Brett’s Rating:
By Max Muska
er work, because the beats on this
“Everybody Drunk,” as the title
album are upbeat, simple (in a suggests, is all about Ludacris gogood way) and catchy.
ing out with his crew and getting
The album's overall sound is drunk. I was fairly confused by the
polished, but not overly so. Every- opening line of L'il Scrappy's
thing is clear and Ludacris' vocal verse: “Oh Kay-Kay-Kay.” Appartone rises above the background. I ently that's one of his signature
normally don't factor production phrases, like Ludacris introducing
quality into an album review, but himself as “Luda!” on almost every
this record has some of the best single track he has ever rapped on.
production I've ever heard in the It sounds to me like Scrappy is just
ripping off Li'l John's signature ingenre.
After a short track introducing
This is followed by two more
the album's theme comes my least
with really suggestive titles:
favorite song on the entire record.
All Night” and “Sex Room.”
The high-pitched, altered voice of
these songs are exactly
the intro in “How Low” just anwhat
would expect them to
noys me. The verses are wellbe:
rapping about how
rhymed and paced, but the chorus
bed and all of the
is overly repetitive and just uninthings
to do to the
women who end up in his sex
The third track, “My Chick Bad,” room. I can't really quote any lyrics
is a little better, but still repetitive from the whole album, but these
Max’s Rating:
Photo from
two tracks and the final two, “Feelin' So Sexy” and “Sexting,” are
even more explicit than the rest.
Needless to say, there aren't any
really profound statements in the
lyrical content. Battle of the Sexes
is pretty much all about reinforcing the typical rap gender roles;
Ludacris has a lot to say about
how much he likes to party and
have sex, and the female rappers
talk back to him seductively. This
is not to say that there are no
clever rhymes. There are plenty examples of well-executed rhyming,
but the juvenile content leaves
much to be desired.
“I Know You Got a Man” is exceptionally catchy. The sung chorus featuring Flo Rida and Ester
Dean is the most musical part of
the whole album, and the production by Infinity makes the song
flow very well.
Full of catchy, danceable beats
and adequately talented vocalists,
but entirely lacking in lyrical content, Battle of the Sexes is a bit of a
disappointment, but I guess I
shouldn't have expected anything
more from the rapper responsible
for the hilarity that is “Move B*tch.”
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April 9, 2010
Katie Ellison
Features Editor
for a while now, but I was very disappointed to hear that Galbreath is
only going to be available for
freshmen. Am I the only one that
thinks this is unfair? I hate to
complain because I think that Student Affairs does try to accommodate as many students as possible,
but I feel that there is something
wrong with this picture, and it
should be addressed.
Because we have accepted so
many freshmen, and they obviously need someplace to live, upperclassmen students are, therefore,
being displaced. Upperclassmen
women who, up until this point,
have had the option of living in
Galbreath, no longer have that as a
I may be a little harsh in saying
this, and I'm sure that there are
many people who would disagree
with me, but I think that students
like me, who have already put so
much time and money into this
school, deserve to have first choice
in rooming arrangements.
Call me crazy, but I think that
the freshmen should be the students who are placed in rooms
that are left over after the upperclassmen go through room draws.
Whether those left over rooms be
in Galbreath or Hillside Hall, I feel
that freshmen girls already have
an entire building in the center of
campus, and that one building
should be enough.
As for the “men” on campus, I
don't feel that they have quite as
much to complain about. Freshmen guys still primarily live in
The Holcad — Westminster College, New Wilmington, Pa.
Seniority and housing
We all chose Westminster for a
reason. For some of us, it was the
small student to teacher ratio. For
others, it was the feeling of having
a close-knit community right at
your doorstep. However, for most
of us, the dorms on campus were
more of a setback than a selling
When I originally looked at this
school, it was explained to me that
Shaw's dorms were small, but being that I was a freshman, I knew
that I had to pay my dues. I assumed that the older I got, the
nicer the rooms would get as well.
I enjoyed my time in Shaw immensely and saw so many benefits
to living in a building with all
freshmen who were going through
the same things as me, but needless to say, I was looking forward
to bigger and better things.
This year I moved to Hillside
Hall and the rooms are wonderful
in size, but it's not exactly my cup
of tea. I have been looking forward to moving closer to campus
Russell, and upperclassmen guys
have the option to live in
Eichenauer Hall, townhouses, and
off-campus. Also, keep in mind
that the men to women ratio here
is a little unbalanced, so not as
many dorm buildings on campus
need to be used for male housing.
The problem is not necessarily
that we are accepting too many
students, although that is an argument in itself, but the problem
here is that we are putting freshmen girls in the two biggest dorms
on campus. This seems unfair for
the simple fact that upperclassmen
women, who have been here
longer and spent more money going to this school, will have a harder time getting in the building that
they desire while new students will
be placed at the center of campus.
Question of the Week
Which place on campus
would you like to live the most?
Sophomore Paige Vella
Katie is a sophomore English
major and secondary education and writing minor. The
Holcad staff does not think
she dresses like a grandma.
Op-Ed: Let’s get textual
By Coleen York
American life is almost unrecognizable from life in the 1950s.
Kids actually exercised and rode
bikes instead of riding the couch;
people knew who their neighbors
were, the economy didn’t suck and
young men asked that special girl’s
parents for permission to go on a
date with their daughter. Then cell
phones arrived on the scene, giving birth to text messaging. It’s all
gone down hill from here with
Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and
Nowadays boys are more likely
to ask a girl out on a date (if you
can even call it that) in a text message, or worse…Facebook. If
there’s a cute girl in your French
class, there’s really no need to talk
to her when you can look up her
Facebook profile on your iphone.
Maybe you’ll even send her a little
message. Twenty years ago a guy
would call a girl on their home
phone (remember those? They
even used to have cords!) and have
to ask to speak to little Susie Soand-So or Wendy What’s-Her-Face.
But why go through the hassle of a
phone call when you can now just
poke them on Facebook?
When asked, most girls will
probably have to admit that they
have never been asked out on a
date in person, but instead have
been text-molested, Facebook inboxed and instant messaged. Or,
maybe you got a phone call. Once.
What is the world coming to when
relationships begin through instant
messages and texts versus actual
conversation? If you marry someone, are you going to text them
from the kitchen that dinner is
If you’re lucky you might receive a phone call at some point,
but don’t count on it. However, if
the phone does ring, don’t panic,
that’s not your car alarm or a
bomb going off…that’s the just
sound of some guy somewhere
growing a pair. Or it’s your mom.
She hasn’t quite mastered the art
(or the point) of texting yet. It’s like
a zombie virus though, so don’t
worry, she will be infected soon
Of course, girls are just as guilty
as guys for textual abuse. Females
are, after all, the constant communicators and can usually be seen
with their hands all but glued to
their phones. But who are they texting? They are texting you, cute
boy! They are texting you, constantly hinting at your weekend
plans, flirting and sending little
winky faces your way. But why do
girls act so much bolder in their
texts than they often do in person?
Because they cannot see the annoyed look on your face. As a result, every single one of them has
convinced themselves that you are
just smitten because you are texting back. Stop texting back! Even
if you are bored in class!
Text messages and social avenues such as Facebook are depersonalizing social interaction. You
don’t even have to fight with someone in person anymore. Instead,
you and your significant other can
duke it out over a series of text
I mean there’s really no need to
fight out loud anymore and wake
the neighbors.
Texting is the most addictive
form of digital service, comparable
to smoking. We all do it. We do it
as we walk, as we hold conversations with other people (rude), at
dinner, during class and work and
while we drive. Heck, we even text
when we are drunk. If there is one
time when texting is a bad idea, I
believe it’s when you can’t even coherently form audible sentences
and have lost your depth perception. It’s one thing to sloppily proclaim your love to a random girl at
a club, but it becomes an whole
new problem when you text your
ex-girlfriend, “Babbeeeeee, I miisssssss uuuu. Cann we getl backe
togethegt bc I lurve uu moneky.”
Oopsies! You’re intexicated. Stop it.
Through texting, we no longer
have to have any pesky unnecessary human contact. I mean why
on earth would I walk two flights
of stairs to ask my neighbor if they
want to get something to eat when
I could text or instant message
them? Furthermore, my roommate and I have had full length
conversations over instant messen-
ger and Facebook when we are sitting in the same room not ten feet
apart. Why? Is it that we think that
all three million Facebook users
are interested in our conversation
so we need to post it for the entire
world? Or is it that we are simply
too lazy to actually open our
mouths and use our vocal cords? I
mean a lot of people actually enjoy
the sound of their own
voices….you’d think they’d miss
hearing it with all the texting that’s
going on.
Furthermore, you can now conduct an entire business transaction
through e-mail. You can do everything you need from your living
room, while not wearing pants and
eating Fruity Pebbles. The entire
worlds’ social interaction abilities
are swirling down one big digital
Our language skills have reduced to a series of LOLs and
IDKs. Is it so hard to write “that
was funny” or “I don’t know?” We
have no language or spelling skills
anymore because we are all too
busy trying to figure out how to
break up with someone in a 160
character limit text. So “what’s
up?” becomes “sup” and then poor
“nothing” gets mugged of its “g,”
and you feel so bad for it that you
almost have to tack a “yo” on the
end to make up for it.
“Nothin yo.”
Shoot me. Just shoot me.
Junior Emilee Stanford
Senior Adam Brozeski, sophomores Steve Fawcett and Tony Andreassi
Things to do this weekend
WC Cribs
Take a tour of seniors Stephanie Finnegan’s and
Amy Martin’s creative Thompson House room
Together the girls enjoy doing yoga, painting, ceramics
and playing music. Both Martin and Finnegan are extremely
artistic and most of the items in the room are made by them.
crocheted the
blanket shown
on her bed.
dragon artwork
in front of her
dresser and
they are her favorite part of
the room. One
could spend
hours admiring
all of the art in
their room.
Sophomores Sierra Beecher and Marc Brooks
This is the first year
for seniors Amy Martin
Finnegan to live together. The girls are
both members of Kappa Delta and Martin is
Finnegan’s sorority
The two enjoy their
room on the first floor
of the Thompson
House because the
house makes them feel
as though they are living off campus, yet thecampus is right outside
of their door.
11:40a.m.-12:10p.m. Chapel
11:40a.m.-12:40p.m. Biology Seminar
(Phillips Lecture Hall)
7-9p.m. Alpha Psi Omega’s One Act Festival
(Berlin Lounge)
8p.m. Movie in Mueller: Extrordinary
10:30Pp.m. Movie in Mueller: Leap Year
All day: Relay for Life
9:30a.m.-1:30p.m. Alumni Council Meeting
7p.m. Catholic Mass (Wallace Memorial
8p.m. Movie in Mueller: Leap Year
10:30p.m. Movie in Mueller: Extrordinary
3p.m.Movie in Mueller: Extrordinary
3-5p.m. Spring Fling (MCC Witherspoon
7p.m. Vespers (Wallace Memorial Chapel)
9p.m. Movie in Mueller: Leap Year