CELEBRATE - Christ Church

NOV E M B E R 2 0 1 4
On November 2, Dedication Sunday,
pledges for 2015 received to date will
be blessed at the high altar.
At all services we remember those who have gone before us.
PREACHER: The Rev. James P. Adams, “Imperfect Saints”
(8:00a, 9:00a, 11:00a)
Holiday Service of Hope and Remembrance
The Capitol Square churches will offer a Holiday Service of
Hope and Remembrance to share words of hope and encouragement to individuals, families and friends who are grieving
the loss of a loved one in months or years past. All are welcome to attend the service, to be held on Thursday, Nov. 20,
7:00p at First Baptist Church, 99 North Salisbury Street.
FRIDAY, NOV. 14, 6:30p
Contemporary Art Museum
Proceeds will benefit Saint Saviour’s community
outreach programs. Visit www.saintsaviourcenter.org
or call 919.833.6400 for more information and to buy
tickets. Tickets ($85) also are available on Sundays in
the parish lobby.
HYMNS: For all the saints
I sing a song of the saints of God
Ye watchers and ye holy ones
Christ Church Facebook: 1820 - John Ward - Parish Hall
Saints of the Early Church - Jesse O’Neal - Room 202
Introit: They Are At Rest - Edward Elgar
Hymns: For all your saints still striving
For all the saints
Thanksgiving Eve Service
Celebrated with Church of the Good Shepherd
Wednesday, Nov. 27
7:00-8:00p at Good Shepherd
NOV. 30
FOR ALL AGES - 10:00a in the Parish Hall
Advent Wreaths • Crafts • Advent Calendars
Coffee • Cider • Cookies • Fellowship • Giving Tree Tags
Parish Pledge Income Report
(period ending September 30, 2014)
the ECW’s
& Santa’s Workshop
Total Pledge Income/Receipts
Saturday, Dec. 6
Pre-Orders Due by Nov. 19!
Order online:
Sunday, Nov. 23
8:00a - 12:00n
Purchase a high school student’s time for
holiday help between 8:00a and 12:00n in
the lobby. Find a babysitter, gift wrapper,
yard worker, silver polisher, tree decorator,
etc. Students will offer 2-hour shifts—come
and bid or pay the “BUY IT NOW” price.
Also, several items including custom jewelry,
basketball tickets and artwork will be
auctioned off. Please come and help support
our 2015 Belize Youth Summer Mission!
$ 1,380,756
$ 1,504,354
Lunch & Learn in November
RSVP to Cassie Struthers (cstruthers@christchurchraleigh.org, 919.834.6259 x100)
• Tuesday, Nov. 4, 12:00n
12:00n in the Parish Hall - Author and fellow parishioner Janet Pittard, with artist Stephen
Shoemaker, will discuss their book The Paintings and Their Stories ($6 lunch donation).
• Sunday, Nov. 9, 2:00p
Art exhibit of Marriot Little’s work at the Roundabout Art Gallery, 305 Oberlin Rd. Also
see art treasures by Anna Ball Hodge and others. Meet for lunch first near Cameron
Village. Park in the Gallery lot.
• Friday, Nov. 14, 12:00n
Brandenburg, NC Symphony, Grant Llewellyn, conductor; Nicholas Phan, tenor; Rebekah
Daley, horn. Tickets are $16 each.
Meets the first Thursday of the month from 1:15-2:30p in the library. Knitters of
all levels are welcome. Contact Carol Taylor (caroltaylor50@gmail.com or 919767-3761) or Betty Marshall (bettymarshall6751@gmail.com or 919-844-0313).
On Sundays Flower Delivery Guild members take altar flowers to members/families who
are ill, have lost a love one, are celebrating the birth of child, etc. If you would like to know
more or want to join this ministry, please contact Martha Abernethy (919.420.1585) or
Diane Pergerson (919.656.8642).
needs any preschool books that you can
spare. Just put them in The Diaper Train bin
in the Baker Wing stairwell or contact Suzy
Lamb (suzyslamb@gmail.com) for pick up.
Thanks for your continued support!
JAN. 11,
8:00 a
Holy Eucharist: Rite I, Chapel
9:00 a
Holy Eucharist: Rite II, Church
11:00 a
Holy Eucharist: Rite I, Church
5:00 p
Celtic Holy Eucharist, Church
7:30 a, Wednesday
Holy Eucharist & Homily: Rite II, Chapel
8:00 a, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Morning Prayer, Chapel
12:00 n, Wednesday
Holy Eucharist: Rite I, with Prayers for Healing,
The Rev. James P. Adams, Rector; Josh Adams, Sexton; Sandy Anthony, Youth Ministry Coordinator; Lin Boyle,
Admin. Assistant for Worship & Parish Life; Sloane Brooks, Children’s Ministry Director; the Rev. Jennifer C.
Brown, Associate Rector for Pastoral Care; Martha Cox, Youth Ministry Fellow; Kaye Culp, Communications
Director; the Rev. Mary F. Davila, Assistant Rector; Coco Davis, Cherub Choir Director; Diane Dixon, Financial
Assistant; Janice Donaldson, Kitchen Assistant; Martha Gray, Kitchen Coordinator; the Rev. Meg Buerkel
Hunn, Assistant Rector; the Rev. H. Miller Hunter, Jr., Vicar; David Jernigan, Organist & Choirmaster; Sarah
Johnson, Children’s Ministry Assistant Director; Ingrid McHenry, Operations Coordinator; John Reynolds,
Sunday Sexton; Yorke Sartorio, Parish Life Coordinator; Liz Stroff, Youth Ministry Director; Cassie Struthers,
Admin. Assistant for Education & Outreach; Sarah Wolf, Finance & Administration Director
Parish Life
Laura McCall Whitley:
Girls Choir Head Chorister
Choir of Men & Girls sings at Duke Chapel
It may seem as though the program year just began, but the Christ Church Girls
Choir has already had a busy term. Through a partnership with the Duke University
Vespers Ensemble, the Christ Church Choir of Men & Girls joined the Duke based
ensemble for two services of choral evensong earlier this term; the first at Christ
Church, and the second at Duke University’s renowned chapel.
This partnership has allowed our girls a bird’s eye view into the musical life of
collegiate musicians, has allowed them to sing music of professional difficulty at a
very high quality, and has given them a support base for their religious and musical lives, reaching well beyond the walls of our parish. Nicole Arch, a ninth grader
in the Girls Choir said, “Singing at Duke Chapel with my choir was an amazing
experience. It was so beautiful, and our performance raised the roof —even higher
than it already was!”
Just as important, the girls have had fun, built friendships and made good memories along the way. Trips to get milkshakes at Chuck’s, Tuesday night dinners and
car rides to Duke full of singing and laughing underscore the familial bond the
girls are developing which is so integral to the life of any good choir.
“It has been a pleasure for our singers to join with the Men and Girls, who were all
incredibly well prepared and gifted singers,” commented Brian Schmidt, assistant
director of Duke Chapel music. “It is such a joy to see girls who are interested in
singing substantial music and we certainly hope this collaboration can flourish
and grow in the years ahead.”
With two big projects under their belt, the girls will now turn their attention to
music for Christmas, as they will sing John Rutter’s “Dancing Day” with NC Symphony harpist Anita Burroughs-Price in December. —David Jernigan
I am very excited
to announce that
Laura McCall
Whitley has been
appointed head
chorister for the
Girls Choir at
Christ Church.
The head chorister
position, new to
is awarded to a
high school chorister who has been a longtime member of the choir, has excellent
attendance and behavior at rehearsals
and services, and displays advanced
knowledge and skill in singing and musical
performance. Upon diligent completion of
her responsibilities as head chorister, Laura
McCall will be awarded a $500 scholarship
at the end of the academic year.
A regular participant in the Girls Choir for
the past eight years, Laura McCall displays
all of these characteristics and sees choir
not only as a way to do something she
loves—singing—but also as a way to
contribute to her church.
Being in choir isn’t always easy; sometimes it
means making sacrifices to be at rehearsals
or services and taking time outside rehearsal
to listen to pieces we’re learning. For Laura
McCall, this means mapping out her
schedules carefully because in addition to
choir and her schoolwork, she is involved in
EYC, Youth Leadership Committee, Dance
and Service Club.
Laura McCall’s responsibilities as head
chorister will include assisting with
administrative responsibilities such as
collecting and filing music, helping organize
social events, helping teach our probationer
choristers the basics of music reading, and
learning music ahead of time so that she is a
leader in rehearsal.
Please join me in congratulating Laura
McCall on being first head chorister of our
parish Girls Choir. —David Jernigan
NOV. 5
Caregiving & the Holidays
10:30a - 11:45a
The Rev. Meg Buerkel Hunn and Javier
AlmendГЎrez Bautista, our diocesan
intern, will lead the conversation.
Contact Meg for more information.
Christ Church’s
First StepUp
20s/30s Social
The 20s & 30s group had its first social gathering at The Alley on Oct. 15. With a
great turnout, everyone enjoyed an evening of bowling while hanging out with
friends and meeting new ones. The next social will be a holiday gathering on Dec.
4, location to be announced. Watch for 20s/30s news in Parish Weekly and eNews
for more details, and look for a paperless post in your inbox. If you would like to
be added to our mailing list, please send an email to annaball.hodge@gmail.com.
All are encouraged to attend—and bring a friend! —Anna Ball Hodge
Is God calling you to provide one-to-one caregiving?
If you are interested in learning more about:
• What is Stephen Ministry and how may I grow as a lay caregiver?
• Stephen Ministry Training:
“The best 50 hours of training you’ll ever experience.”
Please contact one of the following Stephen Ministry Leaders to find
out about Stephen Ministry and/or the 2015 Stephen Ministry Training.
Boyd Graves
Cece Scott
Linda Metz
Tom Boyle
Six adults and seven children
recently graduated from StepUp
Ministry’s year-long Life Skills
program at Christ Church.
Theology-Lite meets Nov. 9
n Sunday, Nov. 9, Joanne Crumpler will lead a discussion of
Lying Awake by Mark Salzman. A cloistered nun experiences
spectacular visions of God’s radiance, leading her to spiritual ecstasy.
But the visions are accompanied by racking headaches. What her
medical diagnosis reveals will put her visions or health in the balance.
“Spare luminous writing…compelling.” —San Francisco Examiner
Theology-Lite meets at 6:00p in room 204, after the 5:00p service.
All are welcome to join in for the entire series or just for the discussion of books that interest you. For information contact Emmy Moore
Food Drive
On Sundays, Nov. 2 & 9, Wake Relief is placing paper bags in pews with a list
of non-perishable grocery items for increased client needs during the holiday
season. Please return the bags filled with grocery items on Sundays, Nov. 16
or 23. THANK YOU!
NOTE: Wake Relief Food Drive Sundays in DECEMBER are Dec. 7 and Dec.
14, with bags to be returned to the church by Sundays, Dec. 14 or 21.
the Gift of Groceries to a
Wake County family in need
this Christmas!
Honor family,
friends, neighbors, co-workers and teachers by donating
Donation cards may be purchased from Cassie at the
church reception desk or from
Julie Sandridge ( juliesandridge @ bellsouth.net or
919.412.4861). Cards also will
be available at the Greenery
Sale on Dec. 6.
Clark’s Promise Fall “FriendRaiser”
ct. 16 was the date and Southland Ballroom was the place for the Fall
FriendRaiser to kick off Clark’s Promise Transportation Minstry, the
newest endeavor to help the homeless. Transportation Ministry volunteers
transport medically fragile people from the Wilmington Street Men’s
Shelter to and from lunch at The Shepherd’s Table Soup Kitchen. Below
are some photos from the fun-filled kickoff event.
Children & Youth
to Change the World
After a successful
kickoff for our
Children’s Ministry
Christmas offering
at the Halloween
Carnival, we are
well on our way to
another successful
campaign. The $215
raised at the fun
ice-bucketing event
will purchase a sheep-and-a-half!
Thanks to Father Jim, Sloane and Liz
for being good sports! Please help
us meet our goals by purchasing
gift cards for friends & family and
supporting our children in their
effort to help Change the World.
Gift cards are for sale on Sundays in
the lobby, at the Advent Adventure
and the Greenery Sale. Choose gifts
from a catalog including Education
for Girls $35, A share of Nativity
Animals $25 and Feeding a Family
in the USA for a week, $126. Please
look for more information on ways
to give to this wonderful charity
and support our children as we help
others in an effort to give “A Little
Help to Change the World.”
Spooky Supper
are needed
for Santa’s Workshop
at the Greenery Sale
on Saturday, Dec.
6, 10:00a-12:00n.
Children can shop for their families
while their parents buy greenery.
We are seeking donations of small, new or
gently-used items to sell in the Workshop—
gifts for moms, dads, brothers, sisters,
grandparents. Please bring donations to
the Children’s Ministry office. Thank you!
“Yoda” with
“Princess Leia”
Best Costume
“Medusa” and friend
Coming to the
Greenery Sale
HO HO HO! At this year’s Greenery
Sale the Children’s Ministry Committee
will sponsor Santa’s Workshop on the
Baker Wing while parents shop for
greenery. Bring your children to enjoy
crafts, shopping and a drop- in visit
by Santa (10:00-11:00a). The children
will shop for family members and their
gifts will be bagged, tagged and ready
to go when you are ready to check out.
Opportunity to help with Santa’s
Workshop: Youth who would like to
volunteer for Santa’s Workshop, please
contact Sloane Brooks (sbrooks@
christchurchraleigh.org) or sign up
outside the Children’s Ministry office.
CALLING ALL AGES: If you’d like to join the Nursery Ministry, contact Sarah Johnson
(sjohnson@christchurchraleigh.org, 919.834.6259 x118) or sign up online for a Sunday
Taking it all in...
Advent Adventure
November 30
All ages are invited to gather in the
parish hall between services on Sunday,
Nov. 30, to prepare for the season of
Advent. We’ll make Advent wreaths
and crafts, and you can pick up your
Giving Tree tag, an Advent Calendar
and Devotions for the family, Change
the World Project and other materials
to help you and your family prepare
for the coming of the Christ Child.
Come for coffee, hot cider, cookies
and fellowship. There will be no regular
Sunday School classes. A small donation
for candles will be appreciated. Also, if
you have special greenery you would
like to donate for wreath making, please
contact Suzie Koonce (suziekoonce123@
Photos courtesy of Sandra Griffin & Leslie Brooks
Children & Youth
The Giving Tree - Tags available Nov. 16, 23 & 30
A great outreach project for the whole family!
Christ Church will again sponsor families from Growing Together Preschool (GTP) & Episcopal
Housing Ministry with Christmas gifts. We also hope to continue to provide items for StepUp
Ministry Christmas stockings and store. GTP is a preschool program housed at Christ Church
serving 3- and 4-year-olds living in public housing. StepUp Ministry’s year-long Life Skills
program is also based at Christ Church. Beginning Sunday, Nov. 16, a table of ornament tags
with the name, gender, age and gift idea for a child or sibling from GTP will be available. Each
child will have two tags, one for a toy /fun gift, and one for clothing. When you pick up a tag
please register your name and phone number, identifying the child you have selected (to ensure
that each child receives a gift). Please wrap gifts and place the child’s angel or ornament tag
on top of his/her gift. Gifts must be returned to the church by Wednesday, Dec. 3. Target &
Wal-Mart gift cards also will be available for purchase. These cards will be used to buy items
for the StepUp Christmas store, where parents can choose Christmas gifts for their families at
a reduced cost. This is an easy way to help out if you cannot shop for a child. Last year Christ
Church served 22 families, providing 82 children with Christmas gifts. Help us make this year
even more successful! Contact: Liz Stroff (lstroff@christchurchraleigh.org).
8th Grade
Washington, DC
Practice Embracing
Why & How We Welcome Kids in Worship
by the Rev. Sylvia Miller Mutia
Even when their full participation is
invited and supported, children may
sometimes complain that worship
is “borrring.” Yep. It is. Even for an
ardent liturgy-loving adult, like me.
A wise person once said, “boredom
is the gateway to contemplation.”
In our hectic, over-stimulating,
over-scheduled world, boredom is a
precious gift from God for people of
all ages. Instead of treating boredom
as a problem to be fixed, we can
encourage ourselves and our children
to receive boredom as a gift—the
gift of space in our schedules, minds
and hearts into which God’s Spirit
will breathe new inspiration, insight,
creativity and life.
Below L: Alliance Medical Ministry Community Garden
Below R: Stop Hunger Now
Middle School Bible Study
Students in grades 6-8 connect with each
other and with God through fellowship,
discussion and, of course, fun!We meet
every other Tuesday at the church for dinner
(6:00-6:30p), followed by Bible Study (6:307:15p). Study guide: Echo the Story. Cost:
$20 ea. for semester for books and dinner.
Students are welcome and invited to join
any time! Email/call Martha Cox (mcox@
christchurchraleigh.org, 919.834.6259
x127) with questions or to sign up!
MEETINGS: NOV. 4, 18; DEC. 2, 16
High School Bible Study
Students in grades 9-12 view movies,
followed by discussion using a verse or
quote to learn about the Word by discovering
how God is revealed to us in daily life. Very
casual—all you need to bring is yourself!
We meet at different students’ homes
on Wednesdays, 8:00-9:00p. Schedule
is available at www.christchurchraleigh.
org/Youth. Contact Liz Stroff (lstroff@
christchurchraleigh.org) with questions.
Episcopal Youth Community - EYC
EYC supplements the Sunday School program by providing fellowship and outreach
activities to create a peer-based community with open dialogue about faith and
spirituality, and offering opportunities for ministry in the church and the broader
Raleigh community. EYC meets on Sunday nights, allowing for the different grades
to join together.
Fall EYC Sundays:
NOV. 2, 16, 23
DEC. 7 - Giving Tree Party
DEC. 14 - Movie Night
Jr. EYC: Grades 7-8 • 5:30-6:30p
DINNER: 6:30-7:00p for all grades
Sr. EYC: Grades 9-12 • 7:00-8:00p
6th Grade - Pre EYC
Pre-EYC for sixth graders will meet Dec. 7,
5:30-6:30p at the church. Sixth graders also
have an early November retreat to Camp
Caraway. Beginning in January, 6th graders
join Jr. EYC, meeting on Sundays when
regular EYC meets. Come be a part of our
group for fun and fellowship!
Parish Life
ECW Fall Luncheon
The weather could not have been more perfect for the ECW Fall
Luncheon on Oct. 9. Louise Stowe graciously opened her beautiful
home to the women of the parish; the party flowed onto the front
porch on this perfect fall day. Martha and the Kitchen Guild prepared
a fabulous luncheon enjoyed by all. Many thanks to Blair Hogan,
Carrie Seck, Eliza Stoeker and Louise Stowe (pictured above left) for
hosting this year’s luncheon. Thank you for providing a great time
to catch up with old friends and to meet new ones. —Yorke Sartorio
WEEKEND in the MOUNTAINS - Oct. 3-5
The Men of Christ Church
reprised their Milburnie Fishing
Club tradition on Oct. 2, sharing NC barbecue and fellowship. Fortunately the weather
cooperated for a delightful evening. Many thanks again to Reid
Jones for sponsoring our group
at Milburnie. —Rob Monath
Christ Church ECW
Saturday, December 6
10:00am to 12:00noon
Join friends and fellow parishioners for the Christ Church Greenery Sale. Deck your halls with holiday greenery and
stock your pantry with Yuletide Yummies! Bring the whole family to welcome the Christmas season.
Let the kids visit Santa’s Workshop while you shop for festive holiday decorations and scrumptious frozen and specialty
food items. All proceeds support ECW outreach efforts!
Accept the Christ Church Christmas Tree Challenge!
North Carolina grown, first quality trees from Angelhare
Forest Trees, 5620 Tryon Road. This tree will be the perfect addition to your home for the holiday. All trees are
selected by you. Pre-sale tree orders will be emailed a
certificate. Certificates also will be available for purchase
in the lobby on on Sundays beginning Nov. 16 and online. Take your tree stand!
These gorgeous wreaths are created by Christ Church
members. They are single-and double-faced with custom
decorating choices (for large & medium wreaths only):
All Natural: May include red berries, pods, cones
May include lemons and/or lady apples
Dried Flowers: May include purple status, yellow yearrow,
baby’s breath, hydrangea, eucalyptus
Combination: May include some combination of
natural, fruit and flower offerings
Full and festive, these bows will add the perfect touch to
your holiday decorating. Select from 10 quality ribbons
for pre-made bows, available the day of the sale.
Provided by Bloom, unique Christmas botanicals, greenery,
nativities, candles, paper products and other specialty gift
times you don’t want to miss.
Prepare to host family and friends for the holidays with
Christ Church Brunswick Stew, hearty soups, casseroles,
pies and more! These items also make wonderful gifts!
Leave the kids where they’ll create a Christmas treasure
or pick out the perfect present ($2 per gift-- cash only).
• Special Appearance by St. Nick Himself!
Pre-sale order forms are due Wednesday, Nov. 19.
No late forms can be accepted. Pre-sale items will
be available for pick-up at the Greenery Sale. Checks
should be made payable to Christ Church ECW and
mailed to: Amy Brinley, 1340 Duplin Road, Raleigh,
NC 27607.
2014 Greenery Sale ORDER FORM
Please check the items you wish to purchase • ORDER DEADLINE: Nov. 19
6 ft.
(Check options; finished wreath size.)
7 ft.
Touch of Elegance Wreath *
8 ft.
12 in. Single-Sided Fir Wreath
9 ft.
16 in. Single-Sided Fir Wreath
10 ft.
30 in. Single-Sided Fir Wreath
30 in. Double-Sided Fir Wreath
16 in. Boxwood Wreath
24 in. Boxwood Wreath
(Lightly decorated with holly leaves & berries)
* These prices are for
pre-sale only; price
increases will
occur on sale day.
(Check options.)
LARGE (30-32”)
Tabletop Advent Wreath with Candles* $40
All natural
Dried Flowers
18 in. Fir Cross
Boxwood Topiary in Pot *
MEDIUM (26-28”) $58
(approx. height 18 in.)
All natural
Dried Flowers
Preserved Boxwood Kissing Ball
(approx. height 8 in.)
Special Instructions for Custom Wreaths: _________
30 ft. Pine Roping
75 ft. Pine Roping
24 ft. Pine/Fir Mix Roping
No Bow
Bottom Left
Top Left
Bottom Right
Top Right
Bottom Center
Top Center
(See bows in lobby or see website for photos of bows.)
Aqua/Green Taffeta with Gold Trim
Gold Diamon Pattern
Green Taffeta Plaid
Green with Gold Trim Taffeta
Holiday Stripe
Pink Taffeta with Gold Trim
Red/Green Woven Stripe
Red Velvet Damask
Red Taffeta with Gold Trim
Natural Linen with Gold Trim
(NOT AVAILABLE at Greenery Sale)
Name _________________________________
Address _______________________________
Phone/Email ____________________________
Check enclosed.
$ ___________
Charge to my credit card.
NAME ON CARD: ________________________
CARD # ________________________________
EXP. DATE: ______________________________
CCV # __________ (on back of card)